
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Urban
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53 Chs

I really want to give up

Odin slowly walked back to the village as he tried to stabilize his newly born nascent soul. As he had fully skipped the realm and reached the peak of the nascent soul realm his soul looked like an adolescent child.

His soul was red as he had successfully integrated his dao of massacre into him. Every step he took left a misty red imprint on the ground that withered the land. As he got close to the village he saw a rabbit in the bushes he quickly caught it and the rabbit die from the essence that covered odins hand.

With the newly gained dao, he could now kill anyone instantly with his presence or touch. The higher the realm the less effective it was at his current realm the chance of instantly killing a nascent soul realm was as high as 53% since he had the advantage with the dao.

Many dao had this ability called the touch of death the dao of massacre had a higher chance of killing than the dao of withering even if they were both under the law of death.

Odin had chosen to learn every dao under the law of death he was already close to the dao of withering as his steps showed. If he gained the dao he would be able to absorb the life essence of anything around him to increase his cultivation.

He was also interested in gaining the dao of tranquility that was under the law of souls. If he gained it he would be able to strengthen his soul to an even higher degree.

'Can I upgrade my dao?'

[yes but I can only do one level each dao is like that]

'I see then how much does it cost?'

[for the dao of massacre it cost 1 million universal credits]

'That's cheap use my treasury to buy it.'

[what treasury?]

'The one from the emp-' Odin slowly realized what he was talking about.

'Haha did you forget that your not home remember to have Sammy contact them it'll save you a shit load of time.' future Odin said as he laughed.

'Never mind once I have the money upgrade the dao level.' Odin said as he continued his walk into the village.

As Odin walked by he noticed that his dao was affecting the villagers. The dao of massacre could only be obtained by killing many people of course for Odin who had killed many he only needed to reawaken it. The aura he released was not much and couldn't even be felt in the realm of the living.

In the realm of the dead, it was different as everyone was keenly aware of the aura of death around them. The villagers felt a heavy aura around them that came from Odin. they only felt a sliver of the amount he had killed but the aura that came from slaughtering a continent was amplified in the realm of death.

The weaker villagers started to hallucinate Odin calmly circulated his energy and suppressed the aura to a bearable degree. The reason he didn't turn it off was just so once he went somewhere else no one would try bothering him as much.

He slowly arrived at the village leader's hours and entered can't. He saw the girl that had guided him here before talking to the village leader. Odin ignored them and walked to the room the leader had given him before he left.

He found a few items and a note on the nightstand near his bed. After reading it he took the clothes and storage ring that the leader gave him. Odin checked the storage ring and found the item he was looking for he took it out and studied it.

It was a small stone that didn't look any different than any other stone. The only difference was that it vibrated in a different frequency than anything in the macro world. This vibration made it stand out from anything as any normal being in the macro world would feel uncomfortable near it.

This stone was called a soul stone it was used to strengthen or heal a soul. With this stone, he could try awaking one of his soul daos. Odin placed the stone in his inventory and then started to regain his energy.

As he cultivated the scent of blood spread out and covered the room. Soon the room was ingrained with the scent and it also had red splotches of blood. Odin was covered in red energy as he cultivated the longer he cultivated the darker the energy got.

Jens entered the room after sensing the energy fluctuations. He did a quick hand seal and the room was covered in an orange light. From behind Odin, a red apparition formed it looked like Odin but he was transparent.

The apparition formed a sword on it's left and right hand and placed them on odins neck. Before the apparition could sever odins head off another apparition appeared. This apparition was grey in color but he looked disfigured as if he was a pile of broken glass that was resembled.

'Dual soul cultivator?' Jens thought as he watched the scene silently.

The red soul quickly attacked the grey soul but the grey one had already launched its attack first. The red soul was launched outside of the house and the grey soul chased it. As this was the realm of death the two souls were seen clearly by the villagers.

Inside the room, Odin shook as the sword started to float towards him. Odin's body grabbed it and his opened wide as he gasped for air. Odin got up weakly using his sword as a cane he slowly walked towards the door but Jens stopped him.

"Ancestor you can't go out like this your body is not in a good condition to reach the soul formation realm right now!"

Odin ignored him and threw out his sword and teleported outside. Odin saw the two souls fighting to the death and causing havoc for the villagers. Odin threw the sword again and appeared near the two souls that had reached a standoff.

Odin used his sword's skill and stabbed the ground. The two souls looked at Odin and saw a string that came out of them and connected with the sword.

"Now we have two maybe three choices 1 I kill you both and then die 2 you calm your cunts and stop fucking killing each other 3 I beat the shit out of you until I'm satisfied what's it gonna be?" Odin said weakly as he stared at the two souls.

"You think this soul lock will work fuck you!" the red soul said as he tried struggling.

"This isn't soul lock it's soul killer," Odin said his voice was getting weaker and weaker with every word.

'Is that a cyberpunk reference?'

'The fuck is cyberpunk?'

' like cyberpunk 2013,2020 red and 2077 don't tell me you don't remember?'

'I'm dying here and you're talking about the future right now!'

'You have like 7 days before you die from soul exhaustion don't worry.' future Odin said as he ignored the situation Odin was in.

'Ok let's focus here is what we're talking about even useful for us right now?'

'Yes it should be.'

'Then tell me what my skill is needed for right now.'

'Well I'm not talking about the skill I'm talking about the name soul kill it's from a game but the technology behind it is quite useful if you tweak it a bit.'

'I see but what does the years have to do with anything?'

'They didn't it's just the title names like 2013 takes place in 2013 that's all.'

'Ok then just tell me what I need to know I can't keep using this much energy on this skill.'

'You do realize it hasn't even been a second since I've talked to you right your mind is slowing down its perception of time.'

Odin looked around and saw that everything was black as his brain was processing less information.

'So as I was saying the tech from that game can actually help you it's basically a primitive soul copy that copies the data from the mind and makes an engram.'

'I see still I don't have the knowledge to make that.'

'Did you become stupider you have a level 10 in science you can at least compete with a preschooler from out home world.'

'What type of kids do we have in the future?'

'I'll tell you after trillions of cycles those kids can easily be the same age as me if not for me being even older than the abyss itself.'

'A trillion cycles can I ask if I can give up?'

'Dude that amount is nothing you still haven't lived that infinite loop with the architects trust me after you reach that point if you want to give up you can it won't even change a thing.'

'I really want to die now how are you even sane after all this?'

'Your talking to a guy that has exited before you the true you I'm nowhere near sane and that has caused a paradox where I couldn't go more insane so I became sane.'