
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Another new body

'Why is the instruction Manuel so long and why Is it even a physical one it would be better if it just used flow.' Odin said as he finished the small thick Manuel.

'So you could understand it.' future Odin said.

'Could I not understand it using flow?' Odin asked

'do you know how to speak @=]|£_¥?'

'The fuck did you say?' Odin looked up into the sky in confusion.

'if you couldn't understand that then I doubt you know it but in the most understandable translation in your language it's locia.'


'Basically, it's the last language of humanity during the degenerative era that's why I didn't use flow if I did you would have died from the overflow of information.'

'But I read this book and had no problem with overlooking my mind and even then flow would translate the language.'

'I took out around 99.99999997% of the content in the Manuel and even then flow can't translate real tech speak.'

'You know I once thought I knew everything about the universe but now after speaking with you I'm not sure.'

'You are basically omniscient in this universe but remember the multiverse exists you can be a great painter but that doesn't mean you're a true artist.'

Odin looked down at the case with the arms and placed them on the right side of the case. The case started to transform into a small stand for the arms matching his height.

A small gas was displed from the arms and Odin cut off his right arm. He used his energy to lift the sword to cut off his other arm. After that the stands moved the arms where his arms were originally. The artificial arms started to release a small grey swarm and they quickly devoured the arms Odin had cut off.

The grey swarm moved up his body and entered through his wounds. They started to devour the muscle near the shoulder and started to connect to odins nerves. The swarm started to replace the nerves and slowly made its way all over his nervous system.

Naturally, this process would cause a lot of pain but the anesthetic the stand released made him completely numb to the pain. But of course, after so many lives Odin was mostly numbed to the pain. But Odin preferred the anesthetic to him nerve damage was like an unending itch that you couldn't scratch and he hated it.

Once the swarm finished the arms were placed on his wound and the swarm connected the arms to his body. With that, the stand started to become like the swarm and entered his body through his pores. In between his skin and muscles, the swarm started to wrap around him becoming like a form of armor.

The swarm started to make small neural ports and expanded them just beneath his epidermis. The nanites were trying to fully augment his body with as much as they could with the limited resources it gained from his body.

Odin slowly lost his vision as the swarm started to rework his brain and senses. Using his soul form he saw the swarm devouring his eyes and slowly making new optics for him.

'Now that I think about it this Is more different than I remembered these things to be and also once I return I'll have whatever changes I had here so how will that work?' Odin said as he used soul communication.

'It's tech from the 100th millennium so don't be surprised and yes I've already made sure to fix that problem don't worry you'll like this body more the that other shitty one.' future Odin said.

'100th millennium but humanity hasn't even surpassed the 15th dark age?' Odin said as he started at the restructuring process in confusion.

'Humanity did once rise and nearly accomplished it goal from a small pacifist civilization to a true inhabitants of the stars but that was long ago in the first cycle and no not your first cycle.' future Odin said his tone was filled with melancholy.

'That kinda gives me hope even if now they can't even live past the 15th millennium.'

'Don't after the 60th cycle they haven't even lived past the 26th century the longest I've seen recently was the 31st century.'

'Wow that's a hope breaker so how does earth die this time?'

'May 9 6289 died because Africa released a grey swarm that they illegally obtained form the united American continent.' future Odin showed a view of earth being slowly devoured by a sea of grey.

'Wow that's quite tame isn't it?' Odin said as he looked at the image.

'What about your current one?'

'I don't know yet I left during a pandemic in 2020 but from what I know there's a war so maybe that'll speed up the collapse of 2040 so maybe the ai that Canada made will kill them?' future Odin said.

'I kinda feel bad for Canada every time it's them that get fucked over by ai even the remnants in area-4 got the same treatment by ai quite ironic don't you think?' Odin said as he looked at his newly augmented body.

'Why is it ironic?'

'Cause aren't they the leading nation in ai development because of the collapse the economy suffered greatly and they sped up the ai for a solution creating a machine instead of a living being.' Odin said as he entered his body.

'I guess so.' future Odin said.

Odin slowly gained control of his body and his sight showed a black view with a small red bar loading. The loading time was slow because his metal augments were still not synced in reality the load time would take five seconds but for Odin, it took an hour.

Soon he regained his vision and saw a hud appear. It was a light red in color it showed his vitals on the top left and a map at his bottom right. The HUD gave him a small tutorial on how it functioned and how to use it before it started to tell Odin about the other augments.


Head: Ray-tech Heimdall optics, Ray-tech echo cochlea augments, Ray-tech Midas somatosensory system Ray-tech Mnemosyne drive, cerebellum port, ...

Arms: Ray-tech Xenos 201-20dfl

Torso: neural subdermal armor, organic-inorganic generator, spinal neural interface neromellium bones, bionic lungs, bioplastic blood vessels, synaptic signal optimizer, Adrenaline booster, optical camo, smart link metabolic editor, ....

Legs: reinforced tendons, neromellium bones

Augmentation:35% complete requires more energy to continue ]