
Immortal Growth System

The Void The twin Child The opposite Of infinity Though infinity has been claimed and dominated the opposite can be said for its sibling Until a soul, washes up there and simply waits

Eric_Holloway · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Baby Days

"Gah blah yaya" in a middle class house on the first floor you can find a cute 6 month year old baby crawling around. He has hair as black as the night sky, pure white skin, a chubby figure, and void black eyes that contradict themselves by twinkling with curiosity and mischief.

"Aizen where are you?!"

"Aizen, buddy come to papa"

His parents are desperately trying to find him, as soon as they enter a hallway he enters a room, as soon as they enter a room he finds himself a hiding spot.

[ Crawling has maxed out]

[Crawling: level max

The common skill any child will develop in due time during early development

Effects: increases strength and constitution by 1 per level]

'Finally, Lily pull up Status'

Yes, our little trouble maker is the main protagonists and he's been quite busy.

[Status]: [+]

Name:  Aizen Carter

Title: -

Race:  [Unknown]


SP:  120/120. [SPR: 1.2 Per- Second]


Strength:  10

Constitution:  12

Dexterity:  6

Sense:  5

Intelligence:  51

Wisdom:  32

Charisma:  16

Points: 0


-Crawling: Max-

- Meditation: level 9-


-Thought Acceleration-

-Basic understanding of lust-

'Lily, are there anymore skills I could develop as a baby?' I inquire as sit around waiting for one of my parents to find me.

[Currently none, new skills can be acquired once you reach one year of age]

I nod in understanding 'lily, show me the education plan'

[ Of Course

- advanced Math

- intermediate Biology

- intermediate World History

- basic anatomy]

I think for a minute 'Lily, we're going to focus on math until it reaches master rank'

[Gained 1 point to wisdom]

'Glad that you agree' I reply before she begins the lesson.

These pass six months were a lot more productive than I thought it would be. The first month I spent more leisurely getting used to having a body again and having parents.

The second month I simply got bored one day and started asking Lily random questions. Learning that when she said she had "basic information" about the universe it included a college level education.

The third month I finally decided to give the system the name lily. Because calling my partner and guide "system" all time doesn't feel right. Also the more I talk to her the more of a personality she grows which is a nice plus.

The fourth month I discovered I'm incredibly lustful when my mom started to breastfeed me less and give baby bottles more. I asked lily why and she said it might have to do with my time in the void and suggested for me to meditate on it. I did and what I discovered about myself is interesting.

I found that when it came to my sense of lust I don't care as long as both parties are willing, indulge in your desires. If you want to grope your girlfriend in front of everyone, do it. If you want tie up a big muscled man, then put that big boy on a leash. If you want to fuck your biological mother while cucking your farther, then you might as well cum all over him.

Lily explained I'm not even scratching the surface and to delve deeper into this I'll actually have to explore my lust physically. But, considering I'm a baby I settled for meditating on it for a whole month till lily explained I can't go further with just meditation.

Then, I remembered how lily explained that my soul was full of sin when I entered the void. So I considered the possibility that I could meditate on the other sins but, found I couldn't . I asked lily about it and she explained that I need to experience a sense of each sin then meditate on it.

I then asked why is my understanding of each of the sins locked she explained the basics of the god ranking system. And told me that the reason they were sealed is because they could cause massive change to my body and mind that I wouldn't be able to handle.

Understanding - mortal

Concept - demigod

Divinity - god

Law - deity+

And she corrected me explaining that I don't poses understanding of each of the sins but, there law. After that I didn't delve deeper into it since it's not useful to me right now.

The fifth month I finally gained the ability to crawl and began causing some much needed ruckus. Crawling every which way, frustrating my parents, and making them regret letting me out of the crib. I also gained the perk thought acceleration during this time.

[Thought acceleration

- increases thought processing speed per point in intelligence

Effect: 1% increase]

Now I'm six months old and I'm stuck with learning from lily which isn't bad. But, a part of me which to progress faster even though I know it's foolish. Again the patience I gained from my time in the void showed and I'm glad for it. 'Maybe I'll spend this time sleeping' I thought temporarily distracted from lilies lesson.

I started to become sluggish and tired like I used to when I was only one month old. 'Yeah… sleep sounds nice' I do a cute yawn and lay down.

[Spark of sloth gained]