
Chapter: 1476-1480:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1476. Heaven's Will Dissipation | Reverend Insanity

Deep under Eastern Sea."I am ashamed, you came all this way but I could not help you." Hua An smiled bitterly as he said to You Chan.The two were parting now.You Chan came to find Hua An for help, but because of Fang Yuan's superior wisdom path defense method, not only did Hua An fail to find out anything, You Chan even got exposed in the process.After hearing Hua An's words, You Chan shook her head, she looked at Hua An's strands of white hair as she said sincerely: "Hua An, don't say that. You expended your own lifespan for my matter when doing the deduction, I will engrave this in my mind. The reason we did not succeed was because the other party was too strong."Hua An nodded: "Your opponent this time is not simple. But no matter what, I failed to help you this time, if you need any help in the future, come and find me, as long as you do not mind my low attainment in wisdom path.""Hehehe, oh you." You Chan smiled, Hua An's words made her eyes shine, the gloominess in her heart dissipated.The two bid farewell.You Chan flew in the sky.The wind brushed against her face and clothes.While feeling this cold wind, she was calm as ice."Even though the opponent is very strong, I will not give up!""Even though Hua An failed to deduce anything, that does not mean I do not have strength. It is time to counterattack in my own way."You Chan made up her mind, looking at the sky and sea, her face was filled with determination.Fang Yuan soon caught wind of You Chan's new actions.He had been paying attention to her.You Chan added a new rule when selling the dragonfish. As long as returning customers bought from her, they would get a discount. For a period of ten years, as long as they bought dragonfish from her across consecutive years, they would get higher discounts.Once she did that, she stabilized the situation. Many of the buyers who were lured to Fang Yuan earlier returned to her quickly.You Chan's method made full use of her advantage, she was bullying Fang Yuan for being a complete newcomer in this business!Fang Yuan could not employ this same method with the same effectiveness as her.Not only did You Chan do this, she also increased her stock of dragonfish in treasure yellow heaven, they piled up into a mountain, her desolate beast dragonfish could form into an army.She was blatantly displaying her huge wealth and foundation.With this, she obtained great results.Treasure yellow heaven's discussions were all regarding You Chan."You Chan is the number one seller after all, to think that she had so much dragonfish for sale.""That challenger must be stunned now, no matter who he is, there is a difference between him and You Chan.""You Chan has been in this business for so long, her number one throne is not so easy to take down.""Let's wait a while, I feel like the mysterious challenger is not so simple."A small group of Gu Immortals were awaiting Fang Yuan's response.But for the following period of time, Fang Yuan did not do anything, it was as if he did not hear about You Chan's actions.Fang Yuan still sold his dragonfish like before, even though his business was just starting to take off, he had suffered a huge blow."You Chan's current strength far surpasses me. My current strength is too low, if we compete, it will not be wise." Even Fang Yuan himself had to admit that after seeing You Chan's assets, his foundation in the dragonfish business was much lower than You Chan.Fang Yuan had only raised his dragonfish for so long, You Chan had been in this for a longer period. This was Fang Yuan's weakness in accumulation, he could not catch up to her in the meantime.Fang Yuan endured You Chan's counterattack and provocation.Those Gu Immortals who were watching the show gave up on their expectations towards Fang Yuan.Only You Chan did not put down her wariness.Fang Yuan's inaction was a surprise to her, she felt a little worried.A sheathed sword was the scariest, if Fang Yuan had reacted to her actions, You Chan would be able to counterattack based on his actions. But Fang Yuan refused to do anything, You Chan did not know what to do now, she was naturally feeling vexed and worried."Should I go on the offensive? Should I force him to react?" You Chan thought about it, she decided to use the most stable method."Forget it, this situation is greatly advantageous to me, at this rate, in a few months, this mysterious opponent's business will completely collapse, he will lose all of his customers.""In this situation, why should I be worried? He should be the anxious one."You Chan cultivated water path, she knew the saying 'water benefits all things but does not contend with them', there was no need to act excessively 1 .Fang Yuan observed her for a few days, he soon found that You Chan started to stay passive now.He praised her in his mind, he realized: he had met with a troublesome opponent this time in the dragonfish business.But Fang Yuan felt no anxiety.He had a revised plan for this dragonfish business."The longer we drag on, the greater my advantage, I should wait for now."His immortal aperture development was stuck at the dragonfish business, but that did not stop him from cultivating other aspects.His soul foundation had already accumulated to eighty million man soul, he should have gone to hundred million man soul, but during this period, Fang Yuan practiced immortal killer move split soul, his soul was often injured and his foundation was lowered.But this way, Fang Yuan's gain was that split soul became more and more complete. He even used the light of wisdom during this period to modify the steps of activating split soul.Other than split soul, Fang Yuan also practiced other soul path killer moves.But these killer moves had weaker strength than the original version because he lacked Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan's current focus was on heavenly secret Immortal Gu.Different from most Gu Immortals, whenever Fang Yuan obtains a new Immortal Gu, his strength would rise sharply. This was because he had a vast number of inheritances, including the usage of many Immortal Gu.Heavenly secret Immortal Gu was created by Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable, it was later refined by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's split soul Old Man Yan Shi, and was destroyed in the battle of Yi Tian Mountain.Right now, Fang Yuan had refined it again.Fang Yuan took out heavenly secret Immortal Gu.Heavenly Secret had seven pairs of feather wings, it was floating before Fang Yuan.Even until now, when Fang Yuan saw this Immortal Gu, he would sigh at his own good luck.He did not expect that he had only tried to refine this Gu twice and succeeded on the second try!This was a rank seven Immortal Gu!His success was very lucky, it felt like a dream to Fang Yuan. If he had to try again, he had no confidence at all, he could not replicate this success.Refining Immortal Gu was like this, it could make a Gu Immortal feel a roller coaster of emotions.Sometimes, one could fail a hundred times without success. But sometimes, they could succeed after one or two tries!Fang Yuan had refined Gu countless times, he had chains of failures, and also a lucky success like heavenly secret Immortal Gu, refining Gu was really an uncertainty.It was truly a gamble!Different from other Immortal Gu, there were only a few immortal killer moves involving heavenly secret Immortal Gu.This was because Old Man Yan Shi had not created heavenly secret Immortal Gu for a long time, and due to Shadow Sect's plans, Old Man Yan Shi needed to spend a lot of time on the overall plans, and only created a few killer moves for it.And most importantly, the most valuable move was exposing heavenly secret.This killer move could predict the contents of heavenly tribulations and earthly calamities, the usefulness of it was immense!As long as the prediction succeeds, one could put up defensive measures against it, the success rate of the tribulation would rise greatly, this was an Immortal Gu that would greatly shook the Gu Immortal world."Or maybe, I can start a business on this?" Fang Yuan had a thought.Once this business gets on track and becomes reputed, it might not have a stream of profits all year round, but each time he had a deal, the profits would be immense!There was definitely a market for it.However, in his current situation, Fang Yuan thought about it and gave up.Because he did not want to expose the Immortal Gu.His greatest enemy was Heavenly Court.He had ten years to stop Heavenly Court from repairing fate Gu completely.Right now, even though he developed rapidly, he was still endlessly far away from this goal, there was no hope of success.In this situation, Fang Yuan needed to keep heavenly secret Immortal Gu as his trump card, if he did business with it, Heavenly Court's wisdom path Gu Immortals were not fools, they would learn about this.Thus, Fang Yuan intended to conceal heavenly secret Immortal Gu and not expose news of it.Wasting no time, Fang Yuan started to practise his killer moves.This killer move used heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core, it was not exposing heavenly secret, but was called heaven's will dissipation.For the short period of time, Fang Yuan did not need to urgently practise exposing heavenly secret.Because earthly calamities and heavenly tribulations were no longer problems for him, he could easily pass them.At rank seven, the only risky one was grand tribulations.But he was far away from a grand tribulation.Heaven's will dissipation was a wisdom path killer move, it used heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core, it targeted heaven's will and could get rid of heaven's will completely.This move was created by Old Man Yan Shi, but he did not succeed, heaven's will dissipation was only an incomplete move when Fang Yuan obtained it.Fang Yuan practised it for a while, the incomplete move could not succeed in activation of course, but the process allowed Fang Yuan to learn about the profundity of heaven's will dissipation.He praised Old Man Yan Shi's talent in his mind.With heavenly secret Immortal Gu's help, heaven's will could be directly attacked by the Gu Immortal and eliminate it.But there were many factors in this, he was still far from actually succeeding.But that was not a problem for Fang Yuan.He had lower wisdom path attainment level than Old Man Yan Shi, but he had his own foundation, and he could use the greatest advantage he had, the light of wisdom!Wisdom Gu showed the power and value of a rank nine Immortal Gu once again.Several days later, Fang Yuan completed the incomplete heaven's will dissipation.After getting this move, he started to use it on Spring Autumn Cicada!

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1477. Copper Dragonfish | Reverend Insanity

This Immortal Gu looked like a cicada, its head and stomach were brown and yellow, there were tree bark rings on its surface. The wings on its back were huge, they were translucent and resembled two overlapping tree leaves.It was emitting rank six Immortal Gu aura at all times.It was the rank six time path Immortal Gu — Spring Autumn Cicada.The current Spring Autumn Cicada was sealed by Fang Yuan within the immortal zombie body's aperture.Its body was warm and shiny, its wings were green like fresh leaves, this showed that Spring Autumn Cicada had completely recovered, it could be used already.If it was right after rebirth, Spring Autumn Cicada's body would have no shininess, it would be dark and withered like rotting wood. Its wings would be yellow like the wilting leaves of autumn. The tips of its wings would curl up and look like fallen leaves.Spring Autumn Cicada had a huge background, it was the Immortal Gu created by one of the ten venerables in human history, Red Lotus Demon Venerable, personally. It was also his vital Gu, it had an important status.Its effect was to let a Gu Immortal sacrifice everything they had as fuel to move in the River of Time, carrying their will upstream towards the past.Spring Autumn Cicada's ability was incredible, but it had a major flaw too.The owner of Spring Autumn Cicada would have their luck weakened at all times. Simply speaking, Spring Autumn Cicada attracted bad luck.At this moment, Fang Yuan looked at Spring Autumn Cicada with complex emotions.It had been with him since his previous life, without Spring Autumn Cicada, there would not be Fang Yuan.There was a question, which Immortal Gu had the biggest significance to a Gu Immortal? This question's answer varied among people, every Gu Immortal had their own answer. But Fang Yuan only had one answer, it was Spring Autumn Cicada!Forget about his past life, looking at his current life.Qing Mao Mountain, Three Kings blessed land, Yi Tian mountain, Spring Autumn Cicada displayed its might each time, it was Red Lotus Demon Venerable's vital Gu indeed, Fang Yuan managed to turn the situation around and escape from danger each time.But after the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he had lost Spring Autumn Cicada. Even though Fang Yuan regained Spring Autumn Cicada later, it was filled with heaven's will and he could not use it anymore.Fang Yuan left the control of heaven's will and became its enemy, the Spring Autumn Cicada filled with heaven's will was completely unusable to Fang Yuan.To display Spring Autumn Cicada's ability again, Fang Yuan would need to get rid of the heaven's will within. If not, even if he tried to rebirth, heaven's will would directly kill him."Now let me see how this move works." Fang Yuan muttered as bright light shone in his eyes.Immortal killer move — Heaven's Will Dissipation!After some preparation, Fang Yuan's body was covered in a grey-white light.Next, he used his hand that was covered in the grey-white light to touch the immortal zombie body.The grey-white light was like flowing water, it flowed down from his body and arm to cover the entire immortal zombie body.The grey-white light lasted for a while before changing.Eyes appeared in the grey-white light.These eyes were multicolored, resembling a rainbow.They first appeared around Fang Yuan's palm, before they increased in numbers and spread to the surroundings.Soon, these multicolored eyeballs covered the immortal zombie body. They blinked as they changed colors with each blink.Next, the multicolored eyeballs spread towards the aperture.Eventually, Spring Autumn Cicada's surface was covered by a small layer of colored eyeballs.The colored eyeballs blinked continuously, each time they blinked, it was an attack against heaven's will.Spring Autumn Cicada started to shake.The multicolored eyeballs were created and destroyed continuously, Fang Yuan continued to expend his red date immortal essence to allow an unceasing stream of multicolored eyeballs to grow.Spring Autumn Cicada started to shake intensely.After a while of shaking, Fang Yuan saw that Spring Autumn Cicada's surface had a mild crack.His heart sank as he quickly stopped the killer move.Guh.His body shook like he was zapped by lightning, he had stopped the move too quickly, Fang Yuan was injured from it.But this mild injury could not compare to the safety of Spring Autumn Cicada.Fang Yuan ignored his injuries, he quickly checked his Spring Autumn Cicada.The crack on Spring Autumn Cicada was not evident, but Fang Yuan had a vigilant nature, the moment it appeared, he noticed it.The crack meant that Spring Autumn Cicada was injured.Almost all Gu worms were fragile, be they rank six, seven, or even nine. Even if Spring Autumn Cicada was Red Lotus Demon Venerable's vital Gu, it was no exception.After inspecting it, Fang Yuan's expression was solemn."Heaven's will…" Fang Yuan gritted his teeth.Spring Autumn Cicada's injury was not severe, because he had discovered it early, such a mild injury was easy to handle.But he could not continue using heaven's will dissipation.At this rate, cracks would enlarge and increase in numbers, Spring Autumn Cicada would be destroyed.Heaven's will's influence on Spring Autumn Cicada was far deeper and more severe than Fang Yuan had expected.Fang Yuan thought about it for a moment and found his solutions.He had two ways now.One was to continue modifying immortal killer move heaven's will dissipation until it could get rid of heaven's will without harming Spring Autumn Cicada.The second was to use Shadow Sect's method, using refinement path methods to refine Spring Autumn Cicada before reverse refining it. During this process, he would get rid of the heaven's will.These two methods were flawed.Modifying heaven's will dissipation was quite hard. The truth was, it was not easy for Fang Yuan to deduce heaven's will dissipation, it was near his limit. It was not impossible to continue progressing in this aspect, but he would need to spend a huge amount of time, effort, and resources.And Shadow Sect's Gu refinement method was only a concept, it was hard to execute in real life.Heaven's will had such a huge influence on Spring Autumn Cicada, along with the risk that came with Gu refinement, as long as it wreaked havoc, accidents would occur during the refinement process."It seems that I need to combine both methods, that would be the safest method." Fang Yuan thought about it, he decided to go ahead with both ways.Fang Yuan moved quickly, coming to wisdom Gu."I'll rely on you."Wisdom Gu flew around Fang Yuan before emitting the light of wisdom.Bathing in the light of wisdom, Fang Yuan easily used many wisdom path methods. Thoughts moved in his mind like huge waves, countless thoughts were produced and destroyed, they collided and created major fireworks.Red date immortal essence was expended rapidly, Fang Yuan's forehead was soon covered in sweat.The difficulty of the deduction was huge, it was evident from Fang Yuan's tightly knitted brows.Fifteen minutes, thirty minutes… after two hours, Fang Yuan stopped.He let out a breath of air, his expression was pale.He had given it his all in his deduction, his brain was hurting now, his soul had turned dim, his vision also turned dark.After resting for some time, Fang Yuan recovered and used the light of wisdom for deductions again.The deduction was very difficult, his wisdom path grandmaster attainment level was useless here, it was beyond his current capability.Fang Yuan was forcefully using the light of wisdom to breakthrough.But Fang Yuan had a determined personality, he refused to give up, he had no such thoughts of backing down.He even placed his soul path cultivation and killer move practice aside, he placed all his time and energy into the wisdom path deduction.Even without any sleep or rest, working as hard as he could, progress was slow.But Fang Yuan persevered."It is fine as long as there is progress, even if a day has little progress, what if I spend days, tens of days or even months on this?"With such determination and perseverance, Fang Yuan went on to tackle this problem head on.During this period, his dragonfish business was starting to find a breakthrough.Sovereign immortal aperture, dragon scale sea area.Countless dragonfish formed into groups as they swam in the sea.Dragonfish looked like red carps, but much larger. Desolate beast dragonfish had even larger bodies, they were giants in the sea.But the battle strength of the dragonfish was bottom tier, nothing of value.After this period of breeding, a special type of dragonfish had appeared in Fang Yuan's dragon scale sea area.This dragonfish was smaller than normal dragonfish, at the same time, the scales were a bit dimmer, having a metallic luster to it, resembling red copper."The copper dragonfish has finally been bred." Fang Yuan inspected it and felt satisfied.Dragonfish were not a natural life form, they were created by a food path Gu Immortal.The person who created the dragonfish was none other than the beastman who created food path itself.Fang Yuan obtained the inheritance of this beastman Gu Immortal from Shadow Sect, he had a deep understanding of dragonfish.The dragonfish in the market might have food path dao marks, but they also had a mix of dao marks from countless other paths. But if he used the method in the inheritance to breed them, after many generations, a higher quality breed of dragonfish would come about.Like the copper dragonfish, it was a new species superior to normal dragonfish.What created this situation was the food path immortal Gu formation that Fang Yuan had set up painstakingly!Fang Yuan saw that there were a lot of copper dragonfish, he placed a portion of them into treasure yellow heaven."If I had just started the dragonfish business, this small quantity of copper dragonfish would not gain any attention.""But earlier, I had already started selling dragonfish and even received You Chan's counterattack, the other Gu Immortals all know that I am in this business now.""Hehe." Fang Yuan thought of this and laughed.He did not need to guess to know that these copper dragonfish would create a huge commotion when they enter treasure yellow heaven."Oh You Chan, this is my true trump card, how will you deal with it?" Fang Yuan thought expectantly to himself.

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Chapter 1478. Success | Reverend Insanity

Several days after the copper dragonfish was put up for sale.Treasure yellow heaven went into a commotion."What dragonfish is this?""Copper dragonfish? A brand new species?""I heard the seller saying that the copper dragonfish has a better effect compared to normal dragonfish.""Haha, this will be quite a show.""Indeed, I thought that this seller was defeated by You Chan. But to think that he waited so long just for this powerful counterattack!""We are all going to benefit from the appearance of this new copper dragonfish species. I can deduce that this seller has a food path true inheritance." Some Gu Immortals were jealous and envious, especially those experts.The feeding of Immortal Gu was a problem that troubled not just Fang Yuan alone.Food path true inheritances were something that most Gu Immortal experts wanted, they just did not have the fortuitous encounters.However, treasure yellow heaven was a safe place that even Heavenly Court was without options against, these Gu Immortal experts went to approach Fang Yuan's will instead.They directly talked about the food path true inheritance, they expressed their strong intentions to buy it.But Fang Yuan ignored all of them.He had so many inheritances in his hands, if he sold them, it would cause a huge commotion in the market, he would earn a ton of profits.But that was fueling his enemies.In the following great era, when the five regions chaotic war starts, anyone could become Fang Yuan's enemy. In fact, Heavenly Court was already an irreconcilable enemy!"Find him, find out the identity of this seller." After being rejected by Fang Yuan, some did not give up.Some rank eight Gu Immortals decided to collect Fang Yuan's intel and try to deduce themselves, or hire wisdom path Gu Immortals to help.An innocent man attracts greed because of his wealth.Those who were troubled by the feeding of Immortal Gu were usually the ones who had more Immortal Gu in their possession.And these people who had lots of Immortal Gu were basically the stronger ones among their peers. Food path true inheritances were not just the solution to this problem.There was also the dragonfish business!With the appearance of the copper dragonfish, Gu Immortals saw how much potential this business had as a result of the food path true inheritance!But they were bound to fail.Fang Yuan's wisdom path defense method made even one of the three wisdom path expert in Eastern Sea, Hua An, fail his deductions. Heavenly Court and heaven's will were also unable to deal with him.In the past, Fang Yuan had gone into hiding because he needed to avoid deductions, but now, he no longer cared about this problem.An ordinary copper dragonfish was held in You Chan's hands as it struggled from time to time.You Chan's hands were trembling slightly, her expression was unsightly.This tiny insignificant copper dragonfish was a huge threat in You Chan's eyes. This was far more terrifying and severe than Fang Yuan lowering his prices."To think that the enemy is able to retaliate like this. Impressive, truly impressive, my worry was completely correct."After a long while, You Chan calmed down and sighed repeatedly.The appearance of the copper dragonfish was detrimental to her dragonfish business, it was a fundamental threat.The severity was extremely high for You Chan, she was in great danger!In fact, not just her dragonfish business, dragonfish businesses in the entire world was challenged by this copper dragonfish!"I've already tested it several times, the copper dragonfish is indeed better than ordinary dragonfish, the reason is that its body has a higher proportion of food path dao marks. What should I do?"You Chan bit her lips, she had a solemn expression.She had a tough personality, but after accepting the facts, she felt an intense indignant feeling in her heart."I cultivated so hard for countless years, how can I admit defeat so easily?""The dragonfish business is my main source of revenue, if it goes under, my cultivation will be in huge danger.""I cannot lose like this!""Right, I, You Chan, am not a weak woman, how can I admit defeat so easily?""Copper dragonfish, since he can nurture it, why can't I?"You Chan clenched her fists, bright light shone in her eyes as fighting spirit burst out of her.She wanted to compete, she wanted to try and create her own copper dragonfish.That was the only way she could contest this mysterious enemy, otherwise, ordinary dragonfish would not allow her to even be in the competition.You Chan was not blindly confident, she had her own assurance in food path.She had once obtained a food path inheritance, but it was not as authentic as Fang Yuan's.Even though food path was barely circulated, it was not cultivated by only the creator himself.Precisely because You Chan had the food path inheritance, she chose the dragonfish business as her main source of income.In fact, she had been trying to modify the dragonfish's quality too, but she had not succeeded yet."But now, the modified dragonfish is right in front of me.""I had no progress earlier because my food path attainment was too low. Now that I have this copper dragonfish as reference, I will be able to reverse deduce it, I will rather kill myself if I can't even do that.""Hehe, you might not realize it, but your copper dragonfish will become my fortuitous encounter instead!"You Chan was full of vigor, she researched the copper dragonfish thoroughly, for the following period of time, she was like a crazed researcher, she worked so hard she even forgot to eat her meals.On the other side, Fang Yuan was also working hard, he continued to deduce the solution to Spring Autumn Cicada's problem.He moved forward with difficulty like a person who had just healed from illness trying to climb a steep mountain with his weak body.It was filled with difficulty.But no matter how difficult it was, Fang Yuan's ambitions could not be doused.He progressed stably, even though each step was very difficult and yielded little result, he slowly accumulated his gains, they became increasingly useful.In this process, Fang Yuan gained a deeper understanding of how powerful the light of wisdom truly was.The more he used it, the deeper his inspiration.Bathing in the light of wisdom, Fang Yuan had unlimited inspiration, and these inspirations led him towards the proper answer.Fang Yuan's wisdom path grandmaster attainment level was also barely holding him together.Time passed quickly, half a month went by rapidly.On this day, Fang Yuan stretched his arms as he yawned loudly.Success!He had finally succeeded in finding the solution to Spring Autumn Cicada's problem.At almost the same time.In Eastern Sea, the dragonfish sea area that had no wind suddenly had huge waves and ripples.Under the deep sea, You Chan waved her arms around happily, she was extremely excited and joyful."I succeeded!""I finally recreated the brand new species of copper dragonfish.""Even though I need to use his copper dragonfish as the breeding point, once I have several of these copper dragonfish, I will be able to breed even more of them.""I will not lose this dragonfish battle!""What other moves do you have left, go ahead and use them all."

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Chapter 1479. Parallel Refining Spring Autumn Cicada | Reverend Insanity

Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Southern Border, Heaven Sealing Mountain.This was a short and unassuming mountain. The core of the mountain was hollow, there was a Gu formation in it, used to seal the strength path immortal zombie body.Therefore, it was called Heaven Sealing Mountain, it was meant to seal heaven's will.Right now, Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal body was floating in the air, he was looking down at Heaven Sealing Mountain. Beside him, there was a Gu Immortal, it was the variant human Gu Immortal Sixth Hair.Letting Sixth Hair into his sovereign immortal aperture was something that Fang Yuan had thought about deeply.Normally speaking, the immortal aperture was an important place that needed to be kept as a secret, it was the foundation of the Gu Immortal's cultivation, it would not be shown to others.But Fang Yuan had already let the Shadow Sect Gu Immortals into his immortal aperture, Sixth Hair was a member of Shadow Sect too, he was worth trusting.During this period of time, Sixth Hair had done all he could to refine the Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan saw this and remembered it deeply.There was another point, Sixth Hair and Ying Wu Xie were in contact, they were both members of Shadow Sect, they knew about the sovereign immortal aperture in the first place, and since Ying Wu Xie had already gone inside, there was no need to hide it from Sixth Hair."I am going to start refining the Gu." Fang Yuan breathed in deeply and said.Sixth Hair nodded: "Sect leader, go ahead, I will do my best to assist you!"This Gu refinement involved Spring Autumn Cicada, it was extremely important. Fang Yuan needed the help of this refinement path Gu Immortal Sixth Hair.In fact, Fang Yuan had borrowed a number of refinement path Immortal Gu and mortal Gu from Lang Ya Sect a few days ago.He set up a refinement path Gu formation using all of these Gu worms.This refinement path immortal formation had already been set, Fang Yuan only needed to activate it now.Fang Yuan willed as red date immortal essence was expended continuously, the immortal Gu formation started to activate.Waves of white light soaked Heaven Sealing Mountain like flowing water.A moment later, Fang Yuan multi-tasked and used a refinement path killer move.Boom!With a loud sound, air was pushed out as a giant golden pillar of light shot down from the sky.The golden light pillar had a grand aura, everywhere it went, the flowing water white light was repelled, it directly penetrated Heaven Sealing Mountain and stabbed deep into its core.Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body was inside the mountain, the golden light pillar landed on the immortal zombie body and completely suppressed it.The immortal zombie body was creaking, as time passed, it was starting to break.Fang Yuan used his time well and stabilized the golden light pillar before taking out a living desolate beast.Crack.A sword light flew over and cut off the desolate beast's head, killing it on the spot.Puff!A large amount of blood spewed out of the desolate beast's neck, it was like a huge red fountain.The smell of blood permeated, but the golden light pillar emitted a strong attractive force due to Fang Yuan's manipulation.The blood from the desolate beast was instantly drawn towards the golden light pillar by a formless force.That desolate beast corpse soon became dried up as its blood was completely sucked away.The golden light pillar absorbed the blood and had a hint of red mixed into it.This addition made the originally grand light pillar more sinister and bloody.Kill, kill, kill!Next, Fang Yuan killed seven desolate beasts with a tough expression, he was merciless.The golden light pillar absorbed all of their blood and became a completely red light pillar, it had completely changed.Sixth Hair nodded as he watched.He recognized that the method Fang Yuan used was called the seven kill blood path Gu refinement method. This method came from Lang Ya Sect, Sixth Hair had heard of its name but did not know the details. Fang Yuan used Shadow Sect's inheritances to exchange for Lang Ya Sect's inheritances, obtaining this Gu refinement method.He disassembled this method and only took the essence of it, after modifying it, it became very useful here.Even Sixth Hair was nodding in approval when he saw it.Fang Yuan focused on controlling the blood light pillar, while Sixth Hair also started acting.This time, Sixth Hair was assisting Fang Yuan in the Gu refinement, he had a huge task.Both sides had communicated amply before this, Sixth Hair did not need Fang Yuan's reminder, he knew what to do.He took out the appropriate Gu materials.These Gu materials were all flowers, there were ghost face sunflowers, wire cotton, heavenly flowers, seven treasure flowers, milk tea flowers, iron shell flowers, boat flowers, blood poison kerria, multicolored overlord flowers, green beetle water lotuses, red axe flowers, smelly fly flowers, and others.These flowers were of a variety of species, they were either big or small, some were mortal Gu materials, while others were immortal materials.Sixth Hair started to use refinement path methods to process these flowers.The handling of Gu materials required a great wealth of knowledge.Every flower had its own way of processing.Thankfully, Sixth Hair was a refinement path cultivator, he had a lot of experience in refining Gu, as a split soul of Spectral Soul, he had deep foundations. It was very wise to get him to process these flowers.Time passed, after several minutes, Sixth Hair finished handling all of the flowers.He handled them well, the flowers were specially chosen and were not wasted, their essence was extracted and fused into a hundred flowers concentrate.At this moment, Fang Yuan condensed the blood light pillar as it shrunk from a giant to a tree trunk-like length and thickness."The liquid is here, catch." Sixth Hair pushed as the floating flower concentrate flew towards Fang Yuan like a translucent bubble.Fang Yuan stretched his hand and easily grabbed this hundred flowers concentrate in his palm.Next, he breathed in deeply and created a new change.Winds blew as dark clouds appeared in the sky.Fang Yuan cried out abruptly as he waved his hands, throwing all of the hundred flowers concentrate into the sky.The hundred flowers concentrate entered the dark clouds as they immediately turned pink.Splash splash splash.A huge rain started to drizzle down.Fang Yuan had a solemn expression, his fingers moved rapidly, only the afterimages of his fingers could be seen waving around.The pink flower rain was drawn by the formless force, a portion fused into the blood pillar, the other was fused with the immortal zombie body, absorbed by the refinement path immortal formation.The air was filled with an intense smell of flowers.The blood light pillar that was like a tree trunk became smaller and smaller, it shrunk until it disappeared completely.Fang Yuan willed as the refinement path immortal formation activated rapidly, it was no longer as slow as before.When refining Immortal Gu, a refinement path immortal Gu formation was very convenient.In the five hundred years of his previous life, Fang Yuan did not obtain one, but now he possessed the details of a great number of refinement path Gu formations, he could even use his formation path grandmaster attainment level to modify them using the light of wisdom, he could make them the most suitable formations for the Gu that he wanted to refine.The refinement path immortal formation continued to work, using the flower concentrate, there was a temporary connection among the immortal zombie body, Spring Autumn Cicada, ad as well as Gu materials.Using this chance, Fang Yuan opened the door of the immortal formation.From the door, a wooden log flew out.This wooden log was like shining gold, but upon closer inspection, it was made of wood. There were dewdrops on the log, they looked like amber. Several delicate clouds were forming and getting destroyed on the surface of the log.This was the immortal material, golden cloud divine wood.Like the other Gu materials, it had been kept in the refinement path immortal formation by Fang Yuan and was nourished by the hundred flowers concentrate.The refinement path immortal formation worked as the golden cloud divine wood quickly broke apart and disintegrated into nothingness.At the same time, wooden markings appeared on the immortal zombie body, similar to the golden cloud divine wood, dewdrops were forming on it, resembling amber. The delicate clouds were forming on the immortal zombie body's forehead, as well as its stomach.Fang Yuan let out a breath of turbid air, telling Sixth Hair: "Take my place."After processing the hundred flowers concentrate, Sixth Hair had been resting, until he heard Fang Yuan's orders to take over the immortal Gu formation.Fang Yuan was relieved as he quickly sat down to rest using every second of his time.Even though the refinement process seemed very smooth, it was not, every step was like treading on thin ice. His immortal essence expenditure was huge, and his mind was under immense pressure.Even with Fang Yuan's abilities, at this stage, he could barely continue.It was dangerous to continue in this state, thus, Fang Yuan chose to rest now and let Sixth Hair take his place in the Gu refinement.Normally speaking, the Gu Immortal refining the Gu cannot be changed easily.Because a different person would have different immortal essence and aura, there were many flaws in this when refining Gu.But Fang Yuan had deduced this step amply, he specially designed it, there were no problems with it.

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Chapter 1480. A Slight Smile | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan rested for a few minutes before opening his eyes.His stamina had recovered, his eyes were no longer seeing stars, he had a clear mind and his condition was much better.Sixth Hair let out a sigh of relief when he saw Fang Yuan taking over.Both of them exchanged roles perfectly, they had practiced this step many times.Right now, Fang Yuan's strength path immortal zombie body had completely turned into a human shaped golden cloud divine wood, Fang Yuan moved to the next step.The refinement path immortal formation opened its door again as a huge sea urchin flew out.This sea urchin was large as a house, there were sharp spikes on its surface, like it was made of purple-gold, there were countless shining spots on its body surface.This was the purple star urchin, it was a rare immortal material.Under the effect of the immortal formation, the purple star urchin could be seen shrinking gradually, progress was smooth.But suddenly!From the purple star urchin, there was a dazzling starlight.The starlight bounced around like a ball, moving randomly.The refinement path immortal formation shook intensely, Fang Yuan had a stern expression as he tried to keep it under control.But there was little effect, the bouncing starlight had increased from one to three, with greater disturbances, the refinement path immortal formation shook even more intensely, there were creaking sounds coming from it."Oh no!" Sixth Hair cried out in dismay, before shouting: "Moving of a single thought, blossoming of the red snake!"Sixth Hair willed in his mind as red snake tattoos appeared on his skin, moving about upwards. The snake tattoos were originally at his chest, but it had moved up towards his neck now.At this moment, Sixth Hair's strength rose drastically, his eyes were bursting with brilliance, even Fang Yuan was greatly shocked.Sixth Hair charged towards Fang Yuan and helped him to control the refinement path immortal formation.With his help, the bouncing starlight specs were destroyed one after another."Crisis averted." A while later, Sixth Hair let out a breath of air, he was in a fatigued condition."Sect leader, it is up to you now." Saying this, he fainted on the spot.Fang Yuan was silent, he looked at the red snake tattoos on Sixth Hair's neck before turning his attention to the Gu formation before him.Because of Sixth Hair's desperate save, the crisis of the Gu refinement was resolved, Fang Yuan could move to the next step.The third door of the immortal formation opened, a new immortal material flew out.This was a rock, but the rock had natural carvings of faces. These were human faces, with men, women, young, old, they had varying expressions, some cried, laughed, screamed, or had serious expressions.Thousand face human rock.This was the most crucial step.Fang Yuan invested all his concentration into the Gu refinement, the thousand face human rock soon disintegrated due to the refinement path immortal formation.But the faces turned into illusory shadows and flew into the immortal zombie body's aperture.Fang Yuan's aperture was full of cracks originally, but now, it changed.The cracks on the aperture walls were filled up with a thick purple gold rock, there were countless stars shining on it, there were even sharp spikes protruding from them, looking like the purple star urchin.The human faces flew around the aperture, under Fang Yuan's control, they went towards the Spring Autumn Cicada at the center.Spring Autumn Cicada was sealed by Fang Yuan, it could not move.The human faces rapidly went past Spring Autumn Cicada before flying away again.Spring Autumn Cicada shuddered but was as stable as before.The human faces flew for a while as they slowly melted like snow exposed to sun, they faded into nothingness with only a small thread remaining.This thread-like thing was heaven's will.Every time the human faces flew past the Spring Autumn Cicada, it would be a quick refinement process that took away a portion of heaven's will from Spring Autumn Cicada.Human faces flew past Spring Autumn Cicada one after another, drawing out the sealed heaven's will.These threads of heaven's will were soon taken out by Fang Yuan and melted by the refinement path immortal formation.This process lasted a long time until the human faces were no longer able to bring out heaven's will."Heaven's will is too stubborn, far more than I had expected." Fang Yuan sighed, he directly mobilized several human faces to attack at once.The human faces surrounded Spring Autumn Cicada as they gritted their teeth, dragging out the threads from Spring Autumn Cicada.Heaven's will was sealed into the thread-like state, dragged out forcefully time and again.Spring Autumn Cicada continued to shake but it was in safe hands, no cracks were developing.Fang Yuan had painstakingly created the refinement path immortal formation, it was the best method against this.After dozens of times, even if Fang Yuan controlled an army of human faces, they would no longer draw out heaven's will from Spring Autumn Cicada.But Fang Yuan could sense that at the deepest part inside Spring Autumn Cicada, a small bit of heaven's will was lingering.This bit of heaven's will was almost negligible, but Fang Yuan did not dare to let it remain."Heaven's will is truly pesky, I have to do this after all." Fang Yuan sighed, activating the refinement path immortal formation to its limits.The spikes on the aperture that resembled the purple star urchin grew furiously as they stabbed towards Spring Autumn Cicada from all directions!There were hundreds of spikes that stabbed into Spring Autumn Cicada.Spring Autumn Cicada was not destroyed, instead, it was melted into a green jade liquid. The spikes absorbed this liquid instinctively.Eventually, there was only that bit of heaven's will left at Spring Autumn Cicada's original spot.Fang Yuan quickly destroyed it.Read the next chapter on our vipnovel.comFinally, the green liquid was forced out of the spikes and gathered at the center, into a lump.Fang Yuan stared with bloodshot eyes, he felt extreme pressure to maintain this situation. The refinement path immortal formation was at its maximum capacity, a large amount of red date immortal essence was expended at this moment!The green liquid slowly took shape, turning back into Spring Autumn Cicada.It was safe and sound, the only difference was that after melting and reforming, there was no longer any of heaven's will inside its body.Originally, Shadow Sect planned to raise Spring Autumn Cicada's rank through refinement before reverse refining it to get rid of heaven's will. But after Fang Yuan modified it, it became a parallel refinement.Parallel refinement had a much higher chance of success than normal refinement.But even so, the process was filled with difficulty, there was even a crisis that was resolved only by Sixth Hair's timely action.Seeing the Spring Autumn Cicada that was floating quietly in the aperture, Fang Yuan felt extremely pleased.At this point, rank six Spring Autumn Cicada had succeeded in the parallel refinement! Fang Yuan finally had full control of this legendary Immortal Gu!Crack, crack.The aperture was emitting this sound.The cracks were not appearing on Spring Autumn Cicada but the purple-gold rock and spikes instead.Fang Yuan watched this, he could not, and did not want to stop this.The rock and spikes shattered and at the same time, even the aperture itself broke.Fang Yuan's aperture had truly gone through lots of turmoil, it was first pressured by Spring Autumn Cicada, forcing Fang Yuan to turn it into a stone aperture and dead aperture.At this moment, it had reached its limit, it shattered.This was the result of parallel refining Spring Autumn Cicada, it could not be avoided, and Fang Yuan did not want to avoid it either!"I'll undergo tribulation like this." Fang Yuan laughed, a lump of soul appeared beside the immortal formation.The soul moved rapidly, entering Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body.The immortal zombie body opened its eyes and nodded at Fang Yuan.It was Fang Yuan's soul who occupied the body, he had used his split soul method to divide a portion of his soul, this was his first split soul.Fang Yuan smiled as he used an immortal killer move on the immortal zombie body — Strength Reversing Life and Death!This was a method that he had created long ago, it was modified from Blazing Heaven Demoness' nirvana fire, it could allow an immortal zombie to return to human form.At this moment, the strength reversing life and death that Fang Yuan used was modified and even better than before, it was not inferior to nirvana fire.The immortal zombie body returned to life as two lifespan Gu were tossed out by Fang Yuan.The immortal zombie body grabbed them and used them immediately.This body had been bathed in the light of wisdom for too long back in Imperial Court blessed land, its lifespan was near its end.Now that he used lifespan Gu, it gained a large amount of lifespan, it would not die immediately after coming back to life.The aperture shattered as a storm developed in the sovereign immortal aperture, heaven and earth qi were starting to move.Fang Yuan did not want his clone to undergo tribulation in sovereign immortal aperture, he opened his immortal aperture door.The clone flew out and faced the calamities and tribulations head on.Afterwards, Fang Yuan's main body kept sovereign immortal aperture and appeared in the outside world too.This was a nameless place in Northern Plains, Fang Yuan had chosen it after close inspection, there was nobody here and it was very safe.The immortal ascension calamities and tribulations were terrifying to most Gu Masters, it could be said to be a near death experience.But for Fang Yuan, it was a piece of cake.Be it the balancing of heaven, earth, and human qi, or the assault of the tribulations, Fang Yuan was very familiar with them.Heaven was extremely furious!Fang Yuan had actually gained complete control over Spring Autumn Cicada, this was truly the tipping point for heaven's will.It unleashed calamities and tribulations of the highest level possible.But that was completely pointless!Fang Yuan easily dispersed the calamities and tribulations in a few attacks, ensuring that his clone got through the tribulation easily, becoming an immortal.The last time, it was strength path, now, it was time path.The first aperture became a high grade time path blessed land, Fang Yuan named it Spring Autumn blessed land, the space in it was not large, but it had a lot of time path resources.The dark clouds pressuring him had faded, the sky was clear and sunlight shone down brilliantly.Fang Yuan and his clone stood in the air, looking at the huge grassland silently.The bitterness and difficulty faced in the five hundred years of his previous life, the helplessness against heaven's will's arrangements after rebirth, the desperate struggle to survive, the tiredness he felt from trying to save Dang Hun Mountain, feeding Immortal Gu, managing his immortal aperture, and deducing killer moves…All of these feelings turned into a slight smile that appeared on both of Fang Yuan's faces.The past was like a passing smoke, all of his difficulties and pain were converted into this faint smile.

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