
I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird

A man dies just as he finished off his last Class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. When he wakes up he finds himself in a Galaxy far, far away. "Sith barons, Sith Dukes, Sith Empress? Huh?" Not the Star Wars he remembers. And now his sister and her friend wont leave him alone? Korriban has a proper academy for Sith nobility? "What the Frek." This series follows Vex Eras as he discovers this untouched part of Star Wars legends lore. His main goal is to keep it low key and chill, but he cannot stand how lame and meek the current generation of Sith are. "Perhaps i can push them in the right direction? At the very least maybe just my sister?" Pictures of the characthers can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/i-woke-up-star-wars-was-weird-oF1D9qa The series takes place during the New Sith Wars. somewhere between 1500 BBY - 1200 BBY. Mostly gonna be set in a gentrified Korriban at least for the first few arcs. OP MC. No Harem No cheating No NTR. Yandere This is my time writing so please be kind.

Vexeras · Movies
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Chapter 10: A Sith’s Night Out

The excitement from my encounter with Sola had left me feeling restless. Every time I thought about the kiss, my heart raced, and I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. The softness of her lips, the intensity of her gaze. It was all too much. I needed to clear my head, to burn off this energy somehow.

I slipped into my Darth Relic suit, feeling the familiar weight and power of the armor. The helmet's voice modulator kicked in, distorting my voice into the deep, menacing tone I had grown accustomed to. This was my alter ego, my escape from the pressures of daily life. Tonight, I would let Darth Relic roam free.

'Darth Relic does not have anxiety. Darth Relic does not get nervous because a woman pushes him down to kiss him. Darth Relic does not wrestle with the fact that he may be a sub, but growing up in male-dominated worlds has trouble coping with that.'

The city below was alive with lights and sounds as I leaped from rooftop to rooftop, using the Force to enhance my movements. I was going full superhuman mode. 

"I'm like Spider-Man minus literally the best parts about Spider-Man."

The cool night air rushed past me. The mask while tight and blacked out still allowed for some air to come in. It's a refreshing contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the castle. The buildings seemed to blur together as I soared through the air, my mind finally beginning to settle.

After some time, I found myself atop one of the tallest buildings in the city. The view was breathtaking, the lights of Ares II stretching out in every direction. I took a deep breath, feeling the exhilaration of the night. But as I stood there, something caught my attention—a presence, dark and angry, closing in fast.

I turned just in time to see a shadowy figure land gracefully on the rooftop. The figure stood tall and confident, cloaked in black with a hood obscuring their face. They ignited a red lightsaber, the blade humming ominously in the night.

"Darth Relic"

The figure spoke, their voice distorted by a modulator. 

"I've been sent to test your abilities."

'This is the third time's the charm!'

"I know kung fu," I savagely quote The Matrix at this annoying woman.

"Who is this Kung fu you speak of!"

As she responded to me, she lunged at me, her lightsaber arcing through the air with deadly precision. I ignited my own red blade, meeting their attack with a resounding clash. Sparks flew as our sabers connected, the Force of the impact sending vibrations up my arm.

The assassin was skilled, their movements fluid and precise. But I could sense something—there was no killing intent behind their strikes. They were holding back, assessing my abilities rather than trying to end my life.

"Come on," I taunted, parrying another strike. "Is that all you've got?"

The assassin's response was a flurry of attacks, their saber a blur of motion. I met each strike with ease, my own movements fueled by the power of the Force. The rooftop became our battlefield, the sounds of our sabers echoing through the night.

"You're kinda mid at this," I teased her as we fought. "Should i take my mask off and blind fold myself?" I laughed.

With a burst of speed, I pressed the attack, driving the assassin back with a series of rapid strikes. They managed to block most of my attacks, but I could see the strain in their movements. They were outmatched, and I wasn't even close to my full speed yet. I smile. 

'Despite not going nearly at max with her, this is the most I've been challenged so far. Plus, fighting without the intent to kill for once. My god, is it fun. It's like we're dancing.' I blush a little under the helmet. 

I compose my thoughts and remember that she clearly has a mission, even if I forget what it is.

"You're holding back," I said, our sabers locked in a fierce struggle. "Why?"

The assassin's eyes, visible through the slits in their mask, narrowed. "My master has taken an interest in you. They wanted to see your potential."

I laughed, the sound distorted by my helmet. "Is that so? And who is this mysterious master of yours?"

The assassin didn't answer. Instead, they broke the saber lock and leaped back, putting some distance between us. I could see the hesitation in their movements, the realization that they were outmatched.

"You're strong," the assassin admitted, their voice tinged with respect. "Stronger than we anticipated."

I deactivated my lightsaber, lowering it but keeping my guard up. 

"Tell your master they don't need to worry about me. I'm not interested in their games. Whatever it is you think I want, I don't. Whatever they want to use me for, tell them to fuck off. I just want to be left to my own devices."

The assassin nodded slowly, deactivating their own saber. "Very well. But know this, Darth Relic. You are being watched. Your growth is of great interest to us."

With that, the assassin turned and leaped off the rooftop, disappearing into the night. I stood there for a moment, processing what had just happened. Someone was watching me, someone powerful enough to send an assassin to test my abilities.

"This is so fucking annoying," I kicked some rubble on the building. "All these people with their stupid fucking agendas! I wonder how much blood will I see on my quest to be left alone? Is that even what I want anymore?"

I sigh again. 

"I miss playing Zelda. Why couldn't I have isekaid into Zelda? Or fucking Skyrim. I could be getting hooked on Skooma right fucking now! UGH!"

I spoke out to the wind, confident no one could ever hear me. I sighed once more.

As the adrenaline began to fade, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. The excitement of the night, the kiss with Sola, and now this mysterious encounter. It was all starting to take its toll. I decided it was time to head back home.

'I'm about to conk out, this sucks.'

Using the Force to enhance my movements, I leapt from rooftop to rooftop, making my way back to the castle. Super hero style. The city below was still alive with bright lights, speeders and everything in between, but I felt a sense of calm as I moved through the night. Being exhausted really made the city seem really quaint. The cool air was refreshing, a stark contrast to the intensity of the duel I had just experienced.

When I finally reached the castle, I slipped inside quietly, removing my helmet and taking a deep breath. I made my way to my room, feeling the fatigue settling into my bones. I jumped on my bed, melting into the most comfortable mattress known to mankind.

As I lay in bed, my thoughts drifted back to the kiss with Sola. The intensity of the moment, the way she had taken control—it was all so overwhelming. But it was also exciting, a glimpse of something more than the relentless training and pressure I had been enduring.

'Should I be embarrassed she made the first move? I really liked it, though. Should I ask her out? Wait, she'll be here all vacation, like three months, so I'll try to see how she acts with me. If she shows interest in me, maybe I should try to get with her. I've never had a girlfriend before, after all.'

'You should kill her before she can use you.'

The voice my mother has been instilling in me clearly shining through scares the hell out of my thoughts. I quickly pushed it down. 

'Alright so if she shows interest I'll ask her out maybe? It's the perfect plan?'

I closed my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. The night had been full of surprises, but it had also given me a sense of hope. With Sola's help, I could escape the suffocating pressure of my mother's expectations and find my own path.

As sleep began to take hold, my thoughts drifted to the mysterious assassin and their master. Someone was watching me, someone powerful and interested in my growth. It was a tantalizing mystery, one that I genuinely hope plays no major bearing on my life in the future.

But for now, I allowed myself to relax, the events of the night slowly fading into the background as I drifted into a deep, restful sleep.


Hidden Jedi's POV

I stood up in the watchtower from miles away. Finally, I caught sight of Darth Relic, who's been making mince meat of this city for months. An intense feeling of fear briefly enveloped my whole. I take a moment to compose myself. I speak into a long range communicator.

"Relic just got approached by the Empress's wrath."

[What?] The other side fuzzily came out of the communicator. 

"The Empress's personal dog. Her top assassin and enforcer. Relic just went toe to toe with her, and he didn't even break a sweat."

[The boy that almost killed you and stole your saber?] 

'I feel frustrated, but then again, that's what I get for throwing my saber at a downed woman during a fight.' I sigh

"Correct. I need it to be reported that this Relic guy is no joke. He was just playing around with her. She seemed to be holding back, too, but still, she didn't even come close to matching him at any point. Please advise what I should do."

After a minute of static, the voice came back.

[Can we turn him?]

"You can't be serious?"

[Someone like that could end this war. How many good Jedi have we lost to the Empress's wrath? Think about it.]

I ponder for a second.

"I don't have his identity yet. Maybe in a few months, if I'm lucky. But it seems as though that Zenna Eras girl means something to him. Maybe we could try enrolling someone at Korriban undercover? It would be an extremely hard sell. We'd probably be dooming a padawan by doing it. We'd have to explain that to whomever we choose."

I sigh thinking about the value as a padawan in terms of wart effort. I am disgusted by my willingness to think about this avenue. 

A few minutes go by as I listen to the static on the other side.

[The council is reluctantly agreeing to this for now. Give us some time to iron out the details. We have an in with a baron on one of the other border planets. We'll use them to enroll our girl in this upcoming class at Korriban Academy. Wait for instructions before you proceed with anything else.] The communication is finally cutting off. 

I deactivate the long-range communicator and sigh once more. 

"Seems things will only get more interesting from here."