
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Ye Ning is promoted

"The emperor has arrived!"

The eunuch announced loudly, signaling the start of the court session.

Ji Mingyue sat straight on her throne.

This time, none of the six kings nor the immortal sects were present.

This was a normal situation as the kings had their own territories to govern, and the immortal sects only attended the court session because of the abdication plan, which had now failed, prompting the kings to return home.

Without these distractions, Ji Mingyue felt more at ease.

She glanced towards a desolate corner of the grand hall, where she saw a figure hiding in the shadows.

Surprisingly, she felt more at peace with his presence there.

"Let's begin the court session. If there's nothing important, you may leave."

The eunuch announced again.

The officials walked up to the throne with their respective documents and started discussing state affairs.

In his past life, Ye Ning was just a commoner, and had never had the chance to attend such an important and mysterious court session.

Of course, he was curious and wanted to hear more about the affairs of the dynasty.

However, as he listened to the endless answers of the officials and the emperor, he found it dull and uninteresting.

It seemed that their discussions had no real impact on the dynasty.

For example...

A certain high-ranking official stood up and spoke on behalf of the dynasty and the people.

"Your Majesty, the drought situation in the northwest has not yet eased, and the people are suffering. We need a large amount of food and money to prepare for the coming disaster!"

Ji Mingyue responded indifferently.

"There is no money."

The high-ranking official immediately bit his tongue, feeling as if his concern for the dynasty and the people had been a delusion.

He returned to his position and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Another high-ranking official said.

"Your Majesty, there is a flood in the south..."

Ji Mingyue replied.

"No money, move on."

Another official said.

"Your Majesty, the son of Marquis Wu rode a horse on a crowded street and injured more than ten people."

Ji Mingyue unconsciously replied.

"No money..."

Then she realized her mistake and changed her answer.

"Oh, this time it's not about asking for money... In that case, someone should talk to Marquis Wu and ask him to keep a closer eye on his son."

Ye Ning, who was listening to the conversation in the court, was amazed.

This was truly a worldly affair.

Who would have thought that the Great Zhou Court, with all its grandeur, would be in such a situation?

However, there were exceptions.

For example, when a high-ranking official said.

"Your Majesty, the governor of Tongzhou has discovered a seven-colored fairy deer. This must be a good omen and a sign of heaven's approval for Your Majesty's diligent governance."

The emperor was delighted and said.


Then another high-ranking official said.

"Your Majesty, shall we transport some precious stones from the south to create a garden full of rare treasures for Your Majesty to relax in during your leisure time?"

Ji Mingyue clapped her hands and said.

"Well said! I'll leave this matter to you."

Ye Ning understood his meaning.

When it came to matters related to people, the Emperor did nothing.

When it came to matters of hardship or frugality, he was stingy and wouldn't spend a single penny.

When he didn't need money, he would pretend to be foolish and come up with ways to deceive others.

However, when it came to things like gardening, searching for treasures, and discovering lucky things, he was more positive than anyone else.

"Is the Emperor always like this?"

Ye Ning asked.

He had no emotional attachment to the Great Zhou, but seeing the grand scene today still made him somewhat angry.

It wasn't that he had a hot temper, but what the Emperor did was truly too much.

Was this the imperial court?

It was like a game!

Ye Ning wanted to ask.

"Are you actors tired?"

Liu Jin kept laughing bitterly and said.

"How can we discuss matters related to the emperor?"

He didn't dare to answer, but he also couldn't deny it.

This was enough to prove everything.

"No wonder everyone says that the Great Zhou emperor is a benighted emperor. Seeing it with my own eyes today, it truly broadens my horizons."

Ye Ning said.

"Be careful with your words, Lord Ye."

Liu Jin glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention before he let out a sigh.

Such words really shouldn't be spoken.

But upon reflection, this was Ye Ning, even the immortal sect hold him in high regard, so what did he have that he wouldn't dare to say?

"Lord Ye must be very disappointed with me."

Ji Mingyue continued acting, but her mind was completely elsewhere.

She felt a bit of pain.

It was one thing to do it before, anyway, it had become a habit for her.

But today, she exposed her worst side to Ye Ning.

What would he think?

"I'm afraid even he will look down on me as a benighted emperor!"

But what other option was there?

Ji Mingyue knew that a wise and capable emperor had too few options.

The more wise and capable one was, the more the immortal sects would target them.

On the contrary, becoming a benighted emperor would attract no one's attention.

It seemed like a disgraceful thing to do, but in reality, it was a grand strategy.

However, these matters couldn't be spoken of to outsiders.

She must accepted the contempt and resentment of others.

"Ye Ning's good opinion of me is probably completely gone now."

Ji Mingyue sighed.

She may not care about the looks of others, but for some reason, she didn't want Ye Ning to misunderstand her.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as she hoped.

If Ye Ning knew her thoughts, he would surely say to her.

"Your Majesty, don't overthink it. I have never had any good opinion of you. If it weren't for you stabbing me in the back, I would have died. Do you really expect me to have a good opinion of you? What a joke!"

"Above is the benighted emperor, below are the Rebellious Officials, can the Great Zhou still be saved?"

Ye Ning didn't care about the Great Zhou's wealth at all.

He was even thinking in his head that the destruction of the Great Zhou like this might still be a good thing for people.

However, this matter had nothing to do with him.

He carefully observed the process of the court's offering, with only one purpose in mind: to continue looking for opportunities to find a way to die. Now that he had finished watching, it must be said that he had harvested quite a bit.

Immediately after the discussion on state affairs ended, Ji Mingyue raised her hand and an eunuch stepped forward to proclaim the imperial edict.

"Seal Officer Ye Ning, step forward to receive the order!"

Liu Jin hurriedly reminded him.

"Lord Ye, quickly go!"

Ye Ning was a bit confused.

What does this have to do with me?

Nonetheless, he proceeded forward.

He only heard the eunuch babbling on for quite some time, praising his bravery and courage, but finally getting to the point.

"...The imperial edict appoints Seal Officer Ye Ning as the Imperial Censor of the Overwatch Council and the Bachelor of the Imperial Academy!"

After the eunuch finished reading, he smiled and said.

"Lord Ye, step forward to receive the order."

Ye Ning was filled with confusion.


Have I been promoted?