
Chapter: 1246-1250:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1246. Spaceless Tunnel | Reverend Insanity

Every moment in the star cloud storm was hard to endure.After a long time.A certain Gu Immortal in Wind Sweeping Building realized something, saying: "Everyone… for some time already, there have been no stars crashing at us?"As he said that, the tornado pillar surrounding Wind Sweeping Building vanished instantly.The immortals saw that in the calm dark night, far away, the star cloud storm was moving away with imposing might.Wind Sweeping Building was silent for a moment before exploding with cheers."We made it!""So close, even with an Immortal Gu House defending us, being in immemorial black heaven still poses a danger of dying.""Thanks to Lord Bi Chen Tian, otherwise, we would have died in this star cloud storm."The Gu Immortals talked with great joy.Bi Chen Tian had a hazy gaze, he thought: "We were able to escape the star cloud storm all thanks to Zhao Lian Yun's love Immortal Gu."At the crucial moment, love Gu emitted an aura that led Bi Chen Tian towards the correct direction.Bi Chen Tian controlled Wind Sweeping Building, he followed this direction and quickly escaped from the star cloud storm.And within the star cloud storm, star path dao marks were filling the area, with conflicting dao marks, Bi Chen Tian's methods were very ineffective.Bi Chen Tian's expression was still gloomy."We have already escaped danger, but Wei Ling Yang does not have love Gu, I wonder if they are still struggling inside the star cloud storm."After losing contact with the other two Immortal Gu Houses, Bi Chen Tian did not continue on his journey, he moved around the area, searching for them.Thankfully, half a day later, he successfully contacted Wei Ling Yang.Wei Ling Yang led Canary Pavilion and charged through the star cloud storm with difficulty. They had left the star cloud storm after Bi Chen Tian, but unfortunately, they were ambushed by a sky chief beast group.After being informed of this, Bi Chen Tian manipulated Wind Sweeping Building, bringing the Gu Immortals with him to rescue them.After getting to the ambush site, the Gu Immortals saw Canary Pavilion and Edge Link Camp, they gasped loudly.These two Immortal Gu Houses were surrounded by sky chief beasts.Sky chief beasts lived in basically all of the immemorial nine heavens. Each sky chief beast was at least a mutated beast king, they were on par with ordinary beast emperors. And the kings of each sky chief beast group were desolate beast level. Beast emperors among them were at least ancient desolate beasts.Within this sky chief beast group, there were a hundred ancient sky chiefs, and over a thousand desolate beast sky chiefs, the remaining sky chief beasts were overwhelming in number, they were uncountable.Edge Link Camp and Canary Pavilion were at the center, surrounded by countless sky chiefs. Even though they defended themselves, they were heavily damaged and were in great danger.Bi Chen Tian could not waste any more time, he charged ahead with Wind Sweeping Building.At this time, both sides could communicate again, Wei Ling Yang immediately moved Edge Link Camp towards Canary Pavilion and Wei Ling Yang, cooperating with them to break out of the encirclement.The sky chief beast group roared loudly, the sound waves were like a tsunami, it was shocking.Both sides engaged in fierce combat, countless immortal killer moves were sent out like fireworks, displayed among the sky chief beast group.The sky chief beast group died in batches after batches, but they were quickly replaced with even more beasts.The sky chief beast group was too huge, it did not mind such losses.And those desolate beast sky chiefs and ancient sky chiefs could last much longer in battle.During this time, Edge Link Camp suddenly burst with strength, silhouettes of sharp horns were formed, shooting out in all directions.This was an incredibly strong attack in which even desolate beast sky chiefs would be unable to withstand. Even ancient sky chiefs did not dare to take the attacks head on.Wind Sweeping Building created a jade wind pillar again, as Canary Pavilion emitted the cries of a thousand birds.The three Immortal Gu Houses worked together, opening a path within the sky chief beast group and meeting at the convergent point.Next, the three Immortal Gu Houses turned around and fled, in a few minutes, they were free from the pursuit of the sky chief beast group."The situation is horrible!" Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang communicated in a grim tone: "The three Immortal Gu Houses are heavily damaged, half of Canary Pavilion is completely unstable now. We need to rest and recover, Myriad Tidal Dragon is unconscious, and my immortal essence has already been depleted by more than half."Immortal essence affected the Gu Immortal's battle strength to a great extent.Bi Chen Tian used more than half of his immortal essence, so did Wei Ling Yang.Even though Immortal Gu Houses were powerful, they consumed a lot of immortal essence.This was why Fang Yuan had never planned to construct any Immortal Gu Houses.Even though he knew most of Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's composition (of course, he forgot a portion), and also the entirety of Sacred Feather City's structure. But he did not have Giant Sun's immortal essence anymore, with his own immortal essence, he could not sustain the use of an Immortal Gu House.Immortal Gu Houses used too much immortal essence, only rank eight Gu Immortals could sustain the consumption alone. Rank six and seven Gu Immortals had to work together to display their might fully.Most importantly, the Central Continent Gu Immortals still had half the journey left."It seems we can only use spaceless tunnel now." Wei Ling Yang said grimly.Bi Chen Tian was stunned before nodding, agreeing: "That is the only way to cross half of the distance and reach our destination!"The two rank eight Gu Immortals were determined figures, the greater the setbacks, the greater their fighting spirit, they had never thought of retreating.And their encounters might not have been expected, but Heavenly Court's wisdom path Gu Immortal Fairy Zi Wei had already prepared other plans for them in advance.Spaceless tunnel was one of them!Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace.Through this rank eight Immortal Gu House, the experiences of Central Continent's three Immortal Gu Houses could be seen by Yao Huang."Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace affects the luck of heaven and earth. All that happens within immemorial black heaven, the direction where the lightning storms go, cannot be affected by even heaven's will. But Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace can interfere with it. This is an invincible defense, with this palace, who can invade Northern Plains?!" Yao Huang was extremely excited, his tone was heated and he had great admiration towards Giant Sun Immortal Venerable.Yao Huang looked at South Desolation Immortal, saying: "Lord, I finally understand why you are so calm now. With Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace here, nobody can think of invading Northern Plains!"South Desolation Immortal laughed: "Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace has been stationed here for three hundred thousand years. What does that mean? It has already deeply affected immemorial black heaven, even immemorial white heaven has been influenced. This is the supreme power of heaven and earth luck!"Yao Huang thought of Ma Hong Yun, saying: "Heaven and earth luck is so incredible, then all living being's luck cannot be lacking in comparison. But now, fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu's user is in Old Ancestor Xue Hu's hands."Yao Huang had no other options against Old Ancestor Xue Hu, but South Desolation Immortal was different.Especially when Yao Huang saw the power of Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace and the sorry states of these three Central Continent Immortal Gu Houses, thus he was moved and wanted to incite South Desolation Immortal to deal with Old Ancestor Xue Hu.But South Desolation Immortal shook his head and smiled: "Ma Hong Yun has our Huang Jin bloodline, and is a descendant of Ancestor Giant Sun, there is no problem with him getting fortune rivalling heaven Gu. It will not be easy for Old Ancestor Xue Hu to snatch it away."Yao Huang was worried: "That Old Ancestor Xue Hu has already been refining it for so long, with just fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu's power, can it really make the refinement fail?"South Desolation Immortal shook his head: "Of course not, even though fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu has quasi-rank nine power, it cannot resist the rank eight Gu Immortal Old Ancestor Xue Hu. Furthermore, he has the aid of Lady Wan Shou, one of the four great refinement path experts in Northern Plains. Do you think my Longevity Heaven has done nothing? We will not let Fortune Rivalling Heaven end up in the hands of others, we made our arrangements long ago. If Old Ancestor Xue Hu cannot find them, he will not succeed in this refinement."Yao Huang realized that Longevity Heaven had taken action long ago, but its method was too impressive, everyone was deceived, even Xue Hu and Wan Shou could not notice."Amazing, truly amazing! Compared to Longevity Heaven, even Old Ancestor Xue Hu was toyed in our palms." Yao Huang was truly impressed in his heart.His gaze towards South Desolation Immortal changed again, he felt that South Desolation Immortal was unfathomable, he truly had the demeanor of a senior.But at the next moment, South Desolation Immortal's expression changed suddenly.South Desolation Immortal was confused, he called out: "What happened? These Central Continent Gu Immortals vanished all of a sudden?!"

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Chapter 1247. Water Path Grandmaster | Reverend Insanity

"This… where are we?" Zhao Lian Yun looked outside, expressing shock on her face.But this time, even the knowledgeable Yu Yi Ye Zi could not answer her.Bu Zhen Zi, who was in charge of Zhao Lian Yun's safety, said in an uncertain tone: "This unique phenomenon, is it spaceless tunnel?!"The three Immortal Gu Houses from Central Continent, Canary Pavilion, Edge Link Camp, and Wind Sweeping Building, were moving inside a huge tunnel.This tunnel was blue in color, with rainbow colored threads that extended forward in the path. These rainbow colored threads were lined around the blue tunnel walls, they were dazzling and beautiful."What is spaceless tunnel?" Yu Yi Ye Zi asked.Bu Zhen Zi looked at Zhao Lian Yun with a complex gaze: "You should be familiar with it?""Me?" Zhao Lian Yun was confused, she did not know why Bu Zhen Zi would say this.Bu Zhen Zi sighed, saying: "Because spaceless tunnel is a unique immortal killer move created by Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable!"Southern Border, super Gu formation.Inside the dream."This disciple greets master!" Fang Yuan knelt on the ground, paying respects to the female Gu Immortal in front of him.The female immortal gave a murmur of acknowledgement before saying: "I am Jing Miao Zi, I cultivate water path. Even though you are my descendant, whether you can cultivate my water path will depend on your understanding and aptitude. Pass this test and you will become my true disciple.""Please tell me, master." Fang Yuan said respectfully.The female immortal waved her sleeve and the dream realm changed, Fang Yuan was standing in front of a jade pool.This jade pool was extremely green and calm, like a huge piece of jade."A rumbling river is water. The sea is water. The calm jade pool is also water. Water path is deep and profound, I personally cultivate the path of calm water. Step into the pool and the moment you can stand on top of it without using any Gu worms, I will accept you as my disciple."Fang Yuan stared with wide opened eyes, he was hearing this for the first time, he said: "Master, if I do not use Gu worms, I will be like a mortal. How can a mortal body stand on top of the water surface?""That is your problem." The female immortal waved her sleeve, vanishing in front of Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan frowned, he walked around the jade pool, after several rounds, he stepped into it.Plop.With a soft sound, he fell into the water directly.He quickly climbed up the edge of the pool, he was completely soaked, it was a sorry sight.Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, he hesitated before using the immortal killer move unravel dream.But this time, the all-powerful unravel dream did nothing, there were no changes.Fang Yuan sighed internally: "It was useless indeed… sigh, this is problematic."Not long ago, Fang Yuan's luck path attainment level had risen, he could easily raise qi luck sensation to a new level. Therefore, the location of Ying Wu Xie and gang was exposed, they were in Southern Border.Fang Yuan realized this and started to make preparations, raising his strength and borrowing Immortal Gu from Wu clan.However, he met with a problem when he wanted to leave.If Fang Yuan left, Wu clan would have no rank seven Gu Immortals holding the fort at the super Gu formation. With Wu clan initiating the immortal opportunity business, the situation was quite severe, without any experts around, the other clans could easily find trouble with them.Wu Yong agreed readily to lend Fang Yuan Wu clan's Immortal Gu, but he did not agree to the matter of leaving.Wu clan had many Gu Immortals and had a huge force, but their territory was too big, they needed a lot of manpower. They had few Gu Immortals, causing them to be short on people. Some jobs could not be transferred easily, like Fang Yuan's role of defending the super Gu formation, not many people in Wu clan could do it. Even if they had strength, their political abilities were a concern as well.Fang Yuan gave the request of leaving his assigned position, Wu Yong felt a deep headache.But Fang Yuan was insistent on it, Wu Yong had to relent and change the roles of the other Gu Immortals.But this matter had huge implications on the others, Wu Yong said that a lot of time was needed, Fang Yuan had to wait.But in the process of waiting, Fang Yuan encountered a superb dream realm.There were all sorts of dream realms that were constantly changing. There were realistic dream realms and also strange ones.Fang Yuan would normally choose realistic dream realms to explore. The strange dream realms were hard to decipher, Fang Yuan did not want to take unnecessary risks."According to historical records, Jing Miao Zi was a disciple of Shui Ni. This dream realm's owner is the disciple of Jing Miao Zi, her true disciple. That can only be one person, the water path great expert famous in history, Sea Calming Lord!""In Central Continent's history, there was an immemorial desolate beast that caused Falling Heavenly River to change directions, resulting in a tsunami that swept the lands. Central Continent's central area was flooded and the tsunami to the east was overwhelming. Back then, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Sea Calming Lord stood up and used several immortal killer moves to return Falling Heavenly River to its rightful direction, the sea level returned to normal, he had incredible methods.""My killer move unravel dream is usually effective, but it had no effect here. No wonder, no wonder."This was not the first time Fang Yuan was using unravel dream.But this time, even after using it several times, the dream realm was unmoved.Fang Yuan thought about it, most likely, this dream realm was too powerful, killer move unravel dream only used a rank six core Immortal Gu, it could not unravel this dream!The strength of a dream realm was not closely related to the crucial person in the dream realm.For example, Fang Yuan had once explored Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's dream realm, he used unravel dream there and achieved great success.But now, Fang Yuan's unravel dream could not unravel Sea Calming Lord's dream realm.Sea Calming Lord was only rank eight, he could not match Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.But the strength of the dream realm was not closely related to their cultivation level or strength during their lifetime.As for what relationship there was, Fang Yuan had no idea.Don't forget, in the five hundred years of his previous life, Fang Yuan was not adept at exploring dream realms either, his main focus was on his blood path cultivation.Fang Yuan did not study dream realms deeply, but he knew something, the stronger the dream realm, the greater the benefits after exploring it.Remembering this, Fang Yuan's interest in this dream realm rose again."Wu clan has not redistributed the roles yet, I want to borrow Immortal Gu, but Wu Yong would not let me have them until he finishes the new role distribution.""In that case, for this period of time, I should research in this dream realm."In the following days, Fang Yuan calmed down and went to explore the dream realm again.Allowing him to stand on the surface of the water without using any Gu worms.On the surface, this seemed impossible.Because without using any Gu worms, the Gu Master was no different from a mortal. Of course, this was different from Fortune Rivalling Heaven, or black boar Gu which carved dao marks onto the Gu Master's body."There are water path Gu worms like water walking Gu, they can allow the Gu Master to carve water path dao marks on their feet and allow them to run freely on the water surface. But this has nothing to do with the dream realm's task."This dream realm did not allow the use of water walking Gu. Even if it could be used, Fang Yuan would not use it.Because he knew that this problem was not about the task at hand, but himself instead.As for solutions like freezing the surface of the water and standing on it, they were ideas that dodged the question, they did not target the true essence of this problem."Like what Jing Miao Zi had said, she is testing my aptitude. This is a realistic dream realm, Sea Calming Lord must have passed it, there is no reason that I cannot. After all, my water path attainment level is at quasi-grandmaster."Fang Yuan continued to try, he had fallen into the pool many times.If ordinary mortals ended up in this dream realm and fell into the water once, their souls would dissipate on the spot.For Gu Immortals, falling inside several times would weaken their souls to a great extent.Fang Yuan's soul foundation was deep, every time he entered the dream realm, he could fall into the water seventeen to eighteen times before his soul reached its limit.At this time, Fang Yuan would use guts Gu to heal himself.Guts Gu was a mortal Gu, but it originated from a secluded domain of heaven and earth, Dang Hun Mountain, it was very effective.Fang Yuan had such a strong aid, he continued to work hard and started to have a feeling.This feeling could not be expressed with words, it was mystical.Fang Yuan tried again.When he stepped onto the water surface again, plop, he fell into the water again without doubt.When he climbed ashore, he saw his master Jing Miao Zi standing by the pool, looking at him.Jing Miao Zi spoke furiously: "What aptitude is this? Such a simple test but you still can't pass it until now. You are not fit to be my disciple."Fang Yuan smiled lightly: "No master, I did it. Like what you said, I have to stand on the water surface without sinking, I have already done it."Jing Miao Zi smiled from extreme anger, she pointed at the water on Fang Yuan's body: "Then what is this?"Fang Yuan shook his head: "This is nothing. The pool of water in my heart is calm and unmoving, I am already standing on it. Looking down, I can see my own reflection on the clear water surface."Jing Miao Zi's anger and smile vanished gradually.She looked at Fang Yuan deeply, nodding as she said plainly: "Not bad, from today onwards, you are my official true disciple."At the next moment, the entire dream realm vanished, Fang Yuan returned to reality."This dream realm only has one scene?" Fang Yuan was shocked.But soon, his shock turned into extreme joy."Wonderful, my water path attainment finally reached grandmaster level!"Earlier, Fang Yuan's water path attainment level was at quasi-grandmaster level, he seemed close to grandmaster, but he was actually still very far from reaching grandmaster.But now, this distance was passed as Fang Yuan became a true water path grandmaster!Succeeding transformation path, strength path, blood path, wisdom path, and star path, Fang Yuan had finally become a grandmaster of a sixth path.

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Chapter 1248. Ying Wu Xie's Objective | Reverend Insanity

Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace."Not here.""Not here either!""So strange, why did these Central Continent Gu Immortals vanish without a trace?"South Desolation Immortal was no longer as composed, his calm smile vanished, sweat was covering his forehead.He continued to manipulate Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace, inspecting everywhere, but he could not deduce the location of the Central Continent Gu Immortals.Yao Huang was also dazed, he asked quickly: "Lord South Desolation, do I need to do anything?"At this time, Giant Sun immortal zombie's voice resounded: "This is spaceless tunnel."South Desolation Immortal was even more shocked now: "Central Continent's Gu Immortals possess this immortal killer move of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable?"But Giant Sun immortal zombie denied it: "No, they are just using the spaceless tunnel left behind by Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable."Spaceless tunnel.A space path immortal killer move.In the past, Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had roamed the entire world to look for a way to return home.Undeniably, he was the venerable who had traveled the most in this world compared to the others. Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had covered almost every area in the five regions and two heavens.Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable felt that a person was too small, and the Gu Master world was too big, thus he created spaceless tunnel.This immortal killer move could shorten his traveling distance greatly, and hasten his exploration speed.Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had gone missing long ago without a trace, but portions of his spaceless tunnel killer move left behind in the five regions and two heavens were still in existence even now, they seemed to be able to last forever.The ten great ancient sects of Central Continent had never stopped researching Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable.Because Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable was different from the other venerables, he was an otherworldly demon. From this point, Heavenly Court would not ignore him.Spirit Affinity House possessed a Thieving Heaven true inheritance, they let Zhao Lian Yun inherit it. This was a fruit of Heavenly Court's research regarding Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable.When Central Continent's Gu Immortals found this spaceless tunnel, they could use a corresponding method and shorten their travel distance."Then where does this spaceless tunnel lead to?" South Desolation Immortal reacted, realizing the key to this problem.Giant Sun immortal zombie answered: "I cannot find out either, this is the work of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable after all."When Giant Sun Immortal Venerable was still alive, he had suffered a loss in a Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable inheritance. Giant Sun Immortal Venerable was the creator of luck path, but against Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, he did not have any strong methods to deal with his arrangements.South Desolation Immortal was silent.Yao Huang was stunned.What could they do?Giant Sun immortal zombie answered: "Since they used the spaceless tunnel, we only need to wait for them to reappear."Yao Huang asked: "This means that Central Continent's Gu Immortals can appear at any place? If they appear in Northern Plains directly, what should we do?"Central Continent's Gu Immortals were in a distressed state and lost a lot of their battle strength, but they were still very powerful!Three Immortal Gu Houses and three rank eight Gu Immortals, along with many rank six and seven Gu Immortals, as well as the rank nine love Gu!If this lineup appeared in the base of any super force Huang Jin tribe, the ones to lose would definitely be the Huang Jin tribe!"If these Central Continent Gu Immortals appeared in my Yao tribe…" Thinking of this, Yao Huang felt uneasy."Please guide us, ancestor." South Desolation Immortal sought help.Giant Sun immortal zombie chuckled: "My descendants have their own fortune, fortune and disaster coexist, they can be interchanged. This is Northern Plains' calamity, but it can be turned into Northern Plains' blessing. My main body died long ago, this is not my era. Go and work hard for the future, regardless of failure or success. Turning the calamity into a blessing, that will depend on your actions."Giant Sun immortal zombie said that before returning to silence again.South Desolation Immortal and Yao Huang looked at each other helplessly.Southern Border, super Gu formation.Fang Yuan was holding an ordinary Gu material.He casually threw this Gu material into the stove.The flame in the stove was burning, but it was emitting coldness instead.The fire inside the stove was very special, it was not orange, it was pale white and blue, this was a cold flame.Soon after, the cold flame extinguished all of a sudden, leaving no traces behind.From the stove, a Gu worm flew out.This Gu worm looked like a mosquito larva, it was thin and brown with a little green inside, it was wide and big. When it floated towards Fang Yuan, its body retracted and expanded, it was quite special.This was a strength path Gu worm, obviously a mortal Gu.But its name was Pulling Water, this made it a little special.Fang Yuan already had Pulling Water, it was a rank six strength path Immortal Gu. But this one was a strength path mortal Gu.Pulling water Gu could emit a mysterious power to allow the Gu Master to manipulate water currents like rivers and streams. This pulling water mortal Gu's effect was naturally far below the rank six pulling water Immortal Gu.But Fang Yuan was overjoyed.Why?Firstly, Immortal Gu were unique. If Fang Yuan used two immortal killer moves that needed pulling water Immortal Gu at the same time, what would happen? With mortal pulling water Gu, Fang Yuan could use a great number of mortal Gu to temporarily replace pulling water Immortal Gu in the killer move. Thus, even though a Gu Immortal may have the Immortal Gu version of a certain Gu, that did not mean they did not need the mortal version as well.Secondly, Fang Yuan's attempt succeeded because his water path attainment had reached grandmaster level.Pulling water Gu might be a strength path Gu worm, but it was also related to water path. All along, even though Fang Yuan was a strength path grandmaster, he could not deduce the recipe of pulling water mortal Gu.Now that his water path attainment level reached grandmaster, he did not even need to deduce it, he could instinctively detail the mortal Gu recipe.Everything happened naturally."Water path grandmaster." Fang Yuan started to feel the benefits from many aspects.Not just Gu recipes, there were also killer moves, Fang Yuan had a lot of water path accumulations in his five hundred years of life, he had water path killer moves and water path Gu recipes.Now that he recalled these details, he had a brand new sensation and deeper understanding.This was an incredible feeling that could not be described with words.Formerly, he was standing below the tower, observing the bricks of the tower. But now, he was at the top of the tower, the sights were completely different."Even though my attainment level rose drastically and it cannot be evaluated easily in material terms, my strength has grown immensely.""Especially when I already had five grandmaster attainment levels, the paths of these grandmaster attainment levels can work together and influence each other, forming an even greater benefit for me.""No wonder everyone went after dream realms so desperately in my previous life."Fang Yuan recalled, back then, his focus was placed on his blood path cultivation.Of course, he had reasons for that.Firstly, Fang Yuan's circumstances were not good at that time, he constantly faced strong enemies, he needed great battle strength.Secondly, Fang Yuan knew nothing about dream realms, he did not have exploration methods like unravel dream, exploring dream realms was a huge risk that he did not need to take.Thirdly, as Fang Yuan recalled his memories now, heaven's will quite likely was interfering in the circumstances.When Fang Yuan was about to further explore his water path grandmaster attainment level, and see what benefits he had obtained, Wu clan finally sent a rank seven Gu Immortal over.This Gu Immortal brought Wu clan's instructions, as well as the Immortal Gu that Fang Yuan borrowed from Wu clan.Fang Yuan quickly completed the trade, leaving the super Gu formation.He flew north-east without stopping.Just now, the excuse he gave to Wu Yong was that he had personal reasons to return to Eastern Sea alone.Everyone had their own secrets, if it were an ordinary Wu clan Gu Immortal, Wu Yong would investigate further. But this was Wu Yi Hai, even if Wu Yong asked, he would likely not get an answer. Thus, he wisely chose not to pursue it.Fang Yuan went through the regional wall and arrived in Eastern Sea, he found a nameless sea area and placed his immortal aperture, resting temporarily.During this period, he stayed inside the sovereign immortal aperture and practised his killer moves, getting familiar with his new Immortal Gu.The closer he got to the crucial time, the more steady Fang Yuan was. He decided to use this chance to kill Ying Wu Xie, and eliminate this threat, he wanted to prepare amply.When Fang Yuan saw that the time was ripe, he stored his immortal aperture and prepared to move, executing his plan that had been set for a long time.Qi luck sensation!Fang Yuan had just activated this killer move, when, out of his expectations, he found that Ying Wu Xie and the rest had left Southern Border, returning to Eastern Sea."Good, it will be easier for me to strike in Eastern Sea." Fang Yuan had no hesitations, he flew to the sky, towards his targets.Ying Wu Xie and the rest were flying above the sea.Bai Ning Bing was flying with them.Their relationship had changed, she was an equal ally now.A few days ago, Ying Wu Xie took out yang Gu, curbing Bai Ning Bing's killing intent.Ying Wu Xie used this chance to seek cooperation with Bai Ning Bing.But Bai Ning Bing was not the same as before, she expressed that she would rather give up yang Gu to kill Ying Wu Xie and gang.Ying Wu Xie spoke with a glib tongue, by listing the problems involved, he managed to convince Bai Ning Bing to establish a new alliance agreement with him.Bai Ning Bing got back yang Gu, she knew that Fang Yuan had the upper extreme heavenly eagle and was a big threat.At this time, it was not wise to stay in Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.Because of the upper extreme heavenly eagle, Fang Yuan could easily enter the grotto-heaven. If Bai Ning Bing and the rest stayed in Bai Xiang grotto-heaven, they instead would give Fang Yuan clues to find it.At this time, Bai Ning Bing looked at the blue sea as she frowned, transmitting secretly: "Ying Wu Xie, you said that you have a way to deal with Fang Yuan, but we are all the way in Eastern Sea now, and are still traveling. What method is it, say it directly."Ying Wu Xie laughed: "To deal with a rank eight, we need another rank eight existence. Eastern Sea is not our destination, we are going to Northern Plains.""You mean Shadow Sect's remnant force in Northern Plains still has a rank eight existence? Hmph, bullshit." Bai Ning Bing snorted in disdain.If they had rank eight battle strength, why did they not use it in Yi Tian Mountain?Ying Wu Xie smiled bitterly: "The timing was not right.""And the timing is right now?""It is a great opportunity now, Northern Plains and Central Continent are engaging in battle over Fortune Rivalling Heaven, by going to Northern Plains now, we are heading towards the center of the commotion — Snowy Mountain blessed land! Taking Fortune Rivalling Heaven, using the rank eight battle strength to kill Fang Yuan, and take back the sovereign immortal body!" Ying Wu Xie laughed as he said this, turning around to look behind him."Heh, he is coming."

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Chapter 1249. Reappearance of Ghost Face | Reverend Insanity

While speaking, Ying Wu Xie felt the luck on top of his head shaking intensely.Earlier, Fang Yuan elevated qi luck sensation greatly, even if Ying Wu Xie hid inside an immortal aperture, he could not evade detection.But Ying Wu Xie was not someone who passively waited for death, he thought about it and decided to make use of this.Previously, he had tried to conceal himself and his aura. Now that this was not possible, Ying Wu Xie decided to strengthen the luck sensation instead.Everyone had their luck connected, Fang Yuan could use this to activate qi luck sensation and find them. Then Ying Wu Xie could also do the reverse.Thus, Ying Wu Xie had researched a brand new Gu worm combination recently to use his own luck's vibration to deduce his distance from Fang Yuan.Ying Wu Xie named this immortal killer move luck vibration distance.This way, Fang Yuan's familiar face could not be used, it could not deal with Ying Wu Xie's methods.Ying Wu Xie was a split soul of Spectral Soul, even though he lost his memories, after getting replenishment inside the River of Time, he did not lack attainment level.Attainment level was the most important thing.Precisely because of thing, Ying Wu Xie could think of new Gu worm combinations at any time, to deal with all sorts of situations.Of course he had to have enough attainment level, and the creation needed to be given time for experimentation and practice."Get into formation! We will use the tactic we discussed to repel Fang Yuan." Sensing that Fang Yuan was getting close, Ying Wu Xie ordered this, the five Gu Immortals stopped moving, assembling their formation.After successfully convincing Bai Ning Bing to join the alliance, Bai Ning Bing's inheritance in Bai Xiang grotto-heaven also caused Ying Wu Xie's group to rise greatly in strength.This immortal level Gu formation was the powerful method used to trap Ying Wu Xie and gang earlier, now, Fang Yuan was going to be the one facing it."He's here." Bai Ning Bing suddenly said.She was the owner of Bai Xiang grotto-heaven, her wealth rose drastically, she had very useful Immortal Gu and her investigative methods were far superior than before, she surpassed Ying Wu Xie, Hei Lou Lan, and the others, becoming the first person to notice Fang Yuan's traces.The other four immortals looked at where she directed.Only to see that waves were forming at the southern sea area.A sword dragon was moving its body, flying past the clouds nimbly.Its sharp dragon horn was piercing towards the sky, its scales were shining with silver light, its dragon claws were sinister and sharp, its dragon teeth were glowing with an eerie cold light.Ying Wu Xie and the rest were ready to face this strong foe.Bai Ning Bing took a step forward: "Do you dare to enter our formation?"Fang Yuan saw Bai Ning Bing, even though she was a dragon lady now and was even more beautiful than before, her overall appearance was still similar, Fang Yuan was slightly stunned.He did not think that he would meet Bai Ning Bing under such circumstances.In fact, Fang Yuan and Bai Ning Bing had not met for a long time. Even during the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Bai Ning Bing was not involved too deeply, they did not meet.After Three Kings blessed land, Bai Ning Bing betrayed him and Fang Yuan separated from her, until now when they met again.But everything had changed already.The two surviving young Gu Masters from Qing Mao Mountain were now Gu Immortals.Bai Ning Bing, who was known as a genius with a bleak future, possessing one of the ten extreme physiques, Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, had become a rank six dragonman Gu Immortal, and owned Bai Xiang grotto-heaven.Meanwhile, Fang Yuan's experiences were even more bountiful, he had first become the owner of Hu Immortal blessed land, and after causing havoc in Northern Plains and destroying Eighty-Eight True Yang Building and Imperial Court blessed land, he went to Eastern Sea, Central Continent, and Western Desert. Eventually, he appeared during the battle of Yi Tian Mountain and took away the fruit of Shadow Sect's hundred thousand years of preparation — sovereign immortal fetus Gu.Using this Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan's cultivation level rose like a rocket, he grew at an unthinkable speed, being a rank seven Gu Immortal already. Using dream realms, he even became a grandmaster in six paths.The two were known as the Black and White Demons during their time in Southern Border as Gu Masters, they had worked closely together, but this time, their reunion was as enemies."Good, I will kill you as well." Fang Yuan was filled with killing intent, he roared as he shot out his dragon breath.The white dragon breath was extremely sharp, as a bright light, it traveled rapidly and reached Bai Ning Bing.Bai Ning Bing did not dodge, she smiled lightly.At the next moment, the sword light dragon breath landed on an invisible wall of light, dealing no damage to her.The Gu formation able to trap Ying Wu Xie and the others was naturally not simple."Gu formation?" Fang Yuan thought.At this point, he did not have many ideas.Formation path.Fang Yuan had little knowledge about formation path, even during the five hundred years of his previous life, it was like this.To break the Gu formation, he either needed to have formation path attainment or use wisdom path deductions.Fang Yuan was a wisdom path grandmaster, but he lacked a useful wisdom path Immortal Gu that could deduce the flaw in this Gu formation, it would not be easy.The sword dragon flew in the sky, observing without advancing.Ying Wu Xie and the rest were inside the Gu formation, awaiting Fang Yuan's attack.At once, Fang Yuan was filled with thoughts on how to deal with this situation."The other party set up a Gu formation, this means that they cannot conceal their traces, but are already able to find out my location.""In the probing earlier, it can be seen that this Gu formation is not simple at all.""Since they set up this formation, they must have confidence in dealing with me.""A broken ship is still better than a plank, after such a short time, Ying Wu Xie already possesses such a method."Fang Yuan did not attack rashly.He could not decipher this Gu formation, he would have to be an idiot to charge in recklessly. But there was a possibility that Bai Ning Bing and gang were putting up a front, this Gu formation might be weak on the inside and only strong against a direct attack.Thus, Fang Yuan had to continue probing.While Fang Yuan and Ying Wu Xie's group were fighting, inside black heaven.Inside the spaceless tunnel.Three Immortal Gu Houses were traveling slowly.Myriad Tidal Dragon had already woken up, he looked at the scene inside the spaceless tunnel as he sighed: "Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's method is truly unthinkable. He has already vanished for so long, but this immortal killer move created three hundred thousand years ago can still be used effectively. If I was not experiencing this myself, I would not believe it."Wei Ling Yang smiled: "Alright, since you are awake, we will not stay any longer, let's go!"It turned out that the Central Continent Gu Immortals could have left the spaceless tunnel long ago, but they purposely stayed inside to wait for Myriad Tidal Dragon to wake up.Myriad Tidal Dragon had used an immortal killer move to escape and fell into slumber.After he woke up, Central Continent's Gu Immortals regained their full strength with three rank eight Gu Immortals!The three Immortal Gu Houses moved quickly.This was the final bit of distance in the spaceless tunnel.Central Continent's Gu Immortals were enthusiastic, they were focused and awaiting the future battles."Hong Yun, hang on, I am coming!" Zhao Lian Yun's eyes shone with determination as she prepared herself mentally.But right at the final part of the tunnel, a change occurred.A giant ghost face suddenly appeared, obstructing the three Immortal Gu Houses, completely blocking the entire spaceless tunnel."What is going on?""This is Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's…"The three rank eight Gu Immortals were still shocked when the ghost face opened its mouth, roaring without emitting a sound.As it roared, the entire spaceless tunnel started to collapse, countless dao mark fragments of the spaceless tunnel flew everywhere, a terrifying space crack spread out like a spider web.Crack!With a loud sound, the Central Continent Gu Immortals found that the tunnel that they were in broke into countless pieces, like a shattered mirror."Defend!" Myriad Tidal Dragon shouted."Hang on." Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang activated their Immortal Gu Houses to their limits.However, even the three Immortal Gu Houses were weak and fragile, as if they were planks facing a tsunami, there was nothing they could do.At once, the three Immortal Gu Houses which had been together were separated and scattered by the space path chaotic currents.A giant hole suddenly formed, it was like a huge beast's mouth, devouring everything around it.Myriad Tidal Dragon controlled Canary Pavilion, he did not even last several breaths of time before this hole devoured it, vanishing without a trace.Wind Sweeping Building and Edge Link Camp were hanging on desperately, Edge Link Camp was like a bun getting shaved layer after layer by the space path dao mark fragments, Wind Sweeping Building was also breaking apart, the powerful Immortal Gu Houses looked so fragile here.Spaceless tunnel was Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's immortal killer move, together with Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's methods, there was the power of two Demon Venerables here.The Central Continent Gu Immortals did not expect that the spaceless tunnel shortcut they were using was a fatal trap!Three hundred thousand years ago, when the Medieval Antiquity Era's Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable traveled in black heaven, he left behind spaceless tunnel.Next, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable failed to refine love Gu and left behind many methods.Then in Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's era, he seemed to have noticed the former's plan, or because of some other reason, he left behind an immortal killer move here as well.Duke Long did not understand these venerables' secrets, even Fairy Zi Wei could not deduce such a thing.Right now, the Central Continent Gu Immortals were facing the threat of getting wiped out!"Am I going to die? Will I die here? No, no! I need to save Hong Yun, how can I die here? Help me, please help me, love Gu!"Zhao Lian Yun cried out in her heart.As if sensing her unwavering love and determination, love Immortal Gu started to shine with an immensely bright light in her phantom aperture.This light spread out with Zhao Lian Yun at the center.Boom.Wind Sweeping Building had completely broken apart, the Gu Immortals were screaming loudly, activating their defenses.But many people did not last for even a few breaths of time before they were cut into pieces by the space path chaotic storm. Only Zhao Lian Yun was covered in a thin layer of light, completely protected.Not just that, this layer of light was expanding to the four people around her.A hole formed before Zhao Lian Yun's eyes.At the next moment, love Gu emitted a strong force and entered the hole with Zhao Lian Yun and the other four Gu Immortals.Their vision changed."Where is this?" Zhao Lian Yun realized that she was standing on firm ground."This is naturally Snowy Mountain blessed land." A voice said..

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1250. Inside and Outside the Formation | Reverend Insanity

"Snowy Mountain blessed land?!" Zhao Lian Yun cried out in surprise.She raised her head and saw a female Gu Immortal in front of her.This person was lying on a cloud bed. She wore a silk dress, she had an ordinary appearance but her blue hair was extremely eye-catching, it was like a river that flowed from her head down to the cloud bed and covered the surface.The female immortal saw that Zhao Lian Yun's emotions were not a facade, and asked, finding it somewhat strange: "It seems you five did not intentionally barge into Snowy Mountain blessed land?""Five?" Zhao Lian Yun looked around her, and only then did she find she was in a large hall and she was not alone, there were four of her Gu Immortal companions from earlier.The four also woke up around the same time.Zhao Lian Yun had just recently become a Gu Immortal, but she essentially recognized these four Gu Immortal companions.The most familiar one was Bu Zhen Zi, he was a supreme elder of Spirit Affinity House, a rank seven Gu Immortal who was tasked to protect Zhao Lian Yun.Yu Yi Ye Zi, this young handsome Gu Immortal came from Ancient Soul Sect, although his cultivation was only rank six, he had a high refinement path attainment and was widely acknowledged for it.Shi Zheng Yi was similarly a young man, with thick eyebrows and large eyes. He had been at the top floor of Wind Sweeping Building with Zhao Lian Yun just earlier, and although Zhao Lian Yun had not talked with Shi Zheng Yi, she had seen his father who had become blind from the blind fire, this gave her a deep impression.The final one was someone Zhao Lian Yun did not know and it was the first time she had seen him.However, Shi Zheng Yi clearly knew this person, he immediately ran to this person's side and greeted: "Senior Mu Ling Lan, how did we appear here?"This person was Mu Ling Lan, a water path Gu Immortal coming from Spirit Butterfly Valley and having rank seven cultivation."I am also baffled. Space suddenly shattered and threw you five out." The female immortal spoke lightly, "Entering Snowy Mountain blessed land without permission, I am still waiting for you people to clear my doubts.""Snowy Mountain blessed land… this place is Snowy Mountain blessed land?" Shi Zheng Yi called out, he looked outside the window and saw the snowy white world outside, and in the distance were more than ten snowy peaks standing loftily.At the same time, Shi Zheng Yi discovered he was currently in a hall on one of the snowy peaks.Central Continent's Gu Immortals quickly reacted.Bu Zhen Zi ran to Zhao Lian Yun's side, tensely looking at the female immortal before them: "If I am not wrong, you are Snowy Mountain blessed land's ninth peak lord, Hair Mistress!""Snowy Mountain blessed land… Hong Yun is here!" Zhao Lian Yun's eyes let out bright light.The female immortal straightened her upper body, revealing a solemn and nervous expression: "So you really came for Ma Hong Yun!""That's right, hand over Ma Hong Yun!" Zhao Lian Yun shouted.Hair Mistress took a deep glance at Zhao Lian Yun: "Ma Hong Yun is not at my place, if you want to find him, you probably need to charge to the first peak. But that peak has Lady Wan Shou and Old Ancestor Xue Hu staying guard, you five probably won't even be able to make a ripple.""Where there is a will, there is a way!" Shi Zheng Yi telled with clenched fists."Even if I die here, I am going to save Hong Yun!" Zhao Lian Yun was resolute.Mu Ling Lan took a few steps forward: "Us five are only the first to reach here, there are still rank eight Gu Immortals behind us. Although your Snowy Mountain blessed land has the territorial advantage, you only have one rank eight Gu Immortal in the end."Mu Ling Lan was bluffing.In truth, the outcome of the Gu Immortals who remained in the spaceless tunnel bode ill rather than well.It might be that the only people who were saved were their group of five.Relying on love Gu's power and under Zhao Lian Yun's obsession, the five Gu Immortals directly arrived at Snowy Mountain blessed land.Hair Mistress's expression slightly changed, she was only a rank six Gu Immortal, while the group before her had the numerical advantage and there were also two rank sevens present.Snowy Mountain blessed land had a total of fifteen snowy peaks.Hair Mistress was at the ninth peak, she had never expected her peace would abruptly be broken, and five Gu Immortals would appear in front of her without any warning."I will be the main attacker, the rest of you retreat to the back." Mu Ling Lan secretly transmitted his voice, he shouldered responsibility and stepped forward.Hair Mistress saw things going awry, quickly stretching her arm: "Wait, we are friends, not enemies.""What do you mean?" Bu Zhen Zi stopped the eager Mu Ling Lan.Hair Mistress: "You think I will willingly lay down my life for Old Ancestor Xue Hu? For his own private interests, Old Ancestor Xue Hu forcibly commanded us to gather immortal materials, we have suffered a lot but are helpless in front of Old Ancestor Xue Hu's might.""As a matter of fact, I had already wanted to surrender and was thinking of when Northern Plains' righteous path Gu Immortals would attack, but I had never expected the ones to come would be all of you from Central Continent.""I don't want to fight with you, you want to find trouble with Old Ancestor Xue Hu, I welcome you to do so.""Eh? It was like that…" Bu Zhen Zi and Mu Ling Lan glanced at each other with some doubts.Hair Mistress continued: "Since you are attacking Snowy Mountain, you must have gathered relevant information. I won't hide from you, there is already discord within the members of Snowy Mountain, Old Ancestor Xue Hu has become crazy in his desire to refine fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu and completely disregarded the feelings of us, the snowy peak lords. Regretfully, we are under his control and cannot rebel, we can only wait for external forces to help us."Central Continent's five Gu Immortals did not speak, they had not expected such a development.Mu Ling Lan spoke: "Since you want to surrender, just this information won't be enough. Join our ranks and then we can be sure of your sincerity."Hair Mistress smiled bitterly: "If I could attack, I would have already rebelled. You do not have to probe, would you believe me even if I joined you? There is not only one way to help you, I am willing to tell you of the defense arrangements of Snowy Mountain.""Oh? Speak." Mu Ling Lan nodded.Hair Mistress gazed at the five immortals in front of her, before speaking slowly: "Old Ancestor Xue Hu has recklessly modified Snowy Mountain blessed land to refine fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu, not long ago, he invited Sun Ming Lu to arrange a super Gu formation here.""This super Gu formation is extremely powerful. With the snowy peak lords as the formation cores, it links to Reverse Flow River. The invaders have to charge through each peak. And the peak lords guarding each snowy peak would receive the Gu formation's amplification; rank six cultivation can display rank seven strength. On the other hand, the charging Gu Immortal would be greatly suppressed. With this contrast of strengthening and weakening, every snowy peak is a difficult hurdle. Even if rank eight Gu Immortals come, unless they can destroy this Gu formation, they will have to spend some time in here.""How do we know if your information is true or false?" Mu Ling Lan asked.Hair Mistress smiled bitterly again: "All my words are true, if you don't believe, you can test me.""Good!" Mu Ling Lan flicked his sleeve, and a wave of water appeared in the air and rushed towards Hair Mistress.Hair Mistress did not panic, she slightly willed and a strand of hair suddenly sprang up, turning into a dam that blocked the wave.Mu Ling Lan frowned, he saw through the issue with one attack, and did not make another move.The other four Central Continent immortals looked at each other.Just like Hair Mistress said, she could display rank seven battle strength here, while Mu Ling Lan himself was a rank seven Gu Immortal, but his attack was weakened greatly. His powerful offensive method was actually blocked easily by Hair Mistress."This Gu formation is too powerful." Shi Zheng Yi exclaimed in shock.Bu Zhen Zi directly questioned: "Then where is the flaw of this Gu formation?"Hair Mistress shook her head: "I am not familiar with this Gu formation, but over these days of feeling around, I have some experiences that I can tell all of you.""First of all, the Gu formation isolates what is inside from outside, you cannot even connect to treasure yellow heaven. Currently, only Old Ancestor Xue Hu can contact us snowy peak lords, while the snowy peak lords cannot communicate with each other.""Secondly, each snowy peak lord is a formation core of the Gu formation, we can seemingly only defend from our main halls at the peak and are unable to leave our peak. This point is my guess, but it should be pretty accurate.""Finally… it is time for you guys to die!"Hair Mistress's expression suddenly changed, her blue hair suddenly rose up to entangle the five Gu Immortals.Mu Ling Lan was vigilant the whole time, instantly flying out of the hall.With Bu Zhen Zi's help, Zhao Lian Yun was also able to escape.Inside the hall, the dense blue hair quickly wrapped around Shi Zheng Yi and Yu Yi Ye Zi, forming two thick blue cocoons."Treacherous witch! Attack!!" Mu Ling Lan was alarmed and furious.Before he spoke, Bu Zhen Zi and Zhao Lian Yun had already attacked.Rumble…The ninth snowy peak emitted thunderous noises.The battle had instantly started.Eastern Sea.Dragon breaths that resembled white sword lights shot at the Gu formation, shaking the whole Gu formation."Fang Yuan is too careful, he is not entering the Gu formation, what do we do now?" Bai Ning Bing asked Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie sighed, transmitting his voice: "I had planned to use this super Gu formation to match against Fang Yuan's upper extreme heavenly eagle, and probe his exact strength. Who could have expected him to only attack from afar, not giving us any opportunity at all."A concealed sword was the most terrifying.Fang Yuan naturally could rely on the upper extreme heavenly eagle to move through space and get inside the Gu formation. But if he did so, he would be revealing the fact that his upper extreme heavenly eagle only had rank six power.How could Fang Yuan reveal his own weakness?"Although we have the Gu formation's protection and are secure, Fang Yuan has the initiative. He is using a transformation path killer move, while we are using the super Gu formation, our immortal essence is expending at an extremely fast rate." Bai Ning Bing spoke.Shi Nu requested to battle: "Why don't I go out to battle and lure him in?"Bai Ning Bing disdainfully sneered: "Fang Yuan is a crafty old scoundrel, how could he be provoked by you and rashly enter the Gu formation?"Shi Nu furiously glared at Bai Ning Bing: "Then what do you think we should do?""Forget it." Ying Wu Xie spoke: "Wait for me to make some arrangements and leave behind a cover to confuse him. We will then quietly use the ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel to leave this place. As long as we make haste, we will reach Northern Plains and meet with the rank eight Gu Immortal, that would be the time to turn around and deal with Fang Yuan."Bai Ning Bing's expression was heavy: "You asked me to arrange this Gu formation only to give it up? Forget about the mortal Gu, but you want me to give up the Immortal Gu used in it as well?!"

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