
Chapter: 1266-1270:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1266. I love him! | Reverend Insanity

"Did we win?" Zhao Lian Yun had to use quite some effort to climb out of the blood pool.Her injuries were severe, and she was blacking out.Fortunately, Zhao Pu was already dead, and the blood drain immortal killer move on Zhao Lian Yun and Yu Yi Ye Zi also dissipated.If it did not dissipate, Zhao Lian Yun and Yu Yi Ye Zi would undoubtedly follow Zhao Pu to death.Huff, huff…On the other side, Yu Yi Ye Zi was breathing roughly, standing up while leaning on the wall.When he saw Zhao Lian Yun, this young Gu Immortal was dazed and turned pale: "Lian… Fairy Lian Yun… your face… no… your body…"Yu Yi Ye Zi's eyes were wide open, and he stuttered, not knowing how to express himself.Zhao Lian Yun felt strange, transmitting her voice: "What's wrong with me?"She lowered her head to look at herself, the first thing she saw were her hands.A pair of old and skinny hands.Zhao Lian Yun's heart gave a jolt as she found she had unknowingly become an elderly woman!Her back was bent, wrinkles covered her body, her sight was blurry and her hair had turned white."What's happening?" Zhao Lian Yun was shocked.She grabbed her hair, easily pulling out strands of white hair. Her strong hair roots had degraded and become loose.Yu Yi Ye Zi spoke with a heavy voice: "It is probably love Gu. Love Gu consumed your lifespan to burst out with the terrifying power that could directly kill Zhao Pu!""Is that so?" Zhao Lian Yun was dazed and at a loss.Anyone who turned from the prime of their youth to an old and frail person the next moment, would definitely receive a huge shock in their mind."Yes." Yu Yi Ye Zi nodded, and consoled, "But you don't have to worry, you can restore your youth by using lifespan Gu. Normal Gu Immortals might not be able to gather lifespan Gu, but you are different, you are the current generation fairy of Spirit Affinity House, the sect will definitely provide you lifespan Gu."Zhao Lian Yun did not reply.She was feeling complicated emotions. Shock, disappointment, disbelief, dazedness.She was an otherworldly demon, but even before transmigrating, she had not experienced becoming this old.After a while of silence, Zhao Lian Yun finally recovered from the shock."I will continue going forward!""Old age doesn't matter, Hong Yun is still waiting for me."Zhao Lian Yun gazed at the distant first snowy peak through the window, her gaze becoming resolute once more."You cannot continue!!" Yu Yi Ye Zi was shocked, quickly walking over to Zhao Lian Yun and holding her arm."Love Immortal Gu is powerful but it is not stable. Maybe it will take your lifespan the next time as well. If so, you will definitely die!" Yu Yi Ye Zi persuaded."So what if I die?" The old Zhao Lian Yun looked at the young Yu Yi Ye Zi with a slight smile.Her smile was not even a little beautiful, but Yu Yi Ye Zi was dazed.Then, Zhao Lian Yun softly drew back her arm.She clearly did not use much strength, but Yu Yi Ye Zi felt a formless strength attacking his heart, letting him voluntarily release his hand.He then quietly stood on the spot, looking at Zhao Lian Yun's hunched back, looking at her walking towards the outside of the hall with heavy and aged steps.This scene was ordinary and nothing strange, but Yu Yi Ye Zi felt an intense tremor in his heart.He even subconsciously held his breath, as Zhao Lian Yun's weak receding figure imprinted deeply in him at this moment."What kind of spirit is this!""For her love, she is willing to make sacrifices, unafraid of death and destruction.""Zhao Lian Yun, I would have definitely died in Zhao Pu's hands without you.""Alright, let me follow you, at worst, this life will be paid to you!"Yu Yi Ye Zi was not old, he was still hot-blooded, and after firming up his mind, he quickly followed Zhao Lian Yun.There was not much immortal essence left in her phantom aperture, Zhao Lian Yun was also worried that recklessly summoning love Immortal Gu would spend what little remained of her lifespan. As such, she chose to walk down the peak.Under the effect of the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation, Zhao Lian Yun and Yu Yi Ye Zi separated, and she alone went to another snowy peak.There was still a large hall at the peak, and the atmosphere was quiet."There was a battle here!" Zhao Lian Yun slowly walked to the hall, finding the inside of the hall in ruins, signs of an intense battle were everywhere."Fairy Lian Yun?" A voice suddenly transmitted to Zhao Lian Yun's ears.Zhao Lian Yun was slightly dazed, before shortly recognizing the voice as that water path Gu Immortal, Mu Ling Lan's voice."This is the eighth peak of Snowy Mountain blessed land, I fought with the owner of this peak, Xiao Fei Fei, and now, we are both wounded.""We are both hiding right now, healing our injuries as quickly as possible.""You need to be careful, don't be hit by her ability. She has an immortal killer move which can cause the target to continuously lose their memories."Just as he finished speaking, a ray of strange light flew and struck Zhao Lian Yun's forehead."No!" Mu Ling Lan quickly called out, "Every time you lose your memory, the related memory will float in your mind. Use Immortal Gu to defend yourself, don't use any immortal killer moves, that would be even more dangerous. If you forget an immortal killer move by any chance, you will suffer the backlash from the immortal killer move. Persevere, wait until I heal my injuries and recover some strength to fight!"Zhao Lian Yun quickly agreed.She hid in a corner and used Immortal Gu to protect herself, then waited for the killer move to activate."Damn it!" Zhao Lian Yun gradually felt unease. She knew her situation, she had just recently become a Gu Immortal, most of her battles came from during her training time. It would be an extremely huge blow to her if the memories of this period were erased.Memories began to surface in her mind…Northern Plains.Ma tribe was defeated, and surrendered to Hei tribe."I didn't think we could still live, Lady Xiao Yun!" Ma Hong Yun held Zhao Lian Yun's hands and spun round and round on the spot, "Hahaha.""Let me down, you big fool!" Zhao Lian Yun shouted.…Imperial Court blessed land."You, kid, are truly lucky, you actually became Chang tribe's son-in-law, hahaha." Zhao Lian Yun patted Ma Hong Yun's shoulder.Ma Hong Yun chuckled while scratching his hair: "Lady Xiao Yun, don't worry, you have helped me so much, I will treat you well."Zhao Lian Yun gave a sound of acknowledgement and nodded: "Then I will rely on you."Inside, however, she felt strange: Why do I have some feelings of loss and bitterness?…Inside Eighty-Eight True Yang Building."To think that you are an otherworldly demon! You are actually lurking by Ma Hong Yun's side! Hehehe, you have such guts, you are really daring. Unfortunately… you met me." Giant Sun's will exuded strong killing intent.Zhao Lian Yun felt like she had fallen in an ice cave, shouting in her mind: "Damn it, there is still such an obstacle? Transmigrators are otherworldly demons? This world is too big of a trap! Oh no, my death is certain this time!! I am actually going to die here?"But the next moment, Ma Hong Yun stood in front of Zhao Lian Yun.He spread open his arms, protecting Zhao Lian Yun behind him."Boy, you want to protect an otherworldly demon?" Giant Sun's will sharpened his tone, his expression becoming ice-cold."What otherworldly demon! I don't know any otherworldly demon, I only know she is Lady Xiao Yun, without her help, I would likely have been killed already." Ma Hong Yun tried his best to defend Zhao Lian Yun.Zhao Lian Yun's pupils shrunk as she looked at Ma Hong Yun in a daze."Even against Giant Sun's will, this fellow will still stand up for me?""Why?""I am clearly an otherworldly demon, and not a person of this world!""You idiot, you are going to die. By protecting me, you are offending Giant Sun's will, that is your ancestor, you idiot!"Hei Lou Lan's gaze towards Zhao Lian Yun started showing killing intent."No, Lady Xiao Yun is innocent, you must not harm her!" Ma Hong Yun was extremely determined, he wholeheartedly wanted to protect Zhao Lian Yun.However, Giant Sun's special will did not care about Ma Hong Yun, directly making a move against Zhao Lian Yun."No——!" Ma Hong Yun saw the situation going south, he called out in a moment of desperation, extending both his arms and hugging Zhao Lian Yun within his bosom.During this moment.Time seemed to have become endlessly slow.Zhao Lian Yun was curled up in Ma Hong Yun's chest, her heart beginning to beat wildly.An unprecedented feeling of safety and warmth filled her heart.Following that came a kind of panic.This panic was not towards her life hanging by a thread, instead it was a strange feeling that came from the depths of her heart.Zhao Lian Yun found at this moment that she had hopelessly fallen in love with the stupid Ma Hong Yun.In this world, there could be guys who would watch the stars with her, accompany her to shout at the valley, heal her and give her flowers. But who would sacrifice their life for her?!In this world, otherworldly demons were despised by even Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, who would be so stupid to protect her?Ma Hong Yun.Ma Hong Yun!…The memories surfaced one by one in Zhao Lian Yun's mind.Then, they started to disappear one by one."No, stop it!" Tears filled Zhao Lian Yun's face as she called out with incomparable sorrow.Xiao Fei Fei's voice transmitted: "Hehehe, when you are struck by my immortal killer move, you will lose your most precious memories. Do you feel pain? It doesn't matter, the more you forget, the more relaxed you will be, maybe you will even smile. Hehehe…."The memories disappeared, a smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Lian Yun's face."Don't smile. This is Xiao Fei Fei's famous sinister killer move, it will kill people while they smile. The longer you smile, the more easily you will lose your life." Mu Ling Lan quickly transmitted his voice to warn her.However, Zhao Lian Yun seemed to have turned silly, as her smile became increasingly wider."Damn it!" Mu Ling Lan knew he had to take action.He unleashed his killer move after a long period of preparation, creating an incredible effect!"Ahh! You actually…" Xiao Fei Fei had exposed her location while attacking Zhao Lian Yun, and was struck by the fatal move while unprepared, losing her life miserably."Fairy Lian Yun, you need to persevere!" Mu Ling Lan quickly rushed over and helped Zhao Lian Yun.Zhao Lian Yun still had a smile on her face, but she was no longer in a daze.Two streams of translucent tears dripped down her face from her eyes.Her eyes were blurry from age and her hair had turned white, she could only use Gu worms to transmit her voice."What should I do?""I have forgotten almost everything about him, even his appearance.""I only remember his name.""I only remember….""That I love him."

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Chapter 1267. Central Continent's Reinforcements | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Snowy Mountain blessed land, first snowy peak."Once more." Lady Wan Shou approached Ma Hong Yun step by step, holding a ball of lightning in her hand."Go ahead." Ma Hong Yun nonchalantly rolled his eyes.Lady Wan Shou snorted, throwing the ball to Ma Hong Yun's chest.Crackle crackle crackle!Lightning sparkled all over Ma Hong Yun's body, Ma Hong Yun was clenching his teeth, actually maintaining his consciousness amidst the lightning assault.When the lightning assault ended, Ma Hong Yun did not faint, but was sweating all over, with a flushed face."I failed again!" Lady Wan Shou could not believe it: "What is going on? Something is not right!"She had already failed who knows how many times in trying to lightning refine Ma Hong Yun.Even though the success rate of rank eight Immortal Gu was extremely low, there was no reason for being stuck at this one juncture from the start.Lady Wan Shou felt like vomiting blood.Especially when she saw that Ma Hong Yun had already advanced to rank five peak stage, moreover, because of the repeated lightning refinement failures, many lightning path dao marks were engraved on his body.If Ma Hong Yun cultivated lightning path, these dao marks would no doubt give him tremendous help."Aren't you tired of always doing this? How about changing to another method, even I am bored." Ma Hong Yun knew his death was certain, so he no longer cared at this point, making fun of Lady Wan Shou.Lady Wan Shou's eyes shot out cold light that shone on Ma Hong Yun, an incomparable pain immediately attacked his body and mind.He no longer had the content expression, as he raised his head and cried out miserably, his whole body twitching non-stop.Lady Wan Shou silently listened to Ma Hong Yun's screams, but the cold light from her eyes did not stop flickering.Ma Hong Yun yelled himself hoarse, finally, his eyes rolled back and he fainted.Lady Wan Shou gave a cold snort, the cold light from her eyes gradually dissipated and revealed her thoughtful expression.…."Zhao Lian Yun is already close to dying.""The number of times love Immortal Gu can show its might has become limited.""It seems Lady Wan Shou has also noticed something."Far away in Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace, South Desolation Immortal was well aware of the situation in Snowy Mountain blessed land.Right now, he was also somewhat impatient.Central Continent's Gu Immortals had still not appeared, what on earth were they planning?"Capturing love Immortal Gu was preparation Ancestor Giant Sun made in the past, we, his descendants, shall complete this perfectly.""Black Extremity, prepare to move!"South Desolation Immortal sent his command to Longevity Heaven through information path methods.In Longevity Heaven, the Eight Extremities were still controlling Calamity Luck Altar and besieging Five Elements Grandmaster.As they heard the command, two rank seven Gu Immortals immediately separated from the formation, Black Extremity and Flood Extremity."We shall go now." Black Extremity said to the others."Come back quickly." Heaven Extremity did not dare to split too much of his attention, without two rank seven Gu Immortals, they were even more helpless against Five Elements Grandmaster, and could only maintain the current situation while they waited for Black Extremity and Flood Extremity to return.Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace."Everything is going according to plan, if this continues, love Immortal Gu and Ma Hong Yun will return to Longevity Heaven. Central Continent Gu Immortals, if you still don't make a move, it will be too late." South Desolation Immortal thought to himself.Rumble!A loud sound was heard.The entirety of Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace shook violently and was actually forced to reveal itself."Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace! So all of it was your doing!!""Destroy this Heavenly Palace, take revenge for our companions!"Two Immortal Gu Houses were floating in front of Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace.One was giving off sounds of hundreds of canaries singing together, extremely agile, it was Canary Pavilion. The other was surrounded by strong winds and stood lofty and tall, it was Wind Sweeping Building!The two Immortal Gu Houses had imposing air, but cracks could be seen on both of them, clearly, Central Continent's Gu Immortals had to pay a huge price to get out from the spaceless tunnel."Hmph, all of you finally appeared?!" South Desolation Immortal gave a cold snort as he quickly controlled Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace to defend themselves.The two Immortal Gu Houses from Central Continent pincer attacked Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace from in front and behind.Although there was Giant Sun immortal zombie inside Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace, he showed no intention of making a move. He had been sitting here for countless years, only retaining enough strength to make one attack, it was to repay a debt to someone.Right now, even though Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace was being attacked, he was still sitting cross-legged at the center of the palace, aloof and indifferent.Soon, sweat started forming on South Desolation Immortal's forehead.Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace was strong, but it had one big weakness, it had to stay at this place and could not be moved. The moment it moved, even if it was just a hairsbreadth of distance, it would destroy its three hundred thousand years of effort.Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace had spent three hundred thousand years before it was able to influence black heaven and white heaven above Northern Plains. The moment it moved, this effort will be wasted and it would no longer be able to influence black and white heaven.Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace was like a huge defensive umbrella that firmly protected Northern Plains. This was the arrangement Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had left behind for his descendants.How could South Desolation Immortal destroy Ancestor Giant Sun's motives just because he was being attacked? He could only choose to face the attacks head-on.Central Continent's side had come prepared as they erupted in explosive offenses, actually gaining the upper hand against Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace."Yao Huang, come help me in controlling this Immortal Gu House and fight off the enemies!" South Desolation Immortal spoke.Yao Huang quickly agreed and moved to help.With a second rank eight Gu Immortal controlling the Immortal Gu House, there was an immediate effect.The battle situation stabilized.South Desolation Immortal's expression was filled with doubts: "Strange, why did these Central Continent Gu Immortals' attacks suddenly fall off? Also, they seem to have met with an accident in the spaceless tunnel. I remember there were clearly three Immortal Gu Houses, where is that strongest one, Edge Link Camp? Was it destroyed in the spaceless tunnel?"But at the next moment, South Desolation Immortal's eyes opened wide as he received the latest information."Edge Link Camp has appeared above Snowy Mountain blessed land!"Longevity Heaven had already infiltrated Snowy Mountain blessed land, thus South Desolation Immortal was extremely clear of the situation in Snowy Mountain blessed land.Boom!A huge explosion resounded, and a continuous and intense tremor spread.The twelve snowy peaks of Snowy Mountain blessed land were all shaking violently.Immortal Gu House Edge Link Camp's power was extremely high, after all, this Immortal Gu House had two rank eight Gu Immortals.One was Wei Ling Yang, the other was Bi Chen Tian.Myriad Tidal Dragon was controlling Wind Sweeping Building while also using Canary Pavilion, restricting Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace.Edge Link Camp had great might, even if it was in Snowy Mountain blessed land, it was contending with the power of the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation, firmly floating in the air like a nail."We are saved!""Reinforcements have come!!""Why is there only Edge Link Camp, what about the other two?"The five Central Continent Gu Immortals who were at different snowy peaks, simultaneously raised their heads and looked at Edge Link Camp, their spirits greatly lifted.Edge Link Camp also discovered these five Gu Immortals, especially Zhao Lian Yun who had love Immortal Gu.Wei Ling Yang and Bi Chen Tian naturally wanted to save them, however, the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation was not for show, Edge Link Camp tried to charge down but was met with a very strong formless force."The super Gu formation here is not simple, it actually uses Reverse Flow River!""Reverse Flow River is actually in Old Ancestor Xue Hu's hands? But this Gu formation relies on Snowy Mountain blessed land, it is rooted to the blessed land. We cannot deal with the Gu formation, but we can destroy Snowy Mountain blessed land, thus destroying its roots. This Gu formation would then collapse by itself."Wei Ling Yang and Bi Chen Tian discussed for a moment before deciding on the plan.Boom boom boom…Edge Link Camp let out fierce offense, giant horn shadows continuously bombarded at various areas of Snowy Mountain blessed land, causing extremely huge quakes.Snowy Mountain blessed land turned into an apocalyptic scene.Avalanches took place at all the snowy peaks, huge rifts opened on the ground, and countless birds and animals fled in panic."Husband." Lady Wan Shou had stopped Gu refinement for the moment. She was standing beside Old Ancestor Xue Hu with a worried expression."Dear, if we let this Immortal Gu House continue to attack, Snowy Mountain blessed land will be destroyed sooner or later. At that time, this refinement path Gu formation will also be destroyed. But you can relax, what can a mere Immortal Gu House do to me? Let me teach these meddlesome Central Continent Gu Immortals and make them have no way back!" Old Ancestor Xue Hu laughed loudly, as he boldly charged towards Edge Link Camp.Both sides fought an intense battle in the air.Edge Link Camp, which was being controlled by two Central Continent's rank eights, was actually suppressed, unable to obtain an advantage.

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Chapter 1268. Shadows in Snowy Mountain | Reverend Insanity

Old Ancestor Xue Hu displayed the power that belonged to the strongest of Northern Plains!In possession of such vast might that shook heaven and earth. His great power would drive off deities and scare off ghosts!"Old Ancestor Xue Hu is indeed worthy of being called the strongest of Northern Plains!" Bi Chen Tian was not arrogant.These experts were beyond ordinary. With just a few exchanges of moves, Bi Chen Tian knew he was not Xue Hu's match!Edge Link Camp was shaking continuously and even looked like it could not bear Old Ancestor Xue Hu's tyrannical offense."Unfortunately, Old Ancestor Xue Hu, you are only one person, while we have two rank eight Gu Immortals." Wei Ling Yang sneered, and said to Bi Chen Tian, "I will leave the Immortal Gu House to you."Bi Chen Tian transmitted his voice in reply: "You can rest assured, I can hold on! If something is wrong, I will call you back."Wei Ling Yang used his methods to quietly fly out of Edge Link Camp.He naturally could not resist the strength of the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation by himself, but right now, most of the formation's power was being used to protect Snowy Mountain blessed land, so the pressure on Wei Ling Yang had decreased, and he was confident he could use his methods to go to each snowy peak.Because he was a rule path Gu Immortal.Rule path possessed a huge advantage in this aspect.Old Ancestor Xue Hu was stronger than Wei Ling Yang, but he could not compare in this aspect.However, Wei Ling Yang had only sneaked half the distance, when he was discovered by Old Ancestor Xue Hu's powerful investigative killer move."Where are you going?" Old Ancestor Xue Hu furiously shouted, as he waved his hand.Immediately, a boundless blizzard rose up from thin air, heaven and earth changed colors, all living beings went silent, Wei Ling Yang was immediately overwhelmed.Wei Ling Yang was not discouraged by being obstructed, he constantly changed his directions to break through Old Ancestor Xue Hu's obstruction, and with Bi Chen Tian's cooperation, it was a very good tactic of distraction!Lady Wan Shou was breaking out in cold sweat, she did not have any mood to refine currently and was concentrating on this crucial battle.If Old Ancestor Xue Hu won, everything would be safe, any danger would also take a turn for the better.If Old Ancestor Xue Hu lost, then everything was lost, all their efforts would burst like a bubble.Although Old Ancestor Xue Hu had high battle strength, the other side had two rank eight Gu Immortals and an Immortal Gu House, Edge Link Camp. On the contrary, the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation was of limited help to a rank eight Gu Immortal like Old Ancestor Xue Hu.Wei Ling Yang wanted to pincer attack, which no doubt attracted a lot of Old Ancestor Xue Hu's attention, causing the latter to find it hard to use his full strength."If one of the rank eight Gu Immortals attacks the snowy peaks, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Lady Wan Shou was filled with worries.Right now, Snowy Mountain blessed land was already in danger that threatened its very existence!"Lady Wan Shou, I have an idea which can let you resolve this danger." Right at this time, a message arrived in Lady Wan Shou's immortal aperture."This is?!" Lady Wan Shou was greatly shocked.Because the Gu worm that had transmitted the message was one which Lady Wan Shou had all along kept in her immortal aperture and never used.Many years ago, not long after Lady Wan Shou had underwent immortal ascension.Inside a cave."Senior, so you were already here, this junior will leave, I don't dare disturb senior from taking this true inheritance." Lady Wan Shou's heart palpitated at the surging aura released by this mysterious Gu Immortal.But who knew this mysterious Gu Immortal would suddenly say: "Little girl, you could become a Gu Immortal at such a young age, and also know your own limits, knowing when to retreat or advance, quite good. I don't have the qualifications to take this true inheritance. I am willing to give this true inheritance to you, but, after you inherit it, you need to tell its contents to me. You will also owe me a favor, if there is a situation in the future, you must help the person who uses this information path Gu worm."Lady Wan Shou considered for just a moment before agreeing.She actually had no other choice.Because if she did not agree, she probably could not leave this place alive with her cultivation level.If so, it was better to take a bet on this!"Good. Come, we shall set the agreement." The mysterious Gu Immortal smiled brightly while stroking his beard.…This scene of the past quickly flashed in Lady Wan Shou's mind.She immediately replied: "May I ask if you also have interest in fortune rivalling heaven Gu?"That Gu worm quickly transmitted the reply: "Haha, Lady Wan Shou, it seems you have genuine feelings towards Old Ancestor Xue Hu. Rest assured, we don't have any ill intention towards you, we only need you to refine a Gu material. If you can do this, we will help you and your husband to force back these Central Continent experts.""Then I shall welcome you, honored guests." Lady Wan Shou nodded after a bit of pondering.After a while, a group of four Gu Immortals appeared before Lady Wan Shou.They were Ying Wu Xie and the others!"Hei Lou Lan, Tai Bai Yun Sheng!" Lady Wan Shou immediately recognized two of them.The destruction of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building had caused the culprits to be hunted everywhere, Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng had become 'famous' together with Fang Yuan.Right now, Lady Wan Shou was very surprised to see these two great culprits.After all, previously, such a huge super force like Hei tribe had taken the blame for Hei Lou Lan, and was besieged by various Huang Jin tribes, before being annexed by Bai Zu tribe in the end.As for Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie, Lady Wan Shou naturally did not recognize them.However, what made her even more surprised was that the leader of these four Gu Immortals was the weakest strength path immortal zombie, Ying Wu Xie."Distinguished guests, I wonder how you can help us repel the enemies?" Lady Wan Shou asked.Ying Wu Xie smiled brightly, and spoke with assurance: "Lady Wan Shou, I know Old Ancestor Xue Hu had invited people to remove the alliance agreement on you from back then. But we indeed came with no ill intent, we both have mutual enemies, these Gu Immortals of Central Continent. We are the best allies you can have.""At this moment, you let us in, it meant that you still acknowledge the favor from back then and that you realize the dangerous situation you are in. But as long as you help us refine an immortal material first, everything can be solved easily.""What immortal material, take it out." Lady Wan Shou extended her hands.However, Ying Wu Xie shook his head, giving a bitter smile: "This immortal material is inside your immortal aperture, Lady Wan Shou.""Oh?""It is that purple gold rock which Old Ancestor Xue Hu took from Northern Plains Zombie Alliance's graveyard in the past." Ying Wu Xie replied.Lady Wan Shou's pupils shrunk slightly, letting out wisps of sharp light as she took out an immortal material: "This?"The four immortals looked at it, this rock was only the size of a palm and was shining in purple-gold light.Ying Wu Xie heaved a sigh: "Yes, it is this rock.""So you are members of Shadow Sect." Lady Wan Shou exposed the identity of Ying Wu Xie and the group.Ying Wu Xie was not surprised, admitting frankly: "Fairy, you have great knowledge, I will trouble you."Lady Wan Shou nodded.As such, Central Continent's Gu Immortals were indeed enemies of her and these Shadow Sect Gu Immortals.As the common saying went, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.Also!Lady Wan Shou glanced at the battle in the air, before turning her gaze to this purple gold rock: "What kind of immortal material is this? I was not able to identify it and even others did not know. I won't hide it from you, I have already tried to refine this purple gold rock, but I had no results."Ying Wu Xie smiled brightly, his tone carrying some pride: "That is because this is a special method of my Shadow Sect, Lady Wan Shou, you don't know the correct procedures and methods, I will teach you, you just need to follow them and you will succeed."….An ancient sword dragon was flying above the clouds as it finally arrived at Snowy Mountain blessed land.From the outside world, the scenes inside Snowy Mountain blessed land could not be seen.Life and death battles were going on in the blessed land, storms and lightning razed the battlefield, but in the outside world, it was sunny and peaceful."They entered Snowy Mountain blessed land? Strange!"Fang Yuan could not help but have some doubts.He knew Old Ancestor Xue Hu had turned Snowy Mountain blessed land into a danger zone, to refine fortune rivalling heaven Gu.Ying Wu Xie and the others actually entered it?Was this true or an illusion?Would it be like that time in Eastern Sea when Ying Wu Xie and the others made arrangements in the Gu formation, creating a facade and deceiving Fang Yuan's qi luck sensation?But if it was true…It signified too many things!Fang Yuan hesitated.He had the upper extreme heavenly eagle, but it was not wise to rashly charge in.He decided to not to charge in for the moment, and simply wait and see.

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Chapter 1269. Rank Eight Miniman | Reverend Insanity

"Xue Hu, take this!" Wei Ling Yang softly pointed his right hand towards Old Ancestor Xue Hu, immediately, a grand beam of light shot towards Old Ancestor Xue Hu.Old Ancestor Xue Hu gave a light snort as he waved his hand, a large wall of ice appeared and blocked the beam of light easily.Next, Old Ancestor Xue Hu breathed out cold air which flew towards Wei Ling Yang, resembling spiralling hatchets.Wei Ling Yang's expression immediately changed.These spiralling ice hatchets were extremely difficult to deal with, he had already suffered from them, the main thing was, he did not have restrictive methods against them.Helplessly, Wei Ling Yang could only fly back into Edge Link Camp, and use the powerful defensive ability of Edge Link Camp to protect himself.Boom boom boom.A series of soft sounds echoed as the ice hatchets followed Wei Ling Yang, and smashed into Edge Link Camp.Edge Link Camp shook intensely, large amounts of cold air spread over it, instantly freezing many of its mortal Gu to death."Quick, repair the Immortal Gu House!""Someone is injured, heal them quickly.""Activate the Immortal Gu House, use offense as defense!!"The Gu Immortals inside the Immortal Gu House were agitated.Wei Ling Yang was breathing roughly, his right hand had frozen completely, who knew when it happened."When was I hit?" Even Wei Ling Yang himself was surprised at the condition of his right hand.Old Ancestor Xue Hu's methods were endless, even when they were not very powerful, they were sinister and insidious, making people unable to defend effectively.Wei Ling Yang had been struck by Old Ancestor Xue Hu's move unknowingly, and was injured.He tried several methods, but the condition of his right hand showed no signs of improving."This injury is so troublesome…" Bi Chen Tian breathed sharply."It is not a big problem, I only need to seal my right hand for the moment. I am now worried about Myriad Tidal Dragon's end. He is controlling two Immortal Gu Houses and also has the help of most of the Gu Immortals that came in this expedition, but what he is facing is Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace as well as Longevity Heaven! We must rescue Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun quickly, and join up with Myriad Tidal Dragon, then retreat to Central Continent!"Wei Ling Yang's gaze flickered continuously.Central Continent's Gu Immortals naturally had come prepared, although they met with an accident in the spaceless tunnel, Central Continent's accumulation was more than enough, when these Gu Immortals reacted, they quickly and smoothly escaped the danger.But the current situation was extremely unfavorable to them!It was already difficult to deal with Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace. Now that they had split their forces, the decision maker, Wei Ling Yang, was facing great mental pressure.Rumble!Thunderous explosions occurred endlessly, Edge Link Camp was shaking continuously and was losing ground.Central Continent's two rank eight Gu Immortals were elites among rank eights and were qualified to be members of Heavenly Court, they were naturally very powerful.However, Northern Plains excelled in battle strength among the five regions, and Old Ancestor Xue Hu was the strongest expert among the rank eights of the current Northern Plains.Right now, he displayed such astonishing offense that Central Continent's side was not able to gain the upper hand since the moment they had started fighting him!"This won't do! Treat your injuries and control the Immortal Gu House. I will go distract Old Ancestor Xue Hu!" Bi Chen Tian said through clenched teeth."You must be careful." Wei Ling Yang said to Bi Chen Tian with concern in his voice, as he knew his injuries had yet to recover.Bi Chen Tian flew out of Edge Link Camp and quickly used his immortal killer move, turning into a green ray of light, and flying down towards the snowy peaks.Bi Chen Tian intended to destroy the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation.With its destruction, Edge Link Camp would not be obstructed and could dive down without resistance, directly saving Zhao Lian Yun and perhaps Ma Hong Yun as well.Old Ancestor Xue Hu might be powerful, but he would not be able to block Edge Link Camp's charge."Stop daydreaming." Old Ancestor Xue Hu had already seen through Central Continent's tactics, he activated his immortal killer move, immediately, endless hailstones fell down from the sky.Each of these hailstones was enormous, the size of a mound. They crashed down with loud sounds, and started turning into snow monsters.These snow monsters were of at least desolate beast level and among them were ancient desolate beast snow monsters as well.They stood on the snowy peaks and roared towards the sky.Old Ancestor Xue Hu suddenly took in a deep breath, two lumps of cold air, so deeply blue that they were to the point of being black, were forming in his breath.The cold air was emitted, giving rise to a powerful blizzard. The snow monsters were like fish in water in the blizzard, they were even able to soar with the help of the blizzard. Bi Chen Tian, however, was greatly restricted."So powerful!""Old Ancestor Xue Hu knows he cannot use battlefield killer moves inside the Gu formation, so he actually disassembled his signature battlefield killer move. His ice and snow path attainment is probably already at great grandmaster level!"Whether it be Bi Chen Tian or Wei Ling Yang, they were both shocked at this scene.At great grandmaster level, every killer move could be casually disassembled and interchanged at will, their understanding towards the path was already close to the Dao."But, what if you add me?" Wei Ling Yang sneered, the next moment, he also charged out of Edge Link Camp, towards the Gu formation.The injury on his right had already healed completely.He clearly had very high attainment in the healing aspect.Old Ancestor Xue Hu's expression slightly changed.Facing two rank eight Gu Immortals at once, along with an Immortal Gu House, he clearly appeared to be stretched thin and had slightly lost his control over the battle situation.After all, he was unable to destroy the Immortal Gu House for the moment, and the two rank eight Gu Immortals were also experts, most importantly, Old Ancestor Xue Hu had to protect the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation.Rank six and rank seven Gu Immortals could not break this formation, but rank eight Gu Immortals were different.Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang were attacking the enemy's weak points, gradually turning around their situation and gaining slight initiative. Immortal Gu House Edge Link Camp was controlled by a group of rank seven Gu Immortals and was like a turtle shell in defense, not seeking glory on the battlefield but content with not showing flaws, not allowing Old Ancestor Xue Hu to make a fatal move for some time.Boom boom boom.Every now and then, the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation shook and emitted buzzing sounds.This was the result of a small portion of attacks from Bi Chen Tian or Wei Ling Yang that had escaped Old Ancestor Xue Hu's obstruction, striking Snowy Mountain blessed land."Amazing!""Hang in there, lords and our comrades of Central Continent!"Zhao Lian Yun and the group no longer needed to take a risk, they were standing at the top of their respective snowy peaks, and gazing at the battle above.Similarly, the surviving snowy peak lords were also gazing at the sky.Their faces were filled with worry."The is the power of rank eight Gu Immortals… It is truly astonishing and terrifying!""Because of this formation, the aftereffects of the battle have not spread, otherwise we would have died miserably.""Lord Xue Hu is strong, but the Central Continent invaders are extremely crafty. If this goes on, the formation will be destroyed sooner or later…"And, on the first snowy peak of Snowy Mountain, the refinement of the purple gold rock immortal material had reached its final stage."I didn't expect that I had to use enshrouding fragrance to dissolve the purple gold rock." Lady Wan Shou's horizons had broadened at this moment.Enshrouding fragrance was also an immortal material.Using immortal material to refine immortal material, this method was rarely seen, and Lady Wan Shou also found that the essence of this method was food path!Food path was rare, no wonder Lady Wan Shou had no ideas on how to deal with this purple gold rock.The last layer of the rock surface was dissolved, and a dazzling purple light soared to the skies, forcing everyone to look away.Lady Wan Shou narrowed her eyes to a slit, and was barely able to see a figure in the purple light.This figure was very small, only about the size of an adult's thumb, and it had two thin purple wings on its back."Miniman?" Lady Wan Shou was slightly stunned as she recognized this figure's race.Bathed in the purple light, the miniman slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were a bright and deep purple color.As he opened his eyes, a powerful aura leaked out of him.Rank eight Gu Immortal!In an instant, this aura caused the fierce battle in the air to slow down."Why is there another rank eight Gu Immortal? And it… is the aura of Northern Plains!" Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang looked at each other, both feeling the situation going awry."We pay respects to Lord Purple!" Ying Wu Xie had already brought the Gu Immortals with him, to bow towards this rank eight miniman.Only Bai Ning Bing was still standing upright."I have woken up again. Hmm…" The miniman Gu Immortal blinked his eyes, the expression of confusion quickly disappeared from his face, replaced by a cold and indifferent expression.

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Chapter 1270. Sub and Main Fate Reversing Sacrificial Refinement Formation | Reverend Insanity

The miniman Gu Immortal thought briefly before using an immortal killer move, calling out: "Big, big, big."Thus, his body rapidly expanded like a balloon, soon, he reached a normal human size.Furthermore, the wings on his back vanished as well, on the outside, he looked just like a normal human.Right now, the Gu Immortals present could finally see the appearance of this mysterious rank eight Gu Immortal.He was an unimpressive old man, even looking a little dishevelled. His only special feature was his purple hair, so messy that he resembled a beggar.Plop.Tai Bai Yun Sheng had tears flowing down his face, he knelt down as he shook in excitement, shouting: "Master!""Oh? It is you, I remember I gave you a time path true inheritance." The rank eight Gu Immortal smiled, exposing his uneven yellow teeth."Even though our sect's plan succeeded, many unexpected mishaps occurred. This was what happened…" Fighting against time, Ying Wu Xie went forward and transmitted many wills and thoughts to the purple haired old man.In a moment, the purple haired old man understood everything."It was a pity, heaven's will won by a margin.""But all hope is not lost.""Ying Wu Xie, you did well, it has been hard on you.""And Tai Bai Yun Sheng, stand up.""Now, while I am still conscious, we will join with Xue Hu and take down these Central Continent Gu Immortals!"The situation was dire, the purple haired old man noticed that the rank eight Gu Immortals were the key to this battle.He did not hesitate, his body turned into a purple light as he flew into the sky, in a moment, he stood beside Old Ancestor Xue Hu."Friend, your name is?" Old Ancestor Xue Hu was not surprised, Lady Wan Shou had already used a Gu worm to inform him about everything that happened regarding the group from Shadow Sect.With the help of the mysterious expert, Old Ancestor Xue Hu felt very excited."I have many names, but…" The purple haired old man said this and showed a smile with deep meaning: "Xue Hu, you may call me Purple Mountain True Monarch."At this point, Old Ancestor Xue Hu and Purple Mountain True Monarch collaborated, dealing with the two rank eights from Central Continent, as well as Edge Link Camp.Purple Mountain True Monarch had incredible strength, even though he only attacked sparsely, each of his attacks were extremely effective in turning the situation around.Any ordinary rank eight could already help Old Ancestor Xue Hu turn this around. Not to mention the mysterious and unfathomable Purple Mountain True Monarch!Wei Ling Yang and Bi Chen Tian fought desperately, they exerted all their efforts, but they could not stop the situation from tilting towards Northern Plains' favor.After more than ten rounds of fighting, they were forced to return to Edge Link Camp, they could not defend against Old Ancestor Xue Hu and Purple Mountain True Monarch personally.The peak lords saw this and cheered loudly.Without Central Continent's Gu Immortals attacking the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation, the result of this battle was obvious.Zhao Lian Yun and the other four Gu Immortals who were trapped in Snowy Mountain blessed land had pale expressions. The battle had turned for the worse, their hopes of survival were dwindling.What should they do?Outside Snowy Mountain blessed land, an ancient sword dragon was hiding among the clouds."Shadow Sect actually has connections with Snowy Mountain…""Then why did Qin Bai Sheng not request for Snowy Mountain's help when he was fighting against Feng Jiu Ge in Luo Po Valley?""Or perhaps their relationship is not as deep as I think."Qi luck sensation was telling Fang Yuan that Ying Wu Xie and the rest were inside Snowy Mountain blessed land, they did not leave.Fang Yuan's pursuit was obstructed, he was unwilling to give up, he was waiting outside, to see if there was a chance.And at a certain place a thousand li away, two Gu Immortals descended from the sky.They were none other than Longevity Heaven's Black Extremity and Flood Extremity."This is the place." Black Extremity said as he used his Gu worms, causing a huge commotion.The small slope that was in front of them started to shine in rainbow light.Flood Extremity realized at once: "So you have set up a Gu formation at this place, you need me to control the Gu formation now?"Black Extremity shook his head: "Wait until we get inside."He took a large step ahead, entering the Gu formation, as Flood Extremity followed behind.Once they were inside the Gu formation, Flood Extremity's expression changed, he said in shock: "This Gu formation has a grand aura, as expected of your personal arrangement, Black Extremity, I can tell that once activated, it will have incredible strength. But…"Towards the end, Flood Extremity had a hesitant tone."But what?" Black Extremity looked at him with much interest.Flood Extremity said in a profound tone: "But I feel that this formation is not complete, it is missing something. It is like a lake, there should be something connecting it to the sea."Black Extremity heard this and his eyebrows rose, he praised and clapped: "As expected of a quasi-great grandmaster of water path, you are already proficient in comprehending other paths through your main path. That's right! This Gu formation is just a sub formation, there is a corresponding main formation.""Then where is the main formation?" Flood Extremity frowned.Before Black Extremity answered, he had an inspiration as he said in realization: "I understand! The main formation is the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation in Snowy Mountain blessed land!""Indeed." Black Extremity laughed: "I was tasked earlier to act as Sun Ming Lu and get near Lady Wan Shou. Eventually, I created the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation which used Reverse Flow River. Even though Old Ancestor Xue Hu is currently the strongest person in Northern Plains, he is not proficient in formation path, he could not tell that I had a backdoor.""Right now, as long as I activate this sub formation, I can make the main formation in Snowy Mountain blessed land break apart, and draw the Reverse Flow River here.""Once the Gu formation collapses, everyone and everything in the surrounding ten thousand li of Snowy Mountain blessed land would all be swept here."Black Extremity said with an excited gaze.Flood Extremity was shocked: "In this case, wouldn't those four rank eight great experts be sent here too?"Black Extremity shook his head: "Reverse Flow River is a secluded domain of heaven and earth, it is not ordinary, it has an incredibly large number of dao marks. As long as one falls into Reverse Flow River, even rank eight great experts cannot use any Gu worms. In <the legends of ren zu>, when Ren Zu traveled up the Reverse Flow River, he did not use any Gu worms within the river.""Then wouldn't they be meat on the chopping block for us?" Flood Extremity was excited.But Black Extremity shook his head: "We are outside Reverse Flow River, if we make any attacks, it will be reversed and reflect back at us. This is Reverse Flow River, the word reverse naturally has deep meaning."Flood Extremity was confused: "In this case, how can we save Ma Hong Yun and capture Zhao Lian Yun?""Hahaha." Black Extremity laughed: "Did you forget that Reverse Flow River is still subjected to the influence of both my sub and main fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation.""When the main formation collapses, Reverse Flow River would flow towards us. By then, the order of everyone in Snowy Mountain blessed land would be arranged by me, Zhao Lian Yun and Ma Hong Yun would be at the front of Reverse Flow River.""Lady Wan Shou and the rest would be behind, while Central Continent's Gu Immortals would be even further back, those rank eight Gu Immortals would be at the end.""Incredible!" Flood Extremity said with shining eyes, he clapped: "This way, in order to escape from Lady Wan Shou and the rest, Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun would desperately struggle and move forward, to pull ahead of the rest behind. But as long as they are ahead, we will be able to interact with them here and capture them alive.""However…" Flood Extremity frowned: "If Zhao Lian Yun and Ma Hong Yun are unable to persevere, would they be like Ren Zu and be washed away by the river? If that happens, they would fall behind the other Gu Immortals, wouldn't it foil our plans?"Black Extremity smiled bitterly: "This is the biggest flaw in the plan. But traveling in Reverse Flow River has nothing to do with cultivation level or strength, Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun are not at a disadvantage.""But this is not an assured result." Flood Extremity was not satisfied with this.Black Extremity shrugged: "Then what do you want from a rank seven Gu Immortal like me? This is the best way already, after all, we are not plotting against two rank seven Gu Immortals, but the entirety of Snowy Mountain blessed land and Central Continent's Gu Immortal experts, involving multiple rank eight great experts, a total of four at that!"Flood Extremity was speechless, he nodded helplessly, this was their limit indeed.In fact, it was already very impressive that Black Extremity could achieve this much."Don't worry, we are just part of the arrangements, Lord South Desolation has woken up, he definitely has other plans. We just need to do our part, that will suffice." Black Extremity patted Flood Extremity's shoulder in consolation.

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