
Chapter: 1211-1215:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1211. Stepping Into Southern Border | Reverend Insanity

Wind was blowing around him.The grassland below was rapidly moving in Fang Yuan's vision as he flew past it.After more than ten days of traveling, the huge green regional wall appeared in front of Fang Yuan.Suddenly, Fang Yuan's expression changed.He sensed that dark limit Immortal Gu's power was rapidly weakening."Someone is deducing about me again!" Fang Yuan realized.He quickly used dark limit Immortal Gu, resisting the deduction's power.Fang Yuan had already encountered this problem many times. Recently, Fang Yuan killed Ye Lui Qun Xing and plundered two resource points of Liu tribe, not only did he empty them out, he even killed a rank six enslavement path Gu Immortal, Liu Yong.Thus, while Fang Yuan was leaving Northern Plains, he encountered many deductions about himself, the frequency was much higher than before.Thankfully, Fang Yuan had wisdom path grandmaster attainment level, and also dark limit Immortal Gu to defend himself.But dark limit Immortal Gu had a flaw, every time it was activated, it would need to rest for a long time before it could be used again.Fang Yuan needed to consider this point, and avoid a situation where he had to use dark limit Immortal Gu but it was not ready for use.Nurture, use, refinement — the mastery of Gu was deep and profound, there were many things to take note of depending on different Gu worms.Liu tribe.Three Liu tribe Gu Immortals were in the Gu formation, consuming their immortal essence as they maintained the operations of the Gu formation.A moment later, the Gu formation stopped, the three Gu Immortals took their rest."Failed again?" Outside the Gu formation, rank seven light path expert Liu Chang shifted his feet as he spoke in a disappointed tone."We have failed Lord Liu Chang's request, we are extremely ashamed." The three Liu tribe Gu Immortals sighed as they lowered their heads, having ugly expressions.Liu Chang snorted coldly, looking at the three immortals unhappily, but his tone had calmed down: "Forget it, our Liu tribe do not have any wisdom path Gu Immortals, this Gu formation can only achieve the effects of a wisdom path deduction. I will go and find Tian Xia Xin for help now.""Pardon me for saying this, Lord Liu Chang, but we failed to deduce it not because our formation is weak, but because the enemy has very strong defensive methods that prevent others from making deductions about him." The leader of the three Gu Immortals said."That is the case?" Liu Chang's expression became darker.He muttered to himself: "The other party is a transformation path Gu Immortal specialized in ancient sword dragon transformation, how can he have such methods? But who knows, transformation path is said to project all paths. But the higher possibility is that this demon Liu Guan Yi has helpers. Domination Immortal Chu Du… even though he expelled Liu Guan Yi, I do not believe that he would do nothing. These demonic path or lone immortals are nothing good!"Saying this, Liu Chang gritted his teeth, his expression became ruthless.Liu Guan Yi plundered two of Liu tribe's important resource points, and even killed a Gu Immortal from Liu tribe, how could they take this lying down?Liu Chang was ordered to kill Liu Guan Yi, but after so many days, he had not made any progress.Earlier, for his sister's safety, he did not chase after Fang Yuan. This matter caused a bad reaction in the tribe, right now Liu Chang was enduring huge pressure, he wanted to find Fang Yuan at this very moment."Liu Guan Yi, you coward, where are you?" Liu Chang felt extremely stifled.He had no idea that he was going to be even more stifled from now on. Because Fang Yuan had already left Northern Plains, going to other regions.Ye Lui tribe was similarly as troubled as Liu Chang.Ye Lui Qun Xing died at Fang Yuan's hands, Ye Lui tribe was definitely going to seek revenge. And now, Fang Yuan was expelled from Chu Sect, Ye Lui tribe immediately took action to investigate and pursue Fang Yuan.The Gu Immortals that they sent were not weaker than Liu Chang. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan had already left Northern Plains.Fang Yuan successfully passed the licorice regional wall.This mystical regional wall that surrounded Northern Plains was filled with green fog. Grass was growing wildly in the fog and was constantly twining and twisting, like a sea of snakes or hair.Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture could pass through without any obstruction.After passing the licorice regional wall, Fang Yuan got into the blue water regional wall of Eastern Sea.When he passed the blue water regional wall and reached Eastern Sea, his aura had completely changed, it was that of an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.This was one of the special attributes of the sovereign immortal body.Everywhere Fang Yuan went, he would perfectly integrate into the environment, like he was born and bred there.It was unlike other Gu Immortals, their external region aura was very obvious. Undergoing tribulation was also very troublesome, they had to return to their region to do it, otherwise, taking in another region's heaven and earth qi would cause a lot of problems.After entering Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan did not travel in a rush, he went to Qing Yu blessed land and rested for a while.This blessed land was left by Gu Immortal Liu Qing Yu.After Fang Yuan killed him, the duck land spirit was successfully controlled by Fang Yuan.Meeting Fang Yuan again, the duck land spirit was excited, it quacked and jumped up and down.Fang Yuan said comforting words to it as the duck land spirit shed tears of joy: "Quack quack!""I knew that master did not abandon me!"Sadly, Fang Yuan's attainment level was too low, he could not annex this rank seven blessed land.Fang Yuan rested for a while, waiting for dark limit Immortal Gu to recover. Because this blessed land was a small world, during this period, anyone who deduced things about Fang Yuan would fail, it would not expend dark limit Immortal Gu's power.By the time dark limit Immortal Gu could be used again, Fang Yuan did not hesitate to use it on himself.After this replenishment, Fang Yuan left Qing Yu blessed land, going to the turbulent flow sea area.The troublesome path in the chaotic currents wasted multiple days, but he eventually got into City Well.There were many immortal apertures inside City Well.Fang Yuan used the upper extreme heavenly eagle, entering and annexing a portion of the blessed lands.Fang Yuan progressed by two calamities and tribulations again, the effect was not good. The remaining immortal apertures were mostly water path, but Fang Yuan's water path attainment level was just ordinary.After leaving, Fang Yuan did not rush ahead once again. He went to Qing Yu blessed land and waited for dark limit Immortal Gu to recover before leaving for his destination.After leaving Northern Plains and going to Eastern Sea, the deductions from Northern Plains became extremely weak. Each deduction expended less of Dark Limit's concealment power.Fang Yuan was much different from before now.Not only was he aware about heaven's will, he knew how to guard against it, he even had dark limit Immortal Gu and many wisdom path methods to protect himself. Of course, most importantly, his cultivation level and battle strength had risen greatly as well.Compared to the time after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, when Fang Yuan went from Southern Border to Northern Plains, there was an evident contrast.Right now, if Fang Yuan met a group of ancient cloud beasts, he would not be chased around, the ones in danger would not be Fang Yuan but the ancient cloud beasts instead.Thinking about it, Fang Yuan felt deeply: After gaining the sovereign immortal body, his cultivation level was rising at a shocking speed. It was worthy of the ultimate product created by Spectral Soul, Shadow Sect, and Zombie Alliance, after spending a hundred thousand years of time and effort!Of course, the stronger the sovereign immortal body, the greater the enmity between Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect was.This irreconcilable feud made Fang Yuan 'deeply concerned' about Ying Wu Xie and the rest.Unfortunately, Ying Wu Xie and the others were crafty, Fang Yuan could not find their locations. Otherwise, he would rather give up on the annexing of blessed lands and get rid of these threats first!Tens of days later, Fang Yuan finally got through Eastern Sea's blue water regional wall, and Southern Border's miasma regional wall, officially stepping into Southern Border.Interestingly, be it Fang Yuan or Ying Wu Xie, they did not know that the other party was in the same region."I have heard long ago that the location of Yi Tian Mountain has been sealed with a huge defensive Gu formation made by the righteous path Gu Immortals together. I should go and check out the situation first." Fang Yuan had no idea how to enter the giant dream realm now.He decided to gather intelligence first.He flew southwest.The flying journey was filled with lots of detours, of course.Considering heaven's will, if Fang Yuan flew straight, that would be giving heaven's will a chance to set up trouble."Hmm? Someone is deducing about me?" While flying, Fang Yuan felt dark limit Immortal Gu's power weakening and found it laughable.Southern Border, Northern Plains, they were separated by two regional walls, Fang Yuan's danger of being deduced was extremely low.As expected, in Northern Plains' Myriad Bean Garden, Gu Immortal Tian Xia Xin returned half of the payment to Liu Chang.Liu Chang had an ugly expression, and disbelief in his eyes: "What? Even you could not deduce it?"Wisdom path Gu Immortal Tian Xia Xin smiled bitterly: "Wisdom path deductions are not all-powerful. I have tried my best, I am deeply sorry."Liu Chang flew away from Myriad Bean Garden at a slow speed.He was very troubled.And very lost.If the current number one wisdom path Gu Immortal in Northern Plains, Tian Xia Xin, could not deduce Liu Guan Yi's location, who could?"Liu Guan Yi, you had better pray that you never bump into me ever!" Liu Chang swore, he had deep killing intent in his icy cold eyes.No matter how deep his killing intent was, Fang Yuan was living a good life."Oh, they stopped deducing. Hehehe, when these people pay an even bigger price and obtain no results, they should stop." Fang Yuan laughed.Northern Plains, Snowy Mountain.Ma Hong Yun looked at Lady Wan Shou who was approaching as he stared angrily: "Go ahead, you vicious woman!"Lady Wan Shou snickered, she pressed the lightning ball into Ma Hong Yun's chest.Crack crack crack!Ma Hong Yun's body trembled intensely, he was emitting smoke due to the lightning.Guh.Lady Wan Shou spit out a mouthful of blood, she had a pale expression: "Why did I fail again?"Her eyes were blood red, after failing so many times, her elegant demeanor was gone.Ma Hong Yun forced himself to stay conscious, he said weakly: "How would I know? I don't want it to fail. Just succeed, if you succeed once, I'll die. Death will end it, I will not undergo such torture again!"Saying so, Ma Hong Yun could not stay awake anymore, his eyes revolved backwards as he fainted.

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Chapter 1212. Burning Soul Bursting Luck! | Reverend Insanity

"Chirp chirp!" A yellow haired female monkey pranced around, running towards Fang Yuan with nimble steps.The yellow haired monkey stood in front of Fang Yuan, offering its peach to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan received it wordlessly, before tossing it below the tree.The female monkey was shocked, it waved its arms as it jumped around Fang Yuan, it yelled and caused the branch that Fang Yuan was standing on to shake, the leaves were rustling as some fell to the ground.Fang Yuan covered his face with his hands, sighing as he lowered his head.The female monkey approached Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan kicked, sending the monkey down the tree.The female monkey fell off the tree, it gritted its teeth in pain, looking at Fang Yuan on the tree, the attraction in its eyes turned into fear, it quickly escaped while limping.Fang Yuan's appearance now had changed, his entire figure had turned from a human to a male monkey.Precisely so, he attracted the affection of that female monkey.This was the peak of a nameless mountain.Fang Yuan came here, disguised as a monkey, he had been here for half a month already.He concealed his identity, his focus was on observing the super Gu formation.That's right, in front of him was the super dream realm.Unfortunately, the giant dream realm was completely concealed by the righteous path's Gu formation, with the naked eye, one could only see the scene of a verdant green mountain.Even if Fang Yuan used his methods, he could only see past the surface, the inside of the Gu formation was still very blurry."Unfortunately, my strongest investigative method is three breaths future vision, it cannot deal with this super Gu formation. There must be many Immortal Gu inside this super Gu formation.""The one who arranged this Gu formation is Chi clan's first supreme elder, Chi Qu You. This person is a formation path great grandmaster, the strongest Immortal Gu formation he has ever made is called three tune nine pool formation. His Chi clan descendant Gu Immortals had used this formation during the five regions chaotic war and killed many Central Continent Gu Immortals. This formation was made during Chi Qu You's later years, he is still far from dying now. But maybe I can deduce it from this super Gu formation in front of me, it has the style of three tune nine pool formation, formations inside formations, overlapping in layers.""Right now this Gu formation has only used a portion of its power, it has not even activated Immortal Gu, after all, that would consume immortal essence.""Even so, with my observations these last days, just I alone cannot destroy a Gu formation of this level. Not to mention that inside, there are at least thirteen righteous path Gu Immortals!"There were thirteen super forces in Southern Border's righteous path.The super Gu formation here was made through everyone's efforts. To defend their own interests, each clan had sent at least one Gu Immortal to defend it. These Gu Immortals were elites of their own clans, otherwise, they would not be able to control the situation."The defense is too tight, if I want to get in, and use unravel dream, forcing my way through is impossible, I need to plan wisely." Fang Yuan shook his head internally.But what plan should he use, Fang Yuan did not know.There were no clear options.Because this problem involved the entire Southern Border righteous path. These righteous path forces had worked together, they were united, their distribution of benefits was also very reasonable.Fang Yuan was all alone, even though he had rank seven cultivation level, against such a huge force, there was nothing he could do.These righteous path forces could stay in power until today and dominate most of Southern Border's cultivation resources, there was a good reason for it.Like before, Fang Yuan attempted to disrupt Northern Plains, in the end, the righteous path forces and Chu Du resisted him.Fang Yuan had been reborn, but because of heaven's will, the advantage of his rebirth was quite small.Most crucially, this giant dream realm also had Gu formations that were not used in his previous life. Thus, Fang Yuan's understanding of it was minimal."What should I do?" Fang Yuan was troubled.Bai Ning Bing, who was inside Bai Xiang grotto-heaven, stared at the land spirit with an equally troubled feeling."I broke through the thirty halls and cut down all my obstacles, I finally met you but you refuse to acknowledge me as your master?" Bai Ning Bing stared at Bai Xiang heavenly spirit, he had an icy expression.Bai Xiang heavenly spirit was an old man.He smoked his cigar as he sat on the steps, he looked at Bai Ning Bing and breathed in deeply, before puffing out deeply: "Oh, young people these days, they are so hasty. When you came here, I said that if you get through the thirty halls, I will meet you. I did not say that I will acknowledge you as master. Getting here just means that you have the initial qualifications to accept the following test.""What is the following test?" Bai Ning Bing asked coldly."Bring back an immortal material." Bai Xiang heavenly spirit looked at Bai Ning Bing, chuckling with a creepy look."What immortal material, where?" Bai Ning Bing asked."Do you see that hole at the top of the hall?" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit pointed up and said."I saw it the moment I came here, it is too eye-catching." Bai Ning Bing said plainly.Bai Xiang heavenly spirit sighed again: "The greatest use of this Immortal Gu House, Thirty Heavenly Halls, is to store large amounts of immortal materials. But a few thousand years ago, one immortal material at the highest layer broke through the ceiling and flew away.""What?" Bai Ning Bing was surprised."Don't looked so shocked, young man, this world is huge beyond your imagination. The profundities of all life forms, you will encounter it in the future, and feel for yourself the grandness of heaven and earth…" Bai Xiang heavenly spirit sighed."Stop prattling, get to the point." Bai Ning Bing interrupted mercilessly."Oh! Youngster, you have no patience, listening to an old man's words is good for you." Bai Xiang heavenly spirit sighed.Bai Ning Bing was silent, only staring at Bai Xiang heavenly spirit with his blue eyes.Bai Xiang heavenly spirit smoked another puff as he said: "Alright, I'll tell you. I want you to subdue that flame. It is hidden deep in the sea to the west. Normally, you cannot find it because it can fuse with sea water completely, but once in a while, it will float to the surface and frolic around. That is your best chance to catch it."Bai Ning Bing followed Bai Xiang heavenly spirit's guidance, arriving at the western coastline.The sea was wide and vast, there were many waves on the surface, it was a magnificent sight.Bai Ning Bing had hidden here for more than ten days, he finally found the chance that Bai Xiang heavenly spirit had mentioned.Swish swish swish!Countless waves appeared on the surface of the sea, causing tides that were more than a hundred feet tall to form.The calm and silent sea had at this moment, turned into a roaring brute, the sea was fierce and magnificent, Bai Ning Bing, who was witnessing this for the first time, had deep emotions seeing it.Next, he flew to the sky, seeing that immortal material which Bai Xiang heavenly spirit was talking about.It was a small lump of flames.The flames were orange-yellow, round and the size of an adult's fist.It burned and emitted light, it formed into the shape of a flying dragon as the orange flames continued to fly around randomly.Bai Ning Bing, who was usually expressionless, showed shock on his face."Light of dao marks, and so lively, this is a rank nine immortal material!"Rank nine immortal materials were extremely rare.They were special materials in the world that could refine rank nine Immortal Gu.Bai Ning Bing did not expect that Bai Xiang heavenly spirit was asking him to retrieve a rank nine immortal material!This was out of his capabilities, Bai Ning Bing had to take a risk and use the Immortal Gu inside him to activate a special method, communicating with Ying Wu Xie outside."Didn't I tell you not to contact me, if Bai Xiang heavenly spirit finds out, it will be troublesome." Ying Wu Xie said."I encountered trouble, I need to retrieve a rank nine immortal material, it is a lump of orange-yellow flames…"Hearing Bai Ning Bing's thorough description, Ying Wu Xie's expression changed: "You say that the light from its dao marks resemble flying dragons? The surrounding seawater is rushing outwards, as if it is afraid of this fire?""That is indeed so, around the fire, there is a huge empty space without any water in it. I can see the water level at the bottom of this, the empty space is still continuing to expand." Bai Ning Bing added.Ying Wu Xie's expression changed again, his answer this time was a little shaky: "You must have read <the legends of ren zu>, recorded inside were the three unique flames of heaven, earth, and human respectively, this is the human flame — Raging Wave Rising Dragon Fire!""Raging wave rising dragon fire?!" Bai Ning Bing heard this answer and became tongue-tied.After a short pause, Bai Ning Bing asked: "Then what should I do?"Ying Wu Xie sighed: "It is very hard. With your cultivation level, there is almost no hope in subduing wild flames. However, this flame is not wild, it was once subdued by Bai Xiang, there is some chance. I have three methods for you, you can try them all.""How big are my chances?" Bai Ning Bing asked.Ying Wu Xie smiled bitterly: "I am not sure, they all have a possibility of success, but the chances are slim, it will depend on your luck."Both of them conversed in a short time, in order to avoid getting caught, Ying Wu Xie was the first to cut the connection.Ying Wu Xie was not optimistic, his thoughts were shrouded in darkness."The human flame among the three flames of heaven, earth and human… I am afraid only my main body after revival can have high hopes in succeeding.""It seems that I need to help Bai Ning Bing, if he fails, it will be troublesome for my future plans."Ying Wu Xie decided to do something.Even though he was far away from Bai Ning Bing, the latter was in Bai Xiang grotto-heaven and was under the surveillance of Bai Xiang heavenly spirit, Ying Wu Xie had many methods to help Bai Ning Bing.First, there was luck!Ying Wu Xie's immortal killer move — Burning Soul Bursting Luck.He used this killer move again. The last time he used it was in the super Gu formation inside Central Continent's Earth Abyss. Back then, Ying Wu Xie planned to refine Fixed Immortal Travel, he burned his own soul to raise his luck sharply!Eventually, his Gu refinement still failed.But this was because Heavenly Court had already refined Fixed Immortal Travel before him.Immortal Gu were unique, even if his luck was overwhelming, Ying Wu Xie could not refine a second Fixed Immortal Travel in this world.Before Bai Ning Bing set off, Ying Wu Xie had already used connect luck Immortal Gu to tie their luck together.Right now, Bai Ning Bing was trying to subdue the rank nine immortal material raging wave rising dragon fire, he could not avoid this, Ying Wu Xie could only use luck to help Bai Ning Bing!On the other hand, near the giant dream realm."Oh? Something's happening!" Fang Yuan, who had turned into a monkey, quickly hid behind the branches.Two Gu Immortals appeared, standing below the tree Fang Yuan was in.The peach that Fang Yuan had thrown out earlier was by the feet of a Gu Immortal."Brother Luo, thank you for this." A Gu Immortal said."I can bring you in, but if anything happens and you get discovered, it has nothing to do with me." The other Gu Immortal replied.

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Chapter 1213. Immortal Opportunity Business | Reverend Insanity

"What?" Hearing the conversation of the two Gu Immortals, Fang Yuan's ears stood up.He jumped out of the tree, landing above the two Gu Immortals as he hung himself on the branch.It was a normal reaction for the type of monkey that Fang Yuan had transformed into to behave curiously like this.The two Gu Immortals did not even raise their heads.But Fang Yuan was well aware that these two Gu Immortals had already activated their investigative methods, they also found Fang Yuan. But Fang Yuan's familiar face was a rank eight immortal killer move, it was beyond their methods.The two immortals had no suspicions, they continued talking.One of them said: "Brother Luo, don't worry, I also gained interest after hearing Lady White Rabbit's words, I want to interact with the rumored dream realm, and test the opportunity for myself. Even though I, Jiao Lei Zi, am a mere lone cultivator, I hold my promises. Since I promised you and made an information path agreement, I would not do something out of line.""Precisely because of your reputation, Jiao Lei Zi, us brothers agreed to meet you. Otherwise, you would not even see our shadows. Follow me, when you enter the formation, say that you are a member of Luo clan, and are here to bring an Immortal Gu to my brother." The Luo clan Gu Immortal walked as he explained.At the side, lone cultivator Jiao Lei Zi was following after him, listening attentively.Fang Yuan sat on the branch as he watched them leave, he even followed them, brazenly jumping from tree to tree.Only after the two Gu Immortals vanished did he stop moving, he looked around, screeching in confusion.His disguise was extremely convincing, displaying the might of a transformation path grandmaster.From start to finish, these two Gu Immortals had no suspicions."Interesting." Fang Yuan went back to the trees, his eyes bright as excitement rose in him.He had accidentally encountered two Gu Immortals' secret deal.These two had coincidentally chosen this mountain peak to meet, and right in front of Fang Yuan as well.This luck was amazing!Hearing their conversation, evidently, a righteous path Gu Immortal who was part of the defensive Gu formation had gone ahead and done a secret deal with the lone cultivator Gu Immortal, Jiao Lei Zi.The righteous path Gu Immortal led the way for Jiao Lei Zi, letting him enter the defensive Gu formation and find his own opportunity.Fang Yuan scoffed at Jiao Lei Zi's idea."You really think the dream realm is this easy to interact with… Opportunity? Without specialized dream path methods, what opportunities can there be?""And that righteous path Gu Immortal called himself Luo, he must be from the super force Luo clan."Southern Border's righteous path had thirteen super forces, they had their respective territories in the entire region, Luo clan was one of them."Can I use this chance to get into the defensive Gu formation and interact with the dream realm?" Unavoidably, Fang Yuan had such a thought.He took a final glance at the formation before leaving.The monkey that Fang Yuan had turned into jumped from tree to tree, climbing mountain cliffs, and continuing to travel. After half a day, he finally left the original mountain.Continuing on and getting past some mountain peaks, Fang Yuan got rid of his transformation and returned to normal.He had a vigilant nature, if he used an immortal killer move close to the super Gu formation, he might draw the attention and wariness of the righteous path Gu Immortals."This distance should be safe." Fang Yuan estimated internally.He was not certain, because he had no understanding of this super Gu formation.However, even if the righteous path Gu Immortals found his traces, there were no issues."I do not believe that after the righteous path super forces made this super Gu formation, the demonic path and lone immortals did not come to probe it!"Fang Yuan guessed correctly.The battle of Yi Tian Mountain was like a ball of lightning, from the calm lake that was Southern Border's Gu Immortal world, it caused a massive tide that has risen with ferocity.The battle of Yi Tian Mountain, it involved the Immortal Gu House Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, all the major forces in Southern Border and countless Gu Immortals paid attention to it.Later on, the righteous demonic battle also affected the whole of Southern Border's Gu Immortal world.But eventually, that huge battle at Yi Tian Mountain destroyed everything, all of the Gu Immortals that were involved died. And in place of them at Yi Tian Mountain, there was a gigantic dream realm that manifested out of nowhere.This made the Southern Border Gu Immortals unable to even investigate Yi Tian Mountain. The parties involved, Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court, and Fang Yuan, were keeping very quiet about it, these Southern Border Gu Immortals were all kept in the dark.Ever since the righteous path went ahead to encircle the giant dream realm, and created this super Gu formation, the demonic path and lone immortals were very unwilling to give in, many of them wanted to investigate this Gu formation.The righteous path Gu Immortals often found traces of these people, but as long as they did not charge into the Gu formation, they turned a blind eye.Fang Yuan chose an ordinary mountain cave and stayed for a few days.He waited for Jiao Lei Zi to leave the defensive Gu formation.Jiao Lei Zi's movement was not concealed, he left on the same way as he went in."Since Jiao Lei Zi disguised as a Luo clan Gu Immortal, when he left, he had to be open and nonchalant, otherwise, it would be suspicious." Fang Yuan stared fixedly at Jiao Lei Zi, seeing him fly away, Fang Yuan followed after him closely.The two flew for a while, Jiao Lei Zi's speed suddenly slowed down, he stopped at the peak of a nameless mountain.He turned around and looked at Fang Yuan: "Friend, you have been following me for so long, is anything the matter?"Jiao Lei Zi did not have a confrontational attitude.Because Fang Yuan had purposely revealed his traces to Jiao Lei Zi when following him.He also used attitude Gu to express his goodwill, Jiao Lei Zi could sense it.Jiao Lei Zi thus did not speak to Fang Yuan in a bad tone, but he was still very guarded."I am truly sorry for troubling you." Fang Yuan greeted as he expressed his intention politely.Jiao Lei Zi heard Fang Yuan's following words and his expression soothed.The reason was, Fang Yuan called himself a wandering lone cultivator, he was curious about the dream realm. But he had heard that Jiao Lei Zi had a way to bribe the righteous path Gu Immortals and get inside the defensive Gu formation, to personally interact with the dream realm, he wanted to see if he could find any opportunities.Fang Yuan thus waited outside for a long time, only following Jiao Lei Zi after he came out."So news have already spread, even an outsider like you has obtained information about it." Jiao Lei Zi was not suspicious, he smiled helplessly."Come with me, it is normal that you want to enter the dream realm to find your immortal opportunity. However, I am not a key middleman, I will bring you to Lady White Rabbit." Jiao Lei Zi was very enthusiastic.He might not know Fang Yuan, but his Southern Border Gu Immortal aura could not be false.Furthermore, Southern Border was the region with the most secluded cultivators in the five regions. This was Southern Border's trait, many Gu Immortals would not be known by people from the time of their ascension until their death.With less than a day's journey, Fang Yuan met with Lady White Rabbit thanks to Jiao Lei Zi.This female Gu Immortal had the appearance of a woman in her twenties, her eyes were red like rubies, she had a cute round face and shiny big eyes. Her lips were lush, she spoke very quickly, words came out of her mouth like firing a Gatling gun.The scene of meeting with Lady White Rabbit made Fang Yuan quite surprised.Because this Lady White Rabbit directly placed a mortal Gu House at a mountain peak, many demonic path and lone immortals were entering and exiting this house."We only do dream realm business here, you came to the right place!""If you want to enter the dream realm, I have many reliable ways, it will depend on what price you can pay.""The bigger the price you pay, the faster you can enter the dream realm, perhaps you might be able to find your own immortal opportunity!" Lady White Rabbit said this as she pointed her thumb at the wall behind her while facing Fang Yuan.There were all sorts of small boards there, people's names were written there."There are five more people in queue." Jiao Lei Zi saw this and sighed."You must know the importance of the immortal opportunity!" Lady White Rabbit stared at Fang Yuan as she spoke, listing many examples in history before she added: "The Prophecy of Three Venerables, you must know about it. Dream realm, this is the immortal opportunity that concerns Great Dream Immortal Venerable! Think about it, if you can become Great Dream Immortal Venerable in the future, what would happen? Even if you only get one small opportunity, your situation will change. If you do not try this, how would you know if you are able to succeed?""That's right. Even if you know you cannot succeed, you can ensure that you have no regrets in the future." Jiao Lei Zi added at the side: "A precious dream realm that even the righteous path Gu Immortals are coveting, it is so rare that we can have this chance!""That's right, now is just the start. Thus, the righteous path is not very strict yet." Lady White Rabbit continued, purposely telling Fang Yuan: "After a while, it will be different. This business will not last long, the opportunity will depend on whether you can grab hold of it!""What price do I have to pay?" Fang Yuan pretended to hesitate.Lady White Rabbit said a sum.Fang Yuan showed a look of hesitation: "I will consider it first.""Of course, consider it well!" Lady White Rabbit smiled, her attitude was still very polite.At this time, a female Gu Immortal came to the counter, Lady White Rabbit's smile became more sincere, she disregarded Fang Yuan as she went over: "Sister Miao Yin, you are here to try to find an opportunity again?"That female Gu Immortal nodded, saying: "I feel that if I change to another location and enter the dream realm, I will have different gains."There were many Gu Immortals inside the mortal Gu House, Lady White Rabbit was not the only intermediary, from time to time, new boards were hung on the wall.Fang Yuan walked out of the mortal Gu House, saying goodbye to Jiao Lei Zi."You can consider this again, but in my opinion, you should decide it as soon as possible. It cannot be dragged out. You can see the situation for yourself, the longer you think, the longer the queue of Gu Immortals become, there is no time to waste." Jiao Lei Zi said before leaving.Fang Yuan expressed his gratitude as he left."Well, has he not made up his mind yet?" Lady White Rabbit finished attending to her Sister Miao Yin as she asked Jiao Lei Zi."He said he needs to think about it, sigh, I thought that I could earn a sum of recommendation fees to replenish my losses." Jiao Lei Zi smiled bitterly."Jiao Lei Zi, you are so affluent, why are you acting poor to me?" Lady White Rabbit laughed: "However, this person that you brought is likely a wandering secluded cultivator, he is poor and does not have resources, otherwise, why would he leave? Those with some funds would at least stay and interact for a while before leaving."Jiao Lei Zi laughed bitterly: "How am I affluent? I thank Lady White Rabbit for the praise. To speak the truth, this price is really expensive, even I feel great loss."Lady White Rabbit smiled, showing her pearly white teeth: "This business relies on both parties' wishes, it is pricey because it is worth the cost, this is an opportunity involving Great Dream Immortal Venerable after all, right?"Jiao Lei Zi nodded, making up his mind, saying: "I will pay a sum of resources, I want to try again."

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Chapter 1214. Situation of Southern Border | Reverend Insanity

Looking at the clouds in the sky, Fang Yuan's expression was dark.He thought about the scene earlier.Out of his expectations, that immortal opportunity business, as it was known, of the dream realm was extremely popular. The involvement was far bigger than he had predicted earlier.Looking at the situation inside the mortal Gu House and Lady White Rabbit's tone, evidently, whether they were demonic path or lone cultivators, as long as they could pay the price, anyone could enter the righteous path's defensive Gu formation and interact with the dream realm."This is slightly above my expectations, but thinking about it, I understand why."Dream path.At this time period, it was very empty.Even though many super forces were researching on it, their gains were little.Fang Yuan had the killer move unravel dream, he was a leading figure in the current five regions. Of course, Ying Wu Xie's lead soul into dream was also very unique, it was an ability that surpassed the current era.Lead soul into dream had displayed incredible might during the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals had suffered due to it.And Fang Yuan's killer move, unravel dream, also gave him great gains, and immense profits."The righteous path Gu Immortals might have encircled this dream realm, but they have no way of excavating the treasures inside. In fact, a while later, they lost many members, among which were rank seven Gu Immortal experts holding great authority! Luo clan even lost their third supreme elder…"Such information could not be hidden, it was widely spread in the Southern Border Gu Immortal world, Fang Yuan could easily obtain this information."The righteous path suffered a lot, they know the power of the dream realm, it is not possible to explore it randomly, so they used this method to scam the demonic path and lone cultivators' resources. And if any accidents happen, they would not need to waste any of their members to deal a huge blow to these non-righteous members, it is truly killing two birds with one stone.""To be able to make this immortal opportunity business so popular and at such a huge scale but still have the ability to remain intact, evidently, the righteous path have come to a consensus, Lady White Rabbit's mortal Gu House is backed by Southern Border's righteous path Gu Immortals. One clan is not enough, there are at least six or seven clans working together to result in this fearless stance."Fang Yuan was an old schemer, because of the experiences in the five hundred years of his previous life, he could clearly deduce all of the details regarding this immortal opportunity business.This way, even though he could use this method to enter the righteous path defensive Gu formation, and interact with the dream realm, he could not satisfy his own needs.What were Fang Yuan's needs?Firstly, he needed time and opportunity to interact with the giant dream realm for an extended period of time.Secondly, he needed an identity to protect himself, even if anything happened to the dream realm, he could continue staying there.Just one or two trips into the dream realm, what could Fang Yuan get?Just the cost involved was extremely high.But the Prophecy of Three Venerables had deeply affected everyone, countless Gu Immortals were still going ahead with it.The righteous path Gu Immortals had already tasted suffering, by the time these demonic path and lone immortals realized the futility, their enthusiasm would fade.Furthermore, even if Fang Yuan did this and unraveled the dream realm, gaining an increase in his attainment level.It would trigger a change in the dream realm.At least, the dream realm would shrink by an amount.If other righteous path Gu Immortals realized this situation, what would they do?By then, Fang Yuan would be inside the Gu formation, like fish on the chopping block. Even with the upper extreme heavenly eagle, Fang Yuan had no heavenly crystals to feed it."If I cannot do this, what should I try? Kill a righteous path Gu Immortal and use familiar face to disguise myself before going inside?"Fang Yuan thought about this, he shook his head, discarding this unrealistic idea.Firstly, Gu Immortals from righteous path forces would use methods like life tablet Gu, soul lantern Gu or blood rope Gu.These methods allowed their clans to easily inspect if the Gu Immortal was dead or alive. Furthermore, they could use these life tablet Gu, soul lantern Gu, or blood rope Gu to deduce the exact location of these Gu Immortals with great ease.Once Fang Yuan kills these Gu Immortals, the clan would react immediately. Unless Fang Yuan had information path methods that could deceive these Gu worms.Fang Yuan had always been weak in terms of information path.Furthermore, familiar face might be a rank eight killer move, but it was not flawless. For example, back in Eastern Sea, Ying Wu Xie could use luck inspection Immortal Gu to find out Fang Yuan's identity.Finally, once a long time passes, even if Fang Yuan used familiar face, lots of minute details or habits of the Gu Immortal would slowly become flaws that allow others to realize a problem.Thus, killing someone and replacing them was not feasible.Fang Yuan thought from all angles, he could not think of any good ideas.Even if Fang Yuan had rank eight battle strength and attacked the Gu formation forcefully, he might not be able to succeed. Even if he broke the Gu formation, there were still many rank eight Gu Immortals in Southern Border.By that time, when rank eight enemies encircle him, Fang Yuan would be able to explore any dream realms.He could not find a solution, Fang Yuan was quite helpless.He thought about it and returned to the mortal Gu House.Lady White Rabbit's eyes shone, she greeted Fang Yuan: "Have you considered it, you want to find your own immortal opportunity?"Fang Yuan smiled bitterly: "Fairy White Rabbit, I am but a secluded wanderer, I have not interacted much with the outside world, this price will cost me almost all my assets, I need to consider it. I am here this time to get some information from you, and understand matters in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world."Fang Yuan said this as he handed Fairy White Rabbit a rank six immortal material.Fairy White Rabbit was slightly surprised, even though this immortal material was very common, Fang Yuan's request was not hard. These days, she had been managing this business, she interacted with all sorts of Gu Immortals, she had a good understanding of the Gu Immortal world's current situation."Let's talk using this." Fairy White Rabbit gave Fang Yuan an information path mortal Gu.…Super dream realm, righteous path Gu formation."We meet again, Fairy Miao Yin, do you remember me?" A Qiao clan Gu Immortal led a female Gu Immortal as they entered the Gu formation.Even though he was a righteous path Gu Immortal, he had a fawning tone.Because this Fairy Miao Yin, although from the demonic path, was extremely beautiful, she inherited a predecessor's blessed land and was extremely affluent, she was publicly known as one of the three great fairies in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world.The two entered the Gu formation, this was seen by the two righteous path Gu Immortals at the center of the Gu formation."These people are becoming more daring! They used to come once every seven days, but now, they come every one or two days, bringing all sorts of people in here.""The two Gu Immortals from Luo clan are still fine, they bring in people with good reputations and clean records. But Qiao clan's Gu Immortals have no restraints, they are very greedy. This Miao Yin is a demonic path member, in the past, she had destroyed two important resource points of my Ba clan, and even injured four Ba clan Gu Immortals who chased her!"Gu Immortal Ba Quan Feng said angrily.Beside him was another Ba clan Gu Immortal.This person was very tall, nearly three meters, he had an old fashioned appearance, his beard and hair were connected, his dark green beard hung down to his waist, while his jade green hair extended to the back of his waist.He had a large mouth and broad nose, his eyes were covered by a black cloth, covering them completely. He had a strong body with broad shoulders and chest, his skin that was not covered looked like thousand year old tree bark, there was even green moss growing on it.He was thousands of years old, his cultivation level was stuck at the final step before reaching rank eight.He had rank seven peak battle strength, publicly recognized in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world as the number one person under rank eight — Old Treeman Ba De!Ba De spoke slowly: "Little Feng, don't be anxious. Even though Qiao clan is weak, at the bottom of the righteous path forces, they are backed by Wu clan. Qiao clan and Wu clan have been linked by alliance marriages for tens of thousands of years."Ba Quan Feng heard about Wu clan and the anger on his face faded, but he still continued : "Qiao clan is a righteous path force, but for the last few thousand years, they have been at Wu clan's beck and call, they are just a dog raised by Wu clan!""This Wu clan is too overbearing! With two rank eight Gu Immortals in the clan, they act fearlessly. This time, they actually cooperated with six other clans, using this dream realm to make their immortal opportunity business. What do they think of the remaining six clans not involved, us included? This super Gu formation was made by all of us, we created it with all of our Immortal Gu!""Hehehe." Ba De laughed: "Little Feng, you are thinking that everyone should have a part of the profits?"Ba Quan Feng's thoughts were exposed, his face turned red: "Hehe, I could not hide it from you, lord."Ba De shook his head: "Wu clan's actions will attract even more clans to join in. After all, we have already realized that now is not the time to explore the dream realm. This method can give us greater profits, it is good for us.""But our Ba clan cannot join in.""Ah, why is that?" Ba Quan Feng asked quickly."There are advantages and disadvantages in this. Even though they gain many cultivation resources, we gain a hold on them in return. With enough evidence, in the future when we argue over it, my Ba clan will have the advantage. When we split the dream realm, we will get a bigger portion. Little Feng, look forward, the dream realm cannot be explored now, but what about the future? The dream realm is the true treasure." Ba De sighed."But, Wu clan is so domineering, they have two rank eight Gu Immortals while we only have one, by then, if they keep a strong stance, we cannot stop them." Ba Quan Feng said angrily."We cannot stop Wu clan, but what about the other clans? Furthermore, Wu clan's first supreme elder is close to dying, Wu clan will soon be in unrest for a long time. With just one rank eight Gu Immortal left, can Wu clan still be the number one righteous path force?" Ba De smiled with deep meaning.Ba Quan Feng stared with wide eyes: "So the rumors that Wu clan first supreme elder's lifespan is depleted are not false? Impossible, they are a huge force, how can they not have lifespan Gu stocked up?""Wu clan's first supreme elder had used other lifespan extension methods when she was young, there were problems left behind. Right now, lifespan Gu has no use to her." Ba De sighed:" With her death, the entire situation in Southern Border will change, by then, we'll see if Wu clan can control the situation, our clans will have a chance to strike. After all, all these years, Wu clan has occupied too many resources."

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Chapter 1215. Wu Clan's Conflict | Reverend Insanity

Wu Du Xiu slowly opened her eyes."A brand new day." She thought to herself.A rank eight Immortal Gu was flying around in this average sized house.Food path Immortal Gu — Medicine Fragrance!This was a healing Immortal Gu, it filled the entire house with a thick fragrance of medicine. But Wu Du Xiu's own rotting smell was intense, the medicine fragrance could not conceal it.The two smells mixed together, even Gu Immortals could not stand it.Another passing day meant one less day left.Wu Du Xiu knew that she was very close to dying.At this moment, she was lying in her bed, looking at the scene outside her room, her heart was filled with tranquility.Long ago, when she was still a rank six Gu Immortal, she fell in love with a demonic path Gu cultivator, and was punished by the clan.She was locked in this house for fifteen years.To think that this was her fortuitous encounter.It turned out, inside this house, there was an inheritance of a Wu clan ancestor. Wu Du Xiu obtained it and cultivated in secret, her strength rose rapidly and drastically.She even used the great expert's blessed land to meet with her lover in secret. Wu clan's Gu Immortals did not expect that Wu Du Xiu was openly breaking the clan rules under their watch.Those were Wu Du Xiu's happiest years, she was immersed in unparalleled bliss.Back then, she was just a young, beautiful and silly girl, she did not know the vicious nature of people, she could not tell that her lover had ulterior motives.Time passed.Thousands of years later, Wu Du Xiu returned to this house.She was close to dying, her lifespan was running out, she had days left.This old woman was filled with experience and fatigue, her murky gaze seemed to have crossed thousands of years, back to the past when she spent her happiest times laughing in this house, all of her memories were surfacing in her mind.These memories were forever painted in a rosy light.The windows of the house were opened, a gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of flowers and grass entered her room.A young lady with a beautiful appearance, youthful with eyes clear as water, greatly moving. She was singing in the house, cleaning up the place and doing a lot of mortal chores, yet she was extremely happy and lively.At that time, happiness was so easily obtained. But as she grew older, this simple bliss left her.As for that lover, Wu Du Xiu's first love, she had already forgotten him.His image was blurry.The pain that he had caused Wu Du Xiu caused her to grieve terribly, the hatred that tortured her tired soul had faded with the wind.Creak.With a soft sound, the door of the house was opened by someone.Wu Du Xiu turned her head with difficulty, through the curtains, she saw a familiar figure.She was not surprised, she had allowed this.She was Wu clan's first supreme elder, a person who was in power for thousands of years, without her permission, who could enter this house?"You are here." Wu Du Xiu spoke faintly with much difficulty.But the person who came was very well-mannered, he knelt on the ground and bowed deeply: "I am here to meet you, mother."This person was a middle aged man with an ordinary appearance, he had a strong body and sharp eyebrows, giving him a dark and hazy aura.Wu Du Xiu spoke: "I called you here to tell you something. You have a younger half-brother, he was born in Eastern Sea. I will pass everything in Wu clan to you. And my own inheritance will be left to him, do you understand?"The middle aged man lowered his head until it touched the ground: "This child understands.""You may leave." Wu Du Xiu paused for a moment before saying."I will take my leave!" The middle aged Gu Immortal said carefully, he slowly got up and moved back a few steps before turning around and leaving the house, softly shutting the doors.He did not dare to even breath loudly, he had an expression of reverence that never changed, only after he left and passed several large mountains, reaching his own Immortal Gu House, did his expression change."Mother is muddleheaded!""Before dying, she actually wants to bring back that illegitimate son!""That bastard, can't he stay in Eastern Sea for good? Why must he return and fight with me over the inheritance?"The middle aged Gu Immortal flew into a rage."Master, don't be angry, mind your health." A rank seven Gu Immortal with a hunched back quickly urged.The middle aged Gu Immortal kicked him away, roaring: "Mother's abilities come from her wind path Immortal Gu. She wants to hand these Immortal Gu to that bastard, without these Immortal Gu, with just my rank eight cultivation level, what can I do? We would still be bullied by Ba clan, Tie clan, and Shang clan!""Saying that she will leave everything in Wu clan to me, hmph! Why do I want these resources for? I want her rank eight Immortal Gu, I want battle strength! With strength, what can I not get?"The middle aged Gu Immortal got angrier as he spoke, he paced around in the Immortal Gu House."Master, we could also just finish him off!" The rank seven hunched back Gu Immortal walked forward and chopped downwards with his hand.The middle aged Gu Immortal stopped walking.He frowned deeply, turning to ask the rank seven Gu Immortal: "You mean to say…""That's right, first supreme elder only has two sons, other than you, there is only the Eastern Sea illegitimate son. If we kill him, then all of first supreme elder's inheritance will be yours, right?" The rank seven hunched back Gu Immortal smiled sinisterly.The middle aged Gu Immortal blinked rapidly as sweat appeared on his forehead."No.""If mother finds out, I will be finished!" Thinking about his mother's methods, even though the middle aged Gu Immortal had rank eight cultivation level, he could not help but tremble."Forget it, he is only rank seven, what can he do even if he returns?" The middle aged Gu Immortal sighed deeply.But the hunchback Gu Immortal did not give up, he continued to speak: "Oh master, you cannot think like that. He already has rank seven cultivation level, what will happen when he gets first supreme elder's Immortal Gu?"The middle aged Gu Immortal snorted, regaining some of his defiance: "Even if he has rank eight Immortal Gu, his dao mark accumulation cannot compare to mine. He is not my match. It is a pity regarding those two rank eight Immortal Gu, however. Sigh…"The hunchback Gu Immortal smiled sinisterly: "Master, you are just hesitant because you are afraid of failure and causing first supreme elder to punish you. Actually, we do not need to act ourselves. Other than us, there is Ba clan, Tie clan, Chi clan, and others, they are all after our clan's status, they want to displace us. As long as we release information about his traveling route, we can lure them to attack. By then, we will benefit from it greatly."The middle aged Gu Immortal heard and his eyes shone, he praised: "Good plan, good plan, Xu Tuo, you are indeed my greatest aide. When I become first supreme elder, I will not mistreat you.""Master, it is my job to solve problems for you, it is my honor." The hunchback Gu Immortal's eyes were turning red as he choked, holding back a sob.The middle aged Gu Immortal patted Xu Tuo's shoulder, he did not speak, he only showed happiness on his face.Inside the Immortal Gu House, both master and servant had a lightened atmosphere."Master, there is no time, should I go prepare now?""Yes, go ahead, I am assured if you are handling it."After leaving the Immortal Gu House, Xu Tuo's eyes flashed with a sharp and dark light."Hmph! After spending so much effort, I finally managed to convince this Wu Yong, this way, even if I expose information about this illegitimate son, and get hunted down by others, I will be safe under Wu Yong's protection! My true identity will not be exposed."Xu Tuo's true identity was not just simply Wu Yong's servant, the truth was, he was a Ba clan Gu Immortal. He was a spy planted into Wu clan, he had the highest authority among the spies.The situation in Southern Border was very different from Northern Plains and Central Continent.Among the righteous path forces in Southern Border, Wu clan was the domineering one. In history, at their peak, they had three rank eight Gu Immortals! And across history, Wu clan always had at least one rank eight Gu Immortal to hold the fort in their clan.Wu clan had always been strong. Wu Du Xiu's life was ending, while Wu Yong was not talented enough, even though he was rank eight, compared to the other righteous path rank eights, he was not impressive.Wu Du Xiu's illegitimate son, Wu Yi Hai, had incredible talent according to some information. Even though he was a lone cultivator in Eastern Sea, he had formidable battle strength, he was quite famous even in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world.Killing Wu Yi Hai could not only weaken Wu clan, it can also attack Wu Yong's reputation, and send Wu clan into chaos and suspicion internally.Xu Tuo went with much hope.Some days later.Three Gu Immortals were passing through the miasma regional wall."Young master, we are almost through the miasma regional wall. This is the final hurdle, once we are out of the regional wall, they will have fewer chances to attack us." An elderly Gu Immortal said solemnly.Wu Yi Hai suddenly said: "Uncle Zhang, you mean that the following part of the journey is the most dangerous!""That's right." The elderly Gu Immortal nodded seriously.Another young looking Gu Immortal said: "But as long as we get through this, we will be completely free. As long as you can meet your mother, all of the hardship and suffering on this trip would be repaid by hundreds or thousands of times!"Hearing about his mother, Wu Yi Hai had complex emotions.He sighed: "Oh! What rewards, I am not thinking about them. I just want to see my birth mother, she was the one who abandoned me, but she also got Uncle Zhang to lead me on the road of cultivation. I want to meet her personally, and for the first and final time, before leaving. I am an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, I became immortal in Eastern Sea."Uncle Zhang smiled: "Young master, don't worry, first supreme elder had long since thought of this, she prepared everything for you. Even though you became immortal in Eastern Sea, we have an immortal killer move to cleanse your heaven and earth qi, to turn you from an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal to a Southern Border Gu Immortal. From now on, you can undergo tribulations in Southern Border, taking in heaven and earth qi without any problems.""Oh? There is such a way…" Wu Yi Hai heard this and became overjoyed.Even though he had some fame in Eastern Sea, he was just a lone cultivator, he knew the pain and weakness of cultivating alone. If he had a super force to rely on, Wu Yi Hai would be glad about it.He was just thinking about this, when suddenly, dragon breath resembling sword light assaulted his face!

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