
Chapter: 1516-1520:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1516. Karma Divine Tree | Reverend Insanity

Just as Divine Bean Palace chased after Fang Yuan, far away on a small mound, a young looking Gu Immortal was sitting with his legs crossed.He wore a green robe, he had the aura of a scholar, he looked young but his eyes were deep and wise.It was the person sent by Heavenly Court's wisdom path great expert Fairy Zi Wei, the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, one of the ten great ancient sects, Chen Yi.At this moment, his eyes were shut, his aura was almost entirely concealed, he seemed to have fused with heaven and earth.As he continued to use his immortal killer move, green smoke rose from his shoulders and head.The smoke gathered six feet above his head, gradually slowing down and circulating within itself, forming into the shape of a tree.This tree had a thick trunk and lush green leaves, there were dozens of fruits hanging on it.But these fruits were very weird, they were in all kinds of shapes, colors and sizes. Some were like black peaches, some were pink but large like a basin, some had spikes on them, some had transparent skin, the flesh and core could be seen from the outside.A moment later, Chen Yi stopped using his killer move as the green smoke divine tree faded away.He opened his eyes slowly and thought with certainty: "So that's it."He had already understood the entire flow of events.Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable came after Red Lotus Demon Venerable and was before Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, he was one of the leaders of Heavenly Court.Three hundred thousand years ago, during the Medieval Antiquity Era, Genesis Lotus was journeying in the west.At that time, he had already become an Immortal Venerable, he was invincible in the world, but he hid his name and disguised himself as a mortal Gu Master, traveling the world.One day, he came to an oasis in the desert and was welcomed warmly by the young and old in the village.He met a child, upon seeing that he was a Gu Master, the child begged him to revive his deceased mother."People cannot be resurrected after they die." Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable rejected, he was about to console the kid."Forget it if you won't help!" The child turned around and left with hatred.Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable did not mind it, but suddenly, green smoke emerged above his head, almost about to burst out.He was shocked as he thought: "I created this rank nine immortal killer move karma1 divine tree after gaining inspiration from Limitless Demon Venerable's true inheritance. I can use fate as the soil to take root and use luck as the water to nourish the leaves. I can ignore all disturbances and confusion in this world to find the root cause and effect of matters.""I rejected the child earlier, it was a small cause, on the surface, it is a small matter. But karma divine tree reacted to it, this shows that the small cause will turn into a great and disastrous effect."Even though Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable knew this, he did not go to kill the child immediately."Everything in this world is like a seed planted into the soil, it will eventually grow into a huge tree. With myriad lifeforms, there will be countless trees, creating a dense forest of destiny.""Letting the tree grow naturally without interfering, that is the most natural way, it will allow the world to prosper and stay good.""If I interfere forcefully, it is the same as humanity disrupting the order of heaven, we would be creating trouble for ourselves."Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable was the leader of Heavenly Court, he followed the decree of fate.Humans could not be resurrected, this was the rule set by fate, therefore, even if Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable could do it, he would not revive dead people.Similarly, his encounter with this child was the arrangement of fate, there was no need to resist it."However, once the tree matures and develops the bad fruit, we will have to pluck it and stop evil from spreading. We immortals are merely the pesticide of this world."Thinking of this, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable sighed and left behind his Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace.He did not hand Divine Bean Palace to the child, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable tossed it into the well in the village.But in later developments, the village was buried by a sandstorm, Divine Bean Palace happened to fall into the hand of mortals, and after countless transfers within the mortal world, it ended up in the hands of Qing clan.Qing clan obtained it and recognized this to be Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable's possession, they were extremely happy and arrogant. This angered Spectral Soul, who had yet to become venerable, he engaged in a huge battle with them and slaughtered the entirety of Qing clan, shocking the world.Qing clan's first supreme elder sent the inheritance of Qing clan into Divine Bean Palace at the brink of destruction, concealing it. He also set up a revival method in the hopes of attempting to find a chance of survival.Qing clan was wiped out, but the grudge and hatred in them, the countless Gu Immortal fragment souls were drawn and stored into Divine Bean Palace.As time passed, green ghost desert slowly formed. In this environment, the soul fragments could not revive, but they slowly gathered and fused, into an unprecedented legendary immemorial soul beast.The soul beast had a human nature and deep wisdom, it wanted to take revenge on Spectral Soul, thus, it kept its Qing surname, and called itself Chou1, its name was — Qing Chou!It was a pity that when Qing Chou was formed, not only had Spectral Soul become venerable, he also disappeared.Qing Chou wanted to take revenge on Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's friends and family, but it was imprisoned within Divine Bean Palace.Initially, Qing clan's first supreme elder wanted to find a chance of survival, he made an arrangement within Divine Bean Palace, but had not understood the profundities of Divine Bean Palace.Three hundred thousand years ago, the owner of Divine Bean Palace, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, had made his arrangements, to use this to eliminate a bad effect for the world.The cause of this bad effect was the rejection by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, when he was traveling, to a child who wanted to revive his mother.As times changed, the small cause grew larger and larger, eventually nurturing the legendary immemorial soul beast Qing Chou.Qing Chou was born from Divine Bean Palace, but it was also imprisoned within it.Qing Chou was unwilling to stay imprisoned, for countless eons, it tried to unravel the profundities of Divine Bean Palace and control this rank eight Immortal Gu House.As time passed, Qing Chou spent all its effort on it, and eventually gained some results.It could forcefully manipulate Divine Bean Palace for some time and open an entrance for outsiders to enter.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine were unlucky people who had ventured into Divine Bean Palace and were suppressed by Qing Chou, turning into its slaves."This Qing Chou is truly lucky, not only is it a legendary immemorial soul beast, it can cultivate and nurture many wild Immortal Gu on its body naturally, among them is rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token.""It refined this Gu and gave it to Old Ghost Bai Jun, wanting to use the soul beast army to help suppress Divine Bean Palace.""It is a pity that the moment Old Ghost Bai Jun moved, he met with Fang clan's immortals, as well as Suan Bu Jin, not only did he fail, the matter was exposed.""That Fang clan also wants to get Qing clan's inheritance, Qing Chou might have noticed it and set up this ambush."Chen Yi's gaze flickered uncertainly, he thought in his mind.This situation was much more complex than he had imagined.Originally, he wanted to take over Divine Bean Palace using his predecessor's inheritance, but now, a super force and a legendary immemorial soul beast were involved."It is a pity.""My wood path killer move karma divine tree is still at rank eight level. If it is rank nine, the divine tree would create karma fruits according to my wishes.""By then, I will pluck some good fruits and reverse deduce the cause. I will be able to resolve this problematic matter by targeting its root cause easily."Chen Yi sighed before he concealed his figure, vanishing on the spot.He could only watch this situation now and wait for a chance to strike.In the battlefield, one chased while the other ran."How is the enemy finding out my true body?" Fang Yuan was filled with questions.He did not know that Divine Bean Palace belonged to Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, and was placed here due to the killer move karma divine tree, it seemed to be a random action, but there was profound reasoning behind it.Legendary immemorial soul beast Qing Chou was birthed in Divine Bean Palace, it gained some of karma divine tree's power, turning into obsession that was deep rooted in Qing Chou's thirst for revenge.Thus, Qing Chou could easily discern anyone who was closely related to Spectral Soul.In essence, this was not a wisdom path method but wood path instead.Forget about ordinary wood path methods, but this was a wood path killer move from Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, he had created this incredible move after becoming a venerable.On the other hand, Fang Yuan inherited Spectral Soul true inheritance, it was a burden here.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable slaughtered the whole of Qing clan in the past, that cause was now becoming a bad effect that had been passed on to Fang Yuan.However, even though Fang Yuan's disguise did not deceive Qing Chou, he managed to hide from Chen Yi who was outside the battlefield.Fang Yuan did not materialize reverse flow protection seal, he had modified most of his wisdom path methods too, they changed greatly after the addition of theft path mortal Gu, with the protection of ghost official garment, and the fact that Chen Yi was focused on Divine Bean Palace, it was normal for Fang Yuan to remain concealed.But the problem now was, Divine Bean Palace still chased after Fang Yuan."Isn't this enemy too obsessed? The encirclement was broken by me, but they still want to kill me?" Fang Yuan flew rapidly.Earlier, Divine Bean Palace had crashed into the winged black python immemorial soul beast, it became much slower, Fang Yuan pulled apart by a huge distance as a result.It had regained its speed now, but it was still far from catching up to Fang Yuan."Even though I have reverse flow protection seal, there is no need to continue fighting this enemy. The enemy is after Fang clan, I almost died when I came out to fight, this is sincere enough. And now, this is Fang clan's problem." Fang Yuan's eyes shined brightly, he flew towards Fang clan's rank seven Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall.Within Fallen Flower Hall, Fang An Lei breathed in deeply, she felt great pressure against Divine Bean Palace.But her expression was determined, she instructed the two beside her: "Fang Yun and Fang Leng, assist me in controlling Fallen Flower Hall. We will save Suan Bu Jin first, before fighting with this Divine Bean Palace!"The situation was quite amusing.Qing Chou wanted to kill Fang Yuan, but he did not know that.Fang Yuan thought that Qing Chou was after Fang clan.Fang clan also thought that Qing Chou was after them, Suan Bu Jin was already sincere enough in his actions. In all fairness, they had to fight against Divine Bean Palace now!Even the Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortal Chen Yi had the same thought. In his perception, this Suan Bu Jin was quite unlucky, he actually got implicated in this matter!

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Chapter 1517. Fallen Flower Hall versus Divine Bean Palace (1/2) | Reverend Insanity

Seeing that Fang Yuan had escaped the ambush and entered Fallen Flower Hall, legendary immemorial soul beast Qing Chou roared furiously, its eyes were blood shot, its killing intent was surging, it wanted to devour its enemies.Its hatred towards Fang Yuan had existed since it was created.It was originally made from Qing clan's Gu Immortals' soul fragments, it had an immense hatred towards Spectral Soul, overwhelmingly so.Thus, even though it had humanlike intelligence, when it met Fang Yuan and could not kill him, the hatred within took over.Within Divine Bean Palace, green light flickered, suppressing Qing Chou, but it ignored the light and used Divine Bean Palace to charge at Fallen Flower Hall."Master, I can't continue anymore…" Old Ghost Bai Jun screamed in agony."Kill, kill him, otherwise, you can all die!" Qing Chou roared.Old Ghost Bai Jun's and Eagle Concubine's expressions changed, they had never seen their master so angry, and so filled with hatred against one person!This overwhelming hatred assaulted them and made them shudder, they subconsciously wanted to escape.But they were enslaved by Qing Chou, they could not resist, they had no choice but to grit their teeth, the former mobilized his immemorial soul beasts, while the latter prepared immortal killer moves against Fallen Flower Hall.Once Fang Yuan entered Fallen Flower Hall, Qing Chou was left with only one target, it naturally attacked them.The enemy came imposingly, Fang An Lei steered Fallen Flower Hall as they escaped.This rank seven Immortal Gu House was even faster than Fang Yuan, even though it could not match the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The winged black python immemorial soul beast was gradually left behind, but the flying spider immemorial soul beast was too fast, it tried to enter from Fallen Flower Hall's roof.At the same time, Eagle Concubine screeched as her eagle claws waved, slashing and creating countless marks on Fallen Flower Hall like a rain was pouring down.Fallen Flower Hall could not dodge it now, but Fang An Lei was not anxious, she was patiently waiting.She said to Fang Yun and Fang Leng: "Manipulate Fallen Flower Hall and fly, I will use a killer move against the enemy."Saying this, Fallen Flower Hall burst out with snow-white light under her manipulation.On the surface of Fallen Flower Hall, the countless blooming flowers wilted and died.The snow-white light faded slowly, turning into a huge flower on the roof of Fallen Flower Hall.This flower was even bigger than the roof, the petals were like mirrors, reflecting the light. With a crisp sound, the flower bloomed entirely, it was a beautiful sight.Immortal killer move — Mirror Flower1!The frenzied claw that attacked was about to land on Fallen Flower Hall, when the mirror flower on the roof burst out with a strong attractive force.Ding ding dong dong!With a chain of crisp sounds, the dark claw marks were absorbed into the mirror flower.After absorbing the claw marks, several petals on the mirror flower shattered, but the remaining dozen petals closed up.At this moment, Divine Bean Palace got close.The remaining mirror flower bloomed again, shooting out all of the claw marks.The claw marks landed on Divine Bean Palace and created intense metallic sparks.Divine Bean Palace's advancement was halted, using the propulsion force of shooting the claw marks, Fallen Flower Hall increased its speed and got away from Divine Bean Palace."Oh no, that immemorial soul beast flying spider is about to get in!" At this time, Fang Yun shouted.Even though Fallen Flower Hall forced Eagle Concubine and Divine Bean Palace back, that flying spider had the advantage of a small body, it was attached to a corner of Fallen Flower Hall and tried to squeeze in.Fallen Flower Hall was an Immortal Gu House after all, as a complete structure, the flying spider could not get in even after so long, it was far from reaching the crucial area.But the situation was very dangerous.Once it broke through the surface, the flying spider could get inside.Immortal Gu Houses were made of countless Gu worms, if the immemorial soul beast got in, it would cause great destruction.Gu worms were extremely fragile, the consequences would be severe then.Even though Fallen Flower Hall could self-regenerate, the speed of regeneration could not match the destructive power of an immemorial soul beast.At the crucial moment, Fang An Lei made her move.Immortal killer move — Fleeting Bloom!The mirror flower on the roof had already wilted, but in its spot, another flower grew.The flower was not big, it was quite delicate, once it appeared, it turned into light shadows as it dissipated with the wind.But this mysterious power was locked onto the flying spider. Its speed drastically fell."This wood path Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall is amazing! No wonder it had such an incredible effect during the five regions chaotic war in the five hundred years of my previous life.""The mirror flower earlier was a wood path killer move, but it had the power of rule path, able to reflect attacks. The fleeting flower now is also a wood path killer move, but it has the power of time path!"Fang Yuan was watching inside the hall, his gaze was flickering.Fang An Lei first used mirror flower to force back Divine Bean Palace and Eagle Concubine, before using fleeting bloom to alleviate the flying spider crisis. Her expression was pale and her eyes were seeing stars now, using two consecutive killer moves expended more than just immortal essence!These two killer moves had incredible power, even though they were rank seven, when used by Fallen Flower Hall, they had a trace of rank eight power. Especially against that flying spider which was an immemorial soul beast.But the stronger the move, the greater the cost of using it. Fang Yuan's gaze flickered, he could tell that Fang An Lei had expended her own lifespan!"My Fallen Flower Hall is among the top of rank seven Immortal Gu Houses, but against two immemorial soul beasts, Divine Bean Palace, and two rank seven demonic path Gu Immortals, they are too much to handle! Even after going all out, I could only temporarily defend us!"Fang An Lei's heart jumped, she turned to look at Fang Yuan, thinking: "This person has incredible methods, his pressure was even greater than mine earlier, but he could think calmly during the moment of crisis and find a way out of that desperate situation. Right now, we need his help, otherwise, I would not last long."Thinking of this, Fang An Lei activated her method and transmitted to Fang Yuan.She was too busy dealing with the enemies, she could not speak to Fang Yuan normally, she had to communicate like this.Fang Yuan received this information and saw that Fang An Lei wanted to formally ally with him, to resist this powerful enemy!Fang An Lei talked about the benefits and costs, the two parties had to work together sincerely now, to delay the enemies until Fang clan's reinforcements could arrive.Fang An Lei felt that Fang Yuan could not escape, but the truth was, not only could he run, he had reverse flow protection seal to fight the enemies if he wanted to.But now, Fang Yuan chose to stay for the sake of getting closer to Fang clan and establishing a relationship, so that he could plan for the future."I can escape but Fang An Lei cannot. Thus, this alliance agreement is quite good for me, I need to thank this powerful enemy who ambushed us. If not for them, Fang clan would not ally with me so easily and with such loose conditions too."Originally, Fang clan had suggested the project of impermanence rock, this was still written inside the alliance agreement.Even though they already found Divine Bean Palace, and the impermanence rock was just an excuse, Fang An Lei was quite astute, she retained that original project.Other than the rank six Immortal Gu, Fang An Lei also promised Fang Yuan quite a lot of immortal materials as compensation."The rank six Immortal Gu is not very useful for me, but if I suggest a rank seven Immortal Gu, it would seem like I am extorting them. Immortal Gu are unique, Fang An Lei also is not necessarily qualified to promise it on behalf of Fang clan. Forget it! This is a prime opportunity, I do not need to be greedy and ruin it."Fang Yuan thought about his plan and made up his mind, he told Fang An Lei: "I will join this alliance!"He considered questions rapidly as thoughts surged in his mind, he only took a moment.Fang An Lei was extremely joyful, she was afraid that Fang Yuan would be arrogant and suspicious, but seeing that he decided in an instant, she praised: this was truly a wisdom path expert, he is decisive and knows how to judge the situation well.Fang clan had prepared the Immortal Gu and method for this alliance when they came, the two sides made the alliance agreement rapidly.But now, Fallen Flower Hall was encircled heavily.Boom!Divine Bean Palace came crashing, Fallen Flower Hall's path was blocked and could not dodge in time, it fell towards the ground like a shooting star."Kill! Kill! Kill!" Within Divine Bean Palace, Qing Chou roared, the joy of taking revenge filled its heart. The green light around it had taken solid form and was stabbing into its body, but it completely ignored it.

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Chapter 1518. Fallen Flower Hall versus Divine Bean Palace (2/2) | Reverend Insanity

Fallen Flower Hall was inferior to Divine Bean Palace, with this impact, a huge hole formed on its west wall.Qing Chou descended with rage as Divine Bean Palace attacked again.At the same time, that flying spider also penetrated the surface of Fallen Flower Hall, Fang clan was in great danger now.At the crucial moment, Fang An Lei screamed shrilly as she used the strongest method.Immortal killer move — Empty Valley Orchid!The entire Immortal Gu House started shrinking, in the blink of an eye, it became as small as a child's toy.The moment it landed on the desert, the hole created in contrast to Fallen Flower Hall's original size, was like a tiny fish compared to the lake.At this moment, on the surface of Fallen Flower Hall, countless flower petals appeared, becoming stalks or orchids as fragrance spread out.Divine Bean Palace came crashing, but even though Fallen Flower Hall was right in front of it, it actually had to travel a huge distance to get to Fallen Flower Hall.This rank eight Immortal Gu House was affected, along with Eagle Concubine and the winged black python immemorial soul beast as well.Space was greatly expanded and stretched by several times.Fang An Lei had her eyes shut as sweat rolled down her forehead, her expression was pale, she was trying hard to sustain the move."Amazing! I will deal with the flying spider." Fang Yuan praised, coming out of the hole and flying towards the spider by taking a detour.Under the effect of empty valley orchid, Fang Yuan was temporarily safe, he was in no danger of exposing reverse flow protection seal.Immortal Gu Houses were different from ancient battle formations, within the Immortal Gu House, Fang Yuan could not use his methods, he was an observer. He could only act after he went outside."Let me see if rank eight Soul Beast Token is stronger than my hundred and eighty slaves!"Immortal killer move — Hundred and Eighty Slaves!Fang Yuan's enslavement path killer move was very special, it enslaved higher ranked beasts. Fang Yuan had a soul beast army, he could enslave an immemorial soul beast.But this flying spider was under the effect of rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token.Fang Yuan wanted to enslave the flying spider, he was competing hundred and eighty slaves killer move against Soul Beast Token.Once he used this move, the flying spider immemorial soul beast shook, its speed of infiltrating the Immortal Gu House became very slow."Impressive!" Fang Yun was joyful.Fang Leng's spirits also lifted.Fang Yuan was surging with immortal aura, he activated the killer move hundred and eighty slaves to its limit, instilling the effect into the flying spider.The flying spider struggled intensely, its control was contested between Fang Yuan and Old Ghost Bai Jun, it could not help itself.Hundred and eighty slaves was rank seven, it could not match rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token. But the power of this move did not come entirely from Gu worms, it also depended on the number of soul beasts.Fang Yuan's immortal aperture had a large number of soul beasts, this increased the power of hundred and eighty slaves, allowing it to reach rank eight and rival Soul Beast Token.Both sides were in a stalemate!Fallen Flower Hall had landed in a deep pit in the desert, above it were Divine Bean Palace, an immemorial soul beast and Eagle Concubine, far away, there was a soul beast army with Old Ghost Bai Jun hidden behind two immemorial soul beasts.Within Fallen Flower Hall, Fang An Lei had her eyes shut, she was frowning deeply, her body was shaking intensely, about to fall down.She activated empty valley orchid and resisted a band of rank eight enemies, she was already going all out. Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall was creaking, it could not last against so many enemies."The battle is really disadvantageous to my side." Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with brilliance.He did not display much of his battle strength, most of his methods were still unused. If he went all out, this battle would change drastically.However, if he was careless and exposed reverse flow protection seal, Fang Yuan's identity would be found out, that was detrimental to his plans."I need to disguise my identity while resolving this crisis, what should I do… hmm?" Suddenly, Fang Yuan had a sensation.He saw the flying spider stopped shaking, it accepted the enslavement of hundred and eighty slaves. The power of Soul Beast Token, that was fighting with Fang Yuan earlier, had already disappeared."What is going on?" Fang Yuan turned to look, over ten li away, he could see that Old Ghost Bai Jun was coughing out blood.The reason was, Old Ghost Bai Jun had reached his limits, even though he was trying desperately to continue, he had no energy to spare.Using rank seven cultivation level to manipulate four immemorial soul beasts, even though he was using rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token, it was still an incredible display. But now, he could not continue anymore.Rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token was on par with hundred and eighty slaves, but Old Ghost Bai Jun was not, he rapidly lost in the contest.Fang Yuan laughed loudly, after a few dozen breaths of time, he completely subdued the flying spider and obtained an immemorial soul beast."Senior, good job!" Fang Yun and Fang Leng felt a surge of morale.Fang Yuan enslaved the flying spider, it was out of their expectations, but they did not feel any suspicions.After all, Fang Yuan had manipulated a soul beast army earlier, it was understandable that he had a method to enslave immemorial soul beasts.After getting the flying spider, Fang Yuan controlled it to attack Divine Bean Palace.This immemorial soul beast was not Divine Bean Palace's match, but it had an advantage in its small build, under Fang Yuan's control, it was very useful.However, it was difficult for the flying spider to travel as well.It turned out that empty valley orchid did not differentiate enemy and ally, its effect also affected Fang Yuan's immemorial soul beast."Is it because this move cannot be controlled freely, or has Fang An Lei reached her limits already, like what happened to Old Ghost Bai Jun?" Fang Yuan had a sense of worry.At this moment, he felt something and turned around, seeing two Immortal Gu Houses flying towards them!Eagle Concubine shouted in shock: "Master, let's retreat!!"At the crucial moment, Fang clan's reinforcements arrived."Kill, kill him!" Qing Chou was completely shrouded by rage, it could not think logically, it did not care about the situation or what Eagle Concubine was saying, it only wanted to kill Fang Yuan.Eagle Concubine saw that her master refused to retreat, her expression was pale, thinking that she was going to die here today.Far away, Heavenly Lotus Sect's first supreme elder Chen Yi had been observing the situation secretly, but he was also worried now."Oh no, oh no! Fang clan's reinforcements have arrived, they are all high tier rank seven Immortal Gu Houses, Chicken Dog Coop and Inquiry Dock, if these two join with Fallen Flower Hall, they would create the battlefield killer move peach blossom maze. If I am trapped inside, I would not be able to escape, I would die. Not to mention Qing Chou who is trapped inside Divine Bean Palace, it is unable to use the full power of Divine Bean Palace."Thinking of this, Chen Yi sighed, he showed a helpless expression "To think that my first action in this trip is not to deal with Qing Chou but to help it instead."Saying so, green smoke appeared above his head, forming into the divine tree rapidly.Immortal killer move — Karma Divine Tree!The fruits on the karma divine tree shook, Divine Bean Palace shone with green light, turning the sky jade green.Within the palace, countless green lights expanded, turning from twigs to spears, stabbing Qing Chou from all directions!Qing Chou roared in anger, its hoarse voice carried a feeling of sadness, hatred, anger, and bitterness!"I feel anger, I feel hatred, I am unwilling to give up, I want him dead!!!"It was in a state of madness, an aura of power burst out within it, countless auras of Immortal Gu surged from its body, mixing together into an immortal killer move.Boom—!This killer move was terrifyingly powerful, it shot out and destroyed several huge pillars of Divine Bean Palace, next, the strong impact forced the door of Divine Bean Palace open!Qing Chou roared, it finally saw the outside world through this door.It mustered its strength and tried to get up, its snake neck was outstretched, it opened its mouth and almost extended all the way to its head, it was quite scary.Swoosh!With a soft sound, its purple tongue extended like a sharp blade, stabbing at Fang Yuan with a rapid speed.The surroundings of Fallen Flower Hall were guarded by the killer move empty valley orchid, but this peculiar purple tongue sword was unrestricted, it pierced many layers of space, arriving at Fang Yuan's forehead in an instant.Intense killing intent assaulted him."I'll dodge it!" A sinister light flashed in Fang Yuan's eyes, he followed the hole that was created and went inside Fallen Flower Hall.Puff!The purple tongue sword chased him, crashing into Fallen Flower Hall and creating a hole.But it did not slow down at all, it continued to extend, until it stabbed into Fang An Lei's chest.Fang Yun and Fang Leng were shocked.Fang An Lei stared with her eyes wide open, her body was stiff, she slowly looked down at her chest."Friend!" Fang Yuan cried out in dismay.

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Chapter 1519. Finding Trouble After Plotting Against Them | Reverend Insanity

Fang An Lei was hit by the purple tongue sword, she turned stiff as a rock, her face was started to turn purple as well.That purple tongue sword pierced her body, but it was incredibly agile, it turned around and pierced towards Fang Yuan.But at this point, Fang Yun and Fang Leng had already reacted, they controlled the Immortal Gu House as profound lights shined, suppressing the purple tongue sword and slowing it down.Vines extended and coiled around Fang An Lei's body, the fragrance of flowers permeated as colorful flowers grew, flower petals stuck to her flesh as light flowed into Fang An Lei's body through the vines, healing her.Fang Yuan had a grim expression, but coldness was concealed in his eyes, he was thinking rapidly.Fang clan's reinforcements had arrived, there were three Immortal Gu Houses now, Fallen Flower Hall, Chicken Dog Coop, and Inquiry Dock. These three Immortal Gu Houses could form the battlefield killer move peach blossom maze, it was incredibly powerful.In the five hundred years of Fang Yuan's previous life, during the five regions chaotic war, this move was extremely famous and threatening. Shadow Sect's information also emphasized on this point, informing him to be careful.After fighting for some time, Fang Yuan could tell that this Divine Bean Palace was strange.Earlier, Qing Chou opened the palace door and attacked with its full power, Fang Yuan learned about some truths due to that.It seemed to be an immemorial soul beast controlling this rank eight Immortal Gu House! And it could only fly around, it could not unleash the full power of this rank eight Immortal Gu House.Immortal Gu Houses possessed both offense and defense, a charging attack was the most direct and time-saving method. But Immortal Gu Houses had all sorts of abilities, like Fallen Flower Hall's mirror flower, fleeting bloom, and empty valley orchid, they were all killer moves. Hei tribe's Dark Prison Immortal Gu House also had a method to enslave and store ancient desolate beasts.Northern Plains' Hei tribe was destroyed, it could not compare to a top super force of Western Desert like Fang clan.Immortal Gu Houses were different in power levels too. If the rank eight Immortal Gu House could not use its methods and could only move around and charge, it was not the match of Fang clan's three Immortal Gu Houses.But if Fang clan won and suppressed this rank eight Immortal Gu House, or even obtained it, what could Fang Yuan gain from that?According to their alliance agreement, Fang Yuan would only get a rank six Immortal Gu and some immortal materials.And possibly, after Fang clan obtains the rank eight Immortal Gu House, all four Immortal Gu Houses would forcefully make Fang Yuan sign a new alliance agreement!In this current situation, with the Immortal Gu House in front of him, how could Fang Yuan not have any intention to reap profits?But to do that, he needed to balance the strength of both sides, therefore, Fang Yuan improvised to use the purple tongue sword to weaken Fang clan, getting rid of Fang An Lei.Having set an alliance agreement, how could Fang clan and Fang Yuan plot against each other like this?But the truth was, the alliance agreement was very lax on this term, they barely covered it.Therefore, Fang Yuan was safe after plotting against Fang An Lei!Did Fang An Lei not know about this loophole?Of course she knew!In fact, this was Fang clan's ill intention to begin with.Fang An Lei was thinking of making use of Fang Yuan, the collection of the impermanence rock was a plan to make use of Fang Yuan.Thus, because she had such plans, if she added that clause into the alliance agreement, she would be harming herself!Therefore, Fang An Lei was intentionally lax on that aspect and did not create much restriction on it, moreover, the situation was urgent, even if Fang Yuan found out and raised objections, she could make use of this excuse.Of course Fang Yuan found out!He was so crafty, he had the same plans too, but he pretended to not notice and act dumb.During the intense battle, Fang An Lei did not manage to succeed in her scheme against Fang Yuan, instead, she became the victim."Such guts!""We need to kill this scum!!"Fang clan's Gu Immortals screamed furiously in the two Immortal Gu Houses, they had already learned of Fang An Lei's injury.Chicken Dog Coop and Inquiry Dock rushed into the battlefield rapidly like shooting stars.But before they even did anything, Divine Bean Palace shined with dazzling light.Qing Chou tried its best but could not kill Fang Yuan, it was extremely weakened now, Divine Bean Palace suppressed it forcefully.Divine Bean Palace started to activate on its own, green light spread in the battlefield, sending the fainted Old Ghost Bai Jun, the pale Eagle Concubine, and the remaining soul beasts into the palace and flying into the sky.It retreated!This was out of everyone's expectations.Even Fang Yuan was a little shocked, this was not in line with the enemy's usual actions.Divine Bean Palace flew rapidly, Fang clan's Gu Immortals hesitated for a moment, Chicken Dog Coop stayed behind while Inquiry Dock flew into the sky, chasing after Divine Bean Palace.This Chicken Dog Coop Immortal Gu House had a strange design, it looked like two buildings side by side, the left building was yellow and had a round plaque that had 'chicken' written on it, the right building was red and had the word 'dog' on its plaque.The building's entrance opened as a Fang clan Gu Immortal flew out, entering Fallen Flower Hall and shouting in anxiety: "An Lei, An Lei!"But Fang An Lei's face was purple, she was unconscious.Fang Yun and Fang Leng had tired and worried expressions, the latter expressed his guilt: "We did not react in time, it was our fault."This Fang clan Gu Immortal stared at them fiercely: "Of course it's your fault!"Next, his expression changed as he inspected and found that Fang An Lei was about to die, he shouted: "An Lei, An Lei, you need to persevere!!"He tried using healing methods but they were ineffective.Right at this time, an orange profound light shot out of Chicken Dog Coop, entering Fang An Lei's forehead.The purple miasma on Fang An Lei's face eased as her life was saved, but she was still unconscious, barely hanging onto life."This killer move is very peculiar, it is a soul path killer move but has poison path effect. She is poisoned, I can only suppress her injury, I cannot heal it!" At this time, an elderly Gu Immortal walked in, he had white hair and wore a yellow robe, showing a solemn expression."Greetings, third supreme elder." Fang Yun and Fang Leng quickly greeted."Fang clan's third supreme elder, Fang Hua Sheng…" Fang Yuan thought about this person's intel."It's you! You were the one who hid inside Fallen Flower Hall and lured the attack here, causing my An Lei to be hit by that attack, you are the culprit behind this!!" That Fang clan Gu Immortal who was holding Fang An Lei screamed at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan looked at him coldly, snorting arrogantly: "Who are you?""I am Fang Chen…" That Gu Immortal spoke.But before he finished, Fang Yuan waved his sleeves: "I don't care who you are, if you are unhappy, we can have a fight, do you want a martial duel or a literature duel, I will accept either. If you want to use Fang clan's forces to deal with me, Suan Bu Jin, hehe, you can go ahead and do that."Saying so, Fang Yuan's eyes shined with cold light, he looked around imposingly, his aura was overpowering."Oh no." Fang Leng and Fang Yun's hearts sank, Fang Yuan refused to back down, he was very overpowering, they were afraid that the two sides might get into a conflict.There was nothing wrong with Fang Yuan hiding inside Fallen Flower Hall in their opinion.After all, making good use of the Immortal Gu House on their side was a normal tactic. Not to mention that he was even a wisdom path Gu Immortal.Fang Yuan had saved their lives, Fang Yun felt that he was their benefactor. And most importantly, Fang Yuan played a huge role in the earlier combat, if he did not subdue the flying spider immemorial soul beast, Fallen Flower Hall would have broken apart already.As for the luring of the attack, Fang Yuan might not have expected Fang An Lei to get hit.And in truth, even Fang Leng and Fang Yun did not expect that Fang An Lei could not dodge in time, that was also why they got stunned earlier."Fang Chen, watch your words. Friend Suan Bu Jin is an ally of our Fang clan, we have an alliance agreement and he even fought hard in the battle earlier, how can you slander him?" Fang Hua Sheng's expression changed, he chided Fang Chen.Next, he turned his gaze to Fang Yuan, saying sincerely: "Fang Chen is the husband of Fang An Lei, he is worried about his wife, he did not mean to offend you, friend, I hope you can forgive him."Fang Chen was the husband of Fang An Lei, but he had the same surname?Fang Yuan instantly understood, this Fang Chen had married into Fang clan, he was a lone immortal that was recruited into their clan, after marrying Fang An Lei, he even changed his own surname.After getting scolded, Fang Chen lowered his head and did not dare to scream at Fang Yuan anymore, he lowered his head to check on Fang An Lei, even though his methods were useless, he did not stop trying.Fang Yuan's eyes shined brightly, he thought: "Fang Yun and Fang Leng are worried, Fang Hua Sheng is an old sly fox, Fang Chen is not simple either, as an in-law of Fang clan, he is likely not overcome by emotions, he just had to play his part and act like that because his wife was heavily injured. But it is a pity, I do not fear them."Fang Yuan was fearless, because of that alliance agreement.Fang An Lei had made that alliance agreement on behalf of Fang clan, she had interacted the most with Fang Yuan.If Fang clan went back on their words, Fang An Lei would face the backlash of the information path dao marks. In her current condition, how could she take that?Any bit of backlash would kill her on the spot!This was what Fang Yuan wanted to see.Of course, there were methods to break alliance agreements, but those methods carried risks, they were not completely safe.And even if Fang clan had such methods, in Fang An Lei's current condition, they would be apprehensive to use them.It could be said that the fainted Fang An Lei was Fang Yuan's greatest protection.Fang Yuan was fearless, he sneered: "Friend Fang Hua Sheng, your Fang clan needs to give me a good answer. Otherwise, I will not let this go!""Hmm?" Fang Yun and Fang Leng looked at each other, what was Senior Suan Bu Jin doing by questioning Fang clan now?Even Fang Chen, who was lowering his head, turned to look at Fang Yuan, his gaze had the meaning of 'how could this person be so overbearing, even though I did not provoke you further, you are actually going overboard to find trouble with us?'Fang Hua Sheng also had an appropriate display of confusion and coldness on his face: "What do you mean, friend? Does my Fang clan owe you anything?"

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Chapter 1520. Negotiation Fails | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan snorted coldly, he looked at Fang Hua Sheng without fear, his gaze was cold and his attitude was unyielding.Under everyone's gazes, he spoke: "I, Suan Bu Jin, am a wisdom path Gu Immortal, would I really be so easily deceived? Why did your Fang clan's Gu Immortals fall into Old Ghost Bai Jun's hands? In this battle, Fang clan's reinforcements came at such a timing, you could casually bring out two rank seven Immortal Gu Houses and multiple Gu Immortals. Since when did Fang clan have so many Gu Immortals to mobilize at will?"Fallen Flower Hall turned silent.Fang Yuan had all sorts of wisdom path methods, earlier, he did not have enough information, but now, he could deduce many things from just the fragmented information he had gathered.Fang Chen's expression changed, his gaze turned dark.Fang Yun and Fang Leng looked at each other with awkward expressions.Fang Hua Sheng laughed loudly, worthy of a sly old fox.He laughed heartily: "Friend Suan Bu Jin, you are absolutely right, I am not going to beat about the bush, I'll tell you. This is Fang clan's tactic, for generations, we have plotted to obtain this rank eight Immortal Gu House, we must have it! Friend, if you lend us a hand, we will express our deepest gratitude. See this."Saying so, he took out an information path mortal Gu and handed it to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan took a look, it was another alliance agreement.The rules were: As long as Fang Yuan helped Fang clan to take the rank eight Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace, Fang clan would compensate him with a rank seven Immortal Gu, he would be allowed to choose one from their treasury. There would also be a lot of rank six and seven immortal materials given to him.Of course, confidentiality was the most important point.The information path Gu worm emphasized this, even if Fang Yuan did not undergo the agreement and gave up, Fang clan would not stop him. But he would have to go somewhere and cultivate in seclusion for some time, and follow another confidentiality agreement as well."Oh? Divine Bean Palace, is that the Immortal Gu House created by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable?""Information about this Immortal Gu House is very rare, even within Shadow Sect's true inheritance, there is little said about it.""Fang clan has been plotting for so long, they are actually after Divine Bean Palace.""Rank eight Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace created by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable… Fang clan has put in so much time, resources, and manpower, of course they need the confidentiality."Fang Yuan pondered.The confidentiality agreement was not too much to ask, even Fang Yuan would do so.Fang clan was already very polite, of course, the reason was that Fang Yuan had great strength and was a rare wisdom path Gu Immortal, Fang clan wanted to recruit him.At the same time, because Divine Bean Palace was involved, Fang clan had to be very careful, during this period, any of their decisions had to be carefully thought out, they did not want to provoke Fang Yuan.If this person had any special methods and ruined Fang clan's plans, what would they do?Right now, Fang Yuan's problem was not about keeping confidentiality, but what could he gain from this entire event.The biggest gain was the Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace, of course!Fang Yuan could fight rank eight, thus, even if he was inside Fallen Flower Hall and was surrounded by Fang clan Gu Immortals, it was easy to fight his way out.But to ruin his relationship with Fang clan for the Divine Bean Palace that had yet to be obtained, it was too big of a loss.Let alone whether Fang Yuan could defeat the amply prepared Fang clan, even regarding Divine Bean Palace itself, it was hard for Fang Yuan to suppress it.And Fang Yuan also needed a vast number of soul cores in green ghost desert to cultivate…After thinking about it thoroughly, Fang Yuan decided to play around with them for now, it was too early to go against them. And alliance agreements were not unresolvable.Even if he could not resolve them, Fang Yuan had methods to restrict, delay, and use immortal killer move self cleansing later. Even if it did not work, Fang Yuan could go to Northern Plains and borrow Immortal Gu No and Care to create immortal killer move 'do not care'.Thus, Fang Yuan spoke: "If your clan obtains the rank eight Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace, your strength will rise to the top of Western Desert. Your conquest is in sight, but you are only offering peanuts to me, isn't it too little?"Saying so, Fang Yuan paused and destroyed the information path mortal Gu, he placed his arms behind his back as he said: "Actually, I can be bought over, but this amount is simply too little."Fang Hua Sheng saw Fang Yuan's look of arrogance as he thought: "The intel is right, this person is truly full of himself!"He smiled and said to Fang Yuan: "Oh? Friend, this means you want to participate in this and help our Fang clan? This is naturally better!""After all, Divine Bean Palace originates from Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, it is legendary. How can I not participate in such an event? Moreover, if I do not join, would your Fang clan feel assured with me?" Fang Yuan's gaze flickered.Fang Hua Sheng praised: "Hahaha, you are very understanding. We are not misers, we can negotiate over what conditions you have. However… the compensation must match the amount of contribution, I am sure you agree with that?"Fang Yuan smiled: "Of course, let's settle the scores first. Firstly, even if I do nothing and watch, keeping confidential is already a form of contribution to Fang clan, you need to compensate me for that. Secondly, I saved Fang Yun and Fang Leng, even though I did that on a whim, I undoubtedly helped you in this plan to get Divine Bean Palace. Earlier, I did not want any rewards, but now, I do. Furthermore, I was attacked and helped to defend Fallen Flower Hall, fighting against such strong enemies in a dangerous fight, I need compensation for that too. And finally, even after my efforts, a member of your Fang clan accused me and slandered my goodwill, my mood has been ruined, I also need to be compensated for that."Fang Yun and Fang Leng heard Fang Yuan's chain of words as they went into a daze."Why did he involve me?" Fang Chen was stunned: "And… bad mood also needs to be compensated?!"Fang Hua Sheng's old face was twitching, he noticed that negotiating with this wisdom path Gu Immortal would be a troublesome affair!Fang Yuan listed endless demands, while Fang Hua Sheng tried to lower them.But how could he be Fang Yuan's match?Fang Yuan purposely made all of his claims complex and unreasonable, after Fang Hua Sheng negotiated with him and changed a term, Fang Yuan would go back to a previous term and edit that in retrospect.Using this method, Fang Hua Sheng was soon confused by Fang Yuan's constant changes, he could not continue in this negotiation.But Fang Yuan did not let him go, he continued to advance in his claims.Eventually, their negotiations ended up exceeding Fang Hua Sheng's bottom line."I cannot accept this condition. Friend Suan Bu Jin, you can consider it, I will be inside the Immortal Gu House Chicken Dog Coop, after you think about it, you can find me for the alliance agreement." He left with a dark expression, waving his sleeves and leaving.After leaving Fallen Flower Hall, Fang Hua Sheng entered Chicken Dog Coop.The negotiation failed!Fang Chen took a peek at Fang Yuan, in his eyes, gratification could be discerned.Fang Yun and Fang Leng had complex emotions, Fang Yuan was their savior, but their clan's benefits were involved. They decided to stay silent and did not speak.Fang Yuan smiled lightly, Fang Hua Sheng said that he could not accept it, but that did not mean Fang clan could not accept it. This matter was too important, Fang Hua Sheng left because he could not outmatch Fang Yuan in words, he purposely left, it was a tactic."Hehe, Fang clan is after Divine Bean Palace, regardless of success or failure, I need to set an alliance agreement that benefits me. Firstly, it would show my sincerity, secondly, if I fail to get Divine Bean Palace, this would be my backup compensation."Fang clan sent their third supreme elder, it gave him some leeway.The current Fang clan was governed by the first supreme elder, while the second supreme elder was the strategist. These were the two people in power, Fang Yuan had to set the agreement with them."Fang clan's first supreme elder has rank eight cultivation level, while second supreme elder Fang Di Chang is a wisdom path great grandmaster, but has rank seven cultivation level. He will likely be coming."As expected, a moment later, an Immortal Gu House appeared, it was Inquiry Dock.While the Immortal Gu House was still in the sky, Fang Hua Sheng came out of Chicken Dog Coop and flew over.Soon, Fang Hua Sheng entered Inquiry Dock: "Second supreme elder, how did it go?"Fang Di Chang said: "Divine Bean Palace got faster and faster, we could not catch up, but we have already used a tracking method, it cannot run from us. Now, we need to repair Fallen Flower Hall and combine all three houses to create the battlefield killer move peach blossom maze and trap Divine Bean Palace, to ensure our victory."Fang Hua Sheng reported: "That Suan Bu Jin is a tough person to handle, he has gone overboard, our negotiation failed.""Not yet?" Fang Di Chang smiled, bright light flashing in his eyes.Fang Hua Sheng smiled bitterly: "He has a glib tongue, his words are filled with traps, I am not his match. But he has been staying inside Fallen Flower Hall, that place is isolated from the outside world, he is purposely dispelling the suspicion that would come of leaving. Even though his conditions are absurd, he wants to make the alliance agreement with us, it shows his sincerity."Fang Di Chang pondered: "This might not be sincerity, he might be fearless. Fang An Lei was injured, he is quite suspicious. But for our clan's plan, we can tolerate him for now. After all, a little impatience will spoil great plans, after the negotiation failed, this person remained in Fallen Flower Hall, he is likely waiting for me to negotiate with him. Fine, I will meet him."Inquiry Dock landed as Fang Di Chang came outside, going to meet with Fang Yuan inside Fallen Flower Hall.This was the first time they met.Fang Di Chang observed Fang Yuan, mentally nodding as he evaluated: "Arrogant and prideful, he must have his superior aspect. Just the act of escaping from the attack of Divine Bean Palace shows his strength. Moreover, he cultivates wisdom path, he is not to be underestimated."Fang Yuan assessed Fang Di Chang, seeing that he had a plain face and ordinary appearance, he was internally shocked: "This person is Fang Di Chang? His immortal aura is utterly concealed, even I cannot sense anything from him, he is deeply hidden, as worthy of a wisdom path great grandmaster!"

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