
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Brisket sandwich

'Hey don't start having an existential crisis it's a waste of time and energy.' future Odin said as he used the energy around Odin to slap his head.

'How can I not when you tell me I have to live for that long even to me that amount of time is incomprehensible!'

'You know what I think you should just suppress your emotions for now.' future Odin snapped his fingers and Odin stopped his rambling.

'Seems even with that mental suppression your rage is still out of control.'

'I'm tired.' Odin said as he sighed and slowly timed resumed back to normal.

"Odin I'm with you so why are you binding me?" the grey soul said as he tried getting out of the soul rope.

"Do you realize that I'm dying from soul exhaustion?" Odin said in reply.

"But how you're a God?" the two souls replied in unison.

"you fucking imbeciles do you not realize I'm human currently all my power is gone and I'm having to use up a lot of energy to even keep myself alive because you two are outside of me!" Odin yelled as he tightened his hold on the sword.

"Then I was about to kill myself instead of making the breaker covenant?" the red soul asked as it fully calmed down.

"You bastard you nearly killed me!?"

'Ok it seems I should fix your mental state if not your just gonna die from rage.' future Odin said as he adjusted odins mental state.

With that Odin fully calmed down future Odin did a very simple thing. which was letting odins rage go at full blast this allowed Odin to actually think rationally for once.

Odin sighed and looked at the two souls.

"Return now," Odin said calmly and deactivated the sword's skill. The two souls quickly reentered his body and Odin quickly tried to breakthrough to the soul formation realm.

For a solid five hours, the village was covered in many apparitions Odin was trying to form his soul double so he could actually be able to use his soul in the physical realm. Around him, the illusion of an island appeared the sea around it was made of blood and the sand was small chunks of flesh.

The trees around were made of flesh and bone. the sun above was a deep black absorbing light around it. slowly the energy started to leak out and a tall figure that was red and grey formed he was meditating above the village. His figure covered the entire village and the energy he exuded scared the villagers.

The figure opened its eyes and red light consumed the surroundings. The villagers slowly fainted form the pressure the only one that didn't was the leader as he was a higher realm than Odin. But he still felt exhausted from the dao that was surrounding him he felt as if his flesh and blood were being drained and torn from him.

This feeling lasted for ten more minutes before disappearing like it was never there. The figure above slowly faded away and Odin opened his eyes slowly.

'Congrats you're a soul formation cultivator now so what's next?'


'You do know that it requires you to be still and peaceful right the two things we lack?'

'I have my way.'

'I see I guess that will work for me that will take a long time but for you, it shouldn't take long.'

Odin bought an item from the system and got up.

"I'll be leaving take this," Odin said as he threw the item towards Jens.

"Where will you be going ancestor?" Jens asked as he looked at the stone of memories.

"Where ever there's a huge population that's where I'll be, good luck on your cultuvation that stone will help you leave this realm see you in the land of the living," Odin said as he disappeared.

A hundred miles away from the village Odin appeared he used his sword to travel the vast distance to the next place. Odin used all his energy to teleport again and appeared ten thousand miles away.

With odins advancements, his absorption rate had increased by multitudes he easily recovered all the energy he used up. A cultivator could easily notice that the surroundings became empty before being filled up with the bountiful death energy.

"This will take to long I guess I'll have to make a teleportation array," Odin said as he teleported into a large clearing.

He did a hand sign and a transparent clone formed behind him. It flew away in search of the material he would need. He felt quite displeased as the system didn't sell energy crystals so he has to either find them or make them.

Energy crystals and spirit crystals were two different things and many times people would think they were the same. Energy crystals were like batteries you couldn't take the energy unless you used it in an appliance like a remote control. Spirit crystals were what cultivators used to cultivate.

Spirit crystals were like energy drinks of course compared to a caffeine rush This gave a permanent increase in energy. both could be used in arrays and formations but energy crystals were energy that held a solid form while spirit crystals were energy concentrated into a crystal or stone.

'So tell me what other technologies should I research?'

'Thought you'd never asked Well first would be a spatial compressor a digitized power source and also a storage for that's energy and data flow you'll have.'

'The spatial compressor is easy I can make one right now but the digitized energy source is something we haven't even figured out is it actually possible?'

'Yes but for now even with Sammy it will take a few billion years so I recommend using space-time as the energy source.'

'Can I use the black hole bomb in the planetary defense system for now?'

'Yes but it's a very inefficient and primitive source of energy is rather use it as a weapon in my opinion.'

Odin bought a tablet and started to draw the blueprints for the items he would need. As he drew the spatial compressor he soon had an idea. If the spatial compressor functioned by making a tune into a lower dimension couldn't he reverse it?

He soon made a spatial amplifier and got to drawing the space-time energy generator. One could consider space-time to be like the sea and objects in it would cause waves. Using those gravitational waves one could produce energy this energy was very abundant as space-time amplified gravitational waves in the fourth dimension.

In his opinion, the generator combined with the amplifier was better than the digitized energy as he could move the generator into the fourth dimension and gain an infinite energy source. All he needed was a dimensional node to be able to transfer the power into the lower dimension.

'That is a massive energy expense it won't work as you will have to deal with an infinite amount of energy this will cause an overload that would wipe out the universe in a matter of seconds.'

'Then what do I do to stop that?'

'Digitize you really don't know the power that can be obtained from the code of reality with it you can easily rewrite the laws of nature to your will.'

'Here look at this I hope it will give you some inspiration.'

A small cube appeared in front of Odin and fell on his lap. Odin took the cube and looked at it carefully. But to him it was just a black cube it was cold but that was it.

'Look closely.'

Odin brought the cube closer and enhanced his vision with his energy. When he looked at the cube his mouth widened and he let go of the cube as he ran far away in fear.

"You fucking bastard are you trying to annihilate the fucking multiverse or something!" Odin yelled as he retreated a few miles away.

'It's stable so don't worry.'

"What how can it be stable that fucking millennium metal how do you even have that!"

'Damm your such a fucking pussy no wonder she died.'

"What did you say?'

'I said no wonder you died are you deaf or what?'

"It seems I am but I think you said something you shouldn't have said."

'Like what how I fucked your mom with a brisket sandwich?' retorted

"Damm I want a brisket sandwich right about now." Odin said as he looked at the sky.

'Same here you go.' future Odin said as he gave Odin a sandwich.'

"Doesn't this cost a lot of energy how are you doing that?" Odin said as he started to eat the sandwich.

"You're seriously asking the guy that created reality how he's doing something simple like spatial transference?" future Odin said behind Odin.

(I'm going to call future Odin fo now as it saves time and word count)

FO walked towards Odin while eating his sandwich. He looked just like Odin even wearing the same clothes. The only difference was that Odin had normal eyes while FO had clouded eyes as if he was blind.