
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


Chapter 458 - Exasperating Me

  Compared to a month ago, today's He Song's control over the Green Jade Leaf had made great strides.

  Although he hadn't completely refined it, he could already manipulate it a little.

  It was just that he was still unable to utilize its strongest power as well as its fastest flight speed.

  During this month's time, He Song had also gained a deeper understanding of the Green Jade Leaf in his hands.

  The Green Jade Leaf was a lower-grade spiritual weapon.

  After a little bit of refining, it was able to be put into the dantian to be warmed up with mana.

  With the passage of time, the green jade leaf would become more powerful under the continuous warming of He Song's mana, and could be more easily manipulated by He Song.

  The green jade leaf's characteristic of being able to block the tracking secret method would also be fully realized after He Song had successfully refined it.

  With the quality of the Green Jade Leaf's lower-grade spiritual weapon, at least the tracking secret spells performed by Jindan realm cultivators would not be able to get close to He Song's body at all.

  In such a situation, He Song would go out in the future.

  When encountering those cultivators who have some background behind them, naturally, their hands will not be tied.

  Of course, if the other party is standing behind a Yuanying ancestor, and also by the Yuanying ancestor personally left a tracking secret method on his body, then.

  Although this green jade leaf was able to resist it slightly, it would still be penetrated by this secret method and land on He Song's body.

  However, even though he knew that the green jade leaf he had just obtained would at most be able to block the tracking secret method of a Jindan realm cultivator.

  However, He Song did not care too much about it.

  After all, the person who can be given the secret tracking method by the YuanYing Ancestor himself is either a heavenly pride disciple or a direct relative of the YuanYing Ancestor, or his favorite descendant.

  There would hardly be any possibility of bad blood between this kind of heavenly pride disciple, his immediate family members and descendants, and He Song.

  As a Heaven's Pride disciple of the YuanYing Upper Sect, he was basically not allowed to go out normally.

  Even if they were allowed to go out, they would definitely be followed by a Jindan realm protector.

  An ordinary Jindan True Lord would naturally be able to think of this when he saw a Jindan cultivator trailing behind him.

  He Song was not blind, and when he saw a cultivator with a cultivation level of only the Foundation Establishment realm, or even the Qi Practicing stage, followed by one, or even several Jindan True Monarchs, he would naturally understand that his identity was extraordinary.

  Definitely will not be stupid enough to come forward to provoke.

  As for the immediate family members of the YuanYing Ancestor, as well as his favorite descendants.

  The gap between them and He Song was even greater, and likewise there would hardly be any possibility of them being at odds with each other.

  These YuanYing Ancestor's immediate family members, as well as their descendants, would almost always reside within their families, practicing hard.

  Even if they occasionally go out, at least they will be surrounded by people in front and behind them, and they will be able to know their identities from a long distance away.

  In such a situation, unless it was an unmitigated disaster, how could there be a chance to provoke the other party?

  Moreover, if it was any other ordinary YuanYing upper sect disciple, or a marginal family clan, it was bound to be impossible for the YuanYing ancestor to personally grant the tracking secret method.

  At most, it would be a Jindan Elder's hand, leaving a tracking secret method on his body that would be used to track the surrounding cultivators after his death.

  This kind of secret method, with the existence of the green jade leaf, He Song naturally did not need to worry.


  Although he knew that the probability of encountering someone with a tracking secret method given by a YuanYing ancestor was very low, He Song decided to think about it.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song still decided that before making a move in the future, he would have to open his mouth and ask the other party about his background.

  After asking the background, if there is no Yuanying Ancestor behind him, then naturally he will kill him as usual.

  If there is a YuanYing ancestor exists, then as before, find an evil cultivator over for their own back is.

  Anyway, this matter He Song has already done once before, it is also a familiar way, but it is just a little bit of trouble.

  Compared to his own safety, He Song felt that it was okay to be a bit troublesome.

  With this thought, He Song soon immersed himself in the cultivation of the green jade leaf again.

  As He Song continued to sacrifice the Green Jade Leaf.

  The time in the outside world also passed quietly.

  In the blink of an eye.

  Another month had passed quietly.

  Within the teahouse not far from the Treasure Pavilion.

  A black-robed figure had been wandering around for two months, sitting on the second floor of the teahouse almost every day, looking into the distance.

  Some good people followed his gaze, but they saw that in the distance was where the Treasure Pavilion was located.

  As a result, it also quickly caused a burst of gossip.

  However, due to his terrifying cultivation, these gossips were all talked about behind his back and not in front of this person.

  However, what the surrounding crowd did not know was.

  The black-robed Jindan's cultivation had already reached the realm of Jindan, and his five senses had been greatly strengthened, so even if they were only talking about it behind his back, he had heard it clearly.

  In the beginning, the black-robed Jindan lazy to care about these.

  Some rumors are just, he is a Jindan True Lord, not lazy with these juniors.

  But as time passed, the rumors began to spread from him being in love with a girl from the Treasure Pavilion, to him being tapped by someone in the Treasure Pavilion.

  The black-robed Jindan's face when he came here every day became more and more gloomy.

  But the surrounding also quickly rumors, constantly inexplicable death of people, making people panic.

  In this way, when the days pass day by day, at the end of the second month.

  The black-robed Golden Dan sat indifferently on the second floor of the teahouse, his gaze locking onto the place where He Song lived from afar.

  In these two months after the Golden Dan Festival ended, his gaze had barely left the place where He Song lived.

  Especially in the second month after the tracking mark on He Song's body had dissipated for a month, he had been staring at the place where He Song lived almost every moment.

  In this way, as long as He Song left, he would definitely be able to detect it.

  At that time, He Song would not be able to escape.

  He Song would not be able to escape.

  How could a Foundation Establishment Cultivator be able to escape the pursuit of a Jindan True Lord?

  This point, the black-robed Jindan was very confident in his heart.

  However, since he had already waited here for two months, the black-robed Jindan's killing intent towards He Song had also become more and more intense during the growing waiting time.

  In his opinion, if He Song could let him wait here for two months for nothing, he would definitely die.

  Now, he only thought that after He Song left this place, he would be tortured and then search his soul to know the truth of what happened before, and then extract his soul and refine his spirit, so that he would be tortured day and night.

  Only in this way can he eliminate the hatred in his heart.

  With such thoughts, the black-robed Jindan's gaze towards He Song's residence was suddenly more intense with killing intent.

  But unfortunately.

  Today, two months after the Golden Dan Event had already ended.

  He Song also opened his eyes at his residence.

  Casually pinching his fingers.

  A trace of satisfaction immediately flashed across He Song's face.

  "No more, no less, exactly two months."

  "Counting from the last time I traveled to True Lord Luo Jing's place, I have been in seclusion here for a full two months."   

  "In the two months since, no one else has visited this place, much less a Jindan True Lord beating down the door."

  "Perhaps, I was overthinking this matter."

  "The black-robed Jindan who previously sold me the Green Jade Leaf did not actually have any bad intentions."

  "However, now that two months have passed, even if that Black-robed Golden Dan left a tracking mark on me, it should have dissipated."

  "Even if this matter wasn't me being overly concerned, and that black-robed golden dan really did move on me, now that so much time has passed, it must have been safe."

  "Since that's the case, then let's leave."

  "That Jindan cave that I previously discovered ten thousand miles away from Castle Peak Immortal City is still waiting for me to explore it."

  "This time, if I didn't feel the need to be a bit more cautious, I'm afraid that as early as two months ago, I would have already arrived there and begun to enlighten myself about that Jindan Concealment Formation."

  "These two months have really been somewhat wasted."

  With thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song got up and was about to push the door to leave his residence.

  But after thinking about it.

  He Song still shook his head decisively.

  Another thought flashed through his mind.

  "In case, that black-robed Jindan didn't leave during these two months, but instead has been paying attention to this place, I'm afraid that if I go out this time, I'll be stared at by it again."

  "Since this is the case, it would be better to just vanish and leave, anyway, within this Immortal State, not all places have been cast by Jindan Realm cultivators with the Golden Stone Technique, and the Vanishing Technique is unable to penetrate."

  "If it's a Qi Practicing Stage, or a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator who casts the Golden Stone Technique, it's not too much of a hindrance for me nowadays."

  "If a Jindan realm cultivator performs the Transportation Technique, the Gold Stone Technique performed by an ordinary cultivator can't stop it."

  Retracting his hand, He Song's heart slightly pondered, and soon shook his head, and his figure quickly disappeared into the ground.

  There was no surprise to He Song.

  After easily disappearing into the ground, although He Song realized that all the surrounding land had been cast with the Golden Stone Technique, and ordinary cultivators could not penetrate the ground by casting the Transportation Technique.

  However, as a Jindan True Lord, he did not feel the slightest pressure to penetrate the golden stone technique.

  In an instant, He Song went all the way towards the city gates of the Yunzhou state capital.

  Only after he was far away from the Treasure Pavilion and was about to approach the city gates of Yunzhou Prefecture did He Song reveal himself in a hidden place.

  After confirming again that no one was following him, He Song then left the Yunzhou state capital and entered the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that he had set up hundreds of miles away from the Yunzhou state capital.

  This Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was laid by He Song before he entered the Yunzhou state capital.

  Now, he came here mainly because he was worried that there were others coming after him.

  With this formation, even if He Song couldn't defeat the other party, he could definitely still escape.

  Under such circumstances, after He Song left the Yunzhou state capital, he naturally entered the formation directly and began to wait.

  In this way.

  Several days later.

  Seeing that no one was delayed in coming after him, He Song then felt relieved as he put away the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation and maneuvered his inferior spirit weapon flying boat to leave this place, heading towards the Biyue Immortal State.

  He Song silently left the Yunzhou state capital.

  It didn't attract anyone's attention.

  He didn't even bother to say goodbye to True Lord Luo Jing and True Lord Yun Jing.

  He Song left suddenly.

  At his residence, naturally, no one came to the door to find out anything.

  As a guest personally invited by True Lord Luo Jing, even if He Song stayed here for several years or decades, no one would dare to ask.

  If True Lord Luo Jing blames him, the anger of the Jindan may not be terrible, but the anger of those who want to climb up to the Jindan True Lord is very scary.

  The people of the Treasure Pavilion are all human beings, how could they possibly do such self-destructive things?

  Moreover, outside the Treasure Pavilion, there are many people, people come and go, and all kinds of cultivation auras are constantly intertwined.

  When He Song was in seclusion at his residence, he was subconsciously running his stealth skill to keep his breath from leaking out.

  Naturally, even if the room was already empty, on the outside it looked like it was still the same.

  Before seeing He Song walk out.

  Whether it was the people from the Treasure Pavilion.

  Whether it was the black-robed Jindan who had been staring at the place from afar, they were unable to realize that He Song's residence had long been empty.


  Even though He Song had already left.

  The black-robed golden dan was still staring at He Song's residence and pondering in his mind what kind of torture he would inflict on He Song after capturing him in order to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

  This situation continued until several months later.

  Several months later.

  Finally waited impatiently, and vaguely perceived a hint of wrong, for He Song's killing intent has also soared to the peak of the black-robed Jindan.

  One night, he quietly touched into He Song's residence.

  However, when he quietly entered He Song's residence, he was ready to seize He Song, the culprit who had made him wait for months outside, waiting for him to get restless, and tortured and searched his soul.

  However, he was shocked to find that.

  In the residence of He Song, there was no trace of He Song.

  The thick layer of dust in the house signaled that this place had not been inhabited for a long, long time.

  The black-robed Jindan who kept searching in He Song's residence, but never found any trace of He Song, and even a trace of his breath, finally reacted.

  He Song was afraid that several months ago, he had already fooled the ears and eyes of this Jindan True Lord and quietly left this place.


  What he couldn't figure out was.

  Why did He Song not leave earlier, but instead waited until the tracking mark aura on his body had completely dissipated before finally leaving.

  Could it be that He Song had detected the existence of the tracking mark and deduced his own existence from it, and then deliberately planned all of this?

  Or perhaps it was the Luo Jing True Lord behind He Song who helped him escape this place in order to avoid He Song being killed by himself?

  But, during these months, he hadn't seen any cultivators enter He Song's residence either.

  Thoughts kept coming out in his mind.

  The expression on the black-robed Jindan's face kept changing.

  The killing intent under his eyes almost condensed into substance.

  The anger in his heart at being teased had even reached its peak.

  It was as if the next moment, it would gush out, enveloping the four directions.

  However, in the end, after realizing that this place was the state capital of Yunzhou, and there were several Jindan True Lords in the state capital, it was not a place for him to be reckless.

  He could only let out an angry grunt.

  "Tiny Foundation Establishment, how dare you bully me here, simply looking for death!"

  "Don't let me find you, if you still dare to appear in front of this seat next time, this seat will surely thwart your bones and ashes to ease the hatred in my heart!"

  (End of chapter)