
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 459: Encountering a Pursuit

  "Damned thing, next time even if True Lord Luo Jing protects you, this seat will still kill you!"

  "Extracting your soul and refining your spirit, thwarting your bones, this seat will make your soul suffer day and night! You will not be able to die!"

  With an extremely vicious curse, the black-robed Jindan vented its anger in He Song's residence.

  But just as it was venting its anger.

  Next to He Song's residence, the main pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion was located.

  The Purple Shirt True Lord, who was originally explaining things to Luo Jing True Lord, looked towards the place where the Black-robed Golden Dan was at the same time.

  Just now, he detected a Jindan cultivator's aura that suddenly appeared outside the Treasure Pavilion.

  It was as if it had appeared out of nowhere, silently appearing and disappearing with it.

  Such a situation naturally made him wary.

  This place was where the main pavilion of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion was located.

  Strange Jindan door late at night, hiding the breath to come close, if it is to launch a sneak attack on him as the owner of the Treasure Pavilion here, I am afraid that the consequences are hard to predict.

  This is a matter of his life and death.

  Naturally, he couldn't afford to take it lightly.

  The next moment.

  Purple Shirt True Lord's face sank, and a Dao of spiritual light immediately surfaced around his body.

  Protective spiritual weapons, Jindan spiritual talismans, Jindan spells, as well as protective secret techniques, all enveloped the Zixie True Monarch's body at this moment.

  Waiting for everything to be ready, the Purple Shirt True Monarch then looked towards the place where the breath was with a condensed expression.

  A voice also came out of his mouth.

  "Which Taoist friend came to visit in the middle of the night, but my Treasure Pavilion's hospitality was not good enough and I bumped into Taoist friend, which led Taoist friend to come here in the middle of the night?"

  The words coming out of the purple-shirted True Lord's mouth were augmented by magical power, and in an instant, they spread throughout the entire Cloud Prefecture state capital, and even continued to spread outwards.

  Fighting alone was impossible.

  As the owner of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion here, the Purple Shirt True Monarch was well versed in the fact that there was strength in numbers.

  The moment he detected that unfamiliar hint of Jindan aura, True Monarch Purple Shirt had already thought of this point.

  Now, it was already a few months after the end of the Golden Dan Event.

  The cultivators who had come to participate in the Golden Dan Event had all left.

  Nowadays, within the huge Treasure Gathering Pavilion, he was the only one whose cultivation was at the Jindan realm and was not afraid of the other party.

  Luo Jing Zhen Jun, a Jindan Zhen Jun who had just broken through to the Jindan realm, was doing well by not dragging her feet.

  If he wanted her to help, in the absence of a Jindan secret method or a spiritual weapon, I'm afraid that True Lord Luo Jing would not be able to do anything.

  In such a situation, if his life was in danger, he would naturally think of turning to the state capital's guardian True Lord, as well as the state capital's Jindan True Lord, for help.

  This was also the reason why he used his magic power to spread his voice as soon as he opened his mouth.

  The situation was also not unexpected by the Purple Shirt True Lord.

  After his question.

  He could vaguely detect that within the Yunzhou state capital, there were Jindan True Lords' gazes projecting towards where the Treasure Pavilion was located.

  When a Jindan cultivator's gaze converged here.

  The Purple Shirt True Lord's aura emerged around him, and under heavy protection, he took a step out, instantly arriving at the place where He Song had previously resided.

  However, when he arrived at this place, it had long been empty.

  The black-robed Jindan who had originally cursed He Song here had also long disappeared.

  Seeing this situation, Purple Shirt True Monarch still do not stop, directly will probe out their own divine sense, began to sense the surrounding.


  After some searching, Purple Shirt True Monarch ultimately remained fruitless.

  Knowing that the other party's concealment method was quite superb, he could only salute the surroundings and thank the other Jindan True Monarchs within the state capital of Yunzhou.

  Then, only then did he return to the Gathering Treasure Pavilion and quickly raised the alert level of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion.


  Just as the purple-shirted True Lord returned to the Gathering Treasure Pavilion and raised the alert level of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion.

  On the far side of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, the black-robed Jindan's figure suddenly appeared on top of a rooftop, his gaze distantly looking towards the place where the Gathering Treasure Pavilion was located.

  "Damn it, even causing me to almost be chased by several Jindan True Lords, this revenge, this seat will remember!"

  As a voice full of anger came out of his mouth, the killing intent in the black-robed Jindan's heart towards He Song became even more intense.

  Even the Purple Shirt True Lord was hated by him.

  If not for the Purple Shirt True Monarch sitting in the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, he would have captured He Song, searched his soul and refined his spirit, and tortured him day and night.

  How could it be like this, not only did not capture the person, but also because the emotional fluctuation is too violent, resulting in a trace of breath leakage, and was detected by the Purple Shirt True Monarch.

  As a result, he was almost chased by several Jindan True Monarchs in the state capital of Yunzhou.

  Even if it was him, his heart was still reeling now.

  Although his cultivation had already reached the late Jindan stage, he possessed the ability to kill early Jindan cultivators.

  However, in the Treasure Pavilion, that Purple Shirt True Lord's cultivation was also at the late Jindan stage.

  In the state capital of Yunzhou, there was the One-Yang Sect's Zhengui True Lord, whose cultivation was only at the mid-Jindan stage, but whose combat power was extremely strong, and under the joint efforts of several people, he could really be accounted for here.

  In such a situation, even if his cultivation had reached the late Jindan stage, he had to choose to avoid the front for the time being.

  However, just as the black-robed Jindan was filled with anger as he looked towards the place where the Treasure Pavilion was located, he was speaking harshly to He Song, who had long since left the state capital of Yunzhou at this moment.

  A cold snort however suddenly exploded in his ears.

  "Hmph, this fellow Daoist should still think about how he should escape under us today."

  "As for the matter of revenge, it also depends on whether or not fellow Daoist has the ability to escape!"

  As the voice of the Purple Shirt True Monarch suddenly came out, the figure of the Purple Shirt True Monarch also violently killed out from within the Treasure Pavilion at this moment, and came straight towards the place where the black-robed Jindan was.

  At this moment, the Purple Shirt True Monarch had a pair of purple eyes that were particularly conspicuous at night.

  This was the outward manifestation of him having practiced some kind of divine pupil art.

  And it was precisely because of this pupil art that True Monarch Purple Shirt was able to detect the presence of the black-robed golden dan with his eyesight.

  With a cold snort from the Purple Shirt True Lord.

  In the distance, the figures of several Jindan True Lords also came straight towards this place.

  For a moment, a number of Jindan True Monarchs led by the Purple Shirt True Monarch rose up against the black-robed Jindan.

  Although the Purple Shirt True Monarch had not found the existence of the Black-robed Golden Dan, but it was a matter of his own life, so how could he just search a little and then abandon it?

  At the time of searching, the Purple Shirt True Monarch had explored his own divine sense, had also performed this pupil art.

  Previously, he had explored his divine sense and performed the pupil technique.

  Due to his identity as a Jindan True Monarch, as well as the fact that this matter really concerns his life, naturally no one dares to say anything more.

  Naturally, it was certainly possible for the Purple Shirt True Monarch to communicate with the Zhen Gui True Monarch in the Yunzhou State Capital, as well as the other Jindan True Monarchs within the Yunzhou State Capital, while he was probing out his divine sense.

  With True Lord Purple Shirt's late Jindan cultivation, his divine sense was already able to cover hundreds of miles in a radius.

  With such a large range, it was even able to encompass the entire Cloud Prefecture State Capital.   

  It was also able to view the situation outside the Cloud Prefecture State Capital.

  Under such circumstances, secretly contacting the other Jindan True Lords in the Yunzhou State Capital with divine sense was naturally not a difficult task.

  Coupled with his status as the Master of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, if he opened his mouth to ask for help, the Jindan True Monarchs within the Cloud Prefecture State Mansion naturally wouldn't sit idly by and do nothing.

  Each of them had even secretly made preparations to strike at any time.

  However, at that time, the black-robed Jindan's concealment was too good, and even he was unable to detect anything.

  That was why he returned to the Treasure Pavilion with resentment.

  Until the black-robed Golden Dan revealed his figure in the distance and opened his mouth when he spoke out against the Treasure Pavilion, he vaguely sensed something within the Treasure Pavilion.

  Then he cast his pupil art to take a look, but he happened to see the figure of the black-robed golden dan.

  Such a situation was the reason why the Purple Shirt True Lord had suddenly risen up.

  When the Purple Shirt True Monarch rose up, the other Jindan True Monarchs who had long been in contact with him naturally rushed over quickly.

  If they were able to kill a Jindan True Lord with evil intentions, I'm afraid that all the Jindan True Lords present would be able to gain great benefits.

  With this temptation, the Jindan True Monarchs in the Cloud Prefecture state capital would naturally not hesitate for too long.

  And it was precisely for this reason.

  When the purple-shirted True Lord's pair of purple eyes rapidly enlarged in front of him, and the surrounding several Jindan auras rapidly gathered towards his place.

  The anger in the black-robed Jindan's eyes hadn't even had time to dissipate before it had already been replaced with a thick color of shock.

  He did not expect.

  He had hidden himself so well that he was still able to be inadvertently broken through by the Purple Shirt True Lord.

  It had to be said that the inexplicable whim of the Purple Shirt True Lord had really made him a little puzzled.

  If it wasn't for that, he would have directly turned around and left after delivering his harsh words.

  How could there have been what happened today?

  However, as a late Jindan cultivator, the black-robed Jindan was still quite familiar with the matter of fighting.

  Therefore, after only being slightly stunned, he had already begun his movements.

  Without even thinking about it, the black-robed Jindan transformed into a black light and disappeared into the distance.

  Seeing this, the Purple Shirt True Lord quickly chased after him.

  In this way, between one chasing and one escaping, the two of them quickly turned into two streams of light and disappeared in the sky above the state capital of Yunzhou.

  And after these two streams of light, the several Jindan True Monarchs who had long been in contact with the Purple Shirt True Monarch also followed without hesitation.

  In an instant, the streams of light above the sky swiftly crossed one after another.

  In this manner.

  Until several days later.

  The Purple Shirt True Lord dragged his blood-stained purple robe, and together with the several Jindan True Lords who had chased after him, they returned to the state capital of Yunzhou.

  After returning to the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, True Lord Purple Shirt immediately declared a closed-door cultivation.

  However, judging by the blood-stained purple robe on his body, I am afraid that the Purple Shirt True Monarch has suffered a great loss this time as he chased alone at the front.

  And in a mountain forest that was very far from the state capital of Yunzhou.

  The black-robed Jindan's face was incomparably pale, his body's robes were in shreds, and a hideous and gruesome wound was clearly visible.

  Even the original upright body, have become stooped, obviously suffered a serious injury.

  Observing his injuries, he was afraid that he was even more seriously injured than the Purple Shirt True Monarch.

  Accompanied by a few coughs, the black-robed Jindan wiped away the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and the expression on his face was even more somber.

  "I didn't expect that the purple-shirted old devil to be so persistent, it seems that it is treating me as an evil cultivator who covets his Treasure Gathering Pavilion."

  "For the sake of its own safety in the future, it desperately wanted to leave me behind."

  "To the extent that it forced me to cast a secret technique to escape, it's simply hateful!"

  "However, it's a good thing that I didn't reveal my identity this time, so I won't be treated as an evil cultivator in the future."

  "Now that I have escaped, I don't need to worry about this if I go out in the future."

  "Just. That Foundation Establishment Realm brat, he really deserves to die!"

  In his mind, he flashed back to the way He Song had respectfully arched his hand to himself when he had bought the green jade leaves, and the black-robed Jindan almost had his teeth clenched.

  He blamed He Song for all of this, not feeling in the slightest that it was he who first had bad intentions towards He Song that had incurred such a great misfortune.

  If it wasn't He Song, would he have waited so long for nothing in the state capital of Yunzhou?

  If it wasn't He Song, would he have gone to He Song's residence to investigate after realizing that something was wrong?

  If it wasn't He Song, he wouldn't have realized that He Song had left a long time ago, his mood fluctuated too much, and accidentally leaked his breath, attracting the Purple Shirt True Lord in the Treasure Pavilion next to him.

  If not for He Song, he would not have been chased by the Purple Shirt True Monarch with several Jindan True Monarchs for several days.

  If it weren't for He Song, would he have been forced to use secret techniques to escape from the Purple Shirt True Monarch and the others?

  If not for He Song

  In short, if it wasn't for He Song, he would still be enjoying his life in his cave.

  How could he have ended up in such a situation?

  After sensing the injuries on his body, the black-robed Jindan's killing intent towards He Song suddenly became even more intense.

  Having suffered such a heavy wound, plus the after-effects of casting a secret art, I'm afraid that without more than ten years, he wouldn't be able to get out of the gate this time.

  Moreover, having suffered a serious injury, he couldn't even return to his own cave.

  Being hunted for several days, and the secret art to escape for an unknown number of miles, he did not know where this place is located.

  If you want to know the location, I'm afraid you have to go to the nearby Immortal Square Immortal City to find out.

  However, with his now seriously injured body, if he encounters something outside, I am afraid that the consequences are difficult to predict.

  Under the necessity.

  After thinking about it, the black-robed Jindan is still close to find a hidden place, they began to close the door to heal their injuries.

  Good, he usually for their own safety is also quite concerned about, but also able to lay down a foundation formation, will be their own closed place firmly protected.

  Only, suffered such serious injuries, without a dozen years, I'm afraid is not allowed to come out.

  The black-robed Jindan began to close the door to heal his wounds.

  And on the other side.

  A few months after the end of the Golden Dan Festival.

  That is, today.

  He Song's silhouette, however, had already arrived early in Biyue Immortal State, tens of thousands of miles away from Castle Peak Immortal City, where the Golden Dan Cave was located.

  This place was the place where He Song had accidentally found the chance from the memory of an evil cultivator at the Qi Practicing Stage before he went to the Yunzhou State Capital.

  Previously, he had also done some exploration, but did not go deeper.

  He Song also knew nothing about the dangers and opportunities therein.

  However, the existence of the Jindan Realm's concealment formation had made He Song think about this place.

  Now that He Song had returned to this place again, he naturally wanted to fully comprehend the Jindan concealment formation here.

  When the Jindan concealment formation here is completely understood by He Song, he will naturally be able to come and go as he pleases.

  In this way, not only would he be able to obtain a Jindan Concealment Formation, but he would also be able to enter the interior of the formation to see what kind of fortune lay within it, which was simply perfect.

  (End of chapter)