
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Cruel eunuch

Early the next morning, Ye Ning was still in a daze, but was awakened by Uncle Huang's call.

"Young master, wake up quickly, it's time for the court!"

Go to the court?

Ye Ning sat up.

At this moment, he remembered that he was still an official of the Great Zhou.

Before, he had nothing to do because Ji Mingyue deliberately gave him a few days off.

But now that the holiday was over, it was time for him to return to the court.

"If I don't go to the court, could I provoke Ji Mingyue and have him chop off my head?"

And yet, this was the first thought that came to Ye Ning's mind.

From this, it can be seen that he was a person who wanted to be played to death by others.

But suddenly, he gave up this idea.

He wanted to die, but he was not a fool.

How could Ji Mingyue kill him just because of this small matter?

He had to move on and look for opportunities in the court.

After dressing up, Ye Ning ran to the imperial palace.

After the Uncle Huang helped him out of the door, he stood at the entrance for a long time, murmuring to himself.

"Now, does the young master need a maid?"

It had to be understood that there were many things that an old man like him with clumsy hands and feet might not do well, and it was not appropriate to do them.

For example, spreading out the bedding for Ye Ning.

For example, helping him wash his face.

Assisting him with dressing, and even warming his bed...

There was nothing but an accidental wish.

This was the society of the past, full of wickedness.

This kind of bed-warming was only the work of a maid.

In the past, Ye Ning was just a low-ranking official, but now he was different.

For the past two days, the Uncle Huang had understood what had happened.

Although he used his limited knowledge, it was difficult for him to fully understand, but he also knew that Ye Ning was different from before.

Now, his reputation was widespread in the imperial capital, he was the idol of countless scholars, and there were many rumors outside that he would quickly rise to become a phoenix, and become rich and powerful....

In the mind of the Uncle Huang, a high-ranking official must have a maid to take care of him.

The young master was about to become a high-ranking official.

And the high-ranking official needed a maid to serve him.

To sum up, the young master needed a maid.

No problem at all.

Of course, Ye Ning would not know that Uncle Huang was thinking about such weird things.

He entered the imperial palace through the Black Tortoise Gate.

The imperial palace had four gates in total, named after The Four Divine Beasts, in order of Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Azure Dragon.

It is said that in the past, these four gates were part of a fortress within the entire palace, including trap formations and spell formations.

With this great formation, no one could penetrate the imperial palace.

Even if cultivators wanted to enter the imperial palace, they had to report their arrival because they could not use their cultivation techniques or fly.

Anyone who dared to act beyond the limits would be immediately destroyed by the great formation.

At that time, the Great Zhou was dominant.

But now, the great formation have been destroyed and become history.

It is said that the great formation was divided into four parts and taken away by four immortal sects.

Now, the four gates of Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Azure Dragon are just ordinary gates.

Just from one gate, one could feel the rise and fall of a dynasty.

He entered the imperial palace and arrived at the Golden Chimes Hall.

This place was very familiar to him, and as soon as he entered, he automatically went to a corner and leaned against the wall, feeling quite comfortable.

Today, he was not the anonymous person he used to be.

Many people paid attention to him, with admiration, envy, resentment, and disdain.

People's hearts were complicated, and everyone had their own way of thinking.

"Old Liu, is it you?"

Ye Ning saw a familiar person and his eyes lit up.

He patted the person's shoulder warmly.

This person was Liu Jin.

The words "Old Liu" from Ye Ning made him feel very close.

He could feel that Ye Ning harbored no prejudice against him.

In this world, that was a rare thing to come by.

As an eunuch, he had an incomplete body and was inherently susceptible to discrimination from others.

The literati looked down on him, and the military despised him.

Even those of his own kind regarded themselves as inferior.

This kind of sensitivity and insecurity often led to twisted personalities among eunuchs.

But Ye Ning was different.

He addressed him as "Old Liu" without any sarcasm or discrimination, treating him as an equal.

It was the first time that Liu Jin had ever encountered such warmth and friendliness.

His heart warmed, and he greeted Ye Ning with a smile.

"Oh, Old Liu, why did you change your clothes?"

Ye Ning noticed the difference.

The clothes Liu Jin had worn that day were the lowest-ranking green clothes, and they looked very shabby.

But now he was wearing a blue robe with exquisite craftsmanship, made of high-quality silk.

And the aura around him was different too.

"His Majesty ordered me to serve in the imperial library."

Liu Jin said with a smile.

The imperial library?

Ye Ning was no fool and understood what that meant.

To be able to serve in the imperial library was the highest honor for an eunuch.

It meant that the emperor trusted him and often kept him by his side.

This was undoubtedly an eunuch's greatest achievement.

"Well done, Old Liu. You've become quite impressive in just a few days."

Ye Ning was happy for Liu Jin.

Although he was an eunuch, he had some love for the dynasty, just a little cowardly.

But compared to those who forgot their essence and sold out their dynasty, he was much better.

It was the right thing to promote someone like him.

"It's all beneficial, all beneficial."

Ye Ning laughed naively.

Actually, Liu Jin didn't know what "beneficial" meant, but he knew it was a good word, so he went along with it.

He understood that the reason he could be promoted to the position of eunuch in the imperial library was ultimately thanks to the blessing of Ye Ning.

Ji Mingyue found out that Ye Ning and Liu Jin stood together and even had some exchanges before.

So when he asked Liu Jin in detail, he was favored by Ji Mingyue, which made him rise like a kite in the wind.

Liu Jin understood that his fate had changed because of Ye Ning.

Ye Ning was a hero and his benefactor.

He survived in the imperial palace and couldn't really be a fool, right?

It must be remembered that those who didn't have foresight in the imperial palace couldn't survive.

Therefore, don't look at him laughing so fiercely outside, but he had his own thoughts in his heart.

"I am just an useless eunuch and can't do anything for Lord Ye. But I am in the imperial palace, and I still have some information. If someone wants to harm Lord Ye, I will definitely not stand by and watch!"

Liu Jin understood better than others that the imperial palace was a place where people ate people.

So many evil schemes and tricks began to brew inside the imperial palace.

His bravery may not be great, but he willingly helped Ye Ning avoid danger.

When meeting an old acquaintance, Ye Ning smiled happily.

He would never know that the eunuch in front of him appeared to be decent but had "malicious thoughts" brewing in his mind.