
Chapter: 1106-1110:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1106. Hei Tribe's Huge Battle (2/3) | Reverend Insanity

Qing Xuan Zi might only have rank six cultivation level, but he had undergone a heavenly tribulation already. Yet he could not put up any resistance and was killed by Nian Er Ping Zhi instantly.At once, the expressions of the righteous path Gu Immortals who were not fighting changed.Qing Xuan Zi's head fell to the floor, separated from his body.The headless corpse was spewing out blood as it twitched continuously.Qing Xuan Zi had died with his eyes wide open.Nian Er Ping Zhi's sword light continued to shoot forward, moving with imposing aura."The next one dead is you." Nian Er Ping Zhi said lightly, his clear voice resonated in the sky.The second unlucky person was also a demonic path Gu Immortal.But Nian Er Ping Zhi had already revealed himself, such disturbance could not be hidden.Thus, the demonic path Gu Immortal did better than Qing Xuan Zi, he managed to retreat for a while before Nian Er Ping Zhi caught up to him and killed him in one strike.The righteous path Gu Immortals' expressions changed again.A Gu Immortal from Liu tribe, Liu Zhuan Shen, smiled towards the sky: "Nian Er Fu, this person is the newest generation Sword Child from your Nian Er tribe?"Bam.Fog and smoke burst out, there was a voice that came from within.This was a rank seven Gu Immortal, but from his appearance, he was very young, resembling a fat five or six year old boy.The fat boy chuckled, he looked around sneakily, answering in a mature tone: "Indeed. This lad obtained the Sword Saint true inheritance, and was kept in the tribe by my first supreme elder for ten years. Therefore, when he came out for the first time now, he is excited to this frenzied degree."Liu Zhuan Shen and the others' expressions changed mildly, they transmitted to each other."Sword Saint Nian Er, we were still discussing it earlier, this person was a rank eight Gu Immortal of Nian Er tribe. He was like Hei Fan in history, leading Nian Er tribe to become among the forefront of the righteous path in Northern Plains.""Sword Sword Saint Nian Er was a prodigy, he had once cultivated light path, but switched to sword path successfully. After he died, he left behind the Sword Saint true inheritance, it has an extremely difficult and deadly test, it is rare to have actual inheritors for it.""It is said that this Sword Saint true inheritance is split into three portions. After the first round, and obtaining the first portion of the Sword Saint true inheritance, one will be known as the Sword Child.""To think that after three hundred years, a new Sword Child true inheritor appeared in Nian Er tribe!"Wariness rose in the righteous path Gu Immortals.If this person is allowed to continue developing, in the future, he will definitely be an active person among the Northern Plains righteous path. If he can progress and become rank seven, if he passes the second round and inherits the second portion of the true inheritance, he will become the Swordmaster true inheritor, nobody in the whole of Northern Plains would dare to look down on him.In fact, the Sword Child with just rank six cultivation was already a force to be reckoned with.In just a short time, he had once again killed another demonic path Gu Immortal!Nian Er Ping Zhi roared with enthusiasm, he was extremely confident. He moved quickly, being one with his sword, only sword light could be seen darting around, his body was a blur.Sword light changed directions, towards the closest demonic path Gu Immortal.Sword light penetrated the demonic path Gu Immortal's body, but he showed a cold smile: "Junior, just because you killed a few weaklings, you gained the courage to challenge me this brazenly?"Old Monster Corpse Poison said this as purple smoke rose up from his terrifying injuries.The purple smoke dissipated, healing his body.But Nian Er Ping Zhi's sword light shattered, revealing his true appearance.Nian Er Ping Zhi's appearance could finally be seen, he had sharp brows and clear eyes, he was a handsome young lad.Blech…He suddenly covered his mouth with his hand, but he could not stop the purple poisonous blood from flowing out of his mouth and nose."Fight me again!" Nian Er Ping Zhi was heavily injured, but his eyes were burning with flames of enthusiasm."Then I will kill you before seeking the treasure here." Old Monster Corpse Poison smiled sinisterly."Hehe, youngsters these days, they are truly fearless and ignorant." Nian Er Fu took a glance before retracting his gaze.Next, his figure disappeared in the air, before appearing beside Qing Xuan Zi's corpse at the next moment.Nian Er Fu stretched out his fat little arm, waving at Qing Xuan Zi's corpse.Immediately, Qing Xuan Zi's body and head was held up by a formless force, flying into Nian Er Fu's immortal aperture."Youngsters are so energetic, they don't even want their loot. This is a Gu Immortal's corpse, even though his Immortal Gu cannot be obtained, all of his dao marks are still here. Hehehe…" Nian Er Fu shook his head.Even though he was a rank seven Gu Immortal senior, he was a greedy person, even when Nian Er Ping Zhi and Old Monster Corpse Poison were fighting, engaging in a tough battle, he did not help but instead, he was taking the Gu Immortal corpse that Nian Er Ping Zhi had left behind."Die! Die!""This is mine, nobody should try to take it from me.""I, Meng Ji, am here, who dares to fight me?!"…The scene was getting more chaotic, because after Nian Er Ping Zhi attacked, the other righteous path Gu Immortals also started taking action, entering Iron Eagle blessed land. This way, all sorts of conflicts rose up, battles occurred over all sorts of resources.The cries of eagles could be heard continuously.A desolate beast peacock raised its head, showing a deep human emotion of desire in its eyes.This was naturally the Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo."So many iron crown eagles! Hei tribe's Iron Eagle blessed land truly lives up to its name." He Ruo thought: "If I can enslave all of these desolate beasts…"Iron Eagle blessed land had less space on the ground and much more in the sky. The resources on the ground were much less valuable than the ones in the sky.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals did not show themselves, but they had mobilized all of their iron crown eagles, sealing the sky.Large numbers of desolate beast iron crown eagles flew in the sky, anyone who trespassed was assaulted intensely by them!Because of this, most of the demonic path Gu Immortals chose to take action on the ground, they wanted to first obtain the resources on the ground.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.To He Ruo, the iron crown eagles held immense attraction.Because in her cultivation plan, her next transformation was the iron crown eagle transformation!The desolate beast peacock flew in the sky, it was fast, in a moment, He Ruo attracted the attention of several iron crown eagles.He Ruo was alert internally, she quickly retreated from the iron crown eagles that she lured.She was alone, she could not fight so many desolate beast iron crown eagles.She planned to lure one away and fight it alone, slowly capturing it.…"This is affinity wood?" Murong Qing Si landed, looking at the rootless tree growing in the pond, her eyes shone brightly."Fairy Murong, you are very perceptive, that is it." A lone cultivator Gu Immortal answered.He was named Yun Liang, known as Cloud Gentleman, he had arrived before Murong Qing Si, he was concentrating on collecting the affinity wood here.Murong Qing Si saw that Cloud Gentleman Yun Liang was taking action, she did not obstruct him, she only watched quietly.She patiently waited until Yun Liang succeeded in keeping all of the affinity wood."I am ashamed for making fairy wait." Cloud Gentleman Yun Liang said with a polite and warm attitude.Murong Qing Si smiled: "To tell the truth, this affinity wood is only a rank six immortal material, but it is very suitable for me. I wonder if we can spar and…"Cloud Gentleman smiled, before Murong Qing Si finished her words, he said: "Affinity wood is very fragile, the collection process cannot have any interference. Fairy, if not for your patience, how could I have obtained it? We can spar, if you win, I will hand all of the affinity wood to you."Murong Qing Si shook her head: "No need for everything, I only need half.""Fairy, please.""Gentleman, please."The two fought without using their true strength, a victor was not decided.Cloud Gentleman Yun Liang gave half of the affinity wood to Murong Qing Si, both of them left with satisfaction.The vast majority of righteous path Gu Immortals conducted themselves with a lot of self restraint and politeness.Nian Er tribe's Nian Er Ping Zhi and Nian Er Fu were exceptions among the righteous path.Even though righteous path was flourishing in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, suppressing the demonic path and lone immortals, the righteous path Gu Immortals who came just now could not match the numbers of the demonic path and lone immortals.The reason was: The rest of the Huang Jin tribes had their own territories and resources to defend. Even though the righteous path had many Gu Immortals, they had to guard different places, only these people could be sent out in the end.In contrast, the demonic path and lone cultivators did not have such problems.There was another reason, the super forces had huge assets, they had mortal forces under them. They were quite tolerant towards lone demonic immortals and lone immortals. As long as their benefits were not touched, they would not fight it out.Gu Immortals were not easy to kill, if a grudge was established, they would go and attack their territories, it would be a huge headache even for super forces.As the saying goes, he who is down need not fear falling.On the other side, Unfettered Scholar and Pi Shui Han had decided a victor.Pi Shui Han had a brand new immortal killer move, but he could not compete against Unfettered Scholar's trademark killer move — Thousand Disintegrations.Pi Shui Han snorted, directly leaving without hesitation.It was not worth going all out just for some simple resources.Even though demonic path Gu Immortals were free, they often worked alone, when calamities and tribulations descended, they had to rely on themselves, they were not like righteous path forces with Gu Immortals in their tribes to rely on, and seek help from.Thus, demonic path Gu Immortals and lone immortals were very wary of their calamities and tribulations, they often calculated the cost of fighting, it was okay to fight over resources, but if the immortal essence expenditure was too high, they would not proceed with a losing deal!In the sky of Iron Eagle blessed land, the Immortal Gu House Golden Dawn Hall was still floating at the original spot, shining with dazzling golden light.Gu Immortals of Gong tribe and Bai Zu tribe had not acted, they were talking inside the hall.Gong tribe's Gong Er was already anxious, but he showed nothing on his expression, mentioning casually: "Everyone is fighting over Iron Eagle blessed land's resources on the ground, there is barely anything left. Is your tribe not going in yet?"Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals looked at each other, shaking their heads and smiling: "The precious resources inside Iron Eagle blessed land are in the sky. Hei tribe's Gu Immortals have not appeared yet, the battle is just in the middle stage now."Gong Er was amazed and surprised.Even though this Bai Zu tribe was in the righteous path now, protected by Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, its foundation could not compare to the Huang Jin tribes.At this moment, Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals were acting calm and composed, with no anxiousness or hastiness at all, it was truly confusing.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1107. Hei Tribe's Huge Battle (3/3) | Reverend Insanity

"Fourth one!" Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo took down another iron crown eagle, she was feeling very happy.Desolate beasts were not common.In the Northern Plains' ten great fierce areas, desolate beasts lived in groups, few Gu Immortals dared to venture into them.And wild iron crown eagles and the ones Hei tribe nurtured had different battle strength.And because Peacock Flying Immortal had good battle tactics, she made great gains, capturing four iron crown eagles."Hei tribe is famous for raising iron crown eagles, I really wonder how they did manage to raise so many iron crown eagles here?" He Ruo sighed as she looked towards the sky.There were still large numbers of iron crown eagles flying in the sky. They were a huge group, He Ruo capturing four was nothing to the group."Strange… Hei tribe's Gu Immortals had not appeared since the beginning. Even after I captured four iron crown eagles, they are not going to care?"He Ruo was wary, she was not overwhelmed by happiness over victory.Suddenly, there was a loud sound!A figure clad in wind and lightning rushed towards the eagle group.He Ruo's pupils shrunk, she recognized this person: "It is Nu Er Gu! Heh, they are in for trouble."Nu Er Gu came from Nu Er tribe, part of the Huang Jin bloodline, and a super force.Nu Er Gu had a small head and big belly, his body was disproportional, his eyeballs were popping out, while his limbs were dry as twigs, he had pale skin resembling a sick person, without any hint of pinkness on his face.But looks were deceiving, he was a famous expert among rank seven Gu Immortals, he was on the same level as Unfettered Scholar and Pi Shui Han in the demonic path.Nu Er Gu's charge angered the iron crown eagle group.At once, more than fifty iron crown eagles charged towards him.Nu Er Gu was shocked, he did not expect that he would draw so much attention.The eagle group attacked, casting huge shadows and shrouded Nu Er Gu's vision.In the moment of crisis, Nu Er Gu used his signature immortal killer move.His body inflated rapidly, expanding to six times of the original, making Nu Er Gu look like a highly pregnant woman.Nu Er Gu stretched out his hand, patting his belly.Boom!A loud sound with huge sound waves caused the eagle group's movement to halt.Boom boom boom!Three huge sounds were made, sound waves spread out one after another, the eagle group's momentum was interrupted, their formation became messy and disorganized.Nu Er Gu growled, as the surrounding iron crown eagles instantly felt dizzy.Next, he flew rapidly away from the gaps between these eagles, getting out of their encirclement.The eagle group chased for a while, before returning to their original spot.Nu Er Gu had already landed on the ground, he was sweating as he looked at the sky, his belly had shrunk already, but he still felt some lingering fear.On one side, one voice could be heard: "Nu Er Gu, why are you so pathetic?"Nu Er Gu looked over, he saw that the person was over eight feet tall, he had bright red pupils and dark blue skin, with purple hair and sharp fangs.Nu Er Gu snorted coldly: "Enough sarcasm, Guan Chou! If you have guts, charge in like me."Guan Chou snickered: "Two fists cannot rival four palms, I am not as stupid as you.""You!" Nu Er Gu was furious, he stared at Guan Chou, his eyes spewing fire.Guan Chou laughed coldly, staring at him fearlessly.Nu Er Gu was a famous righteous path rank seven expert, cultivating sound path. Guan Chou was not weaker than him, he cultivated transformation path. The two were Gu Immortals from Guan tribe and Nu Er tribe respectively, they had an equally strong background."As expected of a famous expert, even though he looked troubled, he is unharmed." He Ruo saw everything, she quickly retracted her gaze."Nu Er Gu is here, and Guan Chou's attention is also on these iron crown eagles. This means that the resources on the ground are mostly taken already." He Ruo quietly retreated.She was only a demonic path Gu Immortal with rank six cultivation level, she did not dare to get too close to these two righteous path experts.Iron Eagle blessed land's battle continued to rage like wildfire, all sorts of battles of different scales were unfolding.Some battles ended with a winner and a loser, while other battles involved deaths.Some made great gains, while some escaped with heavy injuries.On the ground of the blessed land, resources were dwindling. Some bottom tier Gu Immortals were eliminated, either dead or injured, some wisely chose to retreat, while others had methods to preserve their lives, they hid somewhere and observed the situation quietly.More and more Gu Immortals placed their focus in the sky.Countless greedy gazes swept through the iron crown eagle group in the sky. As well as the hidden round ball wooden eagle nests that were concealed by the eagle group.The scale of the eagle group was huge, this was the accumulation of Hei tribe after countless years, they had expended so much time, effort, and fortune into it! These were among the most valuable resources in Iron Eagle blessed land.Even people like Nu Er Gu could not block the attacks of the iron crown eagles.The number was too great!Of course, it was also because Nu Er Gu was unwilling to waste immortal essence.His goldfish eyes looked down, seeing more and more Gu Immortals, he shouted: "There are too many iron crown eagles, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals have not shown themselves yet, we should all go ahead and split up this eagle group among ourselves!""I concur!" Unfettered Scholar was the first to respond.The two were in the righteous path and demonic path respectively, but in this situation, they came to a consensus — they should first deal with the eagle group and get the benefits.The eagle group was huge, there were many Gu Immortals, if they worked together, these iron crown eagles were meat on the chopping block.Someone struck first, causing the start of the battle between immortals and eagles.Huge attacks were unleashed, driving intense fights.Eagles screeched shrilly, while humans were also yelling loudly.Attacks of all elements were shot out, lightning flashed as golden lights flickered.Outside the blessed land, Gong Er sat inside the Golden Dawn Hall, looking down. In his vision, there were rainbow colored fireworks that covered the whole sky. But there was intense killing intent in the fireworks, at times, iron crown eagles died, their bodies were cut into pieces, while some iron crown eagles were also captured.Gong Er's eyes shined.Scenes of battles between the righteous path, demonic path, and lone immortals were secretly recorded by him using hidden Gu worms.This was precious intelligence!Ever since the collapse of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, large numbers of Immortal Gu were obtained by Northern Plains Gu Immortals. After Qin Bai Sheng held the auction, Gu Immortals obtained the resources they wanted. After some time of adapting, many Gu Immortals gained new methods, their battle strengths had increased drastically.Gu Immortals who were doing the same thing as Gong Er were not few in number.Everyone had the same intention.Intelligence was very important.Be it other super forces or lone Gu Immortals, in most cases, knowing what Immortal Gu your opponent had meant that you could find a way to counter them. Even if you did not have any ways to do so, it was still good to be on guard against them.Gu Immortals fought the iron crown eagles as they observed, collecting information.Underneath the intense battles were undercurrents of plots and schemes.Gu Immortals were assessing themselves and their enemies, confirming their status in the current Gu Immortal world. After this period of cultivation, did they get stronger or weaker relative to others? Who could be bullied, while who could not be trifled with?Iron crown eagles were just the material gain at present, while information was a long term gain.Gong Er watched for a while, feeling more and more impatient.The three Bai Zu tribe Gu Immortals beside him had not moved at all since the battle in Hei tribe's headquarters started.Just now, he brought Gong tribe's Golden Dawn Hall in order to gain great benefits, that was the only way to make this trip worth it.Gong Er could not stand it anymore, he pointed down, telling the Gu Immortals that came with him: "Iron Eagle blessed land is taking damage, there are over a thousand flaws created. But now, not a single Hei tribe Gu Immortal has appeared, this is very strange. Go down and assist our comrades, and preempt Hei tribe's scheme. We of Gong tribe are the leaders of the righteous path, we have to defend our allies.""Yes." The two Gong tribe Gu Immortals immediately acted.The three Bai Zu tribe Gu Immortals sat there inwardly laughing to themselves.The outcome of this Hei tribe battle was decided from the beginning. Even if something strange happened, there was no danger. Gong tribe's Gu Immortals acted like this out of their own interests, they had selfish motives, but they still wanted to pretend to be grand and selfless.At the same time, at the highest area of Iron Eagle blessed land.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals were gathered, they looked at the battle, they had heavy feelings and ugly expressions."Why is he not acting yet?""At this stage, he has not done anything yet. Don't tell me, our agreement has been canceled?"Some Hei tribe Gu Immortals asked this, feeling uneasy."He had already agreed, with his status, he will not go back on the agreement.""Let's watch first. We set up three layers of defense, the iron crown eagle group is only the first."Hei tribe's first supreme elder and second supreme elder spoke, calming the immortals.He Ruo transformed into a desolate beast peacock, spreading her wings and fighting with three iron crown eagles.This was just a small part of the huge battlefield, and she was just an insignificant Gu Immortal among countless others.In the absence of rank eight, rank seven experts were the strongest, some rank six experts were attempting to gain benefits along the periphery.Suddenly, there was a weird fragrance!He Ruo's heart jumped, she quickly held her breath."I'm poisoned!" Sensing this, He Ruo quickly used her healing Gu worms.Three iron crown eagles cried out, in an instant, they could not exert any strength anymore, they fell to the ground weakly.A figure flew into the sky, capturing these three iron crown eagles and stuffing them inside his immortal aperture.It was Old Monster Corpse Poison!He laughed sinisterly, purple gas coiling around him. After collecting the three iron crown eagles, he looked at He Ruo with an evil grin.He Ruo's heart shook, she felt her body turning cold."Hehehe, young lady, come with me." Old Monster Corpse Poison breathed out air towards He Ruo.He Ruo had just suppressed the poison in her body, when she suddenly lost control of her body, she felt weak and fell towards the ground after Old Monster Corpse Poison blew at her from a distance."I was too greedy! I wanted to obtain more iron crown eagles and placed too much of my attention on them, neglecting the surroundings and being sneak attacked by Old Monster Corpse Poison!" Seeing that she was about to be captured by Old Monster Corpse Poison, He Ruo felt deep despair.At this moment, a sword light flew over.The sword light was fast as lightning, it boldly pierced through Old Monster Corpse Poison's body, before turning into Nian Er Ping Zhi a hundred steps away.Old Monster Corpse Poison was bursting with rage: "Little rascal, you are still finding trouble with me!"

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Chapter 1108. Tragic | Reverend Insanity

Because of his interruption, He Ruo managed to suppress her poison and quickly escaped, regaining freedom.Nian Er Ping Zhi's body was tattered, one of his arms was corroded until only bones were left, his face was turning purple, he was deeply poisoned.But he raised his head and looked at Old Monster Corpse Poison, saying arrogantly: "You cannot leave until a victor is decided."Old Monster Corpse Poison was furious, but within his anger, there was also regret.Why did he attract this psycho?"Every Sword Child in each generation is crazy. But this one is crazier than the rest." Far away, Nian Er Fu shook his head, waving his fat little arms.An iron crown eagle screeched in fear, it flapped its arms desperately, trying to escape, but with the power of space path, the iron crown eagle vanished, entering Nian Er Fu's immortal aperture without resistance!Old Monster Corpse Poison's method was vicious, he attacked Nian Er Ping Zhi, but most of his attention was still kept on Nian Er Fu secretly.Nian Er Ping Zhi had rank six cultivation level, even though he inherited a portion of the Sword Saint true inheritance, he was not the match of a rank seven expert like Old Monster Corpse Poison.Nian Er Ping Zhi could survive until now because Nian Er Fu had been assisting him from a distance all along.Nian Er Fu was a space path Gu Immortal, he had a deep cultivation level, with countless methods at his disposal. He was looting resources all over the place, gaining a huge fortune, while protecting Nian Er Ping Zhi, preventing Old Monster Corpse Poison from dealing a fatal blow.Old Monster Corpse Poison felt more and more regret.Right now was a precious opportunity that one would not see in a hundred years, but he was fighting with a Gu Immortal here, while others were looting resources all over the place.Old Monster Corpse Poison was famous and had a deep background. He had once joined Zombie Alliance as a living person, before betraying them later on. Northern Plains Zombie Alliance tried to capture him, but failed each time.Nian Er Ping Zhi and Old Monster Corpse Poison fought, the battle getting more and more heated as time passed, even though he could not win, he had become famous from the fight.From now on, Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world would know that Nian Er tribe had produced such an incredible genius!Actually, Gu Immortals from other super forces would not offend a demonic path Gu Immortal so thoroughly.But Nian Er tribe was different.This Huang Jin bloodline tribe was different from the other Huang Jin super tribes — their tribesmen lived in blessed lands or grotto-heavens, they did not occupy any territory in the outside world of Northern Plains.This way, they had little reservations.Even if a demonic path Gu Immortal wanted to attack them, they could not.After all, there were few methods to enter immortal apertures. Even if one could get in, they would be in the enemy's territory, they would lose a lot of their advantage inside."Youth is really wondrous." Nian Er Fu sighed, he spoke with an aged tone, but he had the appearance of a chubby boy, it was a really weird sight.Only Old Monster Corpse Poison could feel his terrifying power.During this battle, Nian Er Fu had already attacked dozens of times, not only did he save Nian Er Ping Zhi's life, he even successfully injured Old Monster Corpse Poison secretly a few times.After capturing several iron crown eagles again, Nian Er Fu's field of vision was cleared.A huge round ball wooden eagle nest was floating in the air, without any defense."I had heard of Hei tribe having this special rearing method, they use some sort of metal or ore, immortal materials that could increase the rate of the iron crown eagles' reproduction, and speeding up the rate of their growth. What kinds of precious immortal materials would be in this nest?"Nian Er Fu was about to move, when his expression suddenly froze.A figure moved like the raging winds, flying out of the nest before him, rapidly leaving towards the horizon.Demonic path Gu Immortal Hui Feng Zi!This was a rank seven wind path expert, publicly recognized as the fastest person in Northern Plains, even Yao Huang could not stop him. He had first joined Shadow Sect, before submitting to Heavenly Court, his identity as a traitor had not been exposed yet.In a situation filled with chaos, Hui Feng Zi could act freely like the wind.Not only was he fast, he was agile, he displayed the greatest advantage of wind path to its limit.Soon, Nian Er Fu saw that Hui Feng Zi easily passed through countless obstacles, entering another eagle nest."Sigh, this lad is simply blocking me from my fortune!" Nian Er Fu gazed at Nian Er Ping Zhi, sighing loudly at the sky.The battle between humans and eagles came to an end.The number of iron crown eagles decreased, all of the round ball wooden eagle nests were invaded by Gu Immortals."Good, good, good! It is the rank seven immortal material domination copper!" Gu Immortal Shi Hou cheered, he had made great gains."This damned Hui Feng Zi, he dares to snatch what is mine!" Meng Ji was furious, he stared fixedly at Hui Feng Zi who was flying away.Hui Feng Zi did not speak, but he felt very troubled: He did not touch that eagle nest. It seemed that someone who had already sneaked in made him take the blame for their actions!Within the round ball wooden eagle nests, there were rank seven immortal materials in each one, either metals or ores, and they were huge in quantity.Gu Immortals made great gains, they expressed joy on their faces.This was simply a feast, they were looting all of Hei tribe's hard work. The stronger the Gu Immortal, the greater the gains, the law of the jungle in the Gu Immortal world was displayed here in full view.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals were deadly silent.They looked at the round ball wooden eagle nests that were fuming with smoke, some had fallen to the ground, some were incredibly damaged, spinning in the air.These nests were the pride of Hei tribe, the symbol of their strength. But now, they were trampled and snatched away.Anger.Indignance.Hatred.Fear.All sorts of emotions were in these Hei tribe Gu Immortals, they almost could not breathe."Enough!" A Hei tribe Gu Immortal stood up abruptly.He had a huge body, he looked around with an angry gaze, fixing it on first supreme elder: "When are we going to wait until? You are counting on him? Can't you see? He had agreed to us on purpose, so that we would not keep the resources according to the agreement, we are trapped inside the blessed land and cannot leave.""This is a scheme, he is toying with us! Everyone, where is your courage? Are you not angry? Don't you feel hatred? Will we sit here and wait for death, or go out and fight like courageous heroes? This is our home! But now, these outsiders are plundering and destroying it!!""Tie Sheng…" Second supreme elder had a complex expression, he called out to this furious Hei tribe Gu Immortal."First supreme elder, say something!" Hei Tie Sheng stared at Hei tribe's first supreme elder with an indomitable gaze.Everyone also looked at first supreme elder.Hei tribe's first supreme elder was silent for a while before saying: "In this situation, resources are just external things, so what if we give them up? If we do not receive his help, we will have no place in the whole of Northern Plains! We will wait and see."Hei Tie Sheng heard this and his body shook, he took in a deep breath, stabilizing his body. He did not feel rage now, just intense sorrow."Seniors, in my humble opinion, I think that Lord Hei Tie Sheng is right." This time, a rank six Gu Immortal from Hei tribe spoke."I have the same opinion.""If we do not fight now, when will we wait until?""The worst case is death anyway!"More and more Hei tribe Gu Immortals stood up.Hei Tie Sheng saw this and felt a strong surge in confidence, his gaze regained its sharpness."You…" Second supreme elder was shocked.First supreme elder remained silent.Hei Tie Sheng suddenly laughed loudly: "Three layers of defense? Even if we have thirty layers of defense, what can we do in this situation? Go! Let's face these enemies! How can Hei tribe's glory be tarnished? Hei tribe's resources are not so easy to take! They will pay with blood and their lives!"Hei Tie Sheng took huge steps forward, he turned around and left the hall.Seven Hei tribe Gu Immortals said nothing, but they followed him with firm expressions."First supreme elder, won't you talk to them…" Third supreme elder was uneasy."Forget it, forget it, let them go." First supreme elder sighed, he seemed to have aged by a hundred years.Hei tribe's first layer of defense was broken already, the iron crown eagles were either dead, injured, or captured, none were left.The Gu Immortals flew up higher into the sky, seeing dragon eagles.A large number of dragon eagles formed the second line of defense."So many dragon eagles!" Someone's eyes flashed."Even though the dragon eagles are not as numerous as the iron crown eagles, they are still a huge fortune!" Someone critiqued.Some impatient Gu Immortals had already started attacking.The Gu Immortals gasped, some were surprised, they found something strange."These dragon eagles are not normal.""That's right, I've interacted with desolate beast dragon eagles before, how can they be so hard to deal with?""These dragon eagles have stronger vitality and faster speed, is that rumor from long ago true after all?"The immortals were reminded by this, fifty to sixty years ago, there were rumors in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world that Hei tribe had obtained a huge breakthrough in nurturing the dragon eagles, they created a brand new species of desolate eagles, they looked like dragon eagles, but were different."These are not dragon eagles, they are resonance eagles. These eagles were not created by Hei tribe, they were the fruits of my Qiao tribe's labor!" A Gu Immortal said with much anguish.Everyone looked over, it was Qiao Dong.He was a righteous path Gu Immortal, the first supreme elder of Qiao tribe.Qiao tribe was a subordinate of Hei tribe, long ago, Qiao tribe had wanted to leave Hei tribe, and were taught a lesson by Hei Cheng, who went to pressure them.No wonder Qiao tribe and Hei tribe had a conflict, there was lots of hidden background information!The immortals had differing expressions, but they said nothing about this.The law of the jungle was very common after all.This Qiao Dong could become an immortal because of Hei tribe's support. Now that Hei tribe was in trouble, he joined in and attacked Iron Eagle blessed land.Most righteous path Gu Immortals, the supreme elders of the Huang Jin tribes, looked towards Qiao Dong with coldness and animosity.They did not like people who bit the hand that fed them.But behind Qiao Dong, there was Liu tribe's Gu Immortal, Liu Zhuan Shen.With a single glance, it was obvious that Qiao Dong was now under Liu tribe.Liu tribe and Hei tribe had a poor relationship, Qiao tribe was a subordinate of Hei tribe, but now that Hei tribe was going down, Qiao Dong went over to Liu tribe, it was not strange."This traitor deserves death!"At this moment, a thunderous voice came from afar!

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Chapter 1109. Hmph! | Reverend Insanity

No sooner said than done!A shadow resembling a mountain crashed towards Qiao Dong.In an instant, Qiao Dong was immobilized, he could only scream: "Elder Liu, save me!"Liu Zhuan Shen swiftly appeared in front of Qiao Dong, his body shone with white light, causing all of the darkness to fade away."Hei Tie Sheng, with me here, you cannot harm Qiao Dong." Liu Zhuan Shen looked at the person with intense battle intent.The Gu Immortals started stirring.Be it the dragon eagles or resonance eagles, they were not important.The important thing was, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals had finally acted!With the rank seven Gu Immortal Hei Tie Sheng as the leader, seven rank six Gu Immortals followed behind him, standing before the immortals.Hei Tie Sheng looked around, before his gaze fixed on Liu Zhuan Shen, he snickered, asking: "Is that so?"Liu Zhuan Shen's expression turned to shock, he turned around and looked.Qiao Dong was still standing behind him, floating in the air, but his expression had frozen with shock, he had no vitality left, he was dead."Immortal killer move life draining darkness!" Liu Zhuan Shen shouted before feeling intense anger, but his anger soon faded as only sadness and admiration remained.He and Hei Tie Sheng were old rivals, they had fought for more than a hundred times. he was clear that this life draining darkness was powerful, but it could not be used easily, each activation had a huge cost.Liu Zhuan Shen had never seen Hei Tie Sheng use this trump card at the start of the battle.From this, he understood: His rival for many years had prepared himself to die, he had the mentality of killing as many enemies as possible before going down.Hei Tie Sheng looked Qiao Dong, the morale of the Hei tribe Gu Immortals behind him rose.Hei Tie Sheng was an experienced person, using this chance, he used his methods.At once, the resonance eagles formed into groups, moving in formation. Each of the Hei tribe Gu Immortals went to an area and defended territory.With Gu Immortals here, the second line of defense stabilized, they were hard to deal with.This made many Gu Immortals who invaded Hei tribe furious.Ruining a person's wealth was like killing their parents!This hatred was huge, and because Hei tribe was weak, they lost their only Immortal Gu House Dark Prison, the only problem was Green City Rampage. But in this situation, Hei tribe was only struggling at death's door."I'll fight you!" Pi Shui Han pounced.He waved his hand, as tides began to form, charging towards Hei Tie Sheng.The tides flew into the air and stopped, turning into glaciers as the temperature fell."Be careful, this is Pi Shui Han's signature killer move — Flood Glacier!" A rank six Gu Immortal from Hei tribe shouted.Hei Tie Sheng laughed lightly, he and Pi Shui Han had deep enmity too, he was not surprised that Pi Shui Han attacked him."He is just a loser, so what?" Hei Tie Sheng's eyes shined with dark light, he did not move, he only looked over.The white glacier was covered with black water, in a few breaths' time, it disintegrated.Pi Shui Han grunted, spitting out a mouthful of blood, falling from the sky."Against so many enemies, consecutive killer moves are not easy to use." A figure appeared behind Hei Tie Sheng.It was Huang Di!This was the rank seven demonic path Gu Immortal who communicated with the other demonic path members, entering Iron Eagle blessed land first and causing the righteous path to lose the initiative.He had earned immensely, right now, he was using the chance to attack and kill Hei Tie Sheng!Hei Tie Sheng did not move, he did not even turn around, he only waved his sleeves.Immediately, dark light burst out like waves, sending Huang Di far away.Huang Di struggled to get out of the black tide, showing shock on his face. His seven orifices were spewing out black blood, he drilled into the ground without even a bit of hesitation, vanishing."Simply a rat, what can you do?" Hei Tie Sheng snorted, looking around, shouting: "Who is next?"Nobody came.Hei Tie Sheng had incredible battle strength, he was even stronger than Pi Shui Han.The immortals could tell, this person was prepared to die, he was oozing with fighting intent and was fighting without reservation, in this situation, his battle strength was at its peak.Why did everyone come to Iron Eagle blessed land?To gain fortune!If their goal was fortune, why would they fight with this person to the death?The Gu Immortals moved away, evading Hei Tie Sheng.Battle commenced.One side was the collaboration of righteous and demonic, they had great numbers, but Hei tribe had the territorial advantage and large numbers of desolate beast resonance eagles to help them.Battles raged on.Hei tribe's Gu Immortals were all prepared to die defending their home, their battle intent was high.The demonic path Gu Immortals just wanted a fortune, they did not want to die, they were heavily restricted.The intelligence of Gu Immortals could not be matched by iron crown eagles.At once, the second line of defense was extremely stable!Hei Tie Sheng saw that everyone was avoiding him, so he approached them instead."Meng Ji, hand over your life!" Hei Tie Sheng shouted angrily, pouncing towards the Meng tribe rank seven Gu Immortal who was closest to him."Hmph, would I be afraid of you?" Meng Ji fought back courageously.Boom boom boom!The two fought as the sky rumbled, intense shock waves were sent out.After several rounds, the proud and arrogant Meng Ji turned around and fled.He was courageous, but Hei Tie Sheng was beyond courageous, he was a lunatic not afraid of death!He fought with Meng Ji by causing injuries to both of them, he was trying to go down together.After several times, Meng Ji could not stand it anymore, he immediately retreated.Hei Tie Sheng was going to chase him, but he heard the Hei tribe Gu Immortals cry for help, he turned around to help them out."Guan Chou, take this!" Hei Tie Sheng charged forward, dark light burst out and engulfed the surroundings.Guan Chou was a transformation path Gu Immortal, he had turned into a lion. He roared as he crashed into Hei Tie Sheng.At the next moment, the lion that Guan Chou had transformed into flew out like a rag doll.Hei Tie Sheng charged at him again.Guan Chou screeched, turning into a little bird and flying away."Coward!" Hei Tie Sheng could not catch up, he snorted.His gaze swept around, he targeted the rank seven Gu Immortal who was closer to him, Liu Zhuan Shen.Liu Zhuan Shen was very perceptive!Seeing that Hei Tie Sheng was approaching, he retreated.Hei Tie Sheng chased after him, so Liu Zhuan Shen went over to Divine Lord Tian Du.Divine Lord Tian Du's body shook, he turned around and left.Liu Zhuan Shen then lured Hei Tie Sheng towards Unfettered Scholar, he snorted as a three-way battle started.Boom boom boom!A moment later, in an intense clash, Liu Zhuan Shen and Unfettered Scholar were forced back.Hei Tie Sheng continued to fight everyone, he was unstoppable.In the sky, Hei tribe's first supreme elder sighed: "Tie Sheng, this child…"He knew that Hei Tie Sheng had a special technique, he could expend his lifespan to increase the power of his killer moves.He was fighting by consuming his life!The righteous and demonic Gu Immortals did not want to die, that was true. But with just this reason, there was no way anybody could contest him.Hei Tie Sheng was a huge setback to the Gu Immortals.These were all people with high cultivation level and impressive methods. In the earlier battles, the weaker Gu Immortals were already eliminated.But no matter how strong Hei Tie Sheng was, he could not reach the level of rank eight.He could not turn around the situation singlehandedly.Resonance eagles were captured or killed, while Hei tribe's Gu Immortals died one by one.Fight!A fight to the death!Towards the end of the battle, Hei Tie Sheng was the only one left.He was bathed in blood, he stood proud and straight, looking at the Gu Immortals around, he laughed loudly: "Alright, come and kill me!"The immortals looked around, but nobody moved.Liu Zhuan Shen's expression was complex, he knew that Hei Tie Sheng was already out of steam. His immortal essence was expended, he was not a threat.But he was unable to attack!Hei Tie Sheng moved his lips: "Then let me!"Saying so, he charged towards the Gu Immortals in front.Charge!His final charge.He died while charging.It was tragic.It was courageous.Hei Tie Sheng died, the immortals had no obstacles left, they went towards Hei tribe's final line of defense.Twelve flying eagles blocked them.Enemy eagles with overflowing killing intent, absolute eyebrow eagles with divine aura, shadow eagles with indistinct figures, whale swallowing eagles with huge muscular bodies…Without exception, they were all ancient desolate beasts, having rank seven battle strength.Hei tribe's first supreme elder and the other six elders descended from the sky.At this moment, they no longer placed further hope in being saved, they came out to battle.Ancient battle formation, Green City Rampage!The top four supreme elders joined forces, their might could rival rank eight Gu Immortals.The righteous and demonic Gu Immortals split up at once.Resources were more important.By now, everyone had already earned a lot, but they paid a huge price too. Their mental energy was depleted, their immortal essence was also expended, who would fight against Green City Rampage in this state?Whoever got caught would simply be unlucky!In the sky of Iron Eagle blessed land, there were twelve eagle nests that were in peculiar shapes.These eagle nests were not round ball wooden eagle nests, they held precious rank eight immortal materials.Immediately, countless Gu Immortals fought over them.The battle was a chaotic mess!Green City Rampage went on a killing spree, lots of unlucky people died in the top four supreme elders' hands.Humans die for wealth and birds die for food."This is too dangerous, let's go, let's go." Nian Er Fu grabbed the unconscious Nian Er Ping Zhi as he sneakily retreated."I cannot stay here." Pi Shui Han also retreated, he had obtained some eagle nests, and had gained large amounts of rank eight immortal materials.Some astute Gu Immortals were leaving.The twelve eagle nests were all lost.Suddenly, in the air, there were ripples as a thirteenth eagle nest appeared, drawing everyone's attention.The immortals shouted, pouncing over."This is mine." Chu Du suddenly appeared, blocking all the immortals."Ah, Domination Immortal!" The immortals were shocked, stopping their movement.Chu Du was powerful, far stronger than Hei Tie Sheng!Liu tribe's entire strength as a super force could do nothing to him. In the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal world, only people like Qin Bai Sheng could fight him.At this stage in the battle, everyone was in poor conditions.But this was the first time Chu Du was acting.At once, nobody dared to go forward.Chu Du successfully deterred the immortals, it was to obtain this mysterious thirteenth eagle nest.Green City Rampage came crashing, a voice was loud as thunder: "Chu Du, you dare?"Chu Du laughed coldly: "Why wouldn't I?"Boom!The two sides clashed, the giant that Green City Rampage transformed into was sent flying by Chu Du in one move."The ancient battle formation is powerful, but it is powered by you people. In your condition, none of you can match me." Chu Du stood arrogantly in the air, looking at the immortals.The immortals wanted to attack, but they also wanted others to do the work, so that they could reap the benefits."Simply a mob." Chu Du commented, before going ahead to grab at the eagle nest behind him.Suddenly, a shocking change occurred.An Immortal Gu House appeared, crashing towards Chu Du's head."Modest Thatched Hut!" A Gu Immortal yelled, he recognized that this was Dong Fang tribe's former Immortal Gu House!"Scram!" Chu Du slapped, creating a huge sound.Thud!!Bam, Modest Thatched Hut was actually sent flying by his slap.Gasp!Everyone took in a deep breath of shock.Chu Du successfully placed the thirteenth eagle nest into his own immortal aperture.Next, his gaze fell on Green City Rampage.The four supreme elders felt a wave of despair."Wait." Just as Chu Du was about to deal the killing blow, a voice resounded in the entire place.An immeasurable aura, like a formless mountain, enveloped the entire area in an instant.Rank eight Gu Immortal, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu!The immortals were shaken, the identity of the voice appeared in their minds.At this point in the battle, a rank eight Gu Immortal had finally shown up!It was not certain that he came in person, after all, only his voice was heard."Wasn't it agreed upon that the rank eight great experts would not personally interfere?" Some righteous path Gu Immortals who knew some inside information were confused.At the next moment, the immortals heard Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's voice: "Hei tribe's battle ends here, the remaining members of Hei tribe have submitted to me. From now on, this is Bai Zu tribe's territory.""We are willing to change our surnames to Bai Zu!" Hei tribe's elders responded.The immortals were shaken, this matter was huge, the situation in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world would immediately change!Smarter people knew: Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could say this because he had come to an agreement with the other rank eight great experts."No need to leave, I am holding a banquet for three days and three nights for everyone." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu said again.The remaining Hei tribe Gu Immortals' faces twitched.This battlefield which was still filled with blood from the battle earlier was going to hold a banquet. The change was too sudden and abrupt."Congratulations to Bai Zu tribe, congratulations to Heavenly Lord." The righteous path Gu Immortals quickly came to an agreement, giving many responses.The demonic path and lone immortals were uneasy and agitated."Hmph!" Chu Du snorted coldly, it was loud and shrill.He left with a billowing of his sleeves.Under everyone's gazes, he flew away into the horizon.

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Chapter 1110. Rank Eight Gu Immortals Cannot Be Schemed Against | Reverend Insanity

"Hahaha, he is Domination Immortal indeed, I am leaving too." Amidst the silence, Hui Feng Zi laughed loudly.Next, winds moved around his body, assisting him in his quick departure.Countless gazes focused on him as well.Hui Feng Zi was the fastest person in Northern Plains, Yao Huang had once tried to capture him but failed. That was Hui Feng Zi's greatest and proudest achievement.Chu Du and Hui Feng Zi had huge guts, they did not give Heavenly Lord Bai Zu face, the other immortals had differing ideas, but nobody dared to leave.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu did not say anything, he watched as they left.Hei tribe's first supreme elder quickly shouted: "Reporting to Heavenly Lord, forget about Hui Feng Zi, but Chu Du has taken the thirteenth eagle nest, Hei Fan true inheritance is inside it!"The immortals heard about this and went into a commotion, they secretly started conversing quietly.Everyone had heard of Hei Fan's reputation and fame. This person was the pride of Hei tribe's history, he was the one who led Hei tribe to their current status as a super force. If he was still alive, who would dare to attack Hei tribe?"No need to worry, I know about that." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's spoke again, the tone of his voice was extremely calm and plain!First supreme elder's heart jumped, his lips trembled, he wanted to speak, but no words came out of his mouth.Second supreme elder suddenly said: "Reporting to Heavenly Lord, Iron Eagle blessed land is about to break apart. If we set a banquet here, it might not last for even half a day.""Don't worry, we have already been prepared long ago." At this time, three Gu Immortals appeared together.The immortals took a look, showing expressions of realization.These three immortals were none other than the three Gu Immortals from Bai Zu tribe.During the entire battle in Hei tribe, they were watching from the side, it turned out that they were following Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's orders, they were in charge of settling the aftermath of the battle.Next, Bai Zu tribe's three Gu Immortals worked together, unleashing an immortal killer move.The killer move's effect showed immediate result, in a moment, Iron Eagle blessed land which was shaking and breaking apart managed to stabilize.Seeing this, a lot of the righteous and demonic immortals had changes in their expressions.This immortal killer move had incredible effect, this was the first time they were seeing it, it had never been used in past records.They realized that: Bai Zu tribe did not just have Heavenly Lord Bai Zu alone, the other Gu Immortals were also formidable characters."Gong Er greets Heavenly Lord." Next, Gong tribe's Gu Immortal Gong Er came forward alone, entering Iron Eagle blessed land and paying respects towards the sky.In the absence of rank nine, rank eights were the dominating overlords!Gong Er was a proud person, but facing a rank eight existence, he had to be polite, even though he was feeling moody on the inside.During the final moments of the battle of Hei tribe, Gong Er wanted to use the Immortal Gu House Golden Dawn Hall to snatch the resources inside.But the Gu Immortals of Bai Zu tribe smiled as they told him not to act rashly for his own sake.Gong Er would naturally not listen to them, but soon, he received a message from Prince Feng Xian. The content was: Do not act rashly, otherwise, you are making enemies with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu! If Heavenly Lord Bai Zu is displeased and kills you, you deserve to die, I will definitely not take revenge for you.Gong Er heard this and did not dare to act, even though he was extremely unwilling internally, he had suffered a huge loss of face.He had mobilized Golden Dawn Hall to come here and control the situation, but his effort did not match the gains that he had. Originally, Gong Er wanted to act as the leader of the righteous path, but the other Huang Jin bloodline Gu Immortals paid no heed to him at all.Bai Zu tribe's three Gu Immortals listened to him and went into Golden Dawn Hall as guests. Even though this gave Gong Er some face, the three immortals had hidden intentions.Gong Er represented Gong tribe, he had to come out. When he greeted Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, he felt extremely displeased towards Prince Feng Xian: "Damn it, curses! This time, I completely lost to Prince Feng Xian. Hmph, he is not one of us after all, he is just a son-in-law of Gong tribe, an external supreme elder in our tribe!"Normally speaking, super forces with family based systems rarely had external supreme elders.This was unlike Central Continent's sects, they could easily take in others as their external supreme elders.External elders who join super clans or tribes usually had a close relationship with one of the tribe's Gu Immortals. For example, they could be husband and wife, or blood-sworn brothers.Fairy Jiang Yu had once joined Hei tribe, she had been Hei Cheng's concubine on the surface.Prince Feng Xian's true identity was that of a spy from Spirit Affinity House that had entered Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, he was in charge of the great plan of looking over Imperial Court blessed land, and controlling Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.In his early days, he had become the husband of a female Gong tribe immortal. Under Spirit Affinity House's secret help, he had become a rank eight Gu Immortal, he stayed out most of the time and did not interact much with Gong tribe.Prince Feng Xian stayed inside his own Feng Xian grotto-heaven, he did not pay attention or communicate with his Gong tribe wife, he only stayed with his two female attendant Gu Immortals, You Lan and Le Yao.Gong tribe was very unhappy because of this, but Prince Feng Xian was a rank eight Gu Immortal, Gong tribe's Gu Immortals could do nothing but hold in their anger.This time, after Old Ancestor Xue Hu defeated the combination of Yao Huang and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, Gong tribe came up with a plan, they went ahead to brag that Prince Feng Xian was the only person who could defeat Old Ancestor Xue Hu. This way, they could use Prince Feng Xian's reputation to elevate Gong tribe's status in the righteous path. Secondly, they could also force Prince Feng Xian to become enemies with Old Ancestor Xue Hu. If the two of them fought, regardless of victory or defeat, it would benefit Gong tribe.This plan hit two birds with one stone, but could a rank eight Gu Immortal be schemed against so easily?This time, Gong Er was taught a huge lesson!Prince Feng Xian secretly came to an agreement with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, one could guess that Heavenly Lord Bai Zu definitely paid a price for it. Prince Feng Xian concealed this matter, not informing Gong tribe about it. He sacrificed Gong tribe's benefits and kept the gains for himself. But at the crucial moment, he sent a letter, he did not leave behind any evidence that could be used against him. Gong tribe could only endure this silently, after all, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu only gave face to Prince Feng Xian.Gong tribe did not have any other rank eight expert, strength was the foundation for talking on equal terms!The three Bai Zu Gu Immortals stabilized Iron Eagle blessed land, it was not only safe now, they even started to repair it. For the next three days, Iron Eagle blessed land held a huge banquet.In Hei tribe's former headquarters, Bai Zu tribe's rise was declared, the intention was quite extraordinary, there was profound meaning behind it.Almost all the Gu Immortals joined the celebration, other than exceptions like Domination Immortal and Hui Feng Zi.Other than these two, there could have been others. For example, the mysterious Gu Immortal who appeared during the battle in Hei tribe, the person who controlled Modest Thatched Hut. It was unknown whether they were hidden among the immortals now, or whether they had left secretly already.The righteous path Gu Immortals mostly joined in the celebrations on the first day before taking their leave.Gong tribe with Gong Er as the leading Gu Immortal was the first to leave. When they left, Gong Er walked with confident steps, but people could tell that Gong tribe was in a dejected state.The second was Nian Er tribe.Only two Gu Immortals from this super force came to Hei tribe.One was the rank seven space path Gu Immortal Nian Er Fu, while the other was the current generation Sword Child, Nian Er Ping Zhi.Even though the latter had only rank six cultivation level, he had gained much reputation in this battle in Hei tribe, he became famous overnight. But he paid a hefty price.Old Monster Corpse Poison stared at Nian Er Ping Zhi with much hatred, he was gritting his teeth.The grudge of both parties was immense now.Meng tribe, Yuan tribe, Nu Er tribe, Ye Lui tribe, and the others took their leave one by one.Liu tribe, Yao tribe, Guan tribe, these three tribe's Gu Immortals attended for the entire banquet, staying until the end. After three days and nights, they took their leave, they gave Bai Zu tribe ample face.It was because these three tribes were different from the other Huang Jin tribes, they were quite close to the current Bai Zu tribe's territory, they needed to establish good relationships.As for the demonic path and lone immortals, they left entirely after three days and nights.The stronger they were, the earlier they left. There were also certain Gu Immortal experts who stayed back, attempting to get close to Bai Zu tribe.If it were the other Huang Jin tribes, when holding a celebration, they would not invite all of these people.But Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had been a lone immortal in the past, the lone immortals and demonic path Gu Immortals could accept his invitation and stayed here."See you, see you.""Until we meet again, forgive us for not sending you off."During these three days, Iron Eagle blessed land had been completely repaired.The blessed land's entrance opened, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals and Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals stood at the entrance, speaking in polite tones as they sent off all of the leaving Gu Immortals.The leaving Gu Immortals, regardless of their faction, sighed to themselves: After this battle in Hei tribe, the entire situation in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world changed!Hei tribe's Gu Immortals surrendered, they had to send off these Gu Immortals who invaded their homes, they definitely felt uneasy and unhappy. Heavenly Lord Bai Zu made them do this, he was humiliating them.Among them, Hei tribe's first supreme elder could feel it the most.During the battle in Hei tribe, he suffered the heaviest injuries. Heavenly Lord Bai Zu personally used his healing methods to heal the rest of the Hei tribe's Gu Immortals, except him.He was pale, he sent off the guests in an injured state, he spat out blood from time to time, he looked so pathetic, all of his face was gone!Hei tribe's first supreme elder understood: "I purpose exposed the fact about the Hei Fan true inheritance earlier, I wanted Heavenly Lord Bai Zu to attack Chu Du. If he was killed, we could take revenge for Chu Du's invasion. If he failed, and Chu Du escaped, with his personality, he would definitely exact revenge on Bai Zu tribe. To think that Heavenly Lord Bai Zu chose to do nothing, he knew that this was my scheme, thus, he has been suppressing and punishing me secretly these last three days!"Sadness, pain, hatred, fear, all sorts of emotions tangled together and filled Hei tribe's first supreme elder.After sending the final Gu Immortal off, Gu Immortals of Hei tribe and Bai Zu tribe went to meet Heavenly Lord Bai Zu.In the highest level of Iron Eagle blessed land, the original discussion hall of Hei tribe, everyone met with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu."Greetings to Heavenly Lord." The immortals stood on the spot, paying their respects."Mm, everyone has worked hard." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu sat at the highest position, he smiled: "From now on, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals will change their surnames to Bai Zu. Hei tribe's resources have been taken by Northern Plains' immortals, that is an established fact. This is also the result that I had gotten after negotiating with the other rank eight experts. In the future, you cannot use this as an excuse to take revenge."The immortals quickly responded in acknowledgment.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu paused for a while before saying: "But the Hei Fan true inheritance is not a small matter, it involves a rank eight expert. Even if I do not cultivate time path, I can use it as reference. Ignore Chu Du for now, I already know the location of Hei Fan grotto-heaven. After some time, we can forcefully attack it and obtain everything inside!"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu did not anticipate obtaining the Hei Fan true inheritance.This true inheritance could not even be obtained by Hei tribe's own members, not to mention him as an outsider.The true benefit was Hei Fan grotto-heaven, and the countless resources accumulated inside. This was enough to entice any rank eight.Hei tribe's first supreme elder heard this and felt incredibly shocked!"Hei Fan grotto-heaven's location is the biggest secret in our tribe. Including me, only the rest of the top four supreme elders know! How can Heavenly Lord Bai Zu learn about it? Don't tell me, someone secretly submitted to him before this? This secret was told to him?!"Learning about this, Hei tribe's first supreme elder felt a chill going down his spine, his body shuddered in fear.He knelt on the floor immediately, kowtowing to Heavenly Lord Bai Zu in an extravagant manner: "I have failed in my task, I am greatly at fault! Please punish me, Heavenly Lord!""Oh? What failure is it?" Heavenly Lord Bai Zu looked at Hei tribe's first supreme elder, showing an expression of a vague smile.Hei tribe's first supreme elder felt cold sweat on his forehead, he could not tell the Heavenly Lord Bai Zu about his scheme three days ago, that would be offending the great expert!Thus, he shifted the topic: "In this battle in Hei tribe, we anticipated that Fang Yuan would appear to reap some benefits. In the entire battle, we had used investigative immortal methods continuously, but we could not find him at all. I have failed in capturing Fang Yuan, it was my mistake!"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu smiled: "Your investigative method is quite unique, it can actually expose an otherworldly demon. I am afraid that Fang Yuan truly did not come. That is a pity, if he appeared, I would have captured him. With this bargaining chip, I would not have to pay such a huge price."As it turned out, Hei tribe and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had already discussed to set a trap against Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was the culprit behind the matter of Imperial Court blessed land, it was widely known, the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world knew that Fang Yuan had Fixed Immortal Travel and Spring Autumn Cicada.Hei tribe's battle was an opportunity not seen in hundreds of years, to think that Fang Yuan did not come. This was out of their expectations, after all, Fang Yuan had Fixed Immortal Travel, it was easy for him to show up.They did not know about the matters after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain. Right now, Fixed Immortal Travel was in the hands of Heavenly Court.As for the investigative immortal killer move that could expose an otherworldly demon, it also had a peculiar origin.Hei tribe had once had an otherworldly demon. When he was a mortal Gu Master, he displayed incredible talent and attracted the attention of the higher-ups.The Quartet Sparrow Battle Tactic that he came up with was a game that the top four supreme elders of Hei tribe loved, they could not stop playing it even until now.After soul search, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals found out that this person was an otherworldly demon. Thus, Hei tribe's Gu Immortals did thorough research on his body, even though his life was lost in the process, they obtained an immortal killer move that could expose an otherworldly demon.This secret was only known by Hei tribe's top four supreme elders, the rest of the Hei tribe Gu Immortals did not know about it.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu continued: "Never mind that Fang Yuan did not come here. Your Hei tribe was smart and knew to join my Bai Zu tribe in the nick of time, it is a good thing. Three days later, I will help you get rid of your problem, you will be able to separate and move on your own. Don't worry, as long as you sincerely forget the past and live on as a Gu Immortal of Bai Zu tribe, think in the interests of our tribe and contribute to the tribe, I will definitely notice and reward you for your hard work.""Yes! We obey the orders of Heavenly Lord!" Hei tribe's Gu Immortals quickly responded.Hei tribe's first supreme elder even knelt on the floor, shouting loudly with an attitude of gratitude and joy: "Heavenly Lord, you are magnanimous, you forgave us for our incompetence, we are truly in awe at your grace! You even thought about our problem and are going to help us resolve it, you are truly the savior of our tribe…."Saying this, he kowtowed with his head heavily hitting the floor, tears were flowing endlessly down his cheeks.But inside, he felt icy chills.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was highly skilled, he immediately wanted to get rid of their Green City Rampage. This formation would no longer belong to Hei tribe's top four supreme elders from now on.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was extremely pleased, he allowed them to leave after saying some words of encouragement.He sat and did not move, he was thinking in his head."Hei tribe's Gu Immortals have just joined us, their status fell drastically, they are definitely not in a tranquil state, they will need a lot of time to adjust to their new life.""However, it is good that Hei tribe's first supreme elder has this attitude now. My effort of suppressing him was not wasted, I can spare his life.""It is too bad that Fang Yuan did not show up, otherwise, if I could capture him, my gains would be greater! Now, I can only pay the price myself."To ensure that the other rank eight experts did not act, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu paid a hefty price, he felt pain thinking about it."However, there can only be gains after putting in the investment. Right now, Bai Zu tribe finally has the foundation to firmly stay in Northern Plains!""And there is also Hei Fan grotto-heaven, if I can take it down, my losses will be replenished.""Of course, I cannot rush this, I need to let the tribe recuperate now, and ensure that there is peace! After this battle, I have gotten on the nerves of the righteous path. If I attack Hei Fan grotto-heaven now, the other rank eights will not watch me quietly from the side.""Thankfully, Hei tribe lost all of their fortune now, the righteous and demonic immortals are satisfied by their gains. These forces would conflict and restrain each other, for the short term, they will not find problems with Bai Zu tribe."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu thought about all these things, in this short period of time, he clearly assessed the circumstances of Bai Zu tribe and himself, he was clear about his goals, and was prepared to start his future plans!

Reverend Insanity