
Idol System Project in Martial World

Idol System Project in Martial World immerses readers in the remarkable journey of Calvin Chua, also known as "Avin," a Filipino-Chinese K-pop idol thrust into an unimaginable adventure. Following a plane crash during his return from an international concert tour, Avin awakens in a strange cabin, unscathed but transported to a martial world. In this enigmatic realm, Avin encounters the "Survival Idol System in Martial World," an AI entity tasking him with a groundbreaking mission: introducing idol culture to the martial universe. Equipped with his dance skills and charismatic persona, Avin must navigate the challenges of this unforgiving world, blending his artistry with newfound martial prowess to pioneer the fusion of two disparate cultures. As Avin grapples with the perils of this new reality, he reflects on his past—a journey defined by sacrifice, determination, and the unwavering support of his family. Despite the physical distance, Avin's bond with his parents serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, propelling him forward in the face of adversity.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Martial League Preliminaries (1)

At the venue, prominent figures and talented martial artists from all corners of the martial world mingled together, their anticipation palpable in the air. Some radiated excitement, eager for the challenges that lay ahead, while others seemed tense, their nerves betraying the gravity of the event.

For many, this annual gathering wasn't just about winning a title—it was a testament to their courage and skill, a chance to prove themselves as worthy martial warriors. Each participant understood the significance of the event, recognizing it as a pivotal moment in their journey towards mastery. With determination in their hearts and determination in their eyes, they awaited the announcement that would set their fate in motion.

Moments later, a young gentleman arrived, accompanied by a group of attendants who trailed behind him like a retinue of loyal followers. It was clear to all that this young master held esteemed status, likely hailing from a renowned clan.

"Is that the young master of the Namgoong Clan?" whispered one participant, their voice filled with reverence.

"Yes, indeed!" came the hushed reply from another.

"That's Namgoong Jin! I've heard he's a true prodigy. Achieving Spiritual Convergence Stage at such a young age with a Divine Soul body—remarkable!"

Meanwhile, Avin overheard a nearby conversation that sent a wave of uncertainty through him.

"Ah," sighed a defeated voice.

"This hardly seems fair! Why is Ming Yawen, the Ice Priestess of the Ming Family, here as well?"

Ming Yawen, renowned for her mastery of the Mystical Ice Jade Martial Soul, was a formidable opponent, widely regarded as a genius in her own right. Avin felt a twinge of apprehension wash over him as he listened to these discussions, his confidence waning in the face of such formidable competition.

Mystical Ice Jade Martial Soul is a legendary form of martial arts that harnesses the power of ice and frost to devastating effect. Originating from the ancient Ming Family, renowned for their mastery over the elements, this martial art style is steeped in mysticism and tradition.

The techniques of Mystical Ice Jade Martial Arts are said to have been passed down through generations of Ming Family disciples, each refining and perfecting the art to its current formidable state. Characterized by fluid movements and precise strikes, practitioners of this martial art wield their icy powers with grace and finesse.

The essence of Mystical Ice Jade Martial Arts lies in its ability to manipulate and control the frigid energy of ice, allowing practitioners to freeze opponents in their tracks, create blizzards of razor-sharp ice shards, and even summon mighty ice constructs to aid them in battle.

As one of the most revered martial art styles in existence, Mystical Ice Jade Martial Arts commands respect and fear wherever it is encountered. Its origins shrouded in myth and legend, it remains a symbol of the Ming Family's ancient lineage and unparalleled mastery over the elemental forces of ice.

[Host, don't become anxious]

Sis reassured Avin, her voice a calming presence in his mind.

[You only need to reach the finals. Right now, you're in the preliminaries. Focus on making your way through the qualifying round, and you may just find yourself in the final round.]

[Trust Me.]

Sis continued, her tone encouraging.

[Do your best to learn and improve as the competition progresses.]

Avin took a deep breath, trying to heed Sis's advice and calm his nerves. This feeling of anxiety was new to him, unlike anything he'd experienced during his trainee days as an idol. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, he couldn't help but notice a familiar pattern emerging—the presence of undeniable talent and genius individuals, much like those he'd encountered in the world of K-pop. It seemed that, in both worlds, excellence was a constant.

As Avin's gaze swept over the crowd, he caught sight of the Grandmaster, a figure of eminence and authority, ascending the stage platform with a dignified grace. Clad in robes of deep azure, adorned with intricate golden embroidery that glimmered in the light, the Grandmaster exuded an aura of wisdom and strength.

His silver hair, swept back in a regal manner, framed a weathered face marked by the passage of time and countless battles. Yet, despite the lines etched upon his visage, there was a vitality in his piercing eyes, sharp and discerning, as if they held the wisdom of ages.

With each step, the Grandmaster emanated an air of quiet confidence, his presence commanding the attention of all who beheld him. As he reached the podium, he stood tall and imposing, a symbol of authority and reverence in the martial world.

"Welcome, young cultivators, to the annual Martial League tournament!" Grandmaster Gao's voice echoed across the venue, his words carrying an air of authority.

"Today marks the beginning of a journey for many of you, a journey that will test your skills, your determination, and your spirit."

Avin glanced around, noticing the intense focus on the faces of the other participants. Some looked eager, ready to prove themselves, while others seemed nervous, their eyes betraying their inner doubts.

"As you embark on this path, remember that victory is not just about strength and power," Grandmaster Gao continued, his tone solemn yet encouraging.

"It is also about wisdom, strategy, and resilience. In the face of adversity, true champions rise above, their spirits unyielding."

Avin felt a surge of determination welling up within him. Despite his uncertainties, he knew that he had to give it his all. This tournament was not just about winning; it was about proving himself in this unfamiliar yet strangely familiar world.

"Now, for the first part of our competition..." Grandmaster Gao Dingbang's voice echoed across the venue, commanding the attention of all present.

A hush fell over the crowd as the Grandmaster revealed the challenge for the preliminaries.

"Collect 5 Silver Medals from every participant," he declared, his words carrying weight and authority. "Obtain a Silver Medal to qualify for the next round. Remember, your Silver Medal is your key to the competition. Guard it well to progress, or risk elimination."

The participants exchanged determined glances, understanding the importance of securing their Silver Medals to advance in the tournament.

As Grandmaster Gao Dingbang's announcement settled over the crowd, murmurs and whispers rippled through the gathered martial cultivators.

"Five Silver Medals? That's quite the task," one participant muttered, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

Another, more confident, voice chimed in, "Well, it shouldn't be too difficult. We've trained hard for this moment."

Avin glanced around, noting the varying reactions among his fellow competitors. Some appeared determined, their eyes gleaming with ambition, while others wore expressions of uncertainty, clearly daunted by the challenge ahead.

[Sub-mission #1: Collect 5 silver medals to enter qualifying round.]

[Success: Receive 25 exp and additional 10 attribute points.]

[Failure: Halves your current stats and immediately experience a Cultivation rebound.]

[Warning! Failure will lead to significantly more challenging cultivation.]

Avin's heart raced as he read through the pop-up messages, each word sending a shiver down his spine. He muttered to himself,

"This is no ordinary competition... The consequences of failure are severe."

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he clenched his fists and whispered,

"I can't afford to fail. I have to do whatever it takes to succeed." With determination fueling his every move, Avin braced himself for the daunting task ahead, ready to face whatever challenges the tournament threw his way.