
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


 Chapter 460 - Meng Guan's Exit

  Nowadays, He Song was sinking into the ground, exercising the Hidden God Technique, completely concealing his own aura.

  Under no sound, he was silently comprehending the Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him.

  Faced with such a Jindan Grand Formation, He Song had actually already had the experience of comprehending it a long time ago.

  As early as at the Foundation Establishment Realm, He Song had forcibly spent more than ten years to fully comprehend the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation and transformed it into his own.

  Later, in the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence, he had even forcefully comprehended the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation and transformed it into his own.

  Now, when facing this Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him, He Song was naturally considered to be familiar with it.

  According to He Song's guess, he was afraid that he would only need less than ten years to fully comprehend this formation.

  When he was comprehending the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, He Song spent the most time, spending more than ten years.

  Later on, when He Song fully realized the Big Dipper Thunder Formation and then realized the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation, due to the fact that he had already had an understanding of the Jindan Formation before, his foundation had been very solid when he realized the Big Dipper Thunder Formation.

  Therefore, when comprehending the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation, which was a Jindan Defense Formation, He Song spent a lot less time than when comprehending the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  To fully comprehend the Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation, He Song had only spent ten years.

  Naturally, when He Song once again comprehended the next Jindan Grand Formation, which was the Jindan Concealment Grand Formation in front of him now, the time spent would also be even less.

  His familiarity with the Jindan Grand Formation had increased.

  As well as a deeper sense of the Dao of Formation.

  In addition, He Song's cultivation nowadays had reached the Jindan realm.

  All of these circumstances together would definitely be enough for He Song to be able to fully comprehend the Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him at the fastest speed possible.

  However, just as He Song's figure was hidden in the ground and did not move, he continued to comprehend the Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him.

  The time in the outside world, however, continued to pass along with He Song's enlightenment.

  One day.

  He Song, who was in the state of enlightenment, suddenly noticed a slight change in his transmitting note.

  Because he was in the underground, and had completely hidden his own breath, He Song did not have any limitations on the sound transmission.

  Before he started to understand the formation here, he informed Su Qian and An Lime that he was about to close the door, and asked them not to disturb him, and to wait for him to contact them after he came out of the door.

  In the meantime, there was no need to inform themselves of any information.

  Even after saying this, He Song still felt unsafe.

  After thinking about it, he still chose to leave a breath of his own in a faraway place before hiding all his breath and coming to this place.

  In this way, even if Su Qian and An Lime encountered something and suddenly used the sound transmission paper crane to contact He Song, the sound transmission paper crane would only appear in the faraway place where He Song had left his breath.

  It would not appear in the place where this Jindan Concealment Formation was located.

  Only in this way can he ensure that when he is comprehending this Jindan Hidden Formation, there will not be a sound transmission paper crane that suddenly flies and exposes his own existence.

  Concerning a Jindan Hidden Formation, as well as the chances after this formation, He Song felt that it was better for him to be cautious.

  This way, although it was a bit more troublesome, it was able to avoid to the greatest extent possible that he would be exposed due to some trivial matters.

  Details determine success or failure.

  He Song didn't want to lose everything because of a single negligence on his part.

  Therefore, when he sensed that there was a strange movement in his transmitting note, He Song also stopped comprehending and quickly opened his transmitting note.

  Taking out a thin piece of paper from the transmission note, He Song's gaze then looked at it.

  "How have you been lately, fellow Daoist?"

  "I have been in seclusion for twelve long years, and now I already have Jindan strength."

  "Now out of seclusion, did not see the Wei brother traces, but from the letter left behind, but also know that he left first, go out to look for the matter of chance."

  "I'm not hiding it from you, after I came out of the gate, although I have Jindan strength, but for the things that Jindan has to do, it's close to nothing."

  "Where do Jindan secret techniques come from."

  "Where do Jindan techniques come from."

  "Where do the usual spirit stones of Jindan cultivators come from."

  "Nearly all matters related to Jindan, I know nothing about."

  "Therefore, I am prepared to go to the nearby state capitals to explore the area first, and communicate with the other Jindan True Lords in the state capitals before setting off to look for opportunities."

  "This trip to the nearby state capitals, I think it won't take too long and won't delay the search for the opportunity."

  "I also hope that you, Fellow Daoist, will rest assured."

  "If I am able to join a certain Yuanying Upper Sect this time, I might even be able to find a Gold Condensation Pill within the sect to help you break through to the Jindan realm."

  "At that time, I still hope that Fellow Daoist won't make any excuses."

  "Meng Guan."

  As his eyes swept over the densely written words above the paper in front of him, He Song's expression moved.

  Meng Guan had been in seclusion for a full twelve years, finally refining the two lower-grade spiritual weapons that he had obtained from True Lord Xingyan's cave, and completely proficient in the Jindan spells in True Lord Xingyan's storage bag that matched his Jindan attributes.

  Although he had yet to obtain the Jindan Realm Technique, I'm afraid that Meng Guan's strength was already not weak.

  At the very least, it was also quite a bit stronger than True Lord Luo Jing, who had just broken through to the Jindan realm previously.

  Even, in the case of having two Spiritual Weapons to protect his body, and having skillfully mastered two Jindan Spells, it already belonged to be the normal battle strength of an early Jindan cultivator.

  Unless one had a deep background, the average early Jindan cultivator would only have this kind of combat power.

  Under such circumstances, Meng Guan could even go out and walk around without worrying about being under too much threat.

  As a Jindan True Lord, he would basically be treated with respect wherever he went.

  However, like what Meng Guan had said in his mouth, not having the slightest understanding of the matter of Jindan, He Song could only give a slight sigh in his heart after a little thought.

  Honestly, about the matter of Jindan, not even Meng Guan had the slightest understanding.

  Regarding the matter of Jindan, even he himself did not have much understanding.

  Even if his cultivation now has long reached the realm of Jindan, and even among the early Jindan cultivators, he is no longer a weakling.

  However, He Song, who hadn't exchanged these things with other Jindan cultivators, didn't have much of an understanding of Jindan-related matters.

  Today's He Song still maintained the way he had earned spirit stones when he was in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Building a large number of medicinal gardens, cultivating spirit medicines in bulk, and then refining them into pills and selling them in exchange for spirit stones.

  It had not moved closer to the way Jindan True Lords behaved.

  Now that he saw that Meng Guan was already preparing to communicate with other Jindan True Monarchs, exploring all sorts of things related to Jindan.

  He Song's heart was naturally moved.

  Previously, the reason He Song had not gone to have any exchanges with other Jindan cultivators was because he was naturally cautious.

  But nowadays.

  Meng Guan wanted to go and start exchanges with other Jindan True Lords.

  So now, couldn't He Song also be informed of all sorts of things related to Jindan by asking Meng Guan?

  For example, where did a Jindan True Lord's spirit stones actually come from?

  Was it like what He Song thought, relying on their own skills to earn spirit stones?

  Or are there other channels that only Jindan True Lords know about?

  For example, where did the source of the Jindan secret method actually come from?

  Was it only possible to enter various Jindan caves to search for them, as He Song had done previously.

  Or were there other ways of obtaining them?   

  For example

  These were things that He Song had previously thought of trying to understand, but ultimately did not try because of caution.

  But now, Meng Guan had also become a Jindan True Lord, and he also wanted to learn about these things.

  In that case, He Song was afraid that he would be able to know all of this in the future just by asking Meng Guan.

  Of course.

  When He Song felt that the time was almost right to reveal his Jindan realm cultivation, he could also go and find out on his own.

  At that time, it would naturally be more accurate than listening to Meng Guan's second-hand information.

  However, thinking of this.

  He Song thought of something else in his heart.

  Meng Guan wanted to go to the Immortal State Prefecture near where he was to inquire about these things from the Jindan True Lord in that Immortal State Prefecture.

  Then, he would inevitably meet up with the people of the Golden Snake Sect.

  What would Meng Guan encounter next?

  According to He Song's guess.

  Meng Guan would most likely be treated as a meat and potatoes by the Jindan True Monarchs among the state capitals of that Immortal State.

  It was just like when Meng Guan had built his foundation in Qingguan Immortal City.

  When he had just spread the sound of his Foundation Establishment, a Qing Yue True Lord had sent someone to escort him.

  When he succeeded in breaking through the Foundation Establishment Realm, Real Person Qing Yue even directly invited him to join the Thick Earth Sect.

  Although the Golden Snake Sect was not like the Thick Earth Sect, it was only a small Jindan sect.

  But Meng Guan's current cultivation level wasn't the same as the Foundation Establishment Stage when he had broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm back then.

  A Jindan True Lord who had just broken through to the Jindan Realm.

  For any YuanYing power, it was a mainstay existence, and there wouldn't be too many of them.

  When that time came, Meng Guan would most likely be drawn in extremely hard.

  He might be invited into the Golden Snake Sect and join it, becoming a Golden Dan Elder of the Golden Snake Sect.

  Or, perhaps, an area within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence would be selected for him to build a Golden Dan Sect that belonged only to him, and become an Ancestor of a sect.

  These possibilities flashed through his mind.

  He Song shook his head slightly.

  If it wasn't for his own fear that joining the YuanYing Upper Sect would bring calamity for him, he would have really wanted to be like Meng Guan and contact the nearest YuanYing Upper Sect directly after breaking through to the Jindan realm.

  Unfortunately, the idea was beautiful, but there was a price to pay.

  A life license plate that requires the soul as a guide.

  The secret method used to track down enemies after death.

  As well as some means that He Song was not even aware of.

  All of these things would most likely expose certain secrets on He Song's body.

  Given He Song's cautiousness and the large number of secrets on his body, it would be impossible for him to find a YuanYing Upper Clan to join at random like an ordinary cultivator.

  In case someone got a glimpse of the secrets on He Song's body, I'm afraid that it would lead to murder in a matter of moments.

  It was precisely for this reason that He Song had been hiding his own cultivation, not letting the fact that he had achieved Jindan become known to everyone.

  However, for Meng Guan how the results of this trip.

  He Song's heart still has a number.

  The Golden Snake Sect was not like the One Sun Sect.

  The Yiyang Sect was on the eve of actively preparing for the war with the Northern God Locking Sect.

  For such Jindan True Lords who came to their door, they naturally needed to be cautious and even send them directly to the battlefield.

  But the Golden Snake Sect was different.

  The Golden Snake Sect had two YuanYing Ancestors in attendance and was not at war with other sects.

  Meng Guan basically wouldn't be subject to any restrictions within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence.

  If he wanted to join the Golden Snake Sect, the Golden Snake Sect wouldn't go so far as to turn him away.

  In that case, what Meng Guan had said in his letter, that he was prepared to go to a nearby Immortal State Prefecture to exchange with other Jindan True Lords, wasn't out of the question.

  Moreover, there were many benefits.

  With thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song casually took out a thin piece of paper and quickly inscribed on top of it with his mana.

  "Thank you for your concern, fellow Daoist, everything is fine under me nowadays."

  "It's just a pity that I am now at a critical moment in searching for the chance of this place, so I'm afraid I won't be able to get away for a while."

  "Regarding Brother Wei's previous search for the opportunity, he mentioned it to me a long time ago, saying that if he found another Gold Condensation Pill, he would give me priority to use it."

  "In my previous search for opportunity, after many years of searching, known that the opportunity is not small, so he said with him, if all can find the Condensed Gold Dan, then one person a, together to step into the realm of the Golden Dan, is not it beautiful."

  "However, as for what Fellow Daoist said about wanting to go to the nearby Immortal Prefecture state capital to exchange with other Jindan True Lords, I still hope that Fellow Daoist will be careful."

  "Nowadays, the Yiyang Sect is looking to fight the God Locking Sect, and is in short supply of manpower, Fellow Daoist must not enter the territory of the Yiyang Sect, lest you be captured by the people of the Yiyang Sect."

  "Golden Snake Sect, according to my understanding, but there are two YuanYing Ancestors sitting in the town, and they are powerful."

  "If Fellow Daoist is able to join one of them, it would be considered a fortunate event."

  "But if the conditions for joining it are too harsh, you need to think about it more."

  "If you really can't, it's not impossible to open up a Jindan force within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence."

  "Even if it's not good enough, being a Golden Dan casual cultivator is also a free-for-all."

  "All of this depends on how you choose to go about it, I'll wash my ears at that time."

  Placing the paper inside the transmitting note, He Song spat out his mana, and the paper was immediately sent to Meng Guan's transmitting note.

  After doing all this.

  He Song sat cross-legged on the ground, and after a moment of slight contemplation, he then quickly continued to raise his head, and as usual, began to comprehend the Jindan Concealment Formation in front of him.

  And on the other side.

  Within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence.

  After receiving He Song's message and checking what He Song had said, Meng Guan's expression changed a little.

  Wei Fan had gone out to look for opportunities and stated that if he found the Gold Condensation Pill, he would let it go with He Song, so that He Song would have a chance to set foot on the Gold Pill.

  He Song, on the other hand, said that he had also found a great opportunity now, and if he found two Gold Condensation Dan, then one for each of them.

  This kind of friendship made him feel very emotional in his heart.

  At the same time.

  He Song's subsequent words were practically telling him the problems he was facing, and pointing out a clear path for him.

  The Golden Snake Sect was strong, joining the Golden Snake Sect was not a bad thing.

  If it's really not possible, it's fine to open up a Jindan force within the Golden Snake Sect.

  If it is still not possible, being a casual cultivator is also able to get away with it.

  Even the dead end path of the Yiyang Sect was pinpointed by He Song, who stated that one should never go to the Yiyang Sect.

  (End of chapter)