
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

6•30÷ ; The Chamber of Wonders

Western Sector, Eighth District, Dimensional Chamber of Genesis Bound.

The Dimensional Chamber of Genesis Bound is a tapestry zone connected to the immeasurable nodes of the vast cosmology. It is one of the natural variations that occurred in the black star during the universal transformation. The core mechanism operating this chamber is beyond the living's discovery, eluding even the most creative scientists who, for generations, sought to either hack or uncover the functions regulating this indispensable point of technological grandeur.

However, it has been confirmed by the Discoverers that this chamber is one of the primary roots essential to the integral anatomy of the 'Over-Reaching Tower'.


Amidst the neon lights of the night, the chamber transformed into a fusion of cutting-edge technology and captivating aesthetics. Adorned with holographic displays exhibiting intricate designs and moving images, the chamber exuded a mesmerizing ambiance. Its walls, crafted from a shimmering material, changed color according 6 the mood of the occasion, transitioning from vibrant hues for celebrations to soothing tones for meetings.

The ceiling, designed to be a vast dome of transparent material, offered views of the city skyline or the starry night sky above. Advanced lighting systems simulated natural sunlight during the day and created a starlit canopy by night, enhancing the magical ambiance of the chamber.

The seating in the chamber was a mix of sleek, futuristic round tables and chairs equipped with built-in technology for communication and comfort, and luxurious plush velvet cushions added a touch of elegance. The central stage adorned with a platform that ascended from the floor, enveloped in swirling mist and illuminated by beams of light, adding an element of mystery and grandeur to this grand event.

Overall, the chamber would be a harmonious blend of technology and magic, creating a zone that is both awe-inspiring and functional for any occasion. 🌌

Above the aerial space, the flowing clouds became a shimmering augmentation of particles, illuminating the night sky in a dance of digital flakes. Subsequently, among the zone of artistic vision, a network of virtual lanes serving as the conduit for spatial teleportation could be observed. This virtual portables are the cosmic channels connected to various worlds across the universe. Although, it is unknown how the link works, as long as one has sufficient origin crystals, they could access this chamber of Genesis bound through material immersion. Nevertheless, this virtual portables aren't like typical teleportation portals; its only true purpose was to connect the forsaken planet of Genesis to the outer reality, nothing more - nothing less. No one has true control over this specific zone; even the Almighty absolute unity who partially over-see this chamber isn'tt an exception. Thus, since its innovation, the chamber is said to function autonomously. This chamber is truly one of the wonders of this world and cosmology, second only to the heart of this world 'Altima'.


At the network of virtual portables, a multitude of diverse balls of energy materialized one after another, and from them, emerged individuals of various backgrounds and racial features. Undoubtedly, among these people, there are both adults and children.

In a particular lane, a black-cloaked child spoke, (Hehe, marvelous! This place is like a magical realism come true.)

(Silly onii-chan, what's so great about this so-called magical realism? To me, compared to this, our home is more beautiful than anything,) a girl's melodic voice resonated beside him.

Turning around, Void skeptically looked at the white-cloaked Sora.


(Nothing,) Void averted his eyes. Still, he continued, (But, little sis, aren't you downgrading our home by comparing it to other places? After all, our home is an 'Everlasting canopy of tranquility.' Thus, it's only natural for it to be an unreachable paradise.)

At the unexpected counter, Sora became bewildered. (You... you are using my logic against me! It's unfair. Totally unfair.)

Void didn't care and ignored her protest. He turned towards his grey-cloaked aunt and asked, (By the way, aunt, are all these people aliens?)

Without caring about ethics, Void bluntly called the otherworlders 'aliens', causing both Sarah and Sora to be speechless at his indifferent nature.

(Truly, at this rate, just like I promised at the beginning, you might really make me go to extreme lengths to protect you,) Sarah put a hand on her forehead and wearily sighed.

However, in the next moment, she frowned, replying, (No, actually I can't feel any aura's of foreigners. All these people are from different parts our own world.)

Hearing this, Void got confused. (Heh? But didn't that orange-haired acquaintance of yours say that underage conference is the gathering of children from multiple worlds?)

(Well, it's indeed the case. But something seems to be off this time.)

(What's wrong?)

(Based on past experiences, underage conferences are meant to gather children from different worlds in one place of choice. It has been that way since the beginning. This has been done to reduce costs and, at the same time, present it as a worthy event for the participation for the leading forces, centering around them as a whole. Otherwise, if the conductors of this event, the 'heavenly order,' try to accommodate all children under ten across the cosmos, instead of benefiting their image, it might turn into a disaster for their wallet. That's why I said before, even though it is advertised as a gathering of children from all worlds, essentially, it's nothing but a showdown for the big powers. Even then, only their expandable talents will attend the conference as a representative. Because only the top forces could afford unhinged spatial travel.

(Hmm, hmm. But what's that got to do with my question?)

(My prince, it seems you are getting more and more brazen as you grow. I wonder if it's time to teach you lessons,) Sarah chucklingly said.

Upon hearing that chuckle, Void gained clarity and promptly closed his mouth.

(Hehehe,) Sora laughed secretly at his plight.

Regrettably, Void caught wind of her secretive laughter, causing his lips to twitch.

After a brief pause, Sarah continued in an amusing tone, (Actually, this has nothing to do with your inquiry. I am simply trying to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the situation. But it seems my good intentions have gone unappreciated, huh?)

(No, no, no. Please continue, aunt. I apologize for not appreciating your kind guidance. Please~) Void quickly adopted a puppy-eyed expression..

(Fufufu. It's good that you are aware. Now, let's get back to the point. It's indeed strange that the outsiders haven't arrived yet. Well, I'll just have to find out from her. Although, I can partially guess the cause.) Sarah began to ponder.

Void's mouth couldn't help but twitch in response. child(Damn it. Then why did you act as if you knew, old vixen? Doesn't that mean your earlier talk was just nonsense,) he quietly whispered to himself.

(Rude boy, I can hear you.) Yet her attention was forced to shift back towards a certain rude child.