
Chapter: 1316-1320:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1316. Moon Festival | Reverend Insanity

A few days later.Looking at Mount Snail loudly moving away, and Mountain Moving Old Monster standing on top of it with an owner's air, Fang Yuan retracted his gaze and started to leave.Mount Snail's matter had been settled.With Fang Yuan as the representative, Wu clan had reached an agreement with Mountain Moving Old Monster. Mountain Moving Old Monster obtained most of the benefits of Mount Snail, but this immemorial desolate beast still belonged to Wu clan in name.Wu Yong had assigned Fang Yuan to retain Mount Snail.Fang Yuan had retained it, although it was only a portion, it could be considered as completing the task."Mountain Moving Old Monster agreed to my conditions because of Wu clan's force behind me.""As for Wu Yong, he is currently worn out by dealing with the difficulties created by other super forces. He has no choice but to forcibly acknowledge the resolution of Mount Snail.""Wu clan is in a grave situation at present, as Wu Yong's brother, I should not idle around outside and must return as quickly as possible."Fang Yuan was thoroughly satisfied with the outcome of this matter.He had an explanation to hand to Wu clan, and more importantly, he had reaped many benefits from this task.He could already begin the construction of coiling thread caves.Because of these resources, Fang Yuan immediately had spare funds to engage in a large scale expansion of his second major resource.According to the previous development speed, he would have had to wait more than half a year. And in this duration, there could not be any unexpected mishaps, for instance, intense battle would consume a lot of red date immortal essence. The rate of time in Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture was slowed down at present, the amount of red date immortal essence he produced was a lot less than before, and Fang Yuan needed to use immortal essence stones to turn them into red date immortal essence.Now, his immortal essence was no longer green grape immortal essence, one hundred immortal essence stones were required to turn into one bead of red date immortal essence."I need to arrange the Gu formation to construct the coiling thread caves, I also need rank six immortal material dark soft silk and rank seven immortal material regret water rocks.""With these funds, all this can be completed and it is only a matter of time.""The important thing is, when can I return to the dream realm? Wu Yong's attitude is the crucial factor!"Fang Yuan thought as he moved forward.Right as he was on his way back, in the headquarters of Wu clan, two Gu Immortals were currently talking about him, Wu Yi Hai.One was Wu clan's rank eight Gu Immortal, first supreme elder Wu Yong.The other was Wu Yong's trusted aide, Wu Fa."Who could have thought my brother would resolve Mount Snail's matter so quickly? Elder Wu Fa, as per the clan rules, how should we reward him?" Wu Yong asked.Wu Fa was silent for a moment.He knew that Wu Yong's question was not superficial, he was asking about his attitude towards Wu Yi Hai.He was testing Wu Fa.Because Wu Yi Hai's identity was special, he and Wu Yong were half-siblings!Wu Fa quickly thought and replied: "Lord Wu Yi Hai has a lone cultivator background."One sentence.But Wu Yong laughed heartily: "Right, your remark is correct. Yi Hai has a lone cultivator's disposition, even after returning to the clan, he has not changed and is always thinking of quickly making cash and eyeing up cheap benefits."Wu Fa, however, did not agree: "Frosty Peak and Mount Snail are not small benefits."Wu Yong's laughter stopped, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes as he nodded: "That is indeed not good, if everyone were to be like this, how would Wu clan continue to exist? But he did not overstep the bottom line and has not left behind any weaknesses that could be exposed."As he said this, Wu Yong sighed and remarked: "He has some ability."How could Wu Fa not realize Wu Yong's meaning?Wu Yong naturally could not be pleased at seeing Fang Yuan use the situation to his advantage.But the situation left him no choice, he was lacking manpower and sometimes had no choice but to send Wu Yi Hai to deal with some matters.Fang Yuan had also revealed his ability by handling these two matters.This ability had obtained Wu Yong's acknowledgement, so Wu Yong would still continue to use Fang Yuan. But when the time arrives and Wu clan's situation eases up, Fang Yuan would be cast aside by Wu Yong, to the extent that if Fang Yuan were to leave behind any evidence, Wu Yong would grasp the opportunity and deal a huge blow to Fang Yuan.After all, no higher-up would feel comfortable with someone like Fang Yuan, who sought after personal gains.Fang Yuan successfully returned to Wu clan.He met with Wu Yong and described the whole matter briefly, and obtained a reward from Wu clan once again.Fang Yuan chose to exchange for immortal essence stones.Naturally, this sum of immortal essence stones could not compare to what he had obtained from Mountain Moving Old Monster, it was far too few.Over the following days, Fang Yuan cultivated in peace.The construction of the coiling thread caves was slowly progressing. This was his current focus.Every set interval of time, Fang Yuan would have to place his immortal aperture to absorb heaven and earth qi, stabilizing the sovereign immortal aperture.After all, Reverse Flow River was a secluded domain of heaven and earth, it was extremely taxing on the immortal aperture.This matter was slightly troublesome.Fang Yuan could not directly absorb heaven and earth qi, because the amount he absorbed every time was huge and the interval between them was also short.As such, Fang Yuan had to search for some immortal materials in treasure yellow heaven, disintegrating them into heaven and earth qi to infuse into himself.This no doubt consumed a lot of Fang Yuan's spare energy and finances, but he would rather do this carefully. This was the only way he could stick around long enough and avoid showing any flaws that could let others expose his identity.Days passed by, Fang Yuan started to feel somewhat impatient."The problems on the giant dream realm's end have already settled down. But Wu Yong does not seem to show any signs of letting me return. Looks like what I was worried about happened after all. Sigh!"Fang Yuan sighed.In this world, people often had no choice.Wu Yong was busy dealing with difficulties from all sides, doing everything to stabilize the situation. If he let Fang Yuan return, and a problem occurred on the super Gu formation's end, would he not be creating trouble for himself?Moreover, Wu Yong saw Fang Yuan had some ability and wanted to continue letting him deal with some problems.As for Fang Yuan embezzling resources while doing the tasks, Wu Yong was turning a blind eye to it for now and did not look into it.He did not pursue it, but Fang Yuan wanted him to.Looking at the reason Fang Yuan disguised as Wu Yi Hai and entered Wu clan, wasn't it for the dream realm?"It seems I need to make a move."On this day, Fang Yuan left his residence.For the policies of higher-ups, there were countermeasures.Fang Yuan was an old fox, how could he not have a method to respond to this?Around twelve days later, in a pavilion on Yue Hua Mountain, several Gu Immortals were seated around a stone table.Warm moonlight flowed down like water.Night birds cried out in the lush green hills.Soft wind brushed past, the view was beautiful beyond imagination."Today is Southern Border's yearly moon festival 1 , it is my fortune to enjoy this festival with all our honorable guests." Qiao Si Liu said with a smile.Her voice was beautiful like the soft murmurs of mountain springs, giving a pure feeling.Her appearance was even more beautiful, dressed in a pure white brocade dress, along with her exquisite features, it gave a feeling of a fairy from mortal tales."Being able to receive Fairy Si Liu's invitation to enjoy the moon festival together is my, Luo Mu Zi's, honor." A Gu Immortal with the looks of a young man spoke.His smile was glowing with enthusiasm, particularly the gaze he had when looked at Qiao Si Liu, it was scorching hot.Qiao Si Liu was one of the three publicly recognized top beauties in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world, what stood out even more was her background.Qiao clan, although affiliated with Wu clan, was also a righteous path super force.Among the six Gu Immortals present, there were two women and four men, other than the one couple, Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were pursuers of Qiao Si Liu.There were many pursuers of Qiao Si Liu, but being able to receive an invitation to this festival from her showed these two were not at the same level as the rest.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were naturally happy, they came rushing over immediately when they received Qiao Si Liu's invitation.But at this moment, Qiao Si Liu spoke to another male Gu Immortal: "Yi Hai, you said you wanted to integrate yourself into Southern Border, tonight's moon festival is a custom of Southern Border.""Southern Border has a lot of mountains, separated from each other, but the moon festival is a common custom. Every year, at this time, we will all appreciate the moon."Her eyes were glistening with light, her soft voice and her smiling rosy lips created an extraordinary image.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei immediately frowned, as they rigidly stared at Fang Yuan with eyes that could burst into flames.Qiao Si Liu's differing attitude could be clearly seen by anyone who had eyes, moreover, the seating arrangement had already put Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei in a bad mood.Because on the main seat was Qiao Si Liu and on her right seat was Fang Yuan, while to her left was her best friend, Fairy Tian Lu.As for the other male Gu Immortals, their seats were arranged quite far away."Moon festival?" Fang Yuan's expression was indifferent, he asked even though he already knew: "Interesting, what do we do besides appreciating the moon?""We drink tea, recite poems, and also dissect rocks." Qiao Si Liu explained with a smile."Dissect rocks?" Fang Yuan looked puzzled.Qiao Si Liu did not reply, instead she handed a cup of fragrant tea to Fang Yuan: "First, please taste my personally brewed tea."Luo Mu Zi almost stood up at this sight!Lun Fei's eyelids twitched violently, wishing he could be in Fang Yuan's place.Fang Yuan took a light sip of the tea and commented: "This tea is not bad.""Only not bad? This is Fairy Si Liu's renowned willow spiral tea!" Luo Mu Zi almost yelled."Is there something special that I am unaware of?" Fang Yuan looked at Qiao Si Liu.Qiao Si Liu met Fang Yuan's gaze, before her eyes turned and she laughed softly.Lun Fei's heart started beating faster at the fairy's charming laughter.At this moment, Fairy Tian Lu aptly chirped: "This willow spiral tea, if you lightly shake it, a whirlpool will form on the surface of the tea in the appearance of a willow leaf. You will only get the true extraordinary taste of the tea when you drink it at that time.""Oh? So it was like that?" Fang Yuan shook the cup in his hand, and immediately, there was a change on the surface of the tea.He drank it then, and felt the fragrance overflow in his mouth, giving him a pleasant aftertaste and satisfaction."Great tea." Fang Yuan praised."Of course it is a great tea, Fairy Si Liu's personally brewed tea is not something just anyone can get to drink!" Luo Mu Zi sourly said."To be able to receive your praise, Si Liu's efforts were not wasted. You should know that you need to spend six hours to make this tea and you cannot be even the slightest bit careless during the whole process." Fairy Tian Lu said.Lun Fei was extremely moved: "It is truly my lifetime's honor to be able to taste Fairy Si Liu's personally brewed willow spiral tea tonight!"Fairy Tian Lu's eyebrows immediately rose: "Who said you can taste the willow spiral tea? Si Liu took out some time from her busy schedule to make this one cup.""Ugh."

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Chapter 1317. Tea Competition | Reverend Insanity

Qiao Si Liu only made one cup of willow spiral tea, which was given to Fang Yuan.Such a brewing method immediately changed the significance of this cup of willow spiral tea.Fang Yuan's expression slightly changed, showing flattered joy on his face, but his mind was tranquil with no ripples."This is truly a pity. No matter how beautiful you are, without eternal life, you will just be a pile of bones in the end.""Beauty is superficial, but people cannot stop indulging in it.""But this Fairy Tian Lu is indeed Qiao Si Liu's best friend, their coordination is remarkable."The only cup of brewed tea was given to Fang Yuan by Fairy Si Liu, Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei, who were still thinking of tasting the tea, however, obtained such a reply.Their expressions had become quite stiff at this moment.Qiao Si Liu smiled: "The willow spiral tea was only a token of goodwill. I have brought bewitching tea for everyone, please have a taste."She waved her silk sleeve, five servings of tea appeared on the table.This tea was different from willow spiral tea, it was not in a cup, but in a white porcelain dish.At the center of this dish was a fist sized dewdrop.This dewdrop was lustrous like a jade, its surface wobbling slightly against the night wind, looking delicate."Bewitching tea is a renowned tea of Qiao clan, to think I could have a taste tonight." Luo Mu Zi gave himself an excuse, but in fact, his gaze was still fixed on that cup in front of Fang Yuan.Lun Fei had already tightly clenched his fists below the table, grinding his teeth as he raised the small porcelain dish and took a sip of the bewitching tea."Good tea." He exclaimed, but his expression was slightly rigid.In fact, bewitching tea was multiple grades higher than willow spiral tea, the latter was only Qiao Si Liu's creation, while the former was Qiao clan's signature tea. A super force's signature tea was naturally more outstanding than the tea created by Qiao Si Liu, a single Gu Immortal.However, as far as Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were concerned, they would rather give up a hundred servings of bewitching tea to drink a serving of willow spiral tea."Bewitching tea is really refreshing and has endless aftertaste. Si Liu, how can I take out my aurora tea when you brought out this tea?" Fairy Tian Lu smiled.Qiao Si Liu, however, was not the slightest bit polite to this best friend of hers: "Just don't take it out then, I am already tired of drinking your aurora tea. Right now, I am anticipating Sheng Liu's drunken flowers tea. It is rumored this tea was a creation from his inspiration when he fell in love at first sight with you. I wonder if I might have the opportunity to taste it today?""I am ashamed, ashamed." Sheng Liu rubbed his nose, giving a bitter smile, "My drunken flowers tea is a crude creation, it is not exquisite enough for today."Fairy Tian Lu also smiled while covering her mouth: "Si Liu, you are making things difficult for my darling Liu, this won't do! Only I can drink drunken flowers tea, outsiders can stop dreaming about it."Her face showed pride and love as she said this.Gu Immortal Sheng Liu who was beside her, looked lovingly at Fairy Tian Lu, they were already holding their hands below the table.Qiao Si Liu gave a deep sigh: "Oh, I wonder when I will meet a person who will create a tea for me?"There was a sense of dejectedness in her soft query.At this moment, moonlight shone into the pavilion.A beauty sighing softly under the moonlight was truly a very loveable sight.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei felt their bodies heating up, Luo Mu Zi even stood up: "Fairy Si Liu, I have a tea which is called nine recollecting fragrances. It is my own creation, fairy, I would like to offer it to you on this auspicious occasion."Not willing to be left behind, Lun Fei also quipped in: "I also have prepared my tea, this is yin-yang tea, there is a clear distinction between yin and yang, fairy, please have a taste."These two Gu Immortals only offered the tea to Qiao Si Liu, just like Qiao Si Liu had given her willow spiral tea to Fang Yuan.Qiao Si Liu took a sip of both tea, and said with a smile: "Nine recollecting fragrances is aptly named, the moment the tea enters the mouth, fragrances coil around the tongue. Tasting it carefully, there are actually nine moments when the fragrances intensify, it is really extraordinary.""Haha, fairy, it is not worthy of such praise from you." Luo Mu Zi laughed heartily, his previous bad mood swept away completely.Qiao Si Liu then said to Lun Fei: "Yin-yang tea, although it is not a unique creation, I have heard of it before. There are three levels to brewing this tea. First level is when yin and yang are obscure. Second layer is when yin and yang are separate. Third level is when yin contains yang, and yang contains yin, yin and yang revolving around each other. Lun Fei, your skill can be seen for being able to achieve the second level of brewing this tea, there are probably less than ten people who can achieve that in the whole of Southern Border, worthy of a food path Gu Immortal like you."Tea, wine, delicacies, in this world, they were naturally not ordinary.There were countless ways to brew tea. It was not as simple and shallow as putting tea leaves in hot water.Like the tea discussed by the immortals in the pavilion: Willow spiral tea, bewitching tea, drunken flowers, nine recollecting fragrances and yin-yang tea, they were all incomplete Gu recipes.And when these Gu recipes were completed, and the Gu Immortal brewed tea at that time, they could refine food path Gu worms.Food path was one of the many cultivation paths, it was just that it had never flourished. Although it was extremely significant and there was a lot of interests in it, unfortunately, because of historical reasons, there were very few food path inheritances left in the world."This Lun Fei's main cultivation is actually food path?" Fang Yuan gave Lun Fei a quick glance, feeling slightly surprised inwardly."What is this guy's origin? I have many Immortal Gu, if I could obtain his food path inheritance, it might be a huge help to me." Fang Yuan immediately had malicious intent.Even if you had no intention to harm others, they might still want to harm you.Fang Yuan was somewhat moved.His current strength was already among the best below rank eight. When he activated reverse flow protection seal, although his offensive methods were still weaker, he could stand toe to toe with Feng Jiu Ge."I need to first check Lun Fei's background and see if I can make a move against him or not.""If I can, Wu Yi Hai's identity must not be implicated!"With Wu Yi Hai's identity, Fang Yuan definitely could not brazenly kill Lun Fei. Because he was a righteous path Gu Immortal Gu, and could not adopt demonic path methods.A super force had much more robust strength than a lone immortal, but these forces usually did not lightly offend any Gu Immortal.The same went for Wu clan.A super force had huge assets and businesses, if a Gu Immortal could not be killed and escaped, they could destroy many resources of the super force and be a huge headache to the super force.Wu Yong had this consideration as well when he accepted Fang Yuan's idea of giving some concessions to Mountain Moving Old Monster in regards to Mount Snail."Hmm… it is better to probe and determine the value of Lun Fei's inheritance. If it is not high, forget it.""If the value is high and I am to make a move, I need to be absolutely careful to not let his soul self-detonate."There was no need to think about Immortal Gu, they could not be obtained.But Fang Yuan could kill Lun Fei and capture his soul, to obtain the food path inheritance by soul searching.Fang Yuan had always held food path inheritances in high expectations.Unfortunately, due to a lack of fortuitous encounters, he could do nothing about it.Since there were no fortuitous encounters, then he had to make a move himself and rob others.Fang Yuan did not have any feeling of guilt!Many Gu Immortals were particular about not attacking others if others did not attack them.However, Fang Yuan was someone who, even if others did not attack him, would go attack them."I brewed this tea over seven days and seven nights, fairy, now being able to receive your praise, it was all worth it." Lun Fei's tone was slightly shaking with excitement.He then looked at Fang Yuan and said with a hint of challenge: "I wonder what tea Lord Wu Yi Hai is going to show us?"He had not even the slightest idea that Fang Yuan was already brewing thoughts of killing him."Eastern Sea is the most plentiful region in terms of resources. Wu Yi Hai has lived in Eastern Sea for many years, any tea he brings out will definitely surpass others and be the top tea." Luo Mu Zi sat back and spoke with enthusiasm.Fang Yuan smiled.These two were Qiao Si Liu's pursuers, after realizing Fang Yuan's 'threat', they had tacitly allied to put Fang Yuan in an awkward situation.They praised Fang Yuan highly, making it difficult for him to refuse their request.Qiao Si Liu slightly frowned.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei's thoughts were slightly devious. If Wu Yi Hai could not showcase such a tea, the situation would be awkward. Even if he could, his reputation would suffer.The reason?Because this event was hosted by Qiao Si Liu. Qiao clan's bewitching tea was the main tea, while other Gu Immortals' teas were supplementary.The guests should not overshadow the host, this was an unwritten rule of the moon festival. Qiao clan might not care about it, but Wu Yi Hai's reputation would suffer.The righteous path was very concerned about reputation!Fang Yuan, however, had no hesitation.He directly took out five cups of tea and indicated to the others: "Please enjoy."Fairy Tian Lu's eyes brightened, being the first to pick up a cup: "I am very curious as to what Lord Wu Yi Hai's tea is like?"But the first person to drink the tea was not her, but Lun Fei.He looked somewhat hurried.This was the best opportunity to knock down his rival, as a food path Gu Immortal, he was proficient in this aspect, how could he not take this opportunity?But with just one sip, he immediately frowned and spat it out: "Pshaw, what rotten tea is this?""Awful, too awful." Luo Mu Zi also took a sip before placing the cup down: "This is the most revolting tea I have ever had in my life, it might even be worse than mortal tea."His tone was extremely impolite, with no hint of respect towards a rival.The two had firmly grasped the opportunity to attack Fang Yuan's reputation.Fairy Tian Lu wanted to help mediate the situation, but after drinking it, she gave a helpless smile: "This tea is salty and bitter, it is like seawater."Fang Yuan smiled and unexpectedly admitted: "It is seawater.""What?""You actually brought seawater? Are you trying to shame Fairy Si Liu!"Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei quickly sent verbal attacks.The smile on Fang Yuan's face disappeared, replaced by solemness: "I don't like to drink tea, if I had to choose, this seawater would be my tea.""You do not understand.""I lived the life of a secluded cultivator in Eastern Sea, an orphan with no one to rely on and with calamities and tribulations pressuring me at all times.""Every day, I would wake up early and scoop a bowl of salty seawater to drink, this was to remind myself to not slack and continue persevering."The pavilion immediately fell into silence.Qiao Si Liu slowly lifted her cup amidst this silence and took a sip, before slowly putting the cup down.She smiled, her rosy lips and white teeth seemed brighter than the beautiful moonlight: "This is the most special tea I have had in my life, thank you, Yi Hai. This tea is good, I am truly moved."Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei fell into silence seeing that the person they loved had responded like this.

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Chapter 1318. Story of the Moon Festival | Reverend Insanity

"Are you kidding me! My nine recollecting fragrances cannot even compare to a cup of seawater?" Luo Mu Zi roared inwardly, while maintaining his calm appearance on the surface."Damn! This Wu Yi Hai is playing tricks and pulled a fast one, we are offering tea, yet he offers seawater? He is too shameless! Fairy Si Liu even approved of him, this is too infuriating!" Veins started to bulge in Lun Fei's clenched fists below the table.Fairy Tian Lu quickly calmed the situation: "The moon is high in the sky, since we have already drunk tea, if there are no poems to accompany this festival, it would not be complete."Fang Yuan pretended to not understand: "Are we really going to recite poems?"He looked like he had heard it for the first time.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei's eyes immediately brightened. This was another opportunity!Another opportunity to knock down their rival."You managed to get away with it the previous time, duping your way through. This time, I am going to push you down from the limelight, then fiercely step on you a couple times."Luo Mu Zi's mind was revolving around this thought, but on the surface, he was still wearing a smile and had a graceful demeanor.The same went for Lun Fei, having similar thoughts.However, they did not know what kind of person Fang Yuan was.Competing in poetry?!Heavens!This was worse than showing off in front of an expert.Fang Yuan came from Earth, he had a large stockpile of traditional poems in his head, including those renowned works as well as earthshaking masterpieces. He could easily use one of them and these two would be unable to save face."Yes, we are going to recite poems, there is a story behind this." Qiao Si Liu answered Fang Yuan."Oh? Please explain." Fang Yuan continued to ask."This is a story that has been passed down in Southern Border, and is also the origin of the moon festival." Qiao Si Liu said with eloquence.Once upon a time, at a certain village in Southern Border.A young man fell in love with an old Gu Master's daughter, and this Gu Master's daughter also was in love with this mortal youth.The youth mustered up his courage to propose the marriage, but he was met with the old Gu Master's rejection."You are only a mortal, while my daughter is a Gu Master with a bright future, how could you be worthy of my daughter? Get lost!"The young man implored and begged, but the old Gu Master sneered: "You are daydreaming, thinking I will let my daughter marry you! You, a mere mortal who cannot even brew tea? What use do you have?"The youth replied: "Isn't it just tea? What is so difficult about it, if I brew it, will you marry your daughter to me?"The old Gu Master felt a headache.He knew his daughter loved this youth deeply, forcefully breaking them up would only make his daughter hate him."If you can make a cup of tea that meets my expectations, I will give you a chance."The youth was joyous and agreed immediately: "Sir, I will definitely make it."The Gu Master daughter was extremely worried when she heard about this: "My family is reputed for our famous tea, and you have to make a tea which can satisfy my father. You are only a mortal with no Gu Master abilities, how can you brew a good tea?"The young man, however, replied: "Don't worry. Who says mortals cannot brew tea? Let me tell you three principles.""The first principle: the law of the jungle, big fish eats small fish, and small fish eats shrimps."Saying that, the young man walked to a stream and hooked a big fish, he cut the fish, retrieving a small fish inside, he then cut the small fish, and took out a shrimp from the inside."The second principle: humans need to eat and also need to defecate."The young man then ate the shrimp and pooped out a pile of faeces."The third principle: faeces can nourish vegetation to grow better."The young man buried his faeces under the soil, and sure enough, flowers and plants started to flourish and grow.The young man plucked a kind of flower from among them and soaked it in the stream, the entire small stream turned into tea.The old Gu Master could not speak for a long while after he took a sip of this tea.His daughter said, "Father, you are not thinking of reneging on your promise, right?"Only then did the old Gu Master nod reluctantly: "Boy, you have passed the first test. But it is still impossible for you, a mortal, to marry my daughter. You are too crude and lack talent, you cannot recite poems."The youth scratched his head and spoke worriedly: "Although I have not recited poems before, I can give it a try."The old Gu Master scoffed: "You?"The youth asked back: "Why can't I?""Boy, reciting poems is not just casually chanting a few phrases. We Gu Masters can cause heaven and earth to change by reciting poems, we can make humans dance with joy. Can you do that?"The youth said in a low tone: "How would I know if I don't give it a try?""Alright, then try, don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you fail, then you need to leave and never see my daughter again."The youth had no choice but to agree, he began to pace around, thinking of a poem to recite.But he had never recited a poem before, he had no clue how to start.At this moment, he saw the ants on the ground, he saw the birds and the setting sun outside the window. Suddenly, he patted his head.He began to recite: "Sparrows fly low and snakes slither around, ants move their homes as it rains down."Southern Border had many rainy days, and it was currently springtime as well.The youth had just finished speaking, when light rain began to appear in the sky.The old Gu Master's expression changed.The youth continued: "A drop of spring rain resembles a drop of oil, too much of it sends us into turmoil."The rain got heavier and the sky turned dark.The old Gu Master's expression was slightly unsightly.The youth grabbed his head and scratched his cheek: "Elm trees droop as farming commences, hair falls as seeds scatter."At this point, the youth was stuck and for the life of him, he could not recite the final line."I will give you some more time." The old Gu Master sneered.The youth's eyes brightened as he pointed at the old Gu Master and said: "Lord took away all the grains, our hungry stomachs are all in pain."The old Gu Master immediately stomped his foot in anger and stood up, breaking the teacup in his hand.Then, he pointed at the young man and shouted: "A mere mortal dares to be so audacious!"But his daughter laughed and clapped: "Amazing, this song changed heaven and earth, and even made father dance."The old Gu Master was furious at seeing his daughter side with her boyfriend, but was unable to retort."Good, good, good, consider that you have passed the second test, but there is still the final one. You want to marry my daughter, what about the betrothal gift? Can you take out a betrothal gift that can satisfy me?"The youth lowered his head dejectedly, he lived in a thatched cottage, slept on a straw mat and only had one set of patched clothes."I will use all my assets as the betrothal gift." The youth spoke in a serious tone."Let me see them!" The old Gu Master said.The young man brought the old Gu Master to his residence, to that old thatched cottage.He then said: "These are all my assets.""This old hut with holes everywhere?" The old Gu Master pointed with disdain."This straw mat that is about to break?" The old Gu Master threw the straw mat."These rocks used as stools?" The old Gu Master kicked the rocks and broke them.The youth lowered his head.Every sentence the old Gu Master said made the young man's head lower further down.When the old Gu Master said his third sentence, the youth's head had almost hung down to his chest.But right at this time, from a rock the old Gu Master has kicked open, a beautiful Gu worm that looked like the moon flew out leisurely, shining brightly.The old Gu Master was stunned.The youth was also stunned, he had picked up this rock casually from the base of the mountain.The old Gu Master's daughter cried out happily: "This Gu worm is definitely enough as the betrothal gift, right?"The old Gu Master was unable to retort, he could not say anything and finally, he could only rub his nose and marry his daughter to this mortal lad.Fang Yuan had already heard of this story before, it was indeed interesting.The story portrayed a conflict between a mortal and a Gu Master, and actually ended up with the mortal's victory.The youth had braved through the three hurdles, finally getting together with the beauty, who was also a Gu Master. The old Gu Master had not used strength from start to finish, this did not conform to logic. It, however, showed a lowly mortal's thirst towards a better life, as well as pursuing happiness.Qiao Si Liu narrated the story to Fang Yuan, conveniently explaining the customs of the moon festival as well.Why it was that during the moon festival, the people in Southern Border, be they Gu Immortals or mortals, would make tea, recite poems and dissect rocks.Naturally, the tea brewing of mortals was done with ordinary tea leaves, and as for dissecting rocks, it was replaced by breaking pebbles as a way of receiving auspicious blessings."This is quite an interesting story, thank you, Fairy Si Liu, for answering my doubts." Fang Yuan said, politely.Qiao Si Liu smiled: "Why are you so polite, you can just call me Si Liu.""Huh?!" Luo Mu Zi's eyes opened wide.Qiao Si Liu's attitude towards Wu Yi Hai was completely different from how she treated the two of them."We have had tea already, now let us recite poems." Lun Fei said, his gaze towards Fang Yuan flashed with some coldness and his tone had also turned somewhat icier.Qiao Si Liu's beautiful eyes turned towards Lun Fei: "Lun Fei, you are already eager, I am very interested to listen to your masterpiece."Lun Fei laughed happily, the coldness on his face completely dissipated as he replied: "Then let me recite my simple work."He stood up and slowly walked outside the pavilion as he recited —Stepping into society as an ignorant youngster,Step by step I walk by myself.But tonight I do not drink alone,Because my dream beauty is here under the moon.Lun Fei, in his blue robe and with fair appearance, recited slowly.The first two lines described his cultivation experiences, hinting at his lonely journey.The last two lines described the current situation, especially the last line, it was an implicit confession.He had walked out of the pavilion, and after his recital, he returned inside, gazing deeply at Qiao Si Liu.Qiao Si Liu sensed the passion in his eyes and quickly turned around to look at Fang Yuan.However, Fang Yuan neither looked at her nor showed hostility towards Lun Fei, he was just quietly drinking tea.A trace of disappointment flashed past Qiao Si Liu's eyes.

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Chapter 1319. Poem Competition | Reverend Insanity

"Good poem, good poem." Fairy Tian Lu laughed charmingly: "Especially the last line, my dream beauty is here under the moon, it was truly beautiful. I think it is definitely talking about me, hehe."She improvised a humorous remark, easing the atmosphere in the pavilion.Lun Fei gave a helpless and bitter smile, sitting down again: "Please don't mind my crude creation, it is hardly presentable.""Lun Fei, you are too modest, I have a poem as well." Luo Mu Zi said."Oh? We would love to hear it." Qiao Si Liu smiled, looking at Luo Mu Zi with anticipation.Luo Mu Zi turned silent for a moment before slowly reciting.Climbed mountains to seek immortality,Danger present in every step.Dust specks float like light,Dark Gu lurk in heart.A dream like golden jade,Thousands of years of loneliness.Five regions and nine heavens,Everything is in one breath.The concept and imagination in this poem with five words in each line immediately moved the Gu Immortals.They carefully savored it.Climbed mountains to seek immortality, referred to a Gu Immortal's cultivation.Danger present in every step, Gu Immortals needed to deal with calamities and tribulations in their cultivation, devoting all their effort in managing their immortal aperture. It was like climbing a mountain, the higher they reached, the more dangerous it became.Dust specks float like light, the meaning was that time was always passing by, and in the mortal world, dust gathered on people and people were like floating dust.Dark Gu lurk in heart, on the surface, it referred to Gu Immortals storing Immortal Gu and mortal Gu in their immortal apertures. But the Gu Immortals present had deep background in literature, they could already savor the deeper meaning.Dark Gu referred to darkness, setbacks, failures, compromises, disappointments, and other negative feelings.Mortals thought immortals had good lives, but immortals faced difficulties they did not know. Just look at the living beings in the world, who was truly free and unfettered?Gu Immortals endured huge pressure in their cultivation, it was unavoidable for them to have negative feelings, even Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables were not an exception.Climbed mountains to seek immortality, danger present in every step. Dust specks float like light, dark Gu lurk in heart. These phrases were brief but contained profound meaning, which when carefully considered, resonated greatly with Gu Immortals.The lines after this, 'a dream like golden jade, thousands of years of loneliness'; it referred to gold and jade, all kinds of wealth, being superficial objects and just like dreams. As time passes, love, hatred, and all feelings disappear. It showed how the poet looked indifferently at the changes in the world, that their mind was free from mortal emotions.The final phrase 'five regions and nine heavens, everything is in one breath' was filled with vigor and majesty, sweeping away the gloominess and heaviness from the previous lines. There were several other meanings to it, as long as humans had one breath left in them they were living, when they lose this breath, they would die. People strived and fought for that one breath. Using the world as an analogy, Gu Immortal cultivation was just like the pillars holding up the five regions and nine heavens, everyone was just working hard to support themselves.The entire poem was slow at first before it became faster in momentum, creating a majestic scene that filled the listeners with admiration.For a moment, the pavilion was filled with silence, the immortals quietly ruminating over this poem.Qiao Si Liu thought to herself: "Strange, from my understanding of Luo Mu Zi, how could he create such a poem with his nature? He probably stole someone else's work, hmm, he also did not say it was his creation."She sized up Luo Mu Zi.Luo Mu Zi looked calm on the surface, sitting upright as he quietly drank his tea, but the smile on his lips gave away his inner feelings.Qiao Si Liu inwardly smiled, but did not expose him.She then turned her sight towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's expression was unexpectedly strange!"This is Qi Jue's Five Words Poem? How is it possible! Didn't Demon Immortal Qi Jue's grotto-heaven only appear when dream realms flourished in the five regions chaotic war?"'Strange! Strange! Strange!'Demon Immortal Qi Jue was a great expert from the Olden Antiquity Era, a rank eight Gu Immortal with immense battle strength who had once fought Limitless Demon Venerable three times, the results were a win, a draw, and a loss.Naturally, the first two battles were when Limitless Demon Venerable had yet to advance to rank nine.And, in the final battle, Limitless Demon Venerable had advanced to rank nine, surpassing Demon Immortal Qi Jue. But the battle had still lasted for nine days and nine nights, before the latter was defeated. However, Limitless Demon Venerable did not kill Demon Immortal Qi Jue and let him go.Limitless Demon Venerable had said this at the time: "You were my biggest enemy, but without you, I would not have trained so desperately. You also had a hand in pushing me towards my current cultivation level."Having received the recognition and praise of a grand Demon Venerable, Demon Immortal Qi Jue's name was marked in history.The grotto-heaven left after his death had lasted until the present.In Fang Yuan's first life, dream realms manifested one after another during the five regions chaotic war, regional walls disappeared and the five regions turned into one. Such a huge change created a turbulence in heaven and earth qi, exposing many hidden blessed lands and grotto-heavens to the outside world.Demon Immortal Qi Jue's grotto heaven was revealed in such a situation.Undoubtedly, the moment it appeared, it caused an uproar in the five regions."That shouldn't be.""Simple logic is that Qi Jue's Five Words Poem was engraved in Qi Jue grotto heaven. How did Luo Mu Zi know of it at this time?"'Could it be, he has already entered Qi Jue grotto heaven?!'Fang Yuan's thoughts became somewhat chaotic for a moment.Qi Jue grotto heaven contained the Demon Immortal's true inheritance. This Demon Immortal was on the same level as Sword Immortal Bo Qing, even Hei Fan paled in comparison to him!"If I could obtain this true inheritance…""Will I obtain Qi Jue's true inheritance by killing this Luo Mu Zi?"Intense killing intent rose in Fang Yuan's mind once again.Without knowing Fang Yuan's thoughts, Luo Mu Zi gave a challenging glance to Fang Yuan: "I wonder what great work Wu Yi Hai has? We are really looking forward to it.""That is natural." Lun Fei quickly chipped in: "Lord Wu Yi Hai's origin is not ordinary, he has plenty of experiences and what's more, Eastern Sea is very rich in resources. I can't compare to the scholarly attainment of Wu Yi Hai."These two praised Fang Yuan with pleasant words, but their thoughts were anything but good.Qiao Si Liu was well aware of it, at this moment, she did not protect Fang Yuan but stared at Fang Yuan and encouraged him: "I also really want to listen to your poem, I am sure it will definitely be interesting and special.""Yes, yes." Fairy Tian Lu quickly agreed.For a moment, Fang Yuan was pressured by everyone, he rubbed his nose and gave a forced smile: "Friends, you are all overestimating me, how could I have poems, I don't know how to make any.""Wu Yi Hai, you are modest! Too modest!" Luo Mu Zi laughed.Fang Yuan shrugged: "I am telling the truth, I did not even know we would have to recite poems to appreciate the moon.""Since that is the case, Wu Yi Hai, why don't you make one right now, it should be a wonderful work, don't worry if it takes a bit of time, we are all willing to wait." Lun Fei said, not letting Fang Yuan off.Fang Yuan heaved a deep sigh.Of course, he had a lot of poems in his head.There was many poems praised since ancient times from Earth, he could casually copy any of those famous stanzas, it would be enough for this occasion and resolve the difficulties from these Gu Immortals.But…But so what?Fang Yuan gazed around.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei loved Qiao Si Liu, they naturally considered Fang Yuan an eyesore, both had come to a tacit agreement to work together and knock down their rival. What good would it do for him to contend with such losers?Fairy Tian Lu was Qiao Si Liu's best friend and was indeed working hard, helping Qiao Si Liu wholeheartedly. As for her lover, he did not speak much and was silent most of the time, quietly drinking tea from the side, this showed how astute he was.As for Qiao Si Liu…This fairy had both appearance and background, and was one of the three great beauties of Southern Border, she naturally had her pride.Qiao clan might have ordered her to approach Fang Yuan, but she had her own methods.She had thought meticulously in hosting this moon festival today. She had thought out everything, not only taking care of small details like seating order, she had also brought her best friend to help her, and an even more brilliant move was that she had invited Lun Fei and Luo Mu Zi to take part in the event.When two men compete with each other over a girl, even if she was a pig, they would think she is awesome. Only when one wins and the other is out of the competition, and when the victor looks at this pig, he will then realize: oh, this was a pig after all!This was rather exaggerated, but the logic was similar.When a competitor appears, it would make the girl who is being pursued seem even more precious and more valuable.Qiao Si Liu was well aware of this logic, so she made this arrangement to evoke Fang Yuan's thoughts and make him take the initiative to pursue her, then she could conveniently agree and hook Fang Yuan in.If it were the real Wu Yi Hai, perhaps he might have already fallen into the planning of beauty.Unfortunately, the one she was facing was Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan remained unmoved the whole time because he knew the relation between Wu clan and Qiao clan, and also the scheme of Qiao clan's higher-ups.With this understanding, Fang Yuan was in a strategically superior and stable position, while Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were no more than roadside clowns.When Fang Yuan sized up the Gu Immortals in the pavilion, the Gu Immortals were also focusing their gazes on him.There was silence in the pavilion, this silence was no doubt a kind of pressure."Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei want to embarrass me. Qiao Si Liu also wants me to accept the challenge, hmm….maybe she is feeling a little upset. After all, for such a beauty, the seawater was too rude. As for Fairy Tian Lu, she is completely on Qiao Si Liu's side, and is nothing to worry about…"Fang Yuan thought of all this, smiling inwardly as he said: "Then let me recite one, don't laugh at me.""We are all ears!""We are looking forward to it!"Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were all smiles.At the next moment, the immortals heard Fang Yuan's poem —"Oh great sea, you are made of water.""Oh horse, you have four legs.""Oh beauty, you have large eyes and a mouth!"The poem ended.The entire pavilion was silent!Everyone's expression seemed to have stiffened.Even Qiao Si Liu and Fairy Tian Lu were no exception."This, this, this… what the f*ck!""This is a poem? This is rubbish!!""This Wu Yi Hai is an utter boor.""What nonsense is this? Appreciating the moon and reciting poems, it was an elegant event, now it is completely ruined!"The Gu Immortals were unanimously screaming internally.Fang Yuan was all smiles as he looked at Qiao Si Liu: "I wonder if Fairy Si Liu is satisfied?""Satisfied? Screw you!""You still have the nerves to ask this question? You are simply too outrageous!!"Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei roared inwardly, but being mindful of their bearing, they showed nothing on the surface. The pavilion was still a scene of silence."Heh… hehe…" Qiao Si Liu laughed, even though it sounded very forced: "This poem is really special, to tell the truth, I… I have never heard such a poem. It is indeed worthy of being your creation… now that I carefully consider it, it is actually quite funny."Luo Mu Zi:"…"Lun Fei:"…"

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Chapter 1320. Please 'Evaluate' | Reverend Insanity

Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were utterly speechless.They wanted to criticize Fang Yuan, but Qiao Si Liu had made such a remark, if they criticized now, would they not be embarrassing Qiao Si Liu?Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei felt like they had swallowed a housefly but were unable to spit it out, it was unbearable.Fang Yuan was laughing on the inside as he gazed around.Qiao Si Liu was forcefully maintaining her smile, while Fairy Tian Lu gazed at her concernedly, her gaze seemingly containing some sympathetic feeling. As Qiao Si Liu's best friend, how could Fairy Tian Lu not know of her intention? It was just that Fang Yuan did not take the bait at all, making them be unable to do anything.As for Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei, they had such stiff expressions that it was quite funny.Fang Yuan looked at these two: "How was it? My poem was not bad, right?""Not bad?!"Luo Mu Zi's and Lun Fei's eyes immediately opened wide as they looked at Fang Yuan, seemingly wanting to see how shameless this person could possibly get.But immediately afterwards, they heard Fang Yuan speak: "Although I had a flash of inspiration, it seems a true masterpiece poem is also created like this. Si Liu really approves of my poem, but I still would like to hear your constructive feedback.""Constructive feedback? This dogshit thing can be considered a poem? You want feedback?!""Si Liu, Si Liu… why are you speaking of her so closely? You scumbag, hey! Who let you address her so intimately!"Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were madly raving inside their minds.But they could not lose their temper, they had to evaluate it and give good remarks just like Qiao Si Liu's words so that they would not embarrass her.This disgusted them even more than eating a housefly.Fang Yuan was clearly their rival in love and it was also garbage that could not be considered a poem, but Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei still needed to 'evaluate' it and give nice comments!"This poem, ah… it is clear, easy to understand… and easy to read…" Luo Mu Zi stammered, his expression was becoming increasingly unsightly and he felt like he was going to vomit!Fang Yuan nodded with a smile, then turned towards Lun Fei: "What do you think?"Lun Fei saw Fang Yuan staring at him, the corners of his lips were raised slightly in a smile and seemed to be twitching, he insipidly remarked: "This is a good poem."Fang Yuan's eyebrows rose, how could he let this person off so easily, he pursued: "What is so good about it?"Lun Fei was furious, his face flushed red with anger as he screamed internally: "How would I know what's good about it? There is nothing good about it! You created this garbage and still want to be praised! You scumbag!!"Looking at Fang Yuan's smiling expression, Lun Fei had an intense urge to smash the teacup on Fang Yuan's face.It would really appease his anger!But he could not do that.Qiao Si Liu was right beside them, if Lun Fei did that, what would happen to Qiao Si Liu's face? Wouldn't he embarrass this fairy?Moreover, he was not like Luo Mu Zi, he was a lone immortal. By contrast, Wu Yi Hai had a noble status, he was in Wu clan, and was the younger brother of Wu Yong!Lun Fei could only restrain his anger as he racked his brains to think of words for 'evaluating' Fang Yuan's 'poem'."I am really pleased with this moon appreciation festival, never had I thought I am talented in composing poems." Fang Yuan smiled at Qiao Si Liu, his gaze full of deep meaning.Qiao Si Liu's mind shook slightly as she smiled: "Next is rock dissecting, maybe you will have a huge harvest.""Indeed, indeed. I am also most expectant towards this event, let us dissect rocks." Fairy Tian Lu quickly helped to change the subject."I have prepared a huge amount of rocks here for everyone to choose. Please." Qiao Si Liu naturally had come prepared, with Qiao clan as her background, gathering some rocks was of course not a troubling matter.The mood in the pavilion eased.Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei also let out sighs of relief, at least they no longer needed to praise Fang Yuan's poem against their own will.The rocks prepared by Qiao Si Liu were of all sizes, the Gu Immortals chose them one after the other and dissected them on the spot to see if there were any Gu worms inside.As far as mortal Gu was concerned, it was very easy for Gu Immortals to get them.As such, the atmosphere was relaxed, unlike the seriousness when Gu Masters dissected rocks.Naturally, this only applied to mortal Gu, if Immortal Gu were involved, this rock dissecting activity would be given serious attention by Gu Immortals.Gu Immortals had a lot of methods to check whether a rock had mortal Gu or not. However, in today's event, they naturally would not use their methods to cheat and only relied on their insight and luck.As for rocks that had Immortal Gu, they could only be found by chance and not through seeking, the investigative methods of Gu Immortals were deficient and without options in regard to such rocks.Trying to get an Immortal Gu in tonight's event would be wishful thinking and unrealistic.No one present had such expectations as this was only meant to be an entertaining event.It was just that this entertainment held different meaning to Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei compared to the past.They were secretly contending with Fang Yuan, but the result was they were almost at the verge of coughing out blood, Fang Yuan's rock dissecting results had maintained first place from start to finish.Rock dissecting relied on the Gu Master's discerning eye, Fang Yuan naturally did not lack in this aspect, he had even started his own rock gambling den in his first life.As for luck, was Fang Yuan's luck bad?Not to mention he had connected his luck with several other lucky people, he himself had dogshit luck Immortal Gu to help him.However, although Fang Yuan obtained victory, it was a rather close one. He maintained superiority from the start, but this superiority was not obvious at times.The one who exerted such strong pressure on him was Luo Mu Zi.This person was not a lone immortal, he came from one of Southern Border's super forces — Luo clan.His insight was very sharp, and most importantly, his luck was quite good, his results were only slightly inferior to Fang Yuan."Looks like his luck is quite good.""Otherwise, he would not have known about Qi Jue's Five Words Poem, isn't that right…"Fang Yuan thought to himself.It would not be troubling for him to make a move against Lun Fei, but to target Luo Mu Zi, he had to worry about Luo clan.Naturally, no matter what he decided to do, Wu Yi Hai's identity absolutely could not be implicated.By the time the moon appreciation festival ended, it was already deep into the night.Everyone bid their farewells one after the other, the scene was quite lively."I will see you off." Qiao Si Liu took the initiative to see Fang Yuan off.Luo Mu Zi's and Lun Fei's eyes flushed red."Let's go!" Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei were originally competitors and found one another an eyesore, but through the course of tonight's event, they had instead reached a tacit agreement.The four Gu Immortals left the pavilion successively, leaving behind Fairy Tian Lu and her lover."Sigh." Fairy Tian Lu sighed: "Tonight's moon appreciation festival was so tiring.""Nothing to be done about it." Her lover also sighed, his gaze clear and bright.Both held each other's hands and smiled as they stepped on the clouds and left."This Wu Yi Hai is a complete boor. What in the world did he compose? Can that thing even be called a poem?!" Luo Mu Zi was burning with rage."But Fairy Si Liu actually has a completely different view of him!!" Lun Fei gritted his teeth."Hmph, what different view, his greatest worth is his identity." Luo Mu Zi said in a slightly envious tone.Lun Fei's expression was malevolent: "I cannot take this lying down, I cannot let Wu Yi Hai continue living so happily!"On their way, Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei conversed heatedly."Oh? What idea do you have? Wu clan might be facing difficulties from all sides and they might lack the initiative, but they still have the ability to maintain their status. If you want to make a move against Wu Yi Hai, you will have to consider Wu clan. Whether it be publicly or privately, Wu Yong will stand behind Wu Yi Hai. We need to take this relationship properly into account." Luo Mu Zi spoke, he was a righteous path Gu Immortal and was aware of the difficulty here.If they overestimated their relationship, they would not be able to cause any harm to Wu Yi Hai. But if they underestimated it, who would be able to bear Wu clan's retribution?Lun Fei curled his lips as he thought: Righteous path Gu Immortals have to worry about everything. On the other hand, the demonic path can directly take action.However, Lun Fei was not a demonic cultivator, he was a lone cultivator who was more inclined towards the righteous path.Lun Fei sneered as a sinister light flashed in his eyes: "We don't need to personally make a move. Fairy Si Liu has a lot of pursuers, not just us two. We can inform that person, he will definitely be furious because Fairy Si Liu did not invite him this time.""You are talking about that guy from Chi clan?" Luo Mu Zi's expression became slightly complex.That Gu Immortal from Chi clan was the biggest pursuer of Qiao Si Liu. Before tonight, Luo Mu Zi greatly loathed him. But now, he was about to make use of his strength to teach a lesson to Wu Yi Hai."Although Wu Yi Hai won against Xia Fei Kuai, it was because he relied on his knowledge of the enemy. If he was strong, why would he have to discuss any conditions with that Mountain Moving Old Monster, he could have directly seized back Mount Snail. That guy from Chi clan is definitely stronger than Wu Yi Hai, moreover, he hates it when others have any desire towards Fairy Si Liu." Lun Fei continued.Luo Mu Zi's gaze became resolute: "Alright, we will inform Chi Shang of today's matter!"Qiao Si Liu accompanied Fang Yuan for a distance before she bid a reluctant farewell to Fang Yuan.But she did not directly return to Qiao clan's headquarters, instead returning to the pavilion.Inside the pavilion, there was a Gu Immortal sitting on a rock chair and quietly drinking bewitching tea.This person was Qiao clan's first supreme elder.The crucial character who had helped Fang Yuan return to Wu clan previously!Qiao clan's first supreme elder slowly put down the teacup: "Although Wu Yi Hai grew up in Eastern Sea, he is after all Wu Du Xiu's son. So what do you think?"Qiao Si Liu's gaze was slightly dim as she softly said: "I agree."Fang Yuan targeted Luo Mu Zi and Lun Fei, forcing them to say his poem was good, but in fact it was an indirect attack on Qiao Si Liu.Qiao Si Liu was well aware that this was the way of a righteous path confrontation, it was all smiles and jovial on the surface, but was actually a maelstrom of dark undercurrents.Qiao clan's first supreme elder sighed: "Our Qiao clan has all along been allies with Wu clan, but we have never been able to penetrate deep into their core. For the sake of Qiao clan, Wu Yi Hai is a huge opportunity, do you understand?"Qiao Si Liu bit her lips, her gaze containing reluctance, but she still nodded in the end: "I understand."

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