
Immortal Growth System

The Void The twin Child The opposite Of infinity Though infinity has been claimed and dominated the opposite can be said for its sibling Until a soul, washes up there and simply waits

Eric_Holloway · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


It's dark

At this point of time I'm used to darkness hell I even welcome it. Though…. this darkness is different the darkness I'm used to is lacking. While this darkness is filling in a since on top of this I can feel my other senses coming to me. This left me uncomfortable because I'm used to feeling nothing at all.

Now it seems all of my senses are better than before the old darkness. But, that could just be since I'm regaining my senses after so long I'm sensitive. I try to move around to find I could but, not by much though I do feel a barrier of sorts.

It didn't take me even a second to come to a conclusion. I've been reincarnated as a soon to be born child I don't know when but soon.

I suddenly feel some movement and now the barrier around me is closing in on me. 'Damn'

{~.¥.~} general pov

Pained cries can be heard in a room along with soft, honeyed words attempting to soothe the one in pain.

"Damn, you Joshua I'm never letting you touch me again!" A women in hospital robs screamed as she vice grip on the man's arm.

The man winces "it's okay baby, it's okay" the man tries to soothe his wife but, she just sneer at him.

"Mam I'm going to need you to push" the doctor who has been observing the birth speaks up

"I am pushing! Ahhhhhh! You….. fucker!!!!" the women yells venting her pain, and anger

"Mam I'm going to need you to breath with me okay" the doctor ask after some effort the women nods

After some deep breaths the women has calmed a bit. Less yelling, less of a grip on her husband, and a clear mind.

"Now, on the count of three" instructs the doctor

The women takes a deep breath while the man caresses her arm in a soothing manner






"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" She screams, wails, and squirms a bit but, with this push it was enough.

"Wahhhhhh!!!" The small babe takes its first breath and makes full use of its lungs.

The man comforts his wife as the women recovers from giving birth.

"It's beautiful baby boy" the doctor congratulates as he hands baby to a nurse to be cleaned and wrapped in a cloth.

The man laughs and cheers while the women takes small breathes anticipation written on her face.

The nurse came to the mother and hands the baby to the her.

Once the baby is in her arms she couldn't help but, give a smile. Though the smile is small it conveyed all of her love, passion, and hopes for the future. Seeing this smile the man calms down replacing his wide toothy grin to one similar to his wife.

"What will his name be?" the man asked in a warm, loving tone

"Aizen" she replies

The man raises a brow "after that anime character from….. Naruto right?" he asked

She gives a ill sweet smile making the husband shiver