

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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Mass effect aftermath

Not much to this idea, commander Shepard Male paragon, peace between geth and Quarian, cured genophage, tried to save clone.

The romance path of Shepard is up to you, but it is important, you can also choose characters you normally can't for mass effect 3 romance like samara, jack(I think) or even somehow edi( though personally I think she's great with joker), also for those few strange people you could choose eve I guess.

Now that the background is sorted, here is the idea; you are commander Shepards child and he died to defeat the reapers.

You could take this in many directions so have fun, also depending on the mother changes lots of things, Liara is the mother, you gain a power like inspired inventor for science, Tali is the mother and you get one for spaceships etc.

Have fun with the completely changed galaxy!!!

Maybe you invent the warp drive so that the problem of the shutdown of the mass relays is solved by not needing them!!

Maybe you advance robotics to make great and cheerful Jack of all assistants who shout "HELLO MINION, COME AND PICK UP THAT SHINY THING FROM THE TOP SHELF IM MUCH TO FANCY TO JUMP THAT HIGH!!!" Or something haha.

Maybe you get tech to make portals and go to halo, xcom, Star Wars or Star Trek. Have fun with it.