
Chapter: 1116-1120:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1116. A Dead Egg | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan controlled 'Hei Cheng', slowly getting into the eagle nest.Light in nine colors shone on 'Hei Cheng"s face interchangeably.His vision was covered by heavenly crystals, it was a grand and beautiful scene, like something out of a dream or illusion.The eagle nest was not big, it was like a small room.At the center of the room, there was a huge egg, other than that, there was nothing else.'Hei Cheng' glanced at it.His gaze was focused on this egg.This egg was the height of a young man, it was oval shaped and had a glass-like shell, it was reflecting the light of the nine colors, it was extremely beautiful.But Fang Yuan sensed acutely that this egg was covered in death energy, it was devoid of life.Sensing this, he no longer cared about it, he placed his attention on the other aspects.He searched and explored, after some hours, other than the heavenly crystals, he had no other gains."How can this be? Hei Fan was a time path great expert, how can the true inheritance that he left behind only have one empty heavenly crystal eagle nest? Where are his time path Immortal Gu? Where are his immortal killer moves?"Fang Yuan thought quickly, soon, he placed his attention on the dead egg again."Perhaps to find Hei Fan's true inheritance, that dead egg is the key!"Fang Yuan guessed.At this stage, the memories that he had obtained from Hei Cheng were no longer useful. Fang Yuan had surpassed the generations of Hei tribe Gu Immortals, he was at a step that they had never reached before.To obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance, Fang Yuan had to rely on himself.'Hei Cheng' walked around the dead egg, using his Gu worms to observe and research it.A moment later, Fang Yuan confirmed again that this was a dead egg.An absolutely dead egg.There was no disguise.This way, Fang Yuan's guess that Hei Fan's true inheritance was hidden inside the egg shell was thwarted."Don't tell me, Hei Fan's true inheritance has already been stolen by someone. The Immortal Gu stored here are taken away already? I am not the first person in here?" Fang Yuan could not help but think.This was not impossible.This world had too many secrets!After Fang Yuan's secret transactions with Sixth Hair, he did not dare to underestimate anyone.Even though he was a transmigrator, in this world, he was not the only one. There already was one who did well enough in life to become a rank nine venerable.Righteous path, demonic path, lone cultivators, countless elites and geniuses, heroes and conquerors, throughout history, they were shining like brilliant stars in the sky.Fang Yuan was just one of the stars.Fang Yuan's guess was not random, he had his evidence.According to the intel obtained from Hei Cheng, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals had realized that attitude Gu was the key. While searching for attitude Gu, they also researched their methods, replicating attitude Gu's aura, attempting to 'deceive' the heavenly crystal eagle nest to open.In Hei Cheng's memories, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals did not succeed.But that did not mean that nobody had succeeded!A Gu Immortal might have secretly opened the heavenly crystal eagle nest, taking Hei Fan's true inheritance for themselves, while nobody knew.And this might not even be a Hei tribe Gu Immortal.This example was very common throughout history.The most famous example was Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable.This person was the ultimate thief, in his life, he stole many Gu Immortals' true inheritances, countless forces hated him greatly.Fang Yuan inspected it a few times over, there was indeed nothing else.With his current methods and knowledge, if he found nothing, there was likely no Hei Fan true inheritance.Fang Yuan felt very disappointed.He was banking on Hei Fan's true inheritance to slow the rate of time in his immortal aperture.Of course, he had Chu Du's help now, he did not need it temporarily.But what about the future?If one did not have huge worries, they would worry about smaller things.Cooperating with Chu Du was dangerous, he was asking for favors from a tiger, heaven's will would also seek to instigate him.Even if Fang Yuan did not need it now, with this assurance, he could have many ways out in the future if he encountered trouble."Even if there is no Hei Fan true inheritance, this heavenly crystal eagle nest is an entire nest of rank eight immortal materials, it has great value."In fact, other than the Immortal Gu in Fang Yuan's immortal aperture, all of his other resources accumulated could not match half the value of the heavenly crystal eagle nest!Of course, this was excluding Dang Hun Mountain. Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley were in Lang Ya blessed land, and the trade of guts Gu was solely handled by Lang Ya Sect now. He only took his share of the profits monthly."However, what is this dead egg? I actually could not recognize it using my own knowledge. If Hei Fan's true inheritance is still around, this dead egg might be the clue that Hei Fan purposely left behind."Even though hope was slim, Fang Yuan was intending to follow this route and investigate.He first went to treasure yellow heaven, because cultivation experience and knowledge was also sold here.Among which, there were desolate beast encyclopedias, maps of Southern Border, books on ancient desolate plants.Fang Yuan's divine sense looked around, choosing carefully, he bought some and looked at them.Last time, he spent nearly ten thousand immortal essence stones to buy a large amount of pill azure incense. But this month's profits were not here yet, his funds were low.But after seeing these, even though Fang Yuan learned something, he did not manage to find information regarding this mysterious dead egg.Fang Yuan was not disappointed, instead he was a little happy.The more mysterious this dead egg was, the deeper its origin, and the greater hope he had regarding the clues to Hei Fan's true inheritance."This dead egg is very likely to be an immemorial desolate beast's egg!" Fang Yuan's readings were not without result.But in this case, the knowledge from treasure yellow heaven was basically useless.Because this knowledge were mostly limited to rank six and seven.Immemorial desolate beasts had rank eight battle strength, but rank eight Gu Immortals would not sell their knowledge in treasure yellow heaven. They had no lack of such money. In any case, most Gu Immortals would not buy them, because with their level, they could not interact with immemorial desolate beasts.In the current world, most immemorial desolate beasts were inside white heaven and black heaven. Other than that, they were in the forbidden or catastrophic areas in the five regions, like the Northern Plains ten great fierce areas, or places like Earth Trench and Earth Abyss."Should I ask directly in treasure yellow heaven, putting up a high price for the origins of this egg?" Fang Yuan thought about it and denied this idea.It was too eye-catching.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals were not all dead.Wisdom path Gu Immortals could easily deduce some information.This was not good for Fang Yuan.If rank eight Gu Immortals were drawn to him, they would be a problem.Fang Yuan could not afford to face these existences yet.He did not feel much dejection from treasure yellow heaven's uselessness, because he knew that he had someone who could help him with this problem.That was Lang Ya land spirit!Lang Ya land spirit was the obsession of Long Hair Ancestor, he had been a rank eight Gu Immortal, a refinement path supreme grandmaster, he was famous throughout history and had great reputation.Which paths would have Gu Immortals with the widest knowledge?Wisdom path, information path, and refinement path.Wisdom path Gu Immortals could deduce secrets, information path Gu Immortals could search and find intel, while refinement path Gu Immortals had to refine Gu, they needed to know lots of immortal materials.As one of the greatest refinement path experts in history, Long Hair Ancestor's knowledge was undeniably immense.Fang Yuan sought help from Lang Ya land spirit.This was not a smooth process, Fang Yuan was troubled by Lang Ya land spirit's attitude.Recently, Lang Ya Sect was very unhappy with Fang Yuan, they felt that he was cultivating for himself and did not contribute to the sect. Now, Lang Ya Sect was developing in Tai Qiu, the falling star hound was causing them problems, their progress was minimal as a result."Fang Yuan, if you kill the falling star hound, I will let you read such books in our inventory. If you want to exchange for it, use a hundred contribution points." Lang Ya land spirit said coldly with a low tone.Fang Yuan smiled: "I will exchange for it."A hundred contribution points was almost all that he had now.However, even so, Fang Yuan wanted to exchange for it, he did not plan to go to Tai Qiu.Lang Ya land spirit snorted, he was about to speak again, but Fang Yuan said: "First supreme elder is truly impartial, handling matters according to sect rules. Lang Ya Sect's rise is inevitable."Lang Ya land spirit was so angry his chest was puffing, his hair stood on ends as he breathed roughly, he contained his anger: "I heard that you have a deep relationship with Twelfth Hair, I remember this child had praised you before. Recently, he challenged the falling star hound, he suffered great injuries and his desolate beasts all died, he is very dejected. Are you going to visit him?""Thank you for the concern, first supreme elder." Fang Yuan had a heavy and sorrowful face, as if the one injured was not Twelfth Hair but himself."After exchanging for the books, I will go to Twelfth Hair." Fang Yuan assured.Lang Ya land spirit was helpless, he could not do anything to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan got what he wanted, going to Twelfth Hair's cloud city along the way. But he did not meet with Twelfth Hair in person, a mortal Gu Master said: "My master is unwilling to meet guests, please go back."Fang Yuan was not welcomed, but he did not leave, he asked with concern.However, the attitude of this mortal Gu Master was very cold, Fang Yuan could not get any results, he had to leave 'helplessly'.If not for the land spirit's awareness of matters in the blessed land, Fang Yuan would not even put up this show.He knew clearly, how could a mortal hairy man Gu Master act like this to a Gu Immortal? Evidently, he was backed by a hairy man Gu Immortal. And this person was none other than Twelfth Hair, who held a grudge against Fang Yuan."My relationship with Lang Ya Sect has reached this stage… of course, a lot of the 'credit' goes to Sixth Hair. Lang Ya Sect has a lot of value, I need to restore and maintain a good relationship with it in the future, but that is not an urgent matter."Returning to his own cloud city, he checked the information and was not disappointed."So this egg is the upper extreme heavenly eagle!"Fang Yuan's heart shook.Upper extreme heavenly eagles were immemorial desolate beasts with rank eight battle strength!After his surprise, Fang Yuan was filled with joy.He realized: his hard work was not in vain. If this was an egg of the upper extreme heavenly eagle, then Hei Fan's true inheritance was not taken away yet, it was waiting for him!

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Chapter 1117. Upper Extreme Heavenly Eagle | Reverend Insanity

Upper extreme heavenly eagle.Fang Yuan had known about this immemorial desolate beast since long ago, but he did not know what its egg looked like.Upper extreme heavenly eagles were space path immemorial desolate beasts, a mature adult upper extreme heavenly eagle could freely travel in the immemorial nine heavens or in grotto-heavens.This ability was amazing.Outside of the immemorial nine heavens, there were extremely thick heavenly wind qi walls. Grotto-heavens were situated in the sky, if they did not open up, it was hard to detect them from the outside world.But as long as the upper extreme heavenly eagle had gone to a place before, it could follow its instincts and travel through space, returning to a former location.It was an immemorial desolate beast with rank eight battle strength, it could fly extremely fast. Hei Fan could obtain an egg of the upper extreme heavenly eagle, he must have paid an extremely high price if it was not by chance.The upper extreme heavenly eagle's only weakness was its lifespan.It only had eighty years of lifespan.Ordinary mortals had about a hundred years of lifespan.The great immemorial desolate beast, upper extreme heavenly eagle, had less lifespan than even a mortal, it was truly astounding. Other immemorial desolate beasts often had hundreds of thousands of years to live, the upper extreme heavenly eagle could not compare to them.However, it had the ability to prolong its life.When it died of old age, it would produce an egg.Inside this egg, there would be all of its memories as well as the accumulated space path dao marks over its entire life.When the chick breaks out of the shell, the upper extreme heavenly eagle would live another life, it would grow up again, but with its previous life's memories and dao mark accumulation. Without any unexpected mishaps, the upper extreme heavenly eagle would only become stronger.Of course, when it is an egg or eagle chick, the upper extreme heavenly eagle would be at its weakest.After understanding this, Fang Yuan had a bold guess: "This upper extreme heavenly eagle's egg must have been left behind by Hei Fan!"Why did he leave behind this egg?Evidently, the upper extreme heavenly eagle had gone to Hei Fan grotto-heaven before. It was the key to entering it.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals had always been searching for the grotto-heaven that Hei Fan had left behind. But in Hei Cheng's memories, they had no gains."Hei Fan's true inheritance must be inside his own grotto-heaven. This is not strange, because if he did not have food path methods, it would be best to keep all of his Immortal Gu inside the grotto-heaven and sustain their own feeding, that has most assurance.""And Hei Fan grotto-heaven has no tribulations. According to Hei Cheng's memories, Hei Fan had obtained a certain fragment of the immemorial nine heavens before his death. If I am not wrong, he must have fused this fragment of the immemorial nine heavens into his immortal aperture before dying.""It is a pity, even though he has no tribulations, he had no lifespan Gu, his lifespan extension methods were also at their limits, he could only die.""But why is the heavenly eagle egg inside the eagle nest dead?"Fang Yuan was faced with a difficult question.There were two answers.One was that the heavenly eagle egg had naturally died. Hei Fan left the living egg behind, preventing it from hatching, he used the heavenly crystal eagle nest to create an arrangement. But because nobody came to inherit it after a long time, the heavenly crystal eagle nest was not opened, the egg died eventually after a long time.The second possibility was that the heavenly eagle egg had no life force left because Hei Fan did it. This egg was not truly dead, it needed a special method to unseal it.If it was the first possibility, Fang Yuan naturally could not obtain any benefits. He could only get a heavenly crystal eagle nest and a dead immemorial egg. They had great value in themselves but that was all.From Fang Yuan's perspective, he would naturally prefer the second possibility.But if that was the case, what was the special method that could unseal the egg?"Assuming the second case, how can I unseal this dead egg, to let it regain life force and even hatch?" Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.He thought for a long time, but there were no answers.It was not strange.This egg was quite literally dead. If not for that, Fang Yuan would not have confirmed this at the start so easily."If I were Hei Fan, I would definitely leave behind clues to resolve this problem after setting up this dead egg, so that descendants could inherit this." Fang Yuan had a flash of inspiration.He realized he had subconsciously ignored something.It was the refinement path methods that Hei Fan had once modified and left behind on purpose."I used these methods to open the heavenly crystal eagle nest. If I use these methods again, will it work on the dead egg?" Fang Yuan had a bold assumption.But he did not act yet.Because this was just a hypothesis, there was no proof or evidence backing it.Fang Yuan was vigilant, he started using wisdom path methods, he went deep into analyzing these refinement path methods, placing focus on deducing them.He quickly discovered something strange.What was strange?Some refinement path killer moves were very strangely modified. The original versions were better and had stronger effects than the newer versions.Hei Fan's modifications were simply going the reverse direction.What was he trying to do?Fang Yuan suddenly thought about some historical records regarding Hei Fan that were inside Hei Cheng's memories.Hei Fan was a rank eight Gu Immortal, during his later years, he liked to nurture juniors, but he often taught them: "When learning, you have to think for yourself, don't just blindly follow and idolize your seniors' experiences. Only by thinking for yourself and learning them can you go further on the path of a Gu Immortal."Thinking of this, Fang Yuan looked at the refinement path killer moves with new ideas.He tried to remove the 'failed modifications' that Hei Fan did in those killer moves, he made a shocking discovery."So these refinement path killer moves are not failures, by combining them, they form a brand new killer move!""Hei Fan had purposely added in unnecessary steps in these refinement path killer moves, they are failures individually. But together, these parts can combine into a whole!"What made Fang Yuan more surprised was that this new killer move was a type of blood path method.The great rank eight time path Hei Fan, researching blood path?This was not strange.Ever since Blood Sea Ancestor appeared, blood path's power was known to all. All the super forces restricted the growth of blood path, while researching it secretly themselves.This was something happening even in Central Continent's ten great ancient sects, not to mention Northern Plains, a region with Gu Immortals that sought battle strength greatly.Fang Yuan was much more confident in blood path than refinement path.He was a blood path grandmaster! Blood path was his most used path in the past.With some research, Fang Yuan realized: Hei Fan had purposely concealed this blood refinement killer move, it was to be used on the upper extreme heavenly eagle!But this blood refinement killer move was not complete.With Fang Yuan's knowledge and blood path attainment, he could tell that this blood path killer move was not complete, it was only a portion.Seeing this, Fang Yuan was not disappointed, instead his eyes were shining brightly."Hei Fan must have the complete blood refinement killer move, he used the first half to process this upper extreme heavenly eagle dead egg. He only left the other half to his descendants.""But he did not pass down this blood path killer move directly to his descendants, he used a unique method to conceal it.""His first motive must be to test his descendants, so that a skilled Gu Immortal who could think for themselves inherits this. The second reason was that blood path was notorious, if the great Hei Fan's true inheritance used a blood path method, it would cause a huge commotion. Hei Fan did not want that to happen."Fang Yuan was scheming and shrewd, he could easily tell what Hei Fan was thinking in the past.After clarifying this, he was even more assured that this upper extreme heavenly eagle was not truly dead, it was just processed by Hei Fan through a special method.That made things easier!Fang Yuan was no longer an immortal zombie, he could easily draw blood from his own body.However, just as he was about to use blood refinement, he stopped his actions."So close! I almost failed to notice Hei Fan's intention…" Fang Yuan's forehead was filled with sweat.Why did Hei Fan leave a blood path method for his descendants?Wasn't it really strange?Everyone knew that Hei Fan was a time path great expert, at this level, he could easily use time path methods to leave his inheritance behind and imitate methods of other paths.But he used blood path instead of his strongest time path, why was that?There was only one possible reason, the blood path method could do something that time path could not.What else could it be?As a blood path grandmaster, Fang Yuan first thought of — bloodline recognition!The inheritance that Hei Fan left behind was meant for Hei tribe descendants. The inheritance of a super force's Gu Immortal was usually kept to the clan or tribe itself, the first condition was to be blood related. Very few Gu Immortals would leave behind inheritances that could be obtained by others.Attitude Gu, the refinement path method left behind for generations, they were just the first two precautions.The blood refinement method that uses one's bloodline was the third."If the inheritor is not a Hei tribe descendant and does not have Hei tribe's bloodline, then blood refining this dead egg might cause a backlash. Or rather, the immemorial desolate beast upper extreme heavenly eagle that hatches would be the enemy of this Gu Immortal!"Fang Yuan thought of this and felt even more sweat on his forehead.Especially the last part, if he truly became enemies with an immemorial desolate beast, of rank eight battle strength, he would be in deep trouble!The upper extreme heavenly eagle was very fast, Fang Yuan could not outrun it, he had weak defenses as well, he would definitely die."It seems that I can only use a proper bloodline to refine the egg." Fang Yuan wisely stopped.Some days later.In a part of the sovereign immortal aperture.Hei Cheng's hair was a mess, he had a very tired and weak expression.Fang Yuan manipulated the strength path immortal zombie, flying towards him.Hei Cheng jolted like he was hit by lightning, his body shook as he shouted in fear and shock: "You, what do you want?!"Earlier, Fang Yuan had soul searched him, forget about that. Now, he was using all sorts of methods to 'torture' Hei Cheng, he was truly in misery, he felt that he was better off dead.Hei Cheng was Fang Yuan's captive, at this stage, he had already given up. His Gu Immortal demeanor was gone.But he could not even bite his own tongue to suicide.Fang Yuan had thought: Hei Cheng still had some value, even though Hei tribe was gone, Hei Lou Lan was alive.Thus, Hei Cheng was in a state where he could neither die nor live in peace."Don't worry, this is likely to be the last time, I am confident of it." Fang Yuan manipulated the strength path immortal zombie, smiling as he got closer.Hei Cheng was about to cry, he struggled intensely: "You say that every time, it is always the last time! No, no, no! Ah—!"

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Chapter 1118. Future Rank Eight Battle Strength | Reverend Insanity

Hei Cheng's expression was distorted, he screamed in great agony.Fang Yuan did not care, he continued to use his blood path killer move.With blood asset Immortal Gu as the core, this blood path killer move was an immortal killer move!Because of this power, Hei Cheng felt immense pain, blood from all over his body and even bone marrow were drained out, gathered into a lump.Next, Fang Yuan controlled the strength path immortal zombie and swallowed it whole.Hei Cheng was drained of much of his blood and fainted, his entire body was skin and bones, he had a pale expression, like he had died.Fang Yuan smiled coldly, several mortal Gu flew out entered Hei Cheng's ears, going into his bloodstream and traveling.These blood path mortal Gu were huge, when they traveled in Hei Cheng's body, there were bumps over his body, as if rats were moving rapidly in him.Soon, these 'rats' became smaller and smaller, Hei Cheng's body started inflating, color was restored on his face. But he was exhausted mentally, as if he had just overcome a huge sickness.He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the strength path immortal zombie, he muttered: "Spare me, spare me. I am willing to surrender, I will be loyal to you…"Fang Yuan did not reply to him.Hei Cheng had said this many times.Fang Yuan did not care to have a subordinate like Hei Cheng.Fang Yuan was already wary of the featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong, not to mention Hei Cheng. With the outside situation as it was, Fang Yuan could only trust himself.In fact, sometimes, he did not even trust himself.After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan had lost his memories.After knowing the secrets of heaven's will and his rebirth, he realized that the fortuitous encounters that he remembered in his previous life were likely arrangements set by heaven's will!Right now, Fang Yuan's focus was on manipulating the strength path immortal zombie.After swallowing Hei Cheng's blood, the strength path immortal zombie's body shone with a thin layer of blood-red light.Under Fang Yuan's expectant gaze, this blood-red light slowly faded, entering the strength path immortal zombie's body, turning into blood which those of Hei tribe's bloodline had."Success!" After several inspections, Fang Yuan was excited.These last days, he had been preparing to refine the egg.Disguising his bloodline was not a problem for Fang Yuan.He was a blood path grandmaster, he had a deep foundation in his previous life.But he had to take into account Hei Fan's blood refinement method, it was a bit troublesome. Fang Yuan had to deduce and modify it several times, after torturing Hei Cheng many times, he finally succeeded."With this blood, I still cannot use it on the egg. I need to integrate this blood path killer move into familiar face, so as to be certain!"For the next ten days, Fang Yuan focused on deductions.But he had high attainment levels, blood path and transformation path were both grandmaster. Ordinary Gu Immortals could not achieve this, but he completed it in less than half a month.Looking at the time, a month had passed in total.He was only about a month away from the fourth earthly calamity.With everything ready now, Fang Yuan made good use of his time, immediately targeting the egg.As he had expected, under the effect of the blood path killer move, the lifeless egg started to produce life force.As more and more blood went in, this life force also grew stronger, and became more amiable with Fang Yuan.Eight days and nights later, the shell cracked from inside, as a small bird came out.This bird was newly hatched, but it was not small, it could stand at the height of a youngster.The small eagle looked at the strength path immortal zombie that Fang Yuan had become, it had a warm gaze, affection could be seen from within its sharp eagle eyes. It was like a child seeing their parents."Come, come here." Fang Yuan manipulated the immortal zombie, saying.The little eagle quickly jumped to the immortal zombie, looking at him with dark eyes that showed an innocent gaze without any wariness.The immortal zombie stretched out its arm, patting the eagle's head.There was only a layer of yellow feathers on the young eagle's head, it was very sparse, Fang Yuan could feel its scalp, it had a good feeling of warmth.While patting it, the young eagle lowered its head without any resistance. Not just that, the eagle's eyes were shut, it opened its beak and chirped cutely, as if it was trying to get Fang Yuan's attention.Fang Yuan could discern many things, he internally praised: "Hei Fan is amazing, he actually removed the memories of the upper extreme heavenly eagle from its previous life, only its space path dao mark foundation is left. If it had its memories, this upper extreme heavenly eagle, as an immemorial desolate beast, would be hard to control.""And this blood path killer move can actually enslave an immemorial desolate beast. No, enslave is not the word, the true effect is to make the immemorial desolate beast feel close to me, it is the sense of kinship, of being a close bloodline relative.""This way, it should not be hard to get it to carry me and find Hei Fan grotto-heaven."Just when he had that idea in his mind, the eagle chirped anxiously, its body was wavering unstably."Hungry?" Fang Yuan controlled the immortal zombie, pulling back his hand as he pointed at the heavenly crystal eagle nest: "Go eat!"The upper extreme heavenly eagle's food were heavenly crystals!After getting permission, the little eagle chirped happily, it jumped over and pecked, causing a small piece of heavenly crystal to fall out.The little eagle carried the heavenly crystal in its beak, it did not swallow it, instead, it turned to the strength path immortal zombie.The strength path immortal zombie smiled at the little eagle, saying warmly: "Go eat."The little eagle understood, it raised its head and swallowed the small piece of heavenly crystal.Next, it continued to eat.The hard heavenly crystal broke apart like tofu inside its beak, Fang Yuan watched, slightly startled.One could not look down on this bird, it was a genuine immemorial desolate beast — upper extreme heavenly eagle!"This means, from now on, I control battle strength on the level of an immemorial desolate beast? No, it is too young, it cannot have such high battle strength.""It seems to understand my words, that must be Hei Fan's doing. Since he can erase its memories, he can also make it learn human language.""However, there is a huge flaw!""I need to disguise my bloodline, so that the upper extreme heavenly eagle feels close to me. The real me would not do, I would even get attacked by it. After all, such immemorial desolate beasts are very prideful, they are naturally aggressive."Fang Yuan considered the other aspects.For the next few days, Fang Yuan controlled the strength path immortal zombie, staying with the young eagle, watching it eat.The young eagle did not eat all the time, it ate for a while before going to the strength path immortal zombie, snuggling up to it and sleeping.It was extremely trusting of the strength path immortal zombie, it did not guard against it.For the next few days, half of the heavenly crystal eagle nest was consumed.This consumption speed gave Fang Yuan a headache.In order to get an immemorial level battle strength, spending such immortal materials was needed. But the price of feeding it was truly very high.The young eagle grew quickly.It was the height of a youngster initially, but in a few days, it was as tall as Fang Yuan.It stood on the ground, raising its head, it had a strong body and thick layer of feathers, it had sharp eagle eyes and dark sharp claws, when it scratched, heavenly crystals broke like thin paper.The time was ripe, Fang Yuan was not going to wait any longer.He recalled the strength path immortal zombie, taking back all of the Immortal Gu and mortal Gu in it, using familiar face on his own body.The current familiar face had exceeded the original version, by adding in blood asset Immortal Gu and other mortal Gu.This way, Fang Yuan could even disguise his bloodline.Fang Yuan chose to leave Lang Ya blessed land, choosing a spot with nobody around, opening his immortal aperture and letting out the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The young eagle saw Fang Yuan's true body, it did not have any suspicions, coming over to peck at Fang Yuan's palm lightly, it lowered its head, using its head to rub Fang Yuan's shoulder, it had a very warm attitude.Fang Yuan smiled, instructing the young eagle: "Quickly bring me to Hei Fan grotto-heaven, I need to inherit Hei Fan's true inheritance."The young eagle went in a daze, it remembered a certain part of its memories, chirping loudly as it spread its wings.Fang Yuan saw the chance and jumped onto the eagle's back.The eagle screeched, carrying Fang Yuan as it ascended, flying towards the southeast direction.The surrounding air currents were wildly blowing past his ears.Fang Yuan activated his Gu worms, sitting on the eagle's back stably.He was very satisfied with the upper extreme heavenly eagle's speed, it was not inferior to sword escape Immortal Gu.Most importantly, this upper extreme heavenly eagle was an infant eagle, it was far from maturity, it had yet to fully develop. A mature upper extreme heavenly eagle was huge, multiple times the size of a whale.Fang Yuan also estimated: Its current battle strength had not reached rank eight yet, currently, it was at rank six level.Even though it had a lot of space path dao marks, it did not have wild Gu. A major influence on desolate beasts and plants in their battle strength was their physical bodies. This was different from humans, humans had weak physiques, but desolate beasts had naturally powerful attack, defense, as well as recovery. Not to mention immemorial desolate beasts.This was the first time Fang Yuan was interacting with the upper extreme heavenly eagle, his earlier assessment of it having rank eight battle strength upon hatching was wrong.Even though he was disappointed, it was sure to grow into having rank eight battle strength in the future!The upper extreme heavenly eagle traveled quickly, Fang Yuan sat on its back, once in a while, he fed it heavenly crystals.During other times, Fang Yuan was not slacking, he was analyzing Hei Fan as a person.From Hei Cheng's memories, there was lots of praise towards Hei Fan.This time path expert who had led Hei tribe to a glorious era in history was not simple!Fang Yuan reviewed the process of unraveling Hei Fan true inheritance, it was as if he was fighting against Hei Fan in terms of wits.This was truly an extraordinary contest.Hei Fan left behind the refinement path killer moves, heavenly crystal eagle nest, dead upper extreme heavenly eagle egg, and the hidden blood path killer move, they revealed to Fang Yuan this time path great expert's meticulousness, his shrewd planning and proud nature.Those who could cultivate to rank eight were not simple characters.Hei Fan was an expert at rank eight, his true inheritance was not easy to obtain!Hei tribe's Gu Immortals tried for so many years without success. Of course, this was also due to the loss of attitude Gu.But it was undeniable that anyone else would have failed. Only a shrewd and astute individual like Fang Yuan would be able to make progress while exploiting the appropriate opportunities, eventually making his way to Hei Fan grotto-heaven."After I get to Hei Fan grotto-heaven, will I get to obtain the true inheritance? I have a feeling that Hei Fan's test is not over yet.""But the more tests there are, the more extraordinary the true inheritance, this is not a bad thing!"

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Chapter 1119. Entering Hei Fan Grotto-Heaven | Reverend Insanity

One and a half days later, the upper extreme heavenly eagle carried Fang Yuan and flew to the sky of an unknown location.The upper extreme heavenly eagle's speed decreased, it started to fly around the air.After a while of flying, it seemed to have confirmed the location, it pecked at a certain spot.Instantly, Fang Yuan could hear a clear sound of a bell, as space tore open and his vision changed.In an instant, the upper extreme heavenly eagle brought him into Hei Fan grotto-heaven, disappearing from Northern Plains' sky."The upper extreme heavenly eagle can truly cross space and enter grotto-heavens! It is so amazing as an infant, when it matures, it will surely be a huge help."Fang Yuan praised in his mind as he looked around.This grotto-heaven was huge and vast, it was an extraordinary sight.Below Fang Yuan, there was an ancient forest. It was green and huge, birds and beasts lived in it, there was much life within."Musical trees." There were trees with rainbow colored leaves and countless birds flying on them, landing on the branches as they chirped, creating a beautiful melody."Qi death birds." One of the types of birds had plump bodies that pressed down on the branches, they were covered in qi currents and had distinct voices."Tea stream." Between trees, there was a smooth flowing stream, the water was a clear, pale green, it was steaming hot, making the leaves inside resemble tea leaves.…Fang Yuan took a look, finding many cultivation resources inside the forest.He looked at the sky, this grotto-heaven's sky was azure in color."It seems that Hei Fan obtained a fragment of the immemorial azure heaven, after fusing it into his grotto-heaven, the sky never changed color again." Fang Yuan made an initial confirmation that this was Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Because in Hei Cheng's memories, he knew that Hei Fan had once grew musical trees and famously sold them in treasure yellow heaven.This entire forest was made of musical trees, the scale was shockingly big.Just as Fang Yuan was looking around, the entire world suddenly started to ring with sounds of a bell.The bell rang ten times.Next, a brass bell appeared in front of Fang Yuan."Heavenly spirit! There's indeed a heavenly spirit…" Fang Yuan's heart shook, he got nervous.He did not have Hei tribe's bloodline after all, even though he deceived the upper extreme heavenly eagle, he still had to deceive the heavenly spirit to obtain the true inheritance.…In the north-east part of Hei Fan grotto-heaven, there was a tall mountain.The locals named it Wang Gu Mountain, they revered it.There was a cave in the mountain.In the cave, three Gu Immortals were conversing."Without taking risks, how can we have great gains? To break free of this cage, we need to take on the risks of doing so." Gu Immortal Feng Jun had an agitated expression.The other two Gu Immortals looked at each other with hesitation.One of them, Gu Immortal Zheng Tuo, looked at Feng Jun: "This is a huge matter, if we are careless, we will die, how can we not act carefully?"The other Gu Immortal, Zhou Min, was female, she had beautiful features: "Brother Feng Jun, please calm down. It is very difficult to deal with the heavenly spirit, we need to plan this wisely, we are not in a rush. Don't worry, the three of us are sworn siblings, we will work as one and move forward together."Feng Jun raised his head and sighed: "The heavenly spirit is not scary, we have already gained its trust, using the killer move, blood light spirit suppression, that I created, I am very confident of success."Zheng Tuo looked at Feng Jun: "Brother, I do not want to say this, but why are you in a rush? You said earlier that blood light spirit suppression was created recently. This immortal killer move has just been created, it is not perfected. Even if it is perfected, we need to practice it first, why are you so hurried?""That's right, brother." Zhou Min also said: "To deal with the heavenly spirit, we are not sufficient. We might as well convince Old Immortal Chen Chi to the west, he has three Gu Immortals under him."Feng Jun snorted, saying in disdain: "Chen Chi is useless. He is about to die, yet he still acts so conservatively, we should not rely on him!"Feng Jun shook his head.Zhou Min frowned: "Brother, even if you look down on Old Immortal Chen Chi, he has the highest cultivation level. Even if we cannot work with him to deal with the heavenly spirit, we have to get him to watch on the sidelines and not interfere.""Sister makes sense." Zheng Tuo added.Feng Jun had a grim expression, after some hesitation, he said: "I am not going to lie, you both know I cultivate luck path. Recently, I have had an ominous feeling, something bad is going to happen. I have this indescribable sensation — if we do not take the chance now, we might not have a chance anymore!"These words were simply Feng Jun's assumption, he had no proof at all to back him up.But the other two immortals had grim expressions.Zhou Min said: "Brother, you once had gone up Immortal Succession Mountain and cultivated the luck path inheritance that was on it. Even though your cultivation level did not reach rank seven, as the first inheritor, your dao marks are not less than that of a rank seven luck path Gu Immortal. I heard that with a certain number of luck path dao marks, the Gu Immortal will have a mystical promotion."On the side, Zheng Tuo also added: "That's right, for refinement path Gu Immortals, their Gu refinement abilities would rise sharply, when refining Gu, they would be able to sense minute details. For fire path Gu Immortals, they would have a certain sense towards fire path Immortal Gu and desolate beasts. For wisdom path Gu Immortals, even without using any Gu, their own deduction abilities would be very strong. As for luck path Gu Immortals, they would have some sensation towards their own luck or the luck around them.""That's right." Feng Jun sighed, his expression calming down.Since Zhou Min and Zheng Tuo could understand him, that was good.After all, the killer move, blood light spirit suppression, that he made could not be used alone, all three of them needed to activate it together.Suddenly, at this time, the sound of a bell from outside became clearer."Did someone else ascend Immortal Succession Mountain, obtaining a true inheritance?" Zheng Tuo's eyes flashed."Regardless of who it is, we have to get them over to our side." Zhou Min immediately said."Listen, there are five rings already." Feng Jun's attention was drawn."Impressive, this person got to this point, in the past, even you, brother, only got this far." Zheng Tuo praised.But soon, their expressions changed."Seven times." Zhou Min cried out."How can this be? Not only was I surpassed, even Old Immortal Chen Chi was surpassed?!" Feng Jun could not believe it, he was aware of the difficulties of going up Immortal Succession Mountain.But next, a tenth bell sound rang out, it resounded in the entire world, continuing to spread.The three immortals were like statues, they stood in their places, unmoving.A moment later, Zhou Min snapped back to awareness, shock was expressed all over her beautiful face: "Did I hear wrongly, the bell rang ten times!"Feng Jun's expression was dark: "According to the stone tablet on Immortal Succession Mountain, ten rings of the bell means that the person from the main tribe who is qualified to inherit Old Ancestor Hei Fan's true inheritance is here! Don't tell me my bad feeling is due to this person!""After so many years, I thought that nobody would inherit the first true inheritance on Immortal Succession Mountain! To think that…" Zheng Tuo shook his head, showing a complex expression.He looked at the two immortals beside him, they also had differing expressions.Zheng Tuo let out a breath of air, stabilizing his mind: "Let's go, according to the rules, when the proper inheritor appears, the heavenly spirit will welcome them personally, we need to go ahead and pay respects to them too.""Pay respects? Pay what respects!" Feng Jun's body shook, he said shrilly: "Regardless of who it is? Why must we go and pay respects to them? We are also Hei tribe descendants with Hei tribe's bloodline. Just because our ancestors were criminals, we have to be subservient to the main tribe forever?"Zhou Min quickly consoled him: "Brother, you make sense, I agree. Even though this is sudden, the result is not out of control yet. According to the rules on the stone tablet, even though the inheritor is here, the time has passed already. To inherit Hei Fan's true inheritance, they would need to pass a test. Whether we are going to find trouble with them or take down the heavenly spirit, we need to stay calm, stay cool."Feng Jun was reminded, his mind cleared up: "Sister, you are right, we still have a chance! Go, we will go immediately, we cannot expose any flaws. I want to see how amazing this inheritor is, do they have three heads or six arms? Hmph!"…The brass bell floated in front of Fang Yuan, after ringing ten times, it went silent.Fang Yuan tried to ask: "Are you the heavenly spirit? I am Hei Cheng, I opened the heavenly crystal eagle nest and hatched the upper extreme heavenly eagle, I am here to inherit Ancestor Hei Fan's true inheritance."But the brass bell remained silent, it floated in front of Fang Yuan, unmoving."As expected… after devouring the fragment of immemorial azure heaven, even the heavenly spirit has become mindless." Fang Yuan's eyes flashed, he understood the reason.This intel was obtained from Shadow Sect as well.After absorbing a fragment of the immemorial nine heavens, even though the grotto-heaven would have no tribulations, if the Gu Immortal dies and becomes a heavenly spirit, they would not have control and would be mindless.All in all, it was because of heaven's will.Heaven's will originated from the five regions and nine heavens. Ordinary grotto-heavens were small worlds independent of the outside world. But once they absorbed an immemorial nine heavens fragment, they would let heaven's will in. Their personal authority would be greatly diminished due to heaven's will!Shadow Sect had deep research in this.In the past, a Shadow Sect member, one of the seven original split souls, Seven Star Child, had went ahead to devour a fragment of immemorial blue heaven, attempting to research a way to deal with heaven's will. Unfortunately, heaven's will made use of it and caused Seven Star Child to be stuck inside Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's dream realm, unable to get out.Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's dream realm, because Starry Sky grotto-heaven had shattered and broken into many pieces, landed in many areas of Central Continent like all of the other grotto-heaven fragment worlds.Among which, on a nameless mountain, Fang Yuan was invited by Immortal Crane Sect to explore it. Coincidentally, inside this fragment world, Fang Yuan explored the dream realm and obtained crucial pointers. Eventually, on Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan obtained the result of Shadow Sect's plan after a hundred thousand years.From this, one could see that by absorbing any nine heavens fragment, the grotto-heaven world would be under the supervision of heaven's will, it was not safe for Fang Yuan.The safest place for him were blessed lands or grotto-heavens like Lang Ya blessed land.They were privately owned, heaven's will could not look inside.Long Hair Ancestor was a very famous figure, it was not hard for him to get some immemorial nine heavens fragments. But from start to finish, he did not let his grotto-heaven absorb any fragment of the immemorial nine heavens."Thus, this grotto-heaven is far less valuable to me than Hei Fan's true inheritance.""Once I inherit Hei Fan's true inheritance, I will give this grotto-heaven to Chu Du, it will fulfill that agreement of splitting thirty percent profit with him."Fang Yuan was still planning, when a few people appeared from the sky, their immortal auras were unconcealed, they rapidly got closer."What is going on? Hei Fan grotto-heaven has Gu Immortals?" Fang Yuan was surprised.

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Chapter 1120. Shocking the Immortals | Reverend Insanity

From far away, four Gu Immortals approached.Fang Yuan had a serious expression, he watched without blinking.This situation was out of his expectations."Why are there Gu Immortals here?" Fang Yuan looked at the heavenly spirit and asked.But this Hei Fan grotto-heaven's heavenly spirit was too dull, it did not respond.Fang Yuan felt a gloomy sensation.After a while, the four Gu Immortals got close, but there was no animosity from them.Fang Yuan prepared himself without showing any changes externally."I, criminal immortal Chen Chi, greet the superior immortal from the main tribe!" The leader was an old Gu Immortal. He wore a tall crown, he had a green-grey robe and white hair, after seeing Fang Yuan, he paid respects with a solemn expression."Criminal immortal?" Fang Yuan thought over this, but he quickly responded: "I am not worthy of being called a 'superior immortal', my name is Hei Cheng, I was fortunate to have inherited Hei Fan's true inheritance, to think that I could meet so many immortals after entering the grotto-heaven."Fang Yuan had turned into Hei Cheng's appearance.This was after careful consideration.After all, with treasure yellow heaven's existence, even though Hei Fan grotto-heaven was isolated from the outside world, they could still find out about Hei tribe's information.Hei Cheng had gone missing, and he lost Hei tribe's Immortal Gu House, but that did not hinder him from inheriting Hei Fan's true inheritance.Most importantly, Fang Yuan had all of Hei Cheng's memories, he could disguise as him perfectly with no flaws.Chen Chi raised his head, looking at Fang Yuan, he sighed in admiration.Hei Cheng was publicly recognized as a handsome man in Northern Plains, he had a gentlemanly grace and many women had crushes on him. At this moment, even though Fang Yuan was in disguise, he even had a superior flair to Hei Cheng, with his looks, he was extraordinary and charming, he could take one's heart easily.Of the four Gu Immortals who came, two were female, seeing Fang Yuan's looks, their hearts involuntarily beat faster.The other was a young man with an ordinary appearance.Chen Chi bowed again: "Superior immortal Hei Cheng, you have dazzling disposition, us criminal immortals of Hei tribe have waited for so long up until you finally came, heaven truly is not blind.""I am flattered, but why do you call yourselves criminal immortals, what does that mean? I do not understand." Fang Yuan frowned, asking directly.Chen Chi was about to answer, when a voice came from afar: "Superior immortal, it is normal that you do not know! Our ancestors were guilty of a heavy crime in Hei tribe. Back then, Old Ancestor Hei Fan's granddaughter, Hei Feng Yue, carried attitude Gu and roamed the icy plain. She was targeted by a mysterious Gu Immortal, at that time, our ancestors were her guards, but they failed to take care of her, Hei Feng Yue went missing and even attitude Gu was lost.""Old Ancestor Hei Fan doted on his granddaughter Hei Feng Yue, but he searched for her to no avail. Our ancestors could not make up for this failure, they could only submit to punishment and were locked inside this Hei Fan grotto-heaven by Old Ancestor Hei Fan. They were our lineage, continuing to live here over the generations.""So that's it." Fang Yuan understood, he meticulously observed them.There were three new immortals that just came here.Two males and one female.They were Feng Jun, Zhou Min, and Zheng Tuo.Feng Jun and Zhou Min were rank six, Fang Yuan took a glance at them.Zheng Tuo flew in front, he was the leader of the three immortals.He was the one who answered Fang Yuan earlier.He had his rank seven cultivation level unconcealed. He had an ordinary face with a hunched back, when he flew over, there was a thin line of blood behind him, he was a blood path cultivator!This made Fang Yuan surprised internally.A blood path Gu Immortal appeared openly like this, but the other Gu Immortals were completely unfazed? They seemed used to it."Unless, this person does not cultivate blood path primarily, but only as a secondary path?""Even so, it cannot be shown openly."Fang Yuan was a bit puzzled.If this was in the five regions, this blood path demonic immortal would have already been a target of pursuit.But at the moment, it seemed like he was doing pretty well, not only was there no animosity, he even had two subordinates.These two were really daring, they were not afraid that this leader would attack them to increase his own battle strength!The three immortals flew closer and greeted Fang Yuan as well, having a respectful attitude.But Fang Yuan could tell clearly, this Feng Jun was not sincere, he held animosity towards Fang Yuan. He took several glances secretly with an unkind expression.Actually, the rest were also like this.Be it Chen Chi or the other Gu Immortals, they were solemn and cautious regarding Fang Yuan, while expressing kindness, they had ill intentions hidden, their attitudes were strange.After greeting Fang Yuan, the three immortals talked to Chen Chi and the immortals behind him.They spoke plainly, but they did not gather together, they floated in the air forming two clear groups.Fang Yuan saw all of these, on the surface, he was talking to them warmly, but on the inside, he was memorizing these details."How many of you are there in this Hei Fan grotto-heaven?" Fang Yuan thought about this and asked."Not many. Other than the seven of us here, there are only two others." Chen Chi replied: "They will be here soon. Superior immortal, when you arrived, the heavenly spirit came to welcome you, ten rings of the bell resounded. They have also gone up Immortal Succession Mountain before, they know what it meant."Immortal Succession Mountain?Fang Yuan noted this name, but did not ask about it yet.As expected, two more Gu Immortals appeared soon after. They were both males, they paid respects to Fang Yuan.Like the other Gu Immortals, they also had strange expressions.After the Gu Immortals gathered, the heavenly spirit finally made a move.It suddenly shook, creating a loud sound as it drifted forward."The heavenly spirit wants to direct us to Immortal Succession Mountain, superior immortal, please follow us." Chen Chi saw this and said.Fang Yuan nodded, he followed the brass bell heavenly spirit cautiously.In this situation, he was alone, but the other side had nine Gu Immortals, two rank seven and seven rank six. If they suddenly attacked him, it would be a chaotic brawl with an unpredictable result.However, even though the heavenly spirit was mindless, it could still welcome Fang Yuan, that showed that it carried Hei Fan's will, it was not completely unreliable.Earlier, Fang Yuan could already tell that these people were not united, they were in different groups. The last two that came even seemed to be lone cultivators.Precisely so, Fang Yuan decided to travel with them, he wanted to observe them first, and did not take action yet.The heavenly spirit did not fly quickly.Thus, Fang Yuan did not use the upper extreme heavenly eagle, he let it fly alongside him.In this situation, he did not dare to keep the upper extreme heavenly eagle in his immortal aperture. If anything happened, even if the upper extreme heavenly eagle could not kill the enemy, it could attract their firepower.Along the way, Fang Yuan talked to the Gu Immortals.Initially, they were very wary of Fang Yuan, they spoke with him cautiously, there was a huge distance between them.But what had Fang Yuan experienced? In the five hundred years of his previous life, he had interacted with countless people, he had shocking interpersonal skills in communication.Soon, Fang Yuan got closer to them.Gradually, there was even laughter coming from this group."Sister, look at Hei Cheng, he is truly a superior immortal from the main tribe! He is so charming and attractive, no wonder it was him… only people like this are worthy of Old Ancestor Hei Fan's true inheritance." In the group, a female Gu Immortal with long hair in two buns and bubbly nature looked at Fang Yuan as she transmitted secretly.This was one of the female immortals who came with Chen Chi.The Gu Immortal who had been referred to as sister was more elegant and mature, she heard the words and transmitted in a cheeky tone: "Hehe, it seems that you, sister, are infatuated. But yes, he is truly a dragon among men! He seems to be young and have high cultivation level, he also has such charm and speaks with great experience, he has a convincing tone and makes people feel engaged when talking to him. Sigh, I wonder if people like him are rare in the outside world? What kind of place is Northern Plains?"Fang Yuan's ears twitched, he listened to all these words without missing any.These Gu Immortal sisters used an ancient transmission method that had gone out of favor in Northern Plains long ago, this was exactly why Fang Yuan could eavesdrop on their conversation.Even though this was a grotto-heaven, and mortal Gu could be prevented from being used, Fang Yuan did not receive a restriction in this aspect, he felt some assurance.Actually, not just these two female Gu Immortals, the other Gu Immortals were also conversing, but they were not speaking as frequently as these two.The other Gu Immortals were discussing Fang Yuan's background and battle strength.These matters were more important."To think that this person has rank seven cultivation level! On our side, only Old Immortal Chen Chi and Brother Zheng Tuo match his cultivation level.""Even though he is not displaying any Immortal Gu aura, the eagle flying beside him is extraordinary.""This eagle is strange, it seems to be a desolate beast, but its aura is not normal.""We have desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts in our grotto-heaven, but their aura cannot compare to this young eagle."…After some discussions, someone could not control himself anymore, he asked: "Superior immortal, I see that your eagle is not ordinary, it looks very imposing, we do not know about it, may I ask what its origins are?"Fang Yuan took a look, it was the Gu Immortal named Feng Jun.Fang Yuan thought for a moment, he smiled: "Hehehe, such good perception, you can tell that my beloved eagle is extraordinary. This is an upper extreme heavenly eagle, have you heard of it? If fully grown, it is an immemorial desolate beast. But right now, it can only be used for traveling, it cannot compare to my other ancient desolate beasts.""Immemorial desolate beast!" At once, the immortals gasped.Countless heated, shocked, and amazed gazes focused on the upper extreme heavenly eagle, observing it carefully.Fang Yuan spoke casually, but he threw a bomb into these immortals' minds.These Gu Immortals had varying emotions, they could not conceal their shock.Next, when they conversed with Fang Yuan, their tone was unavoidably more polite and restricted.Fang Yuan did not act with a forceful stance, he smiled like before.But his smile, when they saw it now, felt completely different from before."Upper extreme heavenly eagle, an immemorial desolate beast!""Who is this person? He actually has an immemorial desolate beast with him?! It seems that even in the main tribe, he has a high status."

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