
Chapter: 1511-1515:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1511. Theft Path Great Grandmaster! | Reverend Insanity

The water in the pool burbled, the water temperature also rose rapidly."Traitor, what the hell did you do?!" The rank three guard glared and grabbed Fang Yuan's neck.Despite feeling an intense pain, it was nothing to Fang Yuan.He did not even glance at the guard and just concentrated on the water that was going through the change."Just like I guessed before, that sheepskin map is definitely an immortal material, it could not be detected as it was processed. But now, it immediately reacted after soaking in this pool water.""I had been curious as to why this oasis was so small, but it seems now that it was tampered by someone to form a Gu refinement area."In Western Desert, a normal oasis would not be small. All the oasis which could last for long were of large sizes, having at least a lake's size.A small oasis with a pool like this was like a meteor in the sky, they would disappear after a short moment, buried under the desert sand.Young Thieving Heaven's clan was able to prosper by relying on this oasis, it was clear this oasis had already existed for many years. Even though it had the protection of Gu Masters, mortals could not defend against nature's power for long, so it was strange for this small oasis to have survived for such a long time."Are you going to talk or not? I will kill you if you don't speak!" The rank three Gu Master was almost spewing fire from his eyes because of anger.The water temperature continued to rise, already at a level which an ordinary person could barely endure.The rank three Gu Master held Fang Yuan's neck and floated to the water surface, then he exerted strength and directly jumped ashore."They're back!""This is the traitor?""A backstabbing traitor! Speak, who ordered you?"The clan's higher-ups were already gathered on the shore, the elders, the clan leader with rank four cultivation, and even the old and retired clan leader was present.Fang Yuan was completely soaked, he was immediately restrained as soon as he got ashore. He was then repeatedly interrogated, with no strength to resist or struggle.Fang Yuan only coughed, remaining silent."The pool is already boiling, there is red light coming from inside!" At this time, someone cried out in surprise.The clan's higher-ups were all nervous, some were even sweating.This pond contained a spirit spring which produced primeval stones, it was the basis for the clan to survive in the desert. If this was destroyed, it was akin to the destruction of the clan!Several breaths later, the red light passed through the pool's surface and soared to the sky, dying the sky above the oasis red. The light could be seen from the surrounding hundred li.The clan's higher-ups appeared to be caught by surprise, how could they stop this without even knowing the reason?The clan leader had a malevolent expression on his face as he was about to interrogate Fang Yuan again, but was suddenly stopped by someone.It was the old clan leader.The old clan leader's legs were gone due to injuries from battles, his upper body floated before Fang Yuan.He gave a deep sigh and persuaded kindly: "Child, you were likely enticed by someone. If the clan has wronged you before, I will apologize to you. I will agree to whatever compensation you want. This matter before us is not a small thing, it concerns the lives of all our clansmen! Tell us everything you know. If there is an accident, many families will die.""Hehe." Fang Yuan snickered.He was now outside of the cavern and was no longer hidden, Sha Xiao was definitely aware of this situation.If he did not speak, the clan's higher-ups will interrogate him by torture, but there would be some delay. If he spoke, Sha Xiao would probably immediately kill him on the spot.If young Thieving Heaven died, Fang Yuan's exploration would be a failure.Taking the lesser of the two evils, Fang Yuan remained silent."Damned bastard! How could the clan have produced such a vile spawn like you!!" The clan leader was furious at Fang Yuan's attitude, he immediately kicked him down.Fang Yuan chuckled coldly: "Yes, kill me! Kill me and you won't know anything!!""You!!" The clan leader immediately stiffened."Kekeke! My good grandson, grandpa likes this inner nature of yours." Sha Xiao's mad laughter rang in Fang Yuan's ears."It can't be helped." At this moment, the old clan leader stopped the current clan leader. He looked at Fang Yuan, his affable look from earlier replaced by a cold and cruel expression: "This kid is unrepentant, use soul search methods on him. Even if his soul gets destroyed, no one will be blamed."The old man had revealed his true nature."Yes!" Immediately, a rank three elder went forward and grabbed Fang Yuan's head, soul searching him with no hesitation.Intense pain spread, Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk and his whole body started shaking from the pain.The dream realm started wearing down his soul at an intense rate.Fang Yuan's soul foundation was directly falling by ten million each time.He still had one hundred and fifty million man soul left, but it was rapidly decreasing now, one hundred and forty million, one hundred and thirty million, one hundred and twenty million…In just a few breaths of time, Fang Yuan's soul foundation had actually fallen to ninety million, falling below hundred million man soul level!Even Fang Yuan involuntarily took in a sharp breath at this.This dream realm's might was too savage, it was fortunate he had a robust foundation. Were it others, including ordinary rank eight existences, they would probably be in danger of dying by now!After falling to ninety million man soul, the dream realm's corrosion stopped abruptly.This was because there was another change in the pool, the glaring red light shot out, completely evaporating the water in the pool. The enormous red light turned into a pillar of light that charged towards the skies.The sky suddenly turned dark as dark clouds appeared above.The earth shook like a behemoth that had woken up underground."Heaven qi is surging, earth qi is rising, this is the phenomenon of an Immortal Gu's creation. I wonder who arranged this, this is definitely not a small matter." Fang Yuan was also surprised.Other mortal Gu Masters were even more shocked and terrified, even forgetting about young Thieving Heaven.The old were still the most experienced, the old clan leader immediately said in a decisive voice: "Retreat! Don't bring anything, just save your lives!"Before even finishing his words, he flew away, even without legs, he escaped quicker than others!The other Gu Masters gave cries of alarm before quickly running away as well.Only Fang Yuan remained behind in the pool.Soon, Fang Yuan lost his control and turned into an observer once again.Young Thieving Heaven slumped down on the ground in fright, crying tears of regret."What did I do?""What in the world did I do?!""How could I do such a thing! I am worse than a beast!!"Slap slap slap.Young Thieving Heaven slapped himself."How could I be this kind of person! Sob sob…" His cheeks were red and swollen. Looking at his similarly red hands, he began to cry.Rumble!Thunder crackled, the red light suddenly flashed intenselyIn an instant, the enchanting red light covered several thousands of li, shining upon the stupefied clansmen as well as the quickly escaping ones.Then, the red light suddenly retracted, as if thousands of arrows were shot out before flying back to the bows like time was reversed.Such a bizarre scene caused young Thieving Heaven to stare, dumbfounded."This is…""How could this be?!"In the blink of an eye, the red light's changes finished. However, the people who the light had contacted, be it mortals or Gu Masters, found to their horror that they had turned extremely old.Then they took one last breath before all of them fell to the ground, dead.Young Thieving Heaven was no exception, he had turned from a young boy to an old man with wrinkled face and grizzled hair."I should die, all my troubles will end once I am dead!" Young Thieving Heaven closed his eyes and waited for death, but Sha Xiao's voice resounded in his ears."Hahaha, you want to die? You are the owner of steal life Immortal Gu, how could you die?""Demon, what do you mean?"Young Thieving Heaven shouted in his mind, just at this time, the red light concentrated into a lump of essence, turning into a scarlet bee that flew before him.Young Thieving Heaven immediately sensed a close feeling, he and this bee had the most intimate connection!He involuntarily extended his palm, and when the bee entered his hand, his extracted lifespan returned to his body.Young Thieving Heaven turned young once again!Sha Xiao laughed sinisterly: "My good grandson, this rank six Immortal Gu is grandpa's gift to you. Take it and roam the world. This world is big while you are too insignificant. If you truly want to return home, make use of this opportunity well!""Immortal Gu?! Who are you? What are you trying to do?" Young Thieving Heaven did not feel any joy of obtaining an Immortal Gu, instead cold sweat soaked his body.Sha Xiao's voice, however, gradually turned faint: "When the time is ripe, you will know…"At this point, the third stage of the dream realm concluded.Fang Yuan returned to reality, his soul returning to his body.He carefully inspected, and as expected, he became a theft path great grandmaster!

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Chapter 1512. Fallen Flower Hall | Reverend Insanity

"Theft path great grandmaster attainment level…" Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, having a complex expression.The day had finally arrived, his attainment level finally reached great grandmaster. To think that it was neither blood path, strength path, wisdom path, nor time path, but theft path instead.Fang Yuan's theft path attainment level was originally empty like a piece of blank paper. But because of Thieving Heaven's dream realm, it rose all the way to become his number one path in attainment level.Evidently, dream realms were able to make Gu Masters and Gu Immortals gain foundation rapidly.This was also the cause of the five regions chaotic war.Because too many people explored dream realms and gained attainment levels, they had a much greater urge for cultivation resources and status, their desires rose dramatically.Of course, dream realms were not so easy to explore.Even though Fang Yuan had great gains, he paid a huge price to get here, even some rank eight Gu Immortals could not bear such a cost.Great grandmaster attainment level!This was the limit that Fang Yuan could reach, and it was also the limit of the five regions.Fang Yuan who has such an attainment level would be extremely familiar with all of the theft path profundities in the world, even if he was misled by external influences, he could easily understand tough questions with some thinking.But beyond theft path great grandmaster was supreme grandmaster.This was difficult, it meant that Fang Yuan would need to surpass Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's achievements!Thinking of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, Fang Yuan sighed deeply.Even though the dream realm was illusory, this realistic dream realm showed what had happened in history.Fang Yuan helped Thieving Heaven many times to allow the dream realm to continue. But Thieving Heaven's personality was quite a shock to Fang Yuan, way out of his expectations.What truly happened in history, what was the reason that made young Thieving Heaven a Demon Venerable? Fang Yuan felt that Sha Xiao was the crucial factor.After reaching theft path great grandmaster attainment level, the rest of Thieving Heaven's dream realm was useless to Fang Yuan.But Fang Yuan did not need to mention this."It is a pity." Fang Yuan said his goodbyes to Tang Fang Ming, having a regretful tone: "Something urgent happened, I need to go and settle it. I will explore Thieving Heaven's dream realm next time!"Tang Fang Ming asked earnestly: "I wonder what is the matter, can my Tang clan assist you?"Tang Fang Ming was not being kindhearted, he was following the agreement between Tang clan and Fang Yuan, if he provided Fang Yuan assistance, he would gain an appropriate reward in return.Tang Fang Ming had gained a lot from Fang Yuan's guidance, as a result, he was deeply attracted to it now.Fang Yuan saw Tang Fang Ming's attitude, he nodded in his heart. This was what he wanted to see.As long as Fang Yuan continued to help Tang clan, during the five regions chaotic war, it would grow tremendously and become a huge obstacle that hinders Heavenly Court's advancements!"It is fine, I can settle this myself." Fang Yuan nodded, his reply made Tang Fang Ming very disappointed, his gaze turned downcast.But soon, Fang Yuan took out an information path mortal Gu and handed it to Tang Fang Ming."This, is this?" Tang Fang Ming had a feeling, he excitedly received this information path mortal Gu with both hands."Within this Gu worm, there are some shallow insights that I learned in exploring dream realms, I hope it can help you." Fang Yuan smiled, he started to leave, while Tang Fang Ming sighed in admiration behind him.Giving is the prerequisite of receiving, this saying would not go wrong.Plotting against the world, Fang Yuan could only compete with Heavenly Court if he had such magnanimity."But… my tactic still cannot match Heavenly Court after all." After leaving, Fang Yuan looked towards Central Continent's direction as he sighed.Heavenly Court was strong not just in strength, but also foresight and strategy.Having fate Gu, Heavenly Court possessed an immense advantage. Fang Yuan was currently making use of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's plans, it was already very effective, but compared to Heavenly Court, he was at a disadvantage.As long as fate Gu was repaired, Heavenly Court would be unstoppable in the five regions chaotic war.If Duke Long actually succeeds in nurturing Great Dream Immortal Venerable, they would be the victors of this era, the rulers of all five regions.This tactic was reliable and consistent, it had almost no flaws, the only weakness was otherworldly demons, because they were not bound by fate.The only complete otherworldly demon was Fang Yuan. Zhao Lian Yun was half an otherworldly demon, but she was already a dog of Heavenly Court, going up against Fang Yuan.Therefore, Fang Yuan was the greatest hope against Heavenly Court, but even Fang Yuan himself did not know how he could win."If I act alone, even with Shadow Sect, Lang Ya Sect, Tang clan, and others, we are not Heavenly Court's match. The only hope is Red Lotus' true inheritance. But now is not the time to get Red Lotus' true inheritance yet!"Earlier, Fang Yuan headed to the River of Time, it was because he knew of Shadow Sect's plans, he was confident. But going now would be a blind exploration, he did not know what could happen.Without the help of the stone lotus island, Fang Yuan could likely lose his life to Heavenly Court's ambush.In this situation, Fang Yuan could only play safe and not act rashly."I need to try and raise my strength, until I am able to travel the River of Time alone, to see if I can obtain Red Lotus' true inheritance." This was Fang Yuan's current plan.To gain strength, Fang Yuan first thought of the blessed lands in City Well.But these immortal apertures were hard to enter now.Even though Fang Yuan had methods, the price of using them was too high, it was far easier to retrieve the upper extreme heavenly eagle instead.Fang Yuan's upper extreme heavenly eagle was in Southern Border, that was not a problem.Because before this, Fang Yuan had planned ahead and used Connect Luck on the upper extreme heavenly eagle, they were connected by luck.Right now, Fang Yuan only needed to use qi luck sensation to locate the upper extreme heavenly eagle. He would find it if he spent time on it."But now, I should not rush to Southern Border. The immortal apertures are inside City Well, they cannot run away from me!"Fang Yuan's plan was to cultivate in green ghost desert for the time being."Earlier, I saved Fang Yun and Fang Leng, I have already interacted with Fang clan. As they are a super force, they will definitely investigate and test me. Unfortunately, during this period, I hid my traces and secretly came back to explore Thieving Heaven's dream realm, most likely, Fang clan could not find anything. The time is about ripe now, Fang clan is going to send an envoy to meet me."Fang Yuan was very clear of the actions that righteous path forces took.Because Fang Yuan saved Fang clan's Gu Immortals, if they did not thank him, they would be ungrateful. This would ruin their reputation in the righteous path.And more personally, if Fang clan was so ungrateful, if their Gu Immortals get into danger, who would save them?Thus, even if they do not give much of a reward, they needed to put on a show.This was the game of the righteous path.Other than this, there was something else, Fang Yuan's strength was quite threatening. He could control so many soul beasts, and was a wisdom path Gu Immortal trying to develop in green ghost desert, even Fang clan did not dare to underestimate him.Fang clan's territory bordered green ghost desert, Fang Yuan was their neighbor. How could Fang clan not pay attention to him? How could they not approach him?If the interaction went well and they communicated smoothly, Fang clan might even spend a lot of effort to recruit Fang Yuan.Of course, all this was built upon the fact that Fang Yuan's true identity was not exposed. If Fang clan knew that this was Fang Yuan, they would not approach him, and definitely not recruit him.Fang Yuan's plan was to disguise himself and become acquainted with Fang clan, it would help him in managing green ghost desert and make this place his soul core farming ground.This had a huge impact on Fang Yuan's soul path cultivation!Several days later, in green ghost desert.The soul beast army rampaged, Fang Yuan was sitting at the center of an ancient soul beast's back, free and relaxed.He was experimenting with all sorts of theft path Gu worms now.For example, rank five sneak attack Gu!Fang Yuan willed as he activated it, several hundred blue baby phantoms jumped out and surrounded him.These baby phantoms were not only fast, they were very concealed, if he lost track of one, he would not be able to find them anymore.At once, hundreds of blue baby phantoms flew around Fang Yuan, moving rapidly between the soul beasts, they were very agile, some were playing and jumping around on the soul beasts' backs.They moved without a sound, in this gloomy desert, it was quite a scary scene.Fang Yuan was a theft path great grandmaster, deducing rank five sneak attack Gu was basically instantaneous. Fang Yuan even had the recipe of rank six sneak attack Gu now, he did not need the light of wisdom, it was too simple.Other than sneak attack Gu, Fang Yuan also conceptualized many theft path Gu recipes.Fang Yuan was already at the peak of this world in theft path, the feeling was quite amazing, it was not the use of inspiration, he had the ability inside him to begin with. Every time Fang Yuan thought of new theft path Gu recipes, he was excavating this ability, and materializing it!After several days, all of the theft path Gu recipes that Fang Yuan thought of were all handed to Lang Ya Sect for refinement.Lang Ya land spirit expressed deep interest in this matter.Fang Yuan obtained a huge number of rank five theft path mortal Gu.For Gu Immortals, mortal Gu were all expendable, even rank five ones.Other than getting these theft path mortal Gu, Fang Yuan also killed soul beasts and raised his soul foundation back to hundred million man soul.Not only that, he even placed these theft path mortal Gu into the killer moves that he used, making huge progress.Just when Fang Yuan was about to shut his eyes and modify his killer moves further, an Immortal Gu House descended from the clouds, flying towards him.Fang Yuan looked at it, this Immortal Gu House was not big, it was quite small, resembling a log cabin.But this cabin was not simple, it had the mixed aura of rank seven Immortal Gu, it was a rank seven Immortal Gu House.It seemed to be made of wood, on the surface, there were countless beautiful flowers of varying colors."This is Fang clan's Immortal Gu House, Fallen Flower Hall." Fang Yuan smiled lightly, as he had expected, Fang clan had approached him.

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Chapter 1513. Immortal Gu Reward | Reverend Insanity

As Fallen Flower Hall descended, flower petals rained down in the air, they were of different colors, the fragrance of flowers permeated the air.And most importantly, when these petals fell onto the sand, they vanished like water droplets entering a lake.Next, the sand turned into mud in almost a few breaths of time.Seedlings began to grow, emerging from the soil and forming flower buds, before blooming.When Fallen Flower Hall landed on the desert, it was no longer a green ghost desert, it was a sea of multicolored flowers.Fang Yuan restrained his soul beast army as he watched without moving.The door of Fallen Flower Hall opened, as three Gu Immortals came out.The first one was Fang clan's rank seven Fang An Lei, she had an ordinary appearance, she was a bit fat but her smile was amiable, she gave off a warm feeling.Fang Yuan had investigated long ago, he knew that this person often handled external affairs in the clan, she had a lot of experience in interacting with forces and experts.Beside Fang An Lei, there were two rank six Gu Immortals, they were familiar faces.The left one was handsome with eyes resembling stars, he was chirpy and lively, called Fang Yun. The right one was stable and mature, having an air of nonchalance, it was a rising star in Fang clan — Fang Leng."I am Fang An Lei, greetings.""Fang Yun (Fang Leng) thanks senior for saving our lives!"Three Gu Immortals walked out and spoke politely to Fang Yuan as they greeted.Fang Yuan was seated within his soul beast army, he had a solemn attitude and was expressionless. His fierce soul beasts were terrifying, even though they did not move, killing intent permeated.Over at Fang clan, they were warm like flowers, sincere and extremely polite, these two sides were polar opposites.Fang Yuan nodded lightly, saying coldly: "I said before, I saved you because I wanted to, I am not after any reward. But I know how you righteous path people think.""You indeed understand us, I am representing Fang clan, not only to thank you, but also to initiate cooperation." Fang An Lei smiled."Oh, cooperation?" Fang Yuan acted slightly surprised.Fang An Lei took a step back and invited: "We have already prepared tea in the hall, would you like to discuss this with us inside?"Immortal Gu Houses were strong outside and weak internally, very few were strong inside while weak outside, one example was Hei tribe's Immortal Gu House Dark Prison.Fallen Flower Hall was obviously the former, Fang An Lei's invitation to Fang Yuan expressed good faith sincerity.But even if this Fallen Flower Hall had any traps in it, with Fang Yuan's current cultivation level, there was nothing to fear."Alright." Fang Yuan nodded, opening his immortal aperture's entrance as the soul beast army was kept inside, he strolled into Fallen Flower Hall with his arms behind his back.Fallen Flower Hall had many decorations, all sorts of things could be seen.There was a huge circular table at the center of the hall, tea was already prepared.After asking Fang Yuan to take his seat, Fang An Lei sat down."Please evaluate this, our clan's seven li fragrant tea." Fang An Lei smiled as she said.Fang Yuan looked at it and nodded.This tea was like clear water, but when drank, it was hot. And the taste was exactly like warm water.This seven li fragrant tea was the signature tea of Fang clan, it was naturally not so simple.The true essence of the tea was that after drinking it, for some time, their mouth and entire body would emit the fragrance of tea.If they drink seven cups, they would emit tea fragrance for seven days and night, the smell would spread seven li. But if they drink more, there would be no further effect, this was the reason for its name as seven li fragrant tea.Fang Yuan had heard of it in his previous life, but this was the first time he enjoyed it, he only took a sip before asking directly: "What does your clan want to do, please tell me."Fang An Lei heard Fang Yuan's icy tone and thought: "This person is exactly as Fang Yun and Fang Leng said, he is aloof and arrogant, he speaks on equal status even against super forces."Fang An Lei was not upset.She had seen many experts, some were even weirder, some were bloodthirsty, Fang Yuan was quite normal compared to them.She smiled even more deeply as she spoke in a clear tone, describing the contents of the cooperation Fang clan wanted to have."You want me to collect impermanence rocks?" Fang Yuan tapped his finger on the table as he thought about this cooperation project.Impermanence rocks were a rank six immortal material, it existed in green ghost desert, and had quite the quantity.This rock was half black and half white, it only formed in places that constantly had battles. Therefore, impermanence rocks only grew at places where lifeforms died.Evidently, those were dangerous places.But dangerous places were nothing much for the current Fang Yuan."I have the soul beast army, I am displaying peak rank seven battle strength, collecting the impermanence rocks is an easy matter. The only problem is that they are scattered and I will need to expend a lot of time collecting them and moving around."Fang Yuan thought in his mind.This project was really a matter of convenience for Fang Yuan.He needed to hunt for soul cores, while traveling around, it was normal to see impermanence rocks. In fact, he had a batch of them now, he had gathered them casually while moving about in green ghost desert.What Fang Yuan needed to consider was, why did Fang clan want this cooperation, what was their true motive?"Is it like what Fang An Lei had said, impermanence rocks are rarely seen in treasure yellow heaven, they are hard to buy, so they want me to handle this?""Or are they trying to use this to recruit me? Or to spread news of Fang clan being grateful to their benefactors?"The content was that once Fang Yuan hands over the impermanence rocks, he would gain a rank six Immortal Gu as the reward.The reward was huge!Immortal Gu were unique, and Fang clan were giving him one! As long as he collected the impermanence rocks, if anyone heard about it, they would think that Fang clan was trying to repay Fang Yuan's kindness of saving their members' lives.Fang Yuan was somewhat moved.Not only the reward of a rank six Immortal Gu, but also because he wanted to cooperate with them!As long as he cooperated with Fang clan and established an agreement, his arrangements in green ghost desert would be recognized by Fang clan."But, I feel that Fang clan is plotting something, the matter is not so simple." Fang Yuan was quite suspicious.Fang An Lei looked at Fang Yuan, seeing that he was deep in consideration, she felt increasingly confident."The clan is putting in a huge investment by giving him an Immortal Gu, he will definitely be enticed!""As long as we set an alliance agreement, Suan Bu Jin will take the place of the clan and explore green ghost desert, he will be harvesting impermanence rock on the surface, but if he finds the inheritance of Qing clan, our trailing Fang clan Gu Immortals will also find it.""Even if he encounters enemies like Old Ghost Bai Jun, Suan Bu Jin would have to fight against them. If he finds out about Qing clan's inheritance, because of the alliance agreement, he cannot fight with our clan over it.""Second supreme elder's plan is truly detailed!"Thinking of this, Fang An Lei felt an increased sense of admiration towards Fang Di Chang."Alright, I agree to it." Fang Yuan thought about it and agreed.Even though he had wisdom path attainment, there was too little information, he could not deduce Fang clan's objective. Furthermore, he also wanted to work with them."Alright, friend, you are very decisive. You will not regret cooperating with our Fang clan." Fang An Lei laughed loudly: "Next, let us discuss the content of our cooperation… hmm?"But right at this time, Fang An Lei paused, surprise was expressed on her face.Soon, thunderous sounds could be heard outside.To make sure Fang Yuan could feel assured, the door of Fallen Flower Hall was not closed, this sound was quite clear to him.Fang Yun and Fang Leng also had a change of expressions."Countless soul beasts are attacking from all directions, we are encircled." Fang An Lei said: "Old Ghost Bai Jun has attacked, he actually subdued multiple immemorial soul beasts!""Immemorial soul beasts?" Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, he did not know that the rank eight Immortal Gu was Soul Beast Token yet.Fang An Lei's eyes shined with a dim light, after thinking about it, she told Fang Yuan about this information.Fang Yuan was greatly moved."This Soul Beast Token is a rank eight enslavement path Immortal Gu, this is great, it is extremely useful for my soul core harvesting plan!"Once he thought of this, Fang Yuan felt a strong urge to design a theft path killer move to steal this rank eight Immortal Gu!He controlled himself as he said to Fang An Lei: "Old Ghost Bai Jun dared to come here even though we are in an Immortal Gu House, he is truly confident. Next, it is time for your clan's Immortal Gu House to shine!"Fang An Lei was dazed, she wanted to see Fang Yuan fight, but he spoke before her and sealed the possibility."Earlier, friend offended this person to save our juniors, he is here for revenge. We will definitely punish this evildoer. But if the battle goes wrong later, friend, we hope you can help us out, after all, those soul beasts are immemorial level." Fang An Lei said with deep meaning, without losing any politeness in her words.Fang Yuan laughed: "Of course!"

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Chapter 1514. Simultaneous Ambush | Reverend Insanity

Roar!While Fang Yuan and Fang An Lei were speaking, an immemorial soul beast with a bull body and leopard tail extended its limbs and sprinted, like a mountain charging over.Almost at the same time, there was a shrill noise in the sky, an immemorial soul beast resembling a black python with two wings also descended with a strong burst of air."Two immemorial soul beasts!" Fang Yun was shaken, this intense attack made his heart waver, he was almost unable to control himself."No, there's three." Fang An Lei was calm and even smiled.As expected, at the next moment, the ground shook as three huge monstrous fingers emerged from the ground, grabbing towards Fallen Flower Hall.This was the third immemorial soul beast!"Rise!" At the crucial moment, Fang An Lei shouted as the Immortal Gu House flew into the sky like a rainbow.The monstrous hand grabbed thin air, colliding into the bull body leopard tail immemorial soul beast.But even though it evaded two immemorial soul beasts, there was still a winged black python in the air.The black python hissed and pounced at the Fallen Flower Hall.Fang An Lei's eyes shined brightly, she moved the Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall, directly slamming into it instead of dodging.Boom!With a loud bang, both sides suffered injuries.Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall had cracks all over, the flowers growing on the exterior were falling off.Meanwhile, that winged black python immemorial soul beast fell and crashed onto the ground, creating a huge crater upon impact.Fang An Lei had a pale expression, she quickly stabilized Fallen Flower Hall, making it stay still in the air as she used a method to create a shining light around Fallen Flower Hall.The light shined for a few breaths of time, when it faded, Fallen Flower Hall was completely restored, the cracks had vanished, the flowers were reborn."Oh? She can rapidly fix the Immortal Gu House? This method is quite impressive, I wonder how they did it? Did they replace the Gu worms with spares? Or did they refine Gu worms on the spot?"Fang Yuan was intrigued, as he deduced with countless thoughts in his mind.Fallen Flower Hall was an Immortal Gu House, it was constructed using countless Gu worms. It was able to repair itself rapidly, most Immortal Gu Houses did not have such an ability.If they rapidly replaced Gu worms, it was formation path. If they refined mortal Gu, it was refinement path.Fallen Flower Hall was likely to possess an immortal killer move from either of these two paths.Unfortunately, Fang Yuan had too little information now, his deduction was met with an obstacle very quickly, he gave up on it."Hehehehe!" Old Ghost Bai Jun's laughter filled the battlefield: "So what if you have an Immortal Gu House? Obediently surrender, I might spare your lives!"Saying so, the winged black python immemorial soul beast shook its head and flew up again.Immemorial soul beasts had rank eight battle strength, they had strong bodies, the attack earlier did not have much effect.Fang An Lei was not surprised, she expected this.Her collision earlier was just a probe, after all, immemorial soul beasts varied in strength too.Fallen Flower Hall was controlled by her, she dodged in the sky as she fought against the winged black python immemorial soul beast.As for the other two immemorial soul beasts, the bull body leopard tail and the one eyed giant with two hands, they could only growl on the ground, they could not fly.Old Ghost Bai Jun made a sharp noise as the two immemorial soul beasts started to walk towards him."A chance!" Fang An Lei's eyes flashed with sharp light, she was about to use Fallen Flower Hall to charge at Old Ghost Bai Jun by getting past the winged black python.These three immemorial soul beasts had deep battle strength and stamina, she could not sustain a long fight, the best way was to capture the enemy leader, and kill the crucial Old Ghost Bai Jun who was controlling these beasts.But at this moment, Fang Yuan sneered: "Don't be hasty, I have deduced that this is a trap.""Oh?" A flash of surprise appeared in Fang An Lei's eyes.But because of the hesitation, she lost her opportunity, the winged black python challenged Fallen Flower Hall again, preventing it from flying away.Meanwhile, the two immemorial soul beasts arrived at Old Ghost Bai Jun's side, putting up a strong defense for him.Old Ghost Bai Jun had no smugness, his expression was grim."I purposely left an opening for the enemy to attack, to think that Fang An Lei could resist the urge to use this battle opportunity!""Forget it! Activating Soul Beast Token expends my soul foundation rapidly, I cannot sustain it, I need to settle the battle fast!"Thinking of this, Old Ghost Bai Jun had a ruthless expression as he growled, the fourth immemorial soul beast attacked Fallen Flower Hall.This fourth immemorial soul beast was like a spider with spikes all over, it could also fly and was the smallest among them, only at the side of a normal tiger.But it was extremely fast, it shot out like an arrow in the sky.Fang Yun exclaimed: "So close, this is Old Ghost Bai Jun's scheme to lure the enemy!"Fang An Lei gave Fang Yuan a look of gratitude, before her expression turned solemn as she faced the enemy with Fallen Flower Hall.The flying spider immemorial soul beast created huge pressure in the Fang clan immortals.The winged black python immemorial soul beast was powerful and heavy, but the flying spider immemorial soul beast was fast as lightning, the two worked together, one slow and one fast, one big and one small, pressuring Fallen Flower Hall and keeping it suppressed"To think that Old Ghost Bai Jun could really control immemorial soul beasts!""How did he do it? Is Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token really that impressive? He could actually gain control of four immemorial soul beasts in such a short period of time?"Fang Yun and Fang Leng were uncertain, they wanted to retreat.Fang Yuan laughed: "I have already deduced that he is at his limits. Using rank seven cultivation level to control four immemorial soul beasts, it is far beyond his abilities. In just a while longer, the situation will turn around.""Oh?" Fang An Lei's gaze shined, she had another thought, she decided to trust Fang Yuan again.As expected, as the battle progressed, Fallen Flower Hall's pressure fell.The flying spider and winged black python immemorial soul beasts were cooperating much more poorly now, they were interfering with each other now.And on the ground of the desert, Old Ghost Bai Jun had a pale expression, his body was shaking as his aura weakened greatly.But he stared with wide eyes, forcefully holding on.As time passed, Old Ghost Bai Jun's condition got worse."I will spare your lives today! The next time we meet, I will tear you to pieces!" He threatened as he started to leave with his soul beast army."Where are you going?" After taking a beating for so long, Fang An Lei was unwilling to let Old Ghost Bai Jun off.Both sides fled and chased, Fallen Flower Hall attacked as countless soul beasts died.However, the flying spider and winged black python immemorial soul beasts were still trying hard to stall Fallen Flower Hall.Old Ghost Bai Jun defended himself tightly, although his condition was worsening, he did not reveal any fatal flaws.Fang Yun shouted with great smugness: "Old Ghost Bai Jun, where has your arrogancegone?"Old Ghost Bai Jun shouted: "If not for the fact that I am still unfamiliar with Soul Beast Token, how could you people survive?""Wait, something is wrong." Fang Yuan frowned lightly.At this time, the sound of an eagle tore the sky, even though the four immortals were in the Immortal Gu House, they felt a piercing sound.This figure was like phantom, emerging from dark clouds.It was a female immortal.She wore tight black clothing, her face was pale and white. Her hands had turned into eagle claws, her body was emitting black smoke, as she charged, a trail of smoke appeared behind her.Rank seven demonic path Gu Immortal — Eagle Concubine!Boom!Eagle Concubine slashed as she passed Fallen Flower Hall without slowing down.Fallen Flower Hall was heavily damaged, three claw marks appeared on the roof, almost piercing the interior."So he has help, hmph." Seeing Eagle Concubine, Fang An Lei frowned tightly.She spoke to Fang Yuan: 'I would like your assistance, friend, I cannot deal with this situation alone."Fang Yuan knew that she still had not gone all out, but he wanted to work with Fang clan, he could not continue watching on the sidelines.Immediately, he nodded: "I will deal with Old Ghost Bai Jun, I hope you can stall this eagle claw female immortal."Fang An Lei agreed: "Go ahead, I will do my best!"At the next moment, the Immortal Gu House's door opened as Fang Yuan stepped into the battlefield.Immortal killer move — Ignited Thought Flying Rock.Fang Yuan had prepared it long ago, he stretched his finger as meteors rained down from the sky, the attack was incredible.ynOld Ghost Bai Jun squinted his eyes, his aura was extremely weak, he used the two immemorial soul beasts as his shield to block Fang Yuan's killer move.Bam bam bam…Ignited thought flying rocks crashed into the desert, creating a sea of fire for several li of radius, but without any heat.This was a unique thought fire, it spread and burned on Old Ghost Bai Jun.Old Ghost Bai Jun smiled bitterly, he wanted to dodge, but he could not spare the effort."Oh?" Seeing this, Fang Yuan's heart jumped.Boom!!!At the next moment, the ground cracked open, monsters were growling, resounding in one's ears like rumbling thunder.Next, a huge palace shining in green radiance flew out and crashed towards Fang Yuan fiercely.Rank eight Immortal Gu House — Divine Bean Palace!

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1515. Exposing His True Body | Reverend Insanity

"Rank eight Immortal Gu House!" Facing Divine Bean Palace's assault, Fang Yuan expressed shock on his face."Thi… This is…?!""Divine Bean Palace!!""Seriously?"Within Fallen Flower Hall, the three Fang clan immortals were immensely shocked.Generations of Fang clan descendants had searched for it endlessly, but now, they finally had enough clues that pointed them to it, they were about to search green ghost desert when suddenly, Divine Bean Palace appeared in front of them like this.The Qing clan inheritance that Fang clan had coveted for generations appeared right in front of them.The three immortals' eyes were about to pop out, they could not believe this!How could this happen!!"Descendant of Spectral Soul, die!" Within Divine Bean Palace, the immemorial soul beast roared. Its anger reverberated in the palace, dozens of sturdy pillars were shaking, its killing intent filled the surroundings.This immemorial soul beast was the master of Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine, the body was large and mountain-like, it had a weird appearance, having a tortoise shell, tiger claws, dragon tail, neck like a snake, and a human head.Its hair was messy, its human face could not be seen clearly, but Fang Yuan could feel deep hatred that was converted into killing intent that burst out endlessly.It controlled Divine Bean Palace, but the palace shined with a green light that suppressed it instead.No matter how it roared, its voice was contained within the palace, unable to leave.Divine Bean Palace crashed towards Fang Yuan, while the rank seven demonic path female immortal Eagle Concubine also charged at Fang Yuan from behind him.Old Ghost Bai Jun screeched as he went all-out, calling on the two immemorial soul beasts.The flying spider immemorial soul beast shot out like lightning, while the winged black python immemorial soul beast crashed down from above like a mountain.At once, a rank eight Immortal Gu House, two immemorial soul beasts, and two rank seven demonic path Gu Immortals attacked Fang Yuan.Fatal danger!Fang Yuan's heart was pounding, his eyes were flickering with uncertainty, his mind was filled with surging thoughts, resembling a tsunami!He did not expect that the moment he left the Immortal Gu House, he would face such a terrifying assault."Senior, be careful!""Oh no!!"Fang clan's three immortals screamed, the situation was dire, they were very worried for Fang Yuan.The soul beast attackers had been preparing for a long time, their real target was Fang Yuan, they attacked all of a sudden, Fang clan's three immortals could not help Fang Yuan in time. At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan could only rely on himself!Of course, Fang Yuan had never thought of relying on others.He had a vigilant nature, he had already prepared myriad self clones within the sovereign immortal aperture. And not long ago, reverse flow protection seal was modified by him, the activation time was greatly shortened."But even so, it is too late now for me to activate reverse flow protection seal!"Fang Yuan was after green ghost desert, he was with the three Fang clan immortals now, he could not display reverse flow protection seal so easily.Once he uses it, even if Divine Bean Palace crashes into him, he would be intact.If he did not use it, forget about Divine Bean Palace, even the immemorial soul beasts could turn Fang Yuan into pulp.Reverse flow protection seal was a qualitative change in terms of battle strength for him.At the moment of life and death, Fang Yuan's alertness was maximized, but having lived for hundreds of years, he did not panic, determination and fighting spirit soared within him!"Hahaha." At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan laughed loudly.Fang clan's immortals heard this and felt Fang Yuan's arrogance and self-confidence.Immortal killer move – Single Thought Endless Clones!Fang Yuan activated the killer move successfully in one try.Swish swish swish.Dozens of blue light silhouettes emerged from his body, scattering to the surroundings.This was the method gained from Purple Mountain True Monarch, but the original version created purple light silhouettes, Fang Yuan had changed it.SISSThe underlying reason was the countless sneak attack Gu he had added in, causing the silhouettes to turn blue, and also gain some sneakiness in movement.At the same time, the blue light phantoms were still splitting continuously.One turned into four while four turned into ten, they formed into a huge blue silhouette army.Fang Yuan's true body was hidden among the silhouettes, he could not be discovered."Great countermeasure!" Fang Yun praised, while Fang An Lei and Fang Leng stayed silent.Divine Bean Palace crashed towards him like a meteor.Crack crack crack!Wherever it went, the blue shadows were shattered like bursting bubbles, without any resistance.Eagle Concubine and the flying spider immemorial soul beast dodged it quickly, not wanting to face a rank eight Immortal Gu House's charge.That winged black python immemorial soul beast was the slowest, it was still on the way there.Be it Eagle Concubine or Old Ghost Bai Jun, they had lost their attack target because of Fang Yuan's clones."Oh?" Surprise flashed across Fang Yuan's eyes.He was scheming and did not go far away, he was hiding nearby, but Divine Bean Palace did not stop to use any immortal killer moves, it went directly for him."Coincidence?" Fang Yuan manipulated the shadows as he flew away while hidden among them.But Divine Bean Palace turned around and went for him again.Fang Yuan's eyes shined brightly, he spat out a huge amount of fog, covering the area.Immortal killer move — Directional Confusion Fog!The Gu Immortals within the battlefield were enveloped by it.Eagle Concubine screeched as she stopped her movement.Old Ghost Bai Jun made his immemorial soul beasts get close to him, he was extremely nervous."This fog can interfere with your sense of direction, we were affected by it even though we have the Immortal Gu House's protection, this is really impressive!" Fang Leng exclaimed.Divine Bean Palace entered the fog but it still managed to chase down Fang Yuan, the directional confusion fog had no effect.Fang Yuan's move had been modified.Originally, the fog was purple and was not big, although it could confuse even rank eight Gu Immortals.After modification, this move had no effect on rank eight Gu Immortals, but it had an amplified effect on rank seven and below Gu Immortals. Not only did the color change, the range was greatly expanded, but the duration shortened drastically.Because of this ineffectiveness, Divine Bean Palace came very close to Fang Yuan, it almost hit him.Originally, due to the attack from underground, it was far from Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan used two killer moves but could not deceive the mysterious soul beast in Divine Bean Palace, it moved very quickly and finally caught up to him.Fang Yuan tried to dodge, he was fast as lightning, but could not compare to Divine Bean Palace, he could only watch as this Immortal Gu House filled his vision and was about to crash into him.They were about to collide!At this time, reverse flow protection seal was not ready yet.Fang Yuan's lips curled up.Boom!With a loud sound, an intense collision occurred.But it did not involve Fang Yuan, Divine Bean Palace and the immemorial soul beast winged black python crashed."Even though I cannot confuse you, I can confuse others!" Eerie light shined in Fang Yuan's eyes, he used this chance to activate reverse flow protection seal!In a flash, he used single thought endless clones again, while activating familiar face, turning into a blue shadow and mixing in among them."Incredible!" When the fog faded, Fang An Lei looked at the scene and praised involuntarily.There were many enemies, but Fang Yuan made use of the numbers to resist them, he was truly displaying the might of a wisdom path Gu Immortal."Damn it!!" Inside Divine Bean Palace, the mysterious soul beast roared, its voice was like a tsunami that shook the entire palace.The winged black python immemorial soul beast was sent flying by Divine Bean Palace, because it had hit the sharp edge of Divine Bean Palace, its body was also snapped into two. The power of the rank eight Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace was evident!Divine Bean Palace was chipped because of this impact, it became much slower, but due to the mysterious soul beast's control, it still pursued Fang Yuan's true body."What is going on? I used familiar face, but the enemy can still sense me?" Fang Yuan was deeply shocked.Ever since Fang Yuan obtained rank eight attitude Immortal Gu, and after modifying familiar face, he had relied on it mostly without ever failing.But currently, the enemy ignored it and pursued Fang Yuan's true body, it was a first for him."Even during the tribulation, I deceived heaven's will, what method is the enemy using to find me?"Fang Yuan could not understand."No, it is not wisdom path.""I have ghost official garment to protect against deductions. If anyone wants to deduce matters about me, they would need to get past ghost official garment. But now, there are no signs of deductions.""How in the world is the enemy doing this?"

Reverend Insanity