
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Urban
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104 Chs

94 Jewelry

I run out and around the table before something catches my eye, that the place looks different. I see candles lit on the tables out on the veranda area, our dinner laid out and flowers on the table.

I come to a screeching halt on the hardwood floors, and turn to look at Lance who's proudly smiling, leaning against the entry to the bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Do you like it?" He asks, strutting over to me, pulling me into his embrace, his hands at my waist.

"Lance... yes, but its too muc.." He presses his lips to mine, making me quiet. He runs his tongue across my lips making me want more of his lips before he pulls back from me.

"Hush. This doesn't even come close to what you are worth to me, so I'll just take the yes, you like it part." He places another soft kiss on my lips, that I return with a smile plastered on my face.

"Thank you." I whisper as our foreheads come together and we nuzzle each others noses.

"You're welcome." He kisses my cheek and takes my hand to pull me to the table, "Let's eat before the food cools."

He pulls the chair out for me to sit in, before taking his own. He removes the covers to our meals and we begin to eat, taking in the flavors and the setting for our meal.

He is ... just... wow...

Even my thoughts are overwhelmed with how amazing Lance is. How amazing this trip has been.

I wonder if he knows how much this all means to me...

"Thank you, Lance. For everything. This trip has been amazing. I'm so grateful that we got to enjoy this together." I reach out and take his hand that's on the table.

He's casually leaned back in his chair, and with a soft smile on his face, he picks my hand up to kiss the back of it.

"I'm glad you are enjoying this with me. That helps make it that much more to me." We sit there just looking into each others eyes, feeling the warm glow shared between us.

We watch the sun start to set and Lance pulls me up from our seats to walk down to the pool side patio daybed to watch the sunset together.

I curl up in his arms, resting my head on his chest, wishing we could just stay here.

"I really wish we did not have to go home tomorrow. When we get back, all this is going to feel like a dream and I will miss it." I admit my thoughts out loud, pulling back to see if Lance feels the same.

"Are you worried about when we get home?" Lance asks, taking a sip of his drink.

I grimace at what I know he's implying, "I can't help but be concerned." I see the notch of disappointment in his eyes before I get the chance to tell him, "However, I feel better knowing that I have so many people now, who care for me and are there to help protect me."

I lay a kiss on his lips before adding, "Knowing that I have you."

Lance's nostrils flare as his hold on me tightens, "You mean I have you." He smirks, before taking my breath away with a deep, overwhelming kiss.

I whimper when he pulls his lips away from mine, only to moan as his lips continue to kiss my cheek, my neck, nibbling on my skin, sucking on my earlobe.

I push on him gently, making him stop, but leaving us both panting.

"Don't. I can't take it. I've been dying for you to touch me all day. I just might shatter if you do not do anything." I say breathless, clenching my tingling thighs together that ache for him.

"Who said I was not going to do anything to you, Lirael?" Lance purrs at me with heavy lidded eyes.

My heart beat quickens, my mouth suddenly dry, and in desperation to wet my mouth, I lick my lips. Lance catches the movement and goes back in for the kiss, moving his body to rise over me as he lays me back. We kiss till we're panting, like we just ran a mile and he goes to kiss me again.

I push back on him, whispering, "Let's go back in the villa, please. I need something to use the restroom."

He sighs, "Sure thing." He gets up and swoops me up in his arms, kissing the crook of my neck before carrying me into the house.

He makes me feel so damn beautiful. I do not know how he carries me like I weigh nothing, but he does it with a smile on his face.

The minute he places me down, I'm off in the direction of the bathroom, hearing him chuckle behind me. Once I'm finished freshening up myself, I run a brush through my hair and check myself in the mirror. I put a few things on that I think he'll love.

Why am I so nervous and worried about how I look?

I mentally facepalm myself, and shake my self out of my sudden onset of nerves. Remembering how the employee told us that we had a blue tooth sound system in the villa. I grab my phone and set it up with my playlist of music. I make sure it's on low volume, slowly raising it until you can hear it but it's not overwhelming.

"Even if it hurts..." The music comes on and I already feel my confidence coming back. I make my way out to the living area, where Lance sits facing away with both of our drinks freshly made.

"I like the music choice you put on. Here I made you a new drink." He leans forward and picks it up to hand it to me, but stops when he sees me.

I had left the robe in the bedroom, walking out with just the jewelry he bought me on. I smirk and join him by sitting on his lap, taking the glass as I do to drink.

Still smirking at the astonishment on Lance's face that quickly starts to change into appreciation as his hand roams up my leg to my waist, pulling me up farther on his lap.

"Wow, you make those pearls look great. You did this for me?" He asks, as I finish off the whiskey in my glass to set it on the table.

I nod, grabbing his drink from his other hand to set it down.

"Of course I did it for you." I get up to straddle his lap, holding his face in my palms. I give him a quick kiss on the lips, "Do you like it?" I ask with a teasing grin, moving my hands to his shoulders.

"I do..." He runs his hands up my waist pulling me forward on his lap, rubbing against his erection that's continuing to grow.

A soft, throaty moan escapes me as his lips land on my breast, pulling my nipple into his mouth. I lean forward, letting him suck more in to mouth, feeling his tongue flicker across the bud of my nipple, sending electrical shocks through my body.

I roll my hips against him, feeling his length straining against the fabric of his shorts.

The guttural moan that leaves him brings a smug smile to my face and a hum of approval. He release my nipple with a sigh, and kisses the skin in between them, dragging his lips up to gaze up at me.

"You are so damn sexy." His breath sends a shudder through my body, causing my hairs to stand on end. I sit back on my legs and kiss him, firmly gripping the back of his head with a handful of hair.

Hands reach for my ass, pulling me closer to rub against him. We both groan into each others mouth, feeling the need rise in each other. Lance pushes me up with his hips, as he one hands his shorts down enough for his cock to spring free.

"Is this what you've been wanting so badly you have needed to touch yourself?" He hums, gyrating his hips into mine, making his hard cock tease me.

"No, not wanting, Needing." I rub his chest, correcting his question as I enjoy the delicious feeling of his cock rubbing against me.

He beams up at me, pulling me harder against him, "I love that you need me." He kisses my chest, letting his bottom lip get caught on my skin as he drags it up to my neck. One of his hands slides up to grip the back of my head, pulling it closer to his mouth, so that he can kiss it and suckle on my flesh.

Groaning as he releases my flesh, his voice grows husky, "Because I need you too."

His hands slide down to my ass, and he picks me up to hover over his ready cock. I lower myself slowly, letting his head tease my hole that wants him so badly. Hands move to my waist, urging me to take him.

I giggle in amusement, seeing his frustration beginning to build.

"Oh, don't tease me, Lirael." He grits out, sighing as I giggle again.

"Why not? You have been teasing me for the past few days." I muse, wiggling my hips on his tip.

I have to straighten my body as he tries to hold me down and thrust up.

"Ah, ah, ah...." I sing, "don't be naughty and impatient." I smile down at his devilish smirk that is welcoming the challenge I'm giving him.

"You know I wasn't wanting to tease you right?" Lance asks me.

"Oh?" I move myself to where he slides against my clit. "Then what...Oh... were you doing?" I moan as he pushes up, brushing against my sensitive nub.

"I was holding back because," his hands grip and work my hips against his length, "I thought you should have some time before I make love to you. Because I don't plan on stopping, just like you told me to."