
Chapter: 1486-1490:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1486. Death of Beauties | Reverend Insanity

Under Fang Yuan's ferocious attacks, after a dozen breaths, You Chan felt fatigued, she could not carry on much longer."Sigh…" Qin Bai He sighed deeply as she stopped the immortal killer move fragrant flowery words that had been active.Fang Yuan did not lie to her, fragrant flowery words was useless here, Qin Bai He had tested it, she joined the battle with a heavy heart.She was a wood path Gu Immortal, she used her killer moves consecutively. Only to see that flowers were falling everywhere, some of her moves had corrosive gases, some of her moves had endless flower petal blades.Qin Bai He's long dress was fluttering with her black hair, she seemed to be dancing in the battle, her body was elegant and extremely attractive.On the other hand, You Chan shouted heroically but seductively at the same time 1 .The two women were famous fairies in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world indeed, they had incredible elegance and were very attractive. If any ordinary Gu Immortal met these two precious gems, they would already be melted by their appearance, why would they find problems with them? Not to mention killing them.It was a pity that the two girls met Fang Yuan!Immortal killer move — Ancient Sword Dragon Transformation!Immortal killer move — Reverse Flow Protection Seal!"Roar—!"The sword dragon roared and suddenly appeared, charging at the two girls without stopping."Oh no!" You Chan shouted loudly.Qin Bai He's heart was about to jump out, she gritted her teeth: "Evil fiend, take this move!"Saying so, flower petals gathered around her and formed into a tornado, sweeping towards the ancient sword dragon.You Chan also reacted as she shouted: "I will lend you a hand!"Saying so, she used her water path killer move and shot out a tidal current.The current fused into the petal tornado and instantly, the tornado grew by several times, its power and multiplied."What a great fusion of water and wood!" Qin Bai He praised as her confidence level rose.The flower petal tornado crashed into the ancient sword dragon as after a moment, the ancient sword dragon was completely destroyed by the tornado.Such an incredible result did not make these two fairies happy, they showed an expression of shock instead."Oh no, this ancient sword dragon is fake!" Qin Bai He had just thought of this when a huge silver dragon appeared behind her soundlessly.Time seemed to have stopped at that moment!Qin Bai He turned around with difficulty, with the corner of her eyes, she could see that the ancient sword dragon had opened its mouth, biting into her tiny body. Those sharp dragon fangs shining with cold light were like spears, Qin Bai He felt a chill upon seeing them!"Fang Yuan, you are a reputed person with rank eight battle strength, you actually sneak attacked!" At the other side, You Chan shouted with deep anger in her.Fang Yuan had such an advantage but he still sneak attacked, he was truly too shameless, he did not have the disposition of an expert, he was too shameless!Seeing that Qin Bai He was about to end up in his mouth, at the moment of crisis, You Chan attacked with unprecedented ferocity!A huge rain started to drizzle, the raindrops shot towards Fang Yuan like countless arrows.Fang Yuan laughed coldly in his heart, he bit hard without concern.Thump!Because he used too much force, when his teeth collided, there was a dull and loud sound."No—!" You Chan screamed in shock.Almost at the same time, her strong attacks were all reflected back to her by reverse flow protection seal.You Chan defended herself in a panic, at this moment, she truly felt how weak she was."How can I beat him?""His defensive method uses Reverse Flow River, all of my attacks are reflected back at me, he is too shameless!"You Chan felt like she was in an icy abyss.However, when Fang Yuan opened his mouth, there were no bones or flesh, only some petals were in between his teeth.And on the other end, the flying petals gathered and formed a human body.The body quickly moved away, it was a naked Qin Bai He, without any clothes.At this moment, she had used her lifesaving killer move and rendered Fang Yuan's attack useless, Qin Bai He managed to escape with her life."Bai He!" You Chan shouted happily.Qin Bai He had an ashen expression, her lips were trembling. She had escaped from death, the situation was so dangerous earlier, she was only a second away from actually dying.The flower petals flew towards her and gathered on her body, instantly turning into a beautiful dress.You Chan quickly flew over and regrouped with her.The two girls had alerted gazes as they looked at Fang Yuan, from the depth of their eyes, there was deep fear and shock.The ancient sword dragon's attack missed but it did not attack again, its dragon pupils were observing the surroundings."I understand now, so that's it." Suddenly, the ancient sword dragon's mouth opened as its voice reverberated in the two girls' ears.Swoosh swoosh swoosh!Countless purple stars shot down again, all of the petals in the battlefield were decimated.Qin Bai He's body shook intensely.Fang Yuan's act left her with no way out, she could not use that lifesaving method again.Ancient sword dragon roared again as it pounced.The two fairies were pale and were biting their lips, fighting for their lives.This was truly a battle of survival.The two fairies did not dare to hold back anymore, they used their trump cards.Boom boom boom!The intense attacks resulted in dazzling lights, it was like a fireworks display.The ancient sword dragon crossed the fireworks and moved smoothly, reverse flow protection seal reflected all attacks away from it, it was truly unstoppable!The two girls were injured, and their injuries were deepening rapidly.However, Fang Yuan could not take their lives in the meantime.These two fairies were rank seven Gu Immortals, they had many methods to protect themselves, being famous people with deep foundations, they were not so simple."Fang Yuan, don't attack, we surrender!""We acknowledge your strength, I swear that we will step out of the dragonfish business from now on. Please let us off."After a while of fighting, the two girls were bathed in blood and panting, they begged for mercy.There was no hope of victory for them in this battle at all.From start to end, Fang Yuan had the upper hand, the two girls were resisting desperately, but they could not last much longer."We can pay resources and large amounts of wealth, as long as you let us off.""That's right, if we fight to the death, we will detonate our Immortal Gu, you will get nothing.""We should not have been enemies with you, these dragonfish are all yours, we have learned a lesson already, if we see you again, we will take a detour.""We swear that after this battle, we will not be enemies with you or initiate any acts of revenge."The two girls said one after another, their opinions were the same."Truly intelligent and perceptive of the situation." The ancient sword dragon stopped attacking and floated elegantly in the air.His cold dragon eyes looked at the two women as Fang Yuan said: "Then offer one Immortal Gu each to me, that will express your sincerity."The two girls' hearts tightened, they looked at each other, feeling that Fang Yuan was truly hard to deal with!Once they lost their Immortal Gu, their battle strength would fall rapidly.But if they did not hand over their Immortal Gu, they would be in mortal danger.After a bit of hesitation, You Chan said: "We will agree to this condition, but to prevent any accidents, let's set an agreement to not harm each other, we will use information path methods from both sides.""Let's do it." Fang Yuan nodded.However, during their negotiation, they met with obstruction.Qin Bai He and You Chan emphasized that once Fang Yuan violates the agreement, he would be faced with death. He would not accept that.Fang Yuan had his own schemes, he had the self cleansing immortal formation, he planned to use this immortal formation to get rid of the alliance agreements that were not favorable to him.But Fang Yuan could not control this method himself, it would take some time to get rid of these dao marks.If it was an instant death rule, self cleansing immortal formation could not help him.Fang Yuan did not want to let these two Gu Immortals off.If he did, it would be very hard to capture them again like this.Furthermore, Heavenly Court might remove the alliance agreement for them, that would aggravate the situation. In this dragonfish business, Fang Yuan would still have a strong contender in that case.The two did not reach an agreement, the two girls understood Fang Yuan's intentions completely."Fang Yuan, it seems you really want us to die.""Even if we die, we will not let you gain anything!"Filled with rage, these two girls chose to fight to the death.Fang Yuan smiled coldly, his killing intent surging. After some fighting, he found a chance and his attack landed, half of Qin Bai He's body was torn apart.The entire left side of her body was slashed apart, her organs and bones could be seen inside."Bai He, I will help you!" You Chan was extremely worried, she came to help but did not know that Fang Yuan's true target was her.You Chan was caught unguarded and was bit by the ancient sword dragon.Plop.Thick blood oozed out of the crevices between his sharp teeth.Crack, crack.Fang Yuan chewed and swallowed, this beautiful You Chan had turned into a pile of mushy flesh and blood, she had died."Ah, Chan Er!" Qin Bai He saw that her beloved was killed, she screamed in grief, her eyes were red as tears flowed out."Fang Yuan, you murderer, I will not let you off!" Qin Bai He did not dodge anymore, she charged at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan sneered, he used the immortal killer move purple thought perception starlight to break Qin Bai He's defense.Next, he opened his mouth and breathed out his sword light dragon breath.After the dragon breath passed, Qin Bai He's body was completely decimated, only her head was left, staring angrily at Fang Yuan, her beautiful face was still intact, but it was twisted and covered in blood.Fang Yuan flew over slowly and slashed with his dragon claws.Splat.Like watermelon landing on the ground, the dragon claw tore Qin Bai He's head into pieces as brain matter and blood splattered on the ground.

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Chapter 1487. Searching for Loot | Reverend Insanity

With the flash of a bright light, ancient sword dragon returned to human form.You Chan and Qin Bai He were dead, from now on, Eastern Sea only had four out of six fairies left.Fang Yuan slaughtered them mercilessly without a change in expression, he targeted them and used his immortal method.Soon, two immortal apertures were taken out and sealed temporarily.Fang Yuan inherited Shadow Sect, he gained Blazing Heaven Demoness' immortal aperture retrieval method, he also had many other methods that were useful against immortal apertures.Before coming to Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan had already deduced a method to temporarily seal immortal apertures and carry them with him.Thus, Fang Yuan was not busy dealing with the immortal apertures yet, he retracted his immortal battlefield killer move purple star broken life before calling out Ying Wu Xie, Bai Ning Bing and the rest.In order to guard against unexpected mishaps, all of Shadow Sect's members were brought with him to Eastern Sea inside the sovereign immortal aperture.Ancient battle formation — Omni-directional Travel!This killer move originally had flaws and was not very useful, but Fang Yuan had modified it greatly. Thus, once he used it, Fang Yuan and the other three immortals immediately left dragonfish sea area and arrived at white crane sea area.White crane sea area had a clear breeze and a calm sea, there was blue skies and white clouds, there was a clear horizon between the sea and sky, countless white cranes were flying around or standing elegantly on the small islands and resting.Fang Yuan did not stop here, he plunged into the deep sea.The rest of the Shadow Sect Gu Immortals followed Fang Yuan's instructions and started to capture the white cranes in the area.Fang Yuan went to the bottom of the sea, his eyes were sharp as he noticed an Immortal Gu House straight away.It turned out that he had given up a portion of dragonfish sea area to rush to white crane sea area just for Qin Bai He's rank six Immortal Gu House Bai He Palace.When Qin Bai He left, she did not bring this Immortal Gu House with her. For one, peace was too ingrained in her, she was too careless, and on the other hand, she left behind the Immortal Gu House to defend white crane sea area from accidents.Fang Yuan directly approached Bai He Palace.The door opened, it actually allowed Fang Yuan to enter!Because he had turned into Qin Bai He's appearance, familiar face's effect was too amazing, and only Qin Bai He's will was left in this Immortal Gu House.Fang Yuan successfully entered Bai He Palace and withdrew Qin Bai He's will.The will did not suspect anything until it entered Fang Yuan's mind.But Fang Yuan was prepared for it, with his mind as the battlefield, he quickly captured this will. And using the will, he slowly took over this Bai He Palace.Even with his wisdom path Immortal Gu and methods, he had to spend a day and night to successfully gain ownership of Bai He Palace.And now, Fang Yuan finally had his own Immortal Gu House!"But this Bai He Palace is not complete, it lacks a lot of things and has low power, it only uses two rank six Immortal Gu as the cores, this was specially designed to house Qin Bai He's concubines."Bai He Palace was not reliable, it was quite fragile and was far weaker than Hei tribe's Immortal Gu House Dark Prison.After controlling it, Fang Yuan took a good look at the structure and memorized its profundities before taking it apart, obtaining a large number of Gu worms and two rank six Immortal Gu, one was wood path and the other was food path, named Eat Fragrance.This was out of Fang Yuan's expectations.The Gu worms on You Chan and Qin Bai He, be it Immortal Gu or mortal Gu, were not left to Fang Yuan.Thus, the Gu worms that constructed Bai He Palace were all of Fang Yuan's gains in terms of Gu worms.Eat fragrance Immortal Gu was like a wooden box, small and exquisite, with the size of an adult's index finger. It had a useless ability, that was to help the Gu Immortal eat fragrance qi and fill their stomachs."But in this world, there are no useless Gu worms, only useless Gu Masters." Fang Yuan had a food path inheritance, with a shift of these thoughts, he found many ways to make use of eat fragrance Immortal Gu.Even though this Immortal Gu was useless when used alone, it could be paired with other Gu worms and display a useful effect that was worth expecting.Currently, Fang Yuan only had one food path Immortal Gu, named Snack. With the addition of Eat Fragrance, his insufficiency in food path Immortal Gu was reduced to an extent.This was a joyful surprise to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan disassembled Bai He Palace and killed all of the concubines inside it, only their souls were left behind.After returning to white crane sea area, the Shadow Sect immortals were still busy fighting against time, capturing and taking the resources inside the sea area.The cranes had formed into groups, there was a huge number of them.There were countless ordinary white cranes, twenty one desolate beast cranes, and four ancient desolate beast cranes.After spending some effort, Fang Yuan and the rest captured all of the white cranes and even took all of the resources in the sea. There were two types of resources in the sea, one was great history iron, it was a rank seven immortal material of metal path and wisdom path, there was also an egg crystal rock, it was the life essence of eggmen after death.There were a lot of egg crystal rocks, showing that long ago in white crane sea area, there was a huge group of eggmen living here.Fang Yuan stored away all of these as he used Omni-directional Travel to return to dragonfish sea area.There were still many dragonfish left here, the scale was far larger than the ones Fang Yuan owned.Fang Yuan kept all of them in his immortal aperture, this fortune made his dragonfish quantity increase by dozens of times!You Chan was the number one seller in the dragonfish business indeed, her foundation was so deep even Fang Yuan felt shocked.After emptying dragonfish sea area, Fang Yuan looked at the sky, but nobody was coming."Heavenly Court is making no movement… to think that I still stalled for time purposely to lure out Heavenly Court's reinforcements." Fang Yuan let out a breath of air, his expression was icy.He had prepared amply, even against a rank eight Gu Immortal, he had no fear.Heavenly Court could guess Fang Yuan's identity and help You Chan to resist Fang Yuan. Similarly, he could deduce that Heavenly Court was behind her.Fang Yuan came here, it was an assault on You Chan and Qin Bai He, but he was also probing Heavenly Court.And after probing, Heavenly Court still took no actions.This was a little surprising."Heavenly Court actually sent nobody? Did Fairy Zi Wei fail to predict this, did she not react in time? Or maybe… Heavenly Court does not have the manpower after all."Fang Yuan's gaze flickered, as an experienced schemer, he guessed the problem Heavenly Court was facing now.Heavenly Court did lack manpower now.Fang Yuan had felt this back when he was escaping in Western Desert. But now, he had confirmed his guess!Since Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals did not come, Fang Yuan was not going to wait in vain. Using Omni-directional Travel to leave dragonfish sea area, he landed You Chan's and Qin Bai He's immortal apertures in an unnamed sea area in Eastern Sea.A rank seven water path immortal aperture and a rank seven wood path immortal aperture.While the immortal aperture was turning into a blessed land, Fang Yuan went inside.Inside You Chan blessed land, the acknowledgement requirement was to kill Fang Yuan. He was very crafty, he changed his appearance and disguised himself before going in.Immortal killer move — Blood Light Spirit Suppression!You Chan's land spirit was suppressed by Fang Yuan, the water path immortal aperture was soon annexed by Fang Yuan.And in Bai He blessed land, the land spirit's condition had to do with Bai He Palace.But Fang Yuan ignored it, he used blood light spirit suppression to subdue the land spirit.However, he could not annex a wood path blessed land, he could only let it stay here now. Since the blessed land could not be found easily when its entrance was closed, this place was still quite safe.Like what Fang Yuan had expected, the two blessed lands had no Gu worms, even the resources inside were all destroyed already.You Chan and Qin Bai He did not want to leave anything to this murderer.Thankfully, not everyone could trigger the winds of assimilation.After doing all these, Fang Yuan did not want to stay in Eastern Sea anymore, he left.The crimes he committed this time, killing both You Chan, Qin Bai He and ransacking their sea areas, would soon be exposed and create a huge commotion in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world.It was not an exaggeration.Be it Qin Bai He or You Chan, they were people with huge influences.And because the Gu Immortal world had been peaceful for too long, it would cause some panic with the death of two rank seven experts, Eastern Sea's Gu Immortals would be worried for their safety.There would also be a lot of Gu Immortal coming with various reasons, like taking revenge for You Chan and Qin Bai He, upholding justice, greed over their assets, or to establish their fame, a lot of Gu Immortals were going to track down Fang Yuan.Why would he not leave?Even though Fang Yuan was fearless with rank eight battle strength, he did not want to engage himself in these troublesome affairs.

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Chapter 1488. Crimes Exposed | Reverend Insanity

Several days later.A Gu Immortal was flying above white crane sea area.This Gu Immortal wore a green shirt and had a young appearance, his nose was sharp and his face was wide, his eyes were shining like stars.Rank seven aura emanated from his body, his name was Qing Yue Zhi Cheng, he had a huge origin, being a Gu Immortal from the Eastern Sea super force Qing Yue clan, he was the bloodline descendant of the first supreme elder, Qing Yue An."This is?" Seeing the barren state of white crane sea area, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's expression sank.He had affection towards Qin Bai He, even though he knew she was into women, he could accept it.Even though he could accept Qin Bai He, she did not accept him.It was truly a one-sided affection, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng was rejected from the start but he had never given up, he had persevered for the last decade.Even though Qin Bai He disliked him, she did not want to be on bad terms with Qing Yue clan, thus, she always replied to Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's letters, albeit half-heartedly.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng would write her a love letter once in a while, but Qin Bai He would only reply with one word – read, or okay.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng was satisfied with receiving 'read', but if he got 'okay', he would be smiling for the next few days.Humans were not emotionless, even Gu Immortals had lust and feelings of love towards others.But recently, he had not been getting any responses to his letters.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng tried to contact her but they all failed.He had a bad feeling in his heart, he could not wait any longer, he directly came to white crane sea area.Once he saw the barren state of white crane sea area, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's brows became tightly locked.In the past, white crane sea area had a serene environment with flying white cranes, it was filled with vitality, but now, it was robbed bare, there was literally nothing left."Fairy Bai He, where are you?" Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's bad feeling was getting worse, he immediately dived into the sea.He had been here many times, even though Qin Bai He did not welcome him, he often found many appropriate reasons to find her.This time, after entering the sea, the image that he saw was far different from the image in his mind.He saw a huge trench with countless crevices and broken rocks, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's heart sank to rock bottom: "Oh no, looking at the situation here, this place was robbed!"After checking for a while, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng was filled with rage."They have such guts!""They dare to rob Fairy Bai He's sea area, the great history iron and egg crystal rocks were all plundered, this person is so arrogant.""Fairy Bai He, you must be safe!!"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng thought of the person he loved as he felt shocked and scared.He looked around but did not find that rank six Immortal Gu House Bai He Palace.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng was unresigned, he used his investigative method to look at the surroundings again.He found nothing.Qin Bai He seemed to have vanished into thin air, Bai He Palace was missing too, and even more strangely, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng could not find any traces of battle in this place at all!Fang Yuan did not kill Qin Bai He or You Chan here, that was in dragonfish sea area.But even if Qing Yue Zhi Cheng went to dragonfish sea area, he would not find any traces.Fang Yuan's methods to erase traces were simply too outstanding! And the battle was even conducted in the battlefield killer move purple star broken life.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng could not find anything, he felt suspicious."Fairy Bai He is an expert among rank seven Gu Immortals, it is unlikely that anyone can kill her stealthily. Unless it is a rank eight Gu Immortal…""But rank eights usually govern a domain and restrict each other, any movement from them would cause a huge commotion, how could they come to kill Fairy Bai He without reason? Hehe."Thinking of this, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's worries lifted.But soon, his expression turned stiff: "Don't tell me Fairy Bai He got sick of me and decided to change locations and moved all her resources with her?"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng thought about it, the possibility was slim.White crane sea area produced a lot of resources, how could Qin Bai He give up on it? Even if she found a better area, there was no reason to leave this place alone."Unless, she encountered an unbeatable enemy? Against such a strong foe, she had no choice but to give up and retreat?"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng had another thought.But soon, he shook his head: "If she met with a strong enemy, why would Fairy Bai He not seek help? With her network, with just one word, she would receive a lot of help from various Gu Immortals.""So what happened exactly? Why did Fairy Bai He vanish so mysteriously?"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng frowned deeply.He did not think that Qin Bai He was dead, firstly, he did not want to think in that direction, secondly, that possibility was too bizarre.Qin Bai He was a famous person in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world, her strength was not weak, she was rank seven.Who could easily kill such a person?Like what Qing Yue Zhi Cheng had said, unless it was a rank eight Gu Immortal.But this possibility was even slimmer.The five regions have been in peace for too long, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng subconsciously felt that such a cruel murder would not occur, and it would definitely not happen to his beloved fairy.But after his investigation, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng had a conclusion."Regardless of what happened, Fairy Bai He must be in trouble, I need to find her and help her!"At once, the thought of the hero saving the beauty appeared in Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's mind."If there are no clues here, I will find the nearby Gu Immortals and ask them." You Chan's name soon appeared in Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's mind.You Chan's dragonfish sea area was famous too.And in terms of distance, You Chan was closest to Qin Bai He.They were basically neighbors.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng moved with lightning speed, he immediately left white crane sea area and spent some effort to reach dragonfish sea area.Dragonfish sea area was in a worse state than white crane sea area, this place used to have countless dragonfish swimming about in millions per group, it was one of the most amazing sights in Eastern Sea, but now, it was empty.A breeze was blowing as the seawater became turbulent, waves were created endlessly."What is happening?""Even dragonfish sea area was robbed?!"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng was tongue-tied, he expressed shock in his eyes.Qin Bai He and You Chan's sea areas were in such states, who was the one who caused this?After all, both You Chan and Qin Bai He were powerful rank seven experts, they were not weak at all!This time, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng not only felt suspicion, he felt fear.He came extremely alert, he went deep into the sea to investigate, but the sad thing was he found out nothing."How can this be? What happened exactly? Not just Fairy Bai He, even Fairy You Chan also encountered this. Wait, the dragonfish business, treasure yellow heaven!"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's body shook as he connected to treasure yellow heaven.You Chan's dragonfish business was famous in all five regions, she definitely had her will in treasure yellow heaven to manage the dragonfish business.Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's consciousness entered treasure yellow heaven as he quickly contacted You Chan's will.Once they conversed, Qing Yue Zhi Cheng found out that You Chan's will had no idea what happened!"You Chan and her will communicate quite frequently, the interval is at most three days each time. This means that in the last three days, she and Fairy Bai He have encountered a mysterious attack!"Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's felt sweat dripping off his forehead.The more he investigated, the more he uncovered the truth, it was mysterious and terrifying.Be it You Chan or Qin Bai He, they would not take away the resources randomly and run away. All this showed that they had met with an unstoppable threat!An intense worry filled Qing Yue Zhi Cheng's heart."No, I need to get home and get help from the Gu Immortals in my clan!" Qing Yue Zhi Cheng looked at the empty dragonfish sea area as he felt a chill down his spine, he quickly returned and did not dare to stay any longer.Qin Bai He's and You Chan's murder was exposed. Even though there was no evidence pointing to the two fairies' deaths, with Qing Yue clan's great strength, they quickly unveiled a portion of the truth.Meanwhile, the culprit behind this murder case was scot-free, flying casually in Western Desert.After leaving Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan did not go to Northern Plains, instead, he went past Southern Border and arrived in Western Desert.Above the clouds, Fang Yuan's consciousness entered the sovereign immortal aperture as he inspected his gains from Eastern Sea.After killing You Chan and Qin Bai He, Fang Yuan's gains were huge.He gained a large number of dragonfish, the scale far surpassed dragon scale sea area, they were living all over Mini Eastern Sea now.He also got a high quantity of great history iron and egg crystal rocks.There were also two rank six Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan had already started arranging their food.Qin Bai He's wood path immortal aperture was left in Eastern Sea, he could not annex it or bring it with him. You Chan's water path immortal aperture was already annexed, he gained a huge sea area and a large number of water path dao marks!But these gains were far inferior to City Well.Indeed, the secluded domain of heaven and earth, City Well, was now in Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture.After Fang Yuan went to Eastern Sea, he first went to turbulent flow sea area and moved the City Well that was left there into sovereign immortal aperture. After that, he went to dragonfish sea area and killed You Chan and Qin Bai He.Secluded Domain of Heaven and Earth — City Well!Fang Yuan had wanted to get City Well long ago, but back then, pulling mountain Immortal Gu was ineffective against it, he could not relocate it into his immortal aperture.But now, using the light of wisdom, he created an immortal killer move using pulling mountain Immortal Gu as the core, to target and move City Well, after a long time of hard work, he succeeded!

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Chapter 1489. Variant Human Raising Plan | Reverend Insanity

The well was squarish on the outside, but it was circular on the surface inside.City Well!Fang Yuan thought about it, he placed City Well in Mini Central Continent.After Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po Valley, and Reverse Flow River, this was Fang Yuan's fourth secluded domain of heaven and earth.Throughout history, there were few Gu Immortals who could achieve the feat of collecting four secluded domains of heaven and earth.City Well was written in <the legends of ren zu>, it was formerly the living environment of minimen.Right now, that mini city in City Well had been destroyed by Fang Yuan. Originally, Miniscule Mountain was inside it, but it had already been removed from City Well and destroyed in Northern Plains.However, Fang Yuan's City Well was not empty, there were many blessed lands inside it.The owner of these immortal apertures were the ones who were killed by Fang Yuan using City Well.After the immortal aperture becomes a blessed land, it needed to absorb heaven and earth qi, the entrance had to be opened to connect to the outside world.Fang Yuan had taken the chance to enter and explore these blessed lands.Those without land spirits that could be ransacked were already looted. The remaining blessed lands had a lot of cultivation resources left behind, Fang Yuan did not take them yet."Now that I have blood light spirit suppression, I can suppress these land spirits, but without the upper extreme heavenly eagle, I cannot enter."These immortal aperture's entrances were closed now, Fang Yuan could not enter for the time being."If I can annex these immortal apertures, and take all of their resources away, my dao marks will rise sharply and my immortal aperture development will also increase."This was a huge amount of profits that Fang Yuan could not devour yet, but it was already his, so there was little chance of getting stolen, Fang Yuan was quite pleased."Other than these blessed lands, City Well has huge value, it cannot be underestimated."With City Well, Fang Yuan could raise variant humans and even pure bred humans.This was a good thing.The Gu Immortal world classified the development of immortal apertures into seven levels.The first level was establishing mortal resources, to produce mortal Gu, mortal Gu materials, and ordinary beasts and plants.The second level was to have immortal material resources to feed Immortal Gu.The third level was to raise and produce immortal beasts and plants, completing the ecosystem.The fourth level was to use excess immortal materials, beasts, and plants to trade and earn profits.The fifth level was to produce Immortal Gu naturally in the immortal aperture.The sixth level was to raise variant human and humans, and produce Gu Immortals among them.The seventh level was to produce lifespan Gu.These seven levels were in order, they were the summation of the Gu Immortal world's experiences throughout time, until now, it was the golden rule of Gu Immortal cultivation.It was not that Gu Immortals could not raise variant humans or humans in their immortal aperture from the start, but if they did, the results would not be optimal, and they would be wasting their own foundation instead.These seven levels were in order, it was created by generations of geniuses in the Gu Immortal world for countless years. If one progressed using this template, their immortal apertures would be very stable and healthy.Fang Yuan was currently at the third and fourth level, he was quite far from the fifth level.But he had City Well now, he could directly jump into the sixth level of development.City Well could allow a Gu Immortal to jump levels and raise variant humans and even humans easily.What was the advantage of raising variant humans or humans?The benefits were too immense.Each variant human race has its own unique resources.For example, snowmen had ice tears and snow lotus essence, rockmen had rock dragonx, while feathermen had freedom Gu.If these resources were produced on a large scale, they would be sold in the market for huge profits.Other than these unique resources, there was also one common resource.That was — Human Qi!Heaven qi, earth qi, human qi.Balancing these three qi was the crucial point of immortal ascension.During the process of immortal ascension, the higher the human qi, the greater the Gu Master's foundation, and the better the quality of the immortal aperture formed.After becoming a Gu Immortal, human qi's usage would fall by a lot. The Gu Immortal only needed to balance heaven and earth qi, replenishing them once in a while to stabilize their immortal aperture world.But that did not mean that human qi was useless.Conversely, human qi was extremely important to Gu Immortals!But the method to use human qi had been lost long ago. Qi path was created earlier than strength path, it was strong in the past, but had declined by now.At the moment, there were quite a few methods to use human qi as a Gu material. Especially some qi path Gu Immortals with some exotic methods, even though these qi path Gu Immortals were quite rare already.Be it variant humans or normal humans, they could produce human qi.The higher the number and strength of the variant humans and normal humans, the higher quantity of the human qi.Of course, under the same circumstances, the human qi produced by a variant human is lower in quantity than a pure bred human.Other than human qi, there would also be a lot of 'special' immortal materials that would be produced by variant humans and humans.For example, fan door wind.This rank seven immortal material only grew on the doors of mortal houses, instead of in nature like forests or mountains. Whenever this immortal material is produced, the mortal's door would not be able to close, it could only stay open.Such a special immortal material could not be found in the wilderness."And there is a hypothesis in Shadow Sect's inheritance.""The more human qi one accumulates, the more likely that Gu Immortal can comprehend the profundity of human path!"Thinking of this, bright light shined in Fang Yuan's eyes.Human path!This was the path created by Ren Zu.Throughout history, some rank eight great experts or rank nine venerables would comprehend some of the profundities inside <the legends of ren zu> in their lives.For example, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable studied <the legends of ren zu> and created all living beings luck and heaven and earth luck.Or for example, the Ancestor Chai Fu from Southern Border's Chai clan, he had created the human path killer move from studying <the legends of ren zu> in his later years, allowing Chai clan to become a super force.Such instances were innumerable."In my situation, if I start raising variant humans and humans, it would only destroy my immortal aperture's environment, I would waste too much time and effort, my foundation would be expended.""But with City Well, I will be able to raise them in isolation, it will not interfere with my immortal aperture development. Furthermore, raising variant humans or humans in City Well will be more effective than usual due to the special environment.""Forget about humans, their intelligence is too high, and they expend too many resources. Now, I should choose one type of variant humans to raise in here."There were ten variant human races in the Gu world.They were: hairy men, rockmen, snowmen, feathermen, mermen, inkmen, eggmen, beastmen, miniman, and mushroommen.Each had their own specialty."Which one should I choose?" Fang Yuan had not decided.There was only one City Well, he could only choose one type of them to raise. Because variant humans needed different living environments, raising more than one would only result in losses to him."Forget about beastmen, they are extinct.""Hairy men? I do need them to refine Gu for me.""Rockmen? I had raised a batch before, with guts Gu, I can raise them very easily.""Snowmen are good too, I am related to them by marriage now, the snowman tribe is supporting me.""As for miniman, they are suited for this City Well to begin with, my immortal aperture development also needs these miniman to nurture my immortal plants.""As for feathermen, mermen, inkmen, eggmen, and mushroommen… either one of them would give me huge benefits too."Fang Yuan thought about it, by the time he reached his destination, he did not come up with an answer.This problem was not urgent.Because even if Fang Yuan considered it, he did not have the funds to start this huge project now.His immortal essence stone storage was quite low now.But thankfully, he had a lot of red date immortal essence, even though he had just fought against You Chan and Qin Bai He.This was due to the sovereign immortal aperture's time flow, after being restored and further raised by Fang Yuan's time path method, the rate of time was much higher than one-to-sixty now!Thus, Fang Yuan's red date immortal essence was accumulating rapidly."In this Eastern Sea trip, I collected City Well and killed You Chan. I have no rivals in the dragonfish business now, I am earning huge profits every day, that is certain. As long as I continue to sell dragonfish, my problem of low funds will be solved soon.""The important thing now is Thieving Heaven's dream realm!"Fang Yuan thought about it as he descended from the clouds, landing on the desert.On the blazing desert, a Gu Immortal was standing and waiting.He smiled as he cupped his fists at Fang Yuan: "Tang Fang Ming greets Lord Fang Yuan."

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Chapter 1490. Thieving Heaven's Dream Realm | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan met Tang Fang Ming again.This person was not simple, in the five hundred years of Fang Yuan's previous life, he had become extremely famous during the five regions chaotic war, he was almost like the Ma Hong Yun of Western Desert.Of course, now that Fang Yuan inherited Shadow Sect, he learned about many things.During the five hundred years of his previous life, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable successfully revived and had sovereign immortal fetus Gu, he lurked in Heavenly Court and secretly controlled the five regions, plotting against the world.Ma Hong Yun's rise was manipulated by Shadow Sect secretly.Tang Fang Ming and even the rise of Tang clan were also due to the actions of Shadow Sect."Even though Heavenly Court lacks manpower now and seems unable to cope, once the dream realms expand and the five regions get into war, all sorts of people will awaken in Heavenly Court, they will shake the world once again."Heavenly Court's foundation was too deep, even Shadow Sect could not contest it.Fang Yuan was starting to understand why Shadow Sect reacted in that way.He was now following Shadow Sect's old path, Ma Hong Yun was killed but Tang clan was still around, he had to support it.Fang Yuan had decided on this long ago. Back then, when he and Tang clan interacted and worked together, he was not just trying to use their tributary of the River of Time, he also wanted to work with them sincerely.Heavenly Court was now aggressively plotting for the future, when the great era arrives.You Chan and Qin Bai He were almost used by Fairy Zi Wei as pawns, therefore Fang Yuan had to eliminate them.Be it for the dragonfish business' profits, or the situation of the future.To contest with a powerhouse like Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan's schemes needed to be elevated to encompass all five regions, he needed to plot against the world!Tang Fang Ming was extremely happy that Fang Yuan had arrived.The last time Fang Yuan left Western Desert, he was escaping, Tang Fang Ming did not expect him to return so quickly."Bring me to Thieving Heaven's dream realm." Fang Yuan spoke directly regarding his goal."Lord Fang Yuan acts quickly, I am in deep admiration, please follow me." Tang Fang Ming led the way.The two flew for a while before arriving on top of an unassuming desert.Tang Fang Ming stopped and stretched out his finger as a crack opened in the air, immortal aura permeated from it.Fang Yuan was a formation path grandmaster, he had deep foundations, after seeing this immortal formation, his eyes shined as he praised: "What a good immortal Gu formation!"This immortal formation's concealment was incredible, even if Fang Yuan had his investigative killer move active, he could not detect it."Lord Fang Yuan, follow me." Tang Fang Ming entered the crack first.Fang Yuan did not hesitate, he followed.After entering it, Fang Yuan found out that the space created by this immortal formation was like a grassland.His field of vision was very wide, there was lush greenery all around, and the most attracting thing was Thieving Heaven's dream realm at the center of the plain!Thieving Heaven's dream realm was huge, like a mountain.It was emitting a blue eerie light, radiating the entire formation path space.The five regions chaotic war had not started yet, but this dream realm of Thieving Heaven was uncovered earlier and found by Tang clan, they secretly kept it and had been researching it.Even though Tang clan obtained this precious treasure, they were clueless about dream path, their progress was very slow in it.And this progress was already built on Tang Fang Ming's great talent and ingenuity.Even so, he nearly died in the dream realm, if his sister had not given up the clues to Paradise Earth's true inheritance and got help from White Sea Shatuo, Tang Fang Ming would have died.And White Sea Shatuo was a split soul of Spectral Soul, during the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he led the Western Desert Shadow Sect members and died in the battlefield.Fang Yuan did not mention the incident with White Sea Shatuo to Tang clan or Tang Fang Ming, the clue of Paradise Earth's true inheritance was also in Fang Yuan's hands currently.Paradise Earth's true inheritance was not Fang Yuan's focus now, he was looking at the huge dream realm of Thieving Heaven now.This blue and dazzling dream realm was very dangerous!Because it contained heaven's will.Heaven's will could invade dream realms, Fang Yuan had suffered from this during the Southern Border dream realm incident.Long ago, when he explored the dream realm of Starry Sky grotto-heaven, he also met with heaven's will. Heaven's will appeared in Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's form to advise him, and allowed him to outwit Spectral Soul during the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain.As the saying goes, people learn from mistakes, an old demon like Fang Yuan drilled this lesson into the depths of his heart."Once the dream realm manifests for too long, heaven's will would invade it, that happened in Southern Border's giant dream realm, Thieving Heaven's dream realm, in Western Desert, has been around for even longer, I'm sure heaven's will has already completely taken over." Fang Yuan's eyes shone with an eerie light."If it were before, I would need to avoid it. But now… hehe." Fang Yuan's lips curled up as he stretched out his arm, aiming at Thieving Heaven's dream realm.Immortal aura surged as Fang Yuan's body was covered in a grey-white light.His palms were also enveloped by this grey-white light.Fang Yuan took a step forward and let both palms approach the dream realm, eventually, the grey-white light came into contact with Thieving Heaven's dream realm while Fang Yuan's palms were merely an inch away.Fang Yuan had the sovereign immortal body, not Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique. If he really touched it, his soul would be trapped inside the dream realm. He was very vigilant about that.The grey-white light flowed like water, entering Thieving Heaven's dream realm without obstruction.The grey-white light continued to permeate as it spread out towards the surroundings from Fang Yuan's palms as the center.This phenomenon lasted for a while, it was as if the mountain-like dream realm was covered by a grey-white light.The light continued to expand, but Tang Fang Ming only watched quietly by the side.He could not tell what it was, but he knew it was an immortal killer move."Lord Fang Yuan is truly formidable, he actually created an immortal killer move against the dream realm! Compared to him, I have only created several dream path mortal Gu. There truly is a mountain above a mountain, a man standing above another man!" Tang Fang Ming felt deep admiration, he felt how unfathomable Fang Yuan was.Fang Yuan was expressionless, but he was quite nervous internally.He was activating the immortal killer move, heaven's will dissipation! Even though it was not his first time, this was his first attempt at using it on a dream realm.Heaven's will dissipation used heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core, it could eliminate heaven's will. He had used it against Spring Autumn Cicada earlier, now that he was using it on a dream realm, who knew what would happen.Time passed, ten minutes went by quickly.The grey-white light had expanded quite a lot, not only on the surface, but also into Thieving Heaven's dream realm.Thieving Heaven's dream realm was like a mountain, but one-tenth of it was already covered by grey-white light.Just when Tang Fang Ming thought that the grey-white light was going to expand further, it stopped moving as multicolored eyes started to appear from the grey-white light.These eyes were very special, they changed colors with each blink.The number of multicolored eyes increased rapidly, after a few breaths of time, they went from tens to hundreds, and to thousands in a flash.After several tens of breaths, there were millions of multicolored eyes, they filled the grey-white light, not only on the surface, but also inside the light itself."There is an effect!" Fang Yuan was excited internally but remained expressionless, Tang Fang Ming could not sense the fluctuation of his emotions.The multicolored eyes continued to blink as Fang Yuan's red date immortal essence was expended rapidly. The heaven's will in Thieving Heaven's dream realm was also getting wiped out along with it.The multicolored eyes blinked for several times before vanishing, but new eyes would grow in their place.Heaven's will was rapidly destroyed, after a while, there was no heaven's will left in the grey-white light.At this time, the grey-white light would expand as the multicolored eyes moved in for more destruction.Fang Yuan activated heaven's will dissipation for three days and nights.Eventually, in Thieving Heaven's dream realm, there was none of heaven's will remaining.Fang Yuan continued to activate the killer move and kept a veil of grey-white light around Thieving Heaven's dream realm at all times. This way, as long as heaven's will tried to invade it, it would be destroyed by the multicolored eyes in the white light.And now, Thieving Heaven's dream realm was finally safe!"Next, I will explore this dream realm." Fang Yuan let out a breath of air, he was filled with joy in his heart.

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