
Chapter: 1251-1255:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1251. Hair Mistress Battle | Reverend Insanity

"These are just a few Immortal Gu, so what?" Ying Wu Xie spoke in a profound voice, "As long as our plan succeeds, all your losses can be compensated. Being able to let go is the mark of a wise person. Moreover, we are not just abandoning them senselessly, instead we are leaving them behind to confuse the enemy and get some precious time for ourselves."Bai Ning Bing snorted: "Why do I feel like you are intentionally weakening my strength?""You are thinking too much. The enemy is outside, you can also choose to stay behind and personally control this Gu formation to help us delay the enemy." Ying Wu Xie glanced at Bai Ning Bing.Bai Ning Bing's eyes flickered with sharp light, before finally nodding: "I shall go with your plan then!"It was not that she did not want to fight by herself, but facing such a powerful Fang Yuan, she did not have any confidence in winning.Northern Plains, Snowy Mountain blessed land.Ninth peak.Central Continent's group of five immortals were plotted against by Hair Mistress, they were all wrapped around like cocoons by her blue hair."What killer move is this?!""My immortal essence is rapidly being consumed!""Ah!" Yu Yi Ye Zi suddenly shouted, his whole body suddenly burned with bright flames.But the fire was actually not able to burn the blue hair, instead, large amounts of water vapor emerged from the hair, drenching Yu Yi Ye Zi."My fire is earth furnace fire, even melting rank seven Gu material only is a matter of minutes, but it actually cannot burn even a single strand of this hair!" Yu Yi Ye Zi was extremely shocked."Hahaha, it is useless. My move is blue hair constriction, the longer the time taken to activate it, the stronger it becomes. Ever since Old Ancestor Xue Hu began refining fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu, I have been activating this immortal killer move without stopping. Just think of it and you will know how long a time it has been."Hair Mistress lay down on her bed again, laughing heartily."Moreover, I did not completely lie to you. Snowy Mountain blessed land is indeed already covered in a super Gu formation, my battle strength has reached rank seven in here, while all of you have been weakened. Surrender obediently and allow yourself to be captured, maybe you will still have a chance for survival.""Hmph, you are too simpleminded." Right at this time, an illusory shadow flew out of a blue cocoon.The hair cocoon was not damaged at all, but this phantom figure had strangely passed through the cocoon.The figure shortly turned from phantom to solid, it was none other than Spirit Affinity House's rank seven Gu Immortal —Bu Zhen Zi!Hair Mistress's expression sank: "So there was a phantom path Gu Immortal, no wonder you can escape my blue hair constriction!"While she spoke, a huge amount of blue hair shot out from the ground, hard as needles, supple as snakes, and shot towards Bu Zhen Zi.Bu Zhen Zi smiled brightly: "You are still too inexperienced to be able to hurt me."He again turned into phantom form, this time entering another blue cocoon.The Gu Immortal inside this cocoon was Zhao Lian Yun.Right now, she was activating her immortal killer move to guard against the cutting and strangling of the blue hair.Bu Zhen Zi came to her side suddenly, giving Zhao Lian Yun a fright at first."I will count to three, deactivate your defenses and follow me." Bu Zhen Zi put his hand on her shoulder, as he instructed this.Zhao Lian Yun thought: "If I stop my defensive killer move, would I not be shred into pieces by the blue hair?"However, she thought again, Bu Zhen Zi would absolutely not deceive her, and decided to believe in him.At the next moment, she let go of her defense and stopped activating her defensive method, the blue hair immediately moved towards her, but Zhao Lian Yun had already turned into phantom form.Then, both phantoms rushed out of the blue hair cocoon.Hair Mistress finally paled with fright.Bu Zhen Zi cultivated phantom path, it was normal for him to be able to turn into phantom. But it was unusual to be able to turn others into phantom as well, and even being able to affect those he had turned into phantom.Phantom path Gu Immortals were very few in number, Bu Zhen Zi was no doubt an exceptional talent among them.It was because of these methods that Spirit Affinity House was confident in him being able to ensure Zhao Lian Yun's safety.After Bu Zhen Zi rescued Zhao Lian Yun, he repeated the same thing, rescuing the other three.The five Central Continent Gu Immortals then started to surround and attack Hair Mistress.However, even with one against five, Hair Mistress was not at a disadvantage.Blue hair coiled around her whole body, dancing around like snakes and at times, standing up like a wall, as it dissolved all the offenses of the five Gu Immortals."She clearly has only rank six cultivation, but actually has rank seven battle strength!""I have also found there are indeed traces of a super Gu formation in Snowy Mountain blessed land.""Get out of my way, let me attack!" Mu Ling Lan moved away from the four immortals, and activated his immortal killer move.Howl!Wolf howls resounded, three giant light blue water wolves appeared from thin air and charged towards Hair Mistress while brandishing their teeth and claws.Hair Mistress's hair wall was broken again and again, and was unable to stop the water wolves' offense. She quickly rose up and broke out of the ceiling into the air.The five Central Continent Gu Immortals immediately flew up to give chase.Hair Mistress soon fell into a passive state.Although her battle strength was rather strong, Zhao Lian Yun's side had the numerical advantage.Hair Mistress's offense lowered as she started to defend more, most of her blue hair was destroyed, the remainder had curled up into a ball that firmly protected her."This immortal killer move is truly terrifying, it can absorb and release energy.""A portion of our immortal killer moves are absorbed by it and released back against us.""Even my snake wave stab cannot pierce through this hair ball." Mu Ling Lan was solemn.Bu Zhen Zi suddenly transmitted his voice to Mu Ling Lan.Mu Ling Lan's expression shook: "Let's try again then."He accumulated energy for a while before suddenly pointing out his right index finger towards the continuously revolving blue hair ball.At the next moment, a water snake half a foot long flew out from his fingernail.The small snake was lifelike, completely formed from water and was deep blue in color.The water snake was extremely fast, but right now, under Mu Ling Lan's control, it intentionally flew slowly.At this moment, Bu Zhen Zi suddenly used his immortal killer move, turning the water snake into phantom, the water snake was easily able to pass through the hair ball and appeared in front of Hair Mistress.Hair Mistress turned pale from the shock, quickly activating her second defensive killer move.But the water snake turned into solid, breaking open Hair Mistress's defense and piercing straight into her heart.Hair Mistress gave a sharp screech as her soul escaped out of her body.The hair ball detonated, a huge number of short hairs shot out everywhere like sharp arrows.Central Continent's five immortals could only concentrate on defending themselves, and let Hair Mistress' soul escape."We won! Hair Mistress is dead, only her soul is left now." Shi Zheng Yi was extremely excited."Good teamwork." Bu Zhen Zi and Mu Ling Lan looked at each other and smiled.These two rank seven Gu Immortals had made the biggest contributions in defeating Hair Mistress. First, Bu Zhen Zi rescued them from the cocoons, then Mu Ling Lan was the main attacker. Yu Yi Ye Zi, Zhao Lian Yun and Shi Zheng Yi were only supporting figures.The battle ended, the ninth peak turned silent.What should they do next?The five immortals discussed and soon came to a consensus.They would first retreat and wait for the other forces from Central Continent to arrive!With just the five of them, how could they go against the whole of Snowy Mountain? Forget about other Gu Immortals, just Old Ancestor Xue Hu alone was an opponent they could not beat.However, the five immortals found they were unable to leave this place.Snowy Mountain blessed land was a public blessed land, the whole blessed land was pieced together, its defense could not compare to a normal blessed land. But there was a super Gu formation arranged here, even Bu Zhen Zi's phantom transformation method was of no use."Damn it, we don't have a formation path Gu Immortal among us. If we had a formation path great expert, maybe we could decipher the profundities of this Gu formation." Mu Ling Lan wrung his hands in disappointment.There had been multiple formation path Gu Immortals specially mixed in among the Central Continent Gu Immortals sent. Unfortunately, because of the unexpected collapse of the spaceless tunnel, not even one formation path Gu Immortal was among this group of five.The five Central Continent immortals helplessly found that even though they defeated Hair Mistress, her soul escaped, while they were trapped in the ninth snowy peak, unable to escape from this super Gu formation."What should we do?" They looked at each other, feeling great pressure.How could they not feel pressure?This was the enemy's base.The rank eight Gu Immortal Old Ancestor Xue Hu could crush them with just his fingers."Did you all find something strange? We have already been here in Snowy Mountain blessed land for a while now, but no one has actually come." Yu Yi Ye Zi suddenly spoke.The other four immortals had the same feeling."It is indeed strange. We have invaded Snowy Mountain blessed land and battled Hair Mistress, the commotion was huge, but besides Hair Mistress, no one else has appeared.""Our fight with Hair Mistress was not a short one, but no other Gu Immortals came to reinforce her.""Old Ancestor Xue Hu did not appear, it could be because of a rank eight's pride. But the other Gu Immortals should have allied and besieged us, there is no way they are holding back now!"Mu Ling Lan, Bu Zhen Zi and Yu Yi Ye Zi pondered over this, and felt it was odd.Right at this time, inside Zhao Lian Yun's immortal aperture, love Gu suddenly activated, a powerful Immortal Gu aura rose from Zhao Lian Yun's body.Such a majestic aura caused the other four immortals' expression to change."What a powerful aura! Is it a rank nine Immortal Gu?""I remember this aura appeared in the spaceless tunnel as well.""So it was you who protected us!"Mu Ling Lan, Yu Yi Ye Zi and Shi Zheng Yi stared at Zhao Lian Yun, dumbfounded.Zhao Lian Yun, however, did not have control over her body, her eyes had rolled back, showing her whites, her legs were a foot above the ground, her head was slightly raised, and she was emitting chuckling sounds."Don't disturb her, this is love Gu's power." Bu Zhen Zi quickly spoke."Love Gu?!""Spirit Affinity House's signature Immortal Gu was actually brought here by Zhao Lian Yun?!"The other three immortals were extremely shocked.Bu Zhen Zi smiled bitterly, as he explained to them.After a while, Zhao Lian Yun woke up: "I know all the secrets of this Gu formation now!"The four immortals were joyous."This was because of love Gu?" Mu Ling Lan's eyes were wide open.Zhao Lian Yun nodded."Quickly explain it to us." Bu Zhen Zi urged.

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Chapter 1252. Fate Reversing Sacrificial Refinement Formation | Reverend Insanity

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios "This formation is called fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation. It was set up by Sun Ming Lu, using over ten Immortal Gu, the crucial point is it irrigates the water of Reverse Flow River, thus it has extremely astonishing power!"Zhao Lian Yun explained in a heavy voice.Love Immortal Gu had activated of its own accord, using up large amounts of immortal essence in Zhao Lian Yun's immortal aperture, it had all sorts of effects, and this time, it had let Zhao Lian Yun directly obtain the origins and history of the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation."Reverse Flow River? That legendary Reverse Flow River?" Yu Yi Ye Zi's eyes opened wide."Right, it is the Reverse Flow River recorded in <the legends of ren zu>." Zhao Lian Yun nodded.<the legends of ren zu> stated, Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po Valley and Reverse Flow River were the three obstacles inside the door of life and death. Back then, to save his eldest son, Verdant Great Sun, Ren Zu had traveled to Obsession Death Domain but had failed. Ren Zu could only pass through the three obstacles, to revive once again.In the end, Ren Zu had passed Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley, but had failed in Reverse Flow River."Reverse Flow River is a secluded domain of heaven and earth, who could have thought it was in Old Ancestor Xue Hu's hands." Bu Zhen Zi sighed.Mu Ling Lan spoke: "Supposedly, in the past, Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had relied on ghostly concealment to enter the door of life and death, and moved Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley out, but was unable to take Reverse Flow River. I never expected Reverse Flow River to be taken by someone as well."Mu Ling Lan was a supreme elder of Spirit Butterfly Valley, this ancient sect was most skilled in information gathering, so Mu Ling Lan knew many secrets.This group of immortals soon accepted this fact.Since Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley could be taken away, it was not that strange for Reverse Flow River to appear as well."The main thing now is how to break this fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation." Bu Zhen Zi emphasized.But Zhao Lian Yun shook her head: "It is almost impossible to break this formation. Even a rank eight Gu Immortal will be trapped and not be able to extricate themselves. Although there are no rank eight Immortal Gu used in this super Gu formation, this super Gu formation perfectly utilizes Reverse Flow River, which allows it to display endless might."Zhao Lian Yun explained slowly while the other four immortals listened speechlessly, no longer having the intention to break the formation.This super Gu formation has completely remodeled Snowy Mountain blessed land, using the fifteen snowy peaks as the formation cores to form a solid defense.If a Gu Immortal charges into the formation, they would be forcibly sent to different snowy peaks depending on their cultivation.If it was a rank seven Gu Immortal, they would be sent to the snowy peaks with rank seven Gu Immortals to fight.If it was a rank eight Gu Immortal, they would be sent to Old Ancestor Xue Hu.Hair Mistress' words had some truth and some lies, and were not completely nonsense.The fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation could indeed amplify the strength of the Gu Immortal in the formation cores. It could let rank six Gu Immortals have rank seven might, and while it could not let rank seven Gu Immortals have rank eight strength, there would still be a tremendous boost.Moreover, this fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation also imitated Regret Pool, having some mysterious abilities of time path.The truly wicked thing was any Gu Immortals that died within the formation would be considered as sacrificing their life to this formation, helping Lady Wan Shou, who was in the center of the formation, refine Ma Hong Yun."No wonder when we killed Hair Mistress, her body and immortal aperture turned into ashes and disappeared.""Although her soul escaped, her soul must have already dispersed completely due to this formation.""Who could have thought Sun Ming Lu could actually construct such a level of super Gu formation? Such a powerful formation, even the ten great ancient sects might not be able to match it.""Sun Ming Lu is Northern Plains' publicly recognized number one formation path grandmaster. According to rumors, he has an unyielding nature and highly values ties of friendship. He did not associate himself with the demonic path. Earlier, Old Ancestor Xue Hu had put down his pride and invited him repeatedly, but Sun Ming Lu did not yield to such an expert. In the end, he was touched by Old Ancestor Xue Hu's love for Lady Wan Shou, and helped Lady Wan Shou construct a refinement path Gu formation. But from the looks of it now, creating such a wicked refinement path Gu formation, this Sun Ming Lu is not a good person."The Central Continent Gu Immortals discussed."That means, if we go out of this snowy peak, we will be forcefully separated and have to fend for ourselves?" Bu Zhen Zi asked.Zhao Lian Yun nodded: "It should be the case. We appeared here because of love Immortal Gu's strength."Love Gu was a rank nine Immortal Gu, its might surpassed the whole super Gu formation, so it could make the five Gu Immortals appear at the ninth snowy peak together.However, right now, love Gu did not activate, this group of five would be separated by the Gu formation once they stepped out of the range of this snowy peak.Bu Zhen Zi frowned deeply. This was extremely bad news.He was given the task to escort Zhao Lian Yun, to protect Zhao Lian Yun as well as love Gu. But now, this super Gu formation would separate them, and there was nothing he could do."How about this, Fairy Lian Yun, enter my immortal aperture. I don't believe this super Gu formation can influence my immortal aperture?" Bu Zhen Zi hesitated before making up his mind.The immortal aperture of a Gu Immortal was their greatest secret, and normally they would not let others enter.However, Bu Zhen Zi knew the significance of this matter and decided to make a sacrifice, letting Zhao Lian Yun in.They could only do this.Because Zhao Lian Yun did not have a true immortal aperture, hers was a phantom aperture. Heavenly Court's phantom aperture had advantages as well as disadvantages. A disadvantage was that it could only store immortal essence, Gu worms and will, but could not be managed and developed like normal immortal apertures. It also had to be replenished at set intervals of time and could not last forever. An advantage was that it could store Immortal Gu of any rank, just like Zhao Lian Yun currently could store love Gu, and not have to worry about this rank nine Immortal Gu bursting the immortal aperture.However, after attempting it, Central Continent's Gu Immortals found that they could not even open the entrance to their immortal apertures.Clearly, Sun Ming Lu had considered this issue when he constructed this super Gu formation. This flaw was not in the Gu formation.The Gu Immortals fell into an awkward situation.They had gotten rid of Hair Mistress, but they themselves were trapped here.But there was good news, they did not need to worry about any reinforcements or the rank eight Old Ancestor Xue Hu making a move against them.Because in this super Gu formation, each snowy peak lord guarded one peak, and could not leave it. Any rank eight Gu Immortals whom invaded Snowy Mountain blessed land could not fight rank six or rank seven snowy peak lords, and could only fight Old Ancestor Xue Hu.This rule restricted Old Ancestor Xue Hu as well.Old Ancestor Xue Hu could not make things difficult for rank six and rank seven invaders.The reason for this rule came from Reverse Flow River.Humans aspired to move up the social ladder, while water flowed downwards due to gravity.These were rules of the world.With rank eight as the high point, and rank seven and rank six as the low, the higher ranked Gu Immortals could only look for those of similar level or fight with stronger Gu Immortals.In the whole Gu formation, the first snowy peak was the highest point, the invaders must move on to other peaks and could not leave.This was the might of Reverse Flow River.<the legends of ren zu> recorded that even Ren Zu was not able to successfully emerge from the river.But this Reverse Flow River was, after all, only a secluded domain of heaven and earth. Sun Ming Lu used the plentiful dao marks in this secluded domain to create the fate reversing sacrificial refinement formation.And as the main parts of the formation, Old Ancestor Xue Hu and the snowy peak lords were also unable to go against this rule.If it was not Reverse Flow River, and was one or more other Immortal Gu, the Gu Immortals could control the formation by themselves and create an environment favorable to themselves, instead of being in such a rigid situation like now.But regardless, even though there was this flaw, Snowy Mountain blessed land was a solid fortress, easy to defend but hard to attack. With this Gu formation helping him, it was no wonder that Old Ancestor Xue Hu felt extremely confident and did not hide the commotion of refining fortune rivaling heaven Gu.Even if he wanted to hide it, he might not necessarily be able to. The crucial thing was that he was not afraid of Gu Immortals attacking. Instead, he was even waiting for them, because the Gu Immortals who died in the Gu formation, whether it be enemies or his own side, they would turn into fuel which would help him refine fortune rivalling heaven Gu!"Since that is the case, we might as well stay here and wait for the response from our reinforcements." Bu Zhen Zi suggested.This suggestion was approved by the other Central Continent Gu Immortals.They were now familiar with the details of this Gu formation, but it was not of much use.Zhao Lian Yun frowned, but she did not argue. After all, Ma Hong Yun was at the first peak, that was the center of the Gu formation, used to refine Gu. Even if Zhao Lian Yun and the group charged through the many snowy peaks and reached the first peak, they would have to face the rank eight Gu Immortal Old Ancestor Xue Hu.Black heaven, Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace."We have discovered a small group." South Desolation Immortal breathed out deeply."Ah? Where?" Yao Huang asked."They actually ran right inside Snowy Mountain blessed land. Strange…" South Desolation Immortal was uncertain.Although he knew Central Continent Gu Immortals had entered the spaceless tunnel, he was not aware that an unexpected mishap had occurred in the spaceless tunnel.He had thought he could find the majority of Central Continent's forces, but he only discovered a small group.However, this discovery included Zhao Lian Yun, an important person.Love Immortal Gu.The reason South Desolation Immortal woke up was due to this."Snowy Mountain blessed land." Yao Huang frowned, "Not all the Central Continent Gu Immortals have appeared?"South Desolation Immortal shook his head: "Maybe this is their plan of luring enemies, but whether it be rank eight Gu Immortals or Immortal Gu Houses, there are none of them."Yao Huang's frown became deeper.Just like when Fang Yuan confronted Ying Wu Xie, he did not take out the upper extreme heavenly eagle, but it had instead caused Ying Wu Xie to be even more apprehensive.The situation of Yao Huang and South Desolation Immortal was largely similar.If the Central Continent Gu Immortals had all appeared, they would be able to use all their strength to deal with them.However, only five people appeared, which instead caused South Desolation Immortal and Yao Huang to not understand what the Central Continent Gu Immortals were planning.Was this some kind of sinister plot? Are they brewing some special plan?South Desolation Immortal thought about it before deciding: "Let this group of Central Continent Gu Immortals fight with Snowy Mountain blessed land first. The important thing is still the larger portion of the Central Continent group. Until this larger portion appears, we will just watch the events from the side.""Okay." Yao Huang nodded, but was guessing inwardly: "Lord South Desolation is aware about the situation inside Snowy Mountain blessed land. This is not Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace's ability, does our side have an insider in Snowy Mountain blessed land?"

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Chapter 1253. Courting Death | Reverend Insanity

Eastern Sea.The sword dragon kept on breathing out sword light.Rays of white dragon breath struck the Gu formation, causing the Gu formation to truly sway."Something is not right. Ying Wu Xie and the others are not fools, their immortal essence expenditure while activating the super Gu formation is far greater than mine. But they are actually maintaining the stalemate without retreating and letting me attack, do they have some other plan?"Fang Yuan was attacking furiously, although he was not able to break the formation, he firmly held the initiative. Thoughts were surging in his mind and had not stopped even for a second."They should know I have the upper extreme heavenly eagle. Are they not afraid of me using the upper extreme heavenly eagle to penetrate space and enter the formation? Or is this Gu formation a trap to deal with my upper extreme heavenly eagle?""Or could it be that Sixth Hair has already learned from Lang Ya land spirit that my upper extreme heavenly eagle is only an egg, thus they are not afraid?""Wait."Fang Yuan suddenly stopped attacking, and dived inside the sea.While under the sea, he waited for a reaction from Ying Wu Xie's group while activating an immortal killer move.Qi luck sensation."They are indeed all inside the Gu formation." Fang Yuan relaxed: "It seems I was thinking too much."Fang Yuan continued to attack the Gu formation, but he gradually discovered the Gu formation was only passively defending and there were no signs of Ying Wu Xie, Bai Ning Bing or the rest.Fang Yuan suddenly had a thought and stopped attacking again.Right now, he was holding the initiative, and he could choose freely whether to attack or not. On the other hand, the enemy was defending and in a very passive situation, not knowing when Fang Yuan would attack, and they had to maintain the Gu formation all the time, which consumed their immortal essence.Fang Yuan stopped his offenses and besides maintaining the sword dragon transformation, he did not need to use up any immortal essence, thus his expenditure was even lesser.The silent confrontation lasted for an hour, Fang Yuan gradually realized the fishy situation.The Gu formation was like a deep pool, and no commotion was visible inside. The enemy was actually firmly deciding on maintaining this stalemate with Fang Yuan."Ying Wu Xie seems to have some other motive that requires the safe environment created by the Gu formation. No matter what, I cannot let him continue smoothly, I should quickly take action and destroy the formation. It seems I can't continue to hide this trump card, I need to use it early!"Ying Wu Xie's plan had come into effect and Fang Yuan's qi luck sensation was misled.But Fang Yuan still had sharp judgment regarding the situation, he firmly acted without hiding any trump cards.If it was earlier, dragon breath would be his strongest weapon, but it was different now.At the next moment, a dragon roar resounded over an enormous surrounding distance!Ancient battle formation — Omni-directional Travel.Ying Wu Xie's vision suddenly changed, and when his vision was stable, he was already at the regional wall.This was Eastern Sea's blue water regional wall, it was deep blue, and was like a giant screen that connected heaven and earth, expansive and boundless. The four Gu Immortals (Tai Bai Yun Sheng had entered Hei Lou Lan's immortal aperture) standing in front of the vast and mighty regional wall were as small as ants.Once they entered, the ancient battle formation could not be used and they could only move by themselves.Because using Gu worms or immortal killer moves in the regional wall would shake their immortal apertures, the ancient battle formation would cause this even more and the backlash would be extremely big.Just as they were looking at the regional wall, Ying Wu Xie's expression changed, Bai Ning Bing also subconsciously looked back, her eyes letting out sharp light as she stared at the direction they came from."The Gu formation has been broken." Bai Ning Bing spoke in a heavy voice."So quickly?!" Hei Lou Lan was also moved.She thought of when she was trapped, and compared it to how quickly Fang Yuan had broken the formation. Even if she was inside and he was outside, it clearly showed his terrifying battle strength."Did he use the upper extreme heavenly eagle?" Hei Lou Lan quickly thought of a possibility."No." Bai Ning Bing shook her head.Fang Yuan had broken the Gu formation, but did not discover anybody and was not able to obtain any Gu worms. Once the Gu formation was broken, the Gu worms would all self-detonate, how could Bai Ning Bing leave behind resources for the enemy?Although the losses were huge, the scene when Fang Yuan attacked had been shown to them.In a battle between Gu Immortals, information was a crucial and very important factor.Bai Ning Bing, Ying Wu Xie and the group naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity to gather information."Fang Yuan used a completely new killer move, it is probably a recent creation of his." Ying Wu Xie spoke."This killer move is terrifyingly powerful." Bai Ning Bing's expression was heavy: "Unless we have a method which targets it, we won't be able to last a few breaths of time even if we combine our strengths.""What?!" Hei Lou Lan took a sharp breath, even the silent and expressionless Shi Nu was visibly terrified.Ying Wu Xie knew the situation was far from good, he had arranged the formation and planned to delay for time.Although his plan succeeded, he had not expected it to delay him for just such a short period of time.They would have to spend some time in passing the regional wall.The crucial thing was that the nature of the sovereign immortal body made it so that the sovereign immortal body could travel through regional walls freely without any restriction. Ying Wu Xie naturally already knew about this."The super Gu formation was forcefully broken, Fang Yuan has discovered we are not there. He will definitely use qi luck sensation again and search for us. If we enter the regional wall, even if I consider the best case scenario, according to Fang Yuan's previous speed, he will certainly be able to catch up to us. We would then have to fight with him inside the regional wall. So, should I not enter this regional wall?"Ying Wu Xie began to let out cold sweat, his heart felt like it was pressed under an enormous weight.Ying Wu Xie judged the situation, he clearly knew his side was already on the brink of life and death, even though they were not under attack right now, if they did not handle the following situation properly, they would be in danger of dying!And whether they could get out of this danger or not would depend on his plan.The heavy pressure weighed down on Ying Wu Xie's shoulders. This did not concern only his survival, it also concerned the Gu Immortals beside him.Alright, Ying Wu Xie did not care about the safety of the Gu Immortals beside him, he did not even fear his own death. But if he died, who would save the Demon Venerable's main body? Shadow Sect was in ruins currently, he was the only hope left!"How could this be? How could Fang Yuan's battle strength rise to such a level in such a short time?""He cannot even use wisdom Gu, how did he make deductions? Could it be that he gained some powerful wisdom path methods?"Deducing immortal killer moves could not be done in a matter of days. Fang Yuan's trump card was too abrupt, catching Ying Wu Xie off-guard."I have already used up the method to confuse the enemy, if we enter the regional wall, we will definitely have to fight Fang Yuan. Our side is at a great disadvantage!" Ying Wu Xie was very clear on this, using immortal killer moves in the regional wall would cause backlash, but Fang Yuan did not have such a restriction.The five regional walls were the perfect places for him to fight! Even rank eight Gu Immortals might be in a bad situation. Because when rank eights entered the regional walls, they would face much more restriction than rank sixes or rank sevens.Naturally, rank eight Gu Immortals moved through black heaven or white heaven, and would not stupidly travel to and fro through the regional walls.If Ying Wu Xie persisted on entering the regional wall, undoubtedly, he would be taking a huge risk. Fang Yuan had shown his trump card, even without counting the upper extreme heavenly eagle, just this trump card alone made Ying Wu Xie feel he could not go against Fang Yuan.."No, there is still Bai Ning Bing." Ying Wu Xie suddenly had a thought, secretly glancing at Bai Ning Bing.He immediately felt the alliance was an extremely good decision. At the same time, he also felt some emotions, who could have thought he would actually have to rely on Bai Ning Bing's strength at this moment.This was truly, what goes around comes around, the trajectory of fate had countless changes, he, the grand Ying Wu Xie, would actually have to rely on Bai Ning Bing, who had been arranged as a pawn before!"But how much strength does Bai Ning Bing have? It has not been long since she inherited Bai Xiang grotto-heaven." Ying Wu Xie did not have much confidence as he thought on it.He then thought: "But if don't enter the regional wall now, we can only wander around in Eastern Sea, Omni-directional Travel is also not a method that can be used repeatedly and requires some time before it can be used again. If so, we will sooner or later be found by Fang Yuan.""More importantly, this is Eastern Sea. All the Gu Immortals on my side are of other regions!'Ying Wu Xie's physical body was a Western Desert immortal zombie, Bai Ning Bing was a Southern Border Gu Immortal, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan were from Northern Plains, and Shi Nu was from Central Continent. There was not one Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.Foreign region Gu Immortals would be marginalized in other regions and even be hunted. Although this was not too common in Eastern Sea, one should not forget that Fang Yuan was an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.Sovereign immortal body!It could completely blend into any region and become a Gu Immortal of that region.When the time comes in which both sides battle, and Eastern Sea Gu Immortals appear, and Fang Yuan had the upper hand, it goes without saying that the Eastern Sea Gu Immortals would help Fang Yuan.Few people would provide help when one desperately needed it, but there were many who would add fuel to the fire."So if we stay in Eastern Sea, we might not only be facing Fang Yuan, but other Eastern Sea Gu Immortals as well." Ying Wu Xie smiled bitterly.After experiencing many setbacks, he had matured immeasurably. Thinking through all elements comprehensively, it was incomparable to the past."Moreover, Fang Yuan still has the upper extreme heavenly eagle.""We must go to Northern Plains! Snowy Mountain blessed land is our only hope. We can use the rank eight Gu Immortal to kill him."After considering everything, Ying Wu Xie finally made a firm resolution and flew straight into the regional wall.Several hours later, a sword dragon flew over from far away."Trying to enter Northern Plains?" This sword dragon was Fang Yuan's transformation.Everything was like Ying Wu Xie expected, after he broke the Gu formation, he did not discover any trace of Ying Wu Xie and the rest.How would Fang Yuan not understand that the other side had made a ploy to escape, fortunately, he had not hesitated to expose his trump card and forcibly destroyed the Gu formation, otherwise, he would still be in the dark."It seems that although qi luck sensation can detect the target, it can also be misled.""Then this target I am sensing, will it also be false?"If it was false, Fang Yuan could do nothing about it, after all, this was his only clue.But if it was real…Hehe."I can get rid of you all in the regional wall. All of you are actually traveling in the regional wall in front of me, you are courting death!"

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Chapter 1254. Love Becomes The Problem | Reverend Insanity

Waiting was often long and difficult to endure.Shi Zheng Yi was unable to sit still, pacing back and forth in the large hall.Yu Yi Ye Zi was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, he spoke with dissatisfaction: "Can't you rest properly, don't move back and forth."Shi Zheng Yi yelled: "I have already rested enough, sigh, how long do we have to wait?""Until the other group arrives." Bu Zhen Zi spoke."If they don't come, do we continue waiting forever?" Zhao Lian Yun frowned, she was also somewhat impatient.When fighting with Hair Mistress, the five immortals were all wholeheartedly focused and did not feel anything. Now that they were cooped up in here, every second became unbearable.Zhao Lian Yun was feeling even worse, like a fire was burning her heart.Bu Zhen Zi frowned and was about to speak.But at this moment, Zhao Lian Yun spoke again: "You must have some thoughts. All of you have seen and even personally gone through the final moment in the spaceless tunnel. Do you think that perhaps the other Gu Immortals have died there?""Impossible!" Shi Zheng Yi was the first to refute it, as he glared at Zhao Lian Yun with anger.His father, Shi Ge, was among those Gu Immortals. Zhao Lian Yun's words were like predicting his father's death.Zhao Lian Yun ignored Shi Zheng Yi's attitude, continuing: "You are all aware that we came here because of love Gu's power. But the other Gu Immortals did not get such help. Even the Immortal Gu Houses were on the verge of destruction at that time, let alone Gu Immortals. If there are no reinforcements, how long do we wait for?"The other Gu Immortals had slight changes in their expressions. They actually had such worries, but it was just that they did not take the initiative to speak up.Now, Zhao Lian Yun had brought up this topic, Bu Zhen Zi thought and spoke in a deep voice: "Your speculation is not impossible. But even if there are no reinforcements, Central Continent's ten great ancient sects will send a second group of Gu Immortals."Zhao Lian Yun continued: "The can the second group of reinforcements reach here? You have all experienced the difficulties and dangers we faced on our way. Can spaceless tunnel still be used a second time? Even if it can be used, can we be at ease using it again?"Bu Zhen Zi firmly stared at Zhao Lian Yun's eyes, and spoke solemnly: "You need to believe in our sect, Zhao Lian Yun, you are Spirit Affinity House's fairy, the sect is your biggest backer. If you don't believe in even the sect, who can you trust?"Zhao Lian Yun sharply sensed Bu Zhen Zi's displeasure.But she disregarded it, and continued: "Even if the sect sends reinforcements and they reach here, what about the time? When will they arrive here? What price will they have to pay? Will there be mishaps again? This is Northern Plains, not Central Continent."Bu Zhen Zi was silent.He was unable to retort to Zhao Lian Yun's words.Zhao Lian Yun let out a breath of air: "In short, I don't want to wait any longer.""You have to wait even if you don't want to." Bu Zhen Zi frowned in anger.He stared at Zhao Lian Yun, both did not retreat and were fixated on their own stance.Zhao Lian Yun's eyes were soon filled with mist, she moved her sight and looked the other way: "If, during this time, Hong Yun is killed, what would we do? Can you make a guarantee?"In truth, Zhao Lian Yun was feeling more and more afraid as she waited.What she was afraid of was not her own safety.Instead, under the situation where the reinforcements were far away, waiting could not solve the problem.If during this time, Ma Hong Yun was harmed by Old Ancestor Xue Hu and successfully used as a Gu material to refine fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu, this would be Zhao Lian Yun's lifetime regret.In the future, when she recalled it, she would be filled with extreme regret!Regret that she had once been so close to Ma Hong Yun, charging into Snowy Mountain blessed land, and fate gave her a perfect opportunity but she did not take it.The blurry view of the first peak could be seen from the ninth peak. It was such a short distance, but she just kept on waiting here, losing the final chance.Zhao Lian Yun did not want to see such a thing happening, that result would make her feel sadness and pain that was worse than death!The other three immortals did not find it convenient to meddle in the quarrel between Zhao Lian Yun and Bu Zhen Zi, after all, it was Spirit Affinity House's internal matter.Bu Zhen Zi retorted: "Even if you don't want to wait, can you save Ma Hong Yun? Even if you are able to defeat other snowy peak lords, don't forget that you will have to face Old Ancestor Xue Hu in the end because Ma Hong Yun is kept at the first peak!""I know." Zhao Lian Yun clenched her fists, her voice becoming sharper, "But you said as well that before Old Ancestor Xue Hu, we will have to deal with the other ten or so snowy peak lords. We can get rid of them first, in any case, rank eight Gu Immortals cannot act against us in this Gu formation! With this, once our reinforcements arrive, we can directly attack the first peak, saving time and energy."Bu Zhen Zi was furious, his expression turning dark: "Then I will speak frankly, this super Gu formation amplifies the enemy's power while weakening us. If we leave this place, we will be forcefully separated by the formation and transported to other snowy peaks. Will each of you be able to fight them alone? In the previous battle, Mu Ling Lan and I led the main attack, what help can you three rank sixes bring?"Bu Zhen Zi spoke bluntly, but the three rank six Gu Immortals were not able to retort because what he said was a fact.Zhao Lian Yun lowered her head in silence for a while, before she raised her head and said: "Then I am going to use love Gu again!"Bu Zhen Zi scoffed: "Who do you think you are? Will Love Gu listen to you and allow you to control it? Back then, even Giant Sun Immortal Venerable was not able to refine love Gu.""That is because he did not receive the acknowledgement of love Gu." Zhao Lian Yun retorted."So what you are saying is that all the other fairies of Spirit Affinity House were useless? Not even one of them was able to control love Gu?" Bu Zhen Zi sneered."How would I know without trying?" Zhao Lian Yun was persistent.Bu Zhen Zi laughed, and was just about to speak when Zhao Lian Yun had already taken action, she called out in her heart: "Love Gu, oh love Gu, please display your might, take the five of us to another snowy peak!"Love Gu did not even budge, as if it was dead.Zhao Lian Yun was unwilling to give up, she continued to pray and beg in her heart.Bu Zhen Zi noticed Zhao Lian Yun's stillness, and was about to speak, but right at this moment, love Gu's aura rose from Zhao Lian Yun's body and, at the same time, bright radiance covered Zhao Lian Yun.The other four immortals were extremely shocked, all of their eyes were wide open as they stared fixedly at this sight.Mu Ling Lan could not help but say: "This… it seems like the time when we left spaceless tunnel and appeared at Snowy Mountain blessed land, it was this aura and also the light.""Continue, don't stop." Shi Zheng Yi urged.At the next moment, the light moving around Zhao Lian Yun seemed to act on its own, as it spread towards the other four Gu Immortals."Like this, we can charge our way towards the other snowy peaks. Ah! Maybe it can directly take us out of Snowy Mountain blessed land." Shi Zheng Yi was hopeful.Bu Zhen Zi's mouth was wide open, unable to say a word at this moment.The shock he felt was much more intense than the others."Love Gu cannot be controlled, this is absolutely true from history! Even Giant Sun Immortal Venerable was left without options. But why? Why!""Why is love Gu so obedient in Zhao Lian Yun's hands?""Could it be that Zhao Lian Yun is the strongest fairy in the whole history of Spirit Affinity House?!""No, it is more likely because of her status. She is an otherworldly demon, could it be that otherworldly demons and love Gu complement each other? Others cannot control love Gu, but an otherworldly demon is an exception?"Countless thoughts welled up in Bu Zhen Zi's mind, like surging waves in the sea.While he was thinking, the space behind him suddenly ruptured and turned into a fist sized black hole. The black hole let out an unimaginable suction force, forcibly dragging in Bu Zhen Zi!A person as strong as Bu Zhen Zi, a rank seven Gu Immortal, was unable to do anything and was directly dragged in, disappearing from the spot.At the same time, the same thing happened to other Gu Immortals. In the blink of an eye, this large hall was empty and silent."We have left the ninth snowy peak!" Bu Zhen Zi held feelings of shock, as he sized up his surroundings the moment his feet landed on solid ground.This was similarly inside a large hall. But this hall was different from the previous one, the previous hall was decorated and beautiful, and seemingly emitted feminine aura, while this hall was majestic and grand, with a masculine air emanating from it."Which snowy peak is this?" Bu Zhen Zi had this thought.But shortly afterwards, his expression suddenly changed, as he shouted: "Damn it!"He found that he was the only one in the whole hall. The other four Gu Immortals were nowhere to be seen.He sobered himself up: Looks like I was overthinking it. Zhao Lian Yun might be an otherworldly demon, but how can she control love Gu? Love Gu is still unreliable and has countless abilities, who knows when it will act up."I was sent here, what about the others? Where are they? It would be best if they were together, Zhao Lian Yun would be slightly more safe then. But if Zhao Lian Yun is alone…"Bu Zhen Zi did not dare to continue thinking.Right at this time, an inky black shadow crept near him from the ground and silently attacked him.Bu Zhen Zi's instincts set off warning signs, he quickly jumped back and dodged.But the shadow was like a viper, extremely fast, and within a breath of time, it had pounced towards Bu Zhen Zi's feet.Turn phantom!At the crucial moment, Bu Zhen Zi used his specialty as a phantom path Gu Immortal, turning into phantom form.The shadow helplessly passed through him, reaching behind Bu Zhen Zi.

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Chapter 1255. Zhao Lian Yun's Death? | Reverend Insanity

Clap clap clap.A series of claps could be heard."It is indeed phantom path." A Gu Immortal showed himself.This person was tall and well-built, with residues of a beard on his face, his eyes had no white color, being completely black. The most eye-catching thing was he had a skin-like black cloak draping behind him.Bu Zhen Zi's pupils shrunk slightly as he recognized this person. Since the Central Continent Gu Immortals had come to save Ma Hong Yun, how could they not have information on Snowy Mountain blessed land?"So it is Shadow King." Bu Zhen Zi lightly spoke, pointing out the other Gu Immortal's identity.At the same time, he also realized he was now at the seventh peak of Snowy Mountain blessed land.Previously, this seventh peak's owner had been Xue Song Zi.However, after Xue Song Zi died, a demonic path Gu Immortal joined of his own accord, and it was this person.In fact, Snowy Mountain blessed land was a place which Northern Plains' demonic path Gu Immortals were attracted towards, especially those demons who were wanted by Huang Jin tribes, needing to find a reliable backer like Old Ancestor Xue Hu. Perhaps there were also some Gu Immortals, wanting to prolong their lives, who joined Snowy Mountain blessed land because of Lady Wan Shou.Naturally, because Old Ancestor Xue Hu was refining fortune rivalling heaven Gu, it caused the morale of the members of Snowy Mountain blessed land to drop.Shadow King looked at Bu Zhen Zi, and laughed: "You guys from Central Continent truly came running into death.""It isn't certain who dies yet." Bu Zhen Zi sneered."Is that so?!" Shadow King suddenly turned into a pitch-black shadow, pouncing towards Bu Zhen Zi.Rumble, at the next instance, muffled explosions resounded from the seventh snowy peak.The large hall shook, large amounts of snow that had accumulated on the mountain rolled down, forming a small avalanche.Different from what Bu Zhen Zi had expected, Zhao Lian Yun was not alone but also was not with all the other immortals.Twelfth peak.Both sides had already started fighting."Oh? Two little ants, hmph, see how I step on you and send you to death." The twelfth snowy peak lord called out, and stepped fiercely with his right leg.The twelfth snowy peak lord had transformed into a giant with the head of a bull and body of a human, his two legs had also turned into thick and firm bull legs.Bam.The bull leg stomped, creating a deep pit.The peak lord had powerful might, the two Central Continent Gu Immortals quickly retreated.One was Zhao Lian Yun, and the other was Shi Zheng Yi.Zhao Lian Yun was slightly pale, the enemy was a giant while she had limited battle experience, this no doubt created strong mental pressure on her.Shi Zheng Yi had rolled away on the ground, barely dodging the bull leg, he was clenching his teeth: "Damn it!"He turned around and stood up from the ground: "Take this!""Lelelelelele!"Shi Zheng Yi opened his mouth, flicking his tongue like a fast mechanical spring. With every flick, a crimson sword light shot out from the tip of his tongue at an extremely fast rate.Zhao Lian Yun was speechless for a moment.Normal people could only curl up their tongue, some might not even be able to do that. It was the first time Zhao Lian Yun had seen someone's tongue actually contracting and darting forward like a mechanical spring.The crimson sword light was extremely sharp, the twelfth snowy peak lord had transformed into a giant which had thick skin and a sturdy physique, but the crimson sword light opened up holes all over his body."So painful!" The twelfth peak lord cried out in pain, and raised his arms to protect his head. For a moment, he could only defend and could not attack, all his momentum from before was suppressed."So powerful." Zhao Lian Yun praised."Naturally, this is my vital Immortal Gu — sword tongue Gu." Shi Zheng Yi flicked his tongue, sending out crimson sword light while also replying to Zhao Lian Yun. The strange thing was that his voice was clear even then."Are you a sword path Gu Immortal?" Zhao Lian Yun asked."Ah, no… I cultivate information path." Shi Zheng Yi replied."Speaking while still fighting, so you are so strong!" Zhao Lian Yun had a new level of respect towards Shi Zheng Yi, this person who had thick eyebrows, large eyes, and was somewhat lacking in brains."Hehe, I have sworn to defeat all the evils and demons in the world!" Shi Zheng Yi looked quite pleased and smug."Don't be so happy!" The twelfth peak lord roared.Boom!An overwhelming aura suddenly erupted from his giant body.The majestic aura shot everywhere, creating a huge air wave."Not good, it is an immortal killer move!""Defend!!"Shi Zheng Yi and Zhao Lian Yun defended with all their might, but it was of no use. The air wave was extremely powerful, the two were like a pair of small toys, easily sent flying.With the twelfth peak lord at the center, the floor tiles of the hall started flying all around, turning the whole scene into chaos.Thump thump, Zhao Lian Yun and Shi Zheng Yi crashed into the walls, throwing out mouthfuls of blood. Their whole bodies were suffering from intense pain, their internal organs were bleeding and their bones were fractured.With one attack, the twelfth peak lord had completely turned around the slight disadvantage, and now had the upper hand."This is a qi path killer move!""How could it be so powerful?"Zhao Lian Yun and Shi Zheng Yi endured the pain and struggled to stand up. The two were sent flying and were quite far from each other right now."How was it? Did you like my, Zhao Da Niu's, immortal killer move, rising heaven bull qi?""You are young and also powerful. Unfortunately, my battle strength is amplified in this formation, and it has risen to rank seven level, how can you possibly compete with me?""Hahaha." Zhao Da Niu laughed loudly, his laughter filled the hall like a huge wave."Watch as I stomp you to death!" Suddenly, Zhao Da Niu stopped laughing, gazing malevolently at Shi Zheng Yi.He bent his waist and knees and suddenly jumped towards Shi Zheng Yi like a small hill.Rumble!A loud crashing sound echoed as Zhao Da Niu pressed Shi Zheng Yi to the ground."Shi Zheng Yi!" Zhao Lian Yun cried out in shock. This was a horrifying sight, being crushed by the heavy Zhao Da Niu, would Shi Zheng Yi not be turned into meat paste?But the next moment, Zhao Da Niu's back protruded up. Shi Zheng Yi stood up from below, lifting Zhao Da Niu up with his hands, and with a yell, he actually pushed Zhao Da Niu away.This was like a small rabbit pushing away a lion. This unimaginable scene caused Zhao Lian Yun to open her eyes wide."What? My transformation has the weight of a desolate beast bull, you actually pushed me away?" Even Zhao Da Niu found it unbelievable.Shi Zheng Yi was coughing up blood, after pushing away Zhao Da Niu, he knelt down on the ground, extremely tired."This, this is the power of justice!" Shi Zheng Yi spoke with difficulty."Don't speak, you are coughing up too much blood." Zhao Lian Yun called out."Bullshit justice!" Zhao Da Niu pulled himself together, and charged towards Shi Zheng Yi again.He was extremely huge, but right now, his speed was like the wind, not fitting with his body size at all.In the blink of an eye, Zhao Da Niu was right in front of Shi Zheng Yi."Ahhh, look at the power of my justice!" Shi Zheng Yi shouted, and actually collided head on.Bam, a muffled sound echoed.Zhao Lian Yun felt pain in her body just from hearing the sound.Shi Zheng Yi was like a small ball that was thrown far away, coughing up large amounts of blood.Then, like a broken sack, he fell to the ground, his blood dying the path red."I will kill you! Eh?" Zhao Da Niu was just about to rush forward and give a fatal blow to Shi Zheng Yi, but he had just stepped forward when he found his whole body was tied by a bright silver chain.At the other end of the chain was Zhao Lian Yun.She had already been preparing to activate her immortal killer move.Unfortunately, real battle was different from practice, especially this intense atmosphere which caused Zhao Lian Yun to fail twice in activating her killer move.But it was fortunate that Shi Zheng Yi had stalled for time, and Zhao Lian Yun finally succeeded on her third attempt.Immortal killer move — Life Locking Silver Chain!"Cough cough, thank you, this killer move is really beautiful." Obtaining precious time for a breather, Shi Zheng Yi crawled up from the ground, coughing up blood in between his words."Don't speak, you are still coughing blood!" Zhao Lian Yun was worried for him."Hehe, you don't understand, I cultivate information path; by continuing to speak, I can heal my injuries. The louder I shout, the more powerful my attack becomes." Shi Zheng Yi spoke of the reason."Little girl, you are annoying!" Zhao Da Niu roared and exerted strength from both of his arms, trying to break the chains on him. But no matter how much strength he used, he was unable to break these chains."Since it's like this." Zhao Da Niu gave a malevolent smile, activating the killer move rising heaven bull qi.Boom!An intense explosion shook the hall.The surging air wave erupted once again, and this time, it sent the ceiling of the hall flying.Clang clang!Crisp sounds echoed as the silver chain broke into countless pieces. Before these chain fragments touched the ground, they turned into specks of silver light and disappeared completely.Zhao Da Niu used his main killer move to destroy the life locking silver chain, and was free now.On the contrary, Zhao Lian Yun and Shi Zheng Yi were struck by the air wave again, both coughed out blood as they fell to the ground, unable to stand up."Damn, damn it!" Shi Zheng Yi wanted to climb up, but his whole body was on the verge of breaking apart.As for Zhao Lian Yun, she had already fallen into a stupor.Her injuries were worse than Shi Zheng Yi's.Because life locking silver chain was forcefully broken, Zhao Lian Yun had suffered backlash, adding on Zhao Da Niu's immortal killer move, her injuries had worsened.She had rank nine love Immortal Gu, but from the start of the battle, she had not seen love Immortal Gu being activated.Love Immortal Gu could not be controlled, even if it showed its strength, it might not necessarily be the correct solution to the problem.Darkness.The stupefied Zhao Lian Yun felt she was floating amidst boundless darkness."This is the feeling of death?""So this is death?""I must be the biggest failure of a transmigrator in history. I actually died at the hands of an irrelevant side character.""Let me just go down like this, after I die, I won't have to feel so exhausted and anguished anymore."

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