
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Ten-True Competition 1

At this moment, deep autumn had arrived.

A misty drizzle outside Longspring Yard wove a hazy net of rain.

Distant mountain peaks and nearby green bamboo were obscured by the misty rain.

Rainwater fell to the ground under the corridor, splashing into countless raindrops.

In the distance, amidst the rain, a bird swiftly flew by.

As for Harry, he had also been forced by Master Abbas to read some books and recite some poems.

After all, in Master Abbas's view, Confucian classics could cultivate one's character.

Abbas placed great importance on character, believing that good character was essential.

He thought that while other qualities could be lacking, a good character was irreplaceable.

Moreover, Abbas believed that poems and classics could cultivate a person's temperament.

Therefore, under the pressure from his master, although Harry was quite lazy, he was also forced to read some classics and poems.

For example, "Facing the drizzling evening rain sprinkling over the river, it washes away the autumn." "The color of the autumn rain is cold, and the wind on the clear river is refreshing." "The autumn wind blows white waves, and the autumn rain laments over the defeated lotus. Thirty miles of flat lake, passing travelers feel the autumn."

He wasn't completely ignorant, so naturally, he understood some of the imagery in these writings.

But, what use was good imagery?

It still didn't put food in his mouth.

Well, he had to admit, he was just a common man, a very common man indeed.

Now it was autumn, and he should consider what to eat in this season.

Cuisine was vast and profound.

Mindlessly pursuing spicy, fresh, salty flavors had become passé.

True culinary artistry required a balance of freshness, spiciness, and saltiness, but it also required appreciating the natural flavors of the food itself.

Some dishes didn't need any seasoning because their natural taste was delicious. Moreover, true culinary artistry dictated that what to eat in each season had its own significance.

What was delicious in this autumn season? It wasn't too cold or too hot, perfect for nourishment, known as autumn nourishment. Eating lamb should be quite good. Thinking of the fragrant lamb, Harry's appetite was immediately aroused.

Regardless of anything else, he decided to start with a hot pot of lamb.

There were many ways to prepare lamb.

For example, stewed lamb, roasted lamb, but his favorite was hot pot lamb. The lamb slices were as thin as paper, thanks to his excellent swordsmanship.

In this kind of hot pot, the meat slices were thin and uniform, with a variety of condiments, making the meat savory and not greasy.

"... It's so delicious." Harry picked up a piece of lamb with his chopsticks, thoroughly enjoying it. Of course, he held a sword in his right hand and chopsticks in his left.

The reason for holding the sword in his right hand was that he had two big eaters beside him, Squary and Round.

Usually, he couldn't find these two people, but as soon as delicious food came out, they couldn't be far away.

Originally, the three of them would fight for good food, basically fighting with their swords to grab it. Then, because their strengths were similar, they would each get about a third of the food.

But now, since Harry's swordsmanship had become quite outstanding, far surpassing Squary and Round, he ate the most.

"It's unfair, so unfair," Squary exclaimed.

"Yeah, extremely unfair," Round nodded, "How could this be?"

"Nonsense, who told you that your sword skills are inferior to mine," Harry didn't feel embarrassed at all. These two were like-minded friends, all big eaters. Usually, when there was food, they would fight with their swords to grab it. "My swordsmanship is the strongest. Now I'm just making reasonable use of my advantage, understand?"

"Shameless," Squary shouted, and Round nodded in agreement.

But Harry naturally didn't care about the accusations from these two friends. At this moment, a voice exclaimed, "It's you three again."

Harry looked over, originally not paying much attention, but immediately became serious.

The visitor was dressed in white with white hair and a white beard. It was Master Abbas.

In front of anyone else, Harry dared to be lazy and not greet them, but in front of Master, how could he dare? Master Abbas was the person he respected the most.

Squary and Round, who were originally joking, also became serious when they saw Abbas coming. They bowed and said, "Greetings, Teacher Lee."

Abbas looked at the three of them with a smile, seeing youthfulness in their faces.

Abbas valued his disciple Harry very much, so naturally, he also loved Squary and Round. "There's no need for formalities. I've come this time to inform you of something. Two cloud-based spiritual beasts have condensed in the Cloud-Mist Valley on the northern peak. One is a cloud rabbit, and the other is a cloud cat. It's intended for you ten major true disciples to go and collect. However, since there are only two, it depends on who has the ability."

Cloud-based spiritual beasts.

Harry, who was originally joking and laughing, felt a sudden tightness in his heart.

He naturally knew the importance of cloud-based spiritual beasts.

With three cloud rabbits on him, he knew that the cloud-based spiritual beasts could greatly accelerate his cultivation speed, almost doubling it.

What was the concept of doubling one's cultivation speed? It was simply unimaginable.

Now, cloud-based spiritual beasts had appeared.

Cloud-Mist Valley, located above the western part of the northern peak, was quite famous within Sworthy Mountain's northern peak.

There, the clouds piled up the most. It was previously mentioned where spiritual beasts came from. For example, cloud-based spiritual beasts were formed by years of accumulated clouds. It took thousands of years before they could condense into spiritual beasts.

Of course, the ownership of the two cloud-based spiritual beasts wasn't easy to decide.

 The Six Great Swords wanted to take these two cloud-based spiritual beasts and give them to the tenth-generation disciples to enhance their strength.

Naturally, only the top ten true disciples had this privilege. Other disciples didn't stand a chance.

The top ten true disciples enjoyed various benefits such as profound heart techniques, sword techniques, elixirs, and various other perks.

Otherwise, Houk Simon wouldn't have sought to make Harry one of the top ten true disciples. 

Well, let's get back to the point.

Hearing Abbas say this, Harry's eyes immediately lit up, and Squary and Round's eyes also lit up.

However, the last two's expressions quickly dimmed. They knew their own situation. Their strength ranked at the bottom among the top ten true disciples. Moreover, there were only two cloud-based spiritual beasts available this time. Where was their share?