
Immortal Growth System

The Void The twin Child The opposite Of infinity Though infinity has been claimed and dominated the opposite can be said for its sibling Until a soul, washes up there and simply waits

Eric_Holloway · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

It’s thoughts

It is everywhere

It has only been born for no less than a second

It has been alive longer than all beings except for one

It has seen many deaths

Hasn't even seen the death of a fly

It knows everything

It knows nothing

This is infinity

A being that lives at the beginning and the end of All-Time

A being that exist above the concepts of reality

A being second only to The One Above All

A Being that wishes to have its sibling by its side

The endless nothing

The bottomless end

The eternal lack

The void

The only being that lived as long as it

The only being that who's existence rivals it

Sadly it's sibling doesn't have a consciousness

And will never have one

so it can only peer into the void on occasion

And when it does it understands the warmth associated with family mortals babble about

Though it doesn't really gain warmth it gains a change of pace

No noice

No since of responsibility

No infinity

Just it and the void

Until an anomaly appeared

A white, translucent, blob

A soul

And this soul reeked of sin

So much sin that Lucifer looks holy in comparison

It decided to watch the soul in interest

The irrationality of wrath rationalized

The unyielding lust accepted

The bottomless gluttony fulfilled

The power of greed understood

The haziness of sloth cleared

The burden of envy lifted

The hubris of pride channeled

Slowly the soul purified itself

Slowly the soul became immortal

Slowly the soul became divine

Slowly The Void accepted the soul

"Beautiful isn't it?" A familiar voice rang

I turn my head to my farther The One Above All

And I smiled in earnest

"Yes, the development of my sibling is beautiful" I reply

I then frown when I came to my senses

"But, if this continues wouldn't it soon simply became a avatar of the void?" I ask worried

"Yes, normally" farther replies

I look at my father surprised even though it didn't appear on my face my celestial energies fluctuated. He looks at me though he doesn't show it I can feel the pity.

"Farther, you know how hard that method is" I tell him my worry deepening

He nods "yes, but putting it through the seventh trial is necessary"

Though I'm reluctant I nod because I know it's true. If we were to just give the soul a divine body it wouldn't be able to control its power and causing problems. So the seventh trial is the only way to make sure to properly train it.

"Don't worry I'll give it some assistance and I'll let you choose the universe" he told me with a small smile

I get less tense with that assurance

" universe M-173616" I reply confidant in my decision

He nods and snaps his finger and soul warps away

"Now I believe you have some overdue work to do" he stated

" a few more years" I mutter under my breath

"Who is the one who spent the last several billion years watching the consciousness of there sibling take form?" He sarcastically ask

"Dick" I mutter as I flash away