
Idol System Project in Martial World

Idol System Project in Martial World immerses readers in the remarkable journey of Calvin Chua, also known as "Avin," a Filipino-Chinese K-pop idol thrust into an unimaginable adventure. Following a plane crash during his return from an international concert tour, Avin awakens in a strange cabin, unscathed but transported to a martial world. In this enigmatic realm, Avin encounters the "Survival Idol System in Martial World," an AI entity tasking him with a groundbreaking mission: introducing idol culture to the martial universe. Equipped with his dance skills and charismatic persona, Avin must navigate the challenges of this unforgiving world, blending his artistry with newfound martial prowess to pioneer the fusion of two disparate cultures. As Avin grapples with the perils of this new reality, he reflects on his past—a journey defined by sacrifice, determination, and the unwavering support of his family. Despite the physical distance, Avin's bond with his parents serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, propelling him forward in the face of adversity.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: Martial League Preliminaries (3)

Grandmaster Gao Dingbang surveyed this year's Martial League participants with keen interest. As usual, the field was filled with promising cultivators, each vying for recognition and success in the tournament.

"It seems the Namgoong Clan is poised for another dominant performance in this year's selection," remarked Liu Meitong, headmistress of the Moonlight Sect.

"Ah, but let's not overlook the potential of the ice priestess from the Ming Clan," countered Master Simu of the White Lightning Sect.

The Sage Master, however, scoffed at their assessments. "Nonsense! These youngsters rely too much on their family backgrounds. True genius comes from resilience and innovation, not mere privilege."

"Everyone, please, let's remain calm," Grandmaster Gao Dingbang interjected diplomatically. "While we may have differing opinions, let's remember to observe and appreciate the talents each participant brings to the table. This year's cohort may surprise us yet." His words brought a sense of unity to the diverse group of Martial League heads.


With 20 attribute points still unallocated, Avin gained access to the heavenly shops within the system. Sis's screen message promptly appeared, offering a variety of suggestions for him to consider.

[Celestial River Shop]

[Xiao Yan's Hotpot and Tea]

[Mighty Lion Winery]

[Vermilion Bird Trading Center]

[Morning Dew Pharmacy]

[Mysterious Dusk Agency]

As Avin tapped into the heavenly divine shops, a plethora of services and items emerged before him. After browsing through the options, he opted to explore the accessories available at the [Celestial River Shop]. Although most of their items were budget-friendly, they only offered common-class goods.

Avin's eyes landed on a set of Vitality Vials—a well-known health replenisher that boosted one's vitality.

[Vitality Vials] (x10)

[Common Class]


[Effect: replenish one's vitality by 5 points.]

[Description: Crafted from the pristine waters flowing from the sacred springs of the celestial realm, infused with the essence of heavenly qi. Imbibing this elixir revitalizes one's life force, offering a taste as sweet and aromatic as freshly bloomed rosebuds.]

[Exchange for 5 attribute points?] 

Avin recognized the value of health potions, especially with the upcoming events looming ahead. Without hesitation, he purchased the Vitality Vials and tapped the [Yes] icon. In an instant, he received a set of the potent health replenishers.

Satisfied with his purchase, Avin reflected on his strategy. It was clear to him that he couldn't spend attribute points recklessly, as their primary purpose was to enhance his stats. For now, he decided to conserve them and focus on preparing for the next missions.

Closing the heavenly divine shops, Avin wasted no time and made his way to the Martial League officials to present the five silver medals he had collected.

Upon arriving, he couldn't help but notice the significant reduction in participants. From the initial 10,000, only about 1,000 remained, indicating the intensity of the preliminary rounds. Undeterred, Avin approached the Martial League officer and proudly displayed his collection of silver medals.

The official nodded approvingly, taking the medals and exchanging them for a golden amulet adorned with intricate dragon marks at its center. Eager to learn more about his new acquisition, Avin used the system's inspect feature to examine the amulet and uncover its properties.

[Divine Golden Dragon Seal]


[Legendary Class]

[Description: A radiant amulet forged from pure gold, intricately engraved with celestial symbols and adorned with a sparkling gemstone at its center. Legends tell of its origins, crafted by ancient divine beings to bestow the wearer with the blessings and protection of the Golden Dragon, a symbol of wisdom, power, and good fortune. Possessing the seal grants the wearer enhanced abilities, divine guidance, and a heightened sense of intuition, making it a coveted artifact sought by heroes and adventurers alike in their quest for greatness.]

"This amulet is quite impressive. It might hold significant value, much like the silver medals, in the upcoming events," Avin mused, marveling at the intricate design of the golden accessory. With a sense of reverence, he carefully stored the amulet in his sub-space ring, ensuring its safekeeping for future use.

As he stepped through the fortified iron gate, Avin marveled at the sheer size of the Martial League hall. The noticeable decrease in participants hinted at the rigorous filtering process of the first mission, culling the weakest contenders. Continuing his stroll, he caught sight of a figure that triggered a sense of familiarity.

"Hmm... Could that be Daniel Nguyen?" Avin muttered to himself, a fond smile tugging at his lips. Memories of his dear friend from Earth flooded back—Daniel Nguyen, a Vietnamese member of the K-pop group Goodie Bois. Despite his petite frame, Daniel possessed an audacious spirit, often engaging in playful antics, like playful smacks shared among their age-line group.

Hien Ruan was taken aback as a young man suddenly chuckled beside him. Irritation flickered across his face, assuming the stranger was mocking his stature. Ever since he entered this harsh world, Hien Ruan had endured countless instances of ridicule due to his height. Despite the hurtful remarks, he usually brushed them off, opting to move forward without dwelling on the negativity. However, this time was different—a stranger's laughter felt like a direct jab at his insecurities.

With a surge of anger, Hien Ruan seized Avin's collar, his voice dripping with disdain. "What's your problem? You find me amusing, huh?" he snarled, his eyes flashing with fury.

Meanwhile, Avin stood bewildered, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion. "Did I... do something wrong?" he mumbled, unsure of what had sparked Hien Ruan's sudden hostility.

Amidst the tension between Avin and the incensed Hien Ruan, a sudden burst of sound echoed through the martial league hall, drawing the attention of everyone present. Liu Meitong's voice resonated above the noise as she welcomed the participants to the second part of the preliminaries.

"Congratulations on making your way here!" Liu Meitong's tone held a hint of disappointment as she acknowledged the dwindling number of participants.

"From 10,000 aspiring cultivators, only 1,000 remain..." Her words trailed off momentarily, conveying her dissatisfaction with this year's outcome. "But don't let your guard down. Remember, only the strong and courageous will rise to the top. Are you worthy of that title?" With a sigh, she returned to her seat.

Next, the Sage Master stepped forward, addressing the crowd with solemnity. "The true victor isn't defined by fleeting victories or material gains," he proclaimed.

"It's the one who continues to pursue excellence and strives to be the best version of themselves. That is the mark of a true champion."