
Chapter: 1481-1485:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1481. The Use of a Clone | Reverend Insanity

The clone passed the tribulation, becoming a time path rank six Gu Immortal. Meanwhile, Fang Yuan's main body was still the rank seven Gu Immortal with the sovereign immortal body that cultivated all paths.Having a clone was very beneficial to Fang Yuan.Many things, especially the management of his immortal aperture, could be left to the clone to handle.Fang Yuan trusted himself absolutely, he was far more useful than any Shadow Sect member.Especially when they were the same person to begin with, their thoughts and wills were completely the same, there would not be any conflicts when they communicate, there would not even be small mistakes.Looking at how strong Shadow Sect was, it was not hard to imagine the usefulness of split souls.Shadow Sect had many members, but they were united and did not fear sacrificing themselves, that was because they were the same person to begin with.Fang Yuan paid a huge price to make his clone a rank six Gu Immortal.Firstly, the deduction used up a lot of his time and effort, the parallel refinement of Spring Autumn Cicada also used a bunch of immortal materials, and after creating the clone successfully, it also needed to cultivate, even though that was not too important, it was something he had to invest in.And because he used split soul, Fang Yuan's soul foundation fell from ten million man soul to nine million man soul, it had shrunk greatly.Fang Yuan had to accumulate his soul foundation again, but thankfully, with the two soul path sacred lands, he could progress quickly, Fang Yuan's development was not obstructed.As for Fang Yuan's clone, because it had Fang Yuan's split soul, it was half an otherworldly demon.The body originated from this world, it was still restricted by fate, Fang Yuan could not do anything about that.Unless he could mimic Shadow Sect and create another sovereign immortal fetus Gu for his clone.But Shadow Sect spent a hundred thousand years to refine one sovereign immortal fetus Gu, it was basically impossible to make a second one.For the following days, Fang Yuan's main body rested while his clone got rid of the lingering strength path dao marks inside the self cleansing immortal Gu formation.Fang Yuan had originally ascended his second aperture to become a strength path Gu Immortal. After that, he turned into an immortal zombie and the immortal aperture disintegrated, all of the strength path dao marks were left on his body.Fang Yuan decided to use the self cleansing formation to get rid of the clone's unnecessary strength path dao marks.The clone's body was not special, dao marks of different paths conflicted, after careful consideration, Fang Yuan decided to let his clone cultivate time path.Earlier, Fang Yuan considered dual cultivating strength path and time path, because he did not have the sovereign immortal body.Now that he had the sovereign immortal body and aperture, his focus was on cultivating that, the clone was only supplementary.Thus, the plan to refine second aperture Gu for the clone was canceled.Another aperture meant that it would turn into an immortal aperture when he ascends to immortal. Since Fang Yuan chose time path, this immortal aperture would cultivate time path, but what use was that?Another high grade or super grade blessed land was useless to Fang Yuan now.Rather than developing this blessed land, he should divert all of his effort into the sovereign immortal aperture. And Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture was only at four percent development now, there were too few resources in it, he needed to put in a lot of work on it."Maybe the biggest use of second immortal aperture is the availability of another vital Gu." Fang Yuan thought.The biggest advantage of a vital Gu was that even if refinement fails, it would not be destroyed.The life of the vital Gu was connected to the Gu Immortal themselves.Of course, if the Gu Immortal dies during the Gu refinement, the vital Gu would also be destroyed.Currently, Fang Yuan did not have a need for vital Gu.Among his Immortal Gu, the most important, Spring Autumn Cicada, was already a vital Gu.Other than handling his mundane tasks, the clone could ensure that Spring Autumn Cicada would never be destroyed when trying to refine it in the future."You are awake?" Fang Yuan looked at Sixth Hair.Sixth Hair opened his eyes slowly, he still felt weak, after seeing Fang Yuan, the first thing he asked was: "Sect leader, did the Gu refinement succeed?""Yes." Fang Yuan nodded."Great." Sixth Hair smiled and said: "That means our second round of Gu refinement has been completed."During the first round, Fang Yuan refined Cleanse Soul, Self Love, and Snack. During the second round, he refined Spring Autumn Cicada and Heavenly Secret.Fang Yuan paid a huge price to refine Gu. But all in all, his luck was very good, there were some Gu Immortals who could not succeed after a hundred tries after all.Of course, the luck path true inheritance and luck path Immortal Gu that Fang Yuan had were of a huge assistance to him. On the other hand, Lang Ya Sect played a crucial role, if not for Lang Ya land spirit and Sixth Hair's help, how could Fang Yuan's Gu refinement attempts have been so smooth?"What are the red snake tattoos on your body?" Fang Yuan had a dark gaze."This… it's nothing." Sixth Hair's gaze flickered."When you were unconscious, I had already inspected it. This refinement path killer move seems to expend your lifespan to increase your refinement path abilities. If I am not wrong, when the red snake tattoos reach your head, you will die." Fang Yuan said directly.Sixth Hair was silent for a while before saying: "Sect leader is right. My life is not important, I only hope that you can attack Heavenly Court and save my main body.""Heavenly Court…" Fang Yuan sighed as he looked at the sky.Sixth Hair quickly added: "Sect leader, no need to be discouraged, the enemy is strong indeed, but you have already regained Spring Autumn Cicada, you will inherit Red Lotus' true inheritance soon. Red Lotus Demon Venerable's true inheritance likely contains the method to defeat Heavenly Court, after all, he was the Immortal Venerable seed chosen by Heavenly Court."Fang Yuan nodded, he knew the things that Sixth Hair knew. It was hard for him to stop Heavenly Court from repairing fate Gu alone in just ten years. But with Red Lotus' true inheritance, there was a sliver of hope.Since Spring Autumn Cicada was now Fang Yuan's completely, the next step of his plan should be to find Red Lotus' true inheritance.But Fang Yuan shook his head: "I am in no rush to find Red Lotus' true inheritance, I can continue to increase my strength now. Heavenly Court will not allow me to take Red Lotus' true inheritance so easily, they must have arrangements inside the River of Time."Even though Heavenly Court could not find Fang Yuan, they knew that he would enter the River of Time and find Red Lotus' true inheritance.Fang Yuan did not need to think to know that Heavenly Court had already laid an ambush in the River of Time.It was necessary to find Red Lotus' true inheritance, but before that, not only did he need Spring Autumn Cicada, he also needed enough battle strength to break through Heavenly Court's ambush.In this aspect, Fang Yuan had more work to do."Tell me everything about this refinement path killer move that you created, I will deduce for you and resolve the problem of this killer move for you.""Sixth Hair, don't sacrifice yourself unnecessarily, I will need your help in the future to control Lang Ya Sect."Sixth Hair's heart jumped, he had the same thought too. Even though he was helpless against the backlash, it did not mean Fang Yuan could not resolve it.Especially with the light of wisdom.The parallel refinement of Spring Autumn Cicada and the tribulation of his clone was naturally done in the wilderness.After keeping the clone in his sovereign immortal aperture, Fang Yuan went back to Lang Ya blessed land with Sixth Hair using the teleportation Gu formation.After entering Lang Ya blessed land, they would be under Lang Ya land spirit's supervision, Sixth Hair and Fang Yuan could not talk, they parted as supreme elders of the sect.Fang Yuan did not return to his cloud city to rest, he came to wisdom Gu.He opened his immortal aperture door and his clone flew out.The clone was a living being, wisdom Gu did not respond.But soon, after the clone used strength reversing life and death to become an immortal zombie again, wisdom Gu flew around him in uncertainty."What?" Fang Yuan's heart jumped.Wisdom Gu was only flying around, it did not emit the light of wisdom.Fang Yuan's clone spoke: "Oh wisdom Gu, I was the one who made the agreement with you. Did you forget what we agreed upon?"Wisdom Gu was floating in front of Fang Yuan's clone, it was assessing him while hesitating.After a while, it went back to the tree leaf and landed, emitting the light of wisdom.Fang Yuan finally let out a sigh of relief.It was quite a shock, wisdom Gu almost did not acknowledge Fang Yuan's identity."I became a time path Gu Immortal, my cultivation level rose and my strength path dao marks were removed, and also due to the split soul, wisdom Gu became very hesitant.""No matter the reason, I need to be careful in the future, even if my clone's cultivation level remains stagnant, I need to maintain this, I cannot lose the light of wisdom!"Fang Yuan was a little gloomy, the wisdom Gu in <the legends of ren zu> was extremely intelligent, it even scammed Ren Zu several times, why was it so stupid here? It did not show the intelligence of wisdom Gu at all.Was this because <the legends of ren zu> was a story, or was there any other reason?

Reverend Insanity





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Chapter 1482. Iron Dragonfish | Reverend Insanity

Sixth Hair's problem was more difficult than Fang Yuan had thought.The refinement path killer move he created was called refinement snake lifespan flower, it not only contained the essence of refinement path, it also involved the karma of rule path.Sixth Hair created this move using an incomplete Gu refinement method from Lang Ya Sect's treasury as the inspiration.Fang Yuan deduced it and realized: refinement snake lifespan flower was not so easy to fix, if he was careless, Sixth Hair might lose his life.Thus, Fang Yuan changed his tactic and slowed down."If my refinement path attainment level is higher, I will need much less time to deduce refinement snake lifespan flower."Fang Yuan would not concentrate on this problem like he did with heaven's will dissipation refinement path immortal formation, because Sixth Hair's problem needed a lot of time to resolve.And Sixth Hair was not in any rush.As long as he did not use this move anymore, he would not lose his life.Fang Yuan continued his soul path cultivation while deducing.Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley were truly the sacred lands of soul cultivation, the soul foundation of Fang Yuan's main body started to rise rapidly again.But the clone did not cultivate this.The reason was conflicting dao marks.Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley were filled with soul path dao marks, be it guts Gu or Luo Po winds, they were in essence adding soul path dao marks to Fang Yuan's soul.The clone's soul had already received the maximum portion from Fang Yuan, if the soul foundation increased, it would disrupt his time path cultivation.Thus, Fang Yuan did not even give the clone ghost official garment.As for how to defend against heaven's will, Fang Yuan had his time path method, even though the effect was inferior to ghost official garment.But the time path method complemented the clone's cultivation, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.Even though Fang Yuan's main body had non-conflicting dao marks and could cultivate all paths, in such a special situation, he still needed to pay attention to killer moves of different paths. For example, ghost official garment was greatly weakened due to ghostly concealment.Other than deducing Sixth Hair's problem and the killer move to protect the time path clone from heaven's will, Fang Yuan had to modify his luck path killer moves.Wisdom path, sword path, and soul path killer moves had already been modified to his limit, now was luck path.Fang Yuan had many useful luck path true inheritances, among these assorted inheritances, the most prominent ones were Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's self luck and all living beings luck true inheritances.Fang Yuan had the complete content of the former and an incomplete version of the latter.He had many luck path Immortal Gu, Dog Shit Luck, Qi Luck, Luck Inspection, Connect Luck, and Time Luck were all rank six, they were not very suitable to Fang Yuan now since he was already rank seven.Fang Yuan was not going to rank up his luck path Immortal Gu for now, his focus was to refine one Gu, it was Spring Autumn Cicada!Rank six Spring Autumn Cicada could only allow rank six Gu Immortals to rebirth, Fang Yuan had rank seven cultivation level now, he needed rank seven Spring Autumn Cicada. Either that or rank six Spring Autumn Cicada used as a core of a rank seven immortal killer move.He was still at the initial stage of Spring Autumn Cicada's refinement, Sixth Hair was in charge of the entire Immortal Gu recipe, he was collecting the necessary Gu materials.Fang Yuan did not forget to practise his killer moves.He had modified his soul path killer moves long ago, he was very skilled with them now. Fang Yuan would practice the sword path and wisdom path killer moves from time to time, revising their usage.Fang Yuan knew that he had to work hard during peaceful times, by the time he fights, these killer moves would be instinctive to him. If his killer move fails during battle and he loses his momentum, that would be a disaster.Among the killer moves he practised, wisdom path killer move exposing heavenly secret was the most important.This killer move used heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core to deduce the contents of the following tribulation. Of course, there was a limit to it, Fang Yuan could not deduce the content of his next grand tribulation yet, he needed to wait for some time.Other than exposing heavenly secret, Fang Yuan also needed to practise heaven's will dissipation.This killer move was Fang Yuan's greatest success during this period of time, he was not going to give it up.Exposing heavenly secret allowed Fang Yuan to learn about the thinking of heaven's will. Heaven's will dissipation was a countermeasure that needed to be modified further, because it took a long time to prepare, it could only be used in the background now, it could not be utilized in an actual battle.His red date immortal essence was barely enough for use.His immortal essence stone storage had run dry already.The members of Shadow Sect were all developing well. Making use of Tai Qiu, they were accumulating resources, replenishing the amount they lost while escaping from Southern Border, they even improved in some aspects.Fang Yuan only took away the souls of the desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts that they captured, the remaining corpses were immortal materials that could be sold for a high price.Fang Yuan did not go after their gains, on one hand he was not attracted to this small amount, on another hand he wanted to maintain the rules of Shadow Sect. At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan could borrow resources from them for emergencies, Fang Yuan was not shy to do that.But if he tried that now, he would ruin their momentum and growth, the cost was too high compared to the benefits in this situation.Even though he obtained Shadow Sect's inheritance and gained a deeper understanding of Heavenly Court, there were many things that Fang Yuan did not know. Against such a huge organization, the tactic of Shadow Sect that they used in the five hundred years of his previous life were worth mimicking.Thus, other than his own cultivation, Fang Yuan started plotting.He had some relationship with the five regions in some way or another now, even though he was wanted by the righteous path forces of Northern Plains including Longevity Heaven, he had become part of the variant human alliance due to the engagement, his relationship with the variant humans was very close now.The problem now was that Fang Yuan lacked funds.Consecutive Gu refinement, cultivation, and practise of killer moves made his funds run dry. Even though he scrimped and saved, and his red date immortal essence also replenish on its own, Fang Yuan's advancement was too fast, he was operating at a deficit now, his funds could not catch up to his expenditure.For this problem, Fang Yuan's solution was the dragonfish business.But not long ago, You Chan also started to sell copper dragonfish, Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.But Fang Yuan soon accepted the fact.Dragonfish was different from guts Gu, new products could be deduced and created by his competitors too.This was like how Fang Yuan modified the light shine fungi.He could modify people's products, they could do the same to him.It was not like the guts Gu business, other than him, nobody else could produce it, that was truly the monopoly that Gu Immortals dreamed of.Thus, it was not strange that others could sell copper dragonfish. Fang Yuan was only surprised that You Chan did it so quickly.Days passed by.Immortal killer move — Years Pass Like Days!The tributary of the River of Time in sovereign immortal aperture expanded rapidly, the river water started to flow faster.The sovereign immortal aperture originally had very high rate of time to begin with, after using this killer move, the time flow became even faster.This way, calamities and tribulations would occur more rapidly.But Fang Yuan had no fear.He was already unmoved by calamities and tribulations at this point. As for grand tribulations, he had heavenly secret Gu and exposing heavenly secret, what was there to fear?The increase in his rate of time also led to the increased production of other resources.Especially dragonfish.In dragon scale sea area, a large number of dragonfish were swimming around. Most were ordinary red dragonfish, thirty percent were copper dragonfish, and the rest were black in color."This is my iron dragonfish." Fang Yuan smiled.With this huge formation, his dragonfish did not need to be researched on, the modification was automated."This time, after I sell the iron dragonfish, I wonder how You Chan will react?"

Reverend Insanity



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Chapter 1483. Silver Dragonfish | Reverend Insanity

"Iron dragonfish…" You Chan breathed in deeply, she wanted to calm her mind down, but she soon gave up despondently.Her gaze flickered, her expression was in a daze.Fang Yuan placed the iron dragonfish into the market and caused a small commotion in treasure yellow heaven.The dragonfish market was very big to begin with. There were Gu Immortals who tried to modify dragonfish, but they all ended in failure.This was because food path had never been well circulated in history.But this time, Fang Yuan actually modified the dragonfish twice!The Gu Immortals were all astute figures, they understood the meaning behind this modification, Fang Yuan was very likely to have very high food path attainment, or had inherited a food path true inheritance.The others could understand this, You Chan was the same.This was why she had suffered a huge blow, her mind was in turmoil.A small iron dragonfish was nothing, but the meaning behind it was like a huge mountain pressing down on her, she could barely breathe."No matter what, I cannot give up like this.""However, the previous copper dragonfish modification already expended all of my foundation. In the short time, I cannot succeed in modifying iron dragonfish.""What should I do?"You Chan knew her limits, she was sure that she could not deal with Fang Yuan alone.Soon, a figure appeared in her mind."Don't tell me… I need to get help from her?" You Chan was hesitant, there was a dark air deep in her eyes.Several days later, in white crane sea area.This place had a clear breeze and a calm sea that resembled a mirror. There was blue skies and white clouds, there was a clear horizon between the sea and sky, countless white cranes were flying around or standing elegantly on the small islands and resting.It was a scene of serenity and peace.At the center of this sea area, the owner of this place was laughing loudly, evidently happy."Hahaha, You Chan, oh You Chan, you finally thought it through." Qin Bai He was extremely happy, she laughed as she looked at Fairy You Chan, her gaze was invasive and extremely provocative.You Chan snorted coldly, turning her gaze away from Qin Bai He, feeling rather unhappy.Qin Bai He was the owner of white crane sea area, she was extremely beautiful and tall, she had an elegant neck and long legs, she was one of the six beauties of Eastern Sea, like You Chan.However, different from the other beautiful fairies, Qin Bai He did not like men, she only liked female immortals.She had a rank six Immortal Gu House in white crane sea area, it was called Bai He Palace 1 , there were countless women living in it, this was her harem which stayed with her at all times, engaging in unspeakable activities.Qin Bai He walked forward and held You Chan's hands, she had an extremely indulgent expression as she said: "So smooth, so smooth, oh You Chan, you know that I want you for the longest time! I desire to have you! From today onwards, you will be the empress of my Bai He Palace!""Hmph!" You Chan wanted to pull her hand away, but Qin Bai He grabbed them tightly.You Chan had a cold expression, she snorted: "Let go."Qin Bai He obediently let go, the two had an agreement already, she knew that You Chan was hers and could not escape anymore. There was no need to force her now, she had lots of time and energy to slowly savor You Chan.After You Chan pulled her hands away, she took two steps back: "Qin Bai He, don't forget what you promised me."Qin Bai He chuckled: "Of course, neither of us can solve the problem of the iron dragonfish alone in the short run. But as long as we worked together, if we put our hearts into it, we will definitely be able to resolve this! That guy who tried to challenge you will not be smug for long."You Chan nodded slightly.Qin Bai He was not spouting nonsense. You Chan had known her for many years, she knew a lot about her foundation.Immediately, You Chan stayed inside Bai He Palace and the two worked together for days and nights, using all of their energy to resolve the iron dragonfish issue.You Chan needed to try her best!Her main source of revenue was the dragonfish business, she could not give up on it, otherwise, her cultivation would be greatly affected.When Gu Immortals cultivate, they need to gain strength continuously. If anything goes wrong, they would be in danger against calamities and tribulations.Even if they did not die from calamities and tribulations, as long as they suffered heavy injuries, it would be a vicious cycle and the Gu Immortal would get weaker, they would eventually die from future calamities and tribulations.More than ten days later, an iron dragonfish appeared in Bai He Palace.Looking at this iron dragonfish, You Chan wanted to shed tears of joy.Because this dragonfish was not bought in treasure yellow heaven, it was forcefully bred by Qin Bai He and her cooperating together!This iron dragonfish meant that You Chan also had the method to breed her own iron dragonfish now."I have not lost in this battle of dragonfish yet!" You Chan cheered herself on."Mm, I was not wrong about you, You Chan, do you know that you are the dreamiest when you are serious." Beside her, Qin Bai He was looking at You Chan with enchanted eyes.You Chan's joy faded from her face as it turned cold: "We cannot be careless, the other party is very mysterious, he created the iron dragonfish and copper dragonfish, he had very deep food path foundation. We have merely just created this new species, and gotten on the same level as him.""I understand what you mean. You are afraid that the other party will bring out even more superior dragonfish?" Qin Bai He had a solemn expression.The worry that they had came true a few days later.Silver dragonfish!Fang Yuan's third attack.The silver dragonfish had even more food path dao marks than iron dragonfish.This time, the commotion in treasure yellow heaven was larger and wider than before.Many Gu Immortals noticed this and started to investigate Fang Yuan at full force.Of course, they would not be able to find anything.The appearance of the silver dragonfish was an immense blow to Qin Bai He and You Chan.These two Eastern Sea beauties were stunned.After researching it, the silver dragonfish's superiority made them feel deeply pressured. They had gone all out for the iron dragonfish earlier, with the difficulty of this silver dragonfish, they needed several years of hard work on it or there would be no hope.Furthermore, You Chan and Qin Bai He could not place all their energy on the silver dragonfish, they needed to interact with people and rest, they also needed to cultivate, manage their immortal aperture, and practice killer moves.The silver dragonfish was bound to appear in Fang Yuan's case. But for You Chan and Qin Bai He, they needed to put in lots of research.Silver dragonfish had a much higher difficulty to deduce compared to iron dragonfish."It's over, I am no longer his match, I can only give up the dragonfish business, and I need to let go completely without any reservations." Even with You Chan's determined personality, she was completely in despair now.The difference in their strength made You Chan unable to see any hope of victory.Qin Bai He was also helpless, she also bit her lips until it bled, she was very unhappy that she was unable to help her beloved, given her prideful personality.But just as the two female immortals were in despair, an unexpected force came in to interfere.This colossal organization was none other than Heavenly Court!It turned out that Heavenly Court had never given up searching for and trying to kill Fang Yuan.Even though they could not find Fang Yuan now, Heavenly Court's Fairy Zi Wei was not useless.The moment Fang Yuan sold the copper dragonfish, her attention was drawn to it.When Fang Yuan sold the iron dragonfish and silver dragonfish in treasure yellow heaven, Fairy Zi Wei focused her attention on it.Even though she was not absolutely certain that the seller of the new dragonfish species was Fang Yuan, she would rather be safe than sorry."Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had obtained the most original food path inheritance back then, Fang Yuan is the new leader of Shadow Sect, after getting its inheritance, he naturally has that food path inheritance too.""Dragonfish is the most signature product of food path, the dragonfish species has never changed over many years. The Gu Immortal that modified it time and again is likely to be Fang Yuan."Fairy Zi Wei knew: Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had lots of avenues and did not need the dragonfish profit, with his personality, he also did not favor business management, he used killing to resolve all his problems. But Fang Yuan was different.The more she learned about Fang Yuan, the more attention Fairy Zi Wei placed on him.This otherworldly demon had brains and brawn, he could lower his status if needed, if given enough time to develop and resources to use, he would be an immense threat.Thus, Fairy Zi Wei did not hesitate, she interfered and helped You Chan and Qin Bai He.On one hand, Fairy Zi Wei did not want to expose herself openly.On the other hand, helping these two would allow her to interfere in Eastern Sea, in the future five regions chaotic war, this would be a hidden card, she was killing two birds with one stone.A wisdom path Gu Immortal was most clear on how to maximize their benefits.Heavenly Court was extremely affluent after all, its foundation was unfathomably deep, even for food path, they had lots of foundation in it. Even though they lacked the inheritance of the source of food path, they had a lot of other inheritances.After getting Heavenly Court's help, You Chan and Qin Bai He had a boost of morale, they did not sleep for dozens of days, they actually created the silver dragonfish.This way, You Chan also had the silver dragonfish.This was out of Fang Yuan's expectations.He had thought that the silver dragonfish would decide the competition of the dragonfish business, but his hopes were dashed, the dragonfish business went into a deadlock again.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1484. Fang Yuan's Kindness | Reverend Insanity

Inside the sovereign immortal aperture.Mini Eastern Sea.Dragon scale sea area.A Gu Immortal was floating in the air with fluttering sleeves, looking down at the sea below him.He had a common face but extraordinary aura, he had abyss-like eyes that gave off deep wisdom and experience.It was Fang Yuan's rank six Gu Immortal time path clone.Right now, the seawater was in turbulence and waves were rumbling, but there was no wind at all."My sovereign immortal aperture has no atmospheric changes, there are neither winds nor clouds here. The reason this dragon scale sea area has waves is because my main body set up that immortal formation."The time path clone thought.Right now, dragon scale sea area was the number one sea area in the sovereign immortal aperture. It was Fang Yuan's current focus for development, he had invested a huge sum of funds.The time path clone looked over, seeing that within the tides and waves, countless dragonfish were swimming about, they were densely packed and the number was terrifying.Fang Yuan had put in a lot of investments, along with the sovereign immortal aperture's high rate of time, and his food path methods, the dragonfish bred rapidly, the numbers soared.Not just the ordinary dragonfish, there were even many copper dragonfish, some iron dragonfish, and a few silver dragonfish.Fang Yuan's clone looked beyond these dragonfish, towards the depths of the dragonfish group.Soon, his expression turned to joy, he found his target.This was a dragonfish shining like gold, it had densely packed golden scales, its eyes were not as dull as the other dragonfish, there was sharpness in them.Compared to the other dragonfish, it was the smallest, it was not even the size of a person's palm, it was tiny.But Fang Yuan's clone could sense that this golden scaled dragonfish had only food path dao marks in it and no other path's dao marks.Even though it was small, it gave off a true ancient desolate beast aura!The other dragonfish could only reach desolate beast at most, but the golden dragonfish could become ancient desolate beast!This was not to be underestimated, it meant that after becoming golden, the dragonfish had gone beyond the limits of its species and reached a brand new level."At this point, the golden dragonfish is the limit of development." Fang Yuan's clone sighed.The ancient golden dragonfish swam in the sea, be it the ordinary dragonfish, desolate beast dragonfish, copper dragonfish, iron dragonfish, or silver dragonfish, they were all moving around it.The ancient golden dragonfish was the king of the dragonfish, once it appeared, all of the lower dragonfish species would all defend and follow it."Even I, the owner of these dragonfish, have lower control of the dragonfish group compared to the ancient golden dragonfish." Fang Yuan's clone nonchalantly watched with a flickering gaze.It could be said that if Fang Yuan and the ancient golden dragonfish fought for control over these dragonfish, Fang Yuan would lose to it.This ancient desolate beast only needed to exist to gain the loyalty of all the dragonfish without question."But that is not a problem, the ancient golden dragonfish controls the dragonfish while I control the ancient golden dragonfish itself. Unfortunately, dragonfish have no fighting strength, even the ancient golden dragonfish is bottom tier in battle strength compared to other ancient desolate beasts. Therefore, these dragonfish can only be used as goods."Time passed quickly, half a month passed.You Chan had a tough time during this period.Even though she succeeded in breeding the silver dragonfish, she had used the help of Qin Bai He, Heavenly Court, and Fang Yuan's silver dragonfish.Thus, even though she could produce silver dragonfish, in terms of production, she could not compare to Fang Yuan, the originator.Fang Yuan was currently dominating her in terms of dragonfish business in treasure yellow heaven.The silver dragonfish was simply too useful, and since Fang Yuan did not raise prices by too much, the other dragonfish competitors were outmatched.And Fang Yuan sold silver dragonfish at a far larger scale than You Chan.The difference in their strength was evident, Fang Yuan had the clear advantage.However, You Chan did not give up, she was still persevering and putting up a fight.White crane sea area.Qin Bai He laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I finally got through this difficult part, our method has improved again. This way, our silver dragonfish production will increase greatly!"You Chan had a haggard look, but joy was in her eyes.She had worked with Qin Bai He for half a month without resting, along with the use of Heavenly Court's findings."But… even with such a result, our production still cannot match that person." You Chan sighed."Little Chan Er, don't worry, as long as we work together, we can resolve this, that silver dragonfish is not guts Gu after all. By then, our production will be on par with him." Qin Bai He was quite optimistic."But even then, we will only be equal with him. It is too difficult to continue innovating, we do not have the strength. That means we can only be at a stalemate with him at best. And this is under the assumption that he does not produce any newer species of dragonfish." You Chan shook her head.Qin Bai He opened her mouth and wanted to comfort You Chan but no words came out.The truth was, at this point in the battle, the result was already quite clear.You Chan was not Fang Yuan's match, she could only act passively and try to catch up to him to balance the situation.They did not have any way of winning, unless there was strong help given to them by external influences.Like Heavenly Court.It had a large number of food path inheritances.But why would Fairy Zi Wei help Qin Bai He and You Chan unconditionally?Both sides were from different regions, Qin Bai He and You Chan were very alert when working with Heavenly Court.But Fairy Zi Wei's intention was to lure these two into becoming pawns of Heavenly Court that infiltrated Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world.The five regions chaotic war was about to start, Heavenly Court had to start planning before the great era."I am afraid this person selling dragonfish is Fang Yuan.""Using him, I can pressure You Chan and Qin Bai He to become the pawns of my Heavenly Court.""But…"Within Heavenly Court, Fairy Zi Wei was paying close attention to treasure yellow heaven.The thing that stifled her was that Fang Yuan was not doing anything, after putting up the silver dragonfish, he stopped doing anything, he only sold the dragonfish normally.This situation made Fairy Zi Wei feel a sense of unease.She knew that Fang Yuan was not a person to take matters lying down."If that really is Fang Yuan, he definitely has a trump card.""He is a ruthless person, he does not leave others a way out. The current situation of this dragonfish business is not something he'll accept."While Fairy Zi Wei was thinking of this, Eastern Sea's You Chan suddenly had a change of expression."What is it, Chan Er?" Qin Bai He asked in concern."Oh, oh no. My dragonfish sea is being attacked by a Gu Immortal! The Gu formation has been destroyed, I must return!!" You Chan screamed in anxiety.Even though her immortal aperture had a lot of dragonfish, the bulk of them were in the dragonfish sea area.The dragonfish sea area was the foundation of her finances, most of her assets were there, how could she let anyone destroy it?Qin Bai He realized the severity of the issue, she grabbed You Chan's hand: "There is no time, I will go with you. Don't worry, I want to see who has the guts to act so arrogantly in front of us!"The Immortal Gu House flew out like a rainbow, carrying the two fairies' rage as it went from white crane sea area to dragonfish sea area.The two sea areas were not too far away, this was why You Chan could stay at Qin Bai He's place without too much worry.Thus, when they reached dragonfish sea area, the attacker had not left yet.You Chan's immortal Gu formation had already been half destroyed, that Gu Immortal was still taking the dragonfish into his immortal aperture."Such guts!" Even with You Chan's great disposition, she became furious upon seeing her dragonfish, which were raised with such difficulty, taken away in front of her."Who are you, you dare to attack my woman's place, today will be your death date!!" Qin Bai He shouted as she transmitted to You Chan."Chan Er, be careful, this person is quite weird, his method to take the dragonfish is very skillful."Even though Qin Bai He was angry, she had not lost her reason, she assessed the place and had a clear understanding of the current situation.You Chan looked over following Qin Bai He's guidance and her heart jumped.The mysterious Gu Immortal did not use any immortal methods, he was only controlling an ancient desolate beast, but the dragonfish that You Chan raised obediently followed him into his immortal aperture.You Chan took a closer look and felt even more shocked: "What is going on? This tiny golden scaled ancient desolate beast is a dragonfish? Golden… dragonfish? Don't tell me this person is my opponent in treasure yellow heaven? Wait, according to Heavenly Court, this person is likely to be Fang Yuan?!"You Chan had just thought of this when the person taking the dragonfish closed his immortal aperture's entrance and turned around to face the two furious fairies."You are finally here, my effort to wait here was not wasted, you managed to come. Hehehe, I am Fang Yuan, remember this name.""To be able to know the name of your murderer before death, this is my act of kindness towards you."Fang Yuan said this as the entire world changed, an immortal battlefield appeared and trapped You Chan and Qin Bai He.Qin Bai He and You Chan were immensely shocked, they looked at each other with pale faces.Fang Yuan was a vicious fiend with rank eight battle strength, why was he here?Wasn't he hiding somewhere in seclusion because of Heavenly Court's pursuit?Why did he dare, why did he dare to come out!And why was he so arrogant and vicious, he dared to attack another Gu Immortal's territory in broad daylight?!

Reverend Insanity



next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1485. Purple Star Broken Life | Reverend Insanity

Looking at the panicking Qin Bai He and You Chan, Fang Yuan had a cold gaze."It seems that the Gu Immortal world has been peaceful for too long, and this Eastern Sea has been too prosperous and peaceful due to their abundant resources, they were completely caught off guard by my attack."If this was during the five regions chaotic war, the world would be in turmoil, every Gu Immortal would be extremely alert, but before this, there was lasting peace, Gu Immortals cultivated on their own, focusing on their immortal apertures, very few would go out and fight to the death.Firstly, the immortal aperture would have calamities and tribulations once in a while.Secondly, Gu Immortals had all sorts of complex relationships, attacking one would attract more enemies.Thirdly, information was not perfect, Gu Immortals could hide deeply and often, one unknown immortal killer move could turn the situation around.The risks were high and rewards were little, Gu Immortals normally did not want to engage in life and death battles.But this was different for Fang Yuan's case."I have rank eight battle strength, why would I care about your friends and network, what is there to fear even if I kill you?"Battle strength was Fang Yuan's assurance, as well as his wisdom path attainment.After committing a crime, at worst he could run away!The world was huge, even Heavenly Court and heaven's will could not do anything to Fang Yuan now, not to mention the rest.And the third aspect, information. Shadow Sect had a lot of information across all five regions, Qin Bai He and You Chan did not know about Fang Yuan's background, but he knew a lot about them."As long as I kill You Chan, the dragonfish business will be mine alone, the profits will be immense!"Even if Heavenly Court wanted to obstruct Fang Yuan, they could not succeed easily.Because these resources needed to grow in specific environments, results would only show after some time.Fang Yuan was like a tortoise doing his best to develop and absorb his gains, raising his strength. He was like a venomous snake digesting all the food he ingested, he was feeling a bit of hunger now, he acted shockingly, directly going to Eastern Sea and sneak attacking suddenly.He caught You Chan and Qin Bai He off guard with this move.The two fairies here were very juicy loot. Especially You Chan, she cultivated water path and had a water path immortal aperture. Fang Yuan's water path attainment level was grandmaster, he could annex her immortal aperture, it was very useful.You Chan and Qin Bai He looked at Fang Yuan, they could sense his deep killing intent, mixed in with greed and ruthlessness, the situation was terrible now, the two women panicked, their hearts were beating, they knew that they were in danger.Qin Bai He forced herself to calm down, telling her companion: "Chan Er, even though we are rank seven, our strength will not increase much if we work together, our compatibility in battle is quite low. This enemy is too powerful, we cannot fight him directly, we need to escape."Qin Bai He wanted to retreat before even fighting him.There was no helping it, Fang Yuan's reputation was renowned in the five regions now.You Chan and Qin Bai He were famous people in Eastern Sea, but how could they compare to Fang Yuan?You Chan agreed with Qin Bai He's words deeply, she frowned and transmitted: "I think the same! But we are trapped inside the immortal battlefield killer move, how can we escape?"This immortal battlefield was completely flawless, like a dark red egg trapping the three immortals. There were countless purple stars in the egg shell, shining dazzlingly. The scene was beautiful, but You Chan did not have the mood to appreciate it.She wanted nothing more than to smash the egg and create a hole so that she could escape!Qin Bai He quickly replied: "I have a method to penetrate the immortal battlefield, to communicate with the outside world and draw in reinforcements.""That's great!" You Chan was joyful.Normally speaking, once a person was trapped in an immortal battlefield, they would be isolated from the outside world, they could not connect to treasure yellow heaven.But this relationship was like a spear and a shield, one side was stronger than another. If the spear was stronger, it would penetrate the defense, but if the shield was stronger, the spear would be helpless.Qin Bai He was one of the six fairies of Eastern Sea, similar to You Chan, if she sought for help outside, she would get lots of responses. In fact, the two of them were even slightly linked to Eastern Sea rank eight Gu Immortals.Even though asking for help would make them owe favors and leave debts behind, their lives were at stake, they did not care."Alright, go ahead, I will defend you!" You Chan had a determined expression, she stood in front of Qin Bai He.Qin Bai He breathed in deeply, her lustrous black hair spread out as countless flower petals descended, it was a beautiful scene. Within the fragrant flower petals that rained down, Qin Bai He with pale white skin was like a fairy of flowers, it was a moving scene.Over at You Chan, her aura was rising, it was becoming stronger.The immortal killer move was activated, droplets of rain filled the sky, before turning into a misty fog that shielded both her and Qin Bai He.Fang Yuan stood in the air, watching them with a nonchalant attitude, purple light flickered in his eyes as he smiled: "Qin Bai He, you want to communicate with the outside world, this killer move fragrant flowery words will not work, don't waste your effort."Saying so, he willed as countless purple stars descended and filled the world.The purple stars crashed down as You Chan's rain shield and Qin Bai He's flowers suffered terrible damage.Fang Yuan controlled the immortal battlefield killer move, after creating a wisdom path environment, he had a huge territorial advantage, he suppressed both water path and wood path."My immortal battlefield was created by deduction using three rank eight battlefield killer moves and eighteen killer moves as reference. I named it purple star broken life, it only has one ability, that is to conceal traces and isolate you from the outside world. The space in here is huge, but it only occupies one tiny spot in the outside world, even if anyone came here, they would not notice the battlefield."Fang Yuan spoke casually, but these two fairies felt their hearts turning cold.Qin Bai He was shocked and uncertain.She was shocked because Fang Yuan actually exposed her plan. She was uncertain because she did not know if he was speaking the truth."So amazing! This Fang Yuan is so scheming, he is definitely not someone who has brawn without brains!"Qin Bai He thought about it for a while, she was covered in sweat, she could see how tough Fang Yuan was to deal with.Regardless of the truth behind his words, she had already wavered, this was more effective than most wisdom path killer moves.You Chan was someone with a firm attitude, she shouted as she pushed with her palms.Instantly, raindrops moved as countless crystal clear water threads gathered into a huge fish monster.Immortal killer move — Whale Form Rain!Fang Yuan snorted as his gaze shifted, countless purple stars crashed down and completely suppressed the fish monster and two fairies.This immortal battlefield killer move had many of Fang Yuan's wisdom path Immortal Gu, it had great power.However, You Chan and Qin Bai He desperately held on like tough rocks facing impending waves.That huge fish monster was in poor shape after the purple stars' attack, but You Chan sustained her killer move and replenished it with rainwater.Immortal killer move — Soul Beast Summoning!Fang Yuan willed as he summoned five ancient soul beasts, attacking the two fairies.He did not use year beast summoning because soul beast summoning was superior. The ancient soul beasts were under Fang Yuan's control, they were obedient, but the suppression of the battlefield made them feel uncomfortable.Inside this wisdom path battlefield killer move, the effect would be better if Fang Yuan used wisdom path Immortal Gu or killer moves. Other paths would still face suppression and conflict, it was not like the sovereign immortal body."After this, I should modify a soul path battlefield killer move and use it with soul beast summoning, the effect would be great." Fang Yuan thought.The wisdom path battlefield killer move was more useful for concealment and preventing deductions, this was the advantage of the path itself, so Fang Yuan deduced a wisdom path battlefield killer move first.The ancient soul beasts were ferocious, assaulting the two female immortals and fighting against them.They were controlled by Fang Yuan, they ignored the fish monster and directly attacked Qin Bai He and You Chan, causing them to be in great danger.During the intense battle, You Chan's heart sank: "Fang Yuan has not attacked yet, but we are already desperately trying to stay alive, if he attacks, we are dead meat!"Fang Yuan was still far away, watching the two females in tough combat.After a long time of resting and practising, his methods were now abundant, he had no clear weaknesses. Even without using any signature methods, he forced these two rank seven Gu Immortals into a corner.

Reverend Insanity