

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

What’s magic?

In a galaxy far far away .....

Since the jedi have found the chosen one the galaxy has become mere chaotic, tensions between the outer rim and the core worlds increase day by day. Padmé Amidala has just stepped down as Queen and is trading to become ambassador for her home planet Naboo.

Meanwhile the jedi council have been investigating any rumours and leads the the darkside user that killed Jedi Master Qui-Gon. Jedi master Dooku has just left the order and troubling news has been brought to the council by the seekers, Jedi whom find younglings.

Force sensitive children have stopped appearing everywhere in the galaxy and even those deemed too weak to become jedi have vanished.

There are dark times in store for the galaxy ….

Short idea.

Harry potter. Boom, blam and done. Haha but seriously you have Harry as the mc, the background and what he's been through is up to you but the basics are; he has outlived the magical sun his world whether by age or war.

He managed to save or collect as much knowledge as possible and has mastered almost all the main branches of magic, transfiguration, charms etc. You can make him more overpowered if you'd like.

He somehow managed to save and take Hogwarts and the surrounding area with him through the, all to common cliche but useful, veil of Im actually a portal not a death door. He has every type of magical creature and plant with him and an army of house elves to help.

Whether you have him bind, willingly, ghosts to help him run Hogwarts, and hogsMeade if you want to do some town building or just to have families close to their kids, orphans and those whose parents are busy(have important jobs etc) can have the standard boarding school experience.

How Hogwarts runs is up to you, but the book of names writes down force sensitive children with Star directions and planet names. Use your epic imaginations to figure out how people get letter.

One idea is that Harry somehow found a way to intergrate the flaming ability of the Phoenix to the magical owls, it's now common for them to teleport but love flying if they can. Because it's just the flaming ability and they are still owls tge can only flame with a letter or package.

Harry opens Hogwarts after a few years of travelling the galaxy to find out information about this new universe, how you want him to do that is up to you.

Another idea is that he wears his overpowered cloak of invisibility and hitches rides around the galaxy and uses mind reading to get secret information and download skills and languages from others minds.

If you want to really have fun with that idea you can make him go through palpatines mind to 'see if he's an incompetent like fudge' he will do it carefully because he can sense that palpatine is magical(the force) and then finds out hes a dark lord.

You can make Harry be uncaring about the galaxy's situation and only care for his students or make him play hero, or villain.

After Harry has studied the history of the Jedi and sith he doesn't want a part of the conflict and so every time a 'magical'(force sensitive) is born he sends a letter and bracelet that hides their magic from detection.

Harry is now the head master and is teaching and hiding the magical kids, the Jedi have no idea but maybe they will find some clues soon, or be clueless till the end.

What happens and how this effects the galaxy is up to you, have fun with it.