
Chapter: 1121-1125:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1121. Finally Seeing Hei Fan's True Inheritance | Reverend Insanity

"This upper extreme heavenly eagle is an immemorial desolate beast, no wonder it gives off such an abnormal feeling.""If we are going to attack him, we will need to deal with the eagle first.""Did you forget what he said? Other than this eagle, he also has other ancient desolate beasts, is he an enslavement path Gu Immortal?""If he is an enslavement path Gu Immortal, he would be easier to deal with. This path is vulnerable to direct attacks, even if he is an immortal, we are also Gu Immortals…""That might not work! Don't be hasty, we will see on Immortal Succession Mountain."Even up until the immortals arrived at Immortal Succession Mountain, some Gu Immortals were still talking about the upper extreme heavenly eagle.This was not strange.An immemorial desolate beast which had rank eight battle strength upon maturity, this news was a shock to the immortals.Fang Yuan listened to their words but he still showed a calm and composed expression, there were no flaws in his acting.Unwittingly, the immortals' guesses of him had already distorted from reality.Fang Yuan was happy to see this, the more wrong things they assumed, the greater his advantage.If he was really treated as an enslavement path Gu Immortal, hehe, then they would get to see the power of a transformation path and strength path Gu Immortal!Conversely, during the conversation, Fang Yuan continued to probe and obtained a lot of precious intelligence."These Gu Immortals seemed to have been isolated from the world for too long, they are not good at confrontations or dealing with people. Not just in terms of words, they are not as crafty as Gu Immortals outside, I could easily probe their background. They have barely any shrewdness, and their methods are outdated.""All in all, these Gu Immortals are split into two groups. One is led by Old Immortal Chen Chi, the four Gu Immortals are related by bloodline. The other group are the three blood sworn immortals, they are Zhou Min, Zheng Tuo, and Feng Jun, they actually have a blood path leader. The final two are loners, as expected, they do not work with the groups."Fang Yuan snickered internally.Places with people will have competition for benefits.Hei Fan grotto-heaven was no exception.But evidently, the conflict here was small and low level, the Gu Immortals were not skilled at competing against one another. It truly paled in comparison to Northern Plains.And most importantly, these Gu Immortals had very little knowledge.Fang Yuan had already probed, these Gu Immortals could not get into treasure yellow heaven, or rather, they did not even know about its existence.But…Look at their identities, they were descendants of criminals, it made sense that Old Ancestor Hei Fan prevented them from connecting to treasure yellow heaven.If they could connect to treasure yellow heaven, it would be different.Not only would they have updated methods, they would be able to trade and gain knowledge, even without trading, they would grow in experience, it would be an immense growth.Immortal Succession Mountain was a tall, lone mountain, it was not a famous mountain or river.It had ten levels, getting smaller towards the top, there was evident signs of man-made design in it. Around the mountain were forests that had lots of resources in them, Fang Yuan was quite amazed.Even though Hei Fan grotto-heaven was isolated from the world, it had no calamities and tribulations, and because it could not connect to treasure yellow heaven, the resources inside were truly too rich from generations of accumulation!The immortals followed the brass bell heavenly spirit, landing in the single stone pavilion near the mountain peak.The stone pavilion was very simple in structure, but even though it was just a pavilion, it had a grand atmosphere. The pavilion was supported by eight thick pillars. There was a stone tablet in the pavilion that was eye-catching. The stone tablet was huge like an elephant, it took up almost all of the space in the pavilion, there were words carved on it.The brass bell heavenly spirit entered the stone pavilion, hanging on a pillar of the stone pavilion, there was a hook there, it stopped moving after getting into position.Old Immortal Chen Chi said: "Superior immortal, you have just arrived, you must have many questions. Look at this stone tablet, it will answer a lot of your questions."Fang Yuan was prepared, he looked at it patiently.A while later, he finally understood everything.It turned out that back then, Hei Fan's most beloved granddaughter, Hei Feng Yue, had vanished, along with attitude Gu.Hei Fan lost his precious granddaughter, but there was nothing he could do, his lifespan was almost expended, he could only place his immortal aperture down and absorb the immemorial azure heaven fragment, losing his freedom.The few Hei tribe Gu Immortals who could not take care of her were locked in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, not only was their freedom taken away, their immortal apertures were even taken out and fused into Hei Fan grotto-heaven.This way, Hei Fan grotto-heaven became even bigger.Before Hei Fan absorbed the fragment of immemorial azure heaven, he had already made his arrangements, leaving behind his true inheritance and the heavenly crystal eagle nest.But he could not stop thinking about his granddaughter, he wanted his descendants to look for her, thus, he added an additional step, that was the aura of attitude Gu which was needed.From his perspective: Even if he did not show up, with Hei tribe's power at that time, they could definitely find Hei Feng Yue's location and get back attitude Gu.But in truth, he was too optimistic.Or rather, because of kinship, he refused to accept the truth, he felt that Hei Feng Yue was still very likely alive.Because of his miscalculation, Hei Fan's true inheritance went uninherited for all this time, until now, after Fang Yuan disguised himself and opened the heavenly crystal eagle nest.This had to be considered an error by Old Ancestor Hei Fan.But he was a rank eight great expert after all, before his death, he sensed this error as well.He thought: If nobody from the main tribe inherits his true inheritance, what would happen?If that happened, either Hei tribe would be wiped out or become weakened, without any worthy descendants.What Hei Fan thought of was: in that case, he might as well prepare another batch, and let the people in the grotto-heaven inherit his true inheritance, passing it down in that way. They had Hei tribe's bloodline after all!Thus, after setting up the heavenly crystal eagle nest, before his death, Hei Fan added a new rule to his true inheritance.He set a timing.Several hundred years later, if nobody from the main tribe obtains his true inheritance, then the descendants in the grotto-heaven would be allowed to roam Immortal Succession Mountain and find their own opportunities.This was stated in the tablet: "Old Ancestor (Hei Fan) left behind his key true inheritance on Immortal Succession Mountain, he set up a lot of smaller inheritances as well before his lifespan ran out. The other Hei tribe criminal immortals cried and grieved, they felt that they let him down, they died together with him. But before dying, they imitated Hei Fan and left behind their stone tablet inheritances on Immortal Succession Mountain, their true inheritances were hidden inside."The Hei tribe members who were in Northern Plains were searching for attitude Gu, but there was nothing they could find.Time passed, the time limit that Old Ancestor Hei Fan set had long since elapsed. Thus, in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Immortal Succession Mountain was opened up to the mortals to explore.As a result, Gu Immortals started appearing in Hei Fan grotto-heaven.However, even though these mortals could compete for Hei Fan's true inheritance, it was too difficult to explore Immortal Succession Mountain. Although many mortals obtained the true inheritances, and a portion of them became Gu Immortals, there had never been anyone who got to the mountain peak and obtained the first true inheritance.According to the stone tablet: if the person who obtains the first true inheritance becomes a Gu Immortal, they would be the owner of Hei Fan grotto-heaven, they would have the authority to forgive the sins of these criminal immortals, they would regain freedom and return to Hei tribe.But before this, no matter how many generations had gone by, they could not have the Hei surname, they could only have other names, it would remind them of their identities as criminals.After reading the contents of the stone tablet, Fang Yuan finally understood, the confusion inside him was lifted."No wonder these Gu Immortals have such complex expressions and emotions towards me, they have both kind and ill intentions at the same time."Fang Yuan thought about it from their perspective, if it were him, he would be having even more complex feelings.According to Hei Fan's rules, the time limit was over, so be it the Hei tribe main immortals or these criminal immortals, they were qualified to vie for Hei Fan's true inheritance.These immortals had been enthusiastically raising descendants to obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance, to open up the grotto-heaven and regain freedom.As for these Gu Immortals, they had already obtained other inheritances, they were not qualified to compete for Hei Fan's true inheritance.Thus, the Gu Immortals in Hei Fan grotto-heaven did not have much conflict normally, they lived quite peacefully.Originally, they did not think that anyone from the main tribe would come, after all, it had been so long, but nobody came. With Fang Yuan's sudden appearance, their preconceptions were broken. And because of the rules on the stone tablet, they had to go welcome him, even though they were against his arrival and mentally not prepared.From their perspective, Hei Fan's true inheritance belonged to them already.As long as they continued to nurture descendants, one day, someone would ascend the mountain peak and obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance.Thus, they did not want to see Fang Yuan's arrival, but they had no choice but to follow the rules.The heavenly spirit might be mindless, but Hei Fan had considered this before dying, even though it was rather unreliable, it still firmly carried on Hei Fan's will after his death.And Hei Fan still had one method of restriction.Becoming a Gu Immortal would have calamities and tribulations.Whenever they are unable to pass the tribulations, these Gu Immortals would come to Immortal Succession Mountain and ask the heavenly spirit for help.The heavenly spirit would use the Immortal Gu in the first tablet's true inheritance to stall their calamities and tribulations. Even though they could be safe for the moment, they would be under the heavenly spirit's control.The heavenly spirit only had to use a certain method in the true inheritance to remove the method of stalling calamities and tribulations, causing them to die.Many Gu Immortals were able to pass the calamities and tribulations early on, but they did not know about treasure yellow heaven, even though Hei Fan grotto-heaven had a lot of resources, there was a limit to its variety, these Gu Immortals' cultivation needs could not be fulfilled.Thus, after many calamities and tribulations, when they got stronger, these Gu Immortals were gradually unable to pass them.Eventually, they had no choice but to seek help from the heavenly spirit, they all fell into Hei Fan's trap and became controlled by the heavenly spirit. Even though Hei Fan had died for many years, he still had great control over Hei Fan grotto-heaven as a result."Old Ancestor Hei Fan, as expected and worthy of the champion that led Hei tribe to its most glorious era! Even after he died, he still had complete control of Hei Fan grotto-heaven, these Gu Immortals all revere him.""But what this tablet states might not be too factual. Heh. I don't believe that those criminal immortals were willing to die together with Old Ancestor Hei Fan! Evidently, regardless of their wishes, Hei Fan still acted in this ruthless and cruel manner, he is truly praiseworthy. If they were allowed to live, Hei Fan grotto-heaven might have been broken through from the inside already."Thoughts flashed past his mind rapidly, Fang Yuan's gaze retracted from the stone tablet, he slowly raised his head to look at the brass bell heavenly spirit.He asked: "Then, what should I do to obtain this true inheritance?"Once he said that, the other Gu Immortals held their breaths and concentrated, looking over with concerned gazes.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1122. Troublesome Final Test | Reverend Insanity

The stone tablet in the pavilion stated: Be it a main tribe member brought over by the heavenly spirit or a criminal immortal who ascended the mountain, they had one final, most important test before inheriting Hei Fan's true inheritance.But the contents of this final test were not written on the stone tablet, they had to ask the heavenly spirit.The heavenly spirit was mindless, but remembered Hei Fan's instructions.Thus, Fang Yuan asked it.Soon, the immortals heard the brass bell heavenly spirit shake, creating a long and loud sound.When the sound vibrated off the pillars, there were changes to the tablet. At the end of the original content, new lines were appearing.The immortals gasped upon seeing it."This says that Hei Fan grotto-heaven is the true inheritance itself. Whoever obtains the true inheritance becomes Hei Fan grotto-heaven's owner!""But to obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance, there is one final test, it is actually this?""No wonder Old Ancestor Hei Fan set a rule that if the inheritor appears, all of us need to go and welcome him!""Old ancestor is magnanimous, he planned meticulously. Even though we are criminals, he had never forgotten us, he is still concerned about us descendants."The immortals discussed, they felt admiration towards Old Ancestor Hei Fan, some had red eyes as they almost cried.Fang Yuan looked at the new information, he was frowning, his expression had turned heavy.The contents clearly told him what the test was."As long as I pass the final test, I can obtain Hei Fan's true inheritance. But what is this? It wants me to obtain the votes of half of the Gu Immortals inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven?! And I must complete it within three years in the grotto-heaven's time."Fang Yuan shook his head.Old Ancestor Hei Fan's final test was out of his expectations.Evidently, he was siding with the Gu Immortals inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven.As an outsider, it was very difficult for Fang Yuan to obtain their support.But Fang Yuan soon reacted, he understood Hei Fan's intentions.Old Ancestor Hei Fan set the rules to encourage his inheritor to take in these Gu Immortals within Hei Fan grotto-heaven. After all, Gu Immortals were hard to nurture, by taking them in, it would benefit Hei tribe greatly.Thus, this not only tested the inheritor's abilities, their interpersonal skills were also tested, whether they could be a skilled leader to unite others or not.Hei Fan was using his true inheritance to choose a leader for Hei tribe, he was not just looking for a Gu Immortal expert."Old fellow, you are already dead, why are you considering so many things, it is so troublesome!" Fang Yuan thought, but on the surface, he sighed as he spoke in heartfelt fashion: "Ancestor Hei Fan was thinking for Hei tribe the entire time, he put in so much effort, as a descendant, I am deeply moved!""Yes, yes!" The immortals heard his words and responded.Originally, these Gu Immortals were feeling very worried, after all, if Fang Yuan obtained Hei Fan's true inheritance, they did not know what would happen to criminal immortals like themselves.But now, with Old Ancestor Hei Fan's arrangement, their welfare was assured.Fang Yuan kept his moved expression as he turned around, standing before the stone tablet, facing the immortals in the pavilion, he asked: "Then… how can I obtain all of your support?"As Fang Yuan had expected, what he obtained was silence.Times were different now.Initially, they were wary of him, but now, Fang Yuan needed to get half of the Gu Immortals' recognition, in that case, the situation was reversed, it was completely different.The immortals looked at each other, nobody spoke.Only their gaze towards Fang Yuan changed.Earlier, they were cautious and tried to express kindness while concealing their ill intent, but now, they had distant gazes, they got on their high horses and thought about it internally.Fang Yuan was not rushed, he stood on the spot, waiting for their reply.After a while of silence, the most experienced and oldest Gu Immortal, Chen Chi, could not hold it in anymore, he coughed: "Today's matters progressed too quickly, we are simply unprepared for it. Sigh, maybe I am getting old, all this thinking is making my head hurt, I cannot process it yet. Superior immortal, you must have had a long journey to reach here and are tired, right? Why don't you go take a rest first and relax, we can think about this later.""This old fox." Fang Yuan snickered internally.Old Immortal Chen Chi's words were well received by the Gu Immortals present, they answered him with great enthusiasm.They were fragmented earlier, but now, it looked like they were united, dealing with the outsider Fang Yuan together."However, so what if I agree to your stalling?" Fang Yuan had expected them to respond in that manner, his expression did not change, he nodded and said reluctantly: "Immortal Chen Chi, you have a point."Chen Chi showed a smile of victory, but soon he concealed it: "My accommodations are crude, but we have some tea for you. If you do not mind, it would be my great honor to accommodate you."Chen Chi invited warmly, but he did not give a clear reply to Fang Yuan's words.Fang Yuan smiled in a reluctant manner, nodding: "I will trouble you in that case."He called it 'crude', but Old Immortal Chen Chi was naturally just being humble.His accommodations were not crude at all, instead, they were very elegant and grand.A number of palaces sat on top of a mountain peak.This mountain seemed to be man-made, the top was flat, palaces were erected all over it, there were golden bricks and green tiles, with many beautifully crafted pillars.Chen Chi and his Gu Immortal subordinates lived here.Not just them, a large number of Gu Masters and mortals as well."These are all my descendants, hehehe, please excuse them, superior immortal. At my age, I enjoy having descendants and nurturing them." Chen Chi explained.Fang Yuan nodded: "This shows that you are someone who values relationships."Chen Chi looked at Fang Yuan with deep meaning: "Who would not like people who values relationships and loyalty? Hehehe.""Hahaha." Fang Yuan laughed too.Seeing Chen Chi and Fang Yuan talking so harmoniously, the other three Gu Immortals had relaxed emotions.Just like this, Fang Yuan stayed here for the time being.Strangely, since the first day, Chen Chi had not shown himself again, and did not meet with Fang Yuan again. Fang Yuan was not anxious, he waited patiently.Four days later.In the palaces.Fang Yuan and Chen Le strolled in the long walkways.Chen Le was one of the female immortals, she had long hair in two buns and a bubbly nature. In terms of bloodline, she was Old Immortal Chen Chi's great granddaughter."Young master Hei Cheng, look at that lotus, I love its color!" Chen Le pointed at the lotus pond and smiled.This walkway was quite special, it crossed over the entire lotus pond.There were lotuses inside the lotus pond of all colors, they were floating aimlessly, it was a beautiful sight.These last days, even though Old Immortal Chen Chi did not meet with Fang Yuan, Chen Le was keeping him company, to look at all the scenic sites in the palaces."This yellow lotus is cute, pure and innocent, it really suits you, Le Er." Fang Yuan smiled.Chen Le lowered her head, she was embarrassed, she said faintly: "Young master, what are you saying? Le Er… Le Er was just happy from seeing these flowers.""I feel very happy seeing you as well, Le Er." Fang Yuan smiled as he extended his arms, holding Le Er's hands.Chen Le's body shook, she subconsciously wanted to get free, but Fang Yuan's hands were holding her tightly.Chen Le's face was bright red, even with her Gu Immortal cultivation level, her brain was in chaos, she struggled as she murmured: "Young master, young master, you…"Fang Yuan took a step forward, his body almost completely touching Chen Le.Chen Le quickly moved back, because her body was unstable, she fell backwards.Fang Yuan held her in his arms as she fell."Be careful, don't fall." His gentle voice entered Chen Le's ears, when Chen Le reacted, she was already lying in Fang Yuan's arms.Chen Le raised her head, she saw Fang Yuan, who was smiling with a hint of cheekiness in his gaze.Chen Le was extremely embarrassed, she punched Fang Yuan's chest softly: "Young master, you are too naughty, you bullied me!"Saying this, she struggled out of Fang Yuan's embrace.Fang Yuan gasped, he took a step back, showing intense pain on his face.Chen Le quickly moved forward, asking him with deep concern: "Young master, how are you?"Fang Yuan breathed in deeply: "To speak the truth. not long ago, I engaged in a fierce battle. It is not easy to inherit Hei Fan true inheritance. Many Gu Immortals in the tribe are not willing to see it happen.""So you are injured? Why didn't you tell me!" Chen Le stomped her feet, her embarrassment was gone, she looked at Fang Yuan's chest as she asked: "Does it still hurt?""It is a small injury, it is no issue. But with higher cultivation level, my dao marks are deeper, the injuries I suffered are more severe." Fang Yuan smiled, before shifting the topic: "However, your great grandfather refined Gu and suffered injuries, he is in a similar state as me, right? Otherwise, why would he not meet me for the last few days?"Panic flashed across Chen Le's eyes, she stammered and tried to respond to Fang Yuan.Old Immortal Chen Chi could not refuse to meet Fang Yuan without any reason, thus, the excuse he gave was that he had suffered a backlash from Gu refinement failure, his injuries were severe and he could not meet guests.Of course, at this timing, how could he suddenly get injured from refining Gu?Both parties knew the reason, they did not speak it.On that night, the four Gu Immortals including Chen Chi engaged in a secret discussion.Chen Le reported: "Ancestor, young master Hei Cheng asked me about your injury today.""Oh? He finally lost his patience huh…" Chen Chi smiled."Thankfully, I managed to conceal it, he was not suspicious. But as time passes, I am afraid…" Chen Le was worried.The other three Gu Immortals looked at each other, smiling.Chen Le was well protected by her family, she was unhardened and innocent, she did not know that Fang Yuan knew about it clearly. The fact that he asked about Chen Chi's injuries was a subtle reminder.The male Gu Immortal Chen Li Zhi thought for a moment before saying: "It seems that we have to talk to this Hei Cheng properly."

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1123. What is this Gu's Name? | Reverend Insanity

Old Immortal Chen Chi shook his head, he said with an unmoved expression: "So what if we wait a few more days? There is no rush."Chen Li Zhi said worriedly: "He understands the situation, if we drag this out, he might get annoyed. If he is forced away and goes to Zheng Tuo's side, it would be troublesome.""Little Zhi, don't worry." Chen Chi smiled, analyzing: "The final test of the true inheritance requires half of the Gu Immortals in Hei Fan grotto-heaven to support Hei Cheng. Right now in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, disregarding Hei Cheng himself, there are nine Gu Immortals. We have four people on our side, we are nearly half of the total. This is a huge quantity, as long as he gets our support, he would already be one step from winning. As long as he gets one more person's vote, he would succeed. There is no way he did not consider this.""Even if he gives up on our side and go to the other Gu Immortals, he would face trouble. The situation is different now, he is an outsider, if he wants our support, he has to give up some benefits, he needs to put up something for our gain. Moreover, those three, Zheng Tuo and the others, are more ambitious."Chen Li Zhi did not speak, instead, Chen Wan Yun said: "Old ancestor, actually, I have an idea. If Hei Cheng cannot get half of the Gu Immortals' votes, wouldn't he fail? As long as Hei Fan true inheritance remains on Immortal Succession Mountain, one day, our descendants would ascend to the top and obtain it, right? We have been guarding Hei Fan's true inheritance for countless generations, even Old Ancestor Hei Fan gave us the rights to vie for it, are we really going to give it to an outsider?""Hei Cheng is not an outsider, he is from the main tribe." Chen Le rebuked."Le Er, don't forget, the main tribe is enjoying freedom and glory in the outside world. As for us, we have been trapped here for generations, suffering in torment!" Chen Wan Yun said grimly.Chen Le had a bitter expression, she stopped talking.Chen Chi shook his head: "Yun Er, I had considered your words long ago, this would not work.""Firstly, it is extremely difficult for mortals to ascend Immortal Succession Mountain, even if we nurture them and a lucky person shows up, when would they finally inherit the true inheritance? Decades? Centuries? Nobody knows.""Secondly, even though Hei Cheng is alone, don't forget about the Hei tribesmen behind him, there are a huge number of Hei tribe Gu Immortals. If he fails, that is only his personal failure. Hei tribe's Gu Immortals are going to continue coming here. By then, can we stop them all? Are we going to stop all of the main tribe's Gu Immortal? Can we? Other than the four of us, can Zheng Tuo and the rest be trusted?"These Gu Immortals in Hei Fan grotto-heaven did not know about treasure yellow heaven, after so many years and generations, they could not connect to treasure yellow heaven. Thus, they had no idea what happened to Hei tribe. Fang Yuan lied and concealed the truth, he easily deceived these Gu Immortals, running around them in circles.Chen Chi's words made the rest of the immortals' expressions change.Chen Le added: "That's right, today, young master Hei Cheng told me that it was a tough process to defeat those Hei tribe Gu Immortals and obtain victory. Even until now, he is still injured."Chen Chi nodded, continuing to analyze: "Hei Cheng was able to emerge victorious, he is not ordinary at all. He has rank seven cultivation level, and the upper extreme heavenly eagle with him, he has great prospects. If we help him now, it would be giving him timely assistance, when we return to the main tribe, we will have a firm foundation under him, wouldn't that be great?""However, we are not going to help him without any rewards. He has to pay a price, if he does not give up some benefits, he would not cherish our help. He would not feel gratitude towards us.""Old ancestor is right." Chen Li Zhi said."We will not go wrong listening to ancestor!" Chen Le smiled.Chen Chi sighed eerily, he looked at the three Gu Immortals, saying with deep emotions: "I am old, my lifespan is almost up. I only want you descendants to live better in the future. When I go into the door of life and death, I will rest in peace.""Ancestor, don't say things like that, you will definitely live a long time." Chen Le's eyes turned red.Chen Li Zhi said firmly: "Ancestor, don't forget about lifespan Gu! To obtain our support, that Hei Cheng has to give us something, lifespan Gu is definitely one of our conditions."Chen Chi's eyes flashed deeply, he looked at Chen Le: "Forget about lifespan Gu, at the very least, we need to make sure Le Er fulfills her wish, and gets together with her lover."Chen Le's face was flushed red with embarrassment, she stood up as she stomped her feet: "Ancestor, you are making fun of me again!"Hahaha…In the secret room, laughter was echoing.At the same time, Fang Yuan stood on the garden of his accommodation, raising his head towards the night sky.This Hei Fan grotto-heaven had a clear day and night, daytime was long, while night time was short.This was something that only happened in grotto-heavens, blessed lands usually did not have day and night.Hei Fan grotto-heaven's night sky had no stars, but the darkness was not pitch-black, if one looked closely, it had azure color.A cool wind blew, Fang Yuan's arms were behind his back, he looked at the sky as he sorted out the information that he had obtained recently.These last days, he had been interacting with Chen Le, obtaining a lot of precious information from this gullible girl, he had clear and extensive knowledge regarding Hei Fan grotto-heaven and the Gu Immortals inside it.Moreover, he had developed his ideas regarding Hei Fan true inheritance further."It is almost time, in just two days, the time will be ripe." Fang Yuan thought, cold light flashed across his eyes, shining deeply.Two days went by in an instant.It was noon, bright sunlight radiated in the palace, making it extremely lively.Winds blew, birds chirped, it was a beautiful sight.From outside Chen Chi's room, Fang Yuan's voice could be heard: "I came here without informing you, I hope you can forgive me.""He finally lost his patience. But he already waited for quite some time." Chen Chi was not surprised.The entire group of palaces was a huge mortal Gu House, Fang Yuan's actions were all under his observation.The door opened on its own.Chen Chi sat on his bed, half lying down, he said weakly: "Esteemed guest, you are here, but I am unable to get up and attend to you."Fang Yuan quickly walked in, standing in front of the bed, saying worriedly: "It seems that you are heavily injured. You are a rule path Gu Immortal, after considering deeply, I thought of a way to lighten your injuries."Chen Chi had no injuries: "Superior immortal, I am grateful for your concern, but my injury is not something that can be healed easily."Fang Yuan smiled: "Friend, you might not know, my immortal killer move is a signature method of our tribe. Even though the core Immortal Gu is still in the tribe, I know the content of the killer move. I will pass this immortal killer move to you, you can change the core and it might help with your injuries.""How can I accept this great gift?" Chen Chi quickly rejected.Fang Yuan said warmly: "I feel like we are close friends, these last few days, I have been imposing on all of you. The killer move will be my gift in return.""Superior immortal, this gift is simply too valuable." Chen Chi continued to reject it.Fang Yuan's expression changed, his tone became very worried: "How can an immortal killer move express my true sincerity? Oh! Honestly speaking, this Hei Fan true inheritance's final test is troubling me greatly. I hope you can give me some advice."Chen Chi heard this and his eyes shined, he understood Fang Yuan's words. He was here to exchange benefits for support.Chen Chi subconsciously sat up, saying: "In my humble opinion, this matter is like refining Gu. When refining Gu, the fire is very important. It has to be large at times, and small at other times, we have to deal with important matters more patiently. Hehe, I am ashamed! I have a lot of interest in Gu refinement, so I spouted nonsense, please ignore me."This was not nonsense, it was simply bullshit!As a rule path Gu Immortal, why are you so interested in refinement path?But Fang Yuan knew what he was trying to say, he smiled: "The main tribe has countless books on refinement path, as long as I obtain the true inheritance, I will be able to grant everyone freedom. When you return to the main tribe, these books will all be accessible to you. And I have collected a number of refinement path methods and Gu recipes as well. When I succeed, I can give them all to you, why not?"Chen Chi nodded, showing a pleased expression.But he quickly said: "I love refinement path, it is truly a time wasting hobby. But my nephew Chen Li Zhi is an enslavement path Gu Immortal, he is so envious of your upper extreme heavenly eagle."Fang Yuan's expression sank: "There is only one upper extreme heavenly eagle, it cannot be given away. But there are a lot of iron crown eagles in the main tribe, they are famous in Northern Plains. I can assure that everyone will get one once we return."Chen Chi's joy flashed on his face, he sighed: "In the past, Old Ancestor Hei Fan suppressed Qiao tribe, it was to obtain their secret of raising eagles. To think that after so many years, they had already developed to this extent. But our ancestors were criminals, when we return to the main tribe, what circumstances will we face, I am truly worried!""No need to worry, I can assure that everyone will be very welcomed back in Hei tribe, after all, your return means that the tribe becomes stronger as well." Fang Yuan paused before saying: "As for the crime, it occurred so many generations ago, once I get the true inheritance, I will spare everyone. You have all defended Hei Fan grotto-heaven for so many years, your merits outweigh your crimes, and because you also helped me obtain the true inheritance… Hehe, when I return to the main tribe, I will uphold justice for everyone!"Chen Chi smiled: "Superior immortal, you are a dragon among men, an absolute genius, your words are truly reliable, after hearing this, I am somewhat assured.""I thank you for your trust. We all have Hei tribe's bloodline, we are one family. However… as for the other immortals outside, it will depend on their performance." Fang Yuan vaguely suggested.His meaning was: first come first serve, whoever supports him first will gain greater benefits when they return to the main tribe.Chen Chi nodded, he was a sly fox, he naturally understood what Fang Yuan meant.He smiled: "Superior immortal, your words are truly enlightening, they are amazing. Especially the word family, it is so apt."Saying so, he looked at Fang Yuan, seeing his slight smile, he felt deeper confidence, he asked: "What do you think of Little Le?"Fang Yuan's smile faded, he answered: "Intelligent and eloquent, innocent and lively, she is very attractive.""I will not lie to you, Le Er is secretly in love with you. Sigh, it is a pity! Superior immortal, you are such a talented person, how could she match you. Sigh, as her ancestor, I am unable to fulfill her wish. I only hope that Le Er, this poor child, is able to forget about superior immortal and find her own happiness in the future." Chen Le sighed.Fang Yuan no longer smiled, he frowned as he considered, before saying solemnly: "I will not lie to you either, I am in love with Chen Le, I am willing to marry her as my wife!"If he really loved her, he should be yelling happily in excitement, he would not show a solemn expression after considering it.But Chen Chi ignored it completely, as if he could not understand it.Fang Yuan snickered internally, he could understand why. This Chen Chi kept saying he was thinking for his descendant's future, but was that true? He was sacrificing Chen Le to gain his own benefits!Chen Chi laughed loudly, Fang Yuan's reply was very satisfactory to him, even though he said it reluctantly.He went overboard, his smile vanished, he sighed deeply: "Sigh, it is a pity that my lifespan is running out, I will not be able to attend you and Le Er's wedding."Fang Yuan instantly understood, this old fellow was asking for lifespan Gu! His expression turned grim, he stopped smiling, he said dryly: "That's not the case at all, in my opinion, you are truly hale and hearty, your appetite is truly great."Old Immortal Chen Chi chuckled as he looked at Fang Yuan directly, he showed a determined expression that was not backing off: "I am truly ashamed, actually, I am a very greedy person, not only do I want to attend the wedding of superior immortal and Le Er, I also want to see the children that you have after getting married. After all, those are my descendants as well."Fang Yuan began to prance around, his eyebrows were tightly pursed, he said directly: "Lifespan Gu are hard to find, they are very precious, I am unable to give them away.""This treasure from heaven is truly hard to obtain." Old Immortal Chen Chi nodded, as if he had expected Fang Yuan's reply already, he continued: "But there is no need to worry. I'll let you know, this Hei Fan grotto-heaven also produces lifespan Gu, they are all gathered and collected. The heavenly spirit might be mindless, but Old Ancestor Hei Fan had his arrangements. If I am not wrong, there are definitely lifespan Gu within Hei Fan's true inheritance. I… sigh, I only need three hundred years worth of lifespan Gu.""Three hundred years?!" Fang Yuan stared at Chen Chi angrily.Chen Chi was still smiling comfortably.Fang Yuan turned furious: "Three hundred is too much, I don't even have a single one! I will only give a hundred.""One hundred and fifty." Chen Chi bargained, he finally put down his act.Fang Yuan walked for a few more rounds, gritting his teeth: "Forget it, I will give you a hundred and fifty!""Deal!" Chen Chi clapped, smiling widely and happily, he stopped caring about his face.After all, this was more than a hundred years of lifespan, how could a bit of face compare to it?Chen Chi looked at Fang Yuan, smiling even more deeply now: "Superior immortal, I heard from Le Er that you have a lot of Immortal Gu, I wonder if you can let me have a look to broaden my horizons?"Fang Yuan was stunned before flying into a rage, he gritted his teeth at Chen Chi.This old fellow was too greedy, he said he wanted to take a look, but the truth was, he wanted Fang Yuan to use an Immortal Gu to exchange for his support!Chen Chi saw Fang Yuan turning furious and his heart jumped, but soon, he thought that this was a rare chance, there would be no opportunities like this again. After they returned to the main tribe, would this occur again?Thus, he quickly said: "Superior immortal, this is my final request, as long as I get it, the four of us will definitely support you."Fang Yuan began prancing again.He took heavy steps, as if the concrete floor had an unresolvable deep enmity with him.Chen Chi observed his expression, seeing that Fang Yuan's anger was fading and he was actually thinking about it, he let down his guard.He felt great joy inside him: "Success!"As expected, after a moment, Fang Yuan stopped his movements, he stood in front of the bed with an Immortal Gu in his hand."Rank seven Immortal Gu!" Chen Chi shouted, feeling surprised and joyful."This is a sword path Immortal Gu, it is not compatible with me, otherwise, you would never see this!" Fang Yuan said angrily."What is this Gu's name?" Chen Chi's eyes were shining, he watched as Fang Yuan handed the Gu over to him."Wait, I'll exchange with this one instead." Fang Yuan suddenly changed his mind, he retracted his arm as he took out another Gu from his immortal aperture.Chen Chi's gaze subconsciously moved to Fang Yuan's other arm.No sooner said than done!The sword path Immortal Gu activated!Sword path killer move — Dark Assassination!!Chen Chi was staring blankly, the bloody mark left on his forehead enlarged as blood started to spew out from the front and back of his head.He was dead!

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Chapter 1124. Dark Assassination | Reverend Insanity

With Chen Chi's death, all the palaces started shaking.The group of palaces were all mortal Gu Houses, they were under Old Immortal Chen Chi's control.But Fang Yuan came prepared, at his will, he activated arrangements that were prepared long ago.At once, the tremors of the palaces settled down and did not continue.This was one of Fang Yuan's preparations these last days.Mortal Gu Houses were nothing special to Gu Immortals. Unless it was regarding an Immortal Gu House, but how could these Gu Immortals inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven have that?Hei Fan was ruthless, before he died, he killed all of the criminal Hei tribe Gu Immortals. The inheritances left behind were naturally lacking some crucial information, there was no way they contained information about Immortal Gu Houses.And with just these Gu Immortals inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, there was little hope of them creating an Immortal Gu House.Furthermore, even though the palaces were huge and grand, the methods used were too old. Fang Yuan could easily unravel them. Old Immortal Chen Chi letting him stay here for such a long time was a huge mistake!"These Gu Immortals in Hei Fan grotto-heaven have lived in peace for too long, without great struggle and competition to spur on progress, they have basically no alertness." Fang Yuan looked at Old Immortal Chen Chi's corpse, snickering in disdain.Chen Chi died with his eyes wide open, he was still in shock, Fang Yuan had attacked too quickly, he could not even react to show fear.Fang Yuan confirmed that Chen Chi was dead, before keeping him inside the sovereign immortal aperture.Next, he used familiar face, turning into Old Immortal Chen Chi's appearance and leaving the room, walking out openly."Greetings to old ancestor!""Greetings to old ancestor!"Along the way, Fang Yuan met many Gu Masters and mortals of all genders and age. After seeing Fang Yuan, they knelt down, expressing their most respectful greetings.Every time, Fang Yuan activated his Gu worms, using a formless force to help them stand up, he asked them some questions in encouragement, these descendants of Chen Chi were extremely grateful to him.They did not know that the real Chen Chi had already been killed by Fang Yuan, they were greeting the culprit.They did not suspect a thing, because this was how Old Immortal Chen Chi usually acted.Fang Yuan had been toying with Chen Le these last days, he obtained a lot of intel, among which were Chen Chi's habits.Otherwise, with just familiar face, he could only disguise his appearance, he could not alter his actions to fit those of Old Immortal Chen Chi as well.Fang Yuan walked openly and confidently. After a while, he arrived at a palace."Ancestor, why are you here?" Chen Li Zhi heard a disturbance and walked out of the palace, greeting him.He looked at Fang Yuan with much puzzlement.He was not suspecting his identity, of course, instead, he was thinking, ancestor was clearly using the excuse of being bedridden currently to delay the meeting with Hei Cheng. Why did he appear in public so openly today, going against the original plan?"Little Zhi, that Hei Cheng came to me secretly earlier, we have already finished negotiating. Let's go in, I have a matter to discuss with you." Fang Yuan said slowly, he patted Chen Li Zhi's back, he walked ahead with his arms behind his back.The entire group of palaces were mortal Gu Houses.But these three Gu Immortals' accommodations respectively belonged to them.On this point, Old Immortal Chen Chi could not interfere. He could not control the lives of his descendants to this extent, right?Chen Li Zhi heard Fang Yuan's words and his thoughts shifted, his suspicions were lifted, he quickly moved forward, leading the way."Ancestor, please take a seat." He bowed, directing Fang Yuan to his seat."Please have some tea." Soon, he prepared a high quality tea and handed it over with both hands, having a respectful attitude.After handing over the tea, Chen Li Zhi went down to sit at a lower seat.After drinking the tea, Fang Yuan saw that Chen Li Zhi was seated far from himself, he said: "Oh, Little Zhi, bring your chair over, sit beside me."Chen Li Zhi was shocked and pleased, he joyfully answered: "Yes, ancestor. I will stand beside you and listen to your guidance."How could he stand?There was a difference between sitting and standing.When standing, one's muscles were contracted, they could move rapidly.When seated, the body relaxed, even their mental state would be affected, they would let down their guard.Fang Yuan wanted to kill Chen Li Zhi, he had to make ample preparations.Thus, Fang Yuan pretended to be unhappy: "I asked you to move your chair, why are you being so reluctant? I have already talked to Hei Cheng, now, we need to deal with Zheng Tuo's gang. I need to entrust many matters to you, Yun Er and Le Er are both women, at the crucial moment, Little Zhi, you have to handle more responsibilities."Chen Li Zhi had countless thoughts in his mind, he had a feeling of joy after receiving recognition."Yes." He quickly moved his chair, sitting beside Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan saw that the doors were open, he said: "Close the doors, these words are better kept as a secret from outsiders."Chen Li Zhi had no doubts, he followed the instructions."Hei Cheng could not endure it anymore, he came to me. After negotiating with Hei Cheng for a long time, he promised us many benefits, he is very sincere…" Fang Yuan said slowly.Chen Li Zhi listened attentively.He wanted to ask what price Hei Cheng paid, but because his ancestor did not mention it, he did not dare to ask.Right now, Fang Yuan started to satisfy his curiosity, he exaggerated the amount somewhat, causing Chen Li Zhi to listen with joy and excitement."Hei Cheng actually offered a rank seven Immortal Gu?" At the end, Chen Li Zhi gasped, he was truly overjoyed."Will I lie to you? Take a look." Fang Yuan chuckled, taking out flying sword Immortal Gu."Good Gu, this is a good Gu." Chen Li Zhi quickly praised."Oh Little Zhi…" Fang Yuan said slowly.Chen Li Zhi immediately raised his head, his ancestor was talking to him, how could he be distracted?At this instance, sword light flashed!Chen Li Zhi was startled, there seemed to be a flash of light just then?Next, he looked at Fang Yuan's hand subconsciously, the flying sword Immortal Gu there was gone.Why did the Gu vanish?Chen Li Zhi was perplexed, but suddenly, he felt his body going weak, there was a warm liquid flowing down his forehead.Suddenly, his world started spinning.He fell onto the ground, kneeling. One of his hands was on the floor supporting himself, while he attempted to grab Fang Yuan's robe with the other, but he did not succeed.Plop.He fell onto the ground, completely dead.Fang Yuan's warm smile vanished, his expression turned icy cold.Doing the same thing as before, Fang Yuan suppressed this palace as well, preventing it from shaking, others could not see any problems.Next, he gathered Chen Li Zhi's corpse and kept it in his immortal aperture, he opened the palace doors and left.There were two female Gu Immortals remaining, Chen Wan Yun had greater threat, Fang Yuan's next target was her!"Sister, I finally succeeded in my new move, concealment within." Chen Le smiled and said to Chen Wan Yun."Is that so?" Chen Wan Yun heard this and was overjoyed, she looked at Chen Le with an expression of satisfaction: "It seems that our Le Er is finally working hard. Let me guess, who is the person who motivated you to cultivate this hard?"Chen Wan Yun pretended to think, she continued: "Hmm… I think this person has the surname Hei, and there is only one other word in his full name…"Before she finished, Chen Le interrupted: "Sister, stop teasing me! I was very hardworking to begin with, okay!""Is that so?" Chen Wan Yun smiled as she saw Chen Le's shy appearance, she thought: "Le Er might be innocent and grew up under our protection, but she knows how impressive Hei Cheng is, thus she is trying to improve herself. I was going to remind her, but it seems that I was worried for nothing."Chen Le could not deal with this glance, she took a step back, vanishing from Chen Wan Yun's sight."Sister, I used concealment within, can you find me? Hehe, do you know where I am?" In an instant, Chen Wan Yun could hear Chen Le's voice near her."Cheeky girl, after I find you, I will deal with you!" Chen Wan Yun showed an evil appearance, she was about to use her investigative killer move, when suddenly, she felt some disturbance outside, she was curious: "Why is ancestor here? Le Er, stop playing, go with me to greet him."Chen Le was about to dispel her immortal killer move, but suddenly, she had an idea, she remembered the time when Old Immortal Chen Chi made fun of her, she pouted: "Forget it, I will listen secretly by the side, let's see if ancestor can find me. If he cannot find me, and I appear suddenly, he would be in shock. Hehehe.""Oh you, you are too mischievous, you will not be able to get married." Chen Wan Yun shook her head, walking out of the palace to greet Old Immortal Chen Chi.Fang Yuan had familiar face, Chen Wan Yun and Chen Le could not find out his true identity. But Fang Yuan did not have an outstanding investigative killer move, he could not find Chen Le, who was concealed. In fact, even if he had a killer move like that, he could not use it openly.Once he used it, his immortal aura would leak, it would invite suspicion.Only immortal methods like dark assassination could completely conceal the aura of Immortal Gu, without leaking a trace, one could sneak attack and catch an enemy unprepared.Chen Wan Yun brought Fang Yuan to his seat, she wanted to call Chen Le to come out, how could she peek at them with such disrespect?But thinking about it: "Old ancestor dotes on Le Er, he gained a lot of benefits just now after negotiating with young master Hei Cheng, he is in a good mood. Even if ancestor discovers Le Er in hiding, he would surely not blame her."Thinking of that, Chen Wan Yun pretended to be unaware, passing the tea to him.Fang Yuan drank a mouthful, he did the same thing again, asking Chen Wan Yun to sit closer to him.Chen Le watched as she held in her laughter, she felt extremely excited.Next, as she listened to Fang Yuan and Chen Wan Yun's words, she gradually focused and upon hearing their gains, she was very happy, but she started worrying for Fang Yuan: "Young master Hei Cheng paid such a huge price, will this affect him negatively?"Soon after, Fang Yuan took out flying sword Immortal Gu: "This rank seven sword path Immortal Gu was given to me by Hei Cheng, adding on to his previous offer. Yun Er, I want you to go to the cave where the three immortals live, using this as a chip to convince the three immortals to support Hei Cheng, are you willing to do it?"Chen Wan Yun quickly got up: "Ancestor, I will follow your instructions.""Good, good, good." Fang Yuan chuckled.Chen Le's gaze was focused on flying sword Immortal Gu as well.This was the first time she was seeing a rank seven Immortal Gu, she could not hold in her curiosity, she wanted to jump out and give a surprise to her ancestor.But at the next moment, a change occurred!Dark assassination activated again.How could Chen Wan Yun anticipate that her beloved ancestor, someone with such closeness to her, would attack?Without any defense, this gentle female immortal followed in the footsteps of Chen Chi and Chen Li Zhi.Chen Wan Yun was killed!Fang Yuan retrieved Flying Sword, he sent the corpse into his immortal aperture, he got rid of the blood stains and left.Chen Le was still concealed, she was covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes were wide open and staring, but her pupils had shrunk to pin size.Her nostrils were expanded, she was breathing in deeply.Her delicate body was shivering, tears were flowing down her beautiful tender cheeks silently.Unbelievable!Extreme terror!!"How can this be? How can this happen!""What did I just see? What just happened?!""Is this an illusion? Definitely, this is all an illusion!""How can this be? Hehehe, hahaha, ancestor killed sister Yun Er?! How can that be!"But the truth was in front of her very eyes.Hearsay could be wrong, but seeing was believing!Cold, cruel, she could not doubt what she saw at all!Plop.She knelt on the ground, collapsing weakly.Her shoulders moved up and down, she was sobbing. On her lively face, there was fear, terror, confusion, and helplessness.Her hands were still covering her mouth, she was desperately covering it, as if this could protect her.

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Chapter 1125. More Killing | Reverend Insanity

Why did her ancestor kill Chen Wan Yun?Chen Le could not understand, she could not imagine why.She sobbed, her body shuddered, she suddenly thought of Chen Li Zhi. Did ancestor also go to find and kill him?This was a simple inference.No matter what, she had to find Chen Li Zhi and tell him about this!At the crucial moment, Chen Le did not think of Hei Cheng, she thought of the Gu Immortals who were her most closely related family members.Chen Le realized what she had to do, she stopped crying, standing up and activating her immortal killer move, concealing her appearance and running towards Chen Li Zhi's palace.But Fang Yuan did not go to Chen Li Zhi's palace as Chen Le was thinking.He did not discover Chen Le, and he had already killed Chen Li Zhi, thus, his final course of action was to go to Chen Le.To find her and kill her!A moment later, Chen Le arrived at Chen Li Zhi's place."Why is there no one here?" Chen Le searched the palace, but did not find Chen Li Zhi.Of course, she saw many mortals and Gu Masters.But Chen Le did not alert them, even if she told them this shocking news, they might not believe her.In the empty hall, fear and helplessness emerged again in Chen Le's heart.Ancestor Chen Chi had killed Chen Wan Yun, Chen Li Zhi was missing as well, he was likely to have met with disaster.Chen Le could not help but cry again."What should I do? Oh, oh no! Young master Hei Cheng!" Chen Le finally thought of Fang Yuan at this time, she jolted back to focus.She felt that at this moment, the most reliable person was Hei Cheng.She turned around, towards Hei Cheng's accommodation.Almost at the same time, Fang Yuan arrived at Chen Le's palace.Nobody was here?"Strange, where would she go at this time?" Fang Yuan's heart sank.The situation was changing beyond his expectations.Fang Yuan raised his head and looked up at the sky of Hei Fan grotto-heaven, it was cloudless and azure in color.Fang Yuan smiled at the sky, before going towards his own accommodation.Where could Chen Le go?There were only a few places.Gu Immortals and mortals did not have many common topics of interest.Returning to his accommodations, Fang Yuan turned into Hei Cheng, waiting for Chen Le to come.At this time, a bright light was shot into the sky, it went up and spread out in all directions, it was bright and piercing to the eyes."Is this the thing Chen Le mentioned before… that warning of bright light, to ask the immortals to work together in defense?" Fang Yuan frowned instantly.These days, he had been getting intel from Chen Le.Among which, one of them was about the time when Gu Immortals first appeared in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, they struggled against desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts.The first few generations of Gu Immortals joined forces to resist them. Normally, they would be in different parts of the grotto-heaven, but when one side was attacked, they would send out a signal during critical times, inviting Gu Immortals from other areas to help out, and paying them afterwards."As the number of Gu Immortals increased in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, they got stronger, and this warning of bright light has not been used for a hundred years. This time, it must have been sent out by Chen Le. Hehe, I underestimated this girl, she dealt with the situation well!" Fang Yuan smiled.With his craftiness, he already deduced many things.He had already killed three people, only Chen Le was left. And the warning method could only be used by Gu Immortals, it was clear that Chen Le had activated it.Why did Chen Le activate this without meeting him?Evidently, she had found out that one of the others had met with disaster.No matter where she is hiding or what method she used, since she did not come to find him, that meant she was suspicious of him.Then, the immortals were going to gather together now, how would Fang Yuan deal with them?Actually, a moment ago.Chen Le was about to find Hei Cheng, when she suddenly had a thought, even if she found young master Hei Cheng, what if he could not defeat her ancestor?Chen Le did not know about Hei Cheng's strength, but in her mind, she felt that Old Immortal Chen Chi had deep and immeasurable power. This was the result of Old Immortal Chen Chi's authority that had been ingrained in her."I have to think of a perfect method!" Chen Le thus thought of the warning of bright light.The alert of bright light soared into the sky, Chen Le's mind slowly calmed down."Will ancestor come to find me after seeing this light?" Thinking of this, Chen Le started feeling scared again.She gritted her teeth, she decided to go find Fang Yuan.From start to finish, she did not suspect that Fang Yuan was the culprit!When bright light soared to the sky, Gu Immortals in all the other areas reacted."What happened? At this timing, old man Chen Chi actually sent a warning signal and asked us to go help him?" In front of their cave, Feng Jun frowned upon seeing the light in the sky.Zhou Min also had a look of suspicion: "This matter is quite peculiar. Old Immortal Chen Chi has a total of four immortals, they are the strongest force among us. Inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, what kind of ancient desolate beast can make Chen Chi ask us for help?""You think this matter has to do with Hei Cheng?" Zheng Tuo pondered."Most likely." Feng Jun nodded: "This warning of bright light has not been used for a hundred years, it is strange that it is activated at this time. Hei Cheng has already stayed at old man Chen Chi's place for some days. They might have come to an agreement now, and are working together.""Old Immortal Chen Chi will definitely provide support if Hei Cheng is willing to give him enough benefits, it is not surprising." Zheng Tuo thought over it: "No matter whether there really is an ancient desolate beast attack, or if Chen Chi is trying to scheme against us, we need to go and investigate the situation.""That's right, we have practised blood light spirit suppression and are at the crucial moment. In a few days, we will be able to suppress the heavenly spirit and take the true inheritance forcefully. We need to stall for time now, but we need to be careful of what the other side is planning. We will give in to them for now, in a few days, Hei Fan grotto-heaven will belong to us!" Feng Jun snickered.Immediately the three immortals moved out, towards Old Immortal Chen Chi's palace.At the same time, the two lone Gu Immortals also went there.Hei Fan grotto-heaven was not small, but the Gu Immortals lived quite close to each other.And because the three immortals used immortal killer moves, disregarding the immortal essence to travel.In a moment, they were already halfway there.At this time, a flying figure appeared in front of the three immortals."Its Chen Le!" Zhou Min was the first to recognize the person.Chen Le was bathed in blood, she had a shocked expression, she seemed to be escaping for her life, the three immortals looked at each other.Was there really an ancient desolate beast attack?"Chen Le, slow down, we are here, what happened over there?" Zheng Tuo called out.Chen Le saw these three immortals and was overjoyed with surprise: "Seniors! It is great to see you. That Hei Cheng is heinous, after failing to negotiate with our ancestor, he used a sneak attack and killed sister Wan Yun! I was the one who sent the warning, I escaped, but Hei Cheng is still chasing me, thankfully, I had my immortal killer move's concealment, I managed to survive.""What!" The three immortals heard this and were deeply shocked."Hei Cheng is so daring?""He dared to attack Old Immortal Chen Chi, he is so vicious and ruthless, he is likely going to attack us as well.""Strange, he has to get Hei Fan's true inheritance, without our support, how can he get it?""A life for a life is perfectly justified. We will have to take down Hei Cheng!""To play safe, we need to gather with the other Gu Immortals. Chen Le, don't worry, we are family, we will definitely uphold justice for you!""Justice?" Chen Le smiled suddenly, attacking.Under the three immortals' shocked gazes, sword light flashed and stabbed into Zheng Tuo's body.Zheng Tuo was caught unawares, even though he had a mortal killer move defending him, dark assassination was an immortal killer move, with rank seven Immortal Gu Flying Sword as the core, it could not be stopped, it cut him into half on the spot!Instantly, Zheng Tuo died!"Brother!!" Zhou Min shouted.Feng Jun was furious, he clapped his hands, intense winds assaulted Fang Yuan."Oh brother—!" Zhou Min cried out, watching the two halves of Zheng Tuo's corpse fall to the ground, his organs and blood scattered in the air.Feng Jun carried Zhou Min, dragging her as they retreated."Chen Le, are you crazy! You dared to kill my brother Zheng Tuo, I will fight it out with you!" Zhou Min growled, her beautiful face was flushed red: "I will kill you!""Kill me?" Chen Le stopped her movement, she scoffed as she looked at Zhou Min in disdain: "You?"Zhou Min was furious, she struggled intensely, getting free from Feng Jun's arms: "Brother, what are you doing! Let go of me, this lowly bitch killed our big brother! She killed him! I will pull out her skull and use it as an offering for our brother!!""Calm down, sister! Don't fall for his provocations. How can this be Chen Le? Don't you know Chen Le? Earlier, that was a sword path immortal killer move! This is not Chen Le!" Feng Jun shouted, looking at Chen Le, his eyes were bursting with fire, filled with hatred."It seems that someone here has some brains." Chen Le smiled, her appearance changed suddenly, becoming that of Hei Cheng."You are indeed Hei Cheng!" Feng Jun's body shook."Scoundrel!!!" Zhou Min scolded."From their expressions, it seems that they were not aware that I was the killer. Strange… Chen Le did not use any information path Gu worms to tell them?" Fang Yuan was confused.He did not know that from start to finish, Chen Le did not suspect him.After creating the warning, Chen Le ran off to his accommodations.Fang Yuan returned to his room long ago, but after seeing the warning of bright light while waiting for Chen Le, he thought he was exposed. Thus, he adapted to the circumstances and went out to weaken the remaining immortals' battle strength in Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Since Chen Chi's side had three immortals dead already, the next largest group were the three immortals who were sworn siblings.Thus, Fang Yuan turned into Chen Le's appearance, flying towards their cave.In the end, he met the three immortals and used dark assassination to kill the most threatening of them, the blood path Gu Immortal Zheng Tuo.Meanwhile, Chen Le went to Fang Yuan's room, she could not find him, she felt disappointment and immense worry.She did not know that out of sheer coincidence, she had narrowly escaped death."I did not put any hope in this disguised assassination attempt, but the process was unexpectedly smooth. The Gu Immortals inside this Hei Fan grotto-heaven are truly incomparable to Northern Plains' Gu Immortals. After such a long period of peace, they have low vigilance. Anyway, I should kill these two first."Thoughts churned in his mind like fireworks, Fang Yuan thought of many things, but only a moment had passed in the outside world.His lips curled up, he charged towards Feng Jun and Zhou Min.To kill!

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