
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantasy
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43 Chs

My spirit of finding a way to die is increasing

The position of Imperial Censor of the Overwatch Council was indeed a real position.

He must went to the Overwatch Council to perform his duties as Imperial Censor.

However, the title of the Bachelor of the Imperial Academy was only an honorary title.

Many intermediate-ranking officials held the title.

Two titles, one was just an honorary title and one was real position, fell down, and Ye Ning's position immediately changed from before.

Only behind him, there was a surge of clear energy swirling around on top of his head for a while.

A green-colored concept also poured into his body.

This was the Dynasty's Fortune.

As long as they were officials of the Great Zhou, they all had a fortune, and their fortune was closely related to the Dynasty's Fortune.

Firstly, there was the Dynasty's Fortune, then there was the official fortune.

Anyway, if even the dynasty didn't have a fortune, where would officials get one from?

Official fortune had five colors, with maid, steward, which was gray.

A low-ranking official who has just entered the imperial palace had a white color.

Seventh rank to fifth rank was blue.

Fifth rank to third rank was green.

Third rank to first rank was purple.

As members of the imperial family, in addition to the color of their official positions, there was also a golden light full of noble aura.

As for the Emperor, that was the unique and unparalleled golden color.

Ye Ning's official fortune was green, indicating that his position was not considered high, only fourth rank.

But thinking about how Ye Ning was just a low-ranking official before, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped to the position of Imperial Censor - fourth rank, this promotion was really a bit chilling.

Many people unconsciously objected.

"Your Majesty, Ye Ning is still young, how can he supervise the Overwatch Council?"

"That's right, according to the old rules, he should practice for a few more years before being entrusted with such an important task!"

"Please reconsider, Your Majesty."

Many people spoke up.

These people had many hostile intentions towards Ye Ning and did not want to see him succeed.

However, Ji Mingyue was resolute and decisive, displaying an impatient attitude and said.

"My mind is made up."

She lazily stood up and said.

"Leave the court."

There was no room for negotiation.

Seeing this, the people did not say anything more.

However, in their eyes looking towards Ye Ning, there was a strong and deep malice.

"Offending the immortal sects is still a dead end, even if you are promoted, what's the use? Isn't it just another path to death?"

"It's alright, there's no need to be angry with a dead person."

"Anyway, the position of Imperial Censor is no longer the same as before, and this position is not easy to handle."

The group of people kept laughing coldly.

They seemed afraid that Ye Ning wouldn't notice their malice and deliberately walked around him before leaving.

"Who are these people?"

Ye Ning wanted to ask, do I know you guys?

If he didn't know them, what was the point of them lingering in front of him?

And what about that benighted emperor, why promote him to a higher position?

"They're all a bunch of shameless people who flatter the Immortal Sect. Lord Ye, you don't need to pay attention to them."

Liu Jin said as he approached.

"So they're targeting me to flatter the Immortal Sect?"

Ye Ning finally understood.

"That's right. Everyone knows that you are the thorn in the Immortal Sect's flesh, sooner or later, the Ascension Sect will not spare you... These people want to cling to the Immortal Sect, but they don't have the qualifications, so they deliberately put on a fierce attitude to intimidate others, hoping to catch the attention of the Immortals and give them a chance to be useful."

Liu Jin spoke disdainfully.

As an eunuch, he had to be very careful in expressing his opinions, but behind the scenes, it was a different story.

Ye Ning rubbed his nose.

Instead of getting angry, he was a little pleased.

"In that case, there must be quite a few enemies in the imperial palace, right?"

He asked.

Having enemies was good.

Only with enemies did he have the danger of losing his life, and only with the danger of losing his life could he die.

"That's right, your situation is not optimistic. In the imperial palace, there are many Rebellious Officials, and righteous people like Lord Ye are sure to be ostracized. I advise you to be cautious in your work in the future."

Liu Jin expressed his concern.

"Especially, His Majesty has assigned you to the Overwatch Council to take office. It's really too cold for snow and too foggy for mist."

Hearing this, Ye Ning became more interested.

"You mentioned the Overwatch Council, what is it exactly?"

Liu Jin was a little surprised that Ye Ning, who was familiar with the dynasty, was still "ignorant" about this.

But he patiently explained.

Through his explanation, Ye Ning finally understood what his position was.

First of all, there was the Imperial Censor, a position that has existed in many Dynasties.

According to Ye Ning's understanding, the Imperial Censor was a specialized official responsible for monitoring and supervising the court officials, as well as the words and deeds of the Emperor.

In simple terms, the one who scolded.

If someone made a mistake, the Imperial Censor would scold that person.

The job of the Imperial Censor was to scold people.

However, the Overwatch Council was not as simple as that.

In the reign of the Great Zhou Taizu, the Overwatch Council was established independently of the Six Ministries.

Its responsibilities included supervising the court officials, handling important cases, and listening to the grievances of the people.

It could be said to be extremely glorious.

Many years ago, the Overwatch Council made rebellious officials tremble in fear just by hearing its name.

This could be seen from the prestige of the Overwatch Council.

However, up until now, the Overwatch Council has long been in decline, and its former prestige has become a thing of the past.

According to what Liu Jin said, the Overwatch Council is now a forgotten and dilapidated place, with only a name and no one considering it as anything important.

The officials in the Overwatch Council were arranged from top to bottom, with the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Imperial Censor, and the Official.

In other words, in terms of power, Ye Ning was one of the top three officials in the Overwatch Council.

"The Overwatch Council?"

Ye Ning's eyes moved, a thought emerged in his mind.

"It's somewhat interesting."

"The spirit of finding a way to die is increasing in me again."