
Idol System Project in Martial World

Idol System Project in Martial World immerses readers in the remarkable journey of Calvin Chua, also known as "Avin," a Filipino-Chinese K-pop idol thrust into an unimaginable adventure. Following a plane crash during his return from an international concert tour, Avin awakens in a strange cabin, unscathed but transported to a martial world. In this enigmatic realm, Avin encounters the "Survival Idol System in Martial World," an AI entity tasking him with a groundbreaking mission: introducing idol culture to the martial universe. Equipped with his dance skills and charismatic persona, Avin must navigate the challenges of this unforgiving world, blending his artistry with newfound martial prowess to pioneer the fusion of two disparate cultures. As Avin grapples with the perils of this new reality, he reflects on his past—a journey defined by sacrifice, determination, and the unwavering support of his family. Despite the physical distance, Avin's bond with his parents serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, propelling him forward in the face of adversity.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Martial League Preliminaries (2)

Chaos erupted as participants resorted to forceful tactics, snatching silver medals from one another in a frenzy. The once orderly assembly of martial artists shattered into a chaotic mess, with everyone either fighting to obtain the required silver medals or fiercely defending their own. Avin's senses sharpened as he noticed someone attempting to snatch his silver medal. Luckily, his decision to allocate some of his remaining attribute points to his evasion stat proved to be invaluable. With nimble movements and swift dodges, he managed to evade the grasp of other participants, navigating through the chaos with ease.

"Surviving won't be enough if I'm just dodging," Avin mused, realizing the limitations of his current strategy. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly retreated from the chaotic battleground where participants clashed for silver medals. Seeking refuge in the dense marshland nearby, he took a moment to gather his thoughts and devise a new plan.

"I can't rely on evasion alone, and facing the mob head-on is out of the question," Avin contemplated, weighing his options. "Yet, I still need to acquire four silver medals somehow."

Avin recalled the System's Heavenly Stores, offering a variety of valuable goods and skills, but requiring a hefty amount of attribute points for purchase. With almost all his attribute points allocated, he faced a dilemma: resorting to desperate measures like snatching silver medals, or even worse, potentially harming others. He understood the harsh reality of this unforgiving world, where survival demanded drastic actions. However, he hesitated, torn between cleverly seizing medals or succumbing to the inevitable brutality of this barbaric realm.

As Avin's mind wandered, a lone cultivator spotted him concealed among the tall grass blades. The cultivator's grin widened, realizing this might secure him the last silver medal he needed. With purposeful strides, he approached Avin's hiding place, intent on dispatching him then and there.

Silently closing the distance, the lone cultivator lunged at Avin from behind, axe poised for a lethal strike.

"Crane Sword Swift!" he bellowed, but before his blade could find its mark, Avin vanished like smoke, leaving the attacker bewildered and grasping at air.

Confusion clouded the lone cultivator's mind as he scanned the area, searching for any sign of his elusive target. Unbeknownst to him, Avin's recently acquired passive skill, [Heightened Senses], had been activated. This ability not only expanded Avin's perception range by three meters but also granted him the foresight to sense danger moments before it struck.

In this critical moment, Avin fully comprehended the perils of surviving in this ruthless realm. It became clear that unless he defended himself against such adversaries, success would remain elusive. Fueled by determination, Avin initiated a formidable counterattack against the lone cultivator. Leveraging the System's Inspection feature, he gained insight into the cultivator's stats, level, and health points.

[Name: Shin Baekhyeon]

[Job: Rogue Cultivator]

[Qi Refining Stage Lvl. 2]

[HP 15/15]

Confronted by Shin Baekhyeon, a level 2 rogue sword cultivator in the early qi refining stage, Avin meticulously gauged his adversary's strengths. The System's Inspection feature revealed the stark truth—Baekhyeon was a rogue cultivator, with his moves and martial soul technique still at level 1. Sensing an opening, Avin promptly unleashed the [Enigmatic Palm Strike], sending Baekhyeon hurtling over a large tree trunk and inflicting 8 points of damage in an instant.

[HP 7/15]

Seizing the advantage, Avin closed the gap, unleashing the [Wind Slash] skill with expert precision. In a fluid motion, his sword sliced through the air, conjuring a tempestuous gust that engulfed Baekhyeon, dealing a devastating blow of 15 damage. The force of the attack was overwhelming, swiftly bringing about Baekhyeon's demise.

[HP 0/15]

[Cultivator Shin Baekhyeon died!]

[Congratulations! Host received +10 Attribute Points!]

[Congratulations! Host received an additional 50 exp!]


Avin's eyes widened in surprise as the System message flashed before him, announcing his unexpected reward of +10 Attribute Points and an additional 50 experience points. "Woah! This is quite unexpected!" he exclaimed, taken aback by the system's sudden generosity. Yet, as he pondered further, Avin realized the logic behind it—a common occurrence in online games. In defeating his opponent, he had earned both points and rewards, akin to looting fallen enemies. With the lone cultivator defeated, Avin found himself in possession of four silver medals, acquired in an instant.

[You received 4 Silver Medals!]

[Congratulations Host! You completed the sub-mission #1!]

[You received 25 exp.]

[You received additional +10 Attribute Points!]

Excitement surged through Avin as more System messages flooded the screen. Another +10 Attribute Points were added to his pool, bringing forth a surge of power within him. The prospect of reaching level 3 was tantalizingly close, with only 20 more experience points needed to achieve this milestone. Determination sparkled in Avin's eyes as he eagerly anticipated the challenges and rewards that lay ahead on his cultivation journey.

With a sense of anticipation, Avin scavenged through the remains of the fallen cultivator. Among the items he discovered were a pair of [Synthetic Leather Boots] and a [White Saber Tooth Pendant]. Curiosity piqued, he examined the items closely, wondering what properties or benefits they might offer him on his journey.

[Synthetic Leather Boots]

[Trash Class]

[Evasion +5]

[Description: appeared worn and weather-beaten, their once vibrant color now faded to a dull hue. Despite their humble appearance, these boots boasted surprising durability, crafted from a resilient material designed to withstand the rigors of travel and combat. While they lacked the prestige of higher-tier equipment, their practicality made them a reliable choice for adventurers navigating treacherous terrain.]

With a satisfied nod, Avin laced up the [Synthetic Leather Boots], feeling their surprisingly comfortable fit. Despite their unassuming appearance, he couldn't deny the value of the additional +5 evasion they offered. Ready to press forward, he set out once again, feeling a newfound confidence in his agility and mobility.

Avin hastily examined the description for the [White Saber Tooth Pendant].

[White Saber Tooth Pendant]

[Rare Class]

[Physical Defense +10%]

[Description: exudes an aura of ancient mystique, crafted from a gleaming ivory material that seems to emanate a faint, ethereal glow. Intricate carvings adorn its surface, depicting scenes of primal strength and resilience. Despite its modest size, it carries an undeniable air of significance, hinting at its potent capabilities.]


With a sense of excitement, Avin celebrated his acquisition of another valuable item. Hastily, he adorned the [White Saber Tooth Pendant], eager to experience its additional effects. Satisfied with his newfound gear, he wasted no time and swiftly proceeded to the designated location for the second round of the preliminaries