
Chapter: 1521-1525:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1521. Peach Blossom Maze | Reverend Insanity

Fang clan had a long history.As a super force in Western Desert, Fang clan was famous in the world for the Gu house business. It had its own unique wisdom path inheritance.Because both mortal and Immortal Gu Houses were essentially immortal killer moves, they were made from countless Gu worms, being comprehensive in both offense and defense.Fang clan researched Gu houses and designed new Gu houses, they were deducing new immortal killer moves, they could not do that without deep wisdom path attainment.One could say that Fang clan's wisdom path inheritance was incredible, after generations of research, even Fang Yuan who obtained Spectral Soul's true inheritance could learn much from it.Of course, even though the wisdom path inheritance was superb, the inheritor needed to be of a certain caliber.In the current generation, not only was Fang Di Chang compatible with it, he even made Fang clan's wisdom path inheritance prosper, becoming a great grandmaster!He did not use any dream realms to become great grandmaster after all, he had reached it through hard work and research, step by step.Fang clan had wisdom path inheritors through each generation, but for the last thousand years, Fang Di Chang was the only great grandmaster that emerged.To reach this attainment level, immense talent was needed, resources alone could not produce such a genius.Fang Di Chang and Fang Yuan negotiated, the two fought with words, it was like two sword experts fighting in an enclosed space.Fang Yuan was suppressed gradually, it was a troublesome opponent."As expected of a wisdom path great grandmaster, impressive." Fang Yuan could make Fang Hua Sheng completely helpless in a contest of words, but Fang Di Chang resolved them without any problem, nothing that Fang Yuan said had any effect.Fang Di Chang had a clear head and memory, his logic was smooth and reasonable, Fang Yuan could not confuse him.When people spoke, it was like a game of chess, thinking three moves ahead, some things did not need to be said, while some were crucial to the conversation to prevent twisting of one's words.When wisdom path Gu Immortals talked, they were not three steps ahead, they were hundreds or even a thousand steps ahead.Fang Yuan negotiated with Fang Di Chang not just regarding his own benefits, they even did analysis of the situation, discussing the matters of Divine Bean Palace, Fang clan's current state, and even the entire trend of Western Desert.It was simply a debate!These things could not be understood by the human brain, they needed to use wisdom path methods and create countless thoughts, to deduce while debating.Fang Yun and Fang Leng were completely dazed while listening to them, thinking that these two were monsters with incredible cognition speed, they could speak without any thinking time, their words were sharp like swords, listening to them made one feel extremely stupid."My wisdom path dao marks are insufficient, even though I have Immortal Gu, they were obtained recently. And they are not a complete set either, compared to the other party, my foundation is too weak.""In the future, if I fight against Fang clan, I need to find a way and kill this person first!"In terms of wisdom path methods, Fang Di Chang surpassed Fang Yuan. But Fang Yuan had rank eight battle strength, far superior to Fang Di Chang.Fang Di Chang thought: this person's wisdom path cultivation is truly amazing. If he could be recruited into Fang clan, it would be their blessing!He felt an urge to recruit this talented individual.If he knew Fang Yuan's true identity and the fact that Fang Yuan was planning to kill him, how would he feel?"Hahaha." While debating, Fang Yuan suddenly laughed.Fang clan's Gu Immortals were confused, why was he laughing for no reason.Fang Yuan bowed to Fang Di Chang: "I have heard of senior's name long ago, it seems you truly live up to your reputation, I have learned a lot."Fang Yuan's sudden change of attitude made everyone feel surprised, they could not understand why Fang Yuan took the initiative to lower his requests."Earlier, I was merely finding trouble with your clan. Now that you have greater skills, how could I continue acting like so?" Fang Yuan had a cold expression, even when he apologized, he had an arrogant look."Oh? I understand now, this person is prideful, I have finally gained his admiration. Earlier, he was just trying to retaliate. But now that he saw my strength, he has been impressed." Fang Di Chang's gaze flickered, he felt a deep emotion: "With this personality and ability, he is not blindly arrogant, there is great benefit in getting him to join Fang clan. But now, Divine Bean Palace is most important, his matter can wait first."Since Fang Yuan took a step back, both sides did not need to argue further, they quickly set a new agreement.This alliance agreement was very strict, there were no loopholes in it. Even Fang Yuan frowned secretly, all of the conditions were clearly listed, even the use of self cleansing could violate it. It would not be easy to get free from this restriction, he would need to prepare in advance and expend a lot of manpower and resources.Of course, Fang clan was equally bound by this agreement.Since the alliance agreement was made, both sides became closer, Fang Yun, Fang Leng, and the rest looked at Fang Yuan in a warmer light."The matter of obtaining Divine Bean Palace is of paramount importance, getting friend Suan Bu Jin's help is our blessing. I hope you will come to Inquiry Dock with me, we need your help." Fang Di Chang invited.Fang Yuan rolled his eyes in his mind.This Fang Di Chang was not trusting of him after the alliance agreement, he wanted to keep Fang Yuan by his side.A wisdom path great grandmaster is truly a troublesome person.But Fang Yuan's confidence was in his battle strength, he was not afraid of Fang clan. In fact, he wanted Fang clan to attack him, that way he could execute the clause in the alliance agreement — if any side plots against the other, the other party would be able to retaliate without breaking the alliance agreement.After settling Fang Yuan's matter, Fang Di Chang went on to repair Immortal Gu House Fallen Flower Hall, while getting more reinforcements.Half a day later, Fang clan's Gu Immortals worked together and repaired Fallen Flower Hall completely.If the Immortal Gu House was damaged, repairing would be hard. Fang clan had such efficiency, they were truly the number one super force in expertise of Gu houses within Western Desert, and perhaps even the world.Not long after, Fang clan's reinforcements came, two rank seven and one rank six.After stabilizing Fang An Lei's injuries, she was sent back to Fang clan's headquarters by Fang Chen in an unconscious state.One of the two rank seven reinforcements replaced Fang An Lei to control Fallen Flower Hall.This way, Fang clan had more than ten Gu Immortals in green ghost desert, with half of them being rank seven! Among them, there was Fang clan's second supreme elder Fang Di Chang, and third supreme elder Fang Hua Sheng, they were both strong experts famous in Western Desert. There were also rank six elites like Fang Yun and Fang Leng.This was a huge lineup, one could say that Fang clan had mobilized most of their Gu Immortals in this expedition, they were truly adamant on getting Divine Bean Palace.After all, super forces had a lot of territory, they needed Gu Immortals to guard their resource points. Like Wu clan, even as the number one Southern Border super force, it could not easily relocate Gu Immortals, Wu Yong was kept busy because of this matter."Fang clan brought out so many Gu Immortals now, they must have been planning this for so long, they should already be guarding their territories by appearing to make their forces deployed elsewhere, or making secret alliances."This was very risky for Fang clan.If anything went wrong and they fell for the other super forces' schemes, Fang clan would be severely weakened, they would suffer huge losses. They might even face extermination."But for the sake of getting rank eight Immortal Gu House Divine Bean Palace, this risk is worth it!" Fang Yuan nodded in his mind, he approved of this action.After resting for a while, Fang clan's Gu Immortals moved out.The three Immortal Gu Houses flew together, within Inquiry Dock, Fang Yuan was standing beside Fang Di Chang.Unexpectedly, Fang Di Chang actually let him participate in controlling Inquiry Dock!The control of the Immortal Gu House was led by Fang Di Chang and several other Fang clan Gu Immortals. Letting an outsider like Fang Yuan take part in it was the same as exposing Inquiry Dock's secrets to him.If Fang Yuan could learn the profundities of Inquiry Dock now, it would be much easier to deal with it in the future.Sensing Fang Yuan's expression, Fang Di Chang smiled: "Friend, you wonder why I trust you so much? Hehehe, actually, it is not a problem for us even if you learn about Inquiry Dock's profundities. Firstly, we have an alliance agreement, and secondly, some things are easier said in theory, and thirdly, the design of our Inquiry Dock does not stay stagnant over time. The truth is, our Immortal Gu Houses develop as our clan progresses, they continuously get stronger."Fang Yuan was moved: "I have learned about Fang clan's style of doing things today."Fang Di Chang laughed loudly: "Come to speak of it, I am not sure about your situation, have you been cultivating in green ghost desert all this time?"Fang Yuan did not panic when he was asked, he had prepared for this long ago. He answered appropriately and even Fang Di Chang could not sense anything weird.The two continued to talk while the other Gu Immortals in Inquiry Dock focused on controlling the Immortal Gu House."It seems that this Fang Di Chang wants to recruit me." Fang Yuan could sense it from the other party's tone and expression, feeling a little amused internally.But he did not expose this, he pacified Fang Di Chang as much as he could."We have arrived, this is it." After another while of flying, Fang Di Chang's suddenly fixed his gaze as he ordered the three Immortal Gu Houses to stop.This was still in green ghost desert, but below the three Immortal Gu Houses, there was an ordinary desert with no outstanding features.Fang Di Chang squinted his eyes: "This Divine Bean Palace is indeed deeply concealed, set up the formation now!"Immortal battlefield killer move — Peach Blossom Maze!At once, the surrounding thousand li turned into a peach forest, the trees were extremely tall and the branches were extremely dense, there were no leaves or flowers, not to mention fruits, they were completely bare."Amazing!!" Fang Yuan's heart couldn't help but shake.This immortal battlefield killer move could trap even rank eight Gu Immortals, it was very impressive.After all, this could only be created by combining the effects of three rank seven Immortal Gu Houses."Oh? They are here?" Deep underground, Chen Yi's heart also jumped.At this moment, he had actually infiltrated Divine Bean Palace!

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Chapter 1522. Green Armor Vegetable Garden | Reverend Insanity

Central Continent's Heavenly Lotus Sect was created by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable. During his era, this sect was the number one sect in Central Continent without doubt!But now, it was reduced to mid-tier among the ten great ancient sects.Times changed, be it organizations or people, they would not remain constant, there were no force that stayed strong forever, nor would they stay weak constantly.As the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, Chen Yi had Genesis Lotus' true inheritance, he had the ability to greatly interfere with Divine Bean Palace and influence it.Fairy Zi Wei was adept at deploying people efficiently, she did not send anyone else to help Chen Yi, he could singlehandedly take over Divine Bean Palace and eliminate the legendary immemorial soul beast Qing Chou, it was highly likely that he could succeed.But something happened along the way."Because of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, this Qing Chou was formed in Divine Bean Palace, it has some of the powers of karma divine tree. Thus, it can sense anyone closely related to Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, if I can capture it, I will be able to research and increase my own understanding of karma divine tree, I can even use it to find the remaining Shadow Sect members!"Chen Yi was moved.It was not hard to take over Divine Bean Palace and kill Qing Chou. It was originally quite troublesome, but now that Qing Chou was weakened, it was completely suppressed by Divine Bean Palace.Chen Yi was a rank eight Gu Immortal, the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, he had incredible strength, using Divine Bean Palace, he could easily get rid of Qing Chou.However, Chen Yi had deeper considerations.He was the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, he had the highest status there! Once this matter was settled, he would go to Heavenly Court, by then, he would no longer be the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, his status would fall greatly.Heavenly Court was the strongest organization in the world, after Chen Yi joins, he would be a newcomer, he would have the lowest status.Chen Yi had been the first supreme elder for so long, he had been used to the benefits of authority at the top. He would not feel comfortable with this fall in status, he would want to change this and elevate his status if possible.And to raise one's status in Heavenly Court, it could be hard or easy depending on the situation, the method was always the same, one had to make contributions."If I can control Qing Chou, it would help in hunting down Shadow Sect, I would be very important in Heavenly Court. I would be able to make contributions and raise my status and strength rapidly, I would no longer be in this awkward spot of being a newcomer.""Ancestor Genesis Lotus had karma divine tree, but this move was wood path after all, he might not have predicted today's situation. If he knew about the situation now, he would surely understand and acknowledge why I am doing this."Chen Yi made up his mind, after infiltrating Divine Bean Palace, he cooperated with it in suppressing Qing Chou, while trying to subdue this legendary immemorial soul beast.But just as he was still in the process of doing so, Fang clan's Gu Immortals arrived and set up the immortal battlefield killer move peach blossom maze.Once it was set up, Chen Yi immediately sensed it."They came after all." Chen Yi had a calm expression, he was not flustered. He had already expected Fang clan's arrival."Go." Chen Yi stood within the palace, facing Qing Chou, he waved his sleeves and ordered Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine.In such a short time, he had already subdued them.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine wanted to resist, but after knowing Chen Yi's cultivation level and identity, along with Chen Yi's control over Divine Bean Palace that suppressed their master, these two immediately defected and became Chen Yi's lackeys.Howl! Howl!The entrance of Divine Bean Palace opened, a large number of soul beasts charged out.Over at the other end, at Fang clan's side.As a wisdom path great grandmaster and the second supreme elder, Fang Di Chang was the leader of this expedition without doubt.He ordered as several Gu Immortals flew out of the three Immortal Gu Houses, converging towards the Divine Bean Palace at the center."This peach blossom maze is truly profound! In reality, this Divine Bean Palace should be hidden deep down below the desert, but after the peach blossom maze was set up, it became exposed here in entirety." Fang Yuan was still inside Inquiry Dock, his eyes were shining as he praised peach blossom maze in his mind.Immortal battlefield killer moves could create an environment that benefited the user.The peach blossom maze killer move was extremely amazing, it directly changed the terrain of the desert, forcing the hidden Divine Bean Palace to be exposed.Fang Yuan could not understand the mechanics behind this, he could only make some guesses.Fang clan's three Immortal Gu Houses were concealed now, they were the cores that sustained the battlefield killer move peach blossom maze, the Gu Immortals inside them were constantly expending immortal essence.This huge battlefield was filled with peach trees.At the center of this peach tree forest, there was a majestic Immortal Gu House, Divine Bean Palace.At this moment, Divine Bean Palace's entrance opened, a larger number of soul beasts emerged. Countless desolate level and ancient desolate level soul beasts, along with three immemorial soul beasts!These three immemorial soul beasts were naturally the ones that Fang An Lei and Fang Yuan had fought before, the winged black python, bull body leopard tail, and single eyed giant.Meanwhile, Fang clan had six Gu Immortals, two rank six, four rank seven, Fang Leng, Fang Yun and Fang Chen were included, while third supreme elder Fang Hua Sheng was the person in charge.When the soul beasts came out of Divine Bean Palace, they did not charge at Fang clan, instead, they surrounded Divine Bean Palace and stood quietly in a circular formation, encircling it.Boom boom boom!When both sides fought, Fang clan's Gu Immortals were deeply shocked.The attacks that they unleashed on the soul beast army had great power, but when the commotion ended, these soul beasts suffered little injuries, and their injuries were even healing rapidly."What is happening?""These soul beasts seem to be in a peculiar formation, their locations are specially arranged."While feeling suspicion, Chen Yi suddenly shouted in Divine Bean Palace , the entire place shined in green light, while also emerging from the deepest part of these soul beasts.Crack crack.With a series of crisp sounds, these green lights formed into wooden armor that attached to these soul beasts, shielding them from head to toe.Fang Yuan did not understand, but within Inquiry Dock, Fang Di Chang's expression changed as he exclaimed: "This is Divine Bean Palace's immortal killer move — Green Armor Vegetable Garden.""Green armor vegetable garden?" Fang Yuan asked.Fang Di Chang looked at him and smiled bitterly: "This is all the information Fang clan has, we merely know the name and appearance, we do not know its exact effect."Fang Yuan showed deep interest in his eyes, he looked at the battlefield: "This move has to do with Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable, it must not be simple. Let's probe it first."Fang Di Chang nodded: "Indeed."

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Chapter 1523. Extorting Fang Di Chang | Reverend Insanity

Fang clan continued to send out immortal killer moves that landed on the soul beast army. The scene was like a field of colorful fireworks.Light shined on the Fang clan Gu Immortals' faces, but they had ugly expressions."Even though there are some soul beasts killed, there is little effect overall. Their green armor can actually be linked together and split the damage evenly, that is amazing!"The six Gu Immortals from Fang clan could not make an impact, at this time, a purple clothed female immortal flew out of Immortal Gu House Chicken Dog Coop."Let me try!" She shouted as she used the immortal killer move that she had already prepared.Swoosh swoosh swoosh!At once, poisonous clouds appeared in the sky.The huge poisonous clouds casted their shadows downwards and shrouded Divine Bean Palace as well as the soul beasts.Within the clouds, countless sparrows flew out like arrows, moving rapidly and agilely, they were formed from the immortal killer move.Tens of millions of sparrows flew into the soul beast army, it was a chaotic mess.But soon, Fang clan's Gu Immortals developed grim expressions.The killer move had quite a grand entrance, but its effect was low."Even Fang Zhi's poisonous cloud arrow sparrow is useless, poison path does not have an effect, it seems this green armor vegetable garden has no weaknesses." Within Inquiry Dock, Fang Di Chang frowned tightly.He turned his head towards Fang Yuan: "I wonder if friend Suan Bu Jin has any ideas?"Fang Yuan shook his head: "I cannot find any weaknesses either. But in my humble opinion, this Divine Bean Palace is acting differently from before, it is much more reactive now. Green armor vegetable garden is one aspect, but these soul beasts are also moving in sync and cooperating, they are defending Divine Bean Palace perfectly. The difference is too great now."Fang Di Chang nodded.He knew that Fang An Lei and Fang Yuan had fought against Divine Bean Palace earlier, it could only charge around earlier and could not use killer moves, like a brute.But now, this Divine Bean Palace was unmoving like a mountain, it was like a general in the battlefield, defending its formation and making Fang clan unable to advance.The difference in performance was huge, the reason behind it was worrying Fang Di Chang."I set up peach blossom maze, but Divine Bean Palace has not reacted to it, it is merely defending, is it unable to move? Or is it stalling for time?"Fang Di Chang was worried about the final possibility.If they were stalling, there had to be a reason.Because of this, Fang Di Chang made up his mind and told the Fang clan Gu Immortals who were fighting: "Come back, we will use peach blossom maze to attack!"Peach blossom maze was an immortal battlefield killer move, it could trap rank eight Gu Immortals, it was not simple at all.Fang clan's Gu Immortals returned to the Immortal Gu Houses as peach blossom maze started to grow.The empty branches started to bud as green color spread, in the blink of an eye, a lush forest had appeared.An intense wind started to blow.There was rustling among the trees, jade light waves started to develop.These waves crashed towards Divine Bean Palace.The soul beast army was forced to retreat, the desolate and ancient desolate level soul beasts at the periphery were all sent flying by the jade light waves.Peach blossom maze suddenly changed as it became extremely offensive, the soul beast army could not resist it.These soul beasts were roaring, but the jade light waves could not resisted by these individual beasts.Chen Yi frowned within Divine Bean Palace: "This peach blossom maze is quite something."At this moment, he was still suppressing Qing Chou, he could not free himself to control Divine Bean Palace personally.Divine Bean Palace burst out with profound light, enveloping all of the remaining soul beasts, these lights enveloped most of the soul beasts and gathered them into the bodies of the three immemorial soul beasts.The three immemorial soul beasts seemed to have gotten a huge boost, their bodies expanded, they became gigantic monsters.The three monsters were like mountains that blocked the jade light waves entirely.Peach blossom maze transformed again.The jade light waves faded as the greenery condensed into a red halo. Next, countless red halos emerged like stars in the night sky, they were blooming peach blossoms.The peach blossoms were extremely vibrant, due to the intense winds, countless petals were flying around.The petals slowly gathered as they formed into human figures in the sky."This killer move is called flowery wind warriors, friend, I would like to trouble you to control a part of them." Fang Di Chang said to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan nodded, after getting the authorization, he could also control the human shaped flowers.As for the quantity…At Fang Yuan's first attempt, he controlled twelve flowery wind warriors."Oh?" Fang Yuan's eyes shined with surprise: "Every flowery wind warrior can be instilled with a killer move that would be unleashed upon self-detonating them when ready.""You are very perceptive, this is the use of flowery wind warriors." Fang Di Chang smiled as he said.Fang Yuan tried to use immortal killer move ignited thought flying rock.Immediately, he controlled a flowery wind warrior as it flew towards the top of Divine Bean Palace, self-detonating by itself.After detonating, waves of thought rocks crashed towards the ground.Divine Bean Palace did not move, but the three immemorial soul beasts were ignited with the flames of thoughts as their bodies shook.Fang Yuan's eyes shined, he praised in amazement: "The killer moves are unleashed almost as quickly as by ourselves, it not only fixes an Immortal Gu House's weakness, it allows us to use the advantage of numbers without fear of expenditure, many tactics need to be done carefully, but this move allows us to act rashly without consequences."While he said that, Fang Yuan moved a flowery wind warrior and rushed down, arriving at an immemorial soul beast.Immortal killer move — Hundred and Eighty Slaves!Once he used this move, the immemorial soul beast's body froze, it was attacked by a formless force.At the same time, another three flowery wind warriors descended, self-detonating into three immortal killer moves that blasted it into oblivion.But at the next moment, Divine Bean Palace flashed with green light, the immemorial soul beast that was injured rapidly healed as its injuries were not heavy to begin with.Difficult fight!Even with a unique move like flowery wind warriors, Divine Bean Palace was too sturdy and firm in defense, the three immemorial soul beasts were like tough shields, regardless of their attacks, the fortress was unmovable and did not shake.Fang Yuan had a lot of methods unused, he did not use his true trump cards, but Fang clan's Gu Immortals did not do anything significant either, the situation went into another deadlock.Fang Di Chang's brows were furrowed, peach blossom maze only had three variations, they had already used the second move, but there was no change in the situation.Divine Bean Palace's defense was too strong!Right when Fang Di Chang was about to use the third move, Fang Yuan made his move.Hundred and Eighty Slaves!Hundred and Eighty Slaves!Hundred and Eighty Slaves!Three flowery wind warriors exploded, Fang Yuan had instilled enslavement path killer move hundred and eighty slaves into all of them. All three moves exploded and landed on the winged black python immemorial soul beast.This immemorial soul beast was stiff like a statue, after a while, Fang Yuan shouted and it broke free from the enemy's control, it had been enslaved by Fang Yuan!The second immemorial soul beast was obtained.At once, both the enemy leader Chen Yi as well as Fang Di Chang were shocked.Divine Bean Palace was supporting these immemorial soul beasts with green armor, they had strong defenses and could heal instantly, it was hard for Fang clan to advance.But Fang Yuan ignored all these and directly took away the immemorial soul beast's control."Friend, you have an amazing method, so enslavement path is the weakness of green armor vegetable garden. I hope you can continue to use the move." Fang Di Chang changed his tone after pausing: "We will definitely compensate you heavily!"Chen Yi snorted coldly: "He actually made use of this weakness, it is a pity that they are not the divine bean soldiers produced in Divine Bean Palace, we can only use the soul beast army for now. If I was using the divine bean soldiers, how could they enslave it so easily?"Inside Inquiry Dock, Fang Yuan smiled bitterly: "I was just lucky. Earlier, I already used it to suppress one immemorial soul beast. This is the second one, I have reached my limits. To use it again, there will be a huge price to pay! I wonder… what compensation is second supreme elder referring to?"Fang Di Chang's eyes drooped, he tried to conceal the sharp light in his eyes as he became furious: "This Suan Bu Jin dares to extort me the moment he gets a chance! Pay a huge price? He means that he can use it again, but that will depend on the compensation that we give him. We have an alliance agreement, he cannot lie on this matter, but to think that we would be extorted by an outsider because our Fang clan lacks a strong enslavement path expert!"

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Chapter 1524. Great Thief Immortal Gu | Reverend Insanity

Even though Fang Di Chang was furious, Divine Bean Palace was right in front of them, this was their goal for generations, they could not fail. And Fang Yuan's enslavement method was the best way to break the stalemate after all.Fang Di Chang smiled: "What compensation do you want, friend? As long as you tell me, we will do our best to fulfill it."Fang Yuan asked for what compensation he would get, but Fang Di Chang flipped the question back at him.Fang Yuan laughed: "Lord Fang is very straightforward, I am not greedy, I only want one rank seven Immortal Gu."Fang Yuan said this as he slowed down, his gaze flickered like he was embarrassed."Rank seven Immortal Gu!" Fang Di Chang's heart jumped, he got more angry but his expression became sincere looking as he smiled: "With your ability to suppress all the immemorial soul beasts, the contribution is enough for a rank seven Immortal Gu. If my clan can obtain Divine Bean Palace in the end, we will promise you another rank seven Immortal Gu!"Fang Di Chang not only agreed to Fang Yuan's request, he even added in more temptation."I am ashamed." Fang Yuan sighed deeply: "I need to get this rank seven Immortal Gu now, otherwise, I cannot make up my mind to pay that huge price and subdue the remaining immemorial soul beast.""How can you be so impatient? You don't trust my Fang clan?!" A Fang clan Gu Immortal could not control himself, he shouted loudly.Fang Yuan cupped his fists: "Everyone, the price that I have to pay is too huge, my foundation will be heavily damaged. I can only make up my mind after getting the rank seven Immortal Gu!""Fine, my Inquiry Dock has a method to communicate with the outside world, I will send over a rank seven Immortal Gu from our headquarters. This is our rank seven treasury, pick one." Fang Di Chang said as an information path Gu worm flew out of his sleeve.It was a rank seven information path Immortal Gu!It was rare to see such Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan thought: "It is hard for me to acquire information, an information path Immortal Gu can help me gather information and find out many secrets. During rebirth, my past life's memories were tampered by heaven's will, there are traps in them, I cannot rely on these memories. During this period, I have been using Shadow Sect's inheritance for information, but these things would become obsolete over time. This rank seven information path Immortal Gu is quite useful for me."Fang Yuan received the information path Immortal Gu and inspected it.There were six rank seven Immortal Gu listed in it."Fang clan has such deep foundations! They definitely have more than six rank seven Immortal Gu, Fang Di Chang just hid those that he did not want me to take."Just these six Immortal Gu made Fang Yuan feel dazzled.He was interested in each of these Immortal Gu, because he had Shadow Sect's true inheritance, any Immortal Gu could be put to good use in his hands.But soon, when Fang Yuan saw one of the Immortal Gu, his heart shook, he made up his mind and chose it!"Rank seven great thief Gu?" Fang Di Chang heard Fang Yuan's choice and was quite surprised.This was a theft path Immortal Gu, but Suan Bu Jin was a wisdom path Gu Immortal.Fang Yuan did not explain, he did not need to. Fang Di Chang displayed these rank seven Immortal Gu, it meant that they were disposable to him. In the current situation, Fang clan was in a rush for time, not Fang Yuan, if they wanted to stall for time and not give him the Gu, Fang Yuan would just do nothing."Or… is he afraid I will use this chance to stall him, so he purposely gave me a random answer? When I reject him, he will give it up immediately?" Fang Di Chang guessed, wisdom path Gu Immortals simply had too many thoughts in their minds."Friend, you really want this Immortal Gu?" Fang Di Chang confirmed again.Fang Yuan hesitated before answering: "Yes, this Gu."Fang Di Chang nodded: "Alright, I will accept this request."Saying so, he used a killer move and retrieved this rank seven Immortal Gu from Fang clan's headquarters, transporting it into Inquiry Dock.The process was very fast, Fang Yuan soon obtained this great thief Gu, with Fang Di Chang's help, he easily refined it.This great thief Immortal Gu was like a beetle with a flat head and long horn, it was the size of an adult, its black exoskeleton had a metallic luster, giving off a tough feeling.Fang Yuan obtained this Immortal Gu and felt secretly excited: "My gains are simply too great! I am a theft path great grandmaster now, I lack theft path Immortal Gu. To think that it would come to me now, this great thief Immortal Gu came at such great timing! Not only can it display my superiority in theft path, I can even start making use of ghostly concealment now!"Fang Yuan had the theft path attainment level, it was very easy to create theft path immortal killer moves.And the most important one was ghostly concealment!This immortal killer move was created by Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable himself, it was a rank nine killer move with incredible power. But all along, it had been relatively useless to Fang Yuan.Why?Even though it could protect Fang Yuan from the detection of ghosts and soul beasts, whenever he tried to use an immortal killer move, he would be exposed.Nobody could see a firecracker buried underground, but when it is ignited and explodes, people would sense it.Furthermore, ghostly concealment had been interfering with ghost soldier garment, weakening it and limiting its effect.Ghostly concealment did not expend immortal essence, it operated on its own, that was the ability of a theft path supreme grandmaster. Only supreme grandmasters could surpass the limits and restrictions of this world to a certain extent.Fang Yuan was a theft path great grandmaster, but he could not activate ghostly concealment himself. Even though he had a deeper understanding of it now, he still had many questions.But these questions could not stop him from making use of the active ghostly concealment!As for the way to use ghostly concealment, this rank seven great thief Immortal Gu was the key to solving the problem."As long as I add in some mortal Gu and spend some time, I will be able to draw out and use a portion of ghostly concealment's power!"Bright light flashed across Fang Yuan's eyes."But now, I need to get rid of the immemorial soul beasts, Fang clan's patience is dwindling." Fang Yuan wanted to establish a relationship with Fang clan in order to develop in green ghost desert, he did not want to become enemies with them.Thus, within the sovereign immortal aperture, he killed the two immemorial soul beasts that he had just subdued!These two immemorial soul beasts were hard to kill, but Fang Yuan had control over them, not only would they not resist him, they would cooperate with him in their suicide.After dying, Fang Yuan obtained two huge soul cores.Rank eight immortal materials, immemorial soul cores!This was very rare.If he was not in this situation, Fang Yuan would not have killed the two immemorial soul beasts. But there was no choice, hundred and eighty slaves relied on a huge number of soul beasts to work.Fang Yuan had a vast number of soul beasts, including desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts, but they could only help Fang Yuan control two immemorial desolate beasts, that was the limit!Now that Fang Yuan wanted to control more immemorial soul beasts, it was impossible.He had no choice but to kill these two immemorial soul beasts!This was the 'huge price' that Fang Yuan had mentioned to Fang Di Chang.He was not lying, it was the truth, killing two rank eight battle strength existences, was it not a huge price?However, after doing this, Fang Yuan used attitude Gu and made himself shake as his face turned pale, blood started flowing out of his mouth and nose."It seems that Suan Bu Jin was not lying, the method has a huge price to pay." At once, the Fang clan Gu Immortals who saw this felt better psychologically."Even though this is not good, the situation is very urgent, friend, I hope you can do your best." Fang Di Chang urged."Of course I will do my best!" Fang Yuan shouted, seemingly gathering his focus as he used hundred and eighty slaves on the flowery wind warriors again.After three tries, Fang Yuan succeeded in subduing the bull body leopard tail immemorial soul beast like what he did before.Guh.Fang Yuan opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, his body could not stand firm, his face was pale as paper, devoid of any color, he almost fainted on the spot."Suan Bu Jin, be careful!""Mind your health, we still need your help for the final immemorial soul beast.""How are your injuries? I can heal you!"Fang clan's immortals spoke one after another."Don't worry, don't worry." Fang Yuan waved his hand, there was nothing to be worried about, he was acting.Fang clan's Gu Immortals heard his words as their anger dissipated.Next, Fang Yuan tried again and subdued the final immemorial soul beast.The truth was, he needed to thank flowery wind warriors. If not for its ability to store killer moves and use multiple of them at once, how could Fang Yuan obtain the immemorial soul beasts?

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1525. Myriad Life Spring Lightning | Reverend Insanity

Thanks to Fang Yuan's skillful actions, the two final immemorial soul beasts guarding Divine Bean Palace were taken away and enslaved.The sovereign immortal aperture lost two immemorial soul beasts, but two more came in. One had a bull body and leopard tail, while the other was a one eyed giant."This Suan Bu Jin is truly a wisdom path Gu Immortal, our Fang clan has been plotting for generations, but now, this outsider has gained huge benefits while we have yet to obtain Divine Bean Palace. Not only did he get a rank seven Immortal Gu from us, he even subdued two immemorial soul beasts, obtaining rank eight battle strength!"Fang clan's Gu Immortals had varying expressions, Fang Yuan's gains were too huge, even the third supreme elder Fang Hua Sheng felt a little envious, not to mention the rest of the Gu Immortals.But this was normal mentality.Fang clan put in the most effort, but now, Fang Yuan the outsider had the biggest gains, while Fang clan continued to invest in this. It was no wonder that Fang clan's Gu Immortals felt envious towards him."This Suan Bu Jin is very capable, he had a method to subdue immemorial soul beasts! But it is not a surprise, he was able to roam green ghost desert and gather a soul beast army after all. But… why does he want great thief Immortal Gu? Does he have a theft path inheritance?""This great thief Immortal Gu is one of the core Immortal Gu of theft path, it was created by Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable personally. An ancestor of Fang clan had obtained it from a lone immortal by chance, hmph, how can our Fang clan's Immortal Gu be so easy to obtain? How can we stop until we work this Suan Bu Jin to the bones?"Fang clan's second supreme elder Fang Di Chang thought, he was about to speak but saw that after subduing the two immemorial soul beasts, Fang Yuan shut his eyes and sat down, pretending that he was gravely injured and needed to attend to his injuries."Hmm?! Friend Suan Bu Jin?" Fang Di Chang called out.Fang Yuan was silent."Friend Suan Bu Jin, how are your injuries?" Fang Di Chang's eyes shined with cold light.Fang Yuan was silent."It seems that you are gravely injured, why don't I help to heal you?" Fang Di Chang continued to pursue.Fang Yuan opened his eyes at this point, speaking in a hoarse and fatigued voice: "No need to worry friend, I am fine, I can suppress these two immemorial soul beasts. The important thing now is to take down Divine Bean Palace. This Divine Bean Palace has transformed drastically, it is stalling for time now, there must be a good reason. If you allow time to be wasted, something might happen.""Since it is trapped in our peach blossom maze, what could possibly happen?" A Fang clan Gu Immortal snorted in disdain.Fang Di Chang's eyes shone with cold light as he gazed at Fang Yuan.But Fang Yuan gradually closed his eyes."This Suan Bu Jin is so shameless, I wanted to get him to attack Divine Bean Palace and probe for danger but he actually acted like this. It is a pity that the alliance agreement did not give me the right to command him. The big picture is more important now, this Divine Bean Palace has been our goal for generations, we cannot lose it." Even as a wisdom path great grandmaster, Fang Di Chang had to ignore him for now.He continued to give orders as the three Immortal Gu Houses expended a huge amount of immortal essence, countless flower petals flew out like a storm.Within the rain of flowers, a large number of flowery wind warriors formed, controlled by Fang clan's Gu Immortals as they attacked Divine Bean Palace."Go and prove your loyalty now." Within Divine Bean Palace, Chen Yi had a cold expression as he commanded Eagle Concubine and Old Ghost Bai Jun.The two looked at each other with great worry and difficulty.Eagle Concubine said grimly: "With our strength, going out to fight will kill us. Please reconsider it Lord Chen Yi!"Chen Yi chuckled with a cold gaze: "If you defy my orders, you will die now. If you go out, I will reinforce you, there is a hope of survival. As long as I subdue this legendary immemorial soul beast in time, I will reward you. You know who I am, I will not lie. Make your decision in three breaths of time."Chen Yi was very forceful, Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine had to obey his orders and go out of Divine Bean Palace, facing the flowery wind warriors.Boom boom boom!Both sides fought near Divine Bean Palace heatedly.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine were rank seven Gu Immortals, they were smarter than immemorial soul beasts. Especially when they were experienced demonic cultivators, they had been pursued by righteous path members before and were very skilled at preserving their lives.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine were suppressed but they were very resilient, they managed to restrain these flowery wind warriors.However, as time passed, Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine got more injured as the situation became dangerous.Chen Yi was multitasking, reinforcing Divine Bean Palace while suppressing Qing Chou, and also observing the battle, he praised internally: "This move is amazing, it can store multiple immortal killer moves, allowing the Immortal Gu House to utilize countless methods, becoming as flexible as an ancient battle formation, it is not simple!"Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand as Divine Bean Palace shook, two rays of profound light landed on Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine.The profound lights moved quickly and entered both of their bodies.The two of them were shocked, they inspected their bodies but did not find anything peculiar.At this time, Fang clan attacked again, they had no time to check, they had to fight again.But during the fight, something different happened.Whenever they got injured, profound light would shine on their bodies, the damage would be shifted away from them."This is Divine Bean Palace's method, immortal killer move graft wood, it allows all of the attacks you receive to be taken by Divine Bean Palace instead." At this time, Chen Yi's voice resounded in their heads.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine were joyful and surprised.Joyful that they still had value and were not cannon fodder for Chen Yi, now that he helped them, they could last much longer.Surprised that Chen Yi had already gained control of Divine Bean Palace to use a second move after arriving here for such a short time, it seemed like Divine Bean Palace was already falling into his hands!"Hmm?" Fang Di Chang soon sensed this change.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine were safe and sound regardless of any killer moves that hit them, profound light would flash on their bodies."What move is this? It is so mysterious! Not just attacks, even time path and space path supplementary killer moves cannot affect them."Fang Di Chang gradually developed a heavy mood, he ordered Fang clan's Gu Immortals: "Go use a killer move to heal them."Fang clan's Gu Immortals were stunned, how could they help their enemies?But Fang Di Chang had high reputation, nobody questioned him, they quickly got to work.Healing methods landed on Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine but had no effect."Oh? It seems that there is a capable person in charge of Fang clan." Chen Yi's eyes flashed brightly, he could tell that Fang Di Chang was probing the effect of graft wood."Even healing killer moves are useless…" Fang Di Chang soon used his method to make deductions before ordering: "Ignore them, target Divine Bean Palace instead."The immortals acted as commanded, flowery wind warriors self-detonated as a large number of killer moves with varying effects, either in power or specialty, landed on Divine Bean Palace.Divine Bean Palace was shaking from the impact, but its core was untouched, only a large number of mortal Gu were destroyed.Chen Yi nodded to himself.Fang Di Chang's tactic was very wise, he had deduced the relationship of Old Ghost Bai Jun, Eagle Concubine, and Divine Bean Palace. The two Gu Immortals might dodge or defend against any attacks on them, but Divine Bean Palace could not, it was only passively receiving hits.And Fang clan's killer moves were unleashed via flowery wind warriors, the effect was amplified by peach blossom maze itself!If that was not the case, Divine Bean Palace would not have been affected.Chen Yi frowned slightly, he could only influence Divine Bean Palace now, he did not have control yet. In some ways, he could not even compare to Qing Chou.Qing Chou could influence Divine Bean Palace and manipulate this Immortal Gu House to fly around.But this authority was currently in Qing Chou's hands, Chen Yi could not make it move, therefore, it remained stationary.Chen Yi could kill Qing Chou and take away this authority, he would be able to make Divine Bean Palace fly in that case.But this way, Qing Chou would die, Chen Yi's own plans would be greatly disrupted.Therefore, Chen Yi was trying to get Qing Chou to surrender now. If he succeeded, not only would he gain Qing Chou's help, he could also make Divine Bean Palace fly away, he would not be in a passive state.Fang clan changed its tactic and gained the upper hand.Old Ghost Bai Jun and Eagle Concubine became ignored.These two had their own objectives too, they were forced out by Chen Yi to begin with, now that Fang clan ignored them, they were happy with that. They reserved strength and did not go all out to interfere with their actions.Divine Bean Palace took the attacks of Fang clan for several minutes, before Chen Yi's brows suddenly relaxed.After some time, he gained deeper control of Divine Bean Palace, he could use another method now."Too bad it isn't a defensive method, but if I use this, it can change the situation too." Chen Yi thought.Immortal killer move — Myriad Life Spring Lightning!At the next moment, Divine Bean Palace shook intensely, countless sparks that resembled dragons or snakes coiled around the palace. Lightning gathered into beads of jade green lightning balls as they exploded around the palace.Rumble…After a series of explosions, only a few flowery wind warriors escaped, the rest were destroyed."This killer move!" Fang Di Chang's gaze concentrated as his expression turned grim for the first time.This spring lightning did not just destroy the flowery wind warriors, it also landed on the ground and destroyed countless peach trees.These peach trees were formed from immortal battlefield killer move peach blossom maze, normally speaking, they could regenerate rapidly.But the places where these spring lightning balls exploded turned into jade green grasslands.Pine trees grew and took the place of the peach trees, becoming deeply rooted.Every spring lighting ball created one pine tree, gradually, a sparse forest was created.Even though this tiny forest could not compare to peach blossom maze, it was like a rocky reef by the sea, adamantly resisting the regeneration of the peach blossom maze.

Reverend Insanity