
Chapter: 1256-1260:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1256. For The Sake of Love and Justice! | Reverend Insanity

As she was thinking of this, Zhao Lian Yun suddenly heard a sound coming from the darkness.This sound was calling out her name: "Zhao Lian Yun… Zhao Lian Yun…""Who?""Who is calling for me? I hear my name.""Why do I feel that this voice is so familiar?""Ah, I remember, isn't this my voice before I lost it?"Zhao Lian Yun suddenly recalled a scene of the past.It was during the time of the Imperial Court contest, Zhao Lian Yun's father had died and she was treated as a political chip for an arranged marriage. However, she went against this fate by relying on Ma Hong Yun. In just a short while, she had turned from a wealthy young miss to an orphan.One day, Ma Hong Yun brought her to a valley."Look, I found a good place for you!" Ma Hong Yun looked pleased.Zhao Lian Yun gazed around, but when she discovered this was just a common small valley, her mouth uncontrollably twitched: "What is special about this? Isn't it just a normal valley? There is not even nice scenery.""What are you saying?" Ma Hong Yun's eyes opened wide, "Valleys are very rare in Northern Plains. Here, let me teach you, shout at the valley with your name and the valley will reply to you. Like this!"Ma Hong Yun took a deep breath, then yelled to the valley: "Zhao——Lian——Yun!"An echo soon came from the valley: "Zhao——Lian——Yun!"Zhao Lian Yun helplessly rolled her eyes: "Foolish people are the happiest, what is strange about echoes, I truly haven't seen anyone as dense as you!""Hahaha." Ma Hong Yun rubbed his hair: "Others have said I am an idiot, I am truly an idiot, how could I be as smart as Lady Xiao Yun.""But, when I felt sad in my childhood, when I was teased by others and no one played with me, I used to run to the valley near my home, and shout at the valley.""I call my name once, and the valley will reply back to me once, when I call again, the valley will reply again. It played with me, never abandoning or ignoring me. Unless my voice was not loud and clear enough.""I saw you were not feeling happy recently, there is probably no one to play with you, right? I have to be beside the young clan leader and cannot accompany you all the time, so when you are unhappy, come to this valley and play with it."Zhao Lian Yun did not speak, she looked at Ma Hong Yun who had an earnest expression, a feeling of pity rose in her heart."This Ma Hong Yun is so silly, but he is not bad at heart.""He must have lived a very sad life since a young age. Even now, when he works under young clan leader, he is scolded frequently. But I have never seen him cry in sorrow, he is always smiling the whole day.""Forget it, let me play with you then."Thinking of this, Zhao Lian Yun took a deep breath and called at the valley with her name.Ma Hong Yun was so happy he almost danced when he saw Zhao Lian Yun following his words: "That's wrong, you should shout louder, be louder."Zhao Lian Yun shouted once again.Ma Hong Yun shook his head: "You are still not loud enough, the valley can hear you only if you are loud. It is not responding to you now, because it is not able to listen to you."Zhao Lian Yun took in a deep breath, and shouted with her loudest voice.Zhao Lian Yun!The valley replied — Zhao Lian Yun.Ma Hong Yun laughed heartily.Zhao Lian Yun also felt very refreshed, all her sadness seemed to have decreased and her mood also brightened."Zhao Lian Yun.""Zhao Lian Yun.""Zhao Lian Yun!"In the darkness, the voice shouted constantly.Zhao Lian Yun, what are you doing? Don't be lost.Zhao Lian Yun, you are not alone. Heaven and earth is with you, as long as you shout loudly, heaven and earth will hear you.Zhao Lian Yun, wake up. There is someone who is still waiting for you to rescue him.That person once stood beside you, accompanied you to watch the stars, accompanied you to call out to the valley…Go help him.Go help him!He must be feeling lonely now, or maybe even afraid.Shout loudly, send out your voice, let him know you are coming! Let him know he has to persevere, let him know he has hope!"Yes!""I will save him!""How can I fall here?"Zhao Lian Yun suddenly opened her eyes!She had woken up from her stupor.The moment she woke up, she found her whole body was burning with a pale blue light.This blue light was let out by love Immortal Gu!Zhao Lian Yun's injuries rapidly recovered, and her condition was soaring.The blue light also shone towards the surroundings.Zhao Da Niu retreated step by step, his face filled with horror: "Ah, what is this light? It is heavier than a mountain! This aura, what Immortal Gu is this?!"Shi Zheng Yi was similarly bathed in the light.He suddenly stood up, feeling inexhaustible energy within him, his injuries had already disappeared, and his condition had reached an unprecedented peak."Thank you, Zhao Lian Yun, leave this to me now!""All you evildoers, I will strike you down. Take my…""Fist—Of—Justice!"Shi Zheng Yi shouted loudly, the louder he shouted, the more powerful his immortal killer move became.A giant fist of light rose up from his body and struck towards Zhao Da Niu.Boom!Like the roar of thunder, Zhao Da Niu's defensive methods were broken, a bloody hole appeared in his wide chest from which one could see the wall behind him."I… I…" Zhao Da Niu's eyes gradually lost their luster, before he fell down.Bam.His body collapsed on the ground, no longer moving.Several breaths of time later, his body, soul and immortal aperture turned into pure energy that was absorbed by the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation."Haha, justice prevailed!" Shi Zheng Yi raised his fist and yelled.Zhao Lian Yun smiled from the side.Northern Plains, licorice regional wall.Dragon roars resounded throughout the surroundings: "Ying Wu Xie! Where do you think you are going?"It was Fang Yuan in sword dragon form, who had finally caught up to Ying Wu Xie and the group, under qi luck sensation's guidance.Ying Wu Xie and the group immediately turned around and faced Fang Yuan, their expressions extremely solemn.Ying Wu Xie had said Fang Yuan would catch up to them, so the five immortals were already mentally prepared for it and not panicked.Right now, they were waiting for the start of this vicious battle!The sword dragon roared, opening its mouth wide, revealing fangs that were sharp like spears and very ferocious. Its eyes were ruthless and cold, emitting bone-chilling killing intent!Without saying any nonsense, Fang Yuan directly charged forward!To kill!"If you want to go against my lord, you must go through me first." The loyal Shi Nu took a step forward, standing in front of the group, and raised his right hand.A tall and thick rock wall immediately rose up and formed an obstacle!Boom boom boom.At the next moment, the rock wall was pierced through repeatedly.Fang Yuan had used his dragon breath, the extremely sharp rays of dragon breath shot forward and gathered into a rain of sword light that pierced through the rock wall, moving towards the five immortals.Hei Lou Lan gave a cry, breathing out small fire birds from her mouth.These small birds could act on their own, they moved towards Fang Yuan's dragon breath. The fire birds collided into the dragon breath, turning into balls of flames that dissipated in the air."Angry bird?" Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.This was clearly a fire path method, he had not expected Hei Lou Lan to use it.The external appearance of these fire birds made Fang Yuan think of Blazing Heaven Demoness.Back then during the battle in Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng, along with Shark Demon, Su Bai Man as well as the one finger flow shark, were unable to beat Blazing Heaven Demoness.Blazing Heaven Demoness' immortal killer move, angry bird, had left an extremely deep impression on Fang Yuan.But the fire birds Hei Lou Lan used were different from the true angry bird.After Hei Lou Lan's strength path Immortal Gu were sent to Fang Yuan, she suffered from a lack of strength path Immortal Gu to support her battle strength, in Eastern Sea, she then chose to cultivate fire path, which was not complemented by the strength path dao marks in her body.She possessed a fire path inheritance.When Blazing Heaven Demoness met Hei Lou Lan, she secretly handed her fire path inheritance to Hei Lou Lan.Blazing Heaven Demoness felt extreme guilt towards Hei Lou Lan, and thought of every way to compensate her.Hei Lou Lan received the fire path inheritance and had not cared about it originally, feeling she would not use it in her whole life. But who could expect the way events unfolded, under strange coincidences, she chose to focus on fire path.Naturally, she did not have even a trace of fire path dao marks in her.But she possessed all the Immortal Gu of Blazing Heaven Demoness.This matter would have to be traced back to before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain.To refine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, Spectral Soul had no choice but to sacrifice the whole of Zombie Alliance, using the countless immortal zombies as immortal materials to further the progress of refinement.Zombie Alliance was underneath Shadow Sect from its establishment, and was controlled by Shadow Sect. It was just that many immortal zombies did not know of this fact despite joining Zombie Alliance.Zombie Alliance had gone all-out in establishing super Gu formations to protect immortal zombie corpses. But in truth, this was a perfect excuse and a way to keep them in captivity.Using this chance, Shadow Sect assassinated all the immortal zombies, it did not matter if the dead apertures of the immortal zombies existed or not, but the Immortal Gu in them were all safely stored.Northern Plains Zombie Alliance's Immortal Gu were all still hidden in Dark Flow Giant City.Ying Wu Xie and Hei Lou Lan were far away in Eastern Sea, but there was still Sixth Hair in Northern Plains.Dark Flow Giant City was hidden in the depths of Earth Trench, Sixth Hair quietly sneaked in and used his methods to take away all the Immortal Gu of Blazing Heaven Demoness, sending them to Ying Wu Xie.After Ying Wu Xie refined them, he gave them to Hei Lou Lan.Hei Lou Lan already had Blazing Heaven Demoness' true inheritance, and with the Immortal Gu as well, she could almost replicate all the methods of Blazing Heaven Demoness.Fang Yuan did not know of this before, but now that he saw these fire birds, he immediately had a pensive look.The sword light dragon breath continued to be breathed out, Tai Bai Yun Sheng quickly acted and added the protection of cloud rings around the other Gu Immortals.

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Chapter 1257. Ruthless Sword Dragon | Reverend Insanity

Tai Bai Yun Sheng mainly cultivated time path, but Man as Before and Landscape as Before were traded to Fang Yuan, so he chose to cultivate cloud path. He already had a foundation in cloud path, and with Shadow Sect not lacking on cloud path true inheritances, the defensive method he used right now was quite good.However, after Tai Bai Yun Sheng placed a cloud ring around his allies, his expression turned pale.When Gu Immortals use their immortal killer moves inside the regional walls, their immortal killer moves would tremor.Using the immortal killer move five times caused Tai Bai Yun Sheng's immortal aperture to tremor five times, inflicting huge losses."Interesting." Fang Yuan smiled sinisterly, his dragon body moved in a zigzag fashion, and lightly flew to the sky.Ying Wu Xie and the rest looked sombre.In this regional wall, every movement of theirs was performed with difficulty, having to constantly resist the formless repulsion and attraction forces.On the contrary, Fang Yuan could move easily and freely.Fang Yuan flew high above, immediately gaining control of the situation. He looked down from above and moved around, breathing out dragon breath constantly, sword light fell down towards the heads of the five immortals like rain."Defend, don't split up, we can't fight him alone!" Ying Wu Xie shouted loudly, reminding everyone.Seeing the sword light falling towards them, Ying Wu Xie suddenly roared, letting out an incomparably sharp screech.Immortal killer move — Soul Howl!Soul Howl's power completely covered the sky, but did not affect the surrounding Gu Immortals in the slightest, showing Ying Wu Xie's outstanding control.Fang Yuan's offenses were immediately suppressed. The sword light dragon breath clearly stopped for a moment, before quickly recovering."Since I am going against Shadow Sect, how could I not have prepared against soul path attacks?" Fang Yuan sneered inwardly.He was already mentally prepared.However, he did not have a method to protect his soul against soul path Immortal Gu, so he was hit by the attack and affected.But his soul's foundation was extremely robust. He was completely able to endure the attack of soul howl. It would not matter even if his soul was injured because he had guts Gu!"Damn it." Ying Wu Xie cursed while blocking the sword light dragon breath.He knew Fang Yuan had guts Gu.Guts Gu was only a mortal Gu, but it came from Dang Hun Mountain, and was beyond ordinary.A secluded domain of heaven and earth like Dang Hun Mountain had an enormous amount of dao marks, the total surpassed even rank nine Immortal Gu. However, secluded domains of heaven and earth had scattered dao marks, though they could be of the same type and closely linked together. While rank nine Immortal Gu were fragments of the Great Dao, they could be controlled by a Gu Immortal to bring out mysterious powers.Rank nine Immortal Gu and secluded domains of heaven and earth could not truly be compared and evaluated.Swoosh swoosh swoosh.Sword light fell down like rain, the five immortals were stifled.There were traces of sword cuts everywhere on the ground.The five immortals naturally did not like being suppressed like this.The best way to deal with such a focused attack was to separate and dodge. But if they did that, Fang Yuan would have the chance to attack them separately!But the five immortals would not take being beaten down passively, Shi Nu had finally finished his preparations as he activated an immortal killer move.Rumble!Muffled sounds echoed continuously, earth shook, a large hand made completely from soil and rocks rose up from the ground.The large hand spread open and slowly hovered above the five immortals' heads, protecting Ying Wu Xie and the others under its palm. The thick back of the hand took on the sharp dragon breath.Despite the large earth path hand being badly mauled and showing signs of being destroyed, Hei Lou Lan had finished preparing her killer move using this chance.She stretched out her right arm, her five fingers together with no gaps between them, as she thrusted at the sky.Boom!A burning crimson ray of light erupted from between her fingers, and with breakneck speed, it pierced through the whole large hand and rushed towards Fang Yuan.This immortal killer move was astonishingly fast, and it was concealed by the large earth path hand, if Fang Yuan was even the slightest bit inattentive, he would definitely be struck.However, this ray of fire did not hit Fang Yuan and was easily avoided by him lightly moving his dragon body."It actually did not hit!" Hei Lou Lan's heart sank.Three breaths future vision.Hei Lou Lan did not know that Fang Yuan had such a time path investigative killer move."Strange, Hei Lou Lan is a strength path Gu Immortal and is using fire path methods, but she is actually not impeded by the conflict of dao marks. It should be from Shadow Sect's methods. After all, sovereign immortal fetus Gu was designed by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable." Hei Lou Lan's efforts were in vain, and instead gave away some of her details.Soon, the large earth path hand collapsed, and the sword light dragon breath continued to rain down.However, the five immortals were no longer as hurried before, each used their immortal killer moves to defend against the sword light rain."Then how about this move? Let me see how you deal with it." Fang Yuan firmly held the initiative, easily using another immortal killer move.Time path — Year Beast Summoning.Roar!A tiger shaped year beast answered the summoning and appeared in the regional wall, helping Fang Yuan battle.Fang Yuan threw large amounts of mortal year Gu, raising the morale of the tiger year beast as it charged towards Ying Wu Xie and the group.Shi Nu felt bitter, the sword light dragon breath was already difficult to cope with, now there was an ancient year beast worsening the situation.This year beast could similarly move freely in the regional wall.The reason was similar to the cloud beasts, the cloud beasts were life forms of white heaven and were not native to the five regions, thus they were not restricted by the regional walls.While the year beasts which lived in the River of Time were similar."Allow me." Ying Wu Xie stepped forward, and used an extremely similar method.Soul path — Soul Beast Summoning!In the past, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had created soul path, thus Shadow Sect was most proficient in soul path. Hei Fan could think of summoning year beasts, how could Shadow Sect not have similar methods?Ying Wu Xie's method was extraordinary, summoning three ancient soul beasts at once."My soul beasts are not influenced by the regional wall, because they come from the door of life and death!"Ying Wu Xie's complacency did not last long because he saw that Fang Yuan had already rushed forward.The sword dragon snaked around, flying extremely fast.It grabbed forward with its dragon claws, directly destroying a soul beast's head.Its tail whipped, severing the thigh of another soul beast.It breathed out, dragon breath pierced through the third ancient soul beast.Fang Yuan's sword dragon transformation had outstanding battle strength, the main thing was that Fang Yuan also had Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's immortal killer move on him — Ghostly Concealment.This made any soul beast unable to sense his existence.Thus, with Fang Yuan's battle strength surpassing the ancient soul beasts, and the soul beasts unable to sense him, Fang Yuan had huge superiority when fighting the soul beasts!These soul beasts could not even react before they were severely injured by Fang Yuan.Fortunately, soul beasts did not have a clear weak point on them, otherwise they would have been completely destroyed by Fang Yuan.But even so, the soul beasts had clearly thinned, becoming increasingly transparent.Ying Wu Xie's expression was unsightly, but he simply watched as Fang Yuan destroyed the three ancient soul beasts without making a move.Ying Wu Xie inwardly thought: "It doesn't matter, even if you kill these three ancient soul beasts, so what? I can use the killer move again and summon another three ancient soul beasts. What is found everywhere in the door of life and death? Souls and soul beasts!"But at this time, Fang Yuan suddenly gave up on attacking the ancient soul beasts and activated Sword Escape.Sword escape Immortal Gu!Fang Yuan's speed suddenly erupted, leaving behind an afterimage in his original spot.Fast! Fast! Fast!Tai Bai Yun Sheng could not react at all and was struck by Fang Yuan's claws.The cloud ring protecting him directly collapsed, his stomach was torn open and his large intestine spilled out."He did not die?" Fang Yuan was surprised.He had wanted to use dragon breath, after all, the dragon breath was the most powerful weapon of his sword dragon transformation, but at the crucial moment, a layer of ice had sealed his mouth out of nowhere.Fang Yuan could not open his mouth, thus he chose to use his claws.But his speed was too fast and rushed, Fang Yuan could not use his full strength, as a result, most of the strength of his claws was offset by Tai Bai Yun Sheng's cloud ring, and Tai Bai Yun Sheng thus was barely able to survive."It is Bai Ning Bing!" Fang Yuan exerted strength, forcibly opening his dragon mouth, breaking the ice on it.Fang Yuan looked back, his speed was too fast and right now, he was already a few li away from the five immortals.Bai Ning Bing was guarding in front of the four immortals, her icy-blue eyes emitted cold light as she stared at Fang Yuan with no fear."Quick, quick!" Hei Lou Lan grabbed Tai Bai Yun Sheng's leg and dragged him to the rear.Then, she sat down and used healing methods, but unfortunately, Tai Bai Yun Sheng's injuries were severe, and for the moment showed no signs of healing.Once a Gu Immortal was injured, it was difficult to heal.Because of the conflict between dao marks!Once Fang Yuan's ancient sword dragon transformation injured someone, it would leave behind large amounts of sword path dao marks. This was very hard to endure for Tai Bai Yun Sheng's fragile human body."Oh, if I had Man as Before, it would not be so troublesome." Saying this, Tai Bai Yun Sheng fainted, his life hanging by a thread.This was after Hei Lou Lan used all her healing methods."Damned Fang Yuan, his true target was Tai Bai Yun Sheng!" Ying Wu Xie's expression was ashen.He could see Fang Yuan's thought process.Fang Yuan was entangled against the soul beasts on the surface, but ever since the battle began, he had been searching for an opportunity. He had probably marked Tai Bai Yun Sheng as his target since the beginning.After all, Tai Bai Yun Sheng was the weakest among the five immortals.Always pick out the weakest enemy first!"Tai Bai Yun Sheng cannot be counted on now!" Ying Wu Xie's expression was heavy. How long had it been since they battled? There was already a casualty on his side, how should they deal with such a strong Fang Yuan?"Huh?"At this moment, Fang Yuan was surprised, feeling something wrong.He stretched out his dragon body, but astonishingly discovered that his dragon scales were covered by a layer of thin ice, who knows when it formed."Bai Ning Bing's gaze is strange!" Fang Yuan immediately reacted."If we want to force back Fang Yuan, we need to first restrict his speed." Bai Ning Bing's eyes flickered with cold light. She had clear judgment of the whole situation!

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Chapter 1258. Fang Yuan versus Five (1/2) | Reverend Insanity

Despite becoming an immortal just recently, Bai Ning Bing had some advantages over normal Gu Immortals.First of all, she possessed one of the ten extreme physiques, Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, which was the best for cultivating ice and snow path. Similarly to Hei Lou Lan's Great Strength True Martial Physique, her dao marks surpassed most rank six Gu Immortals in the same condition.Secondly, she had become the owner of Bai Xiang grotto-heaven. She obtained Bai Xiang's true inheritance, and had all the Gu worms left behind by Bai Xiang, among which were rank seven Immortal Gu as well!However, there were no rank eight Immortal Gu.Bai Xiang's status in history was slightly inferior to Hei Fan. But the joint forces of the five Xiangs surpassed Hei Fan by a lot.Bai Ning Bing's flaw was that she was not familiar with the Immortal Gu and the immortal killer moves, she often failed when activating them, which caused danger of backlash.Nurture, use, and refinement, using Gu was one of the three important aspects of Gu Master cultivation.To get familiar with her gains, Bai Ning Bing had to spend a long period of time in practising them.As such, she was a long way away from being able to use them freely in real battle.But…At this time, Bai Ning Bing's flaw was effectively concealed.Because she had Ying Wu Xie, Hei Lou Lan, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Shi Nu beside her.Because of their protection, Bai Ning Bing had the time to use her immortal killer move unhurriedly.Fang Yuan's information regarding Bai Ning Bing was lacking.On one hand, he thought Bai Ning Bing was like Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan, whose battle strength rose after receiving benefits from Shadow Sect.On the other hand, Fang Yuan had used qi luck sensation many times before and had sensed Bai Ning Bing, but he could not know matters concerned with Bai Xiang grotto-heaven and so on.Fang Yuan had thus greatly underestimated Bai Ning Bing's true battle strength.If he knew of the truth, he might not have chosen Tai Bai Yun Sheng as the first target, and marked Bai Ning Bing instead.But Fang Yuan had always lacked information path methods, so how could he know about Bai Xiang grotto-heaven?Fang Yuan had been reborn, but he was not all-knowing.Bai Ning Bing's gaze could actually freeze any targets in her sight, slowing down their mobility. This was Bai Xiang's method.After Fang Yuan realized the strangeness, he immediately took measures, flying back and concealing his traces.Visibility was very poor in the licorice regional wall, after Fang Yuan flew back, he immediately disappeared from Bai Ning Bing's sight.Bai Ning Bing clenched her teeth, Fang Yuan was an old fox, seeing through the limits of her move in just a short while."Even with such a trump card, he doesn't force himself to take risks. Unfortunately, we have especially formulated a battle tactic for this." Bai Ning Bing felt regret.The move Fang Yuan used to break the super Gu formation in Eastern Sea was so powerful that it gave chills to Ying Wu Xie, Bai Ning Bing and the rest.On the way, they had discussed about defensive measures against this method of Fang Yuan.However, Fang Yuan did not use that move the whole time, making the prior preparations of Ying Wu Xie and the rest useless."Unfortunately, I have only just obtained Bai Xiang's true inheritance, this killer move has its limits, but other killer moves can be used together with it to make up for this limit."Bai Ning Bing had barely been able to activate this killer move. If she tried to activate another immortal killer move on top of this, she was almost certain to fail.Bai Ning Bing was not Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan could do many tasks at once and use multiple immortal killer moves at the same time, but Bai Ning Bing had very low attainment in this aspect.Fang Yuan had retreated and hidden himself, but he still held the initiative and upper hand.Under this situation, Bai Ning Bing could not take the risk.Once she failed, their arrangement would be in disorder, creating a weakness which Fang Yuan could exploit.Bai Ning Bing understood Fang Yuan very well, he absolutely would not give up such an exposed weakness. Even Bai Ning Bing was in deep admiration of Fang Yuan's ability to grasp opportunities in a fight."Fang Yuan's scales have been frozen by my gaze, once he recovers, with his speed, it will be difficult for me to lock onto him with my sight!" Bai Ning Bing pondered.Fang Yuan's burst of speed in ancient sword dragon form was astonishing by itself, adding on Sword Escape and his sword path dao marks, even the rank seven expert Ye Lui Qun Xing had died at his hands.Bai Ning Bing knew she had been able to use her freezing sight earlier because Fang Yuan was unprepared.Now that Fang Yuan was on guard, when he used that astonishing speed again, this immortal killer move's effectiveness would decrease drastically."It seems I can only change my tactics!" Bai Ning Bing immediately decided.She had no choice but to change.Previously, when Fang Yuan showed his speed, he had almost killed Tai Bai Yun Sheng.If Bai Ning Bing did not change her tactics and continued to use freezing sight, the one to die might be her!The situation was perilous, Bai Ning Bing retreated behind Shi Nu while saying to Ying Wu Xie: "Protect me, I am going to use that move!"Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie had formed a new alliance, and with a formidable enemy in front of them, both sides had informed each other of some of their trump cards.Thus, Ying Wu Xie understood without needing Bai Ning Bing to explain.He nodded solemnly: "Okay, use that move, let us take care of your safety!"He immediately commanded Shi Nu: "Even if you have to sacrifice yourself, you need to protect Bai Ning Bing."Shi Nu was loyal to Ying Wu Xie, he immediately nodded at this command with no hesitation."Relax, he has been hit by my freezing sight, according to the flaw you mentioned of the sovereign immortal body, if he does not have a specific method to counter it, he will need about a dozen breaths of time to recover completely." Bai Ning Bing spoke with confidence.Ying Wu Xie nodded: "That's good, then."He did not doubt Bai Ning Bing.Bai Xiang's methods had their own originality. It was not easy to specifically target an immortal killer move. Often, one had to fight numerous times, getting familiar with the immortal killer move, and go through a long period of deduction to create a method that countered the immortal killer move. There was a low probability of Fang Yuan having a method to counter it.But right at this time, in the sights of the five immortals, a white ray of light flashed by."Careful!""It is the dragon breath!!""Defend, protect Bai Ning Bing and Tai Bai Yun Sheng!"Rays of sword light dragon breath attacked, recreating the previous sword light rain, for a moment, Ying Wu Xie and the group had their hands tied dealing with them.Bai Ning Bing was using all her concentration in activating her immortal killer move, while Tai Bai Yun Sheng was unconscious from the severe injuries.As such, for the remaining three other immortals, the pressure on them had amplified suddenly, and they did not even have enough strength to strike back.Fang Yuan circled around Ying Wu Xie and the rest from afar, breathing out dragon breath, rays of sword light dragon breath shot from all directions towards Ying Wu Xie and the others.His sword dragon body was still covered in thin ice.Bai Ning Bing's freezing sight was quite effective. Naturally, the main reason was Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal body.Despite transforming into an ancient sword dragon, his dao marks still did not have repulsion to different dao marks.This created a disadvantage.Like when Bai Ning Bing's freezing sight affected Fang Yuan, it would not be weakened by Fang Yuan's dao marks, and could strike with all its might.Fortunately, the ancient sword dragon had a tough body and strong vitality, otherwise a human body might have been directly frozen to death.Fang Yuan was breathing dragon breath, suppressing Ying Wu Xie and the rest, while quickly recovering.He was influenced by the freezing sight, but healing was also rather easy.Because his dao marks did not have repulsion, even using mortal methods repeatedly could display effect.It was not like Tai Bai Yun Sheng, whom, after being injured, could not be healed easily.Fang Yuan continuously breathed out dragon breath, probing and suppressing Ying Wu Xie and the others.He quickly discovered: Bai Ning Bing was being heavily protected by Ying Wu Xie and the others. Unless he made his way in through brute force, he had no other routes to get to Bai Ning Bing."Activating an immortal killer move, huh…" Fang Yuan thought heavily. Since she was being so greatly protected by Ying Wu Xie and the others, Bai Ning Bing was definitely preparing an extraordinary immortal killer move.Thus, as soon as he recovered, he directly dived in.He was not restricted in the licorice regional wall and could move freely, when he burst with his speed, even Fang Yuan himself was not able to have complete control!It was simply like a white ray of light!Ying Wu Xie and the rest did not even have time to call out when Fang Yuan penetrated through their defensive lineup and charged in.Bai Ning Bing broke out in cold sweat, almost failing her killer move's activation.Hei Lou Lan was heavily injured!Her left arm was completely gone and even her left torso was injured, the injuries were so frightening that one could see her ribs.Blood spurted out like a fountain and soon accumulated into a pool below Hei Lou Lan!The injury was covered with dao marks, causing the blood to flow unceasingly!If this continued, Hei Lou Lan would be the first person to die.Under this critical situation, Hei Lou Lan immediately chose to transform into an immortal zombie.Immortal zombies could bear this level of injury. The warm and bright red blood immediately turned into cold and gloomy green blood, blood was still flowing outside, but the speed had reduced by countless times."Hehehe…" Hei Lou Lan knelt on one leg, taking huge gasps of breath, but her lips were curled up.She was actually laughing!On the other hand, Fang Yuan got a peculiar feeling: "Hmm? I was actually hit! Not bad from Hei Lou Lan!"The dragon claw he used to rip apart Hei Lou Lan's left arm still had traces of flesh and blood.Right now, this flesh and blood slowly turned into a blood colored fire, which followed Fang Yuan's dragon claw to his scales.Immortal killer move — Flesh Blood Fire!This fire used flesh and blood as the fuel. As long as there was flesh and blood, the fire wouldn't stop. Without any methods to counter it, it simply would not be extinguished.Moreover, the stronger the flesh and blood were, the brighter and more powerful the fire would become!Fang Yuan's ancient sword dragon transformation had instead become the perfect target for flesh blood fire.However, Fang Yuan reacted extremely quickly.He immediately dispelled his transformation killer move, and returned to his human form.The, he activated a time path healing Immortal Gu —Man as Before!

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Chapter 1259. Fang Yuan versus Five (2/2) | Reverend Insanity

Over twenty beads of red date immortal essence were expended.The next moment, the blood colored fire completely disappeared and Fang Yuan went back to his previous state."Sigh!""Man as Before is effective only on human bodies, when I transform to other living beings, I cannot directly use Man as Before. This is quite inconvenient.""Moreover, Man as Before has quite a big restriction in terms of time, fortunately I have my investigative killer move, three breaths future vision!"Fang Yuan inwardly sighed, as he activated another immortal killer move.Convergence of enslavement and strength path — Myriad Self!Whoosh whoosh whoosh.Tens of thousands of Fang Yuans converged to create a vast human tide that charged towards Ying Wu Xie and the rest."How can this be? He actually recovered so quickly? He has already gotten rid of blood flesh fire?" Hei Lou Lan was extremely surprised.Fang Yuan's counterattack was too quick, and it still carried strong momentum, making Hei Lou Lan's heart sink to rock bottom.Hei Lou Lan knew Fang Yuan had Man as Before.But Man as Before had rather stringent requirements regarding time. Even Fang Yuan would only survive by a hair's breadth. After he was struck, he would have to first discover his state, then dispel his transformation killer move, during this time, he might hesitate before he finally used Man as Before. Activating this Immortal Gu, furthermore, required some time.Under such a situation, Hei Lou Lan thought if it was herself instead of Fang Yuan, it would also be very difficult to get rid of this blood flesh fire.Fang Yuan was not clear of Hei Lou Lan and Bai Ning Bing's methods, likewise, Hei Lou Lan similarly did not know that Fang Yuan had three breaths future vision.This investigative killer move could let Fang Yuan see anything wrong that would happen to him three breaths earlier. Because of this, Fang Yuan had much more time to react and take action accordingly.In short, Hei Lou Lan was heavily injured but only managed to slightly affect Fang Yuan.Red date immortal essence was consumed, but Fang Yuan was rich and his financial condition was rather good, thus, he did not care about this small expenditure.Immortal killer move — Soul Howl!Ying Wu Xie howled, countless phantoms of Fang Yuan around him burst at once.Immortal killer move — Spike Forest.Shi Nu stamped his right leg, countless spikes rose up from the ground, piercing through thousands of Fang Yuan's phantoms.Then, Shi Nu called out, the earth spikes shot to the air, instantly clearing large amounts of phantoms in the air.This move hid a second stage within, and was extremely effective, almost completely destroying all of Fang Yuan's phantoms.Earth path rank seven Gu Immortal Shi Nu, he was the cornerstone in this battle, without his protection and contribution, how could Ying Wu Xie and the rest last until this moment?"Your turn next." Fang Yuan transformed back into a sword dragon, laughing sinisterly inwardly.Roar!At this moment, the tiger year beast beside him roared and suddenly retreated.This ancient year beast had been summoned by Fang Yuan, although it had been fighting all along, Ying Wu Xie and the rest were on guard against it, thus it was not able to assist a lot and instead suffered many injuries.The tiger year beast was not loyal to Fang Yuan, this could not compare to Ying Wu Xie's soul beast summoning.Once the year beast suffered severe injuries, it immediately retreated, penetrating space and returning to the River of Time.But it did not matter.Immortal killer move — Year Beast Summoning!Fang Yuan activated this killer move again, this time he summoned a sheep shaped ancient year beast.Although year beast summoning could only summon one year beast each time, there were many year beasts in the River of Time, if one left, he just had to summon another.The sheep ancient year beast stampeded towards Ying Wu Xie and the others, Shi Nu gave a deep roar, his body suddenly bulged, turning into a giant that was as big as the year beast; he stood stably and countered it, using his profound fighting techniques to throw the year beast to the ground.Boom.The sheep ancient year beast fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremor for a while.The year beast quickly stood up, and furiously charged towards Shi Nu with its horns.Shi Nu sidestepped smoothly while grabbing the curved sheep horns at the same time.The two giant beings tangled together, at a deadlock for the time being.On Fang Yuan's end, the amount of dragon breath he used was reducing.He was starting to feel a burning pain in his throat, as if his throat was about to emit smoke!Dragon breath was the ancient sword dragon's strongest weapon. Even a true ancient sword dragon would not be able to continue using dragon breath more than twenty to thirty times.However, Fang Yuan had already used his dragon breath over a hundred times, reaching the limits of his physical body.If he continued breathing out, his throat would be damaged, and the sword light dragon breath's power would reduce by a huge extent.The battle had lasted up until now, the tiger year beast had retreated from severe injuries, and now Fang Yuan was showing some signs of fatigue.Although he had become a rank seven Gu Immortal, with red date immortal essence, his battle strength rising sharply and reaching the upper level among rank sevens, the enemies he faced were also not minor characters.Hei Lou Lan was a formidable person with the Great Strength True Martial Physique, she had annexed a strength path blessed land in Jade Pot Mountain, her dao marks increasing by a lot. At the same time, she also had Blazing Heaven Demoness' true inheritance along with her Immortal Gu.Bai Ning Bing had the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, and had changed into the mysterious dragonman, grasping Bai Xiang grotto-heaven and obtaining Bai Xiang's true inheritance.There was no need to say anything about Ying Wu Xie, he was one of the main split souls of Spectral Soul. He once had the eleventh extreme physique, he was the final hope of Shadow Sect, with astonishing attainment in soul path, and although his attainment in other paths was unclear, they should not be low. At least, it was the case for luck path.Shi Nu was a rockman, this race innately had rich earth path dao marks, and with Shi Nu cultivating earth path mainly, it could be they complemented one another well.The most useless was Tai Bai Yun Sheng, but even so, this old guy was becoming sharper as he grew older, he mainly cultivated time path, but perfectly dual-cultivated cloud path as well, and with the Immortal Gu on him, his cloud ring's defensive ability was quite remarkable.Although the majority of these five was rank six, they were similar to Fang Yuan when he was rank six, with battle strength that reached rank seven level.And right now, these elites with outstanding disposition had allied and were working together, adding on the constant support of Shadow Sect's remaining resources and methods emerging one after another, they were stronger than a lone Ye Lui Qun Xing and were even more difficult to handle.When Gu Immortals battled, they could not rush things.Because there were many types of Immortal Gu, immortal killer moves were endless in number, some were extremely mystical, some were powerful and unconstrained, some were tyrannical, and some were sinister and strange.Fang Yuan was fighting alone against five, and was firmly holding an advantage, while Ying Wu Xie and the others were exhausted by just dealing with his attacks, and were unable to turn the situation around."Damn it, he has not used that move even now!" Ying Wu Xie thought as green immortal zombie blood flowed down from his nose.Ying Wu Xie wiped the blood using the back of his hand, but the green blood flowed down again."Damn it!""I have been using immortal killer moves repeatedly, and have been bearing so much backlash that even this immortal zombie body is showing signs of reaching its limits.""Even I am like this, the others must be in even worse circumstances."Ying Wu Xie gazed at his allies, and saw they were all pale and their states were worsening.Fang Yuan was unrestricted here, but they were not. They not only had to steady themselves constantly, resisting the repulsion and attraction force in the regional wall, they also had to fight Fang Yuan at the same time, using many immortal killer moves which caused heavy losses to their immortal apertures!"My side has Shadow Sect's remaining resources, it is normal for our battle strength to rise rapidly.""But, Fang Yuan's battle strength also rose so quickly!""This speed is too astonishing. Even us five allied together are not his match."The more Ying Wu Xie thought, the more apprehensive he felt towards Fang Yuan. And in the depths of this apprehension was a trace of fear!Right, it was fear.Ying Wu Xie was beginning to feel afraid.He could not help but admit Fang Yuan was strong, he was even more afraid of Fang Yuan's growth speed!"Bai Xiang, activate."Bai Ning Bing who had been preparing the killer move all along, suddenly gave a cry, a soaring aura rose up from her body.Ying Wu Xie was immediately filled with joy as he looked at Bai Ning Bing: "You finally succeeded!"Bai Ning Bing's appearance had a great change right now.In the blink of an eye, she had transformed into a five meter giant.She had three heads, six arms and bare feet, her body was covered in ice armor and frost aura flowed around her, like a long ribbon was revolving around her. She stood on two frost clouds that emitted light hints of blue.Immortal killer move — Bai Xiang!"Fang Yuan, come fight me!" Bai Ning Bing gave a shout, and suddenly sped up like a white light passing through the air. She had changed her defensive stance, taking the initiative to attack."Let our old and new enmity be resolved today." Fang Yuan's dragon eyes narrowed, and without dodging, he charged head-on.A silver light and a white light passed by each other.The inertia from their speed was too powerful, whether it be Bai Ning Bing or Fang Yuan, they each flew far away."A light injury." Fang Yuan slightly looked down and saw a long but shallow sword mark on his body, the dragon scales along the sword mark were all cut, some even broke through the dragon skin, letting out some blood.By contrast, Bai Ning Bing was much more miserable.There was a hole in her chest, three of her arms were destroyed, and almost half of her body was gone.But she did not bleed, cold air flowed on massively, restoring her back to normal in a blink of an eye."Bai Xiang. This immortal killer move is rumored to be undying. Even if there is only a nail sized fragment remaining, the user can immediately revive and recover back to normal. Because after the Bai Xiang transformation, the body is no longer a flesh and blood body, instead it becomes a certain mystical life form!" Ying Wu Xie was inwardly excited.Sure enough, as the battle went on, Bai Ning Bing's performance was like Ying Wu Xie estimated.She was not Fang Yuan's match. But relying on the Bai Xiang transformation's special characteristics, she could immediately recover back to normal.Most of Fang Yuan's attention was absorbed in fighting with Bai Ning Bing.As the battle continued, even Fang Yuan felt exhausted, after all, his was a flesh and blood body, while Bai Ning Bing was still energetic and lively.Just as Fang Yuan intended to give up on Bai Ning Bing and target Ying Wu Xie and the rest…"It is time!" Ying Wu Xie suddenly cried out, auras of countless Gu worms rose from his body…He looked at Fang Yuan and spoke—Lead soul into dream!

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Chapter 1260. Lead Soul Into Dream | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan got a shock when he heard Ying Wu Xie say "lead soul into dream".Lead soul into dream was a rare and powerful dream path immortal killer move. In the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Ying Wu Xie's lead soul into dream had made even Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord fall asleep, trapped within a dream realm.Fang Yuan was also struck by this move in the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, if not for heaven's will working secretly, he would have surely died.In this current time period, dream path Immortal Gu were extremely rare, let alone dream path killer moves.One skill to dominate all, facing lead soul into dream, Gu Immortals were basically defenseless.Fang Yuan was not an exception.He had unravel dream, but he also had the sovereign immortal body. Facing lead soul into dream, even if he spent only an instant in the dream realm, it was very likely there could be various changes during that instant, and he might even die.Fang Yuan immediately soared up, retreating without hesitation.While retreating, he had doubts in his mind.Back then, Ying Wu Xie's lead soul into dream was very powerful because of many Immortal Gu as well as the amplification from the eleventh extreme physique.Right now, could Ying Wu Xie have those Immortal Gu to form lead soul into dream?Fang Yuan did not know the exact details, but he was aware that Ying Wu Xie's strength path immortal zombie body absolutely lowered the power of this move by several levels.Fang Yuan quickly got a long distance away from Ying Wu Xie and the rest, but still did not see himself falling into a dream realm."Was Ying Wu Xie only trying to trick me?"Fang Yuan just had this thought, when the scenery in front of him changed.Southern Border, in his first life.Qing Mao Mountain was already destroyed from Bai Ning Bing's self-detonation. Fang Yuan threw himself in with a merchant caravan, earning primeval stones while continuing his cultivation.The merchant caravan had reached a certain valley, when suddenly, two groups of bandits rushed from in front and behind."Kill!""Protect the goods!!"The caravan was in a great uproar. In an instant, yells resounded throughout the valley, one side was the demonic path bandits, while the other was the caravan escorting the goods.The young Fang Yuan was mixed in the merchant caravan, clenching his teeth, panicking at the sudden ambush.…"This is a dream realm. I am trapped in a dream realm!"The confusion from just entering the dream realm disappeared quickly, and Fang Yuan immediately prepared to activate unravel dream.However, right at this time, he inexplicably exited the dream realm and returned to reality, his ancient dragon body still in the regional wall."What's going on?" Fang Yuan just had this question, when his vision changed once again.He found he had once again entered a dream realm.This dream was a continuation of the previous dream.In the valley, the righteous and demonic sides were fighting a bitter battle."Strange, there should not be any bandit hideouts here." The young master of the merchant caravan was looking down from his carriage in the center, puzzled.The steward beside him was maintaining defense while replying: "Right, this trade route is an old route, who knows where these mountain bandits came from."The young master snorted: "The strongest demonic path Gu Masters among them are only rank two, our defense is rock solid, we don't need to fear them.""Young master is right. We will make sure these bandits remain here forever." The steward gave a malicious smile.Right at this time, a rumbling noise came from above them.The young master, the steward and others quickly looked above.The sight immediately caused a great fright.Countless boulders were rolling down from above the valley. The caravan was right at the base of a cliff, and these giant boulders were falling down right towards them, the power was not inferior to a rank two Gu Master's attack.Countless figures could be seen above the cliff. They were all mortals, but with meticulous planning and correct battle tactics, these mortals showcased the battle strength of rank two Gu Masters!"Quick, retreat!" The young master's face was pale."It is too late…" The steward called out miserably.The boulders smashed onto the caravan's Gu Masters, in an instant, the merchant caravan suffered many casualties, and the demonic path side's morale was greatly raised.…"Damn it!" Fang Yuan shook his head fiercely, escaping from the dream realm again."This is indeed lead soul into dream, but it is incomplete, it can send me into a dream realm now and again, but it can't keep me trapped in there. However, this is enough to pose a huge threat to me." Fang Yuan's heart sank.Ying Wu Xie and the rest were vigilantly looking at their surroundings, but even after guarding for a while, they did not see Fang Yuan, there were also no attacks coming towards them."He retreated?" Hei Lou Lan spoke, somewhat disbelievingly.Bai Ning Bing gazed at Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie heaved a long sigh: "Sigh… such a pity."After the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Ying Wu Xie had secretly reconstructed lead soul into dream. During the time in Eastern Sea, Ying Wu Xie gave Immortal Gu to Hei Lou Lan and others, he naturally had even more gains.But even until now, he was only barely able to assemble lead soul into dream.Ying Wu Xie had intended to use lead soul into dream when Fang Yuan activated that trump card.However, Fang Yuan did not use that trump card at all.Fang Yuan would need a long time to activate that trump card, which would give Ying Wu Xie a very good opportunity to make a move. If Fang Yuan was struck by lead soul into dream at that time, he would be trapped in a dream realm. Even if it was only for an instant, it would still lead to failure in activating the immortal killer move.The stronger an immortal killer move was, the greater the injury the Gu Immortal would have to bear after they fail in activating it.There was no doubt that if Fang Yuan was trapped in the dream realm when he activated that killer move, he would fail and suffer a severe backlash.Ying Wu Xie explained it in detail, Bai Ning Bing, Hei Lou Lan and the rest also felt regret.However, in the situation earlier, Ying Wu Xie had no choice but to use lead soul into dream prematurely.If he still did not use it, Fang Yuan's successful attack would result in a qualitative change, causing the battle situation to shift greatly, which would finally result in their deaths.Ying Wu Xie had a very sharp and accurate judgment of the situation."Looks like Fang Yuan won't be able to attack for the moment. We should leave quickly. Lead soul into dream is not complete, its effect will continue to decrease with time."Ying Wu Xie gave the command, the five immortals set off immediately.However, they had not walked far when Fang Yuan once again recovered and attacked.The dream realm's interference was becoming smaller and smaller, Fang Yuan was not willing to let Ying Wu Xie and the others slip away from right under his nose, so he immediately began his chase.Tai Bai Yun Sheng was still unconscious, the four immortals were harried by Fang Yuan, it was already difficult to move in the regional wall, but with Fang Yuan's interference, it became even more difficult for them to move forward.…"Careful!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan could not react in time and only heard a muffled sound as stone debris hit him on the head."Uncle Big Beard, you saved me, thank you!" Fang Yuan saw Uncle Big Beard nearby, and immediately reacted. Just now, he was almost hit by a falling boulder, but Uncle Big Beard had acted in time, destroying the giant boulder before it could reach Fang Yuan."Kid, don't be so hungry for battle, protect yourself properly." Uncle Big Beard said with a concerned tone.Right at this moment, from the center of the caravan came the caravan steward's sharp scream — "Men, come quickly and protect young master!"Out of nowhere, two rank three demonic path Gu Masters had already charged into the center and were surrounding the owner of the merchant caravan, that young master who had once humiliated Fang Yuan.The young master was in a dangerous situation, even the righteous path Gu Masters were afraid."Wait here, I will go help!" Uncle Big Beard spoke this before quickly rushing to the center.…The dream realm appeared again and again, Fang Yuan was having a tough time.The dream realm greatly influenced him, and he was only able to display twenty to thirty percent of his battle strength.But looking at the battle situation, it was much more unfavorable to Ying Wu Xie and the rest.They were clearly able to sense that the dream realm's influence to Fang Yuan was becoming smaller.And they were still unable to leave the regional wall."All of you go ahead, I will hold him back!" At the crucial moment, Shi Nu stood up.Immortal killer move — Land Boundary!His whole body emitted frightening cracking sounds, as cracks started appearing everywhere on his body.At the same time, with him at the center, an enormous surrounding area of space underwent a mysterious change, being cut off from the space further out.Fang Yuan wanted to retreat, but at the critical moment, the dream realm started, making him miss the chance to escape the range of the killer move.Fang Yuan sent out dragon breath, but the sword light dragon breath disappeared like smoke before even flying five to six steps of distance.Fang Yuan charged with his dragon body, but was actually unable to leave.

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