
Chapter: 1111-1115:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1111. Fang Yuan's Third Earthly Calamity | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border.Mountains were standing tall, greenery was widespread, mountains winds howled endlessly.More than ten Gu Immortals, thousands of li apart, formed a huge circle.In the sky above this circle, an old Gu Immortal was using his immortal essence, concentrating as he set up the formation.The framework of a formation was already placed, covering a gigantic surrounding area, a huge illusory light lump was within.This huge light lump was shining in many colors, dazzling and bright, it was the giant dream realm.After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, the place was in shambles. Spectral Soul was plotted against by heaven's will, Fang Yuan obtained the fruits of his labor, and his main body was trapped in the dream realm, constantly getting weakened by it.Even though the Southern Border Gu Immortals did not know about the details of the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, they knew about the immense benefits involving this giant dream realm.The Gu Immortals here came from the respective righteous path super forces in Southern Border.After a difficult negotiation, they came to an agreement, they were going to control this giant dream realm together.This dream realm was too important, none of the super forces could take it down alone. They were afraid of the demonic path and lone immortals coming to gain benefits, thus, the righteous path joined up and occupied this place, setting up a super Gu formation here so that they could slowly devour the benefits of the dream realm later on."Rise!" The old Gu Immortal in the sky suddenly shouted, profound light shone from all directions around his body.Following him, the Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortals put in effort, large amounts of immortal essence was expended, countless mortal Gu were flying, Immortal Gu flew out of the Gu Immortals one by one, landing in their respective spots.Many Gu Immortals were sweating and nervous, some of them had trembling fingers.They had already spent nine days and nights here setting up the Gu formation.Now, they were at a crucial moment of arranging the super Gu formation."They are about to succeed!""Are we not taking action yet? If we don't do it now…""Sigh! There is no chance. Around them, there are hidden Gu Immortal experts, I suspect they have Immortal Gu Houses defending them!""In that case…"Conversations were quietly taking place.Demonic path and lone immortals understood the value of this giant dream realm. Even without this dream realm, this place had undergone a mysterious battle, there might be some Gu Immortal corpses or inheritances left behind, they were all treasures!But the righteous path Gu Immortals acted with caution, they did not give these demonic path and lone immortals any chance.Without any chance, these Gu Immortals wisely chose to retreat.Boom—!With a loud sound, a huge pillar of light burst up into the sky.The pillar of light appeared quickly and vanished just as quickly.A huge super Gu formation gradually concealed itself, vanishing from the immortals' sights."After so much hard work, it is finally completed!" The old Gu Immortal who set up the formation slowly descended.The righteous path Gu Immortals gathered together."In setting up this formation, my Wu clan used five Immortal Gu. Thus, thirty percent of this dream realm should belong to my Wu clan.""Hehe, this makes sense. But… my Luo tribe contributed just as many Immortal Gu as your Wu clan.""What are you talking about! If we did not work together and used our immortal essence, could we have created this super Gu formation?""In my opinion, in terms of contribution, my clan's first supreme elder, Chi Qu You, was the main person in charge of setting up the formation, he definitely ranks as the highest contributor!"Even though the super Gu formation was set up, the righteous path Gu Immortals had not decided how to split up the super dream realm yet.At once, sounds of discussion became louder and louder, they were progressing towards an argument.Arguments would have no use in terms of getting a result, of course.The righteous path Gu Immortals left unhappily, starting to plan for their own share of this pie.A few days later.Shang Liang Mountain."Xin Ci greets Lady Qing Qing." Shang Xin Ci paid her respects.Shang Qing Qing looked at Shang Xin Ci, nodding in satisfaction: "I was right about you. You have done well as the clan leader, the members of Shang clan are starting to show some unity.""I was able to achieve this all thanks to Lady Qing Qing's nurturing." Shang Xin Ci said with sincere gratitude.Shang Qing Qing went into the main topic immediately: "I called you to come here because I have some questions. After becoming clan leader, the first thing you did was to get rid of the arrest warrants of the black and white demons. But do you know, that Brother Hei Tu of yours is not Fang Zheng, he is Fang Yuan instead.""Fang Yuan?" Shang Xin Ci was perplexed.She did not expect that Lord Shang Qing Qing had called for her to talk about Brother Hei Tu.After Shang Xin Ci became Shang clan leader, her vision had broadened, she learned many secrets, she knew that the beautiful lady in front of her was a high and mighty Gu Immortal who transcended mortals!This Gu Immortal was actually talking to her regarding a mortal Gu Master, how could she not be confused?Shang Qing Qing had a solemn expression as she said: "Xin Ci, you have to listen to my following words very carefully, they are very important.""Yes, I will listen and learn.""This Black Demon that you know of as Fang Zheng, his real name is Gu Yue Fang Yuan. He has a startling background, he is not an ordinary person. He appeared out of nowhere and is extremely dangerous. He is a demonic path Gu Immortal, he committed a huge crime, not only Southern Border, but Central Continent, Eastern Sea, Northern Plains, and Western Desert Gu Immortals are all pursuing him now." Shang Qing Qing said in a solemn tone.Shang Xin Ci opened her mouth, she was in shock.At once, she felt like her ears were playing tricks on her.Since when did Brother Hei Tu become an immortal, and he was so dangerous that Lady Shang Qing Qing felt wary of him?"Don't suspect your hearing, why would I joke about these things? You and the demon Fang Yuan had some friendship back then, tell me everything about it now." Shang Qing Qing questioned."Ah… ah, yes, yes." Shang Xin Ci regained her senses after some time, she began to recall: "I first met Brother Hei Tu in the merchant caravan, he was such a kind person, he saved me from that horrible predicament…"Shang Xin Ci recalled the past, as she got deeper into it, a hint of tenderness was showing on her face.Throughout the process, Shang Qing Qing listened on the side, not saying a word.After Shang Xin Ci finished, she mustered up her courage and tried to explain for Fang Yuan: "Lady Qing Qing, is there a misunderstanding? Fang Zheng, I mean, Brother Fang Yuan is clearly a mortal Gu Master, how can he be such a great demon?""Hehe." Shang Qing Qing showed a mocking smile: "If he is not a great demon, who is? His craftiness and deviousness is not something you can imagine. He turned the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal world upside down, Central Continent's Heavenly Court has not even managed to catch him yet. Nobody knows where he is, or what evil scheme he is planning next. Your encounter with him might not be as simple as you think, I can tell that there was a scheme involved in this!""Do you know? Because of your relationship with him, my Shang clan is facing great pressure from Southern Border's Gu Immortals. From now on, you have to keep a clear distance between you and him, there cannot be any relationship between the two of you. Be a good Shang clan leader, you may leave."Shang Xin Ci could only leave."You are letting her go?" After Shang Xin Ci left, a figure appeared, standing beside Shang Qing Qing.He was thin and looked very pale, it was Shang clan's Gu Immortal Shang Tan Mo.Shang Qing Qing smiled: "What else can I do?"Shang Tan Mo said solemnly: "We cannot listen to her words alone, we need to soul search and see it for ourselves!"Shang Qing Qing smiled even wider now: "Look at this?"Saying this, she stretched out her hand from her sleeve.Her hand was no longer a human hand, it was like a twig, there were flowers growing on her nails.Shang Tan Mo saw it and was dazed: "I forgot that you have this immortal killer move, it is more reliable than soul searching.""I already know all of Fang Yuan's interactions in Shang clan city. He came here for a fortuitous encounter in cultivation, as expected and worthy of the user of Spring Autumn Cicada. This is nothing much, he did not set up any hidden schemes after all." Shang Qing Qing said.Shang Tan Mo nodded: "Then I am assured, but, how will we explain this to the outsiders?"Shang Qing Qing smiled coldly: "Them? They are just using Fang Yuan as an excuse to get a bigger share of the dream realm, now that I have this result, I can shut their mouths."Shang Tan Mo's eyes shined, he looked up, his gaze pierced Shang Liang Mountain as he looked at the giant dream realm: "Maybe… my Shang clan's Gu Immortals have been too polite for a long time, people think we are no longer adept at fighting."The situation was still changing.Over in Northern Plains, the battle at Hei tribe had ended, there were just some loose ends. The righteous and demonic factions, as well as the lone immortals, had their own gains. Hei tribe was history, Bai Zu tribe took them over and changed the situation in the Gu Immortal world.In Southern Border, they were fighting over the giant dream realm, the righteous path Gu Immortals worked together and managed to keep the demonic path and lone immortals out of it. But within the righteous path itself, a competition for shares of the giant dream realm was about to begin!No matter where and when, people will always fight over benefits and resources.More than ten days passed like this.Northern Plains, northern icy plain.Fang Yuan placed his immortal aperture, looking at the sky, muttering: "Finally, this is the third earthly calamity!"Heaven and earth qi rumbled, there were no clouds or fog, there was a peculiar and strange scene of tranquility in the sovereign immortal aperture.Flying birds appeared from thin air.They were glowing with a slight green light, they flew extremely quickly, in Fang Yuan's vision, he saw long lines of light caused by their movement.The cry of the birds was extremely crisp, filled with endless vitality."Spring dawn jade oriole." Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk, he recognized these flying birds.They might have tiny bodies, like sparrows, but they were genuine desolate beasts!"These birds are very special among desolate beasts, they have a lot of rule path 'life' dao marks in their bodies, but they have very short lifespans. After the egg hatches, they can fly in the skies immediately. Everywhere they go, their dao marks will rain down and change the terrain of the environment, pouring down endless life force. After a dozen or so breaths of time, their lifespan would be expended and they would die."Fang Yuan muttered in his mind, he could see that in this area of Mini Northern Plains, the thin layer of ice on the ground was already starting to have sprouts growing out of them.Soon, under the influence of the spring dawn jade orioles, grass grew taller, rapidly growing and there were even wildflowers mixed among them."What is going on? What earthly calamity is this? Heaven's will is trying to help me develop my immortal aperture?" Fang Yuan was confused.

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Chapter 1112. Spring Dawn Jade Orioles | Reverend Insanity

The cries of the birds were unceasing and pleasing to the ears.Inside the sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Northern Plains was originally wilderness covered in frost, but now, green plants could be seen sprouting rapidly.The power of the earthly calamity was huge. In just a dozen breaths of time, a gigantic area surrounding Fang Yuan was already covered in greenery, it was a grassland.Grass, trees, and flowers grew rapidly, it was as if this was an entirely new place.Fang Yuan stood on the peak of Dang Hun Mountain, he had a heavy expression, he focused his mind.This was his third earthly calamity, he bought Dang Hun Mountain with him again.But the situation now was very strange.The earthly calamity involved spring dawn jade orioles, it was helping Fang Yuan to develop his immortal aperture.Half a month ago, when treasure yellow heaven opened, Fang Yuan did not choose to go Hei tribe and take a risk, instead, he went back and developed the sovereign immortal aperture.He had developed many areas, but because Mini Northern Plains was the place where Fang Yuan would be undergoing tribulation, he did not develop it.Right now, this earthly calamity was helping Fang Yuan to do it, this was out of his expectations.This was a good thing for Fang Yuan."But heaven's will can act in unexpected ways, it is not so kind, there are surely traps that it set, I need to inspect for them." Fang Yuan stood at the peak of Dang Hun Mountain, observing vigilantly.Mini Northern Plains was huge.The grassland formed by the earthly calamity could not fill the whole of Mini Northern Plains, it only covered the part of the frosted land that was around Dang Hun Mountain.Looking at it, the greenery was growing thicker, soon, sprouting trees grew taller, rising at an observable pace.At this rate, a huge forest was going to form.Fang Yuan felt surprised and joyful.The power of the earthly calamity was usually used for destruction, against regular people. When used to develop the immortal aperture, it had truly shocking effects. If Fang Yuan wanted to transplant this huge forest into his immortal aperture, it would cost him a lot of time and effort.The spring dawn jade oriole had a short lifespan, as they died, they turned into jade green life force, fading in the air, but at the same time, more spring dawn jade orioles formed, moving forward in their place.At once, the sky was filled with the figures of these desolate birds, they were so numerous, like a flock of sparrows, it was a grand sight."Wait!" Fang Yuan's expression suddenly changed."Go." He suddenly thought of something, he called out as he pointed.Instantly, sword light flew out, moving at lightning speed.Rank seven Immortal Gu — Flying Sword!Spring dawn jade orioles were fast, but they could not match the speed of this sword light. But they could move agilely, they did not travel linearly, Fang Yuan used up some effort to kill one.A wave of true meaning rushed in soon, entering Fang Yuan's mind.In an instant, Fang Yuan felt like a spring dawn jade oriole, from the start of life to flight, and until his death. In a short period of time, he experienced life and death, his mental state was transformed.Fang Yuan fully absorbed this true meaning, clarity returning to his eyes.Right now, he was a transformation path grandmaster, it was no longer as hard for him to absorb Reckless Savage's true meaning.If he was like an empty basin earlier trying to hold buckets of water, he was like a well now, taking in Reckless Savage's true meaning in huge quantity, with much greater ease than before!Fang Yuan frowned, at this moment, he realized the scheme of heaven's will.Fang Yuan's earthly calamity was very unique, because of the immortal tribulation tempering aperture method and the nature of the northern icy plain, his earthly calamity had two portions.One was controlled by heaven's will, the other was influenced by Reckless Savage's true meaning.In the previous two earthly calamities, the portion controlled by heaven's will formed first, before the part of the earthly calamity formed by Reckless Savage's true meaning appeared. But in this third earthly calamity, Reckless Savage's true meaning appeared at the start!Fang Yuan did not expect this.This was the first time he was seeing this!Fang Yuan suffered a minor loss.Between Reckless Savage's true meaning and developing the blessed land, the former was much more important than the latter.Because Reckless Savage's true meaning could directly raise his transformation path attainment level, it could only be obtained during each tribulation, the costs and risks involved were high.As for developing the blessed land, he could do it at any time."Heaven's will knows about my vigilant nature, this is a good scheme to prevent my transformation path attainment level from rising rapidly, I wasted a lot of Reckless Savage's true meaning." Fang Yuan smiled, not feeling dejected.He flew out like lightning.In the air, his body shook, as countless strength path phantoms appeared.Strength path killer move — Myriad Self!Myriad self charged forward, forming a huge tide of humans, rampaging towards the spring dawn jade oriole flock.Spring dawn jade orioles were desolate birds, they could move freely among the myriad self army while chirping continuously.Myriad self had little effect, Fang Yuan quickly used other methods.Sword path killer move — Triple Layered Sword Wave!Swish swish swish!Silver-white sword waves burst out like tides, containing an unstoppable sharpness, pushing forward.The speed of the spring dawn jade oriole was faster than the sword waves. Fang Yuan sent out three sword waves, even though some were killed, the result was not many.He frowned, understanding: "In the previous two earthly calamities, heaven's will already learned a lot about my foundation. Be it myriad self or triple layered sword wave, it knows about their weaknesses. In this earthly calamity, the spring dawn jade orioles counter my two killer moves. Heaven's will is plotting against me by intentionally setting up these situations."In the previous earthly calamity, there were wind flowers with sharpness like blades.But Fang Yuan had Dang Hun Mountain, using it as his base, he could defend himself to a great extent.But now, even though Fang Yuan brought Dang Hun Mountain, the spring dawn jade orioles were formed from Reckless Savage's true meaning, he could not sit around and defend himself, he needed to go on the offense or he would lose his greatest benefit."Thankfully, I retrieved flying sword Immortal Gu!"Fang Yuan activated this rank seven Immortal Gu, sword light rampaged according to his will.Spring dawn jade orioles died at Fang Yuan's hands, but more and more spring dawn jade orioles died on their own.If Fang Yuan did not kill them, he would not receive infusions of Reckless Savage's true meaning. Heaven's will purposely caused this, Fang Yuan's losses were not small.This was not just a loss of Reckless Savage's true meaning, but also his green grape immortal essence.Even though flying sword Immortal Gu was powerful, it was rank seven, each activation needed a huge amount of green grape immortal essence! But each attack only hit one spring dawn jade oriole, Fang Yuan was wasting a lot of his resources for limited results."It seems that I need new methods in the next tribulation. Old moves are losing effectiveness." Fang Yuan thought of wisdom Gu.If he had the light of wisdom, this problem was easy to solve. With his grandmaster attainment level and wisdom path methods, he could very easily deduce new immortal killer moves.But even though Fang Yuan had his immortal zombie body, he did not dare to use it.After fifteen minutes of the earthly calamity, there were still spring dawn jade orioles forming.Mini Northern Plains was not just budding with greenery, there was a huge forest, the trees inside the forest were huge, they were dozens of meters tall, each of the tree trunks resembled pillars.At this time, Fang Yuan tried other methods like poison spit. In the previous earthly calamity, this killer move was very effective, but now it was useless against the spring dawn jade orioles.Growl growl growl—!In the huge forest, trees raised their heads and cried out loud.Next, they uprooted from the ground, becoming huge treemen.Fang Yuan noticed the changes on the ground and snickered: "So this is the portion controlled by heaven's will. Hehe, I was vigilant and got rid of half the forest in advance, now it seems that my preparation was not in vain."Countless treemen pulled out their roots from deep underground, charging towards Dang Hun Mountain.They moved slowly, but each of them were huge. Fang Yuan changed his mind and chose to defend. He landed on the peak of Dang Hun Mountain, looking at the treemen moving towards him. It was a scene of greenery, it was like the entire forest was pushing towards him, he felt suffocated.Fang Yuan stretched out his finger and tried to attack.Flying sword Immortal Gu charged over, turning into a bright light, piercing a great distance ahead, many treemen were penetrated.These treemen stopped moving but soon, their injuries were healed and they continued climbing towards Dang Hun Mountain.Fang Yuan used triple layered sword wave again.The dazzling sword waves engulfed the treemen with sharp sounds. There was nothing left of them, the effect was great, but soon, treemen behind filled up the gaps.Fang Yuan frowned."These treemen are not desolate beasts, but they are close to that level. Not only are they very durable, they can absorb life force and recover rapidly."The life force naturally came from the spring dawn jade orioles.Every since the first earthly calamity, event though heaven's will could not control the entire earthly calamity, it could influence Reckless Savage's true meaning and create a combination.Last time, it was the snow moons and wind flowers, now it was the treemen and spring dawn jade orioles, they combined perfectly, gaining huge effect!Fang Yuan suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of poisonous air.The poisonous air spread around the treemen, dozens of them started to move slowly, their green leaves turned purple. In a few breaths' time, their movement became slower and slower, until they collapsed on the ground, the entire tree's branches and leaves started rotting, turning decayed.Poison spit's effect was quite good.But Fang Yuan could not continuously use this killer move, there was a huge drawback, he needed to get rid of the poison in his body first, otherwise, he would die.The treemen started to climb Dang Hun Mountain.Soon, these treemen experienced the power of Dang Hun Mountain, their souls shook, their bodies trembled, many leaves fell.However, there were too many treemen, they advanced forward, pushing each other up the mountain.Dang Hun Mountain was indeed a secluded domain of heaven and earth, just at the base of the mountain, a hundred treemen died, Fang Yuan did not use any immortal essence.Fang Yuan looked at the scene, his frown was deepening.Even though these treemen were troublesome, they had little threat.Because they moved slowly, Fang Yuan could attack from a distance and kill these treemen slowly.Fang Yuan felt something amiss: "This earthly calamity is too easy, don't tell me, because heaven's will felt that it cannot kill me this time, its focus went to depleting my foundation instead?"

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Chapter 1113. Giant Disaster Blazing Tree | Reverend Insanity

To eliminate these treemen, he would need to expend a lot of immortal essence.The number of these treemen was greater than the first earthly calamity's snow monsters, and they had strong regenerative abilities. Fang Yuan could see many severed twigs that were stabbed into the ground growing with new budding leaves.Unless he used killer moves like triple layered sword wave to completely decimate these treemen, to avoid any future problems.Otherwise, when these trees grow, they would expend a great amount of the earth qi inside the immortal aperture.But using triple layered sword wave or flying sword Immortal Gu to kill these treemen was too wasteful!"If I were a fire path Gu Immortal, this would not be a problem to me." Fang Yuan thought of this, when he suddenly heard a sound, fire was starting from those treemen's corpses.The fire burnt rapidly, in the blink of an eye, it spread and covered countless treemen!The fire continued to rage on these treemen's bodies, turning these treemen into charcoal, their leaves were completely incinerated, a great number of them died.The fire was nourished by the treemen and became larger, it was almost twenty meters tall!Raging flames advanced towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was stunned.What is going on?Evidently, this was part of the earthly calamity.But why did the earthly calamity start burning itself? What was heaven's will trying to do? Was it trying to resolve Fang Yuan's problem?Fang Yuan quickly ruled out the possibility.What a joke, how could heaven's will help him?Roar—!There was a huge figure standing among the roaring flames.In the orange-red flames, a sixty meter tall giant stood up!"This is?!" Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk to pin size, he subconsciously gritted his teeth: "Giant disaster blazing tree!"This was an ancient desolate plant.In history, immemorial red heaven often had these giant disaster blazing trees.But this type of ancient desolate plant was rarely seen in the five regions, although not extinct.Giant disaster blazing trees could be created from any type of tree. When a forest fire starts, after countless lifeforms are killed, there was a chance of forming this giant disaster blazing tree.The giant disaster blazing tree's body was covered in raging flames. It burned endlessly, nothing could get close to it. More impressively, this giant disaster blazing tree would cause bad luck to whatever life forms got close to it."Heaven's will, truly insidious! Evidently, heaven's will has noticed the protection of Dog Shit Luck on me, it created this giant disaster blazing tree to destroy my good luck!"Fang Yuan felt a huge challenge.Normally speaking: If he encountered a giant disaster blazing tree in the wild, he would wisely choose to evade it. But now, this giant disaster blazing tree directly appeared in his immortal aperture, it was draining his immortal aperture's earth qi and bringing him disaster and bad luck, negating Dog Shit Luck's effect. If he left it alone, soon, Fang Yuan would be extremely unlucky, nothing would go right, he might even face a huge disaster. As for refining Immortal Gu, he could forget about it.Flames raged on, crackling sounds could be heard from the burning trees.The blazing tree had appeared in a very peculiar location, it was close to Dang Hun Mountain.Even though Fang Yuan activated his defenses, the huge flames were still causing his eyebrows and hair to dry up."This is only the periphery, but the temperature is already like this, what would the center of this blazing tree be like?" Fang Yuan sighed, leaving.He left Dang Hun Mountain.He had Landscape as Before, he could restore Dang Hun Mountain before it was completely destroyed.The problem was how to kill this giant disaster blazing tree which reached partway up Dang Hun Mountain in height!Sword marks targeting death!Triple layered sword wave!Poison spit!Fang Yuan used many killer moves, but they were ineffective. The poison in the air was completely eradicated by the flames, flying sword Immortal Gu pierced the giant disaster blazing tree and returned to Fang Yuan, but the giant disaster blazing tree only shook intensely, before turning to normal.As for triple layered sword wave, it managed to put out the flames, it got to the blazing tree and destroyed many branches and leaves. But soon, the flames spread again as the blazing tree returned to normal, its injuries vanished after a few breaths of time.Fang Yuan's eyes shone with brilliance, immortal aura burst out around him as he cried out: "Strength path giant hand!'Bam.A giant hand appeared out of nowhere, pushing the air and grabbing at the blazing tree with an unstoppable aura.But the blazing tree was huge too, it was almost half of Dang Hun Mountain's size.The strength path giant hand grabbed the giant disaster blazing tree and tried to lift it up.But after some time, even after trying hard, there was no effect.The giant disaster blazing tree had countless roots, they were like snakes deeply rooted in the soil, sucking in earth qi fiercely, it also had the spring dawn jade orioles flying in the sky to replenish its life force, it was stable as a mountain, unmoving.As time passed, the entire strength path giant hand started melting in the flames, almost half of it was gone.Fang Yuan dispelled this giant hand, he had an idea after some inspiration.Rumble!A second strength path giant hand flew out, but this time, it grabbed at Dang Hun Mountain instead of the giant disaster blazing tree.Fang Yuan could not lift the giant disaster blazing tree, but strength path giant hand had the power of Pulling Mountain, he could lift Dang Hun Mountain.Whoosh!Wind currents blew, Dang Hun Mountain was brought into the air by Fang Yuan, before he tossed it directly towards the giant disaster blazing tree.With a loud sound, the entire ground shook intensely.The giant disaster blazing tree was suppressed under the mountain, the huge flames were no longer apparent, there was only a ring of fire left around the mountain's base.Fang Yuan floated in the air, staring at the battlefield expressionlessly.The giant disaster blazing tree could not move, it was attacked by Dang Hun Mountain's soul path dao marks, but it had incredible vitality and tenacity, it was still struggling intensely.Blazing flames started to roast Dang Hun Mountain, liquefying some of its rocks.It was not so easy to get rid of the giant disaster blazing tree.Fang Yuan was in a heavy mood, looking around, it was a scene of red.A sea of fire!The flames had spread to the entire forest, and even the grassland.As expected, heaven's will's arrangements were just to nurture the growth of the giant disaster blazing tree, how could it be so nice to him?Fang Yuan's breathing became rougher.He saw that more and more giant disaster blazing trees were forming in the sea of fire, their roots were digging into the ground as they sucked in earth qi to strengthen themselves.The first plant was not destroyed yet, but so many others were forming!Not just that, these giant disaster blazing trees were growling, they stood up and turned into giant blazing treemen!They had only one target, Fang Yuan, who was in the sky.Boom boom boom!Under Dang Hun Mountain, the first giant disaster blazing tree also became a treeman, it was not giving up, attempting to flip over this mountain.It had incredible strength, each time it struggled, Dang Hun Mountain shook intensely, causing a huge and scary sound.In an instant, the situation became as bad as it possibly could!Fang Yuan could ignore the snow monsters earlier and slowly kill themBut he could not ignore these giant disaster blazing treemen. Even though they moved slowly, they had a terrible influence on the immortal aperture. Not only did they suck away earth qi and damage the sovereign immortal aperture's foundation, they would even bring Fang Yuan a lot of bad luck!What should he do?The light of the fire flickered on Fang Yuan's face, a smile slowly appeared on his face: "Thankfully, I made my preparations!"At the same time, Shang Xin Ci who was in Southern Border stared at the lamp in front of her in a daze. In the fire, it seemed to show Fang Yuan's former appearance."Brother Hei Tu…" Shang Xin Ci thought to herself."Clan leader, clan leader?" She heard something close to her ears."Ah." Shang Xin Ci regained her senses, she looked at Xiao Lan, Xiao Die, Lady Wei, Zhou Quan, and her other subordinates."Sorry, my mind was wandering again." Shang Xin Ci quickly apologized."Miss, this is the third time you've gone into a daze." Xiao Lan muttered."I was disrespectful, I am truly sorry." Shang Xin Ci quickly said again.Zhou Quan and Lady Wei glanced at each other swiftly, before coughing: "Now, let's continue the topic from before, how will we take in the Gu Master groups that were controlled by Shang clan's former young clan leaders."After the meeting, everyone left the hall."Xiao Die, how is the clan leader? Why is she constantly in a daze?" Zhou Quan asked.Xiao Die showed an expression of worry: "I am not sure too, it seems that after the higher-ups met with her, she became like this ever since.""Higher-ups?" Zhou Quan's expression changed, he already knew about the existence of Shang clan's Gu Immortals, this was not something that he could settle or interfere in.Ye Fan could not hold it in anymore: "Let me go talk to Lady Xin Ci, maybe as an outsider, I can learn something from her.""Young master Ye, you are not an outsider." Xiao Lan smiled."We will trouble you, young master Ye." Lady Wei nodded, agreeing with this.A moment later, Ye Fan arrived at Shang Xin Ci's study room.The doors were shut.Through the small hole in the center, Ye Fan saw that Shang Xin Ci was holding onto a piece of paper, looking at it carefully.She was so deep in thought, even when Ye Fan walked with heavy steps, she did not notice it.Ye Fan was about to cough and remind Shang Xin Ci that he was here.But suddenly, he heard Shang Xin Ci's soft whisper: "Brother Hei Tu… what kind of person are you…"Ye Fan's heart jumped, he instantly understood, the paper in Shang Xin Ci's hand was none other than the black demon's arrest warrant. It was his drawing!Ye Fan felt a sense of hollowness in his heart, his strong limbs were turning frail.He stood outside the door, he hesitated for a long time before gritting his teeth, turning around and leaving.From start to finish, Shang Xin Ci did not discover him.Ye Fan walked out of the mansion, arriving at the street. This was the inner core of Shang Liang Mountain, an important place in Shang clan, it was flourishing with bustling activity.But Ye Fan had a worried expression, he had a question inside him — Hei Tu, what kind of person are you?Northern icy plain.Chu Du's arms were behind his back, he watched this vast icy plain.Suddenly, his body shook: "It's here!"He received Fang Yuan's transmission and quickly used the Immortal Gu in his hands.Rank seven calamity beckoning Immortal Gu!At the next moment, the sovereign blessed land's entrance opened.First, spring dawn jade orioles were sent out of the entrance by a formless force, next, one by one, the giant disaster blazing trees were dragged out without managing to put up resistance!They were unwilling, they were furious.The sky was rumbling with thunder, heaven's will was furious too.But it was no use!Two hours later, the third earthly calamity ended.Fang Yuan collected his immortal aperture, appearing in the northern icy plain.Chu Du obtained quite a bit of Reckless Savage's true meaning, he cried out with an excited tone: "Walking on a long road for countless years, today I obtain the blessing of azure clouds. Flying above rivers and lakes on these clouds, nothing can obstruct my view of this world."His voice resounded over the surroundings, the disposition of the Domination Immortal was fully emanated."May I ask you for your name?" Chu Du greeted Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan smiled lightly: "Obstacles and difficulties fill this road, life and death matters little against calamities and tribulations. My body flies like willows with the wind, regardless of wind or mud I still fly free."After pausing, he returned the greeting to Chu Du, saying plainly: "I am Liu Guan Yi."

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Chapter 1114. Obtaining One of Two True Inheritances | Reverend Insanity

Time passed quickly, several days went by.Lang Ya blessed land, inside a cloud city.Fang Yuan was sitting in his secret room, cultivating.Using connecting heaven Gu, his divine sense communicated with a certain female Gu Immortal's will in treasure yellow heaven."Your pill azure incense is of lower quality than Gu Immortal Xi Zi, the price should be cheaper." Fang Yuan bargained.But that female Gu Immortal was not like Fang Yuan, who used his divine sense to conduct the deal.She had left her will in treasure yellow heaven, to manage transactions with goods.And unfortunately, this was a resolute will, it was obstinate in nature, it would not give in.As expected, the female immortal rejected with no hesitation at all: "The price is like this, buy it if you want, it is up to you!"Fang Yuan was not giving up yet, he continued: "Will you reconsider? I am buying in bulk."The resolute will was obstinate, it did not agree.Fang Yuan was a little annoyed.These last days, when developing the sovereign immortal aperture, he had to trade in treasure yellow heaven, to sell his own resources and buy all sorts of resources.But after the third earthly calamity, he felt that his transactions were not going smoothly.The female immortal's resolute will was one of them.But this was quite a good situation already.Fang Yuan had been encountering this recently: Gu Immortals would come in and raise prices with ill intent, or he might see some shortage of certain materials, after rank eight Gu Immortal experts bulk purchase everything."Even though I have Dog Shit Luck's protection, in the third earthly calamity, the giant disaster blazing tree destroyed a lot of my good luck."Thinking about his third earthly calamity, Fang Yuan sighed."If I did not think about it carefully and decided to work together with Chu Du before the third earthly calamity, I would have been done for. Even if I passed the tribulation, I would be heavily injured and stuck with bad luck. Currently, I am only facing some small obstacles, they are of no real concern to my cultivation."Fang Yuan quickly gathered his thoughts, his divine sense continued to negotiate with the female immortal in treasure yellow heaven.Since she did not agree to lower prices, Fang Yuan could only accept this."I will buy your pill azure incense."The female immortal's resolute will was stunned.Fang Yuan was making a huge purchase.He had to pay almost ten thousand immortal essence stones in this deal!But Fang Yuan was not shaken.With his accumulation from before, he was extremely affluent. Even though the third earthly calamity expended a lot of his green grape immortal essence, he could still afford ten thousand immortal essence stones.After buying the pill azure incense, Fang Yuan retrieved his divine sense, no longer staying in treasure yellow heaven.After inspecting it, he ensured that the pill azure incense had no problems, transporting them into his sovereign immortal aperture.His consciousness quickly entered his immortal aperture.The sovereign immortal aperture was split into five regions and nine heavens, Fang Yuan placed strength path immortal zombies in all the different areas.Soon, one strength path immortal zombie flew over under his manipulation, using Gu worms to store the pill azure incense.There was no choice, his sovereign immortal aperture was too huge, he could only use these strength path immortal zombies as laborers.Every time he was in this situation, Fang Yuan thought of Hu Immortal land spirit and Star Form land spirit, if he had a land spirit, the job could be handled by them, he did not have to waste so much time on this.The land spirit was basically the steward of the blessed land.They were very convenient to have.But it was a pity, Fang Yuan had never heard of any land spirits appearing in an immortal aperture before the Gu Immortal dies.This pill azure incense resembled jade smoke, it constantly blew around, creating a hazy area.Fang Yuan placed all of the pill azure incense into Mini Azure Heaven, causing this huge area to become more misty.Even though the strength path immortal zombie could not smell anything, the pill azure incense was very fragrant, it was very amazing, it had the smell of ink and grass, extremely elegant and long lasting.After placing the pill azure incense, Fang Yuan set up some Gu formations.These Gu formations were made with mortal Gu, their only use was to keep the pill azure incense within a certain area, preventing it from dispersing away."I accumulated so much now, it is enough to feed change soul Immortal Gu three times." Fang Yuan was satisfied.The pill azure incense would not renew itself, when he used it, it was gone for good.If he had to produce pill azure incense himself, it would be troublesome.Pill azure incense grew in places with primeval essence as well as pill crane groups, azure pine forests, ink bamboo forests and herb incense Gu. These four things, including beasts, plants, and Gu, were needed, and each of them had to be of a certain quantity, otherwise they could not produce pill azure incense.And this exact amount was a trade secret.Gu Immortals who sold pill azure incense had a firm grasp of this secret, they prevented the secret from leaking.At this point, Fang Yuan could only temporarily store the pill azure incense.Pill azure incense was the food that change soul Immortal Gu ate, but the good thing was, it was widely sold in treasure yellow heaven. Fang Yuan had accumulated a lot of it now, it could last for some time.After more inspections, Fang Yuan modified the Gu formation, he took a final look before leaving, only to see that Mini Azure Heaven had a small area of thick azure spots, it was different from before.Even though Fang Yuan placed great emphasis on developing his immortal aperture, on the whole, the sovereign immortal aperture was still very barren.The point was, the sovereign immortal aperture's space was simply too big!Fang Yuan placed so many resources inside, if it were the normal aperture of any other Gu Immortal, it would be filled already.Speaking of which, Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture had quite a lot of dao marks, but in influencing such a huge area of space, the dao marks' effect was very small.Fang Yuan retrieved the divine sense inside Mini Azure Heaven.The pill azure incense was already placed, the development of Fang Yuan's immortal aperture had reached a certain stage.Before this, Fang Yuan had already bought several batches of resources, he settled the feeding requirements of Sword Eyebrows, Wave Sword, Flying Sword, and the other rank seven Immortal Gu."Rank eight Immortal Gu and rank seven Immortal Gu already have their food. Now, the development of my immortal aperture should be to resolve the feeding requirements of my rank six Immortal Gu." Fang Yuan assessed.The first criteria of development for a Gu Immortal's immortal aperture was to be self sufficient in feeding one's own Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan was a strength path immortal zombie previously, his immortal aperture was dead, he did not follow this rule.After reviving, he went steadily and surely, settling the feeding requirements of the rank eight and seven Immortal Gu to some degree.Next were the rank six Immortal Gu.There was a need to say, Fang Yuan simply had too many Immortal Gu.It was a shocking quantity!But there was no choice, Fang Yuan had to raise so many Immortal Gu, not only to resist the tribulations as well as heaven's will, but also against other Gu Immortals.Fang Yuan's circumstances were bad.In the past, he had Shadow Sect, which concealed him from deductions. But after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, this protection was gone, Heavenly Court placed his name on the Demon Judgment Board, they were determined to kill him. Northern Plains' Gu Immortals had deep hatred towards him, because Fang Yuan destroyed Imperial Court blessed land and Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, this was something that created more enmity than digging the graves of these Huang Jin bloodline tribes.The other Eastern Sea, Southern Border, and Western Desert Gu Immortals were all after the luck path true inheritance. Even though Fang Yuan did not obtain the true inheritance of all living being's luck, nobody would believe him if he said it.All in all, Fang Yuan's identity could not be exposed, a lot of Gu Immortals were trying to find him.Earlier, during the battle of Hei tribe, Hei tribe Gu Immortals had worked with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu to try and ambush Fang Yuan, in the end, because he was vigilant, he did not go to Iron Eagle blessed land and escaped. Of course, Fang Yuan did not know this currently.Thus, Fang Yuan traveled outside using a fake name — Liu Guan Yi.If he said his true identity, Chu Du's attitude might have been completely different!Currently, Fang Yuan had worked together with Chu Du.Half a month ago, when treasure yellow heaven opened, Fang Yuan received Chu Du's letter.In the letter, Chu Du stated the situation clearly, he informed Fang Yuan that flying sword Immortal Gu had an information path inheritance's clues!At that moment, Fang Yuan was enticed.Earlier, he was still thinking about the benefits of information path.With strong information path methods, he could set agreements with others and not be afraid of them being broken. He could also secretly remove the alliance agreement that was on him, he could easily betray or break his word without any restraints.He could even collect intel and make wiser decisions after knowing more details.Information path and wisdom path were complementary.Information path searched for information, while wisdom path used this information to deduce, they assisted each other.The information path inheritance insignia on flying sword Immortal Gu was incredible, even the wisdom path Gu Immortal Tian Xia Xin was interested and wanted it from Chu Du.Chu Du had told Fang Yuan about this situation. He wanted Fang Yuan to know about the value of the true inheritance, so that he could change his mind.Fang Yuan thought about it and decided to deal with Chu Du.He agreed to let Chu Du get Reckless Savage's true meaning, but Chu Du had to compensate him.After the battle of Hei tribe, Chu Du snatched the thirteenth eagle nest under Fang Yuan's guidance.Days after that, he and Fang Yuan met in Northern Plains secretly, making a transaction for both sides.Fang Yuan obtained flying sword Immortal Gu and the eagle nest, while lending out calamity beckoning Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan could not give the immortal tribulation tempering aperture method to Chu Du. Even though this was an immortal killer move, and Immortal Gu were unique, but Chu Du could use other Immortal Gu in place of these.Different Gu worms could produce similar immortal killer moves after all.Chu Du was a powerful rank seven expert after all, his reputation made him a legendary figure in the current Northern Plains!With his help, Fang Yuan successfully passed the third earthly calamity.In the first two times, he was gravely injured, the situation was too dangerous. But in this third earthly calamity, he only suffered some setbacks, the biggest problems were resolved by Chu Du.Calamity beckoning Immortal Gu was simply too incredible.No wonder Mo Yao wanted to use this Immortal Gu to help her lover Bo Qing undergo tribulation.But eventually, she failed.Calamity beckoning Immortal Gu was only rank seven, but Bo Qing was undergoing the myriad tribulation that would lead him to rank nine!Fang Yuan did not want to seek the information path true inheritance with clues on flying sword Immortal Gu yet.The turbulent flow sea area was a problematic place, it was easy to get lost, and many Gu Immortals often traveled in it.Fang Yuan placed his attention on the eagle nest.The thirteenth eagle nest in Iron Eagle blessed land was usually concealed, it only appeared when Iron Eagle blessed land was near the point of breaking apart.Inside this nest, there were clues to Hei Fan's true inheritance.Fang Yuan had explored it for some time, he had some gains!Compared to the information path true inheritance, the Hei Fan true inheritance, which could delay the time in his immortal aperture, was far more useful and important.Fang Yuan had decided: While he still had this period of free time after undergoing tribulation, he was going to obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance!

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Chapter 1115. Opening Heavenly Crystal Eagle Nest | Reverend Insanity

Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Purple Heaven.A faint purple light was shining in the haziness.In the vast sky, there was a floating eagle nest.This eagle nest was like a three-storey building, there were no doors or windows, it was like a huge crystal.A type of translucent crystal, twice as thick as a human's forearm, interlinked with itself, forming this tight eagle nest that had the same color throughout.This crystal was extraordinary.Fang Yuan had recognized that this was heavenly crystal, a rank eight immortal material!Heavenly crystal came from the sky, it was very light and could float in the sky, it would never fall to the ground unless there were external forces.Regardless of what was inside the eagle nest, just the outer nest itself contained five hundred kilograms of heavenly crystals! Just this heavenly crystal alone had immense value.Evidently, this eagle nest was the thirteenth eagle nest in Iron Eagle blessed land.Its value surpassed the sum of all the other eagle nests, firmly holding the highest position.After Fang Yuan and Chu Du collaborated, Chu Du went to Iron Eagle blessed land and at the final moment of Hei tribe's battle, he displayed great strength and took this eagle nest.However, before Chu Du left the battlefield, Hei tribe's first supreme elder shouted and let all of the immortals know that the thirteenth eagle nest had clues to Hei Fan's true inheritance!This was a problem for Fang Yuan.After Chu Du knew this, he renegotiated with Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan knew he had to concede.Flying sword Immortal Gu, the Eastern Sea information path true inheritance, and this thirteenth eagle nest, as well as Hei Fan's true inheritance, they had a lot of value when put together!Even though Chu Du was solely a strength path cultivator, that did not mean he could not sell these for a good price.Thankfully, Chu Du was firmly set on Fang Yuan's tribulation method.Fang Yuan exploited this to deepen his cooperation with Chu Du, he spent a lot of effort and much discussion to barely reach an agreement.Chu Du would use Calamity Beckoning to get Reckless Savage's true meaning from Fang Yuan. In the future, he will take thirty percent of Fang Yuan's gains from these two true inheritances."Chu Du is a normal Gu Immortal, he does not want to cultivate information path and time path on the side, thus, he has little interest towards the two true inheritances.""Unlike me, I can cultivate all paths, any true inheritance can be used for my own cultivation!""Even so, I really admire his resolute decision, he can give up when needed to. Northern Plains' Domination Immortal, he is truly formidable, his title is well deserved!"Fang Yuan inspected the eagle nest as he gathered his thoughts.He and Chu Du were allies in terms of benefits. They had little relationship, they were just making use of each other.Against Chu Du, Fang Yuan felt quite wary.He knew that Chu Du was not giving up, he still wanted the immortal tribulation tempering aperture method.Chu Du had brains and brawn, he was not a 'stupid' Domination Immortal.His brawn allowed him to singlehandedly cause trouble to the Huang Jin super force, Liu tribe. During the battle of Hei tribe, he caused the immortals present to be unable to attack.His mind was not to be underestimated. After Liu tribe's battle, he rarely appeared, he nurtured his disciples in secret, helping them become immortals, luring out Reckless Savage's true meaning. During the negotiation with Fang Yuan, his eloquence made Fang Yuan recognize this person's shrewdness and wisdom.Domination Immortal had grand ambitions, how could he be satisfied with just Calamity Beckoning?And the bigger worry for Fang Yuan was, Chu Du seemed to have guessed his true identity.During the third earthly calamity, which was their first collaboration, the latter two lines of his poem were 'flying above rivers and lakes on these clouds, nothing can obstruct my view of this world'.Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan 1 .Vaguely, it seemed like he was pointing out Fang Yuan's true identity.Of course, he could be overthinking it.But many things had happened, Fang Yuan would rather be overly vigilant than miss out any important details.Chu Du's appearance was very suspicious, during the first earthly calamity, he almost took Fang Yuan's life!Fang Yuan was suspicious: Chu Du was influenced by heaven's will and was a part of a plot, the 'human calamity' against Fang Yuan.Cooperating with a person like this was simply 'asking favors from a tiger'.Thus, during the first cooperation, after the third earthly calamity was over, Fang Yuan did not talk much to him, he quickly left.Chu Du let Fang Yuan leave without saying anything.First, calamity beckoning Immortal Gu was in his hands. Second, he and Fang Yuan had an alliance agreement. The information path Immortal Gu used was borrowed from other Gu Immortals. Third, he could not catch Fang Yuan in terms of speed!With Chu Du's strength and skill, he had a wide network and knew many people.Fang Yuan considered one point as well. To guard against heaven's will, Fang Yuan gave Chu Du a lot of self will Gu. At least, Fang Yuan did not need to worry that heaven's will would cause any negative influence on Chu Du."I need to be very careful when cooperating with Chu Du, if I make a mistake, it would lead to a disastrous end!" Fang Yuan alerted himself mentally, he placed his attention on the strength path immortal zombie again.He controlled a strength path immortal zombie and slowly got closer to the heavenly crystal eagle nest.These last days, he had been using investigative methods and collecting clues, looking into Hei Cheng's memories, to aid with his deductions."If I am not wrong, this time…"Fang Yuan had confidence as he used his Immortal Gu.The strength path immortal zombie which got close to the heavenly crystal eagle nest went through a complete transformation. It was originally emanating death energy, but in a moment, it became alive, turning into Hei Cheng, indiscernible from the real one.'Hei Cheng' gradually got close to the heavenly crystal eagle nest, placing his hand on the eagle nest.Fang Yuan's divine sense continued to explore, entering the heavenly crystal eagle nest.At the same time, Gu worms flew out, coiling around 'Hei Cheng' as they flew in a spiral.Refinement path killer moves were used one after another, impacting on the heavenly crystal eagle nest.These refinement path killer moves were all mortal killer moves, they were modified by Hei Fan in the past, passing down for generations. Before Hei Fan died, he instructed his descendants that any new member of Hei tribe who became an immortal must learn these refinement path methods.After several generations of research by Hei tribe's Gu Immortals, they gradually understood: These refinement path killer moves were the key to opening the heavenly crystal eagle nest.Many Hei tribe Gu Immortals had used the refinement path killer moves on the heavenly crystal eagle nest in order to get Hei Fan's true inheritance.Of course, they all failed.Because they lacked the most critical element — attitude Gu!In these refinement path killer moves, there was a crucial step that needed the aura of attitude Gu to activate.This step obstructed generations of Hei tribe Gu Immortals, nobody could inherit Hei Fan's true inheritance.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals were not fools, after understanding this, they immediately went to search for attitude Gu.After a lot of effort by generations of Hei tribe Gu Immortals, they finally found some clues, they gained a breakthrough in this.By the current generation, there was Su Xian's Night Elopement, she became Hei Cheng's wife, in the end, she joined Hei tribe as an external supreme elder.Her surname was not Hei, she could not learn about deep secrets like Hei Fan's true inheritance.But she came with a motive, with her sister Blazing Heaven Demoness' help, she stole the information about Hei Fan's true inheritance that generations of Hei tribe immortals had accumulated.Using these results, she found some suspicious points.But when she was close to success, there was a change in the situation. Hei Cheng killed Su Xian Er, Fairy Li Shan had a falling out with Blazing Heaven Demoness as a result, Su Xian Er left behind the crucial clues as well as a lot of familial emotion and immortal essence to her daughter, Hei Lou Lan.After becoming an immortal, Hei Lou Lan used these clues to get back the attitude Gu that had been lost in the northern icy plain for many years!But after some twists and turns, this Immortal Gu ended up in Fang Yuan's hands, being heavily used by him.These last days, Fang Yuan had been familiarizing himself with the refinement path killer move, he even disguised himself to ensure that there were no issues.Refinement path killer moves were used, turning into flames and lightning, attacking the heavenly crystal eagle nest. Each hit caused the heavenly crystal eagle nest to shake slightly, giving off a clear sound.Gradually, the heavenly crystal eagle nest's movements became larger, and the sounds it made became louder, until it resounded in the sky."The final blow!"Fang Yuan was nervous.With his skillful method, he drew a trace of attitude Gu's aura and fused it into a translucent ripple as it flew towards the heavenly crystal eagle nest.The ripple fused into the heavenly crystal eagle nest, vanishing immediately.The heavenly crystal eagle nest continued to shake, light was emitting from within it. Gradually, the entire heavenly crystal eagle nest started shining in nine colors.Red, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, purple, white, black!Nine colors filled the world, the light was dazzling and forced 'Hei Cheng' to retreat to a distance.Ding ding ding…As the light faded, the sound of chimes could be heard in the sky.In front of 'Hei Cheng', this heavenly crystal eagle nest that had been closed for years finally opened itself!Each of the pillars of heavenly crystal started moving and unraveling, making Fang Yuan think of a Rubik's cube. The nine colored heavenly crystal weaved and moved, eventually, an entrance was formed on the surface of the heavenly crystal eagle nest. The entire process was fluid and dazzling, he subconsciously held his breath from the incredible sight."I understand!" Fang Yuan's heart jumped, he understood the method that Hei Fan used."The heavenly crystals were originally colorless and translucent, but they no longer are now!""These heavenly crystals have nine colors, they should come from the respective immemorial nine heavens. But Hei Fan fused them together, using these rank eight immemorial immortal materials through refinement path methods. He caused their colors to fade away, so that they looked like a whole entity.""Before Hei Fan died, he left behind some refinement path methods. Using these methods, one could reverse refine these heavenly crystals, allowing them to regain their original appearance, and open up the eagle nest from the inside."Thinking about this, Fang Yuan's assessment of the heavenly crystals' value increased again.Heavenly crystals were an immortal material that could be produced naturally in grotto-heavens with deep foundations, other than in the immemorial nine heavens.Originally, Fang Yuan thought that these heavenly crystals were formed in Hei Fan grotto-heaven. But in fact, they came from the immemorial nine heavens.They had higher value as a result.Because there were only two heavens left from the immemorial nine heavens, the other seven were destroyed already.In the past, when Hei Fan searched for these heavenly crystals from the immemorial nine heavens, he definitely spent a lot of effort. Right now, it was getting harder for Gu Immortals to get these heavenly crystals, the only source was the scattered fragment worlds of the immemorial nine heavens that were hidden in the five regions."Hei Fan true inheritance, here I come." Fang Yuan restrained his excitement as he controlled 'Hei Cheng', carefully entering the eagle nest.

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