

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Gamer system

Short idea.

The system lets you gain anything your game characters has when you finish the game or meet certain requirements.

Example, if you finish the dying light storyline then all the skills and abilities of crane, including his background training etc, becomes yours along with whatever was in your storage and inventory.

Another example, the system tells you requirements for games, like Minecraft 1st reward requirement is beating the ender dragon, then you are rewarded for completing it, which then unlocks the next requirement.

Each play through of a game gives you world points, world points let you buy things from the games that the mc may not have knowledge of or access to. Such as how to make spartan armour, covenant technology etc.

The harder the game that you clear the more world points gained, dark souls cleared would give heaps, clearing dark souls with no deaths would give an insane amount.

Eventually you should be able to buy an upgrade that makes the game a lifelike vr.

There is tonnes of games for this idea so have fun with it haha.