
I Will Soar The Multiverse (Completed)

Featured worlds: Danmachi, The Seven Deadly Sins, MCU( the infinity war only) MC Shadows : (Igris, Iron, Tusk from Solo leveling), (Subzero, Scorpion, Kenshi from Mortal Kombat) and more Words count: 72.000 words Not a harem planned to, but never did ---------------------- Our MC whose name is Sora is a college student in the second-best university in the country but he is very very bored this not the life he wants this life is boring he keeps asking himself why can't I have been born in anime or MU or xianxia worlds I mean I tried all type of dangerous sports, martial arts but nothing satisfies me I want more I want to fight monsters or people, get to be overpowered and get the women I want. So Someone hears his call for help. * I don't own the picture or the worlds MC goes to only My character *

The_Unique · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

the rest of the wishes and a loophole

//I reviewed the chapter and fixed the mistakes I found in grammar or typos if I missed someone leave it in a comment

"My second wish is instant mastery for any type of skill or abilities I acquire either by practicing or seeing or buying it from the shop "

"fine Kid granted but do understand that you will master what you have practiced and seen only not the higher realms of it "

I was happy hearing during the first part but was puzzled by the second

" What do you mean? instant mastery means I should max level it and Maste it the moment I acquire it "

" that is true and that is what it will do but it will not upgrade it to a higher realm for you but it will be close you just to train or see or buy the higher realm version of it and it will upgrade "

" What realms? " I ask looking for answers

" look kid skills have realms too not levels only, let us say you mastered a one-handed sword style that style you acquired what realm does it fall into "

" realms are mortal, hero, legend, immortal, golden immortal, true immortal, transcendent, heavenly and titan and there is a peak of said realms for each one"

" you were a martial artist in your world right that is a skill that you can acquire if you practice and max it but it's a mortal realm martial art even if maxed it's still not like a hero realm martial art . do you understand what I mean ?"

I think about it for a while and I nod my head ' i can't accept forms of higher-level skills to simply fall into my head and I can still buy what I want from the store so it's fine '

" your last wish boy we wasted a lot of time already "

" My last wish is to travel through all the multiverse whatever it's anime or MU or xianxia "

"Sorry kid that I can't do "

I am shook everything I asked he accepted so why refuse this

" Why you said I can have 3 wishes and you accepted the first 2 so why not the 3rd "

" Well kid different world have different overseers and sending you to your first world will cost me some power and influence and I can't keep spending it and using my influence to send you to everywhere like that without limits "

' no no no there has to be some other way, I have to find it, I will think about what he told me again there has to be a loophole in there I learned hacking and the first thing you must find is a loophole so think ...'

after a couple of minutes

' wait he didn't say it's impossible he said that I can't do it freely and without limits that's it '

I look him in the eyes and ask

" then can it be done if you make some limit for using it ?"

He begins to go in deep thoughts and after 10 minutes he looks at me and says

" Okay kid I like you so I will help you with this what I am going to do is place two Restrictions on it, first it won't be your personal ability but inside the store will be teleportation crystals you will have to farm world points for it, how much will differ depending at what realm the world you want to travel to is, the second one is until you are at-least golden immortal you will have to wait a year before you can travel freely between realms "

I don't even think about it and answer with a yes right away I don't mind if I have to split mountains with my bare hand if I can travel to different worlds.

" then it is settled then, so what world will you go to first ?"

I go into deep thought ' okay I just started so I need a relatively safe world that I can start in farming skills and abilities in before going to worlds where wars or murder is normal. after 20 minutes of deep thinking I came up with one '

"I choose Danmachi world "

" Good choices kid it seems you are smarter then you look okay I will send you now, bye"

"wait I still have questions wai...."

then I fall into darkness again and before I start cursing at him but I remember that I forgot to ask him his name or thank him for giving me this chance while I am thinking I hear a voice in my head saying

" Hello sir I am Jarvis your AI assistant I would like to inform you that you have 15 minutes to customize your character before being sent to Danmachi "

' i am so glad this so cool to have '

" well thank you, sir, I glad to be with you too"

" wait you can hear my thoughts "

"well of course sire or else every time you want to speak to me in a public place people may think your crazy "

" that is good to know well Jarvis open the customization options "

"right away sir "

then a person shows in front of me and bars show in front of my face and an option to the side named presets

I click the presets option just to see what is there and it was shocked everything I could ever want was there there were presets for every famous character in the multiverse filtered and just need me to think about a person and his preset shows up so I had only 4 in my eyes

Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Madara, Thor, Caption America.

I always liked a good looking badass character and especially on skill and physical level.

I wasn't sure what to choose those 4 was awesome but which one I want to represent me, of course, I am planning to make slight changes encase I go to the world they were in and get mistaken for them after 5 minutes of thinking I decided to go with a mix of them.

which is Sasuke's face and height with Madara's hair.

by the time I was done I look at the remaining time and I see 30 sec reaming I choose accept for the changes and smile at my choices and get ready for my awesome soon to be OP journey

and the timer goes 3 .. 2 ..1

[Teleportation begins]

Somewhere in the western forest next to Orario city a gate opens and our Mc walks out of it.