
Chapter: 1311-1315:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1311. Xia Clan Retreats | Reverend Insanity

"Damn it!" Xia Fei Kuai gritted his teeth.He had taken such efforts to activate saw light wheel, but now it seemed like a joke.The small tortoise shell-like thoughts were still proliferating.Fifty thousand, sixty thousand…Their numbers were increasing rapidly, not only covering the valley, they were even spreading beyond.Among the dense number of small tortoise shells, some were floating in the air while some were leisurely revolving. In the middle was Fang Yuan's divination tortoise transformation, with its huge body that was like an iron hill."I can't let it continue like this!" Xia Fei Kuai was feeling an increasing sense of urgency."The speed of growth is too fast. No wonder Wu Yi Hai set this sparring rule, but Lord Xia Fei Kuai still has abilities yet to be used, the outcome of this battle is not certain yet." Xia Zhuo Mo thought, looking at Xia Fei Kuai with anticipation.Xia Fei Kuai was already preparing his killer move.Countless Gu worm auras rose and surged outwards.An arrogant look flashed past his eyes as he looked down at the divination tortoise."No matter how numerous, they are only thoughts, what can they do?""Take this — Thirty-three Heavenly Lights!""Let me see how many layers of heavenly lights can your thoughts stop?"Immortal killer move — Thirty-three Heavenly Lights!It was one of the trump cards of Xia Fei Kuai and was renowned throughout Southern Border."Is he using it? Lord Xia Fei Kuai's area-of-effect method!" Xia Zhuo Mo was inwardly excited.This killer move was quite amazing.Once activated, from Xia Fei Kuai at the center, intense light would shoot out to the surroundings.Under the illumination of the light, all things would receive light path injuries.Intense lights would continue to flicker thirty-three times, with the illumination range continuing to increase. They were like lights descending from heaven, therefore it was called thirty-three heavenly lights.At the first flicker, the heavenly light's damage was not high, it could at most only kill some insects.But by the second flicker, its damage would increase and it could destroy plants and flowers.By the third flicker, birds and animals would die when exposed to the light.By the fourth flicker, large trees would be destroyed and boulders would crumble.The fifth flicker, sixth flicker….Like this, the power of the light would continue growing, until it threatened even desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts.The small tortoise shell thoughts were hard, but they simply could not compare to desolate beasts, they would definitely be destroyed by the thirty-three heavenly lights.There was no doubt about it.Xia Fei Kuai was taking the easy route by using this move.Thirty-three heavenly lights was actually not practical, because once it was activated, the Gu Immortal had to stop moving, if they budged even a little, the killer move would immediately stop.Xia Fei Kuai would even suffer backlash.Naturally, the level of backlash also had differences.If the killer move was stopped before the tenth flicker, Xia Fei Kuai would suffer light injuries, stopping in-between the tenth to twenty-third flicker would inflict medium injuries, and stopping after the twenty-third flicker would cause heavy injuries. After the thirtieth flicker, the backlash would be even stronger, and Xia Fei Kuai might suffer fatal injuries.The stronger the immortal killer move, the greater the danger from the backlash once its activation failed.Soon, the light burst forth!At the first flicker, Fang Yuan's tortoise shell thoughts remained unmoved.Second flicker, the thoughts were still growing and did not seem to stop.Third flicker, the thoughts started shaking.Forth flicker, some thoughts started to crumble apart by themselves.Fifth flicker, hundreds of thoughts collapsed into nothingness.Xia Zhuo Mo, who was watching from the side, could not help but smile at this scene.This was only the fifth flicker.The immortal killer move altogether had thirty-three flickers."But why am I still feeling some unease?" Xia Zhuo Mo pondered.Sixth flicker, a thousand thoughts were destroyed, the tortoise shells on the periphery started to show signs of collapse."Seventh flicker, time to deal with you!" Xia Fei Kuai sneered inwardly.But, right at this moment.Swoosh!Seventy-eighty thousand small tortoise shell thoughts suddenly surged towards Fang Yuan like a tide.More accurately, they entered his mind.The divination tortoise he had transformed into was a wisdom path ancient desolate beast, its mind was incomparably spacious and holding seventy-eighty thousand thoughts was nothing to it."What?" Xia Fei Kuai was stunned.Xia Zhuo Mo patted his head as he hatefully exclaimed inwardly: "I finally understand what made me uneasy! These small tortoise shells are thoughts in essence, since they are thoughts, the Gu Immortal can store them back inside their mind."As a result, the seventy-eight thousand thoughts that filled the valley had completely disappeared and withdrawn into Fang Yuan's mind.Only an enormous divination tortoise was left, quietly lying on the ground.In the air, Xia Fei Kuai's immortal killer move still continued.Seventh flicker!Eight flicker.Ninth flicker….But there were no thoughts, there was no meaning to these powerful lights.However, the immortal killer move was still in the activation process and could not be carelessly stopped.As such, Xia Fei Kuai could only continue to activate the killer move. Tenth flicker, eleventh, twelfth….It was an extremely awkward situation.After the thirty-third flicker, Xia Fei Kuai had spent a large amount of immortal essence, while the divination tortoise hid inside its shell, motionless on the ground.The mountain valley he was inside had now been turned into a flat land.Thirty-three heavenly lights was indeed powerful, it forcefully changed a vast surrounding area into a flat plain. The hills from before were completely gone."This killer move is truly powerful." Fang Yuan did not stint on his praise.While speaking, he stretched out his head, tail and limbs from inside the shell.These parts were not as strong as the tortoise shell, so during the stronger flickers, Fang Yuan hid inside, suffering no injuries.Hearing Fang Yuan's praise, Xia Fei Kuai immediately felt incomparably stifled."Too shameless!" Xia Zhuo Mo gritted his teeth, looking at Fang Yuan hatefully.This was especially the case when he saw over a hundred thousand small tortoise shell thoughts surge out of Fang Yuan's mind and spread out, surrounding the divination tortoise. The hatred and fury in his eyes deepened by several degrees."How are we supposed to break his defense?" The two Gu Immortals of Xia clan were pondering over this difficulty."You have used three moves." Fang Yuan indifferently reminded.Xia Fei Kuai shouted: "Then take my following move!!"As he said so, he turned into a ray of light and pounced forward, attacking the divination tortoise from all directions. Countless tortoise shell thoughts were destroyed as they moved to defend him.But Xia Fei Kuai displayed an expert's demeanor, he moved back and forth around the thoughts, and could not be stopped.Fang Yuan saw that Xia Fei Kuai was serious and going at full force, he withdrew his head, tail and limbs back inside the shell.Xia Fei Kuai was stifled.This Wu Yi Hai was too wretched, leaving behind only the shell for him to target. A gigantic tortoise shell on the ground and countless small tortoise shells in the air, Xia Fei Kuai was increasingly beginning to feel hatred for tortoise shells.The tenth move was over, Xia Fei Kuai's efforts gave no result, while only some slight injury marks had appeared on Fang Yuan's tortoise shell."You win this time." Xia Fei Kuai directly left the scene with this sentence, flying into the sky.Xia Zhuo Mo, who was left behind, sighed, he had to clear the mess; at least, he had to take away that Gu Master Zhang."Five years. After five years, I will have to come back and find you." Xia Zhuo Mo also left, feeling somewhat indignant.

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Chapter 1312. Ransacking Frosty Peak | Reverend Insanity

Xia clan's Gu Immortals lost the spar and left without making a fuss.Fang Yuan stopped his transformation and returned to human form, returning to Frosty Peak.The mortal Gu house at Frosty Peak was taken away, now only a snowy mountain remained with cold air emanating everywhere.Fang Yuan sighed softly.His heart was calm, like a well without a ripple. Victories were not worth him treasuring and bragging. The so-called sense of glory had already left him long ago."For such an easy victory to have happened, it is because I had the advantage."Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated.The two Xia clan Gu Immortals did not know Fang Yuan's strength, they could only estimate it. On the contrary, Fang Yuan knew a lot about them. Whether it be their killer moves, temperament or so on, he was thoroughly aware of them with the information from Wu clan.One could see how important information was in a battle between Gu Immortals!In fact, Fang Yuan's spar with the Xia clan Gu Immortals was like Immortal Yan Huang defeating Wu Yu Bo.Both won due to better intel.Wu Yu Bo was powerful, but his trump card killer move was seen through by others, as a result, one careless move and all was lost.Fang Yuan had even more information, he advanced step by step through his layers of planning, finally making the Xia clan Gu Immortals retreat."Immortal killer move vajra shell is quite effective. But it won't be easy to have such a good result in the future."Xia clan's Gu Immortals would definitely compile their experiences and insights to think of a way to restrict or even decipher and counter vajra shell.Deciphering and countering was difficult, but creating a restrictive method was often easy."Wu Yi Hai will also become more famous.""This divination tortoise transformation and immortal killer move vajra shell are quite remarkable. But once I use them a lot of times, there is a high chance someone will find a way to restrict or even nullify it.""Actually, the same applies to reverse flow protection seal, after the battle in Northern Plains, it is definitely being analyzed by the ten great ancient sects, Longevity Heaven, Old Ancestor Xue Hu and others. I should be somewhat careful the next time I use it, especially against these people."Fang Yuan was vigilant.Wu Yu Bo was a clear example to him.It was not easy to create an immortal killer move, but a powerful immortal killer move could not remain stagnant, it needed to be advanced and modified along with time, as such, when others use restrictive measures or even fully resolved your killer move, you could effectively face them.But modifying and advancing an immortal killer move was naturally also a difficult matter.Other than a burst of inspiration, what was truly put to test was the Gu Immortal's attainment level."And the best way to raise one's attainment level is through dream realms." Fang Yuan's thoughts could not help but turn towards that giant dream realm again.Because of the widespread emergence of dream realms, there were all kinds of characters emerging one after the other during the five regions chaotic war in Fang Yuan's previous life, creating a great era filled with chaos and disorder."Unfortunately, it has not been long since I joined Wu clan, making a firm request to go to the super Gu formation would be suspicious.""Although the matter of this Frosty Peak has ended, who knows when I can go back to the giant dream realm. It is better to deal with the matters at hand and otherwise go with the flow."Fang Yuan pondered while landing on Frosty Peak.This mountain peak was abundant in ice path resources, he still had not properly searched it.Fang Yuan had gotten this rare opportunity after chasing away the Xia clan Gu Immortals, he naturally would not give it up.Snow filled Frosty Peak and the air was frighteningly cold.In the depths of this accumulated snow dwelled large numbers of insects, including many wild Gu worms, as well as cold-resistant vegetation. They mutually formed a balanced ecology."Frost jades." Fang Yuan soon had harvests.A large number of frost jades appeared in his investigative perception.These frost jades were hidden below the thick snow, below the rocky ground."Frost jades are only a rank five Gu material, but they have some frost jade essence inside, which is a rank six immortal material."Without any hesitation, Fang Yuan began collecting them!Rumble!The snow splattered everywhere, revealing the bare surface of the rocky ground.Soon, these rocks also flew everywhere and revealed the frost jades hidden in the mountain.These frost jades were white, with some green hue mixed within. They released intense frost energy, but naturally they were harmless to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan picked up the frost jades in this area.Fang Yuan naturally did not give up the frost jade essence inside, it was just that he did not extract them and they were still inside the center of the giant frost jades.Next, Fang Yuan started searching throughout Frosty Peak.Enormous frost jades were dug out one after the other. The smallest frost jade was already the size of an elephant, while the bigger ones were the size of large ships.Almost every frost jade had frost jade essence inside it.Some frost jade essences were bigger, and there were even thousand year frost jade essences, which were rank seven Gu materials.It was not that no one had discovered these frost jades, but they were intentionally preserved by Wu clan to maintain the foundation of this Frosty Peak. It was these frost jades that formed the foundation of Frosty Peak, without them, Frosty Peak would not be such a special and remarkable resource point.Fang Yuan took away most of the frost jades.Not only this, he also plundered many wild Gu worms.There was no need to think about Immortal Gu.Normally speaking, Frosty Peak could only produce rank six Immortal Gu once in several hundred years to a thousand years.If there were really wild Immortal Gu, Xia clan's Gu Immortals would not have accepted their defeat so easily.The majority of these Gu worms were of ice path, there were also some of earth path and water path. Among the ice path Gu worms, most of them were called cold wave Gu.This type of Gu worm formed groups and would often roam around in Frosty Peak. Thus, a severe wave of cold would spread out from Frosty Peak.This was also the reason for Frosty Peak's name.After he finished plundering, Fang Yuan flew to the air and took a last glance at this Frosty Peak.The picturesque Frosty Peak filled with white snow was now filled with pits of different depths, with rocks and debris filling the area.Not only was the scenery destroyed, the value of resources in Frosty Peak had dropped by over half, and because of the huge deficit, Frosty Peak's foundation was greatly damaged."If I use pulling mountain Immortal Gu, I might be able to pull this mountain and store it in my sovereign blessed land.""Unfortunately, I can't do that at the moment. My identity is Wu Yi Hai, a Wu clan member, I made huge profits this time by embezzlement, this has already reached the limits of the righteous path's unwritten rules and cannot be continued. If I really pulled the mountain, not to mention exposing my true identity, I definitely cannot justify my actions to Wu clan."Fang Yuan inwardly sighed and did not dwell on this as he flew away rapidly.Soon, his figure disappeared in the clouds.Several days later, Fang Yuan returned to Wu clan's headquarters and met Wu Yong."It is all thanks to you, brother, for protecting Frosty Peak for the clan and deterring those thieves." Wu Yong revealed an appreciative look towards Fang Yuan."You flatter me, it was only a fluke." Fang Yuan replied modestly."Elder Wu Fa, have you evaluated it? My brother's contribution was not a simple one, we should think in the perspective of the bigger picture." Wu Yong turned towards another Wu clan Gu Immortal.This Wu clan Gu Immortal had an ordinary appearance but his status was anything but ordinary.He was Wu Yong's trusted aide and was in charge of calculating the rewards and punishments for all the Gu Immortals in the clan.Wu Fa spoke with a slight frown: "We have already seen Lord Wu Yi Hai's bravery. With this battle, lord's name will definitely spread throughout Southern Border's Gu Immortal world. But if we talk about rewards, on one hand, Lord Wu Yi Hai has not completely settled this problem and only set a five year agreement, on the other hand, Frosty Peak has been viciously plundered, its foundation has been damaged and its value has greatly reduced…""Oh? Such a thing happened to Frosty Peak?" Wu Yong turned towards Fang Yuan with a surprised look.Fang Yuan sighed: "I also did not expect Xia clan's Gu Immortals to be such horrible people!"Wu Yong frowned slightly: "Brother, did you personally see Xia clan's Gu Immortals looting Frosty Peak?""I did not, it is just my guess. Maybe it was other lone cultivators?" Fang Yuan replied with no flaw in his argument.Wu Yong nodded and spoke after a brief silence: "Since that is the case, Elder Wu Fa shall make the final decision."Elder Wu Fa calculated for a while before giving a detailed list to Fang Yuan.

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Chapter 1313. Dragon Scale Sea Area | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan took the list and skimmed through it, the list was filled with various kinds of Gu materials, most of them were naturally mortal Gu materials, but there were a few immortal materials as well.Fang Yuan was well aware that if he had handed the frost jades, the frost jade essences and so on, the reward would not just be this.Wu Yong and Wu Fa were actually acting now, they were not scheming against Fang Yuan, but giving Fang Yuan a way to resolve this issue peacefully.Fang Yuan had plundered Frosty Peak, although it did not cross the bottom line, Wu clan would rather have an intact Frosty Peak.Fang Yuan, however, seemed to not know this and was silent for a while before he replied: "I wonder if I can exchange these rewards for a mortal Gu material, dragon scale soil?"Wu Yong was slightly stumped, and looked at Wu Fa.The latter thought briefly and nodded.Returning to his home, Fang Yuan continued to cultivate.This time, he had obtained a lot of frost jades and frost jade essence, Fang Yuan might even be able to build a Mini Frosty Peak in Mini Southern Border within his sovereign immortal aperture.But this was not the important point.The important point was the dragon scale soil.This special type of soil was only an ordinary Gu material, grainy and tough. If a layer of dragon scale soil was viewed from afar, it would resemble overlapping dragon scales.Dragon scale soil was the soil that dragon type desolate beasts, ancient desolate dragons, or even immemorial desolate dragons lived on, thus it had the aura of dragons.Fang Yuan had purchased this soil before, because this soil gave his dragonfish greater impulse to propagate.Right now, he did not take the other rewards, instead exchanging them for this Gu material because he had the same idea."The rate of time in the sovereign immortal aperture has slowed down by many times, this has led to a huge decrease in the production of resources.""I don't have enough immortal essence reserves currently, the same goes for immortal essence stones, but the pressure in this aspect can be relieved if I expand the scale of my resource production."After Fang Yuan thought over it, he set dragonfish as the first resource point to be expanded.Desolate beast dragonfish as well as ordinary dragonfish were always traded in huge numbers in treasure yellow heaven.Dragonfish seemed to be a product of food path, they could be used as supplementary ingredients to feed many Gu worms.Not every Gu Immortal possessed Immortal Gu.But every super force would purchase large numbers of dragonfish at set intervals of time.The dragonfish trade was one of the largest markets in treasure yellow heaven.During the following period of time, Fang Yuan would mainly concentrate on creating a sea area.Currently, Mini Eastern Sea of the sovereign immortal aperture was no longer filled with shallow pools and lakes like before. Because Fang Yuan had annexed large numbers of water path immortal apertures, Mini Eastern Sea was filled with raging waves, although the water level was not deep, it was a boundless aquatic expanse.There were almost no islands, and sea areas themselves were indistinguishable.Fang Yuan's plan was to construct a dragon scale sea area.A man-made sea area!This was not Fang Yuan's innovation or creation. In fact, there were many Gu Immortals in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world creating man-made sea areas.On the current ranking list for Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world, many famous sea areas were man-made, built step by step.Of course, the naturally formed sea areas still held most of the positions in the ranking.Constructing a sea area artificially was not easy.Fang Yuan spent a large amount of time and energy to lay out the dragon scale soil, then he constructed a mortal Gu formation in that area and used the Gu formation's power to isolate this sea area and make it a special sea area.Then, he led his dragonfish group to this sea area.The dragonfish group was indeed more satisfied in this sea area, and there was a lot more mating.However, this was not enough.Next, Fang Yuan started to prepared an immortal killer move — Bountiful Year!This immortal killer move came from Hei Fan's true inheritance, but as a matter of fact, Hei Fan did not create it, he had traded for it with a Gu Immortal great expert named Pill Immortal.He created this immortal killer move, and Hei Fan had exchanged for it with other resources.This was a quite rare killer move, as it was an immortal killer move that was specially used to manage the immortal aperture and did not have any offensive ability.But its practicality was extremely high, even Hei Fan had left words of praise towards this immortal killer move in his true inheritance.Gu worms rose one after the other, a mysterious aura swelled up and gradually thickened.The bountiful year Fang Yuan was using right now had gone through some modifications.The original bountiful year's core Immortal Gu was year Gu, with tens of thousands of supplementary Gu worms. But now, Fang Yuan had obtained a rank seven Immortal Gu – Perseverance, and he ingeniously added perseverance Immortal Gu into the killer move as the first supplementary Gu worm.More than ten days later, bountiful year was fully activated.A mysterious power spread throughout the whole dragon scale sea area, but its effects would take some time to be seen."Even Hei Fan required two to three days of time to activate the original bountiful year. This is already quite long. After I modified it by adding in perseverance Immortal Gu,the time required has become even longer, approaching half a month. Fortunately, the activation succeeded and there was no backlash."Fang Yuan constantly reflected on his experiences."My time path attainment level is still ordinary, I was barely able to add in perseverance Immortal Gu. This is the main reason for the enormous extension of time."The shorter the activation of an immortal killer move, the simpler the process, the higher the probability of the killer move's successful activation. And, as far as Gu Immortals were concerned, it was safer.However, Fang Yuan's action had more advantages than disadvantages.With perseverance Immortal Gu's support, the duration of bountiful year's effect had doubled!The original bountiful year could only influence the immortal aperture for a year. But now, a single activation from Fang Yuan could last for two years. This had also covertly saved Fang Yuan a portion of red date immortal essence."There is still plenty of room for improvement in bountiful year. Adding in perseverance Immortal Gu along with day Immortal Gu could raise bountiful year's effect. But, with my current attainment level in time path, I have reached my limit. Forget it!"The matter was settled, this construction was Fang Yuan's first big project.Right now, in Mini Eastern Sea, the first special sea area — dragon scale sea area, had completely formed.Large numbers of dragonfish lived here, and there were one or two extremely conspicuous desolate beast dragonfish among the dragonfish group.Bountiful year's effect did not just cover the dragon scale sea area, it also included a vast range of this sea area's surroundings.According to what was written in Hei Fan's true inheritance: The expenditure of immortal essence to activate bountiful year was huge, but for the next year, starting right from the moment of successful activation of the killer move, all of the resources inside the immortal aperture would be produced at a higher rate!However, the result was not like this.Fang Yuan's bountiful year's effect only covered a portion of Mini Eastern Sea.On one hand, this was because Fang Yuan had added perseverance Immortal Gu, which reduced the effective range of the killer move. On the other hand, the sovereign immortal aperture was simply too vast, wanting bountiful year to cover the whole sovereign immortal aperture was no different to a fairy tale.From dragon scale lake to dragon scale sea, this was an enormous leap, and its significant was profound.But after this project, Fang Yuan's immortal essence stones and immortal essence reserves were almost dried up.To be safe, Fang Yuan began to sell all the unnecessary resources in his possession.Like the frost jades and frost jade essences he had plundered in Frosty Peak, as well as large numbers of ice path mortal Gu.Where there are gains, there are losses. His current management focus was on dragonfish.After selling some resources, Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, he used a portion of the gains to buy many dragonfish from treasure yellow heaven.He placed these dragonfish in dragon scale sea area.One could say he was staking a lot on this project.No doubt, this had some risks. But if he went at it safely, the efficiency would be lower. Moreover, he was in a safe and stable environment right now, so Fang Yuan chose to be slightly aggressive and took bigger steps.But like this, because his immortal essence reserves had become scarce, Fang Yuan appeared to have his hands tied, not being able to casually cultivate, comprehend, train any immortal killer moves and so on.Days seemed to pass with difficulty.After half a month, the first batch of dragonfish was sold, the situation began to turn for the better.After over a month, Fang Yuan sold the second batch of dragonfish directly to Wu clan!"Who could have thought you would be so proficient in managing dragonfish!" Even Wu Yong was slightly surprised.Wu clan did transactions of dragonfish to begin with, but previously, they had to buy from outside, now, they could be considered internal sales.Besides Wu clan, there were also Qiao clan and some other super forces which had close relations with Wu clan.Fang Yuan's third batch of dragonfish was sold.Because of his identity as Wu Yi Hai and the low price, Fang Yuan's dragonfish smoothly entered the market of Southern Border's Gu Immortal world.After the third batch of dragonfish was sold, Fang Yuan's situation had turned a lot better, his immortal essence reserves were expanding bit by bit. Fang Yuan was out of his financial predicament, and started to continue his cultivation with a brand new stance.

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Chapter 1314. Purchasing Divine Deer Fruits | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border, Wu clan.In a secret cultivation room, Fang Yuan was floating in the air, his expression solemn.His long hair was fluttering in the air, and all kinds of Gu worm auras rose from his body, mixing with each other."The crucial step…" Fang Yuan mumbled, his gaze turning sharp.He carefully activated a mortal Gu.This was a metal path mortal Gu and was only rank one.Activating just this Gu alone naturally had no risks. But the situation now was different.Bam.A muffled sound spread from Fang Yuan's body.Fang Yuan's body shook violently like he had been electrocuted, his expression was pale and a trace of blood flowed out from the corners of his lips."I failed again." He heaved a long sigh.He landed on the ground and held his chest while checking his injuries."Fortunately, I only used a rank one mortal Gu, these injuries are not much of a problem and there is no need to use Man as Before. I will recover in a couple of days with the sovereign immortal body's recovery speed."Fang Yuan was attempting to further improve the killer move vajra shell.Immortal killer move vajra shell used rank six Vajra Thought as a core. Fang Yuan had relied on this killer move and strategy to defeat Xia clan's Gu Immortal, Xia Fei Kuai.After the matter, Fang Yuan had felt this killer move was still not satisfying enough and still had room for improvement.Fang Yuan paid attention to this feeling.He knew his wisdom path and transformation path were both at grandmaster level, such a feeling did not emerge from nowhere and had great value to him."Unfortunately, although I have made some progress over these days, there have been little to no results. It seems my attainment level is still not enough, I can only let it be for now."Fang Yuan let out a sigh.In fact, his speed of progress was extremely remarkable compared to other Gu Immortals.In the past, Vicious Lightning Fiend had used up several years to deduce the immortal killer move lightning deity. He was not even at ten percent of Fang Yuan's current speed.However, it was also a wise choice for Fang Yuan to give up.Because he had a way to rapidly raise his attainment, as long as he raised his attainment levels, he could improve the killer move vajra shell at once.After Fang Yuan's transactions of dragonfish, his financial condition had improved, and as such, he had spare energy to try modifying immortal killer moves.Deducing an immortal killer move was actually very resource consuming. For instance, if the attempt failed, Gu Immortal could suffer backlash and be injured. Gu worms would also be destroyed and would need to be replenished. And if Immortal Gu were damaged, that would be even more troublesome.But if the attainment level was enough, the killer move could be improved at once, saving large amounts of time, effort and resources.Fang Yuan's attainment level barely met the requirements of improving vajra shell, although he could improve it, he would have to pay quite a heavy price.He thought it over and resolutely gave up on this small project.After resting for a while, Fang Yuan activated his Gu worms and sent his divine sense into treasure yellow heaven.Inside treasure yellow heaven, his divine sense moved nimbly and reached a Gu Immortal's will to converse."I will pay one thousand three hundred immortal essence stones for all your divine deer fruits." Fang Yuan spoke.This Gu Immortal will's shook its head and said helplessly: "The price I quoted is already low. You have already come here three times, if you really want to buy, add two hundred immortal essence stones and you can take them away."Divine deer fruits were rank six immortal material.It was not a rare Gu material, but there were few people who sold it because there was not much demand for it.Fang Yuan, however, needed it to feed vajra thought Immortal Gu.He had obtained vajra thought Immortal Gu and had to solve its feeding problem.Fang Yuan did not reply, instead, he sized up the products.The divine deer fruits in this stall were of good quality, Fang Yuan had strolled several times around treasure yellow heaven and had found the divine deer fruits here were of top quality.The price was also quite reasonable.Thus, he had visited this stall several times.Divine deer fruits were about the size of a baby's fist and did not grow on trees or plants, instead growing on the antlers of a type of deer desolate beast, fruit deer.It was a deer that bore fruit.Fang Yuan had already inquired about the specific name of this desolate beast, and also saw them being sold in treasure yellow heaven.However, even if he bought a batch of them, the number of divine deer fruits they could produce was a question that needed to be explored.Any resource had its own cultivation methods.For instance, Fang Yuan's dragonfish production was not a result of casual attempts, but was from the insights and experiences of Dong Fang tribe.This was the accumulation of a super tribe. As a result, Fang Yuan's dragonfish were of the best quality, and the production was also smooth, giving higher profits while requiring slightly lower capital."I should just buy a portion of divine deer fruits for now to deal with the first feeding of vajra thought Immortal Gu.""When I have sufficient funds in the future, I can consider how to raise fruit deers and be able to be self-sufficiently provide for vajra thought Immortal Gu.""As for whether I can turn this divine deer fruit's production into another source of income, that would depend on future opportunities."Fang Yuan pondered while communicating with that Gu Immortal will: "Then, let me check again."But at this time, the Gu Immortal will in front of Fang Yuan suddenly shook and spoke: "My main body's divine sense has entered, he says he can discuss the price with you. You should talk it out between yourselves."Saying this, the Gu Immortal's will took a back seat.Fang Yuan was overjoyed.He was waiting for this situation.The Gu Immortal who was selling the divine deer fruits had left the divine deer fruits in treasure yellow heaven and also left a will to look after them.But although this will could think and communicate, it had to strictly abide by the bottom-line price set by its main body, and this was not negotiable.But now that the Gu Immortal's divine sense had come over, Fang Yuan could properly communicate with him about many things.There were many contents up for discussion."I want the divine deer fruits to feed Immortal Gu.""If we can reach a consensus, this absolutely won't be the last transaction.""How about it? I will offer one thousand three hundred immortal essence stones."Fang Yuan started to negotiate.The Gu Immortal hesitated: "This is our first interaction, how can I believe you based on just empty promises? Hehehe, forget it, we can reach a deal for one thousand four hundred immortal essence stones.""Once we have transacted three times like this, the price can be lowered to one thousand three hundred. What do you think?"Clearly, this Gu Immortal was not foolish and was quite astute.Fang Yuan refused: "If I had ample funds, I would not be haggling with you like this. How about one thousand three hundred and fifty?"That Gu Immortal forced a smile: "Alright. If not for my urgent need for funds and the fact that these divine deer fruits are selling slowly, I would not have agreed to your price."One gave the money and the other handed the goods.Fang Yuan let out a sigh of relief after the transaction was completed. The feeding problem of vajra thought Immortal Gu was settled for the moment.Now, it was divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu's turn.This Immortal Gu fed on kelp.Naturally, it was not common kelp, but ancient ink kelp, which was a rank six immortal material.This kelp was complete black like ink, and when its skin was torn, it would dye the surrounding water into pitch-black ink.Fang Yuan was currently short on funds, so he intended to purchase and store some ancient ink kelps to feed divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu.He would consider more in the future.In the aspect of food, day Immortal Gu was much more pleasant. Because it fed on the water of the River of Time, there was no need to think about obtaining its food.In comparison to divine deer fruits, there were many more sellers of ancient ink kelps in treasure yellow heaven.But Fang Yuan was not able to make a deal with any of them.The issue was the price.But he was not in a hurry, there was still some time left before the next feeding of divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu."Fortunately, dragon scale sea area's construction is finished, as long as it continues to develop like this, I will have plenty of funds in the future.""Next is the construction of coiling thread caves to produce regretful spiders on a large scale."Fang Yuan had considered it, the market for regretful spiders was huge, especially over in Western Desert. Although the demand was not as large as dragonfish, it was still a lot.But for the moment, Fang Yuan was tight on funds and needed some time to accumulate his wealth before he could start this project."According to this situation, I estimate that it will be over a month before I am able to gather the first sum of funds and start on the construction of coiling thread caves.""Hopefully, Wu clan would have stabilized by then and would let me return to the giant dream realm."Wu Yi Hai's identity restricted Fang Yuan's freedom. Especially under the current situation of Wu clan, it was not good for him to voice out his intention.Over the course of this month, Wu Yong had led Wu clan to deal with the problems created by the various super forces. There were losses and gains, Wu clan's prestige sank, but in truth, there was not much damage to their benefits.Thus, this situation was still continuing.Wu Yong wanted to regain their reputation, while other super forces were not satisfied and wanted to seize some material benefits.The confrontation between righteous path forces was different from the demonic path.Confrontations in the demonic path were fierce and violent, while righteous path confrontations were light like drizzle and often lasted for a long time. Especially when it was a confrontation between super forces with huge assets, it was difficult for them to fight against each other without reservations, they would not fight to the death.Fang Yuan's idle cultivation lifestyle did not last for long.Some days later, he received another task from Wu Yong."Mount Snail? Mountain Moving Old Monster?"Fang Yuan's brows slowly started to furrow.It was not that he did not have the confidence to complete this task, but the current trend of situations was not looking good.Previously, though Fang Yuan had resolved Frosty Peak's matter, he had in fact withheld his strength and methods, obtaining a barely passable result. He had only created an agreement of five years and had plundered the resources of Frosty Peak.Although this was an unwritten rule of the righteous path, he had touched the bottom-line.This was naturally Fang Yuan's intent, to leave a bad impression on Wu Yong. Higher-ups did not like using such people, and if they sent Fang Yuan away to the super Gu formation earlier, it would match Fang Yuan's wish.But Wu clan was indeed short on manpower at present, while its territory was too large. A matter concerning Mount Snail had happened suddenly, Wu Yong had no choice but to use Fang Yuan to deal with this problem.

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Chapter 1315. Convincing Old Monster | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border.Light rain was drizzling on a range of verdant mountains.Fang Yuan wore a blue robe, and was gazing at these grand rivers and mountains from atop a rock, before his gaze finally settled on a mountain.This mountain was rather special.The mountain peaks beside it were either tall or short, steep or slanted.But this mountain was round in shape.This was Mount Snail.Or it could be considered a snail mountain.It was an immemorial desolate beast! It was an enormous river snail with a tall, tower-like spiral shell drenched with green moss.When it stayed still, its body would hide in the shell, looking like a towering mountain.Right now, it was awake and was slowly moving.Rumble…As it moved, all the surroundings quaked slightly, birds and beasts fled in disorder.Fang Yuan was calmly looking at the movement of this immemorial desolate beast, Mount Snail, from another mountain peak.Its speed was slow.Mount Snail might be an immemorial desolate beast, but its temperament was simple and mild, it was hard to anger it, it could even be said to be harmless.Not only harmless, it also provided benefits.Because Mount Snail's body was full of enslavement path and earth path dao marks, which created a special environment around it that would spawn many enslavement path and earth path resources.Mount Snail's ownership had all the while been an unsettled issue.Few Gu Immortals could control Mount Snail, it was very difficult for even rank eight enslavement path Gu Immortals.Because Mount Snail itself was full of enslavement path dao marks.There were already seven known Mount Snails in Southern Border. Long ago, Southern Border's super forces had set an agreement: As long as these Mount Snails were not controlled by anyone, that is to say, they were wild Mount Snails, they would be considered as a resource of the clan whose territory it was staying in.This Mount Snail was originally living in Wu clan's territory, naturally it belonged to Wu clan.There was no doubt about this.But now, it was time for the Mount Snail's migration, it was currently leaving Wu clan's territory for other territories.Mount Snail's original location was at the periphery of Wu clan's territory.In fact, during Wu Du Xiu's time, Wu clan had intentionally expanded their territory to include this Mount Snail.Currently, Mount Snail was leaving Wu clan's territory, but the place it was going to did not have other righteous path super forces.This also meant this Mount Snail was going to become wild again.Wu Yong naturally did not want to see such a situation happening, and under the situation where he did not have enough manpower, without other options, he could only assign this task to his younger brother, Wu Yi Hai."Wu Yi Hai? I am Qin Jin Sheng, I am also called Mountain Moving Old Monster." A Gu Immortal flew over from another mountain peak.Fang Yuan gazed at the Gu Immortal.This old Gu Immortal was adorned in a suit of rocky grey armor, his hair was a mix of black and white, looking messy like straws. He looked slovenly, with the corners of his clothes being in shreds.But the rank seven aura he gave out was majestic and forceful, especially his eyes which shone with sharp light. Right now, as he looked at Fang Yuan, it was like a senior sizing up a junior."It is me indeed, Wu Yi Hai, I greet Senior Mountain Moving." Fang Yuan bowed slightly, his greeting had the style of the righteous path.This Mountain Moving Old Monster's title had 'old' in it, it naturally was because he was an old veteran, an old senior, having lived for over two thousand years.He had lifespan Gu and also had unique lifespan extension methods.His battle strength was also very high and he was a famous expert among lone immortals, almost at the level of Old Treeman Ba De and Wu clan's Wu Yu Bo.Rank seven Gu Immortals like Xia Fei Kuai could not compare to Mountain Moving Old Monster.Thus, when Mountain Moving Old Monster sized up Fang Yuan, he was not humble and treated himself as a senior, even if Fang Yuan came from Wu clan."Hehehe, considering the time, it was time your Wu clan sent someone as well. Let's sit and talk." Mountain Moving Old Monster laughed and sat on a rock.Fang Yuan smiled and also sat down.Mountain Moving Old Monster saw that Fang Yuan had no objection to sitting on a rock and also did not have a high-and-mighty attitude, his impression of Fang Yuan improved: "I almost forgot you were a lone cultivator, although you have joined Wu clan, you don't have the hypocritical attitude of those righteous path members."Fang Yuan slightly shook his head: "The righteous path has to act like the righteous path, as for me, I spent most of my time as a secluded cultivator in Eastern Sea, these habits cannot be changed.""Hahaha." Mountain Moving Old Monster laughed heartily, "I hear you chased away the two Gu Immortals from Xia clan, but plundered the resources of Frosty Peak."Fang Yuan revealed a surprised expression: "Senior, these are groundless rumors, I have never stated that."Mountain Moving Old Monster laughed loudly, before heaving a deep sigh: "The righteous path Gu Immortals can't understand you, but I understand. How difficult is it for us lone cultivators to become an immortal? We have to earn every cultivation resource with our own hands. There won't be future opportunities, so we need to grasp the present benefits with all our strength. Who knows what will happen in the future?""As for those righteous path Gu Immortals, even if they stay in their homes, plenty of resources are provided to them. How could they understand the pain and difficulties we lone cultivators face?"Fang Yuan's expression was calm, he did not praise nor did he retort.He knew that Mountain Moving Old Monster's words were absolutely not just to get close to him, but to express his resolve — he, Mountain Moving Old Monster, was a lone cultivator, and the present benefit in front of him was this Mount Snail. His resolve could not be shaken, and the former lone cultivator, Wu Yi Hai, should be aware of it."I am clear of your intention, senior, but I still have to ask you to have some understanding, I have my own difficulties in coming here." Fang Yuan spoke.Mountain Moving Old Monster snickered: "Everyone has their own difficulties."With age and experience, one's words would carry deeper meaning.Everyone has their own difficulties; not only was it replying to Fang Yuan's words, it also meant he, himself, had his own difficulties, and more importantly, it was also indicating that Wu clan was currently in a difficult situation.Fang Yuan did not speak anymore.Sometimes, silence was a tactic which could be used in a confrontation between words.Sure enough, Mountain Moving Old Monster could not sit still and handed an information path mortal Gu to Fang Yuan: "Take a look at it."The contents listed in this mortal Gu had high value. If Fang Yuan obtained them, he could directly construct coiling thread caves!"We will cooperate, I will take Mount Snail and you will get these, what do you think?" Mountain Moving Old Monster smiled.He was actually trying to bribe Fang Yuan!But this was not strange.Instead, it fell within Fang Yuan's expectations.Mountain Moving Old Monster was a lone cultivator, and from his point of view, he naturally did not want to offend the number one righteous path super force, Wu clan. Despite Wu clan currently being in a predicament, such a colossal force was not something Mountain Moving Old Monster could threaten by himself.More importantly, if Mountain Moving Old Monster obtained this Mount Snail, he would no longer be a person who could freely move.Mount Snail could not be stored inside an immortal aperture, unless it was completely subdued.Mountain Moving Old Monster was an earth path Gu Immortal, he clearly did not have such attainment. Like this, he would become the 'owner' of this Mount Snail, and would have to defend it if someone attacked it in the future.If he offended Wu clan, Wu clan's Gu Immortals would attack in waves, how could he defend against them by himself?Even if he could defend once, what about the second time, the third time?Even if he was able to defend against them all, there would be losses in battle. Would Mountain Moving Old Monster still have time to cultivate if he were to be disturbed repeatedly?As such, there was only one option in front of Mountain Moving Old Monster.That was to negotiate with Wu clan.Wu clan did not want to let go of this Mount Snail, but even the large Wu clan was an organization formed by its clansmen. And so long as it was an organization, it could not be an airtight fortress, there would naturally be chinks in the armor.Wu Yi Hai's arrival gave even greater hope to Mountain Moving Old Monster."Senior, you want to use these to exchange for an immemorial desolate beast?" Fang Yuan held the information path mortal Gu and said with a faint smile."The resources inside are very valuable! This Mount Snail might be an immemorial desolate beast, but who can control it? If I become its owner, I will also only be taking the resources produced by it. Naturally, we can talk if you have any conditions." Mountain Moving Old Monster's eyes glimmered brightly, his attitude turning much warmer.Since Fang Yuan had not directly refused, Mountain Moving Old Monster cheered inwardly and had much higher hope."The contents inside this list needs to be doubled at least." This was Fang Yuan's first condition.Mountain Moving Old Monster immediately frowned."Mount Snail cannot be yours in name, it will still belong to Wu clan." This was Fang Yuan's second condition.Mountain Moving Old Monster's eyes opened wide, his warm expression suddenly changing to that of anger."But in truth, senior, you will be this mountain's owner, the benefits will mostly go to you, but you need to hand over a portion of the resources to our Wu clan every year." This was Fang Yuan's third condition.Mountain Moving Old Monster began to sneer, his expression had turned dark: "Wu Yi Hai, are you playing with me?""Of course not." Fang Yuan had a sober expression, he stood up and looked at Mountain Moving Old Monster's eyes with no fear: "Senior, may I ask three questions?"Mountain Moving Old Monster barely restrained his anger: "Speak.""Senior, first, you are a lone person not affiliated with any super force, how could my Wu clan leave Mount Snail in your hands? It would be alright if it were a super force, but letting a lone cultivator take benefits would negatively affect my Wu clan's prestige.""Second, even if you can take possession of this Mount Snail for the moment, how long can you defend it? Even if my Wu clan doesn't interfere with you, what about the other super forces?""Third, senior, do you think that by only bribing me, the whole of Wu clan will simply watch from the sidelines?"Mountain Moving Old Monster fell into silence.After a long while, he sighed and spoke with a hoarse voice: "Then if we go with your idea, wouldn't I become the guard for your Wu clan's mountain?"Fang Yuan smiled lightly: "It is just some insignificant reputation. How could everything go perfectly? The conditions I mentioned are actually not excessive, it is because I considered how I was also once a lone cultivator. The question is, do you want face or real benefits, please consider it properly."Mountain Moving Old Monster fell into silence.This time, the silence lasted an even longer time, only when the light drizzle gradually stopped, he spoke: "Alright, we will go according to your idea."

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