

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

FBI director

I know inter dimensional FBI is used as a joke but what if your MC woke in the void between dimensions and becomes host to the Inter-dimensional FBI system.

How you go about doing the system is up too you, whether you have to personally recruit people of if willing people find a flyer from the system and are summoned, whether they are automatically trained or have to train at the base in the void.

Whether the void connects to many timelines or only the one, example it only connects to one Dxd world not multiple, whether you designate people to be monitored in special monitoring rooms such as issei hyoudo the Brest dragon emperor.

For example the moment he tries to lewd an underage girl , koneko, risers sister or kuonou whom ever meets the specifics you choose. Baaam!!! Your crack fbi team captures him for some jail time.

How you punish offenders is up to you, whether you place them in time diolation prison where they are there for 5 years but only a day passes in their world or you change their body into a 'loli' for a month it's all up to you.

You could also have fun with this, example orochimaru when he goes to bite sasuke Baaam!! FBI team capture him for indecent behaviour to a minor, have a trial with a jury and everything, maybe invite tsnade, jiraya and sarutobi to be part of the jury lol.

or kakashi when he performs the thousand years of death on Naruto, that's very messed up because when you think about it he, an adult man, stuck his fingers deep up a 12-13 year olds bum, that's really bad, a crime really.

All in all you could have a lot of fun with this while helping people such as eri from my hero academia.

Also you can choose whether to make it so that whomever is a designated target for the fbi team is temporarily debuffed into a regular person or if the fbi team is super strong.

Another moment, although I'm a huge fan of dragon ball, dragon ball z, gt and super, and thing master roshi is cool, but well there are moments when he could be taken by the fbi, probably not punished to harshly but still haha.

Also you could really shake the boat it a few worlds, such as trying the Jedi council for kidnapping of children, using child soliders(clones they are only a few years old, and are slaves no matter how cool they are)

Just have fun, go wild, but remember this is a good alignment system/idea. Good luck.