
Immortal Stars

"Six-legged black, red worm, level seven elite worm beast. After absorbing it, I should be able to reach the eighth level." The Giant Exploding Thunder Dragon beast, with bronze blood, is as big as an asteroid. If I absorb it, I can reach the black hole level immediately! Chaos White Liexiang, the best of chaotic spirit beasts. Difficult to take care of, but as long as I absorb it, my life index can break 10000! Wang Xu accidentally got a flame that could devour insects and beasts and convert their energy into his own. From then on, no one could stand in his way!

Three Thousand Rubbish Drafts · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

The Secret of the "Basic Body"

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Night fell and the bright moon hung high in the sky. On the roof of an abandoned building, Wang Xu sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed.

After devouring the Scarlet Snake Beast's corpse, Wang Xu advanced to the later stage of level four without any suspense and his strength increased once again.

"…Refining Qi into the body, circulating through the meridians, drawing in the Spirit Qi of the World, transforming it into the essence of all living things, storing it in the body…" Sitting cross-legged under the night sky, with stars above his head, Wang Xu kept repeating the passage of the "Basic Body."

After reaching the fourth level of the "Basic Body," every pore on his skin could open and breathe, greatly increasing the rate of energy absorption. At this level, he wouldn't even need to breathe for an entire day!

The first three levels were the most basic physical body cultivation, from bones like jade, to steel bones, to flexible bones. Starting from the fourth level onwards, it cultivated the inside to the skin, bringing out the full potential of the physical body.

Wang Xu was still muttering the passage of the fourth level. The passage was obscure and difficult to understand. Wang Xu was only able to cultivate to level four because of the paid tutorials on the Internet. He had no concept of the passage at all.

Since he had nothing to do in the middle of the night, Wang Xu took out the level-four passage of the "Basic Body" and read it out loud, hoping to give it a try.

But when he read it for the third time, he suddenly realized that his body had changed subtly.

There was a formless energy gathering between the world, as if a transparent thread was entering his abdomen. If he wasn't completely calm, it would be difficult for him to notice this small change.

"This is…" Wang Xu was stunned.

He had never heard of such a situation!

He had read the passage of the level four of the "Basic Body" many times and memorized almost every word by heart. The only reason he could understand and learn it was because of the online tutorials and his own understanding of the physical body.

However, he now understood that he might have missed out on the most essential thing in the Basic Body"!

"Refining Qi into the body… Drawing in the Spirit Qi of the World…" Wang Xu's eyes flickered as he recalled the passage of the "Basic Body."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!


Qi, this formless energy was the so-called "Spirit Qi of the World"!

Wang Xu could understand it. In the eyes of the ancient people, the "energy" they talked about was how they called "Spirit Qi" in ancient times!

A door opened quietly. Wang Xu seemed to have understood a lot in an instant, but he still didn't grasp the crucial point.

"Then, what does this mean? 'Gathering Qi to form a core, forming a low-grade core through 49 refinements, a medium-grade core through 72 refinements, a high-grade core through 81 refinements'!" Wang Xu was puzzled. "Is it saying that Qi can be used to form a core? 49, 72, 81, the quality of the core formed by different processes is also different?"

Although Wang Xu's talent in cultivation wasn't really good, his talent in ancient martial arts was extremely strong. It could even be said to be top-notch!

Wang Xu had a rough guess, but he didn't immediately refine the so-called "core."

Among all the powerhouses he had come into contact with, he had never heard of anyone who had refined a "core," nor had he heard of refining Qi into the body and gathering Qi to form a core.

Was he ignorant?

The faint energy threads continued to transmit bits of energy to Wang Xu. To Wang Xu, this little bit of energy was nothing. It couldn't even compare to devouring a level-two insect beast. However, the greatest advantage was that it could be carried out at all times.

"Fine. Just relying on devouring insect beasts to advance isn't the best method after all. Let's see if this method will work or not." Wang Xu made a decision in his mind.

Then, Wang Xu closed his eyes. His heart was as still as water, as if even the air around him had become thin and viscous. The flow of time in the entire world had gradually slowed down.

But in his body, the small energy was slowly forming an invisible vortex.

The vortex kept attracting energy and gathering them together. Every time a part of the energy entered his body, Wang Xu would control the energy to move towards the vortex and let it absorb the energy.

About two hours later, Wang Xu was already sweating profusely from exhaustion. The mental fatigue was usually more difficult than the physical fatigue. Fortunately, after Wang Xu's adjustment, the vortex gradually became much bigger and could already absorb the energy in his body on its own.

Wang Xu was very tired, but he didn't dare to be distracted. He relaxed his mind while watching the formation of the vortex, not daring to slack off at all.

The night passed quickly and the sky was starting to brighten. Beams of sunlight broke through the fog and shone on Wang Xu.

"After a night of refining, the energy vortex has already taken shape and can absorb energy on its own. As for how large it will be in the future and whether it can form a 'core,' will depend on luck."

Standing up from the ground, Wang Xu's bones made some crackling sounds. Other than being a little tired, his body was still very strong.

"Let's go, it's time to hunt some insect beasts!"

In the dense forest, a skinny figure was shuttling rapidly through the trees. The skinny figure was in a rather messy state. Her clothes had already been torn, and even some parts of her close-fitting armor had been shattered, revealing her fair skin.

The skinny figure was Tang Yan!

Tang Yan's lips were pale and she was covered in sweat. Her eyes were filled with panic.

Behind him, two figures, one blue and one yellow, were approaching swiftly, and they were much faster than Tang Yan. In merely a short moment, they caught up to Tang Yan and blocked her from both front and back.

"Hehe, Gary, I say it's more worth it to chase after her. Look at this beautiful face, just looking at her gives me an impulse. No, I must go first later!" The person blocking Tang Yan's path was a man in blue clothes with blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a handsome face and looked like a complete gentleman. However, his pair of lewd eyes betrayed him.

"Bruce, don't worry about this. Let's attack together!"

The man in yellow clothes called Gary was a black man with very white teeth. His gaze was fiery, and he was like a big gray wolf that saw a little sheep. He couldn't wait to pounce on her and take a bite.

When Tang Yan heard this, her face turned pale, "You damn bastards, I am the daughter of the Tang family. If you lay a hand on me, I will make you wish you were dead!"

"The Tang family? What is that? How dare you use a family in the seventh safe zone to scare people? You're so naive!" The man in blue clothes, Bruce, said disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense with her. Catch her quickly. We'll have sex with her before we take her back!" Gary said impatiently.

"If you dare to come near me, I'll kill myself!"

Tang Yan was in despair. She took out her soft sword and placed it on her neck, ready to die and end this.

Yesterday, Tang Yan followed the seniors of the Inner Academy and swept through the way. They'd hunted quite a lot of insect beasts and had gained quite a bit as well. They originally thought that they would be able to safely get through this graduation test. Unexpectedly, a group of formidable enemies suddenly appeared today!

The captain of the other party was called "William Smith." This person was too strong. Senior Ying Xing and him were both at level five, but Senior Ying Xing was actually not his match at all.

Even his team members were all powerful, even making the seniors unable to fight back!

In the end, Senior Ying Xing shouted, "Leave quickly!" After that, he took a bottle of Body Strengthening Potion and held onto William Smith to buy time for them to escape.

Tang Yan wanted to run, yet she just happened to be targeted by two people from the other party, and they kept chasing after her relentlessly. Li Ming had already suffered heavy injuries in order to protect her, but she was still unable to escape in the end!

Thinking of this, Tang Yan realized how naive she had been in the past. She had deluded herself into thinking that she could join the Genius Legion at level four and even boasted shamelessly in front of the adults of her family.

But now, she understood that the graduation trial was a dark area without laws and regulations. The only thing that she could rely on to survive was strength!

If she wasn't powerful enough, her fate would be extremely miserable. Just like now, she could only choose to kill herself humbly!

"Hm? Do you want to die?" Gary shook his hand, and a dagger appeared. He then swung his hand casually as a beam of white light shot out.

Before the soft sword in Tang Yan's hand could slash her neck, she was sent flying by a burst of force.

"Do it!"

Bruce licked his lips and his big hand moved quickly toward Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's eyes were filled with despair and unwillingness as tears flowed down her face. Her body couldn't help but tremble. Facing the large hand that was swiftly reaching out to her, she couldn't muster up any strength to resist.

These two people in front of her were both at the peak stage of level four, while she was only at the early stage. In front of them, she couldn't even commit suicide. What else could she use to resist?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, a whistling sound of the air came. Bruce's expression changed.

An enemy attack!

He was just about to retract his hand, but it was already too late. An incomparably fast sword light swept past his hand and cut off his entire arm!

"Damn it!" Gary also reacted in an instant. He waved his hand, and ten daggers, like beams of white light, dashed towards the black shadow that suddenly appeared with bloodthirsty curves!

The black shadow drew a curve with the long sword in his hand, and all ten daggers were knocked down. He missed none of them.

Gary and Bruce were both shocked. "Who are you?!"

"I'm here to take your lives!"

The black shadow landed on the ground and a familiar face was revealed. It was Wang Xu who had just rushed over. Wang Xu looked sullen and his eyes were cold as he snorted.

"Wang Xu!" Tang Yan couldn't believe it. She stared at Wang Xu with widened eyes. That familiar face made her dazed.

Was it a dream? Tang Yan pinched herself hard.

It wasn't a dream. It was real!

Tang Yan cried tears of joy as she buried her head into Wang Xu's arms. Her tears dropped uncontrollably.

However, Wang Xu wasn't showing the joy of reuniting with her at this moment. His face was filled with coldness and viciousness.

He was hunting insect beasts just now, and when he heard the sounds coming from here, he originally didn't want to pay attention to them. However, he happened to hear Tang Yan shout, "If you dare to come near me, I'll die in front of you!"

Wang Xu was extremely familiar with Tang Yan's voice. He immediately rushed over as fast as he could.

Wang Xu felt glad in his heart. If he had really ignored her and turned around to leave, what would have happened to Tang Yan?

He didn't dare to think further. He only understood one thing. The two people in front of him must die!