
Immortal Growth System

The Void The twin Child The opposite Of infinity Though infinity has been claimed and dominated the opposite can be said for its sibling Until a soul, washes up there and simply waits

Eric_Holloway · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


'So I've been reincarnated' those are my first thoughts when I wake up again in a crib. I try to look around to no avail 'it seems I have no control of my body yet'. But thats okay, I have been unable to move in the void for an innumerable amount of time so I should be able to handle a year or two of this.

[you have been trapped in the void for approximately 10 billion+ years]

In my past life I would have been startled, intrigued, and excited all at the same time due to the situation. But now? All I feel is a sense of gratitude for who ever gave me the gamer system. The reason being I don't know what type of world I've been reincarnated into.

The only available information I have is the world is at least as advance as my old world.

[You have been reincarnated into a A.U of Marvel at around 2000]

Marvel? Isn't that the one world where a guy snapped his fingers and the universe was destroyed? My breath hitches at the thought but, I quickly compose myself and think.

'System, what are your functions?' I ask hoping for an answer

[ I am I.G.S or the Immortal Growth System. I poses the basic functions like any other system but, I essentially adapt to the user. Your choices and actions on your path to godhood will dictate some of my functions.

I can also answer most questions about the system except for the inner workings of my existence. I only poses basic knowledge about this world.

Finally my main and arguably my most important function is to seal the power of your soul. Then as you accumulate power slowly unlock the seals until you reach your peak.]

I digest the new information and I'm mostly satisfied for now but, there's one thing that leaves me confused.

'Am I a Immortal? And is the seal on my soul necessary?' I ask my final questions as I feel myself getting tired.

[My Creator doesn't know 100% how but, he believes the reason you survived the void is because you were purifying your soul at constant rate]

'Purifying my soul? You mean reflecting on my past choice and actions?' I reply

[Correct, due to you reflecting on your sins and correcting yourself you began producing a large amount of pure karma.

A mixture of both bad and good karma.

This karma would usually then spread out into the multiverse but, since the void can't destroy karma and karma can't leave the void it remained attached to you.

And the more karma you accumulated the denser the karma around you got. This pressure then pressurized your soul, removed impurities, and inevitably the karma began to merge with your soul.

Thats how you gained a immortal soul]

'Tha…. That's nice to know' I reply getting sleepy

[Don't worry Aizen you have plenty of time to become a god so enjoy your babyhood and maybe your childhood]

That's the last thing I heard before I fell asleep