
Chapter: 1206-1210:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1206. Becoming Rank Seven! | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan had already thrown the matter of the blood battle martial competition to the back of his mind.He absolutely would not let go of Ye Lui Qun Xing's immortal aperture. Even if he could not annex it right now, he could do so in the future.As for the righteous path's demand for Ye Lui Qun Xing's corpse and soul, Fang Yuan thought about it and was willing to satisfy a portion of the request, regarding the body.His focus was the immortal aperture, Ye Lui Qun Xing's soul also could not be transacted, he could soul search and obtain many of Ye Lui tribe's secrets. After the soul search, he could still hand over this Gu Immortal soul to Lang Ya Sect and earn sect contribution points."The urgent matter right now is to test whether I can annex this immortal aperture or not."Fang Yuan flew rapidly.He took twists and turns, guarding against heaven's will.A few hours later, he arrived at Tai Qiu.Tai Qiu was not too far away from Blood Plain.If looked from Northern Plains' map, Blood Plain would be at the left side and Tai Qiu would be at the right side, the territory in between was Hei tribe's Iron Eagle blessed land.Blood Plain, Iron Eagle blessed land and Tai Qiu, if these three were connected in two lines, they would form an irregular V shape.Entering Tai Qiu, Fang Yuan changed his appearance and sneaked inside.He was familiar with the route, and soon, he arrived at the super Gu formation he had arranged previously.Through the super Gu formation, he arrived at Lang Ya blessed land."Fang Yuan has returned!" Sixth Hair immediately paid close attention to Fang Yuan's every move."Ever since he left after exchanging for dragon breath Immortal Gu, this is the first time he has returned. What did he use dragon breath Immortal Gu for?" Sixth Hair was constantly guessing.He did not know that hours ago, Fang Yuan had used ancient sword dragon transformation to kill a rank seven Gu Immortal expert, Ye Lui Qun Xing.This person was at the same level as Pi Shui Han and Unfettered Scholar.Fang Yuan's strength was now already able to compare favorably to these characters.Since the failure at Yi Tian Mountain, Shadow Sect was in an extremely disordered state, Sixth Hair might very well be the only survivor of Shadow Sect left in Northern Plains, his information gathering was much slower than before.But the news of Fang Yuan killing Ye Lui Qun Xing could not be covered up. This news was too shocking and would soon spread throughout the whole of Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, and even Central Continent's Gu Immortals would hear of it.After all, Central Continent's ten great ancient sects were also paying attention to this blood battle martial competition."Eh? Fang Yuan is leaving again?" Sixth Hair was astonished.The super Gu formation flashed again as Fang Yuan left.Sixth Hair did not know what Fang Yuan was doing, coming and going in such a hurry. But he intuitively felt something amiss, and was somewhat panicked. He felt Fang Yuan was going to obtain enormous benefits at this time.Fang Yuan's growth rate was increasing rapidly, and to Shadow Sect, this was very bad news.Fang Yuan used Lang Ya blessed land to teleport.He wanted to annex the immortal aperture, for that, he had to first place the aperture.He could not place the immortal aperture in Blood Plain, the commotion would be huge and it would attract countless gazes, and that was not good for Fang Yuan."It was not easy to obtain this rank seven star path immortal aperture, I naturally want the process of annexing it to go without any mishaps!"When Fang Yuan appeared in the other Gu formation outside, he was already very far away from Blood Plain.He had already planned his actions, and had already chosen a location.Exiting the teleportation Gu formation, he hid his tracks and flew rapidly, arriving above ordinary grassland not long later.After inspecting and not finding anything wrong, Fang Yuan took out Ye Lui Qun Xing's corpse.The pitiful fellow's head had already been sliced off entirely.Fang Yuan used temporary measures to handle the headless corpse, ensuring the immortal aperture would still exist.This method had its own history.When Fang Yuan had seen Blazing Heaven Demoness' method of retrieving apertures, he had also inquired her for some research results of Old Immortal Kong Jue. Adding on to Fang Yuan's methods from his first life, he had created his own method in preserving an immortal aperture.Ye Lui Qun Xing's soul was already taken out by Fang Yuan and sealed properly.The situation was a little troublesome.Ye Lui Qun Xing's soul had similarly suffered from his dragon breath and its injuries were not light. Fortunately, Fang Yuan had guts Gu.Although this Gu worm was only a mortal Gu, it was created from a secluded domain of heaven and earth, and was among the best methods of soul strengthening in this world. Fang Yuan was the owner of Dang Hun mountain, thus he had large reserves of them with him.After using many guts Gu, despite Ye Lui Qun Xing's soul being on the verge of dissipation, it was finally rescued.Fang Yuan released the seal he laid out and threw the corpse onto the grassland.The mighty Ye Lui Qun Xing, who had enjoyed boundless glory while alive, was treated so casually after dying. If Ye Lui tribe's Gu Immortals were to see this, they would definitely jump out in anger to stake their lives against Fang Yuan.Several breaths later, there was turbulence in heaven and earth qi.The immortal aperture began to land on the ground, causing a huge commotion.Fortunately, Fang Yuan had Dog Shit Luck and was not as unlucky as before, when it seemed like he might even die from choking when drinking water.Without any surprises, the immortal aperture's entrance opened in front of Fang Yuan.Despite having the upper extreme heavenly eagle, he still took the chance to enter Qun Xing blessed land through the entrance.Ye Lui Qun Xing's blessed land was rather peculiar.The sky was a scene of darkness, but the ground below emitted dim blue light.The moment Fang Yuan glanced, his mind shook.He discovered, the ground of this blessed land was actually covered with countless star fragments. The large ones among these star fragments were as big as shells, while the small ones were the size of pebbles, and they gave a rustling sound when stepped on.The blessed land seemed endless in size, its surface was vast and its terrain was level.Fang Yuan wanted to fly, but felt a powerful magnetic force that firmly kept him to the ground.The ground suddenly protruded up, then a basin sized star core floated in front of Fang Yuan.This azure star core was like a dark blue crystal ball, it was this blessed land's land spirit.It was bright and colorful, and was slowly revolving on its own axis, emitting all kinds of light rays, making Fang Yuan mentally associate them to the rays of light in those perfect diamonds back on Earth.Amidst soundless communication, Fang Yuan learned about this blessed land's ownership condition.To ordinary Gu Immortals, this condition was quite difficult.Because the land spirit's request was to show the true, complete version of the immortal killer move, myriad star fireflies, to it.While alive, Ye Lui Qun Xing had all along been pondering on myriad star fireflies. The immortal killer move he created also imitated myriad star fireflies heavily.His obsession was about this.After death, his obsession combined with the heavenly power in the immortal aperture, to form this land spirit."My luck is overflowing, it cannot be stopped, hahaha." Fang Yuan immediately took out the whole contents of myriad star fireflies and gave it to the land spirit.He was the killer of Dong Fang Chang Fan and had searched Dong Fang Chang Fan's soul countless times, sometimes also torturing him. In the end, he had handed Dong Fang Chang Fan's soul to Lang Ya land spirit like it was rubbish, and exchanged it for sect contribution points.After a while, Fang Yuan became this blessed land's master."Now is the most crucial moment. Let's see if I can annex this blessed land."Fang Yuan rested for a while before beginning.Immortal apertures could annex one another, and summarizing the experiences of predecessors, there were three main conditions for this.First, annexing an immortal aperture required specific attainment level.Second, a smaller immortal aperture could not engulf a bigger one.Third, dead apertures could not be annexed.Fang Yuan already satisfied two conditions for annexing Qun Xing blessed land. But there was still one condition left which was somewhat ambiguous.A smaller immortal aperture could not engulf a bigger one. The question here was, what was small and what was big?If it was cultivation level, rank six immortal apertures were small and rank seven immortal aperture were big, then Fang Yuan would not be able to annex this Qun Xing blessed land.If it was based on the immortal aperture's foundation and so on, Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture absolutely surpassed Qun Xing blessed land, and could devour it.Fang Yuan had already wanted to test this and verify it.The regretful thing was that there were very few rank seven immortal apertures among the immortal apertures he knew of, and he was also unable to fulfill the attainment level conditions.Until now, when Fang Yuan seized Qun Xing blessed land.Fang Yuan had both skills and boldness, he began to test; with the land spirit's help, he began to annex Qun Xing blessed land.The process was smooth beyond expectations.He simply did not encounter any obstacles!The test succeeded!After annexing Qun Xing blessed land, not only did the sovereign immortal aperture have an enormous star fragment plain, more importantly, many of Fang Yuan's calamities and tribulations were passed, letting him officially ascend to rank seven from rank six.Rank seven Gu Immortal!"From this moment on, I am a rank seven Gu Immortal. I have finally become a rank seven…"Fang Yuan was filled with emotions.In the five hundred years of his first life, he had only been at rank six second heavenly tribulation level. Naturally, the current Fang Yuan knew that heaven's will had intentionally suppressed his cultivation level.Heaven's will required an otherworldly demon as a tool to deal with Shadow Sect. Fang Yuan was chosen by heaven's will, naturally it carved and sculpted Fang Yuan to make him a qualified chess piece. At the least, his cultivation level could not be too high, if he was too strong, heaven's will would find it more difficult to control Fang Yuan. He also could not be too weak, otherwise, even with rebirth, he could not be of any use. Rank six was just right.This was a long term plan of heaven's will!But at present, because of all kinds of fortuitous encounters as well as his own efforts and perseverance, Fang Yuan had finally broken through heaven's will's restrictions and charged to rank seven.Its significance was huge!Rank six Gu Immortals were considered bottom tier, they were numerous.Rank seven Gu Immortals were mid-tier, they were the elites among Gu Immortals and had high statuses.Rank eights were rare, their every move could create a storm in a region.Reaching this level, Fang Yuan had already become an elite among Gu Immortals, an expert. If a rank six saw him, they would have to detour around him. Even among rank seven Gu Immortals, Fang Yuan was only wary of Ye Lui Qun Xing, Unfettered Scholar, Nu Er Gu, such characters of this level.Chu Du? Fang Yuan estimated he was still somewhat below him. Fortunately, Chu Du was currently his ally.At this moment, the sovereign immortal aperture began to produce red date immortal essence.Shortly, Fang Yuan would possess his own red date immortal essence.At the same time, he could also merge his accumulated green grape immortal essence and turn them into red date immortal essence.One hundred beads of green grape immortal essence could merge into a bead of red date immortal essence."I need to merge them!""If green grape immortal essence was used to activate rank seven Immortal Gu, there would be at least thirty percent additional expenditure. After merging them into red date immortal essence, there won't be any meaningless loss in this aspect.""Once some time passes, I will have reserves of red date immortal essence and will no longer have to fear battles of attrition. The difficult situation when Heavenly Lord Bai Zu attacked Hei Fan grotto-heaven will be completely behind me!"

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Chapter 1207. Doing Something Bad | Reverend Insanity

"Hah!" Hao Zhen flew to the sky and spat out a thunderbolt.This thunderbolt shrunk into a ball, with the color of lapis lazuli, and charged towards Hao Zhen's opponent with a speed that seemed to be slow but was actually fast.His opponent was a Gu Immortal of Murong tribe who had a burly stature, with muscles that were like layers of rocks, he had a wide nose bridge, large chin, and small forehead, making his head look like a triangle.Seeing the thunderbolt approach him, he actually did not dodge and let the thunderbolt land on his body.Boom.The thunderbolt exploded, lightning splashed out everywhere, dazzling the spectating immortals' eyes for a moment.After the lightning dissipated, the Murong tribe Gu Immortal was standing on the same spot without even budging.There was a patch of burnt color on his chest from which white smoke was still rising.But, the effect was only that."This is your strongest attack? Hmm, you have burned some of my hair, it is a little more powerful than before." This Murong tribe Gu Immortal spoke in a tranquil tone without a hint of frustration."You!" Hao Zhen's eyes seemed to spout fire from anger, but he was not able to retort.His strongest killer move had no effect on this opponent."Wonderful!""He is indeed the Gu Immortal famous for his defense in Northern Plains.""Murong Gang… this guy has not attacked at all and is only taking the beating passively. Elder Hao Zhen's offense actually could not show any results."Both sides' Gu Immortals exclaimed in surprise.Fang Yuan killing Ye Lui Qun Xing had been an extremely heavy blow to the righteous path.To turn the tide of the situation and raise morale, Gong Wan Ting immediately took measures to make Murong tribe's strongest expert among their current group take action.It was this burly man who seemed to be forged from steel — Murong Gang!Chu Du was frowning again.He sighed internally: "Just now, Ye Lui Qun Xing was killed, now there is Murong Gang. These Huang Jin tribes are indeed the overlords who have ruled Northern Plains for so many years, their accumulation is truly powerful."At this moment, Hao Zhen admitted his defeat and returned with a pale expression: "I am ashamed, I could not live up to your expectations."Chu Du consoled him with a few words.Fang Yuan had not left for long, and he had fallen into the same awkward situation like before.He looked at the immortals behind him, but found he had no capable people to send."In my opinion, the strongest person among us is you, supreme elder. But, you cannot easily take the stage, I think you need to call back Elder Liu." Immortal Wang suggested.His suggestion was immediately approved by many Gu Immortals."Right, Elder Liu's strength is unfathomable, he can kill Murong Gang!""Elder Liu killed Ye Lui Qun Xing easily, killing Murong Gang won't be a problem for him.""Elder Liu's ancient sword dragon breath is too powerful."Even Murong Gang spoke: "Domination Immortal, don't send other minor characters. Besides you, the only one who can enter my, Murong Gang's, eyes, is Liu Guan Yi. Bring him out, I would like to experience the power of his dragon breath.""Damn it! He is actually looking down on us." Chou Lao Wu was furious.Hao Zhen clenched his fists: "If it were two on two, we could use wind thunder roar and wipe them out!"After seeing Fang Yuan's power, Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu had no more dissatisfaction towards their position of third and fourth supreme elders.Hao Zhen was only saying this to retain some face.Actually, he was aware that his and Chou Lao Wu's wind thunder roar was powerful, but it was not easy to use it and it required a safe environment.Like before, when Heavenly Lord Bai Zu attacked Hei Fan grotto-heaven, they were able to use wind thunder roar because they were protected by other Gu Immortals.Everyone was anticipating Fang Yuan's reappearance.Chu Du's side hoped Fang Yuan could raise their might again.The righteous path's side hoped they could kill Fang Yuan. Avenging Ye Lui tribe was secondary, the main thing was that they wanted to kill this person to salvage their face!Chu Du naturally also hoped Fang Yuan would take the stage again.But Fang Yuan had not given any reply.Chu Du could only smile bitterly at this, and could do nothing about it.His and Fang Yuan's relationship was of mutual benefits and they held equal status.Lang Ya blessed land, inside a secret room in a cloud city.Fang Yuan was sitting cross-legged on a prayer mat, his divine sense entering his immortal aperture.He was merging green grape immortal essence and refining them into red date immortal essence.This merging method was widely popular and was not anything new.Countless mortal Gu was moving on their specific trajectories, some were standing still, some emitted light, while some flew continuously.Under the effect of these Gu worms, beads of green grape immortal essence were slowly but surely merging together.Tens of thousands of green grape immortal essence were piled in this enormous mortal Gu formation.With Fang Yuan's continuous effort, there were already two beads of red date immortal essence produced at the bottom of the green grape immortal essence."Hmm? Chu Du sent a letter again, it is still that Murong Gang… this is already the sixth letter." Fang Yuan's attention slightly diverted.Shortly afterwards, he threw this information path mortal Gu aside, having no interest to even reply.What blood battle martial competition, I don't give a f*ck!Screw off.In any case, Fang Yuan's agreement with Chu Sect was extremely loose. Besides some fundamental interests and principles, even if he suddenly did not want to do a task, or his interest waned, or he betrayed the sect, or he voluntarily left Chu Sect, he would receive no backlash.What was the nature of this blood battle martial competition?Fang Yuan knew it was a political compromise.This was a stage which Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Yao Huang, two rank eights, had discussed and created. It was to restrict the scope of the conflict between one another. The basic purpose was to ensure both sides' interests did not suffer loss beyond their bottom-line.Yao Huang knew clearly that since Bai Zu tribe was already established, it could not be destroyed. At least, he alone was not able to do it.Because on the opposing side was a rank eight Gu Immortal, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu. As long as he existed, Bai Zu tribe was as stable as a rock.Unless Longevity Heaven sent a powerful reinforcement, for example, a rank eight Gu Immortal.When he received the Longevity Edict, he was already reluctant. All he needed was to provide an explanation to deal with Longevity Heaven.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu did not want to provoke trouble, he had just created his tribe and wanted everything to move smoothly. However, the situation did not permit it. He could only swallow the bitter pill and face the Huang Jin tribes' allied offense.Just this competition would do. They would not truly fight to the death!Chu Du had seen through these two sides' thoughts, and because he was coincidentally squeezed in between, he took a huge step forward and established Chu Sect, using Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's might to test the response of Northern Plains' righteous path. If it was accepted, he could expand Chu Sect, if it was not accepted, he would disband Chu Sect. The losses wouldn't be huge and were of no concern.From Longevity Heaven's standpoint, they naturally did not like seeing other bloodlines mixing in among the righteous path. All along, Northern Plains had been the world of the Huang Jin tribes. They were even more unwilling to see Chu Sect's existence! The master-disciple relationship, compared to the bloodline system, were two different ideologies. Systems based on either one were always sensitive and on guard against the other.Longevity Heaven's Gu Immortals were clear that once the master-disciple system was spread, it would greatly shake their tribal forces and benefits.Central Continent was a clear example and the best evidence of this."But Longevity Heaven is dreaming if they want to rely on just the Longevity Edict to destroy the alliance between Chu Sect and Bai Zu tribe.""Unless they become more resolute and send out rank eight experts to kill Heavenly Lord Bai Zu!""This world is all about strength.""Hei tribe did not have a rank eight Gu Immortal to suppress the situation and had also lost their Immortal Gu House, with just some excuses, their fellow Huang Jin tribe members destroyed them.""Bai Zu tribe is an outsider and not of Huang Jin bloodline, but there is Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, making it a completely different situation.""Strength… strength…"Fang Yuan's thoughts lingered over this word.Rank seven cultivation level.This was an accomplishment, but to him, it was only another starting point."The blood battle martial competition does not match my interests.""I have the sovereign immortal aperture and can annex other immortal apertures, skipping calamities and tribulations to raise my cultivation and strength. This is a shortcut for cultivation, filled with slaughter and blood. But… I like it.""I want chaos, the more chaos, the better!""But the five regions chaotic war is still over four hundred years later! It is too far away, I can't wait that long.""I need to think of a way to make them fight. The blood battle martial competition is too gentle, how many can be killed? If there are no deaths, there won't be blessed lands.""There is also Lang Ya Sect and the four races alliance, hehe, if I let Northern Plains' human Gu Immortals know of them, what will their response be? Regretfully, I am bound by alliance agreements. Although there is 'Do Not Care', it cannot resolve the underlying problem!"Fang Yuan's only worry was that the world wouldn't be chaotic, sinister and dangerous thoughts started to rise up in his mind.He did not intend to go to Blood Plain.The sect's enthusiastic anticipation and the enemy's provocation, what value did they have?Fang Yuan had to spend all his effort to kill Ye Lui Qun Xing. If his actions had slightly slowed, he would have lost the opportunity. Would those three Immortal Gu Houses just stay there like decorations?Especially that Murong Gang, he was a tough foe, it would not be easy for Fang Yuan to defeat him, let alone kill him.Since the start of the battle, Chu Du's side had lost many times, while the righteous path had not even lost one-third of the time.Hehe, there definitely would be some internal conflicts of the sect involved in this.This was a trick righteous path Gu Immortals liked to play.Fang Yuan had first thought of going to Southern Border.Over these last days, he had adjusted his cultivation plan, using almost all his time and energy in refining dream path mortal Gu.It was all preparation for that giant dream realm in Southern Border.But he thought and thought, and felt the opportunity at this blood battle martial competition was truly too rare.Adding on that on Southern Border's end, it was occupied by the righteous path whom had arranged a super Gu formation to tightly defend the giant dream realm, Fang Yuan felt it would be very difficult for him to meddle in and did not have any opening currently.Thus, after Fang Yuan refined all the green grape immortal essence into red date immortal essence, he quietly left Lang Ya blessed land and arrived at Liu tribe's territory.He was going to do something bad.

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Chapter 1208. With the Murder Weapon in Hand, Killing Intent Surges | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Bone Burial Field.This was a place filled with white bones, countless piles of skeletons were together.There were some huge skeletons resembling hills, and also small skeletons unassumingly situated by the side.Most skeletons were pale white in color, under the corrosion of nature in the sun and wind, their flesh had already decomposed, only these strong and tough bones of the desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts remained.But there were also some bones with special colors. Some were yellow and shining brightly, some were purple and alluring, emitting poisonous gas.Gu Immortal Liu Yong was paying close attention.He had the Huang Jin bloodline, he was a rank six enslavement path Gu Immortal of Liu tribe.Right now, he was manipulating six desolate beast bone armor hounds as he traveled in Bone Burial Field, searching for his target.The formation of Bone Burial Field had several possible rumored origins.Some said that during the Olden Antiquity Era, two enslavement path great experts engaged in a life and death battle here, resulting in the deaths of many desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts.Some said that this was a graveyard of bone monsters. Countless bone monsters felt that their lifespans were ending, so they came here and buried themselves.Some even speculated that this was a Gu refinement ground created by a refinement path great grandmaster during ancient times, after countless years had passed, it reached this present state.But no matter what, Bone Burial Field contained large numbers of desolate beast and ancient desolate beast corpses.Liu tribe controlled this place and developed it wholeheartedly, trying to turn this into a production base for bone path Gu worms.And every year, Liu Yong would borrow the use of this place, to pick suitable bones for his bone armor hounds and replenish their bone armor."This white bone seems like a snake bone, it is soft and cannot be used. If it is eaten, the bone armor would be soft and have no defensive properties.""This is a poison Gu, bone armor hounds do not have high resistance against poison, they will die if they eat this.""This bone is not bad, it seems to be a desolate beast steel skin giant lizard's bone. Even though it is not the hardest, it is good enough, especially when it can endure heavy weight."Liu Yong inspected for a moment, discovering more and more loot.Eventually, he placed his beloved hounds, the six bone armor hounds, at six different locations.He himself was lying down on a huge skull, looking at the sky."Today has good weather, it is sunny with gentle breeze." He looked at the blue sky, there were no clouds anywhere, and the sunlight was not intense, wind blew on his face mildly, he felt very comfortable.Looking at the empty sky, Liu Yong felt really bored."Hmm? The tribe has sent an information Gu here?" Suddenly, his brows rose as his eyes shone with light, he sensed that something interesting was coming.His mind quickly entered his immortal aperture, as his consciousness entered the information path Gu worm.The contents of the Gu worm spoke about the advancements and developments that Liu tribe had made in the last few months.Next were some rumors, and the actions of experts recently.Finally, the most important point, it talked about the developments of the blood battle martial competition."Murong Gang defeated eight people in a row, impressive!""However, between every battle, he has to recover for two hours. He is unlike Ye Lui Qun Xing, he could fight consecutively.""I heard that Murong Gang has strong defensive methods, but his immortal essence expenditure is huge as well!""Sigh, speaking of Ye Lui Qun Xing, it was really a pity. He was actually killed by Chu Sect's second supreme elder in a sneak attack, that was really despicable!"Liu tribe was a Huang Jin tribe, a righteous path force, when spreading the information, they naturally placed it from their own perspective for their political benefit.Even though the information was not wrong, the way it was written would give others a different feeling when reading it.For example, 'losing repeatedly' and 'fighting on despite repeated setbacks', between the two phrases, they would provide different impressions.All in all, it talked about how strong Fang Yuan was, and the facts about his ancient sword dragon transformation, the information also emphasized on how shameless he was, and how devious and scheming he acted.The 'Liu Guan Yi' identity that Fang Yuan was using had definitely became (in)famous after this battle, nobody in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world did not know of him, even Prince Feng Xian and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu learned of him, even in the other regions, like Central Continent, they heard about Liu Guan Yi.After expressing his anger and disdain towards Fang Yuan, Liu Yong thought about himself, sighing."I cultivate enslavement path, I am not suited to one-on-one fights.""When can I gain such fame at the blood battle martial competition too?""Maybe one day, I can defeat Liu Guan Yi and challenge Domination Immortal Chu Du! Wouldn't that be really cool!"Liu Yong was thinking about this when suddenly, there was a huge explosion.Rumble!The entire ground was shaking intensely."What, what is going on?!" The giant skull below Liu Yong had fallen off the neck of the skeleton due to the tremors.Liu Yong quickly got up as he floated in the air, staring widely in bewilderment: "This defensive Gu formation is being attacked, someone is attacking here? This is the territory of my Liu tribe!"Thinking of this, Liu Yong felt that it was unimaginable.My Liu tribe is a great righteous path force, a Huang Jin tribe, we are a domineering force in the whole of Northern Plains.Especially recently, their long-time enemy, Hei tribe, was gone, and Chu Du was also being targeted, the future looked promising and they were currently in high spirits, someone was actually attacking Liu tribe's territory now?Who gave them the guts?Their dog guts were truly rivalling heaven!Liu Yong was furious, and also slightly glad: "Thankfully, I came here to pick up bones and feed my bone armor hounds, heh, the attacker is really unlucky to have encountered me… eh?!"At the next moment, Liu Yong saw the invader.Or rather, a dragon.An ancient sword dragon!It had pale white eyes, a sharp horn that extended to the sky, its scales were shiny and thick, its claws were sharp and powerful, it had a muscular tail, and its teeth gave off a chilly feeling, Liu Yong shuddered upon seeing it."Oh? It seems that a member of Liu tribe is here, my luck is pretty good." The ancient sword dragon spoke human words, as its dragon eyes emitted strong killing intent."Liu, Liu Guan Yi?!" Liu Yong was stunned.At this moment, he wanted to cry.His heart was pounding intensely, his body was uncontrollably shaking as Liu Yong screamed internally to himself: "Stay calm, quickly calm down, Liu Yong! You can do it."Another voice in his head was resounding: "Calm down my ass, he is Liu Guan Yi, even Ye Lui Qun Xing died at his hands. He is scheming and shameless, unscrupulous and shrewd, I am just a tiny rank six Gu Immortal.""Calm down, calm down! Right, right! Liu Guan Yi is the second supreme elder of Chu Sect, isn't Chu Sect a righteous path force? Then Liu Guan Yi is a righteous path Gu Immortal! As a righteous path member, how can he attack us for no reason? Attacking us for wealth, that is a demonic path act." Liu Guan Yi calmly analyzed.At the same time, another voice screamed in his head: "Then tell me, why is Liu Guan Yi not participating in the blood battle martial competition, but here instead? He destroyed our Liu tribe's defensive Gu formation, his evil intentions are apparent! What else could he want?!"Even though Liu Yong's name had 'courage' 1 in it, at this moment, he was completely gutless, he stammered as his tongue was shivering: "Liu, Lord Liu, why are you here at my, my Liu tribe…""Of course it is to…" Fang Yuan purposely dragged his words out."Is, is to what?" Liu Yong asked.Fang Yuan's reply was not in words, it was his dragon breath.This was the ancient sword dragon's breath, having the rank seven dragon breath Immortal Gu in it, the speed was fast like a flash of white light!Liu Yong's upper body blew up.Fresh blood spewed out, scattering on the pale white bones, detailing the sadness and pathetic state of a weakling.The two halves of his body landed on the ground, his expression before death was still frozen on his face, his eyes were staring wide open."Useless fellow. But it is not strange… all of the Huang Jin tribes have been in power for too long, there is unavoidably some rot on the inside. Just like the ten great ancient sects." Fang Yuan analyzed internally.The bigger the tree, the more leaves it would have, and unavoidably, it would have some rotten wilting leaves as well.Woof woof woof!The six bone armor hounds barked at Fang Yuan angrily.Their owner was dead, but they still feel attached to him, they all ran over, guarding their master's corpse, defending it loyally, as if hoping that it would revive.Seeing this, Fang Yuan's evaluation of Liu Yong rose by a bit: "It seems that he is passable in raising desolate beasts, unfortunately, they do not have the wisdom of Gu Immortals, what can these six beasts do?"Fang Yuan sneered as he flew down.This battle had no unexpected surprises.An hour later, six fainted bone armor hounds were lying in Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture.These desolate beast hounds appeared at a good time, Fang Yuan was about to buy some desolate beast dogs and use their faeces to feed dog shit luck Immortal Gu.There were also a vast amount of desolate beast and ancient desolate beast corpses, they had extremely high value.Fang Yuan placed them in his sovereign immortal aperture, temporarily storing them somewhere.And finally, Liu Yong's corpse, his immortal aperture was still hidden in his stomach, Fang Yuan sealed it for now.This enslavement path immortal aperture was suited for Fang Yuan to annex.And also, Liu Yong's soul.After being hit by Fang Yuan's dragon breath, although extremely weak and at Fang Yuan's mercy, it was still alive.Fang Yuan quickly thought of the reason: "This Liu Yong was an enslavement path Gu Immortal, enslavement and soul path are related, to manipulate desolate beasts, one must have a sufficiently strong soul foundation."Fang Yuan quickly left the scene of the crime.He moved very quickly.Only a tattered defensive Gu formation was left, and the empty Bone Burial Field, as well as the upper body of Liu Yong."The next location, Liu tribe's jade light pit."Fang Yuan licked his lips, showing excitement in his eyes.He had just committed murder, but now he was not going to retreat, he was going to attempt another crime!As the saying goes — With the murder weapon in hand, killing intent surges.Fang Yuan was a rank seven Gu Immortal with ancient sword dragon transformation, his battle strength had risen immensely, he was starting to become somewhat unrestrained.

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Chapter 1209. Looting Another Place | Reverend Insanity

Whoosh!A figure flew in the sky, tearing across space as a shrill sound could be heard.It was Fang Yuan.Right now, he was still in the ancient sword dragon form, he was using sword escape Immortal Gu and flying rapidly.This speed was terrifying!Back then when he killed Ye Lui Qun Xing, almost none of the Gu Immortals managed to react.Of course, his burst of speed at that time was shocking! But now, Fang Yuan was traveling a long journey, his speed was lower now, compared to his peak burst of speed.Even so, he was very fast."My speed is top tier even in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world. Of course, I cannot compare to Hui Feng Zi. Chu Du's body strength travel is far below me now."Hui Feng Zi was most skilled in speed, he was known as the fastest person in Northern Plains. Disregarding any hidden cultivators, Hui Feng Zi was truly worthy of this. Because there was once a rank eight Gu Immortal who chased him but failed to capture him.Fang Yuan was still far inferior compared to him.This was the case for both straight distance travel and nimbleness.But Chu Du's body strength travel had indeed been faster than Fang Yuan's sword escape Immortal Gu in terms of straight distance travel.Now, Fang Yuan turned into the ancient sword dragon, his original flying speed with his dao mark amplification caused Fang Yuan's speed to surpass Chu Du.Not to mention that Chu Du's immortal killer move, body strength travel, had a major flaw, it could only fly straight, it could not turn and had low nimbleness."If compared to rank eight Gu Immortals, how would I fare?" Fang Yuan had a question in his mind.Immediately, he shook his head.Rank eight Gu Immortals were all unfathomable, if they wanted to pursue Fang Yuan, he would be in danger. His initial burst of speed might surpass them and pull some distance, but in a long distance chase, he would definitely become slower.And pursuing methods were not just about speed. Rank eight Gu Immortals had a wide variety of methods, they could do other things like Gu formations, teleportation, long range attacks and others."I have just destroyed Liu tribe's Bone Burial Field, and even killed an enslavement path Gu Immortal of Liu tribe, Liu Yong. When he was alive, he had already informed his tribe, as a super force, Liu tribe will definitely send Gu Immortals to pursue me.""However, Liu tribe's available fighters are all at the blood battle martial competition. The remaining Gu Immortals are at the resource points, or have missions to attend to, it is not easy to send people out, especially people who are able to deal with the expert Liu Guan Yi, time is needed.""After they get to Bone Burial Field, they will still need some time to chase me. They would not think that instead of retreating, I actually went to the southeast direction and plan to rob the jade light pit next. In this case, these Liu tribe pursuers might waste even more time.""With all this wasted time, I can definitely devour the whole of jade light pit."Fang Yuan had been collecting information about the outside world while he was cultivating.Liu tribe was big and eye-catching, a lot of their resource points in the outside world were known to all. Sometimes, in order to display their own strength and foundation, Liu tribe's Gu Immortals would expose intel about these places themselves. For example, the Bone Burial Field's production of mortal Gu, and how many profits they derived.Fang Yuan had been very interested in Liu tribe's jade light pit.Because of attitude Gu.To feed attitude Gu, he needed a vast number of flowing light fruits.The higher the rank of the Immortal Gu, the longer the interval of feeding, and the greater amount eaten each time.Fang Yuan had already bought a lot of flowing light fruits in treasure yellow heaven earlier, he had planted them in sovereign blessed land, using fruits to bring about more fruits.Right now, he needed huge amounts of dazzling light Gu between his flowing light fruits to increase the amount of light. With intense light, brand new flowing light fruits would form.This method was not only efficient, it was simple and easy for Fang Yuan to control.And inside the jade light pit, there were all sorts of light Gu. For example, jade light Gu, reflect light Gu, borrow light Gu, return light Gu, all sorts of colored light Gu, like blue light Gu, red light Gu, black light Gu, and others. Dazzling light Gu was one of them.Fang Yuan raced against time, right now, they were already alerted, his time was very precious."There is a cloud layer in front." Joy flashed across the ancient sword dragon's eyes.At this time, he was already near the jade light pit, a huge cloud layer was able to conceal Fang Yuan's traces."I am quite lucky, to think there was a cloud layer here. If the Liu tribe Gu Immortal defending the jade light pit is careless, I might even be able to sneak attack!"Fang Yuan carried anticipation as he rushed into the cloud layer.The thickness of the cloud layer completely concealed the ancient sword dragon's body.But the truth was not as nice as Fang Yuan had hoped.In the jade light pit, Liu tribe Gu Immortal Liu Luo felt something, she stared with wide opened eyes: "An enemy!"This Liu Luo was nearly two hundred years old, but she had the body of a young child, her eyes were watery and bright, her petite body was so cute and delicate, people would want to protect her.She was the Liu tribe Gu Immortal guarding the jade light pit, she was very alert now.All because of Liu Yong's report, all of Liu tribe's Gu Immortals were notified, they were all on guard.The jade light pit's defensive Gu formation did not have any Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan's transformation, the ancient sword dragon, easily tore the defense and got in."It is Liu Guan Yi indeed, he did not escape, he is here to attack my jade light pit!" Seeing the ruthless ancient sword dragon, Liu Luo was furious and shocked."I cannot escape, my speed is not as fast as the ancient sword dragon.""Thankfully I planted many seeds here! I can only persevere and wait for reinforcements.""Brother, save me quickly…"Liu Luo quickly analyzed, at the same time, she muttered as the ground of the jade light pit tore open, dozens of vines resembling dragons or pythons drilled out.Next, countless trees expanded like jade umbrellas, becoming larger and larger until a huge forest was formed!Liu Luo hid herself in the forest and vanished."It seems that they are on guard." Fang Yuan took a glance and saw Liu Luo, before she vanished from his perception."Rank six wood path… but this forest was meticulously created, it is quite troublesome to deal with." Fang Yuan was strong, but this was a tough nut to crack.Because this forest was an immortal battlefield killer move.Liu Luo was a rank six Gu Immortal, but she had an immortal battlefield killer move, this was atypical.But Fang Yuan felt no surprise.From Liu Yong's soul, he obtained a lot of information. Liu tribe had Liu Chang and Liu Luo, these two siblings, because of their father's protection, both of them became Gu Immortals.Liu Chang was a rank seven Gu Immortal, his battle strength was not lower than Ye Lui Qun Xing. But this time, to get rid of the mud monster group in Liu tribe's great mud pit, he could not spare any time outside.Liu Chang had great battle strength and status, especially when Liu tribe had no rank eight Gu Immortals.Liu Chang doted on his little sister Liu Luo since a young age, he even gave her lifespan Gu.This wood path battlefield killer move was obtained by Liu Chang for Liu Luo to have a strong trump card defending her.Fang Yuan thought about it, he did not deal with this forest, he charged straight for the Gu worms in the pit.Countless Gu worms were taken by him, kept into his immortal aperture.Liu Luo watched with much fear, gritting her teeth. This Liu Guan Yi was robbing her in her face, this proud female immortal felt extremely humiliated and angry."This Liu Guan Yi is truly too daring!""He dared to kill my Liu tribe's Gu Immortals and even steal our cultivation resources!""It is a pity I do not have enough strength, otherwise, I would make you pay the consequences."Liu Luo hid inside the battlefield killer move and did not dare to show herself.Even after Fang Yuan left, she did not reveal her traces.Not long after, there was white light in the sky.The light was painful to the eyes, it suppressed even the sun's radiance.As the white light charged down, it formed into a male Gu Immortal.He had a skinny body and a sharp face, he had bean-like eyes, and showed anxiety and rage on his face."Brother!" Liu Luo saw this person and immediately appeared between the trees, feeling elated."Sister, you are safe!! I was so worried about you!" The person who came was Liu Chang, he saw that Liu Luo was fine and calmed down, the anxiety on his face turned into joy.Liu Luo was also overjoyed, but she was still very cautious: "Brother, let's match our secret code, before I let you in."There was no issue, Liu Chang entered the battlefield killer move and the siblings hugged each other tightly upon meeting."Sister, you must have been shocked, right? Don't worry, brother is here.""Brother, that Liu Guan Yi is so terrible, he took away all of the Gu worms inside the jade light pit, not a single one is left. I failed to defend them, the tribe is definitely going to punish me.""No need to worry, no need to worry, with me here, I will protect you. Don't be afraid, cheer up, I will back you up no matter what." Liu Chang doted on his sister, even though she was actually nearly two hundred years old.He touched Liu Luo's head as he consoled: "Brother will go kill this bad person and avenge you, sister."In fact, he was sent by Liu tribe to capture Fang Yuan to begin with.Liu Chang's battle strength was not inferior to Ye Lui Qun Xing's. He cultivated light path and was specialized in speed and movement, he could retreat or advance easily.Between Gu Immortals, once one party had advantage in speed, they would gain initiative in the battle. Whether they fought or retreated, it would be up to them.While the siblings interacted, more Liu tribe Gu Immortals arrived.Just now, Fang Yuan killed Liu Yong and took Liu tribe's resources, the entire tribe was furious!Not only did they send Liu Chang, they also sent two more Gu Immortals to assist him and ensure that they succeeded."My goodness, our tribe's jade light pit was completely robbed by Liu Guan Yi!""KIll him, we have to kill him, otherwise, our Liu tribe's anger will not be appeased!!"The two new Gu Immortals who arrived screamed."Stop screaming, you are so loud, what if you scare my sister?" Liu Chang raised his head and yelled back.The two Liu tribe Gu Immortals knew about Liu Chang and quickly lowered their volume.Among them, one used an investigative method and quickly found traces of Fang Yuan: "He escaped there, let's chase him!""You guys go first, I will escort my sister back." Liu Chang said.The other two Gu Immortals were dazed: "To and fro, how long would you take? If we do not start chasing now, we will not catch up to him.""Then what if we leave and Liu Guan Yi comes back and harms my sister? If anything happens to my sister, I will take it out on you both!" Liu Chang shouted loudly."Brother is the best." Liu Luo was joyous.The two Liu tribe Gu Immortals looked at each other, they could see the bitterness in each other's faces.

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Chapter 1210. Wanted by the Entire Righteous Path | Reverend Insanity

"According to what Liu Yong said, if Liu tribe wants to capture me, they will send that Liu Chang. But he is a light path Gu Immortal, even if I kill him, I cannot annex his immortal aperture for the moment. Why would I take a risk then?"Fang Yuan was still in his ancient sword dragon transformation as he flew towards the west.As he flew, he searched Liu Yong's soul.Right now, Fang Yuan was going to retreat.If he continued, there would not be enough time, he did not need to fight with Liu tribe's Gu Immortals, if he did that, the risks were great with minimal benefits.As he flew, Fang Yuan continued using sword escape Immortal Gu.Undoubtedly, red date immortal essence was truly durable. If it were like before, would Fang Yuan with only green grape immortal essence dare to sustain such expenditure for so long?But it was out of Fang Yuan's expectations that while he retreated, he did not see a single trace of Liu tribe's Gu Immortals.He did not know that Liu Chang had delayed a lot of time in escorting his sister back, he could no longer make it. As for the other two Liu tribe Gu Immortals, they did pursue him, but they could not catch up.After Fang Yuan entered Tai Qiu, these two Liu tribe Gu Immortals could only watch without entering.Through the Gu formation, Fang Yuan returned to Lang Ya blessed land."Fang Yuan is back!" Sixth Hair immediately got news of it.He had a complex feeling.Because right now, he had already known that Fang Yuan had killed Ye Lui Qun Xing. Most importantly, Fang Yuan had used ancient sword dragon transformation, he used his own strength, instead of relying on the upper extreme heavenly eagle!"How did his battle strength surge so quickly? And recently, he has been very busy, going in and out of this place, what is he trying to do?"Sixth Hair was very uneasy.Seeing Fang Yuan's busy schedule, he felt like he was looking at Fang Yuan's back, seeing him sprinting ahead rapidly.Sixth Hair really wanted to trip Fang Yuan and halt his progression, but there was nothing he could do.Whenever he thought of Fang Yuan's upper extreme heavenly eagle, he became dejected.Rank eight battle strength!Sixth Hair did not know the truth, he could only hope that Fang Yuan had few heavenly crystals and could not feed the upper extreme heavenly eagle."I hope this upper extreme heavenly eagle dies of hunger!" Sixth Hair could only hope for this."I have insufficient heavenly crystals indeed." Fang Yuan returned to his cloud city, after inspecting his immortal aperture, he sighed deeply.Sixth Hair's hopes were not groundless.Heavenly crystals were rank eight immortal materials, they were rarely sold in treasure yellow heaven.In this aspect, Fang Yuan did not have enough heavenly crystals to begin with, the majority were obtained by trading resources with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu.The upper extreme heavenly eagle had been growing all the while, his heavenly crystal storage was depleting."It doesn't matter, I will use my sect contribution points to exchange for a batch and use my immortal killer move on the upper extreme heavenly eagle to delay its growth."Hei Fan's true inheritance could accelerate the upper extreme heavenly eagle's aging and cause it to mature rapidly, he naturally had a method to do the opposite.However, Fang Yuan only spent some sect contribution points to exchange for heavenly crystals, he did not use any immortal killer move.Fang Yuan was still not familiar with this killer move, he needed to practice it many times or the activation would fail. Not only would Fang Yuan be injured, the upper extreme heavenly eagle would be hurt as well. Secondly, this immortal killer move needed three days to activate, Fang Yuan did not have enough time.Fang Yuan left after returning.Using the super teleportation Gu formation, he went to another corner of Northern Plains.Undoubtedly, Lang Ya land spirit's super Gu formation was simply too useful. Fang Yuan lost Fixed Immortal Travel, but using this super Gu formation, Fang Yuan could still enjoy the effects of Fixed Immortal Travel.Choosing a location without anyone nearby, Fang Yuan tossed out Liu Yong's corpse.Placing his immortal aperture, Fang Yuan went inside.Liu Yong had a land spirit left behind, it was a black hound, the condition it had was: collect twenty desolate beast hounds for this blessed land.Fang Yuan easily completed it.A few days later, he successfully annexed this blessed land and the sovereign immortal aperture gained some new territory.Speaking of which, Fang Yuan had annexed many immortal apertures recently.The entire space in the sovereign immortal aperture had increased slightly.But because the sovereign immortal aperture was just too large, the increase in size was not significant.There was also another change, the land spirits.Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture already had more than ten land spirits. There was a snake, star core, black hound, land spirits in all sorts of forms were scattered in different locations over the sovereign immortal aperture.They all controlled an area and Fang Yuan provided them immortal essence and Gu worms.A lot of the immortal essence was left behind by their main bodies before death, it was not Fang Yuan's own green grape immortal essence or red date immortal essence.Other people's immortal essence was also known as foreign immortal essence, they had limited use.The biggest use was to activate Immortal Gu Houses.In the past, Fang Yuan obtained a huge amount of Giant Sun's immortal essence, he used almost all of it to activate Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, and used it extensively in Yi Tian Mountain. Next, he used Change Soul and the remaining amount of Giant Sun's immortal essence went to Ying Wu Xie.It was necessary to mention that Immortal Gu House had fixed abilities, but their strength depended on the immortal essence that was expended, they could either be stronger or weaker.After absorbing Liu Yong's enslavement path blessed land, Fang Yuan realized that his count of calamities and tribulations had only moved forward by one!"It seems that with rank seven cultivation level, annexing a rank six blessed land has negligible effects. The truly effective ones are rank seven immortal apertures!"Fang Yuan realized this and his gaze turned pensive."It is slightly difficult."In the five regions' Gu Immortal world, rank six Gu Immortals were the most commonly seen. Rank sevens were rarer, their quantity was far lower than rank sixes. And rank seven blessed lands could only be annexed by those with grandmaster attainment level in that path.Fang Yuan only had five grandmaster attainment level paths. Among which, rank seven Gu Immortals who cultivated strength path, blood path, and wisdom path were few. Star path and transformation path were still available, but this way, Fang Yuan's options were far fewer, he could not annex rank seven blessed lands as casually as rank six ones.But Fang Yuan had a solution for this problem.He directed his gaze far away.In the direction of Southern Border!"How can I make my way in? Just familiar face alone, even though I can conceal myself, if I interact with them, I will be full of flaws, this is a headache."Fang Yuan had no idea on what to do.He did not leave Northern Plains urgently.He was waiting to see everyone's responses.Liu Guan Yi had an infamous reputation now, he suddenly assaulted Liu tribe and killed Liu Yong, he looted Bone Burial Field and the jade light pit, news quickly spread in the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world.The righteous path forces were furious, Gong Wan Ting also changed her attitude after hearing this, she questioned Chu Du and blamed the Domination Immortal.Over at Chu Sect, they were also surprised and shocked.They held great anticipation towards Fang Yuan, but he ignored the blood battle martial competition and went to loot Liu tribe alone.So daring!So unrestricted in his actions!Liu tribe was Chu Du's enemy, back then, it was because of Chu Du and Liu tribe's conflict that he gained great reputation and became known as the Domination Immortal.But now, even though Liu tribe suffered a loss, Chu Du was unhappy."This Brother Liu is too uncontrollable!!" Chu Du's good feelings towards Fang Yuan vanished without a trace.He did not want any Gu Immortal under him to do this.Fang Yuan did this and broke all of the rules, he destroyed the tacit understanding between both sides.Chu Du was quite angry.Yao Huang and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu also felt the same.Even Ye Lui Qun Xing's death could not cause any sorrow or concern in these two rank eight Gu Immortals. But after hearing news of Fang Yuan attacking Liu tribe, they frowned in unison."A piece of rat poop spoils an entire pot of soup!""Liu Guan Yi… is not a member of the righteous path."The two rank eight Gu Immortals gave their verdict on Fang Yuan immediately.Both sides had agreed to hold their bottom line during this conflict. It was like two kids fighting, they would agree beforehand that they could attack anywhere, except the face.Fang Yuan did this, he not only slapped their face, the vile consequences were something that the righteous path Gu Immortals did not want to see.Immediately, Chu Du declared: Liu Guan Yi's actions were purely his own, he was not asked to conduct them. To express his innocence, as well as Chu Sect's standpoint, Chu Du announced on the scene that Liu Guan Yi would be expelled from the sect, he would no longer be Chu Sect's second supreme elder."So resolute." Fang Yuan noted as he held Chu Du's letter Gu.In the letter, Chu Du was very polite, he expressed his helplessness, the situation was very urgent at that time, he had to expel Liu Guan Yi immediately. He expressed that on the inside, he had wanted Fang Yuan to stay, and hoped that in the future, they could still cooperate.Be it Fang Yuan's immortal tribulation tempering aperture or the Crazed Demon Agreement, Chu Du had reason to continue cooperating with Fang Yuan secretly.But publicly, the two were enemies.At the same time, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Yao Huang sent orders denouncing Fang Yuan's demonic acts, they were putting up an arrest warrant for Fang Yuan, so that he would receive judgment.This was how the righteous path worked, they did not want demons to wreak havoc.The three sides immediately kicked Fang Yuan out.Even though Fang Yuan's battle strength was something Chu Du needed.Fang Yuan's plan of disrupting Northern Plains failed. Not just that, Liu Guan Yi was now wanted by everyone."Chu Du, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, Yao Huang, they are truly not easy to scheme against."Fang Yuan smiled, he was unphased.Not to mention Liu Guan Yi was just a randomly created false identity for himself, even if it was real, so what?His main connections in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world were the variant humans.At the same time, he was planning to go to Southern Border now.Although Fang Yuan would still pay attention to the developments of Northern Plains, his focus was now shifting towards the giant dream realm."Southern Border, oh Southern Border, I am coming back.""As a rank seven Gu Immortal…""Is this considered to be returning with glory?"Fang Yuan had a complex smile on his face.

Reverend Insanity