
Chapter: 1306-1310:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1306. Immortal Gu Reputation Restriction | Reverend Insanity

Among them was an Immortal Gu called Reputation Restriction, it was a rare information path rank seven Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan was very interested.After all, he was too weak in terms of information path, it was greatly restricting his development.Reputation restriction Immortal Gu had an incredible effect.After it was used, it would turn into a rope to restrict any desolate beast or desolate plant, and even ancient desolate beasts or ancient desolate plants.Indeed, even though it was an information path Immortal Gu, it had an enslavement path effect.It was very special and unique.What moved Fang Yuan was, this reputation restriction Immortal Gu's effect varied according to its owner's reputation.This suited Fang Yuan very well.Be it Fang Yuan himself or Liu Guan Yi, they were characters who shook all five regions, they were widely known. In recent times, who had the most prominent reputation? It was none other than Fang Yuan!"But…""My information path attainment level is ordinary, even if I get this reputation restriction Immortal Gu, what use is it?""Enslaving ancient desolate beasts and desolate plants is not useful to me. Only if I can enslave an immemorial desolate beast.""And just this rank seven Immortal Gu Reputation Restriction will be impossible to enslave immemorial desolate beasts with. The only possibility is to use it as a core to create an immortal killer move.""But that will take forever. My information path and enslavement path attainment levels are not at grandmaster. Regarding immemorial desolate beasts or plants, grandmaster attainment level is already very limited."Fang Yuan thought about it, he did not exchange it, he kept vajra thought Immortal Gu.This choice surprised Wu Yong a little."I made some gains in Eastern Sea, from now on, the divination tortoise transformation that uses wisdom path will be my main cultivation." Fang Yuan explained.This was in preparation for him using divination tortoise transformation in the future.Wu Yong nodded: "I called you here for an additional matter."Fang Yuan was calm: "Please tell me."Wu Yong smiled bitterly: "The Frosty Peak that my clan controls is targeted by Xia clan. There are some historical reasons, they are all recorded in this information path mortal Gu. Brother, I hope you can help defend Frosty Peak for our clan.""I am willing to solve your problem, brother." Fang Yuan agreed before accepting the information path mortal Gu, inspecting it.Fang Yuan's attitude made Wu Yong very pleased.Fang Yuan looked at the information in the Gu worm, he understood this matter.As it turned out, after Immortal Yan Huang defeated Wu Yu Bo, Xia clan obtained Moon Bowl, becoming the greatest beneficiary. Thereafter, other super forces went to trouble Wu clan. After Xia clan gained this profit, they decided to continue plotting against Wu clan, to obtain greater gains for the clan.This time, they targeted Frosty Peak.Frosty Peak was not Wu clan's resource point originally, it belonged to a lone cultivator Gu Immortal.Very long ago, this lone immortal sought help from Wu clan, and Wu clan wanted his territory, but the lone immortal did not want to give it away.After a long and arduous negotiation, the lone immortal lent this place to Wu clan for several hundred years.More than a hundred years later, this lone immortal died from tribulation, this Frosty Peak officially became Wu clan's property, it had great production output each year.Xia clan was able to request for it because they found a descendant of this lone immortal.The lone immortal's descendant wanted Wu clan to return Frosty Peak, this was very reasonable, there was undeniable evidence.With Xia clan's backing, they created a lot of commotion, attempting to take back Frosty Peak by creating a ruckus."The lone immortal's descendant is a mortal Gu Master, they actually dare to challenge Wu clan.""Xia clan has many wisdom path Gu Immortals, they are good at plotting.""But this time, I must defend Frosty Peak. This is the best chance for me to display my strength. Wu Yong does not want me to go to the super Gu formation, he is afraid I cannot suppress the situation if I have inferior strength."Fang Yuan received the mission, but he did not set off urgently.He knew: Even though he was strong, his methods could not be exposed. Divination tortoise transformation was good at defense but lacked offense, thankfully, he had vajra thought Immortal Gu, but he had to deduce that new immortal killer move first.Thus, for more than ten days afterwards, Fang Yuan stayed inside his house, trying to deduce and modify the immortal killer move.This was not a peaceful time.Xia clan saw that Wu clan did not move and repeatedly urged them, spreading the news everywhere.Wu clan faced great pressure, Wu Yong also came to urge Fang Yuan, but he stalled for time."No rush.""If we do not show up, Xia clan cannot take over Frosty Peak by force.""Xia clan is causing a commotion? It is no problem, let them make a scene, we will remain unmoved.""Be steady, when I was a secluded cultivator in Eastern Sea, I learned that this was the meaning of life.""Be slower, the slower we work, the better the results."Fang Yuan gave a lot of reasons, he had a reply to everything.In the end, even Wu Yong became anxious, Wu Yi Hai did not face much pressure, but as the head of Wu clan, his pressure was getting heavier by the day."The clan's affairs are my affairs.""Since this is entrusted to me, I will definitely succeed, I will not let you down, brother, I will meet your expectations."Fang Yuan still willfully did things his way.Wu Yong had no choice, he had no more Gu Immortals to send.Only when Fang Yuan deduced the immortal killer move and experimented with it successfully did he start to leave, heading towards Frosty Peak.Wu Yong let out a sigh of relief.Xia clan had been focusing on Wu clan all along, the moment Fang Yuan moved, they received news of it.On Frosty Peak."Wu clan sent Wu Yi Hai this time." Rank six wisdom path Gu Immortal Xia Zhuo Mo spoke."This Frosty Peak is on par with Moon Bowl, Wu clan did not send Wu Yu Bo or Wu Zhen here? This is a terrible move." Rank seven Gu Immortal Xia Fei Kuai could not believe it.Xia Zhuo Mo thought about it: "Wu clan has nobody to send anymore. Wu Yu Bo is a prideful person, after losing to Immortal Yan Huang, unless he can kill Immortal Yan Huang and regain his reputation, he would not come out of seclusion. As for Wu Zhen, he is busy defending Phoenix Peak, how can he leave? During this period, all the different phoenix birds are going there to produce their eggs.""Hahaha. Wu Yong has no choice, he sent Wu Yi Hai after having no other alternatives. How is this person's battle strength?" Xia Fei Kuai asked.Xia Zhuo Mo thought about it: "His battle strength is unclear, he used to be a secluded cultivator in Eastern Sea, there is little information on him. But he could escape threats and return to Wu clan, he can defend himself. Recently, he saved Wu Yu Bo and used a divination tortoise transformation, due to a coincidence, he managed to counter Lord Xia Qing Cang's scattering mind."Saying this, he smiled bitterly: "The divination tortoise has naturally defense against wisdom path methods, against him, I may not be of use. It will depend on you."Xia Zhuo Mo was a rank six wisdom path Gu Immortal, while Xia Fei Kuai was a rank seven light path Gu Immortal.The latter laughed: "I see that this Wu Yi Hai is stalling for so much time, he has no confidence. Don't worry, I will go ahead and suppress this person, after we take down Frosty Peak, our Xia clan's territory will expand, this will be a huge merit!"

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Chapter 1307. Four Seasons Tea | Reverend Insanity

The sky was dark, it was drizzling.Fang Yuan flew to the sky, mist surrounding him."I'm here." At his will, he descended as the mist in his vision vanished, showing the land.Southern Border had many mountains, Fang Yuan was above many mountains, it was a scene of greenery.In this sea of greenery, Frosty Peak was unique, it was completely white and different in height, standing out from the rest.At the apex of Frosty Peak, there was a mortal Gu House, at the entrance of the Gu House, Xia clan's two Gu Immortals, Xia Zhuo Mo and Xia Fei Kuai, had already sensed Fang Yuan's arrival.Fang Yuan was here to negotiate, he did not purposely conceal his presence.It was normal for the two Xia clan Gu Immortals to notice him at once."He is finally here. This Wu Yi Hai is really amazing, he took half a month to travel on a three day route." Xia Fei Kuai frowned deeply."Forget it, he's here, let's go." Xia Zhuo Mo smiled.The two sides met in the sky.Both sides were smiling, they had a grand demeanor, after all, they were representing two super forces.The two Xia clan Gu Immortals assessed Wu Yi Hai, thinking: "He looks really similar to Wu Du Xiu."Fang Yuan was also assessing these two Gu Immortals, Xia Fei Kuai was rank seven, he was the person in charge of this negotiation.According to Wu clan's information, Xia Fei Kuai was a rash and resolute person, he had great battle strength. Meanwhile, Xia Zhuo Mo was a wisdom path Gu Immortal who considered many aspects and liked to think deeply.Xia Zhuo Mo's personality had to do with his childhood experiences, whenever he encountered an important situation, he would think about the possibilities over and over.Meanwhile, Xia Fei Kuai's personality was the backlash of a certain immortal killer move that he had tried to use.This was the first time both sides were meeting, Xia clan's Gu Immortals led Fang Yuan to the apex of Frosty Peak."Please enter for some tea." The two Gu Immortals acted like the hosts of the place, as if they were declaring their ownership, the contest had already begun, but Fang Yuan was unmoved, as if he did not sense it.He smiled as he sat down, drinking."The tea is not bad." After one sip, he praised.Xia Zhuo Mo smiled: "This is our Xia clan's four seasons tea, our first supreme elder had created it personally. With one sip, you will taste four different flavors, making people feel the four seasons of spring, autumn, summer, and winter. Therefore, it is called four seasons tea."Xia clan first supreme elder was a time path great expert, the four seasons tea that she created showed her incredible attainment in time path.Xia clan's Gu Immortals used this tea to assert dominance, but after Fang Yuan drank it, his smile intensified."This is a great tea, I wonder if you have any extra. I would like to ask for a few more portions, may I have them?" Fang Yuan smiled as he squinted.The two Xia clan Gu Immortals looked at each other.Xia Zhuo Mo thought: This Wu Yi Hai is really greedy. However, even if they were enemies, their righteous path demeanor was important. Furthermore, politics was always changing, right now, everyone was opposing Wu clan, but maybe they would soon have to cooperate with Wu clan.Xia Zhuo Mo decided and was about to speak, when Xia Fei Kuai said: "Whatever! This is nothing much, we have a lot of four seasons tea, if you want them, you can have them."Saying this, he gave out over ten portions of four seasons tea."Then I will accept it." Fang Yuan laughed heartily, receiving the tea leaves.Xia Fei Kuai quickly added: "Let's talk about Frosty Peak."Fang Yuan raised his cup and sipped slowly, before putting it down as he said: "Please tell me."Xia Fei Kuai quickly spoke, his mouth opened and closed rapidly: "This matter takes very long to explain. Since we all know the origin, let's cut to the chase, Little Zhang, come out."As he said that, a rank five Gu Master walked out of a door inside the Gu House."This descendant of Zhang San Feng, Zhang Kai Zui, greets the three immortals." This Gu Master was old and had white hair, he greeted the three immortals without excessive reverence."This Little Zhang's bloodline is absolutely correct. Come, come, come, Wu Yi Hai, quickly test it." Xia Fei Kuai left his seat, walking to Zhang Kai Zui and pulling his arm, bringing him to Fang Yuan with an expression that seemed to be in a hurry.Zhang San Feng was that lone cultivator Gu Immortal who was the owner of Frosty Peak.Of course, Zhang San Feng was not his original name, it was sort of a title 1 . Because he owned three mystical peaks, Frosty Peak was one of them.His real name was unknown, ever since he appeared, he had never revealed his true name, only mentioning his surname of Zhang. As a result, everyone called him Zhang San Feng. Even his bloodline descendants did not know his true name.Fang Yuan knew this, Wu clan's information was quite comprehensive.But he suddenly waved his hand, acting confused: "Wait, who is this Gu Master?"Xia Fei Kuai was stunned.Zhang Kai Zui was about to speak, when Xia Fei Kuai said: "He is Zhang Kai Zui, he introduced himself earlier, we all know it.""I know he is named Zhang Kai Zui." Fang Yuan nodded.But he paused and drank tea, continuing: "But what does this mortal Gu Master have to do with Frosty Peak?""It is like this, his ancestor Zhang San Feng had once…" Xia Fei Kuai added."Wait." Fang Yuan stopped him: "Who is Zhang San Feng?"Xia Fei Kuai was stunned: "Wu Yi Hai, after so long, you have no idea who Zhang San Feng is?"Fang Yuan gave an embarrassed looking smile: "The clan wants me to protect Frosty Peak, but I arrived in a hurry, I have no idea what the cause of all this is. Please do not mind it."Xia Fei Kuai thought: "You arrived in a hurry, reaching here after half a month. That's arriving in a hurry?"He thought that, but he spoke politely: "Then let me tell you the reason.""I am listening."Xia Fei Kuai spoke rapidly, he explained the historical reason in the blink of an eye.Fang Yuan drank his tea and nodded.Xia Fei Kuai said: "Are you clear now?"Fang Yuan placed down his cup, standing up from his seat and cupping his fists at Xia Fei Kuai.Xia Fei Kuai had no idea why Fang Yuan was cupping his fists, it was a bit out of nowhere, but they were in the righteous path, a polite demeanor was everything, no matter what, he had to cup his fists in return.Next, he saw that Fang Yuan smiled again in embarrassment.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for telling me that, but it was described too quickly, I could only understand the story roughly, I did not understand a lot of it. Can you tell me again?""Again?" Xia Zhuo Mo, who was beside him, frowned.Xia Fei Kuai did not repeat it once again, he said: "Which part are you unsure about? I can explain that to you."His tone was unhappy.

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Chapter 1308. Shameless! | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan seemed to have not noticed, he smiled: "The first line, I did not hear it clearly."Xia Fei Kuai explained it.Fang Yuan nodded: "And the second line…"Xia Fei Kuai frowned.Fang Yuan continued: "I did not hear it clearly either."Xia Fei Kuai repeated it and said in an unhappy tone: "Is there anything else?""The third line…" Fang Yuan said.Xia Fei Kuai's eyes were about to bulge out, he said directly: "Pardon my words, but did you not hear the first three sentences? Are you toying with us?""Please, you have misunderstood." Fang Yuan waved his hands: "The third line…""I heard it clearly."Xia Zhuo Mo's expression turned dark.Xia Fei Kuai's brows were lifted high, his eyes were popping, rage showed on his face: "Then what do you want?"Fang Yuan said: "Actually, the fourth line…"Xia Fei Kuai waved his hand: "I will say it again, listen closely and carefully."He talked about it again, this time, he said it very slowly, word by word, it was crystal clear.Fang Yuan stood up and cupped his fists at Xia Fei Kuai again.Xia Fei Kuai felt perplexed, he had a bad feeling but he quickly cupped his fists.He spoke calmly: "Are you clear on it now?""Clear, it's clear now. Thank you for explaining, everything makes sense now. Oh, so that is what happened." Fang Yuan patted his forehead, sitting down."Thus, your clan has to return Frosty Peak, it is the logical thing to do. Our Xia clan is upholding justice, this Zhang Kai Zui is without doubt the descendant of Zhang San Feng, please test it." Xia Fei Kuai requested again.But Fang Yuan only took a glance at Zhang Kai Zui before smiling as he waved his hand: "No rush, no rush.""What is it that do you not understand now?" Xia Fei Kuai's expression was grim, he asked in a dark tone."I have troubled you for the description, but was the situation really like this? I cannot confirm it." Fang Yuan said.Xia Fei Kuai was about to laugh from anger: "I am speaking the truth, you can go ahead and seek verification!""Haha." Fang Yuan laughed, clapping his hands together: "You are a straight talker, I will seek verification from my clan."Saying this, he shut his eyes, as if his consciousness had entered his immortal aperture, to use his information path methods.After a long time, Fang Yuan did not open his eyes.Xia Fei Kuai urged him: "Wu Yi Hai, are you done?"Fang Yuan opened his eyes, he smiled in embarrassment: "Brother is too busy with his work, let's wait a while."Regarding a rank eight Gu Immortal, Xia Fei Kuai could not say anything, so Xia Zhuo Mo interjected: "Lord Wu Yong is busy indeed, he has no choice. But Wu Yi Hai, you may ask other Wu clan Gu Immortals for verification."Fang Yuan immediately laughed, giving Xia Zhuo Mo a thumbs up: "Worthy of a wisdom path Gu Immortal indeed, good idea!"This praise made Xia Zhuo Mo's expression freeze.Next, Fang Yuan said: "But I am not close with any other Gu Immortal. Do you have any recommendations?""Recommend your sister!" Xia Fei Kuai was listening by the side, he shouted out of anger."My sister? I only have an elder brother, I have no sister. You must have remembered wrongly?" Fang Yuan smiled while squinting."…" Xia Fei Kuai was speechless.He looked at Xia Zhuo Mo, they communicated with their gazes, they could tell that Fang Yuan was wasting time."To think that Wu clan actually sent such a person over! They are too shameless!" Xia Fei Kuai was filled with anger.He wanted to negotiate properly, but Fang Yuan refused.And because they were righteous path characters, Xia Fei Kuai could not go overboard.Seeing Fang Yuan's smiling appearance, he really wanted to throw out a punch and send Fang Yuan plummeting to the ground."Don't be anxious, don't be angry, you will fall for his trap. This person is very experienced, he is purposely angering us so we will expose a flaw." Xia Zhuo Mo quickly urged.Xia Fei Kuai could only breath roughly, taking in huge breaths.Fang Yuan spoke as he looked at Xia Fei Kuai seriously: "Do I really have a sister? Please let me know."Xia Fei Kuai: "…"He took in a few more breaths before he said: "No, it was a slip of the tongue, please do forgive me.""Oh? Is that so." Fang Yuan nodded, saying in concern: "I see that your tongue is dry, and your chest is moving rapidly, it seems you have symptoms of getting a fever. You need to drink tea, otherwise you will get sick. In fact, this four seasons tea is great, you should take a few more sips."Xia Zhuo Mo: "…"Xia Fei Kuai screamed: "Drink what, we are talking about important business!"Fang Yuan had a solemn expression: "Friend, that is not the right attitude, what do you mean important business? Is being concerned about your health not important business? This Frosty Peak is just a resource point, these are just resources. You cannot fall ill just because of these resources, you will harm yourself."He urged heartfully, but it seemed to be adding fuel to the fire, Xia Fei Kuai slammed the table angrily."Wu Yi Hai!" He screamed: "Don't think that you can deceive us like this, and keep Frosty Peak for your Wu clan. Hmph!"Fang Yuan's expression quickly changed, saying sincerely: "What are you trying to say? I am innocent. We have to follow the rules for Frosty Peak's matter. This is Zhang San Feng's possession, if this Zhang Kai Zui is a true descendant, we will return it. On behalf of Wu clan, we will do this fair and square, we will not be corrupt, and ruin the rules of the righteous path just for some benefits!""You are an understanding person." Xia Zhuo Mo smiled forcefully, saying with deep intentions.Xia Fei Kuai frowned, he stopped shouting, he said: "That's right, quickly test his bloodline, Zhang Kai Zui really is Zhang San Feng's descendant!""No rush, no rush." Fang Yuan smiled and started to drink tea: "Let me seek verification from my clan first, it is not that I do not trust you, but this is a major task, I do not dare to decide recklessly on my own.""Then quickly verify it!" Xia Fei Kuai shouted."But brother Wu Yong has not responded." Fang Yuan looked troubled."Then find others!" Xia Fei Kuai shouted.Fang Yuan slapped his own leg: "That is right, but I just returned to the clan, I do not know anyone else. I am not sure who to find for verification. Earlier, I asked you two to help me, but you gave me no help, I am very troubled too."Once he said that, the two Xia clan Gu Immortals were shocked, they looked at each other.After such a long time, giving so many excuses, it was now Xia clan's fault?!The rank five Gu Master Zhang Kai Zui listened as he stared at Fang Yuan with wide opened eyes.This was… the demeanor of a Gu Immortal?He was shameless to the max.Zhang Kai Zui was awestruck, his good impression of Gu Immortals had shattered completely."Forget it, I can tell now, this person is clearly stalling for time." Xia Zhuo Mo transmitted."Stalling for what?" Xia Fei Kuai asked."Evidently, Wu clan has no justification here, they are in a passive spot. Wu Yi Hai has to continue wasting time here by giving all sorts of excuses. When Wu clan is no longer so tight on manpower, they will be able to deal with us, it will be difficult then. Let alone other matters, when the phoenix birds lay their eggs, Wu Zhen will be free to come here. If he comes, the situation will be different." Xia Zhuo Mo analyzed."You are right. What do we do? This Wu Yi Hai is stalling for time, but he speaks so justifiably, we have no way of finding problems with him. There are many ways to stall for time. For example, he needs time to verify this, and he also needs time to test his identity. Then what about after he tests Zhang Kai Zui's bloodline? Will he ask if Zhang San Feng only has one descendant? All these questions will be endless if he wants to bring them up!" Xia Fei Kuai realized the severity of the problem."I have a plan." Xia Zhuo Mo said."What plan?" Xia Fei Kuai asked quickly.Xia Zhuo Mo answered, as Xia Fei Kuai became overjoyed, he quickly turned to look at Fang Yuan: "Wu Yi Hai, I have long since heard that you are extremely strong, you are the glory of Wu clan. I would like to represent Xia clan and challenge you to a spar!"

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Chapter 1309. Spar | Reverend Insanity

Spar?That was just a nicer way of talking about resolving the problem by fighting.But this fight was different from the intense battles of the demonic path. When demonic path members fought, it was mortal combat. For righteous path Gu Immortals, they had a lot of assets, why would they fight to the death? Just deciding a winner was enough.This was also why Fang Yuan purposely stalled for time, preventing the resolution of Frosty Peak's issue. This forced the two Xia clan Gu Immortals to go on the offense and deal with the matter through force.The truth was, on Earth, when negotiations fail, stronger countries would send their troops over.It was the same thing.Xia Fei Kuai's words were quite interesting, he was representing Xia clan and also claimed Wu Yi Hai to be Wu clan's glory, he said this was a spar, but this was actually a contest between both clans.Just these words forced Fang Yuan into a corner. If he avoided battle, it would harm Wu clan's reputation, this was something that the righteous path would look down upon, he would be treated as a coward.But the two from Xia clan did not know that Fang Yuan was not Wu Yi Hai, he did not care about Wu clan's reputation or glory.However, he was acting as Wu Yi Hai now, he still wanted to go to the super Gu formation, Fang Yuan had to accept this challenge.He thought briefly before saying: "If it is a spar, both of you will be fighting against me, I am outnumbered, I will definitely lose."Xia Fei Kuai's expression changed.These were vicious words!In fact, requesting for the spar had already caused him to be in a passive spot. If he lost, it would be humiliation. If the two Xia clan Gu Immortals fought together and won, they would be using numbers for an unfair advantage, it would make them lose face, they could not spread news about this.Actually, Xia Fei Kuai had not thought of fighting together with Xia Zhuo Mo, he said: "I will fight you alone, don't worry."Fang Yuan had a reluctant expression, he said: "Since you want to spar so urgently, I cannot reject you. But since this is a spar, there has to be a time limit, right, we cannot fight on forever.""What do you have in mind?" Xia Fei Kuai asked.Spars had their rules, it was different from a life and death battle.Fang Yuan said: "You attack and I defend, as long as you can break my defense within ten moves, I lose."Xia Fei Kuai's eyelids were twitching, he said: "Okay."Xia Zhuo Mo frowned, he felt something amiss. But since Xia Fei Kuai had already agreed, they might as well spar. He had confidence in Xia Fei Kuai.Frosty Peak was not the place to fight, destroying it would ruin the point of the task.Both sides flew to a desolate valley.Fang Yuan quickly stood opposite Xia Fei Kuai."Start." Xia Fei Kuai could not wait, he wanted to teach Fang Yuan a lesson.Among Southern Border's rank seven Gu Immortals, he was a famous expert. In the entire Wu clan, other than the rank eight Gu Immortal Wu Yong, the strongest rank seven Gu Immortal, Wu Yu Bo, was only slightly superior to him. Now that Wu Yu Bo was in secluded cultivation, who would Xia Fei Kuai fear?One had to say, getting Immortal Yan Huang to defeat Wu Yu Bo was indeed a well executed move.In terms of real battle strength, Immortal Yan Huang was not Wu Yu Bo's match, but Xia clan had managed to crack Wu Yu Bo's signature killer move.Wu Yu Bo was targeted, his immortal killer move was broken and he suffered an intense backlash, causing Immortal Yan Huang to win the battle."Wait." Fang Yuan gestured with his hand.Xia Fei Kuai was ready to fight, Fang Yuan's words made him feel very uncomfortable, he called out: "Wu Yi Hai, what else do you want?""I almost forgot, since this is a spar, we can't do it so casually, right?" Fang Yuan smiled.Xia Fei Kuai thought: "How is it casual? Teaching you a lesson is this battle's most important point!"He was thinking that, but he could not say it out loud.Gu Immortals had all sorts of methods to record scenes. Like earlier, when Immortal Yan Huang challenged Wu Yu Bo, Xia clan's Xia Qing Cang recorded everything, it was widely spread over Southern Border's Gu Immortal world.Xia Fei Kuai held in his anger: "What do you want?""Simple, if I manage to win, then the status quo for Frosty Peak will remain, it will belong to us." Fang Yuan said."How can we do that?!" Xia Zhuo Mo, who was far away, was anxious. He rushed to Xia Fei Kuai and spoke loudly.Right now, Xia clan was finding trouble, having the descendant of Zhang San Feng, they had justification and a huge advantage, Wu clan was forced into a passive position. If they agreed to this, they would lose their advantage, it was not wise.Xia Fei Kuai curled his lips, thinking: "I'm not stupid."At the same time, he rejected: "No way.""In that case, I cannot fight. This spar is voided." Fang Yuan waved his hand, turning around and walking away.Xia Fei Kuai almost wanted to curse at him upon seeing this.We left Frosty Peak and came all this way, after so much trouble, and selecting a proper valley to spar. And now, you want to cancel the fight?Are you toying with us?His expression turned grim: "Wu Yi Hai, leaving without fighting, is this the courage and glory of Wu clan?"Fang Yuan stopped moving.Xia Fei Kuai smiled coldly.Fang Yuan turned around, looking at Xia Fei Kuai with a serious expression, saying shamelessly: "You are wrong. I am not avoiding the spar, but you two are not agreeing to my request. Since our negotiation failed, it does not mean I am running away. Look, I even chose the location for it.""What the f*ck!" These words made Xia Zhuo Mo, who was watching by the side, feel anger.Xia Fei Kuai stared with furious eyes, he was fuming.He stared at Fang Yuan fixedly, how could Wu clan produce such a shameless person, weren't Wu clan Gu Immortals brash and usually eager to fight to resolve problems? Where was the bravery and spirit of Wu clan? Where was it!But soon, Xia Fei Kuai thought of Fang Yuan's origin.Indeed, Wu Yi Hai was not a Wu clan Gu Immortal from birth, he was a secluded cultivator in Eastern Sea.This damned secluded cultivator!Fang Yuan showed a deeper smile: "Since we cannot spar, let's continue talking and drinking tea. I have to say, your four seasons tea is really delicious, I am looking forward to it as we speak.""Drink tea? Talk about what!" Xia Fei Kuai felt an intense urge to strangle Fang Yuan to death in his mind, his chest was burning with rage.Xia Zhuo Mo looked at Xia Fei Kuai bitterly, thinking: "Weren't you the one who gave him a lot of tea leaves earlier?"Fang Yuan suddenly muttered to himself before saying: "How about this, if I win, for the next five years, we will maintain the status quo, you will not harp on the Frosty Peak issue, how about that?""This…" Xia Zhuo Mo started to ponder over it.Fang Yuan suddenly raised this condition, compared to before, it was much more acceptable."But Wu Yi Hai likely has a plan for giving us this condition." Xia Zhuo Mo was still thinking.Xia Fei Kuai spoke: "Okay, I agree."Xia Zhuo Mo was stunned, transmitting: "Lord Xia Fei Kuai, you…""Are we going to let this bastard continue wasting time? I will bear full responsibility for this, it has nothing to do with you! I cannot waste so much time, the less time I spend with this guy, the better." Xia Fei Kuai replied resolutely, he had a firm attitude.Xia Zhuo Mo smiled bitterly."If this battle is lost, even if you, Xia Fei Kuai, take responsibility, can I run away from it? The clan sent me here to help you, it was to give you advice, right? Sigh!"He sighed deeply in his mind, transmitting helplessly: "Then I will hope for lord to emerge victorious!""Are you two sure?" Fang Yuan asked.His condition was just delaying the problem for Wu clan, it did not solve it.But after five years, Fang Yuan would be done with his matters, by then, who cares about Wu clan?"We are sure." This time, Xia Fei Kuai did not speak, Xia Zhuo Mo did."Okay." Fang Yuan slowly flew back, speaking in an obnoxious way: "Actually, I did not want to spar, it hurts our relationship either way. But Lord Xia Fei Kuai is so insistent, on behalf of the four seasons tea leaves that you gave me, I will agree to this.""Stop mentioning that tea and fight." Xia Fei Kuai bellowed, his eyes were bloodshot.Before he finished his words, Fang Yuan's body shined and turned into a divination tortoise.Xia Fei Kuai was stunned, Fang Yuan was wasting so much time earlier, but he transformed so quickly now, it was quite a contrast."Divination tortoise again!" Xia Zhuo Mo frowned.The divination tortoise's huge body stood in the valley with its four pillar-like legs, it filled up this entire valley.The entire divination tortoise was dark in color, the shell had all sorts of markings, thousands or tens of thousands of them, they were very eye-catching, Xia Zhuo Mo looked at them for a while before feeling dizzy, he quickly stopped.Xia Fei Kuai did not expect Fang Yuan to use an immortal killer move now.Normally, when Gu Immortals spar, they would probe first. Fang Yuan skipped it and used his trump card immediately."The tough shell shows this divination tortoise's defensive power. No wonder he chose this style of sparring." Thinking of this, Xia Zhuo Mo frowned even more deeply."What do I do?" Xia Fei Kuai hesitated, he did not know what Wu Yi Hai specialized in, but Fang Yuan knew what he was good at.Xia Fei Kuai only hesitated for a moment, before attacking.First move.He raised his fist and clenched it, floating in the sky, he aimed at the divination tortoise in the valley and punched.His fist shot out light, it was dazzling. Pure white light gathered in Xia Fei Kuai's fist as it turned into a large ball of light, crashing down.Auras of Immortal Gu and mortal Gu mixed together.This was an immortal killer move — Soaring Essence Strike.

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Chapter 1310. So Embarrassing | Reverend Insanity

Since Fang Yuan had used an immortal killer move, Xia Fei Kuai had no choice but to use an immortal killer move as well.A pure white ball of light moved with an average speed, not showing any signs of light path's speed advantage.But as it flew in the air, it pushed the air aside, emitting a buzzing noise.Boom!The wine vat sized ball of light smashed down like the weight of a mountain on the divination tortoise's back, smashing the tortoise into the ground.The enormous divination tortoise had sunken by over a foot in the ground.Xia Fei Kuai's move was indeed powerful. Light path was famous for speed, but this soaring essence strike of Xia Fei Kuai was the complete opposite, it was like a heavy fist, and the enemies would often be caught off-guard by its powerful strength.However, Fang Yuan's divination tortoise was perfectly unharmed."Huh?" Xia Fei Kuai's eyes almost popped out when he saw the result of his attack.The divination tortoise was intact with not even a slight dent on it.This was the obvious result.Xia Fei Kuai's move used light path to imitate strength path, it was considered a unique move.Meanwhile, Fang Yuan's divination tortoise transformation was a rank seven immortal killer move, which used change form Immortal Gu and divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu as the cores. Especially the latter, just by activating it, Fang Yuan could obtain a tortoise shell that was not weaker than an ancient divination tortoise.And now, it was an immortal killer move possessing many supplementary Gu worms, the tortoise shell's defensive capability was stronger than a real ancient divination tortoise.Ancient desolate beasts had extremely strong and sturdy bodies with vigorous vitality, and tortoises were one of the toughest life forms among all living beings.It was not strange for Xia Fei Kuai's soaring essence strike to show no effect.But to the person involved, this was slightly ridiculous."Soaring essence strike had no effect, he has such a hard shell!" Xia Zhuo Mo was shocked.Xia Fei Kuai stopped, he started to develop an unfamiliar feeling, that was a headache.Looking at such a sturdy tortoise shell, he felt a headache and did not know where to start.In fact, if he had attacked any other area, the result would not have been this bad, but he had to go and choose the hardest part, the tortoise shell. Naturally, this was also because he wanted to probe the depths of Fang Yuan's strength."What should I do?" Xia Fei Kuai began to think rapidly.Although he was irascible, he managed to quickly become cool-headed in the fight.But at this moment, Fang Yuan activated a second immortal killer move.Auras of Immortal Gu and mortal Gu rose. Fang Yuan opened his mouth and breathed out countless small tortoise shells.The small tortoise shells had the same appearance as the divination tortoise's shell, except that they were many times smaller.The large numbers of small tortoise shells floated in the air, rotating at a very fast speed."What are these things?" Xia Fei Kuai stopped thinking and cautiously pulled apart some distance from Fang Yuan.Boom!He punched forward with soaring essence strike again.But this time, the wine vat sized heavy light sphere did not even manage to touch the divination tortoise.Those small fist sized tortoise shells seemed to be attracted like bees attracted to honey, as they looped towards the soaring essence strike.Bam bam bam…The seemingly hard tortoise shells shattered into hundreds of pieces in the collisions.But the soaring essence strike also was completely consumed, finally turning into a dim fragment of light that helplessly dissipated in the air.Immortal killer move — Vajra Shell!This was the immortal killer move Fang Yuan had been perfecting earlier, combined with his divination tortoise transformation. This was the first time it had been displayed in Southern Border and even in the five regions.The core of this immortal killer move was the rank six Immortal Gu Vajra Thought.But it was combined with rank seven perseverance Immortal Gu as well as large numbers of mortal Gu.Its might had naturally increased by a lot, it had not been a waste of Fang Yuan's time and energy."Ah! These tortoise shells are actually thoughts." Xia Zhuo Mo's eyes emitted sharp light as he saw through the mystery.He was a wisdom path Gu Immortal and was very sensitive to all kinds of thoughts. This was the area he was proficient in.As for Xia Fei Kuai, he cultivated light path, not wisdom path, even though he was rank seven, he only realized after Xia Zhuo Mo's notification."Xia Zhuo Mo, you are knowledgeable, the two of you are a good match." The divination tortoise spoke human language, its tone filled with sarcasm.In fact, Fang Yuan had not intended to conceal it, it was just that after combining with divination tortoise transformation, these golden thoughts turned into dark tortoise shells."Little Mo, be quiet, I will break his shell." Xia Fei Kuai said.Xia Zhuo Mo grunted, but did not speak anymore. Being ridiculed by Fang Yuan had made his expression unsightly.Xia Fei Kuai closed his eyes.He began to prepare.All sorts of Gu worms' auras started brimming and linking up, before quickly spreading.Red date immortal essence was being consumed rapidly.At the same time, he spread his arms and slowly put his hands together above his head.Light surged up like a fountain from him, gathering between his palms.He was still accumulating energy.The radiance was restrained, but a powerful aura started rising up, becoming more and more dangerous.Fang Yuan lowered his tortoise head and firmly rooted his limbs to the ground like a silent dark mountain. But at the same time, the small tortoise shells around him were continuing to fly, their numbers increasing extremely rapidly.There were close to ten thousand at first, but the numbers soon surpassed twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand…Their proliferation was extremely fast.Rank six vajra thought Immortal Gu could create ten thousand vajra thoughts alone.As an immortal killer move now, its effect had increased by another level.The most crucial point was that Fang Yuan's body was filled with wisdom path dao marks right now.Actually, Fang Yuan did not have many wisdom path dao marks, but he had transformation path dao marks and there were quite a lot of them!He had killed a lot of transformation path Gu Immortals and annexed all of their dao marks. The most significant harvest was when he had killed Wu Yi Hai and the two immortals inside the regional wall, just this alone gave Fang Yuan close to fifty thousand transformation path dao marks.One thousand dao marks could double the effect.Ten thousand dao marks could give ten times the amplification.Fifty thousand dao marks meant fifty times the amplification.What did that imply?Ordinary rank seven Gu Immortals would have about ten thousand to thirty thousand dao marks of their main path.Xia Fei Kuai was a rank seven expert, his light path dao marks exceeded thirty thousand in number.But how could they compare to Fang Yuan?As a result, Xia Fei Kuai and Xia Zhuo Mo could only stare wide-eyed at the rapid proliferation of the small tortoise shells that soon covered the whole valley, and were spreading further, the dark and dense numbers of tortoise shells were like locusts and ants.Xia Fei Kuai's expression sank.These small tortoise shells had increased by such a quantity in just a short while, emitting a heavy mental pressure to others.However, Xia Fei Kuai skillfully used the circumstances of the spar, according to the rule they decided upon, Fang Yuan could only defend and not attack, so Fang Yuan could not take the initiative to use these small tortoise shells to attack Xia Fei Kuai.Xia Fei Kuai calmed his mind and activated his immortal killer move.Light path immortal killer move — Saw Light Wheel!His two hands, that were above his head, chopped down at once.A dazzling wheel of light flew out from Xia Fei Kuai's palms.The wheel of light grew rapidly and soon was the size of a boat.The wheel of light was continuously rotating, its edges were filled with sawteeth."Good!" Xia Zhuo Mo inwardly cheered: "The tortoise shells are hard, but this move saws through the target, even if the tortoise shells are very hard, they will still be sliced apart."However, at the next moment.Swish swish swish…Countless tortoise shells flew over.Crack crack crack…Under the tortoise shells' self-destructive charge, the saw light wheel could only fly for a short distance before it was completely destroyed.Xia Zhuo Mo: "…"Xia Fei Kuai: "…"Fang Yuan praised loudly: "Great killer move, this move is extraordinary, it actually destroyed over six thousand of my thoughts."These words were like a slap upon the cheeks of Xia Zhuo Mo and Xia Fei Kuai.Xia Fei Kuai needed a lot of time to prepare for this immortal killer move.Normally speaking, the shorter the preparation time for an immortal killer move, the better it was, because if it took longer, it could very easily be disrupted. Once the immortal killer move's activation was disrupted, there would be backlash which often caused heavy injuries to the Gu Immortal.Xia Fei Kuai had used the sparring rule, and was able to safely activate this immortal killer move.However!As he was activating the immortal killer move, Fang Yuan was also doing the same.Xia Fei Kuai activated saw light wheel.At the same time, Fang Yuan could create thirty-forty thousand small tortoise shell thoughts.The outcome was obvious, the saw light wheel was besieged and destroyed by over six thousand small tortoise shell thoughts.Even a fool could compute the numbers here.The method which Xia Fei Kuai had placed his hopes in had ended up like this…This was so embarrassing!

Reverend Insanity