
Chapter: 1261-1265:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1261. Blood Path Demonic Immortal | Reverend Insanity

"You are looking for death!" His dragon eyes stared at Shi Nu.Shi Nu raised his head to look at Fang Yuan, shouting: "Master, leave quickly! Leave!""Shi Nu, I will remember your loyalty." Ying Wu Xie took a deep glance at Shi Nu, before leaving.He took the other two immortals and quickly retreated.Because Shi Nu risked his life to hold back Fang Yuan, Ying Wu Xie and the others were able to smoothly leave the licorice regional wall and enter Northern Plains.The moment they stepped on the grass of Northern Plains, Ying Wu Xie took out Tai Bai Yun Sheng from his immortal aperture.The latter had already woken up, but his injuries were extremely severe, his life was still in danger.Combining the four immortals' power, they immediately activated the ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel and disappeared from the spot.…Inside the dream realm.The battle had already concluded.The attacking demonic path bandits were all dead.The merchant caravan did not have it easy as well, as they suffered many casualties and injuries.Corpses were littered everywhere in the valley and blood filled the area."Uncle Big Beard, pull yourself together! Wake up!" The young Fang Yuan was beside Gu Master Big Beard, looking at the terrifying injury with shock and panic."Someone, someone save him!" Fang Yuan shouted, his voice somewhat hoarse.But nobody came.Fang Yuan quickly ran to the young master: "Lord, Uncle Big Beard was injured while saving you, he is going to die, please save him!""He cannot be saved, the injury itself is not a big problem, the main thing is that he has been struck by a poison Gu, we have no way of saving him." The young master shook his head and gave a rueful smile."No, you have a way. Weren't you also hit by the same poison Gu?" Fang Yuan persisted.The young master's expression sank: "You want me to use a precious Gu worm for a mere outsider? Do you know this kind of healing Gu worm can only be used for a limited number of times?""But, Uncle Big Beard was injured to save you." Fang Yuan argued."Even if he did not save me, I have father's secret guards who would have ensured my safety." The young master sneered, waving his hand at Fang Yuan, "Get lost now, how could my healing Gu worm be used on ants like you guys?"Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and stared at the young master with clenched fists, not moving from his spot."Are you looking to die?" The young master was getting furious."Fang Yuan…" At this time, Gu Master Big Beard woke up and softly called out.Fang Yuan shook, quickly turning around and running to Big Beard's side: "Uncle Big Beard, you are awake!"Fang Yuan was surprised and happy."Don't oppose young master, you will be the one to suffer. Don't keep on begging, how could such a precious healing Gu be used on people like us?" Big Beard smiled mockingly."But uncle, your injuries…" Fang Yuan was very upset, choking as he sobbed.…Plop.Shi Nu powerlessly dropped to the ground."Hehehe." He looked at the sword dragon hovering in front of him and laughed: "I succeeded! Master was able to escape, haha… Shadow Sect won't be defeated, long live Spectral Soul — ugh!"Fang Yuan grabbed him with his claws and forcefully crushed him to pieces.Loosening his dragon claws, rock fragments and debris were scattered over the ground with no signs of Shi Nu's original appearance."You're merely dying, what was the point of yelling." Fang Yuan sneered, picking up the most crucial piece from among the rock fragments.He then flew out of the licorice regional wall and returned once again to Northern Plains.He threw the crucial piece of rock to the ground, immediately, the immortal aperture inside began to absorb Northern Plains' heaven and earth qi and formed a blessed land outside.Fang Yuan did not wait, instead activating qi luck sensation to check the locations of Ying Wu Xie and the others.Fang Yuan immediately discovered that Ying Wu Xie and the rest were already extremely far away from him."Hmph! They used that ancient battle formation? But so what? You will all die at my hands, sooner or later.""But this location, it seems to be in that Earth Trench under Zombie Alliance."Fang Yuan returned to his human form, slightly frowning.Of course, he was familiar with the location of Zombie Alliance's Earth Trench. Dark Flow Giant City was still hidden there, unfortunately, no one had found it yet. It was not strange for Ying Wu Xie and the rest to enter it."Southern Border Zombie Alliance has already been destroyed, Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance's headquarters were besieged, but Northern Plains Zombie Alliance is still hidden in the Earth Trench. Looks like Ying Wu Xie and the rest will once again go through a period of growth."This was an expected situation.Dark Flow Giant City's cultivation resources included all sorts of Immortal Gu from Northern Plains' immortal zombies.However, Shi Nu was already dead, and they were injured, if they fought again, even if it was in Northern Plains and not the regional wall, Fang Yuan would still have the upper hand.Shi Nu's blessed land had formed, Fang Yuan entered it but was unable to subdue the land spirit. His attainment in earth path was only at master level and not grandmaster, thus he could not annex this rank seven blessed land and could only leave it for the moment.Inside the dream…There was a kind of medicinal herb said to be able to relieve Gu Master Big Beard's poison, the young Fang Yuan chose to sneak out of the caravan and climbed the cliff to pick the medicinal herbs growing there.The cold mountain wind blew at him, causing his body to shiver greatly.The cliff was steep, and a careless step could lead to a brutal death."I will definitely get the medicinal herb and treat Uncle Big Beard!""He saved my life, how could I not repay this debt of kindness?""Persevere, Fang Yuan, don't be afraid, huff huff…"Fang Yuan was breathing roughly as he stretched out his arm and after several attempts, he finally picked out a medicinal herb.At daybreak, with a basket full of herbs and ragged clothes, he returned to the camp.…"Alright, this dream realm is finally over." Fang Yuan woke up from the dream realm.He finally got rid of the dream realm's interference.This dream realm was not completely without benefits, the dream path materials inside surpassed Fang Yuan's imagination. In the final scene, the basket of herbs Fang Yuan carried were actually all dream path Gu materials."If I dreamed by myself, there is no way I would have had such huge harvests. Could it be that Ying Wu Xie's lead soul into dream is not only an offensive ability, but is actually a killer move to get dream path Gu materials?"Fang Yuan pondered over this as he flew.Without the dream realm's interference, he once again began to chase after Ying Wu Xie.Even if Ying Wu Xie ran to the ends of the world, Fang Yuan would give chase to nip this great problem in the bud!Snowy Mountain blessed land."Fairy Lian Yun, don't use love Immortal Gu again. You have already paid the price and are now unable to speak. If you continue using it repeatedly like this, I really don't know what kind of price you will have to pay next!" Shi Zheng Yi tried to persuade.Zhao Lian Yun shook her head, her gaze firm and determined.In the dangerous battle with Zhao Da Niu, love Immortal Gu had displayed its might. But that time, love Immortal Gu did not take immortal essence as the price, instead it seized away a certain thing from Zhao Lian Yun.This thing was Zhao Lian Yun's voice.After the battle, Zhao Lian Yun was unable to let out any sounds. She was not even able to make crude grunts and noises that mute people could make."Hong Yun is still waiting for me! I cannot just wait here and watch from the sidelines. So what if I can't speak? I can still converse with all of you through Gu worms. It is not a big problem." Zhao Lian Yun transmitted her voice to Shi Zheng Yi.Shi Zheng Yi sighed, unable to say anything, and could only let Zhao Lian Yun act on her will.This time, however, no matter how Zhao Lian Yun called out, love Immortal Gu showed no signs of budging.Helpless, Zhao Lian Yun could only walk out of the twelfth snowy peak's range, along with Shi Zheng Yi.Once they walked out of this range, Zhao Lian Yun was sent to another snowy peak, separated from Shi Zheng Yi.Different from before, there were sounds of an intense battle on this snowy peak."Who is fighting here? It should be either Yu Yi Ye Zi, Bu Zhen Zi or Mu Ling Lan, right?" Zhao Lian Yun was surprised and happy, as she quickly rushed towards the peak.She soon reached the hall at the peak.The stench of blood assaulted her nose, inside the crimson hall, a gorgeous young Gu Immortal was fighting a bitter battle with a Snowy Mountain Gu Immortal.It was refinement path Gu Immortal Yu Yi Ye Zi!"Yu Yi Ye Zi, hold on, I am coming to support you." Zhao Lian Yun transmitted her voice.Yu Yi Ye Zi was both surprised and happy, quickly replying: "Be careful, this is a genuine blood path demonic immortal!""What? Blood path!" Zhao Lian Yun got a huge fright. She looked at the enemy with dread and wariness.

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Chapter 1262. Golden Sun Spear | Reverend Insanity

Blood path Gu Immortal!Because of Blood Sea Ancestor and other historical reasons, as well as blood path's characteristics, any person who cultivated blood path would be judged as a demonic path member in the five regions.In the battle between the alliance of Chu Sect and Bai Zu tribe against the allied Huang Jin tribes, Chu Du's side could have brought in a strong reinforcement. Unfortunately, this person cultivated blood path, Chu Du had immediately refused with not the slightest bit of hesitation.It was because Chu Du wanted to establish a righteous path force, if he collaborated with a blood path member, his side would be judged as demonic path, and all his painstaking effort would go down the drain.However, Snowy Mountain blessed land did not have such concerns.Because Snowy Mountain blessed land was a gathering point of Northern Plains' demonic path Gu Immortals. It was not a tribe or a sect. Whether it be a tribe or a sect, both had the characteristics of nurturing its members, and both had mortal members as well. However, Snowy Mountain blessed land was an entity formed and linked purely through benefits.Zhao Lian Yun arrived at the tenth snowy peak after leaving the twelfth snowy peak.The demonic path Gu Immortal guarding this place was called Zhao Pu. He was wearing hemp clothes and cloth shoes, he was bald, had an ordinary appearance and was of a middling stature.He was standing at the center of the hall, while Yu Yi Ye Zi was retreating back again and again, until he reached the edge of the hall.His whole body was bathed in blood, his injuries were frightening.When Zhao Lian Yun saw this companion, she was almost unable to recognize him. Yu Yi Ye Zi was a pretty and delicate looking man, but right now, it was like he had fallen in a boundless sea of blood and was pulled out by someone."His other abilities are normal, but he has one blood path immortal killer move that is extremely powerful! When activating it, all of his blood splashes out before turning into a stream of blood. Once the stream of blood touches your skin, you will start bleeding and as time passes, the bleeding will continue to worsen! You need to be careful." Yu When Yu Yi Ye Zi saw Zhao Lian Yun in the middle of the fight, he quickly warned her."I understand! Take a rest first, I will deal with him." Zhao Lian Yun stepped forward."Good, another person is here looking for death." Zhao Pu stood at the same spot without moving, his hands folded across his chest. He let out a sinister smile, revealing his dense and sharp teeth, a demonic and bloodthirsty aura pounced forward.Immortal killer move — Life Locking Silver Chain.Zhao Lian Yun had been preparing this move since earlier, under the consumption of immortal essence, auras of large numbers of Gu worms rose from her body, and a silver light covered her.Clang clang…A series of chains clashing against each other could be heard coming from within the silver light.Shortly afterwards, six long chains shot out from the silver light. The six chains were bright silver and extremely nimble, as they moved around Zhao Lian Yun, forming a strong defense.Zhao Lian Yun had gone through intensive training and after the life and death battle with Zhao Da Niu, she seemed to have been reborn, her every move was decisive and did not have an inexperienced air like before.The tenth snowy peak lord, Zhao Pu, noticed Zhao Lian Yun activating her killer move, but actually did not stop her and simply watched her.Zhao Lian Yun saw this, and immediately activated another immortal killer move.Meteor rain!Immortal essence was expended once again, as a patch of deep blue formed above Zhao Lian Yun, above the dome of the hall.Swish swish swish…Countless meteors were falling from the sky, raining down like an army of arrows, it was a majestic sight!These meteors were extremely thin and small, like countless hidden weapons, but their power was majestic as they fell down like a storm that could not be avoided.If Zhao Pu kept on staying still, he would be turned into meat paste by these tiny meteors.He indeed did not dare to be so prideful, suddenly a large bloody cloud floated above his head, it was like a huge umbrella that firmly protected Zhao Pu. The falling meteors were blocked by the bloody cloud, but the bloody cloud's volume was shrinking at a visible speed.Zhao Pu gritted his teeth and stamped his foot, as his body shot towards Zhao Lian Yun like a red ray of light.Zhao Lian Yun's mind shook, subconsciously taking a step back.The silver chains moving around her reacted faster than her, one of the chains shot out towards Zhao Pu like a charging dragon.Zhao Pu quickly dodged and chose another direction to attack.But at almost the same time, another silver chain shot towards him.Zhao Pu had no choice but to retreat and choose another direction again.This repeated a few times, Zhao Pu shockingly realized these silver chains could attack on their own, these chains could be said to have both attack and defensive properties. Not to mention how agile these silver chains were, they could even coordinate with each other."Little girl, your defensive killer move is pretty good!" Zhao Pu could not see any results, he did not continue trying and retreated some distance, using his methods to replenish the thinning bloody cloud.This was natural.Zhao Lian Yun had many immortal killer moves, these methods were chosen specifically for Zhao Lian Yun by Spirit Affinity House and Heavenly Court.They were especially suitable for a beginner like Zhao Lian Yun. Not only were the killer moves easy to control, the injuries from backlash in the case of failure were also not severe, the main thing was that these killer moves were extremely refined.The meteors continued to fall down in torrents.Zhao Pu was constantly replenishing the bloody cloud above him.Yu Yi Ye Zi was in a corner, healing himself.Zhao Lian Yun did not answer, she silently continued to prepare for a third immortal killer move.It was just that these two killer moves, meteor rain and life locking silver chain, were the ones she had practised the most, this third move was slightly more complex than these two moves.During the normal training, Zhao Lian Yun only had to spend some effort to activate it.But in a real battle, she found she had to use a lot more effort.Although, right now, with the protection of life locking silver chain, the environment was similar to the training field, her mental state was not the same, her few attempts had already ended up in failure."Another immortal killer move? Don't you know immortal killer moves cannot be used easily? The more you use them, the more chances where you will expose a weakness. Let me teach you how to fight!" Zhao Pu smiled sinisterly and pounced forward.But this time, when he had reached halfway, he opened his mouth wide.Boom!An enormous explosion occurred, Zhao Lian Yun felt the blood throughout her body shaking violently. A little less than half of the Gu worms that had soared up in Zhao Lian Yun's phantom aperture fell down again because of the disturbance.Among them, many mortal Gu were destroyed.Zhao Pu was a blood path demonic immortal, but also had sound path methods which caught Zhao Lian Yun unprepared, even Yu Yi Ye Zi, who had been healing himself, was affected.Like this, Zhao Pu continued to attack Zhao Lian Yun from all sides while life locking silver chain ensured her safety.Zhao Lian Yun did not succeed in activating her third immortal killer move due to all sorts of interference from Zhao Pu.She was filled with a sense of powerlessness, thinking: "This guy is indeed like what Yu Yi Ye Zi described him as, he has a number of methods which are all ordinary and cannot break my life locking silver chain. But he is extremely troublesome, he has all kinds of methods emerging one after another, causing me to repeatedly fail in activating the killer move. This won't do, I need to continue to persevere!"Zhao Lian Yun firmed her resolution and continued to attempt activating her immortal killer move.Maybe due to being obstructed too many times and failing many times, it instead tempered her will and strengthened her conviction.Finally, her eyes suddenly let out a piercing sharp light.Zhao Lian Yun then stretched out her right arm, and spat at her right palm, spitting out a chain of fire.The fire stopped at her palm, at first it was only a fireball hovering over her right palm.But with Zhao Lian Yun continuing to spit out fire, the fire in her hand began to inflate.It was quite strange, this fire was not inflating as a whole, but it was its left and right side that were enlarging.Soon, a staff of fire formed in Zhao Lian Yun's hand.The staff grew until it was the side of an adult's arm. The burning flames on the staff began to shrink.Several breaths later, the raging fire was completely gone, as it condensed into a staff that seemed to be cast from crimson bronze.Zhao Lian Yun closed her mouth before suddenly opening it, letting out a shrill scream: "Strike!"Following her voice, a golden ray of light immediately shot out from her mouth and struck the fire staff.

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Chapter 1263. Blood Drain | Reverend Insanity

The fire staff completely absorbed this golden light. The golden light quickly moved around in the fire staff before finally stopping at the head of the staff, gradually turning into a sharp spear.Right now, the fire staff had changed into a short crimson-golden spear!Immortal killer move golden sun spear had finally activated successfully!"It is time for you to die." Zhao Lian Yun let out a breath of air, she was filled with confidence. Her right hand slowly raised the golden sun spear and pointed at Zhao Pu, her willpower soaring high.Zhao Pu was solemn as he fixed his gaze at the golden sun spear in Zhao Lian Yun's hand, praising it: "Impressive spear, both its temperature and radiance are well restrained, once it bursts out, it will definitely be terrifyingly powerful. But…"He suddenly changed the subject, revealing a smile as if his scheme had succeeded.He said to Zhao Lian Yun: "Don't you feel anything strange right now?""What?" Only then did Zhao Lian Yun sense something warm was flowing down the sides of her lips.She lightly wiped with her left hand, it was blood!Who knew when she had started to bleed."This is?!" Zhao Lian Yun's pupils immediately shrunk to pin size and her body started shaking."This is my killer move — Blood Drain. Hehehe." Zhao Pu laughed loudly."This can't be… you clearly…" Zhao Lian Yun had only spoken a few words, when blood started to flow out of her mouth, dying her white teeth red."Hahaha, you want to say that I did not show any signs of activating an immortal killer move? Actually, I had already activated it, I only changed the method." Zhao Pu laughed."Could it be the rumored technique — split move?" Yu Yi Ye Zi cried out in shock, his eyes wide open.Zhao Pu glanced at him: "Kid, you are quite knowledgeable."Gu Masters nurtured, used, and refined Gu, no matter which aspect, they were all very profound and deep.Refining Gu involved all sorts of refinement methods. Using Gu naturally was also the same.Among immortal killer moves, there were many extraordinary methods and techniques. For instance, the consecutive moves of Blazing Heaven Demoness. She could use two or more fire path immortal killer moves one after the other, achieving a stronger effect in the end.Another example was Fang Yuan's variant moves. Myriad self, formed from the convergence of enslavement and strength path, could produce large numbers of strength path phantoms to battle. But Fang Yuan was able to create a variant move, myriad self first style, strength path giant hand. This variant move used myriad self as the foundation, but was able to produce an offensive effect that myriad self could not achieve by itself.And the method Zhao Pu was using right now was a split move. If he directly activated blood drain, it would definitely be sensed by the highly vigilant Zhao Lian Yun, and she would either disturb him or evade. However, Zhao Pu split this immortal killer move into multiple parts, and used them as he fought. After he unleashed all of these split moves, he achieved the effect of blood drain.The advantage of this method was clear. There was no indication of the move being used, which made it impossible to guard against!"Damn it! So he had been hiding and pretending, he attacked multiple times but did not break my life locking silver chain's defense, it was actually because he was secretly plotting!"Right now, Zhao Lian Yun found that she was not only bleeding from her mouth, blood was starting to flow continuously from her nose and ears as well. Her eyes were also filled with some traces of blood, causing her vision to become blurry.Zhao Lian Yun's heart thumped loudly as she recalled Yu Yi Ye Zi's appearance."I was still hit by that move!""If it continues like this, would not I end up the same way as Yu Yi Ye Zi?""He is truly crafty!!"In her agitation, Zhao Lian Yun threw the golden sun spear towards Zhao Pu.But Zhao Pu was already prepared, he was extremely vigilant against Zhao Lian Yun's fire spear, Zhao Lian Yun's shoulder had just started to move, when he had already begun to move.The golden sun spear did not have the ability to lock onto the target, but it was extremely fast, brushing past Zhao Pu.Zhao Pu got a great fright, the golden sun spear pierced through the hall, shooting towards outside the hall before it exploded. A boundless heat wave swept over all directions. The dazzling golden light and the flames instantly formed a small sun-like sphere. But soon, this small sun disappeared completely."Such power, if it truly struck me…" Zhao Pu's body was soaked in cold sweat: "Fortunately, they have already been struck by my move.""Oh." Yu Yi Ye Zi inwardly sighed, and walked towards Zhao Lian Yun, prepared to fight alongside her.Zhao Lian Yun was downcast, her morale falling sharply. She had very little real battle experience, her state of mind was easily influenced. This immortal killer move, golden sun spear, was a valuable advantage, but now it was wasted by her."Your injuries…" Zhao Lian Yun worriedly looked at Yu Yi Ye Zi.Yu Yi Ye Zi's injuries showed no signs of getting better.Zhao Pu laughed: "Did you think I was intentionally letting you off when I let you rest and heal? Hehehe, as long as you are hit by my move, unless I personally cancel the effect, normal methods won't be of any use. You have already tried, do you see any effects?""But I am quite benevolent. I will allow you both to surrender, as long as you kneel and beg for mercy, giving me your Immortal Gu, I will take you as my slaves and spare your lives.""Stop dreaming!" Zhao Lian Yun gritted her teeth, refusing Zhao Pu's invitation.Zhao Pu ignored her and laughed: "The battle is decided, are you still unaware of your situation? A wise person submits to circumstances, you are still young, it is over if you die, but you will still have hope as long as you live."Yu Yi Ye Zi sneered: "I am indeed unable to heal my injuries and can only let the blood continue to flow. But I have made some gains. I have already deduced that as long as we kill you, the injuries on our body will heal by themselves.""Huh?" Zhao Pu's expression slightly changed, he sized up Yu Yi Ye Zi once again: "Kid, I have changed my opinion about you."Yu Yi Ye Zi was a genius refinement path Gu Immortal, having extremely deep attainment level in refinement path. Even rank seven Gu Immortals often discussed Gu refinement matters with him, and even asked him for guidance.Yu Yi Ye Zi was not only proficient in Gu refinement, he also was skilled in deducing Gu recipes.Refinement path and wisdom path were close to each other and could coordinate with each other.Yu Yi Ye Zi was able to deduce the truth from his injuries along with Zhao Pu's various behaviors."We must kill him before all our blood is drained. If he doesn't die, we will die!" Yu Yi Ye Zi transmitted his voice to Zhao Lian Yun.They were already forced into a dead end. They had no options other than to fearlessly charge ahead and kill the enemy to have the right to survive."Charge!" Zhao Lian Yun called out, and charged forward without hesitation."Conceited brats, I will let you taste my true strength!" Zhao Pu laughed loudly, and valiantly charged forward, fighting as one against two.Both sides went at each other, neither yielding a step.Life locking silver chains shuttled back and forth, Zhao Pu had a bloody cloud above him and one below his feet, he avoided three chains and immediately spat blood towards the three chains coming from behind.The blood dyed the silver chains, immediately turning them into a pool of blood."Eight refinement gates, third gate -hand gate – open!" Yu Yi Ye Zi took the chance to palm-strike towards Zhao Pu's back from afar.Immediately, two exquisite palm silhouettes struck Zhao Pu's back with incredible speed.Zhao Pu gave a muffled groan, blood suddenly splashed out from his back and covered his injuries.A slightly surprised expression flashed past his face, as he thought: "Strange, why is this kid's attack much stronger now?"Yu Yi Ye Zi might be a refinement path Gu Immortal, but his battle strength was also extraordinary.As long as he was given some time, he could target his opponent's weaknesses properly. Especially his immortal killer move — Eight Refinement Gates, it could change according to the situation and unleash some properties that were specially effective against the enemy.Yu Yi Ye Zi and Zhao Lian Yun knew they had no way to retreat, and instantly burst out with remarkable battle strength.

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Chapter 1264. Crying, Screaming | Reverend Insanity

If humans staked their all, their danger would naturally increase explosively.In contrast, the blood path demonic immortal Zhao Pu was not willing to fight to the death, he just needed to delay some time and he could obtain victory.As such, for a moment, Zhao Pu was instead suppressed by Zhao Lian Yun and Yu Yi Ye Zi.However, Zhao Pu's battle experience was much greater than these two immortals of Central Continent.He was extremely slippery, moving around all the time, Zhao Lian Yun and Yu Yi Ye Zi did everything they could but could not catch him at all.As time passed, the situation inclined towards Zhao Pu.Yu Yi Ye Zi was the first to weaken in his attacks.He had been struck much earlier than Zhao Lian Yun and had suffered much greater injuries, now because of the high blood loss, he fell unconscious."Your friend might have died from blood loss, you are next. You also don't have much time, why aren't you attacking more frequently?" Zhao Pu laughed.Zhao Lian Yun was in low spirits. She knew Zhao Pu was intentionally provoking her to disturb her mind, but she was unable to calm her mind and became more and more agitated.Blood had started flowing out of her eyes, her sight was completely blurry and red.More terrifyingly, blood was not only pouring out of her seven orifices, but also from the countless pores on her body."Damn it… damn it…." An intense dizziness constantly attacked Zhao Lian Yun, her whole body was starting to shake and waver.Finally, Zhao Pu sent a long ranged attack which sent Zhao Lian Yun flying. She fell to the ground and rolled three times before stopping."Damn it!" Zhao Lian Yun pushed the ground with her hands and tried to stand up, but she had lost too much blood and had no strength left in her.She could not even prop her body up anymore."It's over." Zhao Pu folded his arms across his chest, as he walked slowly towards Zhao Lian Yun and looked down at her.Blood.It was flowing out continuously from Zhao Lian Yun's body.Soon, a pool of blood had formed around her.Zhao Lian Yun had become a blood soaked person in this pool, blood was flowing down from her eyes along with her tears."Is it over…""This is where I fall.""Blood… I am not in the least bit afraid this time, Hong Yun."Zhao Lian Yun recalled a scene of the past.That was during the fighting for Imperial Court.Zhao Lian Yun had lost the protection of her father, and was unwillingly turned into a political chip to be married to Wei tribe's young master, and had no choice but to rely on Ma Hong Yun.During one battle, Zhao Lian Yun was unfortunately shot in the thigh by a falling arrow.Blood flowed."I am going to die, ahhh, so painful! I am going to die!" Zhao Lian Yun was lying inside a carriage, screaming and crying."Don't make a fuss, Lady Xiao Yun, you are not going to die. This is only a little injury." Ma Hong Yun proficiently dressed her injury while consoling her."Blood, so much blood! Don't you know I get dizzy at the sight of blood?! I have never suffered such a heavy injury." Zhao Lian Yun groaned."You, how could you be so squeamish? Injuries are normal for people of Northern Plains. Many times, the scars are a source of glory and symbol of our feats!"Zhao Lian Yun rolled her eyes: "Do you know how to comfort people? Sigh, how could I be so unlucky…""Hahaha." Ma Hong Yun laughed loudly, carelessly using a bit more strength.Zhao Lian Yun cried out in pain: "Aaahh! Be softer! Also, what are you laughing at. I have suffered such a serious injury and you seem to be very happy."Ma Hong Yun quickly waved his hand, but was still laughing: "I'm not gloating, it is just that I feel Lady Xiao Yun is truly cute. You normally act like an elder, and fill people with awe. But only now do I truly feel you are a little sister younger than me.""You are getting truly arrogant…" Zhao Lian Yun was just about to erupt, when suddenly, Ma Hong Yun touched her forehead.Zhao Lian Yun was dazed. For some reason, she got a feeling of warmth.Ma Hong Yun ignored her: "There is no fever, this is good. Lady Xiao Yun, you cannot be so squeamish. Suffering some injuries and letting out some blood is nothing. If you scream so loudly again, people will ridicule you."Her recollection ended here."Ridicule?""You should not be able to ridicule me now, right?""You brat…""I really used up all my blood to save you.""It is truly strange, I actually willingly sent myself to death for someone.""So, even if I die, I am willing to do this!"Such thoughts emerged in Zhao Lian Yun's mind."Die!" Zhao Pu gave a loud shout and pierced forward with his hand like a sharp knife.A fatal blow!If this battle struck true, it would pierce through Zhao Lian Yun's head like tofu.But right at this time.An intense radiance burst out from Zhao Lian Yun's body.The radiance was so glaring that Zhao Pu had no choice but to close his eyes and step back."This is…""Why is there such a strong light?""Impossible! This aura… so powerful!""Ahhhhhhh——!"Zhao Pu let out a miserable cry.His whole body did not budge in the light. Soon, he was like the melting snow under a hot sun, completely destroyed.At the crucial moment, love Immortal Gu showed its might once again, directly killing Zhao Pu!Northern Plains, in the depths of Earth Trench."Ying Wu Xie, where will you hide now?!" Fang Yuan's sword dragon form roared in the Earth Trench, his voice, filled with killing intent, resounded everywhere.Relying on qi luck sensation, Fang Yuan had moved at extreme speed and finally reached here.From within the darkness, a giant city slowly rose up.Ying Wu Xie was standing on top of the giant city."I have been waiting for quite some time." Ying Wu Xie spoke, his gaze tranquil and his tone indifferent."Hmph! Shi Nu is dead, you want to fight me with just you four and this mortal Gu house?" Fang Yuan sneered.Dark Flow Giant City was huge and looked majestic, but it was only a mortal Gu house, not an Immortal Gu House.It was not easy to form an Immortal Gu House. Shadow Sect possessed many Immortal Gu, but they also could not casually upgrade Dark Flow Giant City to an Immortal Gu House.If they had an Immortal Gu House, Fang Yuan would feel a lot of apprehension.Because the power of an Immortal Gu House increased with the amount of immortal essence expended. Fang Yuan had once used Giant Sun's immortal essence to control Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage and shined in the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain.But Dark Flow Giant City was only a mortal Gu house, and it was absolutely not enough to put fear in Fang Yuan."Then what if you add me?" A second figure appeared on top of Dark Flow Giant City.This person was only a rank six Gu Immortal, but he was an 'old acquaintance' of Fang Yuan.It was the spy Shadow Sect had inserted in Lang Ya Sect, refinement path Gu Immortal Sixth Hair!Fang Yuan's gaze became slightly dark.Fang Yuan did not think much of Sixth Hair's strength. But Sixth Hair and Fang Yuan were members of Lang Ya Sect, both of them had an information path alliance agreement.This made it extremely inconvenient for Fang Yuan to go against Sixth Hair, with just slight carelessness, he would suffer the backlash of the information path alliance agreement and be injured.However, Fang Yuan had mentally prepared for Sixth Hair's appearance."Die!" Fang Yuan swung his dragon tail, directly charging forward.Dark Flow Giant City quickly moved back, and at the same time, a battlefield killer move rose up and large numbers of yaksha octopuses closed in."Your status has already made Fang Yuan hesitate. We just need to delay some time and we can use Omni-directional Travel again." Ying Wu Xie patted Sixth Hair's shoulder."Lord, you should go take a rest, let me handle this." Sixth Hair said to Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie nodded and entered Dark Flow Giant City.It was a slaughterhouse.Despite there being large numbers of yaksha octopuses, they were not a match for Fang Yuan.The ancient sword dragon raised a bloody storm, rampaging around the battlefield.Dark Flow Giant City was within his sight, but Fang Yuan did not dare to carelessly use dragon breath, it would be bad if he killed Sixth Hair by mistake.It would be himself who would suffer instead.He might even be counterattacked by Ying Wu Xie and the rest due to that and lose his life here.Ying Wu Xie and the others were in a bad situation, but Fang Yuan was not blindly optimistic. He knew he had the upper hand, but was not yet able to turn it into crushing dominance.Especially when there was Bai Ning Bing, who could turn into the Bai Xiang state, and Ying Wu Xie, who had lead soul into dream. Even though the former only had rank six cultivation and the latter's lead soul into dream was incomplete."Information path… when can I be free from its restrictions?"Fang Yuan was vexed.Information path was a pain that had repeatedly troubled him.Fang Yuan had also tried hard, but lacking fortuitous encounters, he had not been able to solve this issue.Sixth Hair presided over the battle, his strategy was not to win, but to not make any mistakes.

Reverend Insanity



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Chapter 1265. Nightmare Demonic Colts | Reverend Insanity

After Fang Yuan killed the wave of yaksha octopuses, wall climbing demon apes started to appear. These apes similarly were beasts of Earth Trench, not inferior to yaksha octopus.After this wave of wall climbing demon apes was eliminated, Fang Yuan was attacked by a large group of red flame snakes."These beast groups were probably all controlled by Northern Plains' Zombie Alliance division. For example, yaksha octopuses probably belonged to the rank seven immortal zombie Dragon Commander Ye Cha.""The Zombie Alliance divisions in other regions were all besieged, only on Northern Plains Zombie Alliance's end did they rely on Earth Trench to remain until now.""Not only these desolate beasts, looking at Hei Lou Lan's performance earlier, there probably are Immortal Gu as well!""If so, I will have to re-evaluate the battle strength of Ying Wu Xie and the others. However, it is not possible to grasp immortal killer moves in a short period of time, with just Immortal Gu, when there is conflict between dao marks…"Fang Yuan analyzed the situation while fighting.At this time, a large group of horse desolate beasts galloped towards Fang Yuan.These horses were extremely strange, they had a pair of sheep horns on their heads, their whole bodies looked like they were burnt charcoal, they were letting out dense smoke from their noses and their tails and limbs were burning with a dull red fire."Huh?""Dream path desolate beast nightmare demonic colt!"Fang Yuan was stunned, before recognizing it shortly afterwards."So it seems, nightmare demonic colts had already appeared during this time period…""Moreover, in such high numbers!"Fang Yuan was greatly joyous.Nightmare demonic colts were a dream path desolate beast, this desolate beast was extremely common during his first life of five hundred years. But now at this time, it was extremely rare, Fang Yuan thought this horse had yet to appear.Times changed, humans were changing and the world was also changing.Many Gu materials were extinct, leading to the decline of strength path, qi path and other paths. Similarly, many new Gu materials were constantly formed.Dream path.This path had just begun to flourish near the end of Fang Yuan's first life. At present, the Gu Immortals were all researching it, although they made some gains, they were extremely small and almost could not be considered anything.Only after a few hundred years would many dream path Gu materials start to appear, nightmare demonic colts were one of them.Fang Yuan had thus believed nightmare demonic colts did not exist at this time. But this group of nightmare demonic colts made him realize his estimation was completely wrong!"Good thing I was wrong! I must get these nightmare demonic colts!" Fang Yuan was extremely happy.What did dream path desolate beasts signify?Large amounts of dream path Gu materials!Why was Fang Yuan painstakingly going deep into his own dreams?It was to gather dream path materials!If he had these nightmare demonic colts, Fang Yuan could cut the meat of these desolate horses and refine large numbers of dream path mortal Gu, and even dream path Immortal Gu!When he was exploring the giant dream realm in Southern Border, why could he not use unravel dream as much as he liked? Why did he have to plan carefully every time he used it?Simply put, wasn't it because he did not have enough dream path mortal Gu?The efficiency of refining dream path mortal Gu alone was truly too low."These nightmare demonic colts are all mine!"Fang Yuan started to capture these nightmare demonic colts.His ancient sword dragon form was extremely fast, maneuvering around these nightmare demonic colts with no obstruction.Fang Yuan was trying to knock these nightmare demonic colt unconscious, and then raise them in the sovereign immortal aperture.However, Shadow Sect had clearly prepared for it and had made some arrangements on these nightmare demonic colts.Fang Yuan tried hard, but finally discovered he could not capture these nightmare demonic colt alive, at most, he could kill them and obtain their corpses.But even so, Fang Yuan had a huge harvest.After killing these nightmare demonic colts, Fang Yuan then slaughtered the next few waves of desolate beast groups, among which were ancient desolate beasts as well.Fang Yuan's battle strength was already at the upper layers of rank seven, whether it be the desolate beast groups or the battlefield killer move, they were not a threat to Fang Yuan.Dark Flow Giant City did not have an endless supply of desolate beast groups.After a while, Fang Yuan had killed all the beast groups, and he spent some time in breaking the battlefield killer move, wrecking Dark Flow Giant City.However, a lot of his time had still been wasted, Ying Wu Xie and the others had already left.Sixth Hair had remained behind, like Shi Nu, to hold back Fang Yuan.Sixth Hair's cultivation could not compare to Shi Nu's, but he had a huge advantage.He looked at Fang Yuan with no fear: "Do you dare to kill me?""What use is there in killing you? Wait till I kill Ying Wu Xie and let you fall into despair and suffering." Fang Yuan gave a sinister smile, as his dragon body ascended and flew out of Earth Trench.The ashen faced Sixth Hair was left behind, along with the ruined Dark Flow city.Northern Plains was extremely huge, even though they had Omni-directional Travel, Snowy Mountain blessed land was at the extreme north-west.Omni-directional Travel could not be used continuously, while Ying Wu Xie was hurrying towards Snowy Mountain blessed land, Fang Yuan caught up to them once again."Let's see who will help you this time?" The ancient sword dragon rushed over.Lead soul into dream!Ying Wu Xie activated his immortal killer move.Fang Yuan was hit again.However, this dream realm was unexpectedly deep, he had to use unravel dream to break the dream realm and return to reality."What is going on?" Fang Yuan immediately sensed something fishy.This was somewhat beyond what he had expected, causing him to suffer a minor loss.Ying Wu Xie laughed: "I sacrificed all those nightmare demonic colts earlier. Do you think these dream path immortal materials can be taken so easily? I will give you advice, don't chase us, if you continue chasing, even if you have the upper extreme heavenly eagle, you will lose your life.""Hmph, crafty guy!" Fang Yuan snorted.Regardless of what intention Ying Wu Xie had, whether it was provocation or probing, Fang Yuan decided to give up chasing for now.The dream realm was constantly pestering him, he had to get through the entirety of the dream realm, only then could he be completely free of worries.Undoubtedly, lead soul into dream was truly troublesome. Even though Fang Yuan had unravel dream, he could not resolve it in one attempt, and had to pass through all the stages of the dream realm.Inside the dream.Southern Border, dawn.The wet dew and the dense cloud-like mountain fog produced a depressing feeling.The merchant caravan did not continue moving, moving in this dense fog on the mountain was very likely to create problems.The young Fang Yuan was sitting beside a simple bed.Gu Master Big Beard was lying on the bed, and was already on the verge of dying."Fang Yuan, thank you for the medicinal herbs." Gu Master Big Beard spoke with an extremely weak voice.Fang Yuan was feeling extremely stifled, as he sobbed: "Uncle Big Beard, you will get better."Gu Master Big Beard shook his head: "How could I not be clear of my injuries? Don't cry, child, crying is of no use to us.""I was once young like you, and had big dreams.""Unfortunately, my aptitude was too bad, and I finally sank into this current state.""Hehe.""This world is too big, while we are too small.""When I was a child, I wanted to be a grand hero, like those legendary figures of the righteous path. When I was a youngster, I wanted to be a clan leader. When I was an adult, I was satisfied with becoming a clan elder. When I was a middle aged man, I was exiled from the clan, I felt that I could live by myself just as well, I was satisfied with just raising my Gu worms and myself.""Do you know what I want now?"Fang Yuan wept softly: "What?""I just want to quietly lie down inside a quiet room and slowly recall the past, until death comes to take me." Gu Master Big Beard had a self-mocking expression."Then, then should I leave?" Fang Yuan did not know what to do."Leave. Let me be here alone, I don't want others to see my dying appearance." Gu Master Big Beard said.Fang Yuan slowly stood up and hesitantly walked to the door.At this time, Gu Master Big Beard spoke once again: "You must have read <the legends of ren zu>. There is a chapter which tells the story of the miniman walking out of Ordinary Abyss.""We are all minimen, and we all want to walk out of Ordinary Abyss.""Oh…""You must continue on, Fang Yuan.""Continue living, continue persevering.""It is a pity that all my Gu were destroyed in the battle. This is my advice to you, my only gift. To us minor characters, crying is of no use, no one will hear us even if we shout, we can only persevere by ourselves.""Persevere until you accomplish great feats, become extraordinary. Either that, or embrace death."

Reverend Insanity