
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Urban
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104 Chs

96 Home

We've been back home for three days, recovering from jet lag and enjoying our new found intimacy with each other. I never thought that making love like how they do in the movies could be real. That these emotions could be felt so intensely.

I'm watching Lance sleep, tracing the curve of his lips and jaw lightly with my fingers. The early morning sun makes him look even more handsome, bathing him in golden light. I bite my bottom lip, giddy that I am so madly in love with him and he with me. I almost want to jump out of bed and squeal in excitement, that's how happy I am right now.

"Good morning, love." Lance's husky, sleep filled voice snaps me from my revel.

"Good morning." I tuck my head in to my shoulders like a turtle, feeling guilty I did not notice him waking up.

"What time is it?" He sighs, pulling me closer to his side, sliding a leg in between my own and wrapping it around my ankle.

I swallow hard, "Six am. I woke up and couldn't help but admire the way you looked sleeping. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

He lifts a lazy eye at me, a smile tugging at his lips. "You can wake me up anytime you want to, for anything." He groans, clutching me tighter to him, pressing his growing erection into my side.

I chuckle, "Oh really?" I ask, growing excited.

He nods, rolling on to his back and stretching.

"Yes, look, even my little guy wants to say good morning to you." His eyes motion to his morning wood, as a chuckle escapes him.

"Well then, I won't be rude." I say coyly, throwing a leg over his waist, letting myself sink on top of him, both of us moaning from the sensation of our tender sexes meeting together again.

"Dear god, how do you feel better each time?" He asks with his jaw going slack, and his eye brows raised as he looks down at where we join.

Moaning as I slowly ride him, "Mmmm, you make me feel so damn good. That's how." I lean over and kiss his lips as our morning starts off with a long, slow, ride into blissful oblivion.

After a shower and breakfast, we head to the hospital to see momma Beth. I wear the jewelry he bought while we were in Mo'orea, which brought back memories for us both, making it difficult to leave his house.

We arrive to see her, thin and the lack of sleep obvious under her eyes. She looks like she aged more over the past week and a half. Upon seeing us though, her eyes lit up sparkling bright.

"Lance! Lirael! Oh! Come here and give me a hug! You two have a lot of pictures and stuff to tell me! I can see it on both of your faces!" She covers her mouth in excitement, then puts her arms up and out for us to give her a hug.

We give her a big hug, noticing she hugs us both a little longer than she normally would. When I pull back her eyes glisten with tears.

"So let me see these pictures!" She beams at us, seeming energetic and enthusiastic, which makes Lance's shoulders relax a little. I show her the pictures and the jewelry he got me when we got caught in the rain.

She loves it and Lance pulls a small box out of his pocket. "Don't think I didn't forget about you, mom. Here."

She takes it from Lance, gasping, "Lance, my boy, you are so thoughtful..." a tear drops from her eyes, as she sniffles.

She takes a tissue, wiping her eyes before opening the box to reveal a necklace with three pearls on it.

"Oh Lance, I love it. Thank you. I could not ask for a better son." She sniffles, hugging him tightly, before letting him go again to wipe and dry her eyes.

"Mom are you okay?" Lance questions her, feeling something was very off.

She plays with the tissue for a moment before saying, "I'm going to possibly be sent to live with your uncle Jim and aunt Faith, so Faith can help take care of me. I'm sick of living in the hospital all the time." She gives us a forced smile, before leaning back on her bed. "I'm sorry, but I do believe I need to rest a little while, all the excitement wore me out."

At that moment, I see Dr. Patil walk by and I quickly step out and snag him as I hear and see Momma Beth.

"But, baby, can you help put this on your momma?" She hands the box to Lance who nods.

"Hey Aman, so what's going on with Beth?" I ask him.

"We're going to start her on normal Chemo." He says with a reserved sigh.

"I knew when you said that the treatments were not working that she needed to start something else. Why are you just now starting the Chemo?" I asked quietly.

"Because she had to wait till the other medications were clear of her body first. She might get an extra six months to a year with the Chemo, but it doesn't look promising, Lirael." He sadly informs he, patting my arm. "I have to get to my other patients, I'll see you soon." He waves me bye and sets off down the hall.

I turn to find Lance staring at me oddly. "Are you ready to go?" I ask him, raising a brow.

He nods, taking off down the hall with me following close behind him.

We are in the car, in awkward, heavy and intense silence. Right when I was about to say something about the direction he's driving he cuts in.

"How long did you know the treatments were not working for my mother?" He asks coldly.

I blink, caught off guard by the chill in his voice.

"How long did you know?" He asks again, through a stiff jaw.

"A few weeks now... " I say ashamed.

"A few weeks? A FEW WEEKS?! Lirael, my mother is dying and you just so happened to not tell me?!" Lance shouts, smacking the steering wheel.

I jump in my seat, never hearing the anger in his voice directed at me before.

"Lance, I'm sorry, I..." I start to explain but he cuts me off.

Lance shakes his head, scowling, "How could you NOT tell me something like this!?"

"I'm sorry, Lance." I say earnestly, tears forming in my eyes, "I really did want to tell you, but.."

Lance sends me a cold glare with tears, "No buts. You should have told me."

He pulls up in front of my house and instructs me, "Please, get out of the car."

"Lance, really, I..." I start, tears streaming down my face as my heart breaks and my earlier concerns confirmed. I knew when I promised his mother not to say anything that it was not going to turn out well.

"PLEASE, GET OUT!" Lance shouts, his voice breaking as he does so.

"Please just talk to your mother about it. I love you." I get out before stepping out of the car to watch him back out of the driveway, and haul ass away.

My heart drops out of my chest, replacing all that joy and love I felt not long ago, with emptiness and pain.

I walk to the door and unlock it, noticing the light on the front porch was not on and probably needed a new bulb. I step inside, still crying my eyes out and set my purse down.

"Hello, my little ladybug. I would ask if you've missed me, but considering I just saw you arguing with a man in a car who sped off, I'd say you've been able to get someone to fill that void."

I hear the voice I know all too well, and it starts making my blood run cold.