
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Urban
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104 Chs

95 Shattered

Right as he finishes his statement, he slides himself into me, slowly pulling me down onto him. Our mouths are open, our breaths are short and quick, as he stretches my hole to accommodate him.

I whimper, in both delight and anxiety over his words. I let my face fall to the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking on his flesh, as I slowly start to bob myself on his cock.

"Fuck, Lirael. Damn it, you're so damn tight!" He grits out through his teeth, breathing hard. He grips my hips, slowing my movement down, "Slow down, baby... otherwise I'll lose my damn mind."

I feel him shimmy his legs around, then picking his feet up and spreading his legs to thrust up into me, as I ride him.

He's set so deeply inside of me that I feel like he's right behind my belly button. It feels amazing.

"Oh... fuck, Lance. You feel so good inside of me..." I moan out, my head spinning from the carnal pleasure causing my core to tighten around him.

He grips me firmly and scoots to the edge of the sofa, and keeping himself planted deep inside of me, stands up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I gently move my hips back and forth, gyrating on his cock as he walks us to the room. We're in the hall to the bedroom, when Lance groans and presses me to the wall.

"You are making it very hard to concentrate." He rasps out, grunting as he thrusts up into, making me cry out.

"Oh!... sorry, but I'm not sorry." I can feel my imaginary devil horns curl out of my head as I smile at him. "Now, are we going to stand here and talk or are we finishing our trip?" I motion my head to the bed, before he returns my wicked grin.

He keeps me pinned to the wall, slamming me against it with his cock, like he was trying to hang me like a picture on the wall.

"Oh...fuck..." I cry out, my voice quavering as he pounds relentlessly into me. I come undone, screaming out my release that he savagely forces from me.

I'm whimpering, pulsing and spasming, as he takes me to the bed. He lays me down gently, exiting me and stands up to look down at me.

Hungry, gentle eyes admire me, running over my shaking body as I pant for air.

"So beautiful..." He murmurs, as he kneels on the bed and kisses my stomach with soft feathery lips. He grips my thighs and pulls my legs apart, lapping at my sensitive womanhood.

"Lance..." I gasp, twitching and jerking from the overload of sensations.

His head come back up to look me in the eyes, voice husky but earnestly reminding me, "I'm not going to stop, even if you cry, beg or ask me to stop, just like you told me to. Lirael."

His head goes back down, but he keeps eye contact with me as he begins to eat me out. Even though I am sensitive, it doesn't take long before I lifting my hips to meet his mouth and gasping for him to not stop. When he hooks a finger in between my lips, I shudder and cry out clamping my thighs around his face.

When I release his head, he crawls up between my legs, coming up to kiss me deeply, sliding himself inside my still spasming core. He runs a hand up into mine, intertwining our fingers as I moan into his kiss.

My eyes flutter open as he pulls back from our kiss. I look into his beautiful blue eyes that are full of desire and love. It's so intense, I can hardly handle his gaze so my eyes flutter back shut with the next thrust he takes.

"Keep your eyes open, look at me, Lirael. I want you to see what making love to you is really like." Lance's low, husky voice caresses the skin on my neck, tickling my ears.

I open my eyes, as he begins to kiss me, soft and sensually, thrusting into my body. I lift my hips to meet his thrust, moaning at the pleasure he gives me. My heart is shaky, my nerves are making me clench his hand in mine harder. His lips leave mine, as he maintains eye contact with me.

"That's right baby, keep looking at me. I've got you." He lifts one of my legs up by the knee, as he moves his hips at a new angle making my body tighten on his cock.

"Oh, yes..." I whine, feeling the pleasure spreading from my heart and core.

Rolling his hips into me, he has me gasping, trying to lift my hips to meet his. He pulls me up to straddle him, as he sits on his legs. I hold on to his shoulders, rolling my hips and moving slow, keeping eye contact with him.

I can't explain it, this feeling that spreads out from my heart. It's like the other night, when I made him keep his hands to himself as I rode him. My heart is swelling, even as my core riddled with tension and building pleasure increases, it doesn't come close to ecstasy in my heart.

This is love.

This is what I've wanted my whole life.

We're making love and I'm safe with him.

Our eyes are still locked on each others.

"I love you, Lance." I whimper out as I roll my hips, gripping his shoulders harder as I start to lose control as I grow closer.

"And I love you, Lirael." His lips meet mine, as he pushes my body back on bed. I find his hands with my own, as I wrap my legs around his waist, keeping his body closer to mine.

"Lance!" My high pitched cries are coming in quick succession, as I pant, my core is tightening to the point, I can't take much more. My toes begin to curl, as I beg him with my eyes, and then my mouth.

"Please... Please..." My body is trembling from the built up tension, I can't take in a breath, as Lance gasps, his thrusts, becoming faster and urgent.

"Oh god... oh Lirael!" I feel his hot cum shoot into me and my vision goes bright white and a ringing in my ears goes off. I thrown in to a endless cavern of euphoria, feeling the quaking of my core, going crazy like a madman's drum. My soul is shattered and put back together in those moments with pieces of Lance mixed in with my own now.

My vision comes back slowly fading back with my hearing, and my cries of satisfaction are still coming out with my quavering breaths.

My legs are stiff, my toes ache as they uncurl, and Lance's weight lays on top of me, but he still looks down at me, almost in shock as he shudders. My head reaches up to kiss his lips, lazily, smacking our lips together.

"Wow." I admit breathlessly.

Lance pulls himself out of me, making me groan and whine at the loss. He lays next to me, cradling me in his arms, and kisses me again.

"I love you, Lirael. Rest if you need to, because I'm not done with you yet." He promises with soft kisses on my neck, his hand stroking my side, and my heart beating for him, under his other hand.

He makes love to me all night, showing me the difference between what I knew and what I know now. He doesn't stop, even when I'm crying from the rise of emotions shared between us. I never did ask him to stop though. We stopped only when our bodies were spent, passing out early in the morning.

Hope you enjoy the extra chapters!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Please if you've enjoyed my story, leave a review or comment! I'd really appreciate it.

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