
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


"What were we talking about before the sandwich?" Odin asked as he finished the sandwich.

FO walked towards the cube and lazily picked it up. Finally remembering the previous conversation Odin became alerted and was ready to run even if the cube could easily wipe out the multiverse in a second.

"This isn't millennium metal it's genesis iron," FO said as he ate the cube in a bite.

"You monster how many multiverses were sacrificed for that kilogram of that iron?" Odin said as he looked at FO in horror.

"Well a kilo of this has 10^25 atoms and the multiverses are arranged into the form of iron atoms so guess?" FO said as he looked at Odin expressionlessly.

"How has it not formed into a black hole doesn't that break the law of physics?" Odin said as he got even more horrified.

"Dude who said it was a law it's like any war law it's but a suggestion it's like the speed of light look," FO said as he appeared everywhere at once.

"No clones just moving too fast and no I don't have infinite mass did you forget all you were taught in elementary school or something?" FO said from right next to Odin.

"What type of school did you go to the only thing I learned in elementary was how to create an artificial universe using G.S.I."

"We both went to the same school I guess the difference is I'm the one that created every bit of knowledge that you know when I created reality and you are just learning the beginner stuff."

"Hey it's not easy I pride myself in making a good universe!" Odin retorted.

"Dude we literally created the universe we're standing in the difference is you use all your energy to restart it and I don't even have to." FO snapped his fingers as he said.

"How the fuck did you do that!" Odin shouted as he looked around.

"I just rewound time it's simple even you do it all the time." FO rolled his eyes.

"Now here use this to help your future energy problem thank me in a few eternities," FO said as he faded away.

Odin tried calming himself before looking at the drive future Odin gave him.

'Why do I feel like the things in this drive will shatter my sanity?'

'You should probably talk to a therapist if you feel like that I know a good one she's also a good physical therapist.' future Odin said.

'No I'm not doing that again the last therapist killed herself nothing more shocking than hearing the distant sound of a human turning into meat paste when they hit the ground from a 200 story building.' Odin said as he placed the drive in his inventory.

'Oh yeah, what a shame she was quite cute.' future Odin said with false sadness.

'Is that all she was to you don't you feel any guilt with the burden we gave her.'

'One she's a therapist it's her job two she was not a good person ask the little kids she raped and murdered they'll side with me and three do you think I care what value a slab of meat has?'

'What the fuck is wrong with you?'

'And wait what do you mean murder and rape?'


Odin was soon assaulted with memories of many different people each being assaulted by the same person. In a few seconds, he finished the memories and took a deep breath.

'Did you seriously have to add the sense into the memories God damm I feel tainted!'

'Soz I forgot you still aren't desensitized to stuff like this but I got to say it was impressive how she took out 300 people in 2 years.'

'Yea but why did she have sex toys implanted as her cybernetic augments?'

'You tell me I don't know how those people think I'm not a murderer after all.'

'That's the most shitty lie I've ever heard.'

'Ok maybe in a few places law I'm a murderer but in the rest of the universe I'm not so that counts right?'

'What type of universe are you even in?' Odin said as he gave up trying to rationalize what future Odin was saying.

Soon his soul clone had arrived it handed the ring it had and entered his body. Odin checked the storage ring and saw the items he needed. He took out the items and started to make a formation using the energy crystals. It took him four hours before he finished and the formation looked more like the carry to summon the dark lord from a fantasy story.

'Now all you need is the virgin sacrifice hahaha!'

'Ah yes, the young maiden that somehow has humongous assets is a princess doesn't poop or pee and has never even seen a man seriously those fantasy stories make women look like they are something of a fantasy.'

'And then the hero comes and saves her from the dark lord and she falls in love and fucks him wow we just wrote like every fantasy story in a few words damm maybe I should start writing?'

'But I have to say why is it that every female is a beauty at that point what truly makes her special her big tits her ass she's just a simple blueprint that's only a walking talking fleshlight.'

'Tis life a very shitty story.'

'Yup well let me focus on the chant don't what to actually summon a demon I want to teleport.'

Odin calmed his mind and started to chant while using his energy to activate the formation. As he chanted small fluctuations happened in the center of the formation. Soon a huge scar appeared in space and opened revealing a city in the distance.

Odin stabilized the tear and quickly entered the portal. As he entered the other side he felt himself fall as the portal appeared 3 feet above the ground. Landing softly Odin made sure to destroy the formation so the portal would fully close.

Odin threw out a simple grenade from the shop and the explosion scattered and destroyed the crystals around. After the portal closed Odin looked at the city it looked both modern and old.

The best way to describe it was the people and some places had a late 21-century style while the walls and most of the buildings looked like 12-century medieval structures.

'Would I stand out?'

'Doubt it if they ask just say you lived in the early ages it's the realm of death time here doesn't matter there are people here that were the early humans and there's also the last living members of future civilizations.'

'Yes but the people worry me the augments they have can be a problem.'

'If you're jealous that your not cool like them then say it even why are you jealous of those shitty artificial limbs look over there that's guys implant is trying to kill him.' future Odin appeared and pointed at the distance he used his magic to share his vision.

In a remote area of the city a huge buff man was fighting against his own metal arm. The arm easily crushed his organic arm and tried to stab the man it easily overpowered him and killed him. The arm spasmed around before the bioelectrical signals stopped killing the limb.

"See," FO said as he left.

"Yea." Odin said absentmindedly.

From behind Odin a thud was heard he turned around quickly and took a defensive posture. He looked around but found nothing until he looked at the ground and saw a large rectangular box.

'Is this your doing?'

'Yup Ray tech it's the Xeno series so have fun.'

"Holy shit really I always wanted these thank you!" Odin said happily as he opened the box and saw the arms.

The arms looked normal like actual human flesh but he didn't care about the look he cared about the many types of weapons that were stored into the limbs.

'Wait how am I going to implant them I don't have the brain augmentation for them?'

'201-20dfl don't need neural augmentation just take off your arm and place them they'll do the work.'