
Chapter: 1216-1220:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1216. Regional Wall Ambush | Reverend Insanity

This dragon breath was extremely sharp, before it even hit, Wu Yi Hai already felt like there were needles poking into his face.He was extremely shocked, he had no time to dodge.Clang!With a sharp metallic sound, a small, round and golden shield appeared in front of Wu Yi Hai at the moment of life and death.The dragon breath made of sword light landed on the golden shield, in the blink of an eye, this shield broke as the remaining power shot towards Wu Yi Hai's face.But with this golden shield, Wu Yi Hai gained a precious amount of time to save his own life.He was a renowned rank seven Gu Immortal in Eastern Sea indeed, he called out as he activated his transformation path killer move.Light shone, Wu Yi Hai vanished on the spot, a huge tortoise appeared in his place.The huge tortoise's four limbs, head, and tail were kept inside a shell.The dragon breath landed on the huge tortoise's shell, causing a deep mark to form."What amazing dragon breath! The horned divine tortoise that I transformed into is an ancient desolate beast, it has a tough shell, it is top ten even among Eastern Sea's ancient desolate beasts." Wu Yi Hai was very shocked: "It seems that the enemy is stronger than all the earlier ambushes! Now, it will depend on Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng."Wu Yi Hai was a transformation path Gu Immortal, but the horned divine tortoise he turned into was huge and had good speed when traveling underwater. On land, it was far slower.Its battle strength also fell by a lot, Wu Yi Hai was merely using the horned divine tortoise's strong defense.High defense and low offense, even though Wu Yi Hai protected his life, he lost all initiative in this battle.He had other methods to turn into other lifeforms as well, but do not forget about the major weakness of transformation path Gu Immortals.That was: They could not transform casually. When changing to different forms, time needed to be spent. Gu Immortals had to remove the temporary dao marks on them first before transforming again.Fang Yuan had the sovereign immortal body, that was a special case. Qi Zai had once mistaken that he had obtained Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's true inheritance, which allowed him to casually change forms.Thus, after Wu Yi Hai became a horned divine tortoise, even though he saved his life, for the short term, he could not counter attack.But Wu Yi Hai did not panic.He knew that there were two rank seven Gu Immortal experts with him.One was Uncle Zhang, the other was Brother Leng, Wu Yi Hai did not know their full names, but he knew that these two were sent by his mother, bodyguards to escort him to Southern Border!On the previous parts of this journey, these two Gu Immortals displayed incredible strength, they were reliable and had helped Wu Yi Hai to get through many hurdles.Wu Yi Hai placed his hopes in Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng, but Uncle Zhang was spitting out blood.He had to.Because his golden shield was broken by that sword light dragon breath.This was Uncle Zhang's defensive killer move, after it was broken, Uncle Zhang suffered a backlash, he immediately spat out blood.Similar to Wu Yi Hai, Uncle Zhang was very shocked."Inside this miasma regional wall, all immortal killer moves are weakened by the miasma. This dragon breath penetrated the miasma and broke my defenses, it even left a mark on the horned divine tortoise shell, how strong is that dragon breath!"Uncle Zhang was spitting blood, Brother Leng was flying forward.The two worked with coordination.This young Gu Immortal knew that Uncle Zhang needed to rest after his defensive killer move was broken.He charged fiercely and imposingly.In the blink of an eye, he turned from a human into a lightning flash giant wolf.The lightning flash giant wolf was an ancient desolate beast, it was covered in blue fur, the tips of the fur was all covered in mysterious blue crystals, they gave off weak sparks.Once the lightning flash giant wolf appeared, it brightened up the dark purple miasma in the area.It followed the path formed by the dragon breath, and charging forward.Its four limbs moved, its muscles pushed with strength, giving this Gu Immortal incredible speed.At the same time, countless strands of lightning resembling snakes appeared on this lightning flash giant wolf's body.The lightning snakes gathered into a stream that shot forward from the lightning flash giant wolf's head.This was the Gu Immortal's immortal killer move.Seeing this, Uncle Zhang relaxed his mind.In a few breaths of time, he suppressed his injuries as his body shone in a bright light.In the blink of an eye, he turned into a golden sword teeth tiger, his size was twice as large as the lightning flash giant wolf.As it turned out, he was also a transformation path Gu Immortal.This was Wu Du Xiu's purposeful arrangement.Because the regional walls of the five regions were very special. Between different cultivation paths, there was no difference in terms of passing through them, but if they fought inside, transformation path Gu Immortals had an advantage.Inside the regional wall, when Gu Immortals use their immortal killer moves, their immortal apertures would shake and they would get injured before even harming the enemy.But if they turned into a fierce beast, fighting with just their physical body, this weakness would be avoided, and they would have a sustainable source of battle strength.Uncle Zhang took a look behind, he knew of the horned divine tortoise's defense, he instructed Wu Yi Hai before following after the lightning flash giant wolf, charging forward.Soon, Uncle Zhang saw the lightning flash giant wolf running back!Behind the lightning flash giant wolf, there were streams of dragon breath made of sword light shooting towards him, inside the thick dark purple miasma, dragon roars could be heard."What is going on?" Uncle Zhang was shocked, he knew that the Brother Leng was very courageous in battle, he would not retreat without a reason. There has to be a reason why he was running!"Don't fight, retreat." Brother Leng saw the golden tiger and spoke human words.Uncle Zhang was even more shocked now, why did Brother Leng want to avoid battle.He was about to ask, when he finally saw the culprit that attacked them.A sword dragon penetrated the dark purple miasma, appearing before them.Many layers of silvery white dragon scales, pale white dragon eyes, a dragon horn that pierced towards the sky, and four sharp and dangerous dragon claws, dragon teeth that were shining with sharp light, as well as the aura of many Immortal Gu in its body!"Is this a wild ancient sword dragon?!" Uncle Zhang opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it.But the truth was right in front of him, he had to accept it.At this moment, he understood why the Gu Immortal who usually felt no fear in any situation would retreat so suddenly.Because he encountered a wild ancient sword dragon, this sword dragon did not come from the five regions, it lived in either white heaven or black heaven.Why was Uncle Zhang so sure?Because this ancient sword dragon could move freely in the regional wall, its movements were so fluid, as if it did not feel any resistance or pressure.For Gu Immortals, they were differentiated by regions, when they enter regional walls, they would be greatly affected.Only life forms that lived in the ancient white heaven or black heaven would be able to move freely in the five regional walls.Uncle Zhang did not hesitate, he turned around and fled.Being unaffected by the regional wall, this advantage was huge. Gu Immortals in the regional walls could display only about fifty to sixty percent of their strength.Even in the outside world, against an ancient sword dragon with multiple wild Immortal Gu, Uncle Zhang did not have confidence. Not to mention right now, when they were inside a special environment like the regional wall?"Why are we so unlucky? So coincidentally, we encountered a wild ancient sword dragon, roaming in the regional wall?""I am guessing that this ancient sword dragon is likely to have been lured here by certain Gu Immortals, to obstruct us!"While escaping, Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng conversed.Soon, they met with the horned divine tortoise that Wu Yi Hai had turned into.Wu Yi Hai was informed of the situation as well, he quickly transmitted: "Try not to fight with this ancient sword dragon, it might have been lured here, with the purpose of draining our immortal essence and battle strength as we fight it!""Then what do we do?""Retreat, leave the ancient sword dragon alone and try not to aggravate it, but we also have to display great strength. Wild beasts have little intelligence, but if it knows that the prey is powerful, it will give up."The three Gu Immortals quickly decided on a plan.Less offense and more defense, they allowed the ancient sword dragon to trail behind them, using its sword light dragon breath.The three Gu Immortals retreated, they were on the back foot against the dragon breath, unable to raise their heads."What do we do, this ancient sword dragon seems to be locked onto us!""Maybe I aggravated it earlier when I used a lightning path killer move.""I have an immortal killer move that can reduce the anger of this fierce beast, but I need to change my killer move."The three immortals quickly discussed, they soon decided that Brother Leng and Uncle Zhang would defend while Wu Yi Hai would change his transformation to appease the ancient sword dragon.Wu Yi Hai carefully changed back to human form.He hid behind the two immortals, using his methods to get rid of the dao marks on him, before using another transformation.As a wild beast, the ancient sword dragon would have little intelligence, it constantly attacked the huge wolf and golden tiger instead.Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng thus endured the attacks of the ancient sword dragon, defending with much difficulty. They were both injured, but to chase this ancient sword dragon away, they did not use their offensive techniques, to prevent the situation from worsening and falling into their enemies' trap."It is almost ready, my immortal killer move is… uh!" Wu Yi Hai's joyous tone turned into a shocked gasp.Because he saw that the golden tiger that Uncle Zhang had turned into had its head pierced by an immortal killer move, dying on the spot.Sword path killer move — Dark Assassination!It was so sudden, without any warning.Next, that ancient sword dragon burst out with unparalleled speed in an instant, flying forward like a silver bolt of lightning, leaving behind vague silhouettes in the immortals' eyes as it vanished on the spot.Brother Leng was shocked!"We fell for their trap! Oh no!!"He turned around, only to see that Wu Yi Hai's head was shattered into pieces, his white brain matter was flowing out. His headless corpse was grabbed by the ancient sword dragon, stuffed into its immortal aperture.

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Chapter 1217. Cultivation Level Rises Again | Reverend Insanity

Seeing this, the poor Brother Leng's eyes were almost popping out."How can this be? This ancient sword dragon has an immortal aperture, it is not wild, it is a Gu Immortal's transformation!""This should not be! If it is a transformation path Gu Immortal, why is it not affected by the regional wall?!"Brother Leng screamed crazily in his mind!This went against the common sense of the cultivation world!! How could this happen?The ancient sword dragon roared as it charged at him.Blood flowed out of the eyes of the lightning flash giant wolf, Wu Yi Hai was dead, everything that he did earlier was for nothing.Brother Leng tried to defend himself, in order to save his own life.The ancient sword dragon craftily dodged all of his immortal killer moves, spitting out streams of dragon breath at the lightning flash giant wolf as it flew around it.The lightning flash giant wolf could barely move in the regional wall, like an old man. But the ancient sword dragon was unaffected, it moved smoothly and could retreat and advance with ease, it held the initiative.The lightning flash giant wolf could only take a beating, even if it used immortal killer moves to retaliate, the ancient sword dragon easily dodged them.A moment later, the ancient sword dragon found a flaw and sent dragon breath at the lightning flash giant wolf's stomach.The lightning flash giant wolf's defenses crumbled, its stomach was penetrated, its intestines and blood flowed out of the huge wound that was created.The ancient sword dragon attacked using this chance, even though the lightning flash giant wolf dodged left and right, it could not resist the attacks of the ancient sword dragon, it fell on the ground with many holes in its body, it turned back to human form and died in a pool of blood at the hands of the ancient sword dragon.The ancient sword dragon quickly cleaned up the battlefield, moving with great familiarity, as if it had gone through this countless times.Soon, Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng's corpses were stuffed into the immortal aperture, before it destroyed the battlefield entirely and flew away.The ancient sword dragon did not turn around and return to Southern Border, instead, it flew towards the east, going through the miasma regional wall and blue water regional wall to reach Eastern Sea.It searched for a nameless sea area before placing Wu Yi Hai in it.After the blessed land was formed, the entrance was opened, and the ancient sword dragon flew in using the opportunity.Wu Yi Hai's blessed land was an ocean. The types of lifeforms inside mainly were sea turtles and tortoises, corals, and seagulls.Inside, there were desolate beasts, and even ancient desolate beasts.Like three ancient desolate beast horned divine tortoises, a field of ancient desolate plant silent corals, and six desolate beast white letter blue feather seagulls.Not long after, the land spirit appeared before the ancient sword dragon.This was a land spirit in the shape of a sea turtle, it gave a rather difficult acknowledgement requirement.The ancient sword dragon could only leave this blessed land temporarily.After returning to the outside world and confirming its safety, the ancient sword dragon turned back to human.Who else could it be but Fang Yuan?As it turned out, he had learned a lot of intelligence about Southern Border from Lady White Rabbit, he knew about Wu Yi Hai's matter.This was Wu clan's internal conflict, but it involved Wu Du Xiu, naturally it escalated into a huge matter.Wu Yi Hai's route was widely spread, Fang Yuan sensed acutely that this was a major chance!Evidently, Wu Yi Hai was very suitable for Fang Yuan to disguise as and replace.Firstly, he was Wu Du Xiu's illegitimate son, he did not have any life tablet Gu or soul lantern Gu, otherwise, he would not be an illegitimate son but the second young master instead.Thus, when Fang Yuan killed him, there was little chance that Wu clan found out.Secondly, Wu Yi Hai had always been staying in Eastern Sea, cultivating as a lone cultivator, he had basically zero interaction with Wu clan's Gu Immortals. Most of Wu clan's Gu Immortals did not even know what his appearance was, especially the details regarding his habits and the way he spoke, nobody knew about those.Thus, once Fang Yuan used familiar face to disguise as Wu Yi Hai, for a long period of time, there was little chance of him getting exposed.Wu Yi Hai's blessed land was not obtained, but Fang Yuan did not panic.He found a deserted island and rested in it.On one hand, he was waiting for blood asset Immortal Gu to recover, on the other hand, he was trying to modify an immortal killer move — Blood Light Spirit Suppression.Ever since blood asset Immortal Gu was injured, Fang Yuan had been healing it, paying great attention to it, it had almost recovered fully already.Thus, in a few days, Fang Yuan got back his blood asset Immortal Gu in perfect condition.But Fang Yuan continued to cultivate, deducing blood light spirit suppression.Finally, he got what he wanted, a simplified version of blood light spirit suppression using blood asset Immortal Gu as the core!Matters became simpler now.Fang Yuan used the upper extreme heavenly eagle to enter Wu Yi Hai's blessed land, after getting close to the land spirit, he suppressed it with blood light spirit suppression.Next, because the land spirit had no resistance anymore, Fang Yuan spent a lot of effort to successfully annex this blessed land, making it a part of the sovereign immortal aperture.This allowed his calamities and tribulations to move ahead by a large number.After all, Wu Yi Hai was a rank seven Gu Immortal, he was different from those at rank six.As for Wu Yi Hai's sea turtle land spirit, under Fang Yuan's careful preservation, it did not vanish, it entered Fang Yuan's immortal aperture along with the blessed land.But it did not listen to Fang Yuan, it cried all the time.Fang Yuan wanted to get rid of it, but after realizing that it did not have the intention to harm the blessed land, he gave up that idea."Maybe when I fulfill the ownership requirement, I would be able to truly subdue this land spirit."After this matter was settled, Fang Yuan immediately traveled across the regional walls, going back to Southern Border.Once he entered Southern Border, he flew straight towards the central region of Southern Border, placing the immortal apertures of Brother Leng and Uncle Zhang and annexing them after they formed blessed lands."Hmm, this way, I have already passed one grand tribulation." Fang Yuan inspected, he found that after annexing three rank seven Gu Immortals' blessed lands, his cultivation level rose sharply, he was a rank seven Gu Immortal who had passed one grand tribulation already.Rank seven Gu Immortals faced an earthly calamity every ten years, a heavenly tribulation every fifty years, and a grand tribulation every one hundred years. After three hundred years, after passing three grand tribulations, they would become rank eight."But the might of the grand tribulation gets stronger each time, by tens or hundreds of times. Southern Border's top rank seven Gu Immortal, Old Treeman Ba De, is stuck at the final grand tribulation, he does not dare to undergo tribulation."His gains this time were out of Fang Yuan's expectations.Not only did he annex three rank seven blessed lands, it even caused his cultivation level to rise sharply, such cultivation speed was scary even for him.Fang Yuan could not help but gasp at his good luck!"Dog shit luck Immortal Gu, worthy of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's vital Gu. I wonder what will happen when I elevate it to rank eight, how would it compare to fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu?"Fang Yuan subconsciously looked above his head, even though he had no luck inspection Immortal Gu.He did not know that the entire matter went so smoothly largely because of Ying Wu Xie, he had used the immortal killer move burning soul bursting luck.Especially when he fought against the three Gu Immortals including Wu Yi Hai, they actually misunderstood Fang Yuan as a wild ancient sword dragon.One one hand, ancient sword dragons truly could be unrestricted by regional walls, they could not help but think of it like that.On the other hand, Fang Yuan had used attitude Gu and disguised himself, the three Gu Immortals were just rank seven, they fell for it without realizing.Thus, when fighting, Fang Yuan had an easy time, the three Gu Immortals defended more than they attacked, they chose to take a beating.Later on, Wu Yi Hai thought the ancient sword dragon had low intelligence and actually spoke, saying that he was going to attempt to change into another form.Hearing this, the two immortals naturally relaxed their minds.Fang Yuan saw this massive opportunity and activated the killer move that he had prepared long ago, dark assassination, killing Uncle Zhang. Next, he attacked at lightning speed, eliminating Wu Yi Hai, in the blink of an eye, only Brother Leng was left. At that point, Fang Yuan's victory was assured.In this battle, Fang Yuan gained immensely.The only drawback was, these three transformation path Gu Immortals' immortal apertures had shaken intensely, a lot of resources were lost.There was no helping it, they were attacked many times in the regional walls, it was impressive to have lasted until then.Next, Fang Yuan did not go to Wu clan immediately.He soul searched Wu Yi Hai as he tried to understand his entire life.During this period, Fang Yuan was not cultivating in seclusion, he went to Lady White Rabbit for more intelligence.Wu Yi Hai's disappearance was known to the whole of Southern Border.It was unknown if he was alive or dead, Wu clan chose to remain silent. The forces had their guesses, although they were inclined to believe — Wu Yi Hai was dead, but it was unknown who did it.There were many forces who acted in the dark, most of them were righteous path forces, this matter was known to everyone.These forces were not going to foolishly admit they were the ones who killed Wu Yi Hai, of course.Regarding this problem, there was a rumor that was entering everyone's ears.That was — the true culprit who murdered Wu Yi Hai was none other than Wu clan rank eight Gu Immortal Wu Yong!There were many versions of this rumor, but the central claim was, Wu Yong wanted to take Wu Du Xiu's inheritance for himself, thus, he went ahead to murder his half-brother.Undeniably, this was a severe blow to Wu Yong.Demonic path Gu Immortals did not care, while it varied from person to person for lone immortals, but righteous path Gu Immortals placed a lot of emphasis on and treasured their reputations.Wu Yong also chose to remain silent, he did not clarify anything."Interesting." Fang Yuan could feel many hidden undercurrents in this matter, countless forces and Gu Immortals were secretly exerting force, creating this contest that was carefully hidden from view.Wu Du Xiu was about to die, Wu Yong, who had always lived in his mother's shadow, had rank eight cultivation level, but his abilities were widely questioned."If I appear at this time, what would happen?" Fang Yuan had just thought of this when he felt a cold chill running down his spine.

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Chapter 1218. Du Xiu, Yong | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan looked over the situation, he knew that now was not the time for 'Wu Yi Hai' to show up.Firstly, he had not completely searched Wu Yi Hai's soul yet, his preparations were not complete.Secondly, Wu Du Xiu was not dead yet.If Wu Du Xiu did not die, Fang Yuan could not safely appear as Wu Yi Hai.Rank eight Gu Immortal!Who knew what methods Wu Du Xiu had to ascertain if 'Wu Yi Hai' was her own son?Even though 'Wu Yi Hai' would lose a lot in this case, Fang Yuan only really wanted the identity of 'Wu Yi Hai'.That was his original motive. If his disguise failed because of some greed, he would lose this rare opportunity, that was the biggest loss to him, he would slap himself endlessly.Finally, there was danger lurking in all righteous path forces, the same went for even Wu clan.There was no smoke without fire.Wu Yong indeed had the motive and was likely to deal with Wu Yi Hai.If Fang Yuan appeared too early, he might get killed by Wu clan secretly."Speaking of which, Wu Yi Hai's identity is quite troublesome. But thankfully, I have future memories, I know what happened in the five hundred years of my previous life, this can help me analyze the situation."Just like this, Fang Yuan continued to cultivate.He continued to soul search Wu Yi Hai while collecting information about the outside world.Wu Du Xiu's condition was getting worse every day, the entirety of Southern Border was in a commotion.Over in Northern Plains, the blood battle martial competition was still ongoing. Without Liu Guan Yi, Chu Du's side was completely suppressed. But soon, the situation changed, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu personally invited three rank seven lone immortals and they won consecutively, helping Chu Du's side reach a deadlock with the righteous path alliance.Liu tribe Gu Immortal Liu Chang had been announcing that he wanted Liu Guan Yi to fight him, otherwise, he was a coward, a chicken and more.Not only was Liu Chang seeking to trouble Fang Yuan, the same went for other forces like Ye Lui tribe. But Liu Guan Yi had vanished without a trace, as if this person had never existed in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world!These pursuing forces were bound to fail, but over in Central Continent, many Gu Immortals had worse fates.Defy!This underground organization created by Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals had been eradicated completely by Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals as well as the ten great ancient sects.Other than that, many of the people on the Demon Judgment Board had been captured, blood path demonic immortals were killed, while some other demonic path or lone immortals had less severe crimes, they were taken away by the ten great ancient sects and turned into slave Gu Immortals.On a certain day, half a month later, Wu Du Xiu summoned Wu Yong and several other Wu clan supreme elders to her house.At her dying moments, Wu Du Xiu spoke with unprecedented clarity, she said: "I have three regrets in life.""The first regret is that I failed to exterminate the Seven Fierce Gorge Ghosts, I only destroyed their den.""The second regret is that I did not managed to find enough dry clear qi to refine eight-faced prestige wind Gu.""The third regret…"Saying this, Wu Du Xiu paused."Is that I did not get to see my son Yi Hai. Back then… I hated his father, I killed him, but I should not have placed that hatred and anger on a pure and innocent child, he is blameless. I want to make it up to him, but it is too late."In the house, nobody made a sound, it was silent.Wu Du Xiu sighed, sitting up on her own.She got into a half sitting position with much difficulty, leaning on the head of her bed, she waved to Wu Yong weakly.Wu Yong understood her intention, he quickly pulled the curtains apart and stepped forward, getting to Wu Du Xiu and kneeling down reverently.Wu Du Xiu looked at her eldest son and smiled after a long time: "Yong Er, you are good, I am not disappointed."Wu Yong's body shuddered, he raised his head, his eyes were red, tears were sprinkling down.At this moment, he was expressing his true emotions, this old woman in front of him was his mother after all!"I am handing Wu clan to you, I can rest assured." Wu Du Xiu continued to say."Mother." Wu Yong opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, tears were streaming down his face.Wu Du Xiu continued: "My child Yi Hai was unable to come here, that is fate. Forget it, I will hand these Immortal Gu to you. You cultivate wind path as well, I hope you can cherish them and put them to good use.""Mother, I don't want your Immortal Gu, I just want you to live!" Wu Yong sobbed."Silly child, who can avoid dying? Even Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables with immense strength die in the end. Eternal life is but a fantasy of fools."Saying this, Wu Du Xiu's Immortal Gu flew out of her immortal aperture, going towards Wu Yong.The Wu clan supreme elders on the other side of the curtain watched this quietly.The transfer was smooth.Aura of Immortal Gu faded into Wu Yong's body one by one.Wu Du Xiu looked outside the window.The sunlight was bright, through the small window, it entered the room.In a daze, Wu Du Xiu could almost see a figure in the sunlight.That figure was neither her father or mother, it was also not the man who she had once loved in her life, it was herself.That young version of herself, the lady whose smile was as bright as the sun.Wu Du Xiu.Wu Du Xiu."Hehe." Wu Du Xiu muttered her own name twice, before laughing lightly.Her body began to shine with white light, countless white specks were flying out of her shriveled old body.The specks of light were the dissipation of her soul and body.A moment later, there was nobody left on the bed, the reputable and powerful rank eight Gu Immortal, Wu Du Xiu, a legendary person who had exerted her influence on Southern Border for thousands of years, had at this moment, vanished from this world.She did not leave behind her body or her soul."First supreme elder—!"Outside the curtain, Wu clan's supreme elders cried out with sorrow.Cries filled this small house without any owner.Incredible anguish was vented through crying.Wu Yong cried quietly, he knelt on the ground, lowering his head and not moving, like a statue.Long after, he slowly raised his head, he no longer cried, his expression was as firm as steel.He stood up.Next, he looked at the Wu clan supreme elders through the curtain, they were sprawling on the ground, crying painfully without any of their usual demeanor."Everyone, hold in your sadness. Mother is gone, but we have to continue enveloping Southern Border with Wu clan's glory!" Wu Yong's plain tone carried extraordinary authority.The supreme elders gradually stopped crying.Wu Yong pulled the curtain aside, walking out.The supreme elders had already stood up, they realized something.The atmosphere had become heavy, these Gu Immortal elders paid their respects towards Wu Yong, they said together: "We pay respects to first supreme elder!"The legend of a generation, Wu Du Xiu had died, as her son, Wu Yong with rank eight cultivation level became the next first supreme elder of Wu clan.After news got out from Wu clan, it spread through the entire Southern Border Gu Immortal world at lightning speed!Southern Border was in a commotion.Wu Du Xiu had finally died, many Gu Immortals and forces let out sighs of relief.Wu clan originally had two rank eight Gu Immortals, but now only one was left, could it still remain as the number one righteous path force?Wu clan seemed to have too many resource points under its control.Wu Du Xiu was gone, only Wu Yong, who had insufficient talent and abilities, was left, could he truly lead Wu clan on a path of glory?Not only were the Gu Immortals outside of Wu clan thinking about this, even within Wu clan, many members were doubtful towards the abilities of this new first supreme elder.And also the rumors of Wu Yong killing his half-brother Wu Yi Hai, at this moment, they were spread around fiercely, like the surface of boiling water, bubbles were emerging fiercely.Qing Yang Mountain.Qiao clan's headquarters were here.Two Gu Immortals of Qiao clan were standing at the peak, looking in Wu clan's direction.The two immortals could see many layers of clouds, mountains winds were blowing and causing their sleeves to flutter.Qiao clan's first supreme elder sighed: "Wu Du Xiu is dead, Wu Yong has just taken over her position, but he is already plagued by the rumors of killing his brother, hehe, this is a good opportunity for our Qiao clan. Everyone thinks that we are Wu clan's lackey, but the truth is, we were just trying to survive. With Wu clan's commotion, we can finally have a chance to take action. Compared to other clans, we have better reasons to do this because of our long term marriage alliances with Wu clan!""Wu Yong seems ordinary, but I feel like he is not so simple. Even if he is not talented, he is still a rank eight Gu Immortal." The other Gu Immortal spoke.She looked like a woman in her twenties, she wore a green dress that could not conceal her alluring body shape. Her skin was white as snow, her eyes were concealed by her long eyelashes, they seemed clear as water.She was Qiao clan's pride, a genius that was the hope for the future, as well as one of the three great fairies of Southern Border — Qiao Si Liu.Qiao clan's first supreme elder laughed:" Oh Liu Er, this is the reason why I asked you to talk to me. We are going to continue our marriage alliance with Wu clan."Qiao Si Liu's body shook: "I understand, I am willing to contribute to the clan.""Very good, the clan did not raise you in vain." Qiao clan's first supreme elder was very glad."But if I marry Wu Yong, I might not be able to control him. He is a rank eight Gu Immortal, he even has authority over the entirety of Wu clan…" Qiao Si Liu hesitated."Not with him." Qiao clan's first supreme elder smiled."Then who else?" Qiao Si Liu was visibly confused."Wu Yi Hai.""Wu Yi Hai?""That's right, he approached us a few days ago."Seven days later.Wu clan held a grand funeral on Divine Wind Mountain.All the righteous path forces, as well as many lone immortal experts, even certain special demonic path Gu Immortals were invited for the funeral.In front of everyone's eyes, Wu Yong suddenly erupted: "Men, take down this traitor of the clan!""What?!" Xu Tuo was shocked, he wanted to resist but it was too late."Master, what are you doing?! I am your most loyal and dedicated servant!" Xu Tuo screamed loudly."Hehe." Wu Yong chuckled, he pointed at Xu Tuo as he shouted: "You are a loyal and dedicated servant indeed, Xu Tuo! To think I trusted you so deeply, yet you harmed me, leaking the travel route of my brother, and causing countless fiends to attack him. My poor brother, I have not even met him, but he was already killed by you bunch of evil fiends!"Saying this, Wu Yong sighed at the sky, tears flowing down his face.Xu Tuo looked on, dumbfounded.The shock inside him could not be expressed with words.He wanted to deny it, but Wu Yong tossed out a bunch of evidence!The evidence could not be overturned.Xu Tuo had no way of rebutting, he realized now that Wu Yong had found out his identity long ago, he endured all this while, until today!Wu Yong made use of him to exterminate his brother Wu Yi Hai, and also fully obtaining the inheritance. He became Wu clan's first supreme elder, and shattered all of the rumors regarding him on this very day.Xu Tuo was the sacrificial pawn that he discarded."Today, I will win everything!" Wu Yong laughed in his mind, but he pointed at Xu Tuo, ordering: "Drag him away!"The righteous path representatives were uneasy, even those demonic path and lone immortals showed shock on their faces.Wu Yong looked around, feeling extremely satisfied.But just as he was about to speak, Qiao clan's first supreme elder stood up: "I have good news for Lord Wu Yong. Your brother Wu Yi Hai did not die, not only did he survive, he has arrived here with the help of my Qiao clan.""What?"

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Chapter 1219. Fang Yuan versus Wu Yong | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan took large strides, walking out of the group of Qiao clan Gu Immortals.At once, everyone's focus was gathered on him.Fang Yuan instantly became the center of attention.Seeing his face, multiple supreme elders of Wu clan gasped: "They are really alike."Fang Yuan's appearance, no, Wu Yi Hai's appearance, was very similar to his birth mother Wu Du Xiu. This was an undeniable point, it was Fang Yuan's advantage.Wu Yong was different, he resembled his father, he had complementing eyes and brows, he looked very ordinary, he had a natural unremarkable aura.But Wu Yi Hai was different.He was handsome and muscular, he stood out from the crowd like a spear stabbing at the sky. Even though he lived in Eastern Sea, his traits were very similar to Wu clan Gu Immortals, especially his nose, it was wide and tall, at a glance, people could tell that this person was very extraordinary, he had a firm personality and could not be looked down upon.Of course, the reason why Fang Yuan could give off such an impression was highly attributed to his appearance.The real Wu Yi Hai did not have the traits of a Wu clansman.Rank eight immortal killer move — Familiar Face!Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's signature method, it was displaying its worth right now, all of these Gu Immortals were deceived, none of them could tell that Fang Yuan was an impostor.The truth was, even Wu clan's Gu Immortals were seeing Wu Yi Hai for the first time.Undoubtedly, Fang Yuan's prior preparation and hard work was rewarded now. When Wu clan's Gu Immortals looked at him, they held some good feelings towards him.Because Wu Yi Hai looked like Wu Du Xiu.Wu Du Xiu was not beautiful, she had features that suited a man, if she were a male, she would be a grand hero that could rival heaven.Wu Yi Hai bore seventy percent resemblance to her.Wu Du Xiu died, Wu clan was in a commotion, the clan's Gu Immortals were all in remembrance of Wu Du Xiu's achievements and glory.After all, humans were like this, they did not feel much attachment towards people when they were still alive, but the moment they were gone, they would want to cherish and appreciate them.Fang Yuan appeared at this juncture, it made good use of the immortals' mental state.Of course, this was part of Fang Yuan's calculations."Alike, they really look alike." Even other clans' Gu Immortals were sighing.Fang Yuan sensed sharply that the gazes on him were changing slowly.In the five hundred years of his previous life, he did not have the achievement of high cultivation level, but he had gone through five hundred years of life, he had nurtured an unfathomably deep ability to observe situations, and an acute perception towards the changes of emotions in the Gu Immortals near him.He sensed that the gazes of Wu clan's Gu Immortals were welcoming, while Wu Yong's gaze carried animosity in it.Wu Yong was indeed shocked.Fang Yuan had disguised as 'Wu Yi Hai' and appeared, this greatly affected his plans and arrangements.What made Wu Yong alarmed was that Fang Yuan and Qiao clan's Gu Immortals were together, he felt a sense of wariness.The truth was, Wu Yong hated this younger brother of his in the deepest part of his heart.Even though both sides were meeting for the first time.Wu Yong did not like Fang Yuan at first sight.Because Wu Yi Hai looked too much like his mother Wu Du Xiu.So many years.Wu Yong had followed by Wu Du Xiu's side, growing under her protection.Wu Du Xiu was a giant tree, the leaves of the tree protected the entirety of Wu clan, including Wu Yong himself.Wu Yong felt like he was constantly lowering his head, the shade of the tree was a type of shadow that loomed over his life.He was Wu Du Xiu's son, but do not forget, he was a man.Men naturally sought strength, having an intense desire towards authority.But all along, Wu Yong was under Wu Du Xiu's shadow, her strength, her abilities, as well as her identity, Wu Yong could not resist her, he had to lower his head.Wu Du Xiu passed away, Wu Yong was naturally very upset and grieved, but at the same time, unavoidably, he felt freedom, he felt… joy.This joy was something that Wu Yong did not dare to admit he felt.But now, when Wu Yong saw this Wu Yi Hai who resembled Wu Du Xiu, he unavoidably felt some feelings of dislike.Fang Yuan sensed Wu Yong's ill intent and animosity, even though he disguised himself well.Fang Yuan knew on the inside: "The first step of showing myself succeeded, but the second step of interacting with Wu clan and getting them to acknowledge me is the crucial one.""Being accepted by Wu clan means getting Wu Yong, this rank eight Gu Immortal, the first supreme elder of Wu clan's acknowledgement!"Thus, when Fang Yuan stepped into the limelight, he bowed deeply towards Wu Yong: "Wu Yi Hai pays respects to elder brother."Wu Yong had an agitated but hesitant expression: "Are you really my brother Yi Hai? Alike, you really look like mother, except that your eyes are blue, we don't usually have that eye color in Southern Border."That sentence had deep meaning.Wu Yong did not directly acknowledge Fang Yuan's identity, instead, he pointed out the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal identity of 'Wu Yi Hai' seemingly unintentionally.Fang Yuan answered solemnly: "Reporting to brother, I had black eyes before, but some accidents occurred when I cultivated transformation path. Right now, I returned due to mother's arrangement. Unfortunately, I met with many attacks along the way, Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng, who traveled with me, died on the battlefield while protecting me as I escaped.""Both Zhang and Leng were simply attendants of my mother, but they made great contributions to Wu clan. Pass my orders, we will give them a grand burial, according to the rules of how we treat external supreme elders. Their descendants will also be taken care of, and be treated as equals in our Wu clan." Wu Yong instructed.The supreme elders quickly responded.Fang Yuan heard this and snickered internally.This Wu Yong refused to give up any chance to show off his wise image, but hearing his words, he did not accept Fang Yuan's identity. He avoided the important topic, taking about Zhang and Leng and ignoring the important point — his brother Wu Yi Hai.Wu Yong ignored this part, but Fang Yuan was not helpless.This could not stop him.Fang Yuan bowed as he said: "I hope brother can allow me to pay respects to our mother!"Wu Yong's brows tightened.Fang Yuan's words were very logical, as a son, his mother had passed away, how could he not pay respects to her?This was an extremely reasonable request, especially in a clan system where bloodline was crucial in maintaining relationships, even Wu Yong could not stop him.If he said no, outsiders would react badly to it, his new image that had been painstakingly created would be completely ruined.But if he did not refuse Fang Yuan's request, then that would mean that Wu clan was acknowledging Fang Yuan's identity, that he was a member of Wu clan!As a matter of fact, Wu Yong did not want that.Wu Yong disliked Wu Yi Hai's appearance.Wu Yi Hai's identity was a headache to Wu Yong.Wu Yi Hai came here with Qiao clan, it was a huge warning to Wu Yong!"This Wu Yi Hai should go back to where he came from. Isn't he an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal? Then let him develop in Eastern Sea, even if I have to spend some resources to get him to leave."This was the best result for Wu Yong.In fact, Fang Yuan's performance and the Qiao clan Gu Immortals' testament made Wu Yong not suspicious towards Fang Yuan's true identity."Wait, what if I get rid of this Wu Yi Hai?""I could not do it earlier because mother was around. But now, I am first supreme elder, this is my territory, in time, I will gain control of the clan, I can make arrangements in secret and execute him, wouldn't that end my troubles?""Even if he is in Eastern Sea, it is a problem. If he is not in Eastern Sea and stays in Southern Border, the problem is even bigger.""I might as well agree to his current request. Eventually, I can go through some arrangements and demonstrate him to be a fake, I will be able to openly get rid of him!"Thinking of this, Wu Yong felt intense killing intent surging in him.He was about to speak, and directly agree to Fang Yuan's request, when suddenly, a supreme elder of Wu clan said: "Pardon me, but is everyone forgetting to confirm second young master Wu Yi Hai's identity. I am not suspecting him, or suspecting anyone from Qiao clan, but for him to come back to the clan, that is a necessary procedure!"Wu Yong heard this and his brows tightened again.He looked at the Wu clan Gu Immortal who spoke deeply, it was Wu clan's third supreme elder, Wu Qiao 1 .The gazes of Fang Yuan and Qiao clan's first supreme elder met secretly, he thought: "It was right to contact Qiao clan, but I did not think that Qiao clan had infiltrated Wu clan so deeply, reaching up to the third supreme elder, Wu Qiao."Qiao clan's first supreme elder looked at Fang Yuan, thinking about the scene in which they schemed and collaborated…"As long as I appear during the funeral, Wu Yong would be in a passive position. Even as a rank eight Gu Immortal who can easily kill me with his strength, he cannot do anything to me there. Hehehe."Fang Yuan laughed as he continued: "He will not attack or kill me. Because he is Wu clan's first supreme elder, he is not a lone cultivator or a demonic cultivator. By then, if I request to pay respects to our mother, what can Wu Yong do to stop me?""Hahaha, brilliant, truly brilliant!" Qiao clan's first supreme elder gave a thumbs up: "Privately acknowledging your heritage is too dangerous. If we do this, it is brilliant, even if Wu Yong disagrees, what can he do?"Fang Yuan said seriously: "Thus, we must undergo the acknowledgement during the funeral. If we miss this chance, it will be difficult. Not only would the risks be higher, Wu Yong would not even give us any opportunity.""Don't worry, by then, I will speak up and suggest this." Qiao clan's first supreme elder smiled."No, no, no." Fang Yuan shook his head: "It is unsuitable for you to suggest it, you are an outsider, how can you interfere in Wu clan's business?"Qiao clan's first supreme elder fell into silence.Fang Yuan's words directly addressed his biggest concern. This was a huge problem he was facing. If this was not solved, he could not cooperate with 'Wu Yi Hai'.Fang Yuan's arms were behind his back, he raised his head and looked outside the window: "Therefore, I need a supreme elder from Wu clan, he can openly suggest this, and steer the situation towards the heritage acknowledgement."Qiao clan's first supreme elder was a bit troubled: "This…"

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Chapter 1220. Presence in Southern Border | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan continued to say: "This supreme elder should have some status, and he needs to have a firm attitude! Because during this period, Wu Yong is likely to side with me, acting as if I am already confirmed to be his brother to deny this suggestion. Thus, the person we choose needs to be able to stand the pressure of a rank eight Gu Immortal!"Qiao clan's first supreme elder shrugged: "This is too difficult. After all, Wu Yong is not only a rank eight Gu Immortal, he is also Wu clan's first supreme elder, he inherited Wu Du Xiu's Immortal Gu."Fang Yuan did not even turn around, he still looked outside.His words turned cold and firm: "Don't tell me Qiao clan does not have such a person. If you don't, why do you have ambitions towards Wu clan? Just give up and sleep, you might have more success in your dreams. I, Wu Yi Hai, will not cooperate with such a clan!"Qiao clan's first supreme elder was slightly stunned, he assessed Fang Yuan again.From his angle, he could only see Fang Yuan's side view.Outside the window, the rays of the setting sun shone on Fang Yuan's face, like a layer of blood.Fang Yuan's expression was firm like steel, his blue eyes were brimming with life."This man… hehe, interesting. As expected of Wu Du Xiu's son." Qiao clan's first supreme elder sighed to himself internally, before agreeing: "We will go with your idea."…Even though Wu Du Xiu was dead, at her funeral, there was a peculiar and interesting scene.Wu Du Xiu's illegitimate son from Eastern Sea, Wu Yi Hai, had appeared, wanting to pay respects to his mother.All of the Gu Immortals from different forces watched quietly without interfering.After all, these were Wu clan's internal affairs.Among them, many Gu Immortals could see some things beyond the surface.But when Wu clan's third supreme elder, Wu Qiao, spoke, multiple gazes landed on him.Wu Qiao seemed unfazed, showing an attitude of being impartial and upright. He was Wu clan's third supreme elder!Qiao clan could infiltrate Wu clan to this extent, Fang Yuan was shocked.Of course, he was one of the parties involved, he knew more and had clearer judgment. People not in the know, without knowing the reasons behind this, would not be able to tell what Wu Qiao's stance was.Was he siding with Wu clan or Qiao clan?Even though Wu Yong noticed this possibility, he could not ascertain the facts.Wu Yong spoke: "Alright, we will hold the acknowledgement of my brother's heritage here at my mother's funeral. I am sure that my mother would be very glad to see this happen."He did not rebuke them, he directly agreed to it.Fang Yuan looked at Wu Yong deeply, this person was not simple!Qiao clan's first supreme elder was also slightly surprised by Wu Yong's reaction, his evaluation of Wu Yong rose by a level.Evidently, Wu Yong had noticed that he could not stop Fang Yuan from the acknowledgement of his heritage. If he continued to reject it, he would lose his reputation and image, he might as well agree and allow this matter."All of the immortals here can bear witness to it, bring the Immortal Gu!" Third supreme elder Wu Qiao stood up, he needed to be the host of this event, to prevent Wu Yong and the rest from tampering with it.Soon, Wu clan brought the Immortal Gu.Wu Qiao stood before Fang Yuan, holding an Immortal Gu in his hand, saying: "This is a rank seven blood path Immortal Gu, Bloodline, my Wu clan obtained it from killing a blood path demonic immortal, it is our trophy of victory, it can be used to certify second young master's identity."As he said this, the Gu Immortals present internally rolled their eyes.Blood path was not tolerated, it was too dangerous.But the truth was, every righteous path force was secretly researching it. Because blood path could increase one's battle strength the quickest.Evidently, this bloodline Immortal Gu was the product of Wu clan's research, but they called it their loot from battle."Second young master, please provide a drop of blood!" Wu Qiao said.Fang Yuan was tense.It was a rank seven blood path Immortal Gu!This was out of his expectations.A drop of blood was different from examining his body, it was hard to tamper with.Under everyone's supervision, Fang Yuan followed what he said and squeezed out a drop of blood to Wu Qiao.Wu Qiao used the Immortal Gu and aimed towards the blood in his hand, as a dark red light shone.There were no issues.Fang Yuan let out a sigh of relief."Thankfully, blood asset Immortal Gu recovered, and I added it into familiar face to disguise my bloodline. Last time, I deceived measures in Hei Fan's true inheritance, while this time, I got past the rank seven blood path Immortal Gu Bloodline."Thankfully, it was only rank seven, if it were rank eight, he might not be able to deceive it.Fang Yuan was quite lucky in this aspect.Of course, Wu clan was not going to be so wasteful as to raise a blood path Immortal Gu to rank eight.Refining a rank eight Immortal Gu had too high of a cost, it could dry up a super force's assets without assurance of success.But this was not all.Next, Wu Qiao asked Fang Yuan many crucial questions.Some of these questions, Fang Yuan knew the answers, while some he did not, he answered honestly.Among the questions, some were traps, events that had never happened were used to trick him.But Fang Yuan had searched Wu Yi Hai's soul, he could deal with these questions.The true danger was the rank seven Immortal Gu Bloodline, he had already passed that, there was little difficulty left.Hundreds of questions were asked, Wu Qiao was still expressionless.But the other Wu clan supreme elders nodded, some of them were smiling, looking at Fang Yuan, showing that he had already passed the test."Actually, we also had to inspect your soul and bones, but Lady Wu Du Xiu has passed away, we will skip that." Wu Qiao said, making Fang Yuan feel extremely glad.Thankfully, he was not greedy regarding those rank eight Immortal Gu.If he was questioned by her in person, his soul path and bone path methods were not impressive, there was a high chance of him showing a flaw."I heard that when Wu Du Xiu died, her body turned into specks of light, none of her body remained. Even her hair and other things left behind had dissipated as well. She really died completely without leaving a trace, it is a good death!" Fang Yuan was overjoyed at his luck.Next, Wu Qiao reported his findings to Wu Yong.Needless to say, everyone had already seen the result.Wu Yong nodded, while the other Wu clan supreme elders also agreed.Thus, Wu Qiao took out life tablet Gu and soul lantern Gu, asking Fang Yuan to refine them. These Gu worms would be left in Wu clan's ancestral hall, they were the symbol of Fang Yuan's acknowledgement into the clan.After all this, Fang Yuan had finally used Wu Yi Hai's identity to step into Southern Border's Gu Immortal world.After paying respects to Wu Du Xiu, Fang Yuan cried profusely, showing off a fantastic performance with incredible acting.As it was now Wu Du Xiu's funeral, Wu clan could not hold a banquet. But after the ceremony ended, Fang Yuan interacted with many Wu clan Gu Immortals, even though they only drank tea and talked for a while, Fang Yuan benefited greatly.Of course, Gu Immortals asked to spar with Fang Yuan, but he rejected them all.His status was very high now!He had rank seven cultivation level, he was the brother of Wu clan's first supreme elder, the rank eight Gu Immortal Wu Yong.Even though these brothers were of separate minds, on the surface, it seemed that their bloodline bonded them together.Seven days later, the funeral ended, Fang Yuan stood beside the Wu clan Gu Immortals, sending off the guests who came, like he was an important part of the clan.These Southern Border Gu Immortals remembered Fang Yuan well.Many of them listed him as someone they could not trifle with, not because of Fang Yuan's cultivation level, but because he was blood related to Wu Yong.Wu Yi Hai's name spread in Southern Border. Even though it could not be said that everyone knew about it, he was not far off.Three days later.Dawn, the sun rose slowly in the sky.Fang Yuan was standing on the peak of Bear Mountain, quietly looking at the beautiful sunrise.After the acknowledgement of his heritage, he was assigned by Wu clan to live on this Bear Mountain.This was not within the blessed land serving as Wu clan's base, Fang Yuan claimed that he wanted to live outside as well. Bear Mountain was a well known place, there were large numbers of wild beasts on this mountain, all sorts of bears were living here.Wu clan directly gave this mountain to Fang Yuan, from now on, this was Wu Yi Hai's territory.But Wu clan did not assign Fang Yuan any relevant roles.Wu clan's Gu Immortals were all supreme elders, Wu Yong was the first supreme elder, followed by the second supreme elder, third supreme elder, and so on. They had different positions, and differing authority and power.In this aspect, Qiao clan's first supreme elder was very anxious and concerned about it.Because Qiao clan helped Fang Yuan in order to get him to become an authoritative figure among the higher-ups of Wu clan. So that he could contest for Qiao clan's benefits.For this purpose, Qiao clan needed Fang Yuan to gain more power in Wu clan, that way, he could speak up for Qiao clan and make firm decisions.Qiao clan's help was not for free, Fang Yuan had already made alliance agreements with Qiao clan's first supreme elder secretly.But Fang Yuan was not in a rush.He pretended to look at the sunrise, but he was actually thinking about the giant dream realm.He had already obtained his righteous path identity, how could he enter the super Gu formation openly now, and use the giant dream realm to raise his attainment level?Fang Yuan was thinking of this problem, when an information path Immortal Gu flew towards him, bringing Wu Yong's summons.Right now, Fang Yuan had perfectly assimilated into the clan, the process was seen by countless Gu Immortals in Southern Border, Wu Yong could not harm his life anymore.The ship had set sail, it was far too late now.Especially when he was inside Wu clan's territory, Wu Yong needed to protect this 'younger brother' of his.Fang Yuan followed the instructions of the information path Immortal Gu and met with Wu Yong in a hall.Wu Yong said: "You are my younger brother, you have just returned to the clan. According to our clan rules, every newly advanced rank six Gu Immortal may pick a rank six Immortal Gu. After becoming rank seven, they may pick a rank seven Immortal Gu. Bring along this information path Immortal Gu with you and go to the clan's treasury to choose your two Immortal Gu."

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